Vice and Virtue
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
(OOC: I apologize for all the typos in my last post. I even wrote ISB instead of ISD. I’m so ashamed)
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark
“Prime 1 defense grid breached sir.” reported the Operations Officer
“I trust that Firestar is on the scene as we speak. Nonetheless, I want prime 1 defense protocol initiated. Raise bridge ray shields. Our hull will last long enough without shields. Take us alongside the enemy’s port side. Move into point-blank range. Once all fighters are away, seal off the main and secondary hangar bays. Give the order for the Immaculate to commence orbital bombardment of the Anoth base. Commodore Servitrion will hold his troops until the rest of the Battle Group arrives. When the Battle Group does arrives this will be less a battle and more a massacre. But I will lead it no matter.”
“Ah, I see it is time for the battle group to jump out of hyperspace. This battle is nearly over.”
And right as Admiral Valtanan looked out beyond the MonCalamari cruiser he saw 23 star destroyers and 42 minor battle craft appear at once before his eyes.
“Sir, the 1st Battle Group has arrived. All present and accounted for.” Reported the Operations Officer.
Four of Valtanan’s Interdictor Cruisers and escort vessels had remained on the outskirts of the battle theatre and had the entire sector under interdiction field.
“Very well. Order all vessels to begin ground assault. This base was less of a threat than we had expected. The Naphmark can holdout here. Inform the 734th Delta unit they may now launch and join the ground assault.”
“Aye aye sir.”
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark
“Prime 1 defense grid breached sir.” reported the Operations Officer
“I trust that Firestar is on the scene as we speak. Nonetheless, I want prime 1 defense protocol initiated. Raise bridge ray shields. Our hull will last long enough without shields. Take us alongside the enemy’s port side. Move into point-blank range. Once all fighters are away, seal off the main and secondary hangar bays. Give the order for the Immaculate to commence orbital bombardment of the Anoth base. Commodore Servitrion will hold his troops until the rest of the Battle Group arrives. When the Battle Group does arrives this will be less a battle and more a massacre. But I will lead it no matter.”
“Ah, I see it is time for the battle group to jump out of hyperspace. This battle is nearly over.”
And right as Admiral Valtanan looked out beyond the MonCalamari cruiser he saw 23 star destroyers and 42 minor battle craft appear at once before his eyes.
“Sir, the 1st Battle Group has arrived. All present and accounted for.” Reported the Operations Officer.
Four of Valtanan’s Interdictor Cruisers and escort vessels had remained on the outskirts of the battle theatre and had the entire sector under interdiction field.
“Very well. Order all vessels to begin ground assault. This base was less of a threat than we had expected. The Naphmark can holdout here. Inform the 734th Delta unit they may now launch and join the ground assault.”
“Aye aye sir.”
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Hey! A tank!
Posts: 1587
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack and his five men had been waiting in the assault transport for two hours before they spiraled out of the hangar, throwing the ship around out of as many lines of fire as the pilot could manage.
Space around them blazed with fire of all sorts, missiles, turbolasers, and everything either side could throw at each other.
Yar dropped back into his seat next to Cack and said, "We really aren't meant to do this; aren't we usually supposed to sneak in under every cover possible and never be noticed by the Rebels?"
"Yeah," Cack said, struggling to be heard over the sound of the engines, "but the hope is we'll only look like so much junk falling from the side, with all the excitement of the battle. It's worth a shot."
"Our lives are worth a shot?" Berger commented, "Sure, just one lucky shot from a Rebel cruiser or a fighter that gets on our six... We're worth one shot."
"Don't see any cruisers there, Berger," Cack said, "Those are all battlecruisers."
"Damn it, Captain, there's no difference!"
"There's plenty difference! Cruisers are medium-sized, battlecruisers are big!"
"Shut up, both of you! I'm having trouble concentrating on my impending doom!" Hadge shouted.
"Don't tell me to shut up, I could have you court-martialed!" Cack responded.
"Yeah, well, I could... um..." Yar fell silent; once again only the engines could be heard.
Their problem of proceeding to the surface under the guise of falling debris was soon solved, though, when a point-defense turbolaser clipped their shields.
"Damn it!" the pilot screamed. "We're losing power fast! Strap in; I'll try to make a good crash landing!"
"We're already strapped in!" Cack screamed back at him. The surface was growing fast. He could make out a stream winding through a forest below, and an artificial structure. A large one. Surrounded by massive scars that rent apart the land.
"Whee, the target!" Yar said, "Too bad we're going to make a kamikaze run on it!"
No one noticed anything, just another point of light falling from the sky. But where it landed, men were crawling out...
Space around them blazed with fire of all sorts, missiles, turbolasers, and everything either side could throw at each other.
Yar dropped back into his seat next to Cack and said, "We really aren't meant to do this; aren't we usually supposed to sneak in under every cover possible and never be noticed by the Rebels?"
"Yeah," Cack said, struggling to be heard over the sound of the engines, "but the hope is we'll only look like so much junk falling from the side, with all the excitement of the battle. It's worth a shot."
"Our lives are worth a shot?" Berger commented, "Sure, just one lucky shot from a Rebel cruiser or a fighter that gets on our six... We're worth one shot."
"Don't see any cruisers there, Berger," Cack said, "Those are all battlecruisers."
"Damn it, Captain, there's no difference!"
"There's plenty difference! Cruisers are medium-sized, battlecruisers are big!"
"Shut up, both of you! I'm having trouble concentrating on my impending doom!" Hadge shouted.
"Don't tell me to shut up, I could have you court-martialed!" Cack responded.
"Yeah, well, I could... um..." Yar fell silent; once again only the engines could be heard.
Their problem of proceeding to the surface under the guise of falling debris was soon solved, though, when a point-defense turbolaser clipped their shields.
"Damn it!" the pilot screamed. "We're losing power fast! Strap in; I'll try to make a good crash landing!"
"We're already strapped in!" Cack screamed back at him. The surface was growing fast. He could make out a stream winding through a forest below, and an artificial structure. A large one. Surrounded by massive scars that rent apart the land.
"Whee, the target!" Yar said, "Too bad we're going to make a kamikaze run on it!"
No one noticed anything, just another point of light falling from the sky. But where it landed, men were crawling out...
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Posts: 531
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Location: Sunny Florida
"By the Empreror's Black Bones. . . ." Winters felt his stomach disintegrate in his gut. He didn't know what to say. The once black void suddenly was populated with an ocean of gray. The Force assaulted him with darkness. He felt his body shudder, and his shield indicators suddenly screamed out all at once.
"Captain!" Nova 8 yelled as he roared by, and then exploded shortly later. Three TIE Interceptors had been on his tail and pulled away now, searching for more prey.
"Damn, damn, damn," Winters fumbled for the words, "All Flights, FALL BACK! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE!"
"Hyperspace jammed! Interdiction fields are up all over the damn sector!"
"Anoth Base, this is Nova 3, status report!"
"Captain! There's heavy bombardment from space. Sensors are picking up a huge battle group!"
"They're bombing the base. . ." Winters banked hard.
"All Wings, form up on me!" Sarn barked over the comlink. Winters spotted the CO's X-Wing, and the 11 fighter squadron started hauling towards the dark side of the planet. A turbolaser split Nova 4 in half, and his body with it.
"Too much fire!" Nova 6 screamed.
The TIEs immediately caught onto the fleeing X-Wings and began firing.
"Captain Tyru, pull back, you're outnumbered!" Winters grunted through his evasive maneuvers.
"Sorry, Captain, no can-do."
Onboard the Freedom One, Captain Tyru had sat down in his command chair and was staring at the huge number of hostile contacts the sensor had picked up.
"Looks like they've got our numbers. . ." he whispered solemnly.
"Focus all power except shields into weapons. We might be able to sink a few of these bastards yet!" He commanded.
The command crew was in shambles. A few of the younger Ensigns had to be relieved because they had broken down.
"Fire in Deck C!"
"Seal it off! Life Support, Shields and Turbolasers are the only things I want running on this ship!"
The Mon Calamari sat in quiet space for a split second. Tryu reveled in that silence. He felt it soak into him. And then the bombardment started. Green and red lasers alike struck all across the ship. At first the shields began deflecting, but after a few seconds they imploded, and deck after deck, level after level began to melt away into the void. Bodies floated away in the cold emptiness.
"Captain! There's too much damage. Engine 1 has been completely destroyed!"
"Batteries 3 through 24 are inactive. They're not responding to commands!"
"Life Support below Level 3 has ceased functioning!"
"Permission to abandon ship!?"
"We've got to get the hell off now!"
"abandon ship. . ." Tryu mumbled.
"What, sir!? We can't hear you!!" the command crew was practically pleading with him.
It took great resignation to admit defeat, but even with the Mon Calamaris renown toughness, it couldn't withstand the brunt force of the battle group arranged before it.
"ABANDON SHIP!" Tryu shouted. The command crew showed relief, but the next great jolt shook it off their faces. They began scrambling for the exits. Tryu remained seated.
"Captain Tryu! Get out of there!" Winters' voice came through the comlink again.
"Captain Winters, we're abandoning ship. We've sustained too much damage. I suggest you get your squadron out of here, Captain."
Without waiting for other words, he switched off the connection. He opened a new comlink channel to the engine room.
"Is there anyone still in the engine room?" he asked quietly.
"YES SIR!" came the strained voice. "We're just getting ready to abandon ship!"
"Good. First, I want you to detonate the maneuvering thrusters and then activate the engines up to full power. Divert all energy to whatever engine is on."
"Yes, sir. But we have no control on navigation!"
"Don't worry about it. Just juice up the engines and abandon ship. That is all."
The comlink almost immediately shut off after that. The power to the ship bridge flickered and then shut off. A second later it was back on. Tryu calmly walked over to a console and punched in some coordinates, and looked out the viewport to the Star Destroyer closest to his cruiser. He entered the coordinates and then went back to his chair and sat down. The Mon Cal rocked onced more in its final death throes. Escape pods and lifeboats were being jettisoned all over the hull, scattering in various directions and getting caught in the crossfire in some situations. The Mon Cal lurched towards the Star Destroyer which diverted a lot of fire to the crippled Alliance ship.
As though a mercy blow, the ship was bisected, the aft section drifting off course and missing the Star Destroyer, to be lost in space forever. The fore section continued straight on course, with even more speed now. Just before it made contact with the Star Destroyer's hull, a turbolaser fried the command bridge, disintegrating it instantly.
Winters watched in horror as the once beautiful ship was utterly crushed. May the Force be with us. . . his traumatized mind whispered.
But he knew it wasn't. . . not anymore . . .
"Captain!" Nova 8 yelled as he roared by, and then exploded shortly later. Three TIE Interceptors had been on his tail and pulled away now, searching for more prey.
"Damn, damn, damn," Winters fumbled for the words, "All Flights, FALL BACK! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE!"
"Hyperspace jammed! Interdiction fields are up all over the damn sector!"
"Anoth Base, this is Nova 3, status report!"
"Captain! There's heavy bombardment from space. Sensors are picking up a huge battle group!"
"They're bombing the base. . ." Winters banked hard.
"All Wings, form up on me!" Sarn barked over the comlink. Winters spotted the CO's X-Wing, and the 11 fighter squadron started hauling towards the dark side of the planet. A turbolaser split Nova 4 in half, and his body with it.
"Too much fire!" Nova 6 screamed.
The TIEs immediately caught onto the fleeing X-Wings and began firing.
"Captain Tyru, pull back, you're outnumbered!" Winters grunted through his evasive maneuvers.
"Sorry, Captain, no can-do."
Onboard the Freedom One, Captain Tyru had sat down in his command chair and was staring at the huge number of hostile contacts the sensor had picked up.
"Looks like they've got our numbers. . ." he whispered solemnly.
"Focus all power except shields into weapons. We might be able to sink a few of these bastards yet!" He commanded.
The command crew was in shambles. A few of the younger Ensigns had to be relieved because they had broken down.
"Fire in Deck C!"
"Seal it off! Life Support, Shields and Turbolasers are the only things I want running on this ship!"
The Mon Calamari sat in quiet space for a split second. Tryu reveled in that silence. He felt it soak into him. And then the bombardment started. Green and red lasers alike struck all across the ship. At first the shields began deflecting, but after a few seconds they imploded, and deck after deck, level after level began to melt away into the void. Bodies floated away in the cold emptiness.
"Captain! There's too much damage. Engine 1 has been completely destroyed!"
"Batteries 3 through 24 are inactive. They're not responding to commands!"
"Life Support below Level 3 has ceased functioning!"
"Permission to abandon ship!?"
"We've got to get the hell off now!"
"abandon ship. . ." Tryu mumbled.
"What, sir!? We can't hear you!!" the command crew was practically pleading with him.
It took great resignation to admit defeat, but even with the Mon Calamaris renown toughness, it couldn't withstand the brunt force of the battle group arranged before it.
"ABANDON SHIP!" Tryu shouted. The command crew showed relief, but the next great jolt shook it off their faces. They began scrambling for the exits. Tryu remained seated.
"Captain Tryu! Get out of there!" Winters' voice came through the comlink again.
"Captain Winters, we're abandoning ship. We've sustained too much damage. I suggest you get your squadron out of here, Captain."
Without waiting for other words, he switched off the connection. He opened a new comlink channel to the engine room.
"Is there anyone still in the engine room?" he asked quietly.
"YES SIR!" came the strained voice. "We're just getting ready to abandon ship!"
"Good. First, I want you to detonate the maneuvering thrusters and then activate the engines up to full power. Divert all energy to whatever engine is on."
"Yes, sir. But we have no control on navigation!"
"Don't worry about it. Just juice up the engines and abandon ship. That is all."
The comlink almost immediately shut off after that. The power to the ship bridge flickered and then shut off. A second later it was back on. Tryu calmly walked over to a console and punched in some coordinates, and looked out the viewport to the Star Destroyer closest to his cruiser. He entered the coordinates and then went back to his chair and sat down. The Mon Cal rocked onced more in its final death throes. Escape pods and lifeboats were being jettisoned all over the hull, scattering in various directions and getting caught in the crossfire in some situations. The Mon Cal lurched towards the Star Destroyer which diverted a lot of fire to the crippled Alliance ship.
As though a mercy blow, the ship was bisected, the aft section drifting off course and missing the Star Destroyer, to be lost in space forever. The fore section continued straight on course, with even more speed now. Just before it made contact with the Star Destroyer's hull, a turbolaser fried the command bridge, disintegrating it instantly.
Winters watched in horror as the once beautiful ship was utterly crushed. May the Force be with us. . . his traumatized mind whispered.
But he knew it wasn't. . . not anymore . . .
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
(OOC: Oh no you didn’t
. I bet you had a field day writing that post Burke. You just had to go and bring back bad memories didn’t you?
Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark
Admiral Valtanan was speaking to control station pit crew officers with his back to the bridge viewport when a voice penetrated the cacophony of battle operations. It was the voice of Valtanan’s Executive Officer, Rear Admiral Tygran Chercyra The last voice he would hear.
At that very moment the front mid-half of the brave MonCalamari cruiser had careened strait into the Naphmark. The cruiser sunk into the ISD with ferocious speed where the bride tower and the ventral deck made contact. The Bridge tower snapped off like a branch from a tree.
The entire bridge crew, including Valtanan was thrown violently into adjacent bulkheads. Bodies smacked into bulkheads and were strewn about like rag dolls. The speed at which some men had been thrown was enough to tear off arms and legs in mid flight. Valtanan was lucky compared to many of his now dead crew. Both legs and arms were smashed and his backbone had fractured in ten different locations. He also received a deep concussion of the skull. Valtanan would never be able to use his hands, feet nor would he ever talk or be able to see or hear…although he would live. The poor Admiral Chersyra however had his torso split apart by a passing conduit frame running through the bridge.
All was black…void of anything
The cruiser (or what was left of it) continued to scream forward with debris and gas flying past its bow.
The mass of the Naphmark was sent on a runaway trajectory with its surface plastered with large black holes and numerous breaches. The Bridge tower however went spinning off in chaos. Life support was obviously out and now the motionless and mainly lifeless bodies contained in the bridge were tumbling about in a mass of severed limbs and pooling blood.
The Bridge tower of the Naphmark was halted by the tractor beams of the ISD Dictum under the command of Line Captain Brenner Lancing.
Commodore Maqualin Servitrion would now take command of the 1st Battle Group. However, with the presumed death of Admiral Valtanan the command structure that bound the naval and army forces together was now split. General Armand Kiasarian of the combined assault forces would be reluctant to take orders from a newly promoted Commodore. There would definitely be bickering among the ranks now. Valtanan had been the symbol of order to his men and now in his absence a vacuum other than that of space would be formed. The only thing that would allow the army and the navy to work together would be the mutual hatred of the Rebels.
The Empire had won this day but at a great cost. The Rebel Alliance would see worse days ahead.

Aboard the ISD-II Naphmark
Admiral Valtanan was speaking to control station pit crew officers with his back to the bridge viewport when a voice penetrated the cacophony of battle operations. It was the voice of Valtanan’s Executive Officer, Rear Admiral Tygran Chercyra The last voice he would hear.
At that very moment the front mid-half of the brave MonCalamari cruiser had careened strait into the Naphmark. The cruiser sunk into the ISD with ferocious speed where the bride tower and the ventral deck made contact. The Bridge tower snapped off like a branch from a tree.
The entire bridge crew, including Valtanan was thrown violently into adjacent bulkheads. Bodies smacked into bulkheads and were strewn about like rag dolls. The speed at which some men had been thrown was enough to tear off arms and legs in mid flight. Valtanan was lucky compared to many of his now dead crew. Both legs and arms were smashed and his backbone had fractured in ten different locations. He also received a deep concussion of the skull. Valtanan would never be able to use his hands, feet nor would he ever talk or be able to see or hear…although he would live. The poor Admiral Chersyra however had his torso split apart by a passing conduit frame running through the bridge.
All was black…void of anything
The cruiser (or what was left of it) continued to scream forward with debris and gas flying past its bow.
The mass of the Naphmark was sent on a runaway trajectory with its surface plastered with large black holes and numerous breaches. The Bridge tower however went spinning off in chaos. Life support was obviously out and now the motionless and mainly lifeless bodies contained in the bridge were tumbling about in a mass of severed limbs and pooling blood.
The Bridge tower of the Naphmark was halted by the tractor beams of the ISD Dictum under the command of Line Captain Brenner Lancing.
Commodore Maqualin Servitrion would now take command of the 1st Battle Group. However, with the presumed death of Admiral Valtanan the command structure that bound the naval and army forces together was now split. General Armand Kiasarian of the combined assault forces would be reluctant to take orders from a newly promoted Commodore. There would definitely be bickering among the ranks now. Valtanan had been the symbol of order to his men and now in his absence a vacuum other than that of space would be formed. The only thing that would allow the army and the navy to work together would be the mutual hatred of the Rebels.
The Empire had won this day but at a great cost. The Rebel Alliance would see worse days ahead.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
As they continued the trip to the bridge, the ebb of hyperspace faded from around the massive ship, passing a viewport she looked out to the battle beyond. Imperial and rebel forces once again fought. turbo laser and blaster fire lit up the darkness of space and massive explosions marked the death kneel of proud and loyal soilders on both sides.
Beneath the ebb and flow of the battle she could feel them, Black Nova fought desperatly to save their outpost but their will was failing. She reached out to them, tried to cloud their thoughts. Like a black viel falling over the battle field she extended her influence to them. To wreek her revenge.
Black Nova must pay!
Beneath the ebb and flow of the battle she could feel them, Black Nova fought desperatly to save their outpost but their will was failing. She reached out to them, tried to cloud their thoughts. Like a black viel falling over the battle field she extended her influence to them. To wreek her revenge.
Black Nova must pay!
Posts: 531
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
"We've got to do something about that Interdiction field!" one of the Novas pleaded.
"Just goose it until we can lose this TIE wake!" Winters responded forcefully.
The various TIE pilots who had chased Black Nova out to the edge of the battle seemed to slowly drift farther back. They were unsure how far they should follow the fleeing Rebels beyond the battlegrounds. But Winters knew inside him that the prospect of killing one of the most effective Rebel Squadrons was well worth the risk. That's when Nova 7 exploded.
"Plan of action, sir!?"
Sarn's X-Wing spiraled lazily towards the planet.
"Prepare for reentry. We can take the TIEs down in atmosphere and then hide on the surface until we can wait for the Interdiction field to go down," Sarn said quickly, still thinking.
"Not very elaborate, sir," Kirin allowed.
"No, but we're not going to sit around here to die," Winters said solemnly.
"All Flights, break up and reenter the atmosphere. Try to shake your tails, destroy them, whatever, and then I'll broadcast coordinates for a rendezvous."
"Roger that, Lead, Flight Two, one me."
"Flight Three, break right."
The once proud and mighty Black Nova Squadron was now battered and defeaten, retreating into the dark, to run and hide on the surface, where the chances of survival now depended on the elements and the Imperials both at once. Winters didn't like it.
Then something happened. . .
Like a cloth draped over his mind. He felt blind. Suddenly he didn't know where anyone was. He got confused. His mind reeled. What's happening. . . He felt malicious intent, but from where? Someone was clouding their minds. His X-Wing jerked in the darkness of his mind, and he was vaguely aware of it beginning to spiral out of control into the atmosphere.
Bullseye screamed and he blacked out, barely noticing the forest and trees rising up to meet his X-Wing in descent.
While his unconscious mind fought to control what was happening, it caught something. . .something familiar. . .
His TIE was out of control. Spiralling down into the black waters. The two in pursuit kept firing. The starboard solar panel was gone, and sensors had all shut off. He fought to keep it in control, but it was no use. In only a few moments, the craft slammed hard into the water, tumbled, and then began sinking. . .
The water was already at his knees. He felt helpless. There was no one there. Not Kyle, not his former comrades. He was utterly alone, and the water was at his waist. He fumbled with the harness, tears welling up in his eyes. Up to this point, he realized he had nothing to believe in. Why was he even here. How could he have done this?
As his mind raced, he came to a grim thought. He deserved to die. After bringing so much terror to innocent people why should he live? With that relevation, he stopped working on the harness, and closed his eyes, feeling the water wrap around his head, as the TIE sank farther and farther into the lake. The water was cold. It was real. It was going to kill him.
And he wanted it. More than anything.
Winters coughed, and managed to force his eyes open. His vision was obscure and he tried to look around. He saw mangled metal wrapped around his X-Wing. Bullseye hummed mournfully. He tried to say something but coughed blood instead. When he looked down at his waist, he saw a piece of his cockpit had been punched inwards and was pressing hard against his side. He tried to move but it wasn't any good.
"bullseye. . ." he weakly said. ". . .try to . . .can you turn on the systems? . . ."
The little droid tried, and much to Winters' surprise, the X-Wing was still intact. The port S-Foils were a little damaged but still aerodynamic. The cockpit was damaged which was obvious to Winters, but the cockpits airtightness was still secure. The nose was still together, but there were a few panels missing, but of no consequence.
"All right. . ." Winters whispered. He coughed and more blood trickled down his chin. He closed his eyes and focused on the dark presence wrapped around his being. He embraced it, he reached out for it. His mind dove into the dark, and he felt it wrap around his aura, seep into every nook and cranny of his subconscious. He grunted as images of horror and pain slipped through his mind's eye. He focused it into a well of power, and then the metal crushing his side lurched and groaned and began to move itself away.
The darkness was enveloping him though, it was attacking the Light inside his body.
"" he fought the urges, the new dark urges trying to take over him. He used the power and the metal continued to fold away from him. When he could move again, he yelled as loud as he could, closing his mind, and with it, he fell unconscious, sitting in his cockpit, all alone on the surface of a doomed planet.
"Just goose it until we can lose this TIE wake!" Winters responded forcefully.
The various TIE pilots who had chased Black Nova out to the edge of the battle seemed to slowly drift farther back. They were unsure how far they should follow the fleeing Rebels beyond the battlegrounds. But Winters knew inside him that the prospect of killing one of the most effective Rebel Squadrons was well worth the risk. That's when Nova 7 exploded.
"Plan of action, sir!?"
Sarn's X-Wing spiraled lazily towards the planet.
"Prepare for reentry. We can take the TIEs down in atmosphere and then hide on the surface until we can wait for the Interdiction field to go down," Sarn said quickly, still thinking.
"Not very elaborate, sir," Kirin allowed.
"No, but we're not going to sit around here to die," Winters said solemnly.
"All Flights, break up and reenter the atmosphere. Try to shake your tails, destroy them, whatever, and then I'll broadcast coordinates for a rendezvous."
"Roger that, Lead, Flight Two, one me."
"Flight Three, break right."
The once proud and mighty Black Nova Squadron was now battered and defeaten, retreating into the dark, to run and hide on the surface, where the chances of survival now depended on the elements and the Imperials both at once. Winters didn't like it.
Then something happened. . .
Like a cloth draped over his mind. He felt blind. Suddenly he didn't know where anyone was. He got confused. His mind reeled. What's happening. . . He felt malicious intent, but from where? Someone was clouding their minds. His X-Wing jerked in the darkness of his mind, and he was vaguely aware of it beginning to spiral out of control into the atmosphere.
Bullseye screamed and he blacked out, barely noticing the forest and trees rising up to meet his X-Wing in descent.
While his unconscious mind fought to control what was happening, it caught something. . .something familiar. . .
His TIE was out of control. Spiralling down into the black waters. The two in pursuit kept firing. The starboard solar panel was gone, and sensors had all shut off. He fought to keep it in control, but it was no use. In only a few moments, the craft slammed hard into the water, tumbled, and then began sinking. . .
The water was already at his knees. He felt helpless. There was no one there. Not Kyle, not his former comrades. He was utterly alone, and the water was at his waist. He fumbled with the harness, tears welling up in his eyes. Up to this point, he realized he had nothing to believe in. Why was he even here. How could he have done this?
As his mind raced, he came to a grim thought. He deserved to die. After bringing so much terror to innocent people why should he live? With that relevation, he stopped working on the harness, and closed his eyes, feeling the water wrap around his head, as the TIE sank farther and farther into the lake. The water was cold. It was real. It was going to kill him.
And he wanted it. More than anything.
Winters coughed, and managed to force his eyes open. His vision was obscure and he tried to look around. He saw mangled metal wrapped around his X-Wing. Bullseye hummed mournfully. He tried to say something but coughed blood instead. When he looked down at his waist, he saw a piece of his cockpit had been punched inwards and was pressing hard against his side. He tried to move but it wasn't any good.
"bullseye. . ." he weakly said. ". . .try to . . .can you turn on the systems? . . ."
The little droid tried, and much to Winters' surprise, the X-Wing was still intact. The port S-Foils were a little damaged but still aerodynamic. The cockpit was damaged which was obvious to Winters, but the cockpits airtightness was still secure. The nose was still together, but there were a few panels missing, but of no consequence.
"All right. . ." Winters whispered. He coughed and more blood trickled down his chin. He closed his eyes and focused on the dark presence wrapped around his being. He embraced it, he reached out for it. His mind dove into the dark, and he felt it wrap around his aura, seep into every nook and cranny of his subconscious. He grunted as images of horror and pain slipped through his mind's eye. He focused it into a well of power, and then the metal crushing his side lurched and groaned and began to move itself away.
The darkness was enveloping him though, it was attacking the Light inside his body.
"" he fought the urges, the new dark urges trying to take over him. He used the power and the metal continued to fold away from him. When he could move again, he yelled as loud as he could, closing his mind, and with it, he fell unconscious, sitting in his cockpit, all alone on the surface of a doomed planet.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 96
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Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISD Touchstone
Captain Angston Chambers was standing on the central catwalk of his bridged accompanied by Commander MocToris to his left and rear. The main doors to the bridge hissed and the two naval guardsmen flanking the door came to attention. Captain Chambers kept his attention forward while Commander MocToris turned to see who had entered. He turned back to his commanding officer.
“Captain” said MocToris to draw Chambers’ attention.
“Yes? Ah. It is our lucky survivor. Commander Kheiron I have been told.” Chambers walked forward to meet Ariane. She moved forward as well. They both stopped at the same time and saluted each other. Chambers dropping his salute only after she dropped hers.
Chambers found this commander to be quite an attractive person. With the devotion one submitted to Veers’ fleet command, one did not see family or women very often. Though Chambers found Commander Kheiron attractive his thoughts remained pure. Veers did not allow “those” kind of soldiers officer commissions.
Captain Chambers was a short man at the age of 37. He did not look anything like his older brother Oxford Chambers who was a Commodore in the 1st Battle Group. He had thick bushy sideburns and equally bushy eyebrows and a large skinny nose.
“I assume you’re feeling quite well. You sure look as though you are. And I have all the certainty in the universe that your copilot will recover just as nicely as you have. I have informed Admiral…I mean Commodore Servitrion of your rescue. You have been instructed to stay on the Touchstone until we return to Fleet Command. Pardon me but our commanding officer has been killed in battle and the change of command took place not too long ago. But anyhow, you are welcome to stay here on my bridge and watch the bombardment or you may return to the berthing quarters, which have been prepared for you. After you are settled, Commander MocToris here would like to speak to you about that ship of yours. Now if I may, the company of a female on the bridge would be most welcome. Commander MocToris can be charming but he’s no female” Chambers smirked at MocToris
“I do my best sir.” commented Commander MocToris
Captain Angston Chambers was standing on the central catwalk of his bridged accompanied by Commander MocToris to his left and rear. The main doors to the bridge hissed and the two naval guardsmen flanking the door came to attention. Captain Chambers kept his attention forward while Commander MocToris turned to see who had entered. He turned back to his commanding officer.
“Captain” said MocToris to draw Chambers’ attention.
“Yes? Ah. It is our lucky survivor. Commander Kheiron I have been told.” Chambers walked forward to meet Ariane. She moved forward as well. They both stopped at the same time and saluted each other. Chambers dropping his salute only after she dropped hers.
Chambers found this commander to be quite an attractive person. With the devotion one submitted to Veers’ fleet command, one did not see family or women very often. Though Chambers found Commander Kheiron attractive his thoughts remained pure. Veers did not allow “those” kind of soldiers officer commissions.
Captain Chambers was a short man at the age of 37. He did not look anything like his older brother Oxford Chambers who was a Commodore in the 1st Battle Group. He had thick bushy sideburns and equally bushy eyebrows and a large skinny nose.
“I assume you’re feeling quite well. You sure look as though you are. And I have all the certainty in the universe that your copilot will recover just as nicely as you have. I have informed Admiral…I mean Commodore Servitrion of your rescue. You have been instructed to stay on the Touchstone until we return to Fleet Command. Pardon me but our commanding officer has been killed in battle and the change of command took place not too long ago. But anyhow, you are welcome to stay here on my bridge and watch the bombardment or you may return to the berthing quarters, which have been prepared for you. After you are settled, Commander MocToris here would like to speak to you about that ship of yours. Now if I may, the company of a female on the bridge would be most welcome. Commander MocToris can be charming but he’s no female” Chambers smirked at MocToris
“I do my best sir.” commented Commander MocToris
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Hey! A tank!
Posts: 1587
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Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:48 pm
Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
"Well, damn," Yar said, picking up his sniper rifle, "Now I don't get to enjoy a swift and painless death from crashing. Now I get to be shot and slowly bleed to death over a course of many... painful... hours..."
"Yar, you haven't been shot yet. Be quiet."
Sam Tharman, the squad's new medic, hurried forward. "I've gotten most of my supplies of the ship," he said, "What's our plan from here?"
"We were assigned to get into the Rebel base and put charges on their main generator, to clear the way for a larger ground assault... so I assume we'll have to do that. We're only about fifteen kilometers from the base, and there's plenty of forest left."
"But what about the ships in orbit?"
"Orbital fire's been slacking for a bit now. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be vaporized."
"Yeah?" Yar inquired, "Those megaton blasts were only the point-defense guns. I can't see why they don't just cut loose with the heavies."
"Because we're down here, and I'm pretty sure they want those Rebels alive," Berger said.
"You know, we should probably get moving, otherwise the Rebels might come to investigate and we'll all be shot. Or better yet, as Yar fears, captured, put in a pitch-dark cell, and gradually have our bodies carved into pieces with rusty vibro-knives," said Ian Wessles, their demolitions engineer.
"Yeah, that's the sort of thing Rebels would do, isn't it," sighed Yar, "Right, let's move out."
"Yar, I say when we move out. Just because it's now anyways doesn't give you that right. Shut up, and if you say anything that's not important I'll find some way to punish you. Ahh, I love regimented command structures..." Cack said, hefting his DLT-20A and marching off into the forest. The rest quickly followed.
"Yar, you haven't been shot yet. Be quiet."
Sam Tharman, the squad's new medic, hurried forward. "I've gotten most of my supplies of the ship," he said, "What's our plan from here?"
"We were assigned to get into the Rebel base and put charges on their main generator, to clear the way for a larger ground assault... so I assume we'll have to do that. We're only about fifteen kilometers from the base, and there's plenty of forest left."
"But what about the ships in orbit?"
"Orbital fire's been slacking for a bit now. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll be vaporized."
"Yeah?" Yar inquired, "Those megaton blasts were only the point-defense guns. I can't see why they don't just cut loose with the heavies."
"Because we're down here, and I'm pretty sure they want those Rebels alive," Berger said.
"You know, we should probably get moving, otherwise the Rebels might come to investigate and we'll all be shot. Or better yet, as Yar fears, captured, put in a pitch-dark cell, and gradually have our bodies carved into pieces with rusty vibro-knives," said Ian Wessles, their demolitions engineer.
"Yeah, that's the sort of thing Rebels would do, isn't it," sighed Yar, "Right, let's move out."
"Yar, I say when we move out. Just because it's now anyways doesn't give you that right. Shut up, and if you say anything that's not important I'll find some way to punish you. Ahh, I love regimented command structures..." Cack said, hefting his DLT-20A and marching off into the forest. The rest quickly followed.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Veers was sitting in on the Mission Brief for the ISD-II Imperium listening and watching Colonel Valasantratta point to a large hologram of the Imperium. Veers was intently watching when an orderly snuck in and whispered in Veers’ ear. Veers’ attention snapped from the hologram. His eyes bulged open. His face began to flush.
“If you will excuse me gentlemen. An emergency has just arisen.” Veers marched out the door. Outside the conference room stood his trusty Vice Admiral Sangraal.
Veers slammed the door shut behind him and immediately turned his attention to Sangraal. “WHAT!” Veers screamed. “What do you mean mortally wounded? Tell me this is a mistake! TELL ME THIS IS A MISTAKE!” Veers was loosing him composure fast. His face was now bright red and he was eyes were twitching with anger.
“Sir, This is unfortunately all very true. We received the report directly from Captain Lancing. Valtanan was among the very few who barely survived. Sir, Valtanan is lost to us as an officer. He would have…” Sangraal was cut off.
“This cannot be. How, how, How did this happen!” demanded Veers
“A rebel MonCalamary Cruiser rammed the Naphmark directly. It was a suicide run sir.”
Veers threw his hands upon his still red face. He turned to the wall behind him and began beating on it with white fists. After his tantrum Veers planted his hands on the wall and hung his head low. “I presume Servitrion has taken command then?” Asked Veers
“Yes sir. Though I do not feel safe having Servitrion in command of the 1st Battle Group. He is a great fighter, but not an effective tactician.”
“I agree. We have secured the theatre of operations. Call back the 1st and 2nd Squadrons. Commodore Oxford Chambers will take command.”
“Yes sir” and Sangraal was off.
Veers turned to the orderly who stood firm through the violent exchange of emotions. “Inform the Colonel that I cannot finish this brief today due to business. I will be in my quarters.”
“Yes Admiral”
“If you will excuse me gentlemen. An emergency has just arisen.” Veers marched out the door. Outside the conference room stood his trusty Vice Admiral Sangraal.
Veers slammed the door shut behind him and immediately turned his attention to Sangraal. “WHAT!” Veers screamed. “What do you mean mortally wounded? Tell me this is a mistake! TELL ME THIS IS A MISTAKE!” Veers was loosing him composure fast. His face was now bright red and he was eyes were twitching with anger.
“Sir, This is unfortunately all very true. We received the report directly from Captain Lancing. Valtanan was among the very few who barely survived. Sir, Valtanan is lost to us as an officer. He would have…” Sangraal was cut off.
“This cannot be. How, how, How did this happen!” demanded Veers
“A rebel MonCalamary Cruiser rammed the Naphmark directly. It was a suicide run sir.”
Veers threw his hands upon his still red face. He turned to the wall behind him and began beating on it with white fists. After his tantrum Veers planted his hands on the wall and hung his head low. “I presume Servitrion has taken command then?” Asked Veers
“Yes sir. Though I do not feel safe having Servitrion in command of the 1st Battle Group. He is a great fighter, but not an effective tactician.”
“I agree. We have secured the theatre of operations. Call back the 1st and 2nd Squadrons. Commodore Oxford Chambers will take command.”
“Yes sir” and Sangraal was off.
Veers turned to the orderly who stood firm through the violent exchange of emotions. “Inform the Colonel that I cannot finish this brief today due to business. I will be in my quarters.”
“Yes Admiral”
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
"Thank you captain." she replied with a quiet nod. "If you would not mind I would like to stay and watch the battle, it is always enjoyable to watch the empires finest in action but even more so when they are crushing rebelion rabble like these."
She smiled again, "Unfortunatly as for my ship I'm afraid she is extremly experimental and also classified knowledge. However if your officer would allow me access to some tools and spare parts. I would like to get her space worthy again. I am fairly sure the commander of the Theoi, where we are stationed would be pleased to know that such a valuable piece of equipment was not in fact lost in battle as he first assumed. Perhaps once this operation is over it would be possible to get a message to him?"
She smiled again, "Unfortunatly as for my ship I'm afraid she is extremly experimental and also classified knowledge. However if your officer would allow me access to some tools and spare parts. I would like to get her space worthy again. I am fairly sure the commander of the Theoi, where we are stationed would be pleased to know that such a valuable piece of equipment was not in fact lost in battle as he first assumed. Perhaps once this operation is over it would be possible to get a message to him?"
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Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 11:29 am
Location: Sunny Florida
"Come on." The voice shook Winters' subconscious state.
"Captain! You gotta get up, now!"
Winters opened his eyes. His cockpit was open, and Nova 9, Narin Tend, a human male was standing over him on the side of the X-Wing's fuselage.
"Narin?" Winters asked meagerly.
Narin smiled when Winters spoke. "Come on, sir. The Imperials are going to start bombarding the planet any moment now. We have to the base and help them evacuate."
"Yeah. . .Let's go."
Winters forced the harness of himself and got out with Narin.
"Where are the others?"
"I'm not sure sir. My communications systems fried on the descent. Last thing I heard, they were preparing for cover the evacuation of the base. I volunteered to come get you."
"Well thanks," Winters said, smiling now. He pulled out a duffel bag from the cargo compartment in the fuselage. He opened it and pulled out an E-11 blaster rifle.
"Let's get moving."
"Flights Two and Three, keep the air sanitized until we get back!" Sarn called out over the radio.
"Roger that, Lead."
"Novas 2 and 4, you're with me. We're going back to check on 3."
"On your wing, Lead." Nova 4 repsonded. Kirin was already flying in formation.
The three of them roared off over the trees and horizon beyond the base.
The scene was hectic. The silhouettes of the immense battle group in orbit were instilling great fear. The Rebels didn't know that a strike team had been put on planet to capture the special guest they had, and they assumed the Battle Group was going to destroy everything on the planet any moment.
"Transports A through D are fueled and ready for departure! We leavin' now?" The mechanic shouted across the tarmac.
"No! No one takes off! We'll need cover of any kind once we leave. We wait for Black Nova, Silverblade, and Yellow Squadrons to cover us and then we haul!" A Colonel shouted back.
"This had better work. We can't just sit out here forever. . ." he mumbled grimly.
"Captain! You gotta get up, now!"
Winters opened his eyes. His cockpit was open, and Nova 9, Narin Tend, a human male was standing over him on the side of the X-Wing's fuselage.
"Narin?" Winters asked meagerly.
Narin smiled when Winters spoke. "Come on, sir. The Imperials are going to start bombarding the planet any moment now. We have to the base and help them evacuate."
"Yeah. . .Let's go."
Winters forced the harness of himself and got out with Narin.
"Where are the others?"
"I'm not sure sir. My communications systems fried on the descent. Last thing I heard, they were preparing for cover the evacuation of the base. I volunteered to come get you."
"Well thanks," Winters said, smiling now. He pulled out a duffel bag from the cargo compartment in the fuselage. He opened it and pulled out an E-11 blaster rifle.
"Let's get moving."
"Flights Two and Three, keep the air sanitized until we get back!" Sarn called out over the radio.
"Roger that, Lead."
"Novas 2 and 4, you're with me. We're going back to check on 3."
"On your wing, Lead." Nova 4 repsonded. Kirin was already flying in formation.
The three of them roared off over the trees and horizon beyond the base.
The scene was hectic. The silhouettes of the immense battle group in orbit were instilling great fear. The Rebels didn't know that a strike team had been put on planet to capture the special guest they had, and they assumed the Battle Group was going to destroy everything on the planet any moment.
"Transports A through D are fueled and ready for departure! We leavin' now?" The mechanic shouted across the tarmac.
"No! No one takes off! We'll need cover of any kind once we leave. We wait for Black Nova, Silverblade, and Yellow Squadrons to cover us and then we haul!" A Colonel shouted back.
"This had better work. We can't just sit out here forever. . ." he mumbled grimly.
If you're going to do something, do it right. Or at least don't let the other side know you're cheating.
Posts: 160
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: Aboard a Mon-Calamarian cruiser over tatoonie
Flights Two and Three, keep the air sanitized until we get back!" Sarn called out over the radio.
"Novas 2 and 4, you're with me. We're going back to check on 3."
Sarns x-wing sailed over the treetops of the lush forest, scanning with both his scopes and eyes he tried to find any trace of David’s fighter. For a brief moment he thought about using his latent force powers to aid him, but quickly pushes the thought out of his mind.
" Those powers aren't going to help me now." He thought glumly. " They are still too limited. I'm on my own." he pulled the fighter a little to his starboard side and lowered the power in his engines. Wanting to slow his speed down, so he could have a better chance at spotting the wreackage.
" Kodachi, have you zeroed in on David’s transponder yet?"
A negative mournful whistle was the only answer he was given. Sarn closed his eyes and tried to push back the tears that were welling up inside. I can't believe this... How could everything have gone so wrong. His mind wandered back to the events that had happened only moments before.
He was frozen, stupefied, terrified to what he had scene. The great mon cal ship Freedom One had just made a suicide run against an imperial destroyer. To sarn it was like watching the destruction of the Phantom Base all over again. All those lives lost...
He was snapped out of his stupor when a strange sensation washed over him. Suddenly he began to see an image of a man, two men running through the woods towards the direction of the base. Though he could not make out their faces in the haze his minds eye had presented he some how new who they where.
" Nova's 2 and 4 I think I found them. Kirin do you fell that?"
"Novas 2 and 4, you're with me. We're going back to check on 3."
Sarns x-wing sailed over the treetops of the lush forest, scanning with both his scopes and eyes he tried to find any trace of David’s fighter. For a brief moment he thought about using his latent force powers to aid him, but quickly pushes the thought out of his mind.
" Those powers aren't going to help me now." He thought glumly. " They are still too limited. I'm on my own." he pulled the fighter a little to his starboard side and lowered the power in his engines. Wanting to slow his speed down, so he could have a better chance at spotting the wreackage.
" Kodachi, have you zeroed in on David’s transponder yet?"
A negative mournful whistle was the only answer he was given. Sarn closed his eyes and tried to push back the tears that were welling up inside. I can't believe this... How could everything have gone so wrong. His mind wandered back to the events that had happened only moments before.
He was frozen, stupefied, terrified to what he had scene. The great mon cal ship Freedom One had just made a suicide run against an imperial destroyer. To sarn it was like watching the destruction of the Phantom Base all over again. All those lives lost...
He was snapped out of his stupor when a strange sensation washed over him. Suddenly he began to see an image of a man, two men running through the woods towards the direction of the base. Though he could not make out their faces in the haze his minds eye had presented he some how new who they where.
" Nova's 2 and 4 I think I found them. Kirin do you fell that?"
"What the heck do you mean Trilogy ?!
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Trilogy my ASS !!"
~Ham Luca~ Star Bored
Hey! A tank!
Posts: 1587
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Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:48 pm
Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack stumbled over a rotting root as he moved, pushing Sam down with him. The rest followed suit, though they had not had the pleasure of unintentional falling.
"Rebel fighters!" Cack shouted, wriggling forward under a cover of leaves shaken loose by the blast wave from a crater three kilometers away.
"Think they saw us?" Sam called from underneath a nearby bush.
"No," Yar said, "They look like they're looking for their own guys. I saw a couple snubs going down; might be them."
"Should we go after 'em?" Felix asked.
"Nah, Michaels, they're probably too far. Remember, we're trying to sneak in here. They certainly can risk staying out in the open," Cack replied.
As soon as they were sure the sky was clear, they moved on, deeper into the forest.
In the center of the clearing was an X-wing, though quite damaged beyond repair. The nose was lying severed some meters away from the rest of the craft, and one of the wings had shorn off with enough force to slice through several trees off to the north.
And, disappointingly, it was empty. The back locker had been opened, and anything inside had been removed. Naturally the pilot was long gone.
"Must've been the guys those flyboys were looking for," Ian said. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, he rechecked the cases of explosives he carried, knowing they would be just as fine as they were ten minutes ago.
"Keep moving, then," Cack said, cautiously aiming his rifle into the woods. They were gradually thinning as they neared the base.
But soon enough they saw it - the Rebel power station, buried in a hill rising above the woods off to the east. Sighing yet again, the six men turned and moved off towards their target.
"Rebel fighters!" Cack shouted, wriggling forward under a cover of leaves shaken loose by the blast wave from a crater three kilometers away.
"Think they saw us?" Sam called from underneath a nearby bush.
"No," Yar said, "They look like they're looking for their own guys. I saw a couple snubs going down; might be them."
"Should we go after 'em?" Felix asked.
"Nah, Michaels, they're probably too far. Remember, we're trying to sneak in here. They certainly can risk staying out in the open," Cack replied.
As soon as they were sure the sky was clear, they moved on, deeper into the forest.
In the center of the clearing was an X-wing, though quite damaged beyond repair. The nose was lying severed some meters away from the rest of the craft, and one of the wings had shorn off with enough force to slice through several trees off to the north.
And, disappointingly, it was empty. The back locker had been opened, and anything inside had been removed. Naturally the pilot was long gone.
"Must've been the guys those flyboys were looking for," Ian said. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, he rechecked the cases of explosives he carried, knowing they would be just as fine as they were ten minutes ago.
"Keep moving, then," Cack said, cautiously aiming his rifle into the woods. They were gradually thinning as they neared the base.
But soon enough they saw it - the Rebel power station, buried in a hill rising above the woods off to the east. Sighing yet again, the six men turned and moved off towards their target.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Posts: 96
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:33 pm
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Aboard the ISD-II Iron Duke
Commodore Chambers, who was the older brother of Angston Chambers (Line Captain of the 10th Line), finally received the confirmation from Fleet Command to take charge of the 1st Battle Group. The death of Admiral Valtanan hit the entire battle group very hard. No man ever questioned his loyalty to Valtanan. Chambers understood this and realized it would be very difficult to fill Valtanan’s shoes. Valtanan had an air about him which demanded immediate and unconditional respect. Chambers however feared that he would not be able to fulfill the expectations that the soldiers would have of him.
Chambers knew that command and obedience would be the most difficult parts to reestablish in the face of a dead hero. He understood Valtanan had a natural command charisma that was based upon leadership, dynamism and upholding the mission and the institution. Because of Valtanan’s heroism Chambers in many ways would have to prove himself to both the whole of the battle group as well as the attached army commands. Chambers had to salvage all remaining battle and mission data from the bridge of the now out-of-action Naphmark. Chambers had little time to review the mission and plans of his charge. He immediately felt the pressure of battle group command. Reports were coming in from fighter command, ground invasion and army command and squadron commands. Fighter command was requesting orders and direction concerning whether to extend patrol details or to remain at battle sector posts. There were even some fighter commands reporting that the bombardment was veering too far into the fighter patrol sectors. Ground invasion command was the worst to deal with. Five entire battalions were complaining that their communications to army command had been severed and they expected Chambers to solve the problem. General Armand Kiasarian of BG Army command was requesting landing orders for the second wave of invasion forces.
Chambers was prompted to the holo-projector.
“So Chambers, where am I landing my men. It’s time for our second wave I hope you know. You’re the man in charge now, right? Well surely you have my orders.” Said General Kiasarian with an obvious intent to push Chambers’ buttons. Kiasarian was a hard man and seasoned general. The holo-projector was not meant for detail, but the scars on the general’s face were clearly noticeable. His voice was loud and pronounced over the disturbance of the transmission.
“Yes, I am the man in charge now, and because I am in charge now I must remind you that you are attached to this battle group and thus you are under my command so I would have you watch your tone when speaking to a superior command. You may outrank me, but your command is subordinate to mine. Now, as for your orders. I have not reviewed the time records or the battle reports. However I am now looking at the active overhead of the current ground action. If I am reading it properly it seems as though sector five Brigade had made its full advance and the vanguard is five minutes late and four en-counting. I would suggest that you expedite the…” Chamber was interrupted.
“Alright Chambers! Enough of your analysis. I will do what I have been ordered to do and you worry about your own command. The only reason my vanguard is behind is because your damn ships have turned the ground into mud. Also, one of your lines’ bombardment ranges in veering north by north west, thus preventing my right flank from advancing to quadrant 05-9. So Chambers, before you put your touch on my account perhaps you should be concerned more with your blasted space ships. Just give me my orders. That’s your only job concerning my forces.”
Chambers had never dealt with someone like this. Aboard the Iron Duke, the crewmen were much more obedient and even other Captains and Commodores were more reasonable and negotiable than this character of a general. Chambers was becoming angered by the generals’ attitude and blatant disrespect and partial disobedience.
“I will deal with your clear disregard for respect at a later date, but concerning our bombardment straying off course…” Chambers was yet again interrupted
“You mean YOUR bombardment.”
“Yes General. The rebels must be utilizing a signal jamming belt in the ionosphere because I cannot seem to locate the vessels whose bombardment is off course. All vessels are reporting 98% target range. To my vessels the barrage is on course. Can you by any chance designate which vessels are occupying the said target range?”
“Like Vader I can. My signal register went off-line an hour ago. I can’t see any of your ships on radar.”
“Well then, it seems as though our instruments have made us blind. This problem will have to be solved from the ground. I will need you to calculate the vector of the barrage interfering with your advance.”
“Field calculations?! Are you serious Chambers?”
“You had better use ‘sir’ when speaking to me from now on…and yes I am as serious as a heart attack. That is all general!”
Chambers shut off the holo-projector. He was at this point too fed up with Kiasarian to hear anymore. Chambers felt that if the general was in fact so eager to march on than he would take the proper measures to secure the necessary ground. Surely such a seasoned general could manage. Chambers was soon to deal with yet another issue.
“Commodore, we have…” Chambers’ executive officer was cut off casually
“I am and Admiral now commander.”
“I apologize sir. I did not realize the commission occurred so quickly.”
“You were saying commander?”
“Right. Sir, I have received a report from 1st and 2nd Squadron commands. Commodore Servitrion and Rosland just reported they have received orders from Fleet Command and they are now making final preparations to withdraw from the secured theatre.”
“What! From Fleet Command? But why? I received a field commission but no report concerning a withdraw under my new command?
Chambers plopped in his chair and made a great sigh of anxiety
“Sir, shall I send our confirmation?”
“Do we really have a choice? The order is from command. Send it. Our dear general will be quite disappointed to hear that his second wave will be smaller than he planned for, but I trust he can accommodate for the change. It should not affect his strategy.”
“Aye aye sir.”
Chambers had two minutes to himself before the next interruption. He took the time to think to himself.
“I must say. I now have an entirely new respect for Valtanan. This promotion is going to take a lot out of me. Of course old fellow you could resign. But why me? The other Commodores have held their post longer than I. Oh well. Veers does work in strange ways. I suppose I should prepare myself for the next imminent problem.”
Among the many reports and orders found in Valtanans’ possession there existed one order which surprised Chambers greatly. It was an order directly from Veers’ office instructing Valtanan to take command of a special forces unit that would be charged with locating an enemy unit by the codename of Black Nova. The order stated that this special forces unit, the 734th TRG to be precise, would be placed under the personal command of Valtanan and that General Kiasarian was to remain out of the loop. The 734th would operate outside of the Army’s purview.
Commodore Chambers, who was the older brother of Angston Chambers (Line Captain of the 10th Line), finally received the confirmation from Fleet Command to take charge of the 1st Battle Group. The death of Admiral Valtanan hit the entire battle group very hard. No man ever questioned his loyalty to Valtanan. Chambers understood this and realized it would be very difficult to fill Valtanan’s shoes. Valtanan had an air about him which demanded immediate and unconditional respect. Chambers however feared that he would not be able to fulfill the expectations that the soldiers would have of him.
Chambers knew that command and obedience would be the most difficult parts to reestablish in the face of a dead hero. He understood Valtanan had a natural command charisma that was based upon leadership, dynamism and upholding the mission and the institution. Because of Valtanan’s heroism Chambers in many ways would have to prove himself to both the whole of the battle group as well as the attached army commands. Chambers had to salvage all remaining battle and mission data from the bridge of the now out-of-action Naphmark. Chambers had little time to review the mission and plans of his charge. He immediately felt the pressure of battle group command. Reports were coming in from fighter command, ground invasion and army command and squadron commands. Fighter command was requesting orders and direction concerning whether to extend patrol details or to remain at battle sector posts. There were even some fighter commands reporting that the bombardment was veering too far into the fighter patrol sectors. Ground invasion command was the worst to deal with. Five entire battalions were complaining that their communications to army command had been severed and they expected Chambers to solve the problem. General Armand Kiasarian of BG Army command was requesting landing orders for the second wave of invasion forces.
Chambers was prompted to the holo-projector.
“So Chambers, where am I landing my men. It’s time for our second wave I hope you know. You’re the man in charge now, right? Well surely you have my orders.” Said General Kiasarian with an obvious intent to push Chambers’ buttons. Kiasarian was a hard man and seasoned general. The holo-projector was not meant for detail, but the scars on the general’s face were clearly noticeable. His voice was loud and pronounced over the disturbance of the transmission.
“Yes, I am the man in charge now, and because I am in charge now I must remind you that you are attached to this battle group and thus you are under my command so I would have you watch your tone when speaking to a superior command. You may outrank me, but your command is subordinate to mine. Now, as for your orders. I have not reviewed the time records or the battle reports. However I am now looking at the active overhead of the current ground action. If I am reading it properly it seems as though sector five Brigade had made its full advance and the vanguard is five minutes late and four en-counting. I would suggest that you expedite the…” Chamber was interrupted.
“Alright Chambers! Enough of your analysis. I will do what I have been ordered to do and you worry about your own command. The only reason my vanguard is behind is because your damn ships have turned the ground into mud. Also, one of your lines’ bombardment ranges in veering north by north west, thus preventing my right flank from advancing to quadrant 05-9. So Chambers, before you put your touch on my account perhaps you should be concerned more with your blasted space ships. Just give me my orders. That’s your only job concerning my forces.”
Chambers had never dealt with someone like this. Aboard the Iron Duke, the crewmen were much more obedient and even other Captains and Commodores were more reasonable and negotiable than this character of a general. Chambers was becoming angered by the generals’ attitude and blatant disrespect and partial disobedience.
“I will deal with your clear disregard for respect at a later date, but concerning our bombardment straying off course…” Chambers was yet again interrupted
“You mean YOUR bombardment.”
“Yes General. The rebels must be utilizing a signal jamming belt in the ionosphere because I cannot seem to locate the vessels whose bombardment is off course. All vessels are reporting 98% target range. To my vessels the barrage is on course. Can you by any chance designate which vessels are occupying the said target range?”
“Like Vader I can. My signal register went off-line an hour ago. I can’t see any of your ships on radar.”
“Well then, it seems as though our instruments have made us blind. This problem will have to be solved from the ground. I will need you to calculate the vector of the barrage interfering with your advance.”
“Field calculations?! Are you serious Chambers?”
“You had better use ‘sir’ when speaking to me from now on…and yes I am as serious as a heart attack. That is all general!”
Chambers shut off the holo-projector. He was at this point too fed up with Kiasarian to hear anymore. Chambers felt that if the general was in fact so eager to march on than he would take the proper measures to secure the necessary ground. Surely such a seasoned general could manage. Chambers was soon to deal with yet another issue.
“Commodore, we have…” Chambers’ executive officer was cut off casually
“I am and Admiral now commander.”
“I apologize sir. I did not realize the commission occurred so quickly.”
“You were saying commander?”
“Right. Sir, I have received a report from 1st and 2nd Squadron commands. Commodore Servitrion and Rosland just reported they have received orders from Fleet Command and they are now making final preparations to withdraw from the secured theatre.”
“What! From Fleet Command? But why? I received a field commission but no report concerning a withdraw under my new command?
Chambers plopped in his chair and made a great sigh of anxiety
“Sir, shall I send our confirmation?”
“Do we really have a choice? The order is from command. Send it. Our dear general will be quite disappointed to hear that his second wave will be smaller than he planned for, but I trust he can accommodate for the change. It should not affect his strategy.”
“Aye aye sir.”
Chambers had two minutes to himself before the next interruption. He took the time to think to himself.
“I must say. I now have an entirely new respect for Valtanan. This promotion is going to take a lot out of me. Of course old fellow you could resign. But why me? The other Commodores have held their post longer than I. Oh well. Veers does work in strange ways. I suppose I should prepare myself for the next imminent problem.”
Among the many reports and orders found in Valtanans’ possession there existed one order which surprised Chambers greatly. It was an order directly from Veers’ office instructing Valtanan to take command of a special forces unit that would be charged with locating an enemy unit by the codename of Black Nova. The order stated that this special forces unit, the 734th TRG to be precise, would be placed under the personal command of Valtanan and that General Kiasarian was to remain out of the loop. The 734th would operate outside of the Army’s purview.
If I advance...follow me
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
If I die...avenge me
If I retreat...kill me
Veers' bio can be found here: ... C_Clermont
Hey! A tank!
Posts: 1587
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:48 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 5:48 pm
Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
"Perimeter fence," Wessles said, "Doesn't look rigged to me. Should we risk cutting it?"
"Or, if you hadn't noticed, there's been an orbital bombardment and it's probably been cut already," Cack said.
"Fair enough," Ian said, "Yar, go find a good tree that's resting on the top of the fence."
"Ian, I've been in this unit a while longer than you -"
Cack cut him off.
The tree was large, and had completely smashed ten meters of fence. Cack took no time to scramble over it. The power station loomed atop the hill directly ahead.
Yar sighted down his scope. "A hundred meters or so. Open ground. I see one guard left."
Cack tossed his binoculars to Ian. "See any mines?"
"Just a few, off that way. They're not in our path. I think we can make it, provided we move fast enough."
"Right. Yar, shoot that guard," Cack said, crawling forward.
A minute later, Sam turned the guard's body over, checking for signs of life.
"Easier to look for signs of death, perhaps," Yar said, "I put that bolt right through his neck."
"SOP," Sam replied, "Let's get inside."
The lights were off inside, and Felix took the opportunity to slide down the dusty wall to a resting position on the floor. Too bad we're about to blow this place up, he thought, I could do this all day.
Cack nodded imperceptibly; he was speaking to someone on his command frequency.
"Right. Yessir. I'll get my squad on it right now." He turned back to his men.
"New orders, boys, we've got some Rebels we need to capture. Some guys called Black Nova. Insurgent Spec Ops and snubfighter group.
"You think those could have been the fighters we saw earlier?" Berger asked.
"No way, that would just be too much of a coincidence," Yar said.
"So we aren't blowing this joint up?" Felix said.
"Yes, we are. One of our Deuces did a scan of the area; there's a tunnel connecting this place to the main facility, and it should get us right near the hangar bays. Plus, the entrance this end is right near the reactor. Let's move."
"Or, if you hadn't noticed, there's been an orbital bombardment and it's probably been cut already," Cack said.
"Fair enough," Ian said, "Yar, go find a good tree that's resting on the top of the fence."
"Ian, I've been in this unit a while longer than you -"
Cack cut him off.
The tree was large, and had completely smashed ten meters of fence. Cack took no time to scramble over it. The power station loomed atop the hill directly ahead.
Yar sighted down his scope. "A hundred meters or so. Open ground. I see one guard left."
Cack tossed his binoculars to Ian. "See any mines?"
"Just a few, off that way. They're not in our path. I think we can make it, provided we move fast enough."
"Right. Yar, shoot that guard," Cack said, crawling forward.
A minute later, Sam turned the guard's body over, checking for signs of life.
"Easier to look for signs of death, perhaps," Yar said, "I put that bolt right through his neck."
"SOP," Sam replied, "Let's get inside."
The lights were off inside, and Felix took the opportunity to slide down the dusty wall to a resting position on the floor. Too bad we're about to blow this place up, he thought, I could do this all day.
Cack nodded imperceptibly; he was speaking to someone on his command frequency.
"Right. Yessir. I'll get my squad on it right now." He turned back to his men.
"New orders, boys, we've got some Rebels we need to capture. Some guys called Black Nova. Insurgent Spec Ops and snubfighter group.
"You think those could have been the fighters we saw earlier?" Berger asked.
"No way, that would just be too much of a coincidence," Yar said.
"So we aren't blowing this joint up?" Felix said.
"Yes, we are. One of our Deuces did a scan of the area; there's a tunnel connecting this place to the main facility, and it should get us right near the hangar bays. Plus, the entrance this end is right near the reactor. Let's move."
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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