The 734th TRG
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Hey! A tank!
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The 734th TRG
This is the story of the Imperial Army's 734th Tactical Recon Group, a group looked down upon by stormtroopers and regular army personnel alike.
Little did they know how driven to success they'd be by that.
This is the story of a new beginning for six men as they offer their aid to return the galaxy to peace.
This is the story of the actions that may not have decisively altered the course of the Galactic Civil War, but ones that would most certainly alter the fates of many men across the galaxy. Ones that would bring about a victory in one secton.
This is the story of an entire galaxy falling apart at the seams as billions of men and women fight to do what they feel is right, and restore order. Six men may not seem like much, but every six men count.
The 734th TRG, or "Troggy" as it was called, was in fact made up of more than six men. It contained, actually, several hundred, though they were split into teams of six. Naturally, these distinct teams, while often replacing personnel, had separate identities, and strong bonds developed through the unit as practical jokes were played.
It is now obvious that the Troggy wasn't in combat just yet, still receiving new men fresh out of Carida.
OOC: Laying the groundwork there, this is the start of what we hope will be a new start for the Rebellion Era Forum. First new thread, w00t!
Little did they know how driven to success they'd be by that.
This is the story of a new beginning for six men as they offer their aid to return the galaxy to peace.
This is the story of the actions that may not have decisively altered the course of the Galactic Civil War, but ones that would most certainly alter the fates of many men across the galaxy. Ones that would bring about a victory in one secton.
This is the story of an entire galaxy falling apart at the seams as billions of men and women fight to do what they feel is right, and restore order. Six men may not seem like much, but every six men count.
The 734th TRG, or "Troggy" as it was called, was in fact made up of more than six men. It contained, actually, several hundred, though they were split into teams of six. Naturally, these distinct teams, while often replacing personnel, had separate identities, and strong bonds developed through the unit as practical jokes were played.
It is now obvious that the Troggy wasn't in combat just yet, still receiving new men fresh out of Carida.
OOC: Laying the groundwork there, this is the start of what we hope will be a new start for the Rebellion Era Forum. First new thread, w00t!
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
The 734th had a team, not very different from the others, besides being somewhat shorthanded. In, fact, it was no different. They were all shorthanded at the moment. Team Delta Six's Captain Cacer Jemar was still waiting on a sniper, as well as someone to carry the L-32 heavy repeater given to all squads.
Cacer, also known as "Cack", was also impatient. His men were lazing about, and getting better at it. He couldn't find any of them anywhere. Maybe the cargo loading bay. Definitely not the mess hall, far too obvious. There was an idea, the mess hall. Their strategies suddenly made sense.
And maybe one would be there...
Cacer, also known as "Cack", was also impatient. His men were lazing about, and getting better at it. He couldn't find any of them anywhere. Maybe the cargo loading bay. Definitely not the mess hall, far too obvious. There was an idea, the mess hall. Their strategies suddenly made sense.
And maybe one would be there...
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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“Nottin wrong with a healthy meal.” One of the men in a row composed of several men and woman, all of them human, said out loud to himself. Some of the men chuckled at his remark while others remained silent and nodded their heads in amusement.
The scent of fresh vegetables and meat topped with various spices gave the mess hall an almost top class restaurant image, if it wasn’t for the sometimes primitive ways of eating food by the soldiers.
“Say, Med, you keep on doing this and they’ll ship you back to Carida before you can say Mothma is the fat slime of a Hutt.” A large man in the middle of the waiting line joked at the man in front of the line, who was just pouring some jus on his potatoes.
A small grin appeared on his lips as he snapped back at the man. “Now, now Ruck, next time you lay in the field cryin ‘bout ya momma cus of your broken leg…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence as the waiting line burst out in laughter.
Being a medic had its pros as well as its cons, but Methos ‘Med’ Knight, the cocky, corellian medic loved what he did in the field and knew outside of it.
OOC: there you go.
The scent of fresh vegetables and meat topped with various spices gave the mess hall an almost top class restaurant image, if it wasn’t for the sometimes primitive ways of eating food by the soldiers.
“Say, Med, you keep on doing this and they’ll ship you back to Carida before you can say Mothma is the fat slime of a Hutt.” A large man in the middle of the waiting line joked at the man in front of the line, who was just pouring some jus on his potatoes.
A small grin appeared on his lips as he snapped back at the man. “Now, now Ruck, next time you lay in the field cryin ‘bout ya momma cus of your broken leg…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence as the waiting line burst out in laughter.
Being a medic had its pros as well as its cons, but Methos ‘Med’ Knight, the cocky, corellian medic loved what he did in the field and knew outside of it.
OOC: there you go.

SP forever!
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack entered the mess hall, and in the line, immediately spotted one of his men. A quick search of his brain revealed he was the medic, astonishingly known as Med.
He walked up the line, ignoring or not hearing the quietly mumbled protests. This was a real army, after all, and being a captain meant that the lower ranks never complained.
Just behind Med, he paused, and got a cheap nerf steak from the steaming pile. The officers had their own mess, but many preferred the company of their men, and the better food there often went untouched. That would never happen in the Stormtroopers, but the Army was different. Very different.
"Corporal," he said, nodding to Med, "Have you seen anyone else on our team? I've been looking all day."
"Getting some exercise, then, are you?"
"Well, yes. Can't find any of 'em anywhere, 'cept you. And we're still short two men, though the brass is sending in a haw soon, we're still short a demo man."
Haw, as it was used in the Army, or really just the 734th, meant the man carrying all of the heavy weapons.
The first table they passed was filled with the men of Foxtrot Eight, mortal enemies to Delta Six, possibly more so than the Rebels, as long as no guns were involved. The weapons of this war involved rigged refreshers and food laced with F87, more commonly known as puke powder. It was vicious.
Some seats were open at the far side of the room; they headed there.
He walked up the line, ignoring or not hearing the quietly mumbled protests. This was a real army, after all, and being a captain meant that the lower ranks never complained.
Just behind Med, he paused, and got a cheap nerf steak from the steaming pile. The officers had their own mess, but many preferred the company of their men, and the better food there often went untouched. That would never happen in the Stormtroopers, but the Army was different. Very different.
"Corporal," he said, nodding to Med, "Have you seen anyone else on our team? I've been looking all day."
"Getting some exercise, then, are you?"
"Well, yes. Can't find any of 'em anywhere, 'cept you. And we're still short two men, though the brass is sending in a haw soon, we're still short a demo man."
Haw, as it was used in the Army, or really just the 734th, meant the man carrying all of the heavy weapons.
The first table they passed was filled with the men of Foxtrot Eight, mortal enemies to Delta Six, possibly more so than the Rebels, as long as no guns were involved. The weapons of this war involved rigged refreshers and food laced with F87, more commonly known as puke powder. It was vicious.
Some seats were open at the far side of the room; they headed there.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Snowmobiler Extraordinaire
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Julik looked up from his E-11 sights, not the most accurate rifle but it could be fired in long volleys for a time. Julik looked around him because today the shooting range was full. He had made a bet with a Foxtrot that he could out shoot him, now both Julik and the other man held unmodded E-11 rifles and were shooting down range at the targets. Julik was ahead seven shots to five but that meant nothing, the other man had scored higher then him on the five shots then Julik did on his seven. There were two more shots left in each man's pack and Julik raised his sights. He pulled the trigger and grinned as the bolt scorched that target down the range. The other man shot and it went wide. "It’s tied want to call it quits?" Julik said to the other man as the onlookers grinned. "I’m going to take your pride and your money." The other man said. Julik shrugged and brought his sights up again, pulling the trigger he scored a high mark again, and the man shot and hit. The Foxtrot trooper won by 1 point. The crowd laughed as Julik replaced the rifle, took creds out of his pocket and handed them to the other man. "Well it was good shooting..." He said trailing off as the Foxtrot sneered at him in triumph.
Julik walked into the mess hall head lowered and walked to get some food. He sat down with Cack and Med, "One bloody point." He muttered under his breath as he began to eat.
Julik walked into the mess hall head lowered and walked to get some food. He sat down with Cack and Med, "One bloody point." He muttered under his breath as he began to eat.
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Methos looked up as Julik sat down with them, the slightly younger man looked troubled he'd lost. "One bloody point." With that he shoved a good portion of food in his mouth.
"Actually, you shot better then him.. in a way." Med said earning a questioning glance from his team member. "Yeah really, look at the stimpacks he's been takin." The corellian medic said, his voice just loud enough for the fox to hear.
The big hulky man stood up, the veins on his arm popped up as he approached their table. His mascular arms slammed down on the table as he looked Methos right in the eyes. Two orbs of fire were staring right down the medic. Giving him an eerie feeling. "Look meddy, I don't care what you think, I won fair and square."
"Ke, but really it's just that yer hand-eye coordination is a bit too good. Especially for someone who's been diagnosed with strabismus in the past." He answered to the unasked question.
By now, more people had stood up and the mess had gotten silent as a mouse, everyone wanted to see and hear what would happen between D-6 and F-8. Their history had been complicated, both teams were equall to eachother, altough D-6 had proven to be more adapteble then F-8. That was the reason between their fued, in the beginning it had been competitive play between them, but the teams had become more violent over time. It would be the 4th outburst between them this week.
"You want to shove that into basic for me." He threathened as he pulled Methos from his table.
By now Med had recovered from his early fear and thrived on the thrill of pissing the commando of with medical terms. A lop-sided grin appeared on his face. "Sure, it means your cross-eyed." A huge smile appeared on his face but quickly made way for a face full of suprise as a fist come at it with dazzling speed. Then the shavvit hit the fan.
"Actually, you shot better then him.. in a way." Med said earning a questioning glance from his team member. "Yeah really, look at the stimpacks he's been takin." The corellian medic said, his voice just loud enough for the fox to hear.
The big hulky man stood up, the veins on his arm popped up as he approached their table. His mascular arms slammed down on the table as he looked Methos right in the eyes. Two orbs of fire were staring right down the medic. Giving him an eerie feeling. "Look meddy, I don't care what you think, I won fair and square."
"Ke, but really it's just that yer hand-eye coordination is a bit too good. Especially for someone who's been diagnosed with strabismus in the past." He answered to the unasked question.
By now, more people had stood up and the mess had gotten silent as a mouse, everyone wanted to see and hear what would happen between D-6 and F-8. Their history had been complicated, both teams were equall to eachother, altough D-6 had proven to be more adapteble then F-8. That was the reason between their fued, in the beginning it had been competitive play between them, but the teams had become more violent over time. It would be the 4th outburst between them this week.
"You want to shove that into basic for me." He threathened as he pulled Methos from his table.
By now Med had recovered from his early fear and thrived on the thrill of pissing the commando of with medical terms. A lop-sided grin appeared on his face. "Sure, it means your cross-eyed." A huge smile appeared on his face but quickly made way for a face full of suprise as a fist come at it with dazzling speed. Then the shavvit hit the fan.
SP forever!
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack watched with very little amusement as Med was hit. While Julik got to his feet, he remained at his seat, generally immune to the fights that broke out among the lower-ranking men. Captains in the Empire seemed to have that privilege.
Foxtrot was in fact somewhat disliked by the other teams; it was a known fact that they fought dirty, and while it got the job done, many thought it unprofessional. And since it got the job done, it was unlikely to stop at any point soon.
As a greater fight began to form in the mess hall, like a gathering hurricane, Cack rose swiftly, unnoticed. From his pocket emerged a small plastic packet, inscribed with a single letter and two numbers.
There was a good chance that Foxtrot was going to want their food afterwards; he could change that very quickly. A shower of invisible crystals fell surreptitiously onto the plates; the then emptied-packet went into the garbage disposal, never to be found.
A quick look through the window showed the local colonel coming down the stairs. The fight would die off soon, and Cack quickly sat back down. Good. There had been no sign that his action had been noticed.
As he predicted, the mess hall grew silent faster than it had grown loud. The colonel, apparently satisfied, left, and the mess hall returned to normal. As Cack returned to his food, a young soldier, looking no older than nineteen, possibly less, approached him., bearing several large bruises and a quickly developing black eye.
"Captain Jemar? I was told to report to you. Private Yarmo Hadge, I'm a sniper."
"Great. By the way, Yar, when you walk into a mess hall fight, don't say what team you're with."
"Uh... Yes, sir. How'd you know I did that?"
"It's fairly obvious, you're new, and you have bruises. No one would have known who you were with unless you told them. Anyway, you can call me Cack, this is our medic, Med," he said, sweeping an arm at Med, gingerly sitting down with some decent bruises and what looked like a misplaced tooth, "and Julik, he's our non-specialist."
"Yes, sir... Cack. I got your memo; the 'freshers have been rigged with air canisters as requested."
"Excellent, excellent, good job. Did you leave any evidence?"
"Yes, sir, it'll look as though Indigo One did it."
"Perfect. They've been trying to get us; we were planned to be the first in there. That's changed now..."
Heads quickly turned as the muscular man Julik had been shooting with was up first, sprinting for the bathroom, followed by man after man.
"Just listen for the double s in a second," Cack said.
"Double S?" inquired Yar.
"The splash and scream."
Sure enough, there came a loud "foosh" and then the hideous yells from the 'fresher. It ended after only seconds, but there were few men not laughing. Cack was on the floor.
Foxtrot was in fact somewhat disliked by the other teams; it was a known fact that they fought dirty, and while it got the job done, many thought it unprofessional. And since it got the job done, it was unlikely to stop at any point soon.
As a greater fight began to form in the mess hall, like a gathering hurricane, Cack rose swiftly, unnoticed. From his pocket emerged a small plastic packet, inscribed with a single letter and two numbers.
There was a good chance that Foxtrot was going to want their food afterwards; he could change that very quickly. A shower of invisible crystals fell surreptitiously onto the plates; the then emptied-packet went into the garbage disposal, never to be found.
A quick look through the window showed the local colonel coming down the stairs. The fight would die off soon, and Cack quickly sat back down. Good. There had been no sign that his action had been noticed.
As he predicted, the mess hall grew silent faster than it had grown loud. The colonel, apparently satisfied, left, and the mess hall returned to normal. As Cack returned to his food, a young soldier, looking no older than nineteen, possibly less, approached him., bearing several large bruises and a quickly developing black eye.
"Captain Jemar? I was told to report to you. Private Yarmo Hadge, I'm a sniper."
"Great. By the way, Yar, when you walk into a mess hall fight, don't say what team you're with."
"Uh... Yes, sir. How'd you know I did that?"
"It's fairly obvious, you're new, and you have bruises. No one would have known who you were with unless you told them. Anyway, you can call me Cack, this is our medic, Med," he said, sweeping an arm at Med, gingerly sitting down with some decent bruises and what looked like a misplaced tooth, "and Julik, he's our non-specialist."
"Yes, sir... Cack. I got your memo; the 'freshers have been rigged with air canisters as requested."
"Excellent, excellent, good job. Did you leave any evidence?"
"Yes, sir, it'll look as though Indigo One did it."
"Perfect. They've been trying to get us; we were planned to be the first in there. That's changed now..."
Heads quickly turned as the muscular man Julik had been shooting with was up first, sprinting for the bathroom, followed by man after man.
"Just listen for the double s in a second," Cack said.
"Double S?" inquired Yar.
"The splash and scream."
Sure enough, there came a loud "foosh" and then the hideous yells from the 'fresher. It ended after only seconds, but there were few men not laughing. Cack was on the floor.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Snowmobiler Extraordinaire
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Julik grinned as Med was punched in the face. Jumping from his chair he layed several well placed punches on the bigger man the should have sent a normal person to the floor. His fists began to ache as hitting the man in several incapacitating spots only brought mild grunts and even more pain to his hand. The man let go of Med and went after Julik, one well placed shot was enough to hear an audible crack and send him sprawling to the floor.
Julik got up at the end of the fight, everytime he breathed in it hurt, but nothing he couldn't handle. He was sent on to the ground again by a wave of laughter followed by excruciating pain. "Nice going, Med, now you gotta patch me up...." Julik grinned at the medic as the screaming came again.
Julik got up at the end of the fight, everytime he breathed in it hurt, but nothing he couldn't handle. He was sent on to the ground again by a wave of laughter followed by excruciating pain. "Nice going, Med, now you gotta patch me up...." Julik grinned at the medic as the screaming came again.
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"... Again" The Corellian finished for him.
The look on Julik's face gave away everything, it was a running practical joke between the two of them. One would get into trouble, the other would follow.
He laughed at the screams comming from the fresher, it was a nice distraction from the pain, the pain wich slowly made place for a numb sensation in his teeth. "Now I gotta see a dentist."
Methos was a vain man, it had even been a reason for him to not join the army, his good looks and his job as a doctor made him a playboy, a succesful one at that. But those motives had all changed when a rebel splintercell had blown up the hospital where he worked.
Still his appearance meant a lot to him, therefor he was pretty pissed about his teeth. But his self pity stopped abruptly when he saw two boots being placed in front of his face.
Slowly he looked up to see a very large man in front of him. At least, from the floor he looked large.
"What do you want?" He asked non too pleased.
"I'm John Berger, I'm here for captain Jemar."
"And?" He asked not having a clue.
"I'm your haw." He answered stoicly.
"My what?"
OOC: So now we have a haw. Lets get it cracking boys.
The look on Julik's face gave away everything, it was a running practical joke between the two of them. One would get into trouble, the other would follow.
He laughed at the screams comming from the fresher, it was a nice distraction from the pain, the pain wich slowly made place for a numb sensation in his teeth. "Now I gotta see a dentist."
Methos was a vain man, it had even been a reason for him to not join the army, his good looks and his job as a doctor made him a playboy, a succesful one at that. But those motives had all changed when a rebel splintercell had blown up the hospital where he worked.
Still his appearance meant a lot to him, therefor he was pretty pissed about his teeth. But his self pity stopped abruptly when he saw two boots being placed in front of his face.
Slowly he looked up to see a very large man in front of him. At least, from the floor he looked large.
"What do you want?" He asked non too pleased.
"I'm John Berger, I'm here for captain Jemar."
"And?" He asked not having a clue.
"I'm your haw." He answered stoicly.
"My what?"
OOC: So now we have a haw. Lets get it cracking boys.
SP forever!
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
"Finally. I've been waiting two weeks. Hey, it's time for a celebration," Cack said, "I think this is the first time we've ever had a full team."
Suddenly realizing something, Cack looked down. "Frell. No demo man. All right, we don't have a full team. Julik, you'll have to take the explosives until we get one. I've got to check in with the colonel, if we've got a haw that means we've probably been assigned. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to get a real demo man."
Cack left, leaving Julik, Med, Yarmo, and John to debate the meaings of this solemn prophecy.
OOC: Gimme some time to think about our assignment. I've got an idea, but just wait for a little bit.
Suddenly realizing something, Cack looked down. "Frell. No demo man. All right, we don't have a full team. Julik, you'll have to take the explosives until we get one. I've got to check in with the colonel, if we've got a haw that means we've probably been assigned. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long to get a real demo man."
Cack left, leaving Julik, Med, Yarmo, and John to debate the meaings of this solemn prophecy.
OOC: Gimme some time to think about our assignment. I've got an idea, but just wait for a little bit.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
Snowmobiler Extraordinaire
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"Demo man, god why not just make me a medic." He scewed his face into a disgusted look, "Nothing personal Med." He added after the thought, well I'll go talk to the Eagles and see if I can get any pointers from their Demoman, might as well make you a haw Med." Julik gave the new recruit a look and continued on his way... muttering things under his breath.
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack returned swiftly, storming into the nearly empty mess hall. Only Med and the two new soldiers were there.
"Julik not back yet? Screw it, if he's learning how to better set charges then we can tell him later."
Yarmo looked at him quizzically. "Yes, we've been assigned. We're being deployed to Gorhamas. There's a Rebel fighter base in the mountains. Now, we can't land a full assault, since their missile batteries and defensive guns are too powerful. They're well-hidden too, so orbital bombardments are out of the question, and the guys upstairs want the place taken mostly intact. We'll have a platoon of AT-STs deployed out of their coverage, so we'll have backup on the way."
Yarmo turned to him. "Mountains? That I can handle. They make great sniping positions."
"Right. Shouldn't be too hard to handle. I hear the system's mostly automated, so resistance will probably be light until we get to the fighter base itself. We're leaving tomorrow morning at 0600 on Transport 3244. Med, your bunk's near Julik's, make sure he knows what's going on. Lessee... Time's 2300, if you don't have anything else to do go to bed, I want everyone well-rested for this."
"Julik not back yet? Screw it, if he's learning how to better set charges then we can tell him later."
Yarmo looked at him quizzically. "Yes, we've been assigned. We're being deployed to Gorhamas. There's a Rebel fighter base in the mountains. Now, we can't land a full assault, since their missile batteries and defensive guns are too powerful. They're well-hidden too, so orbital bombardments are out of the question, and the guys upstairs want the place taken mostly intact. We'll have a platoon of AT-STs deployed out of their coverage, so we'll have backup on the way."
Yarmo turned to him. "Mountains? That I can handle. They make great sniping positions."
"Right. Shouldn't be too hard to handle. I hear the system's mostly automated, so resistance will probably be light until we get to the fighter base itself. We're leaving tomorrow morning at 0600 on Transport 3244. Med, your bunk's near Julik's, make sure he knows what's going on. Lessee... Time's 2300, if you don't have anything else to do go to bed, I want everyone well-rested for this."
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Hollis slowly walked down the narrow corridor as he made his way to his enw assignment, the 734th Tactical Recon Group.
As he glanced left to right he saw many troopers making their ways around the compound, until he finally found his commanding officer, Cacer Jemar.
"Sir, Hollis Verner reporting for duty." he said saluting.
Hollis slowly walked down the narrow corridor as he made his way to his enw assignment, the 734th Tactical Recon Group.
As he glanced left to right he saw many troopers making their ways around the compound, until he finally found his commanding officer, Cacer Jemar.
"Sir, Hollis Verner reporting for duty." he said saluting.
McCaffery: There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Arthur 'AC' Curry: Oh thats reassuring. Thanks a lot.
"When someone stands in the way of justice, you simply walk up behind them and stab them in the heart" Ras Al-Gul - Batman Begins
Hey! A tank!
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack was stopped by the newest man. "Captain."
"I believe I was assigned to Delta Six."
"Okay, I know that already. What I'm not sure about is that that's true. Hadge, I know he's in. But you... Hold on."
Cack darted into his quarters and hurried out with a datapad. "Hmm... This is updated as soon as the squad changes. I don't have a John Berger here. Let's try a full search. Yeah, here we are, you're with Alpha One. That's Captain Amre. He should be around here somewhere."
He dropped back against the wall as someone approached.
"I believe I was assigned to Delta Six."
"Okay, I know that already. What I'm not sure about is that that's true. Hadge, I know he's in. But you... Hold on."
Cack darted into his quarters and hurried out with a datapad. "Hmm... This is updated as soon as the squad changes. I don't have a John Berger here. Let's try a full search. Yeah, here we are, you're with Alpha One. That's Captain Amre. He should be around here somewhere."
He dropped back against the wall as someone approached.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Venerab moved his bulky weight easily enough, dodging the freighter as he went, following the pilot who was doing his preflight. This was an unusual sight, normally you didn't see an enlisted man doing a pre-flight; that was the pilots responsibility. He did seem out of place, his height and weight was a different matter. He topped 6'5 and weighed in a heafty 315lb. or solid weight. Of course this had also helped in his primary possition of heavy weapon team. Brick finished up with the pre-flight check following the pilot in his gear, silently walking and observing. Checking his crono it read 0530, a half hour to wait on the team they were to deliver.. the team he was assigned to.
Shipfixer here, or I was..
*Insert funny quote here*
*Insert funny quote here*
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Morning. Morning found Cack being chewed out by Julik for letting him go all night learning about demolitions, only to find out that not only did he not get any sleep, the functions and techniques he had been trying to memorize were useless. It also found Cack firing a blaster, though set on stun, into the ceiling of the barracks room where Julik was sleeping.
He didn't have to put up with it, though he did.
"Next time something like this happens BEFORE I don't get any sleep!"
"Whatever. Anyway, get your gear, and get to the transport. It should be on landing pad South Nine B. Med should be there by now, so should that sniper guy Yar. I've gotta look for that new guy who's replacing you."
"What? What do you mean I'm being replaced?"
"Wahuh? Oh, damnit, the demo man. You know what I meant. Now go."
He was apparently looking for Cack as hard as Cack was looking for him, but the effort eventually failed and Cack ran into him just by the landing pad.
He didn't have to put up with it, though he did.
"Next time something like this happens BEFORE I don't get any sleep!"
"Whatever. Anyway, get your gear, and get to the transport. It should be on landing pad South Nine B. Med should be there by now, so should that sniper guy Yar. I've gotta look for that new guy who's replacing you."
"What? What do you mean I'm being replaced?"
"Wahuh? Oh, damnit, the demo man. You know what I meant. Now go."
He was apparently looking for Cack as hard as Cack was looking for him, but the effort eventually failed and Cack ran into him just by the landing pad.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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The better get here on time, cause I will... Med's train of thought was interupted by the landing of their transport. He had been waiting for fifteen minutes already and there was still no sign of his brothers in arms. They had 5 minutes left.
"You ready?" He heard the co-pilot ask him under the noises of the transport.
"Ready as ever." He rolled his eyes at the pilot who gave him a grin. "Woah." He said as he saw their equipment being loaded onto the transport's loading bay. He saw the clumsieness in which a dockworker handled his field instruments, he saw himself in the field with faulty equipment and damaged medicines and then he pictured himself court marshalled. Na-uh
"Heeeey, watch it will ya. That's expensive equipment." He screamed at the worker who in response just raised his shoulders in an act of ignorance.
"Cack you better get your butt over here." He said to himself.
"You ready?" He heard the co-pilot ask him under the noises of the transport.
"Ready as ever." He rolled his eyes at the pilot who gave him a grin. "Woah." He said as he saw their equipment being loaded onto the transport's loading bay. He saw the clumsieness in which a dockworker handled his field instruments, he saw himself in the field with faulty equipment and damaged medicines and then he pictured himself court marshalled. Na-uh
"Heeeey, watch it will ya. That's expensive equipment." He screamed at the worker who in response just raised his shoulders in an act of ignorance.
"Cack you better get your butt over here." He said to himself.
SP forever!
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
At first, dreams seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. - *~ Christopher Reeve~*
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Julik muttered several choice words about his commander as he made his way to the equipment depot. Something like being a son of a bantha and other such things...
He began to prep himself for the mission, picking up his E-11 blaster rifle from his locker he looked at it. He had the tech guys modify it so it would have an increased fire rate, but at the normal fire rate it would be more accurate. He also had them create several expanded energy cells that held three times the shot, five of these he put on the right side of his belt, and four more energy packs into the vest he wore, in the other three slots of his belt he put C-22 fragmentation grenades, he also put four more in his vest. On his hip holsters he had two DL-56 blaster pistols, they were last ditch if he needed them. He looked at himself in the small mirror of his locker. He looked ready. Grabbing his helmet he set off toward the landing pad.
"Well Med you might as well give up now, I'm going to kill a lot more people then your going to save today." He grinned at the small game he played with Med, no matter what he would win, well... except the one time they ran into a bunch of stormtroopers who had been carrying their wounded for several miles... That was the only day Med had won...
"Lets hope today we both walk out of it alive at least." He said in a much more solemn voice, with a downed look in his eyes.
He began to prep himself for the mission, picking up his E-11 blaster rifle from his locker he looked at it. He had the tech guys modify it so it would have an increased fire rate, but at the normal fire rate it would be more accurate. He also had them create several expanded energy cells that held three times the shot, five of these he put on the right side of his belt, and four more energy packs into the vest he wore, in the other three slots of his belt he put C-22 fragmentation grenades, he also put four more in his vest. On his hip holsters he had two DL-56 blaster pistols, they were last ditch if he needed them. He looked at himself in the small mirror of his locker. He looked ready. Grabbing his helmet he set off toward the landing pad.
"Well Med you might as well give up now, I'm going to kill a lot more people then your going to save today." He grinned at the small game he played with Med, no matter what he would win, well... except the one time they ran into a bunch of stormtroopers who had been carrying their wounded for several miles... That was the only day Med had won...
"Lets hope today we both walk out of it alive at least." He said in a much more solemn voice, with a downed look in his eyes.
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack, looking up from Verner, noticed Med's yell. Though a enlisted rate might not care much about Med's opinion, that of an Army captain tended to be more persuasive.
"What's going on here?" he asked, in his best impression of a dignified naval voice.
"Uhh... nothing, sir, I'm taking care of this equipment as best as I can. Sir."
Cack waited for another minute, and then the man spoke again. "Sir, that's all, sir. Sir."
Satisfied by this, he went aboard, facing Med.
" 'Kay, Hollis is behind me, Julik should be getting ready; he'll be here in a couple minutes, I got my stuff, only thing we're really waiting on is Yar. And a haw."
"That would be me," a voice said, coming from behind.
"What's going on here?" he asked, in his best impression of a dignified naval voice.
"Uhh... nothing, sir, I'm taking care of this equipment as best as I can. Sir."
Cack waited for another minute, and then the man spoke again. "Sir, that's all, sir. Sir."
Satisfied by this, he went aboard, facing Med.
" 'Kay, Hollis is behind me, Julik should be getting ready; he'll be here in a couple minutes, I got my stuff, only thing we're really waiting on is Yar. And a haw."
"That would be me," a voice said, coming from behind.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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"Malich Venerab at your service," the big man spoke to the team leader. "For some reason they like me to be assigned to the heavy weapons as well," he said and shrugged. Turning back to the shuttle he said over his shoulder "my gear is loaded as is the weapons cache." Moving his frame into the shuttle, he settled in for the ride choosing a seat next to the pilots hatch in case he was neede for that as well.
Shipfixer here, or I was..
*Insert funny quote here*
*Insert funny quote here*
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Yarmo was at the time trying to go, but he had been jumped by two hefty men from Foxtrot Eight, and was currently lying duct-taped to a floor in some random part of the complex. Maybe if he could locate his emergency beacon and switch it on...
No, that would never work, considering how thorough a job the Foxtrot men did. Actually, a crappy job would've prevented him from getting free. Not even an idiot leaves someone's hands free in a floor job.
Luckily for him, though, there was only one layer, and he was able to free himself after a few minutes and rush up to his room. Hopefully the transport hadn't left; he didn't know Cack well enough to know whether or not he'd wait.
Grabbing what he could, and throwing it into a bag, he snatched his standard-issue snipr rifle, not having had time to do anything to it, and raced out for the landing pad.
To his great comfort the transport was still there.
It was also to Cack's relief to see the soldier racing towards him, though Yarmo needn't have worried; Julik wasn't there yet and they weren't leaving, no matter what, until he was aboard.
Cack nodded to him as he climbed on, tossing his pack into an unused corner.
Now only Julik was left to come.
No, that would never work, considering how thorough a job the Foxtrot men did. Actually, a crappy job would've prevented him from getting free. Not even an idiot leaves someone's hands free in a floor job.
Luckily for him, though, there was only one layer, and he was able to free himself after a few minutes and rush up to his room. Hopefully the transport hadn't left; he didn't know Cack well enough to know whether or not he'd wait.
Grabbing what he could, and throwing it into a bag, he snatched his standard-issue snipr rifle, not having had time to do anything to it, and raced out for the landing pad.
To his great comfort the transport was still there.
It was also to Cack's relief to see the soldier racing towards him, though Yarmo needn't have worried; Julik wasn't there yet and they weren't leaving, no matter what, until he was aboard.
Cack nodded to him as he climbed on, tossing his pack into an unused corner.
Now only Julik was left to come.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack turned to Med, again. "You seen Julik anywhere? He should be here by now."
"Actually, he is. Slipped on when you weren't watching."
"What? Oh, there you are. Okay. Pilot, you've been briefed. Let's go."
And so Delta Six of the Seven Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Tactical Recon Group set off, breaking their ties to innocence. War did that to people.
"Actually, he is. Slipped on when you weren't watching."
"What? Oh, there you are. Okay. Pilot, you've been briefed. Let's go."
And so Delta Six of the Seven Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Tactical Recon Group set off, breaking their ties to innocence. War did that to people.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
Cack immediately went back to sleep after the ship made the jump to hyperspace, as that's what he had been doing about fifteen minutes before. He was always fast in getting ready; or did it beforehand. No one knew, not even him.
Yarmo was reading something, an obvious scowl on his face. Forgotten ammunition was a possibility, though it could be something else, like intense hatred for Foxtrot Eight. That was it. He was learning quickly.
That novel would probably be finished by the time they reached their destination; he wasn't looking up at all.
Several hours had passed when Cack woke up, thanks to a jolt that accompanied an exit from hyperspace. Getting up, he went to the main cabin. Yar was still reading.
"Okay, we're gonna land in a couple minutes-"
"Hmm, that's unexpected news," Yarmo said, still not looking up.
"Shut up, Yar. Anyway, we're landing here" - he pointed to a valley on the map in front of him - "and we'll climb into the passes. Then we need to find and destroy the anti-air control systems. Also, we have to destroy any defensive batteries we come across, just in case. Then the main force will land, as soon as the missile and gun systems are down, and we'll form up with them and destroy the base before they can get any fighters out. Remember, we have to be either fast or really, really quiet - preferably both, but I prefer quiet. Rebbys don't have full armor, and while we don't either, a vibroblade to the throat never caused an avalanche. And get ready to get off - the ship can't be on the ground long."
Yarmo was reading something, an obvious scowl on his face. Forgotten ammunition was a possibility, though it could be something else, like intense hatred for Foxtrot Eight. That was it. He was learning quickly.
That novel would probably be finished by the time they reached their destination; he wasn't looking up at all.
Several hours had passed when Cack woke up, thanks to a jolt that accompanied an exit from hyperspace. Getting up, he went to the main cabin. Yar was still reading.
"Okay, we're gonna land in a couple minutes-"
"Hmm, that's unexpected news," Yarmo said, still not looking up.
"Shut up, Yar. Anyway, we're landing here" - he pointed to a valley on the map in front of him - "and we'll climb into the passes. Then we need to find and destroy the anti-air control systems. Also, we have to destroy any defensive batteries we come across, just in case. Then the main force will land, as soon as the missile and gun systems are down, and we'll form up with them and destroy the base before they can get any fighters out. Remember, we have to be either fast or really, really quiet - preferably both, but I prefer quiet. Rebbys don't have full armor, and while we don't either, a vibroblade to the throat never caused an avalanche. And get ready to get off - the ship can't be on the ground long."
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
The ship dove in like a hawk, slowing down only at the last second before impact. As that occurred, Cack rolled out of the hatch with his gear, and immediately got under rock cover. In the next few seconds, the other five had exited, and the ship roared off through the peaks, having never once touched the ground.
As soon as the last glow from the engines had faded from the sky, Cack sighted a rubble-strewn path leading up the hill. This way he took, struggling up the gravel slope with the others behind him.
"Rough terrain," he muttered, "I hate mountains. Why can't we ever fight on a ship or something?"
Within mere long, hard hours, they were deep into the high passes, where the change in elevation between one path and the next was at least in the hundreds of meters.
Walking casually, Cack strode around a corner, his foot almost slipping off the edge of the path, throwing bits of gravel off the edge. As he did, he noticed the path widened out.
"We've probably got a clearing-type area up here. It's a likely spot for a missile battery. I'll climb up here; Yar, Mal, you come with me. Wait for my signal to go ahead."
Cack began looking for good foot and hand holds in the rock face, and began climbing. When he reached the top, he looked back, and both were still standing at the bottom.
He switched on his helmet comlink. "I didn't mean you two, get up here."
OOC: No, it's not a stormie helmet, it's a regular helmet.
As soon as the last glow from the engines had faded from the sky, Cack sighted a rubble-strewn path leading up the hill. This way he took, struggling up the gravel slope with the others behind him.
"Rough terrain," he muttered, "I hate mountains. Why can't we ever fight on a ship or something?"
Within mere long, hard hours, they were deep into the high passes, where the change in elevation between one path and the next was at least in the hundreds of meters.
Walking casually, Cack strode around a corner, his foot almost slipping off the edge of the path, throwing bits of gravel off the edge. As he did, he noticed the path widened out.
"We've probably got a clearing-type area up here. It's a likely spot for a missile battery. I'll climb up here; Yar, Mal, you come with me. Wait for my signal to go ahead."
Cack began looking for good foot and hand holds in the rock face, and began climbing. When he reached the top, he looked back, and both were still standing at the bottom.
He switched on his helmet comlink. "I didn't mean you two, get up here."
OOC: No, it's not a stormie helmet, it's a regular helmet.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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MAlich started up the rocks face, inch by inch. The heavy weapon strapped to his back jostled some, but was held taught. Making his way up as quick as he could he rolled over the lip onto the path and took up a covering possition. Making sure all was still in place in his pack he waited for the other person to make it.
Shipfixer here, or I was..
*Insert funny quote here*
*Insert funny quote here*
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Location: Not Scotland, that's for sure.
OOC: Bump... is anyone still interested in this? If not specifically this thread, possible joining of the Vice and Virtue thread is, well, possible.
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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Sorry about the double post, but I'm going to try and rekindle interest in this, and I didn't manage to edit my last post.
IC: Cack tapped his comm, and said, "No, sorry Jul, no repulsor up here. You'll have to - gasp - use your own muscles. The horror! Now get the hell up here."
A long minute passed before they were all assembled on top of the outcropping, lying prone. Cack signaled for Yar to come with him, and wriggled off through the dust and gravel.
Yes; there was a missile battery. Three missile trucks had launchers aimed skywards, ready to unleash a massive volley upwards, in case anything were to cross their line of sight.
Julik struggled forwards with a wave of the hand, and again the six were grouped together.
A minute of quick planning followed. "Right... Julik, you and Verner go around, and get out your knives. Yar, you and Venerab are supporting us, take up some good position and be ready to provide covering fire. If all goes well, we should have a minimum of gunfire here, but it may get ugly. Med, you can either stay here, or come with me if you're up for some bloody knife action. Once we're all ready, I'll go in and take out the guards closest to the trucks on this side; you two take 'em from that side. You two make sure the guys on the perimeter either don't notice or don't live long enough to realize what's going on. Once we've eliminated all resistance, we disable or destroy the missile trucks. Clear?"
IC: Cack tapped his comm, and said, "No, sorry Jul, no repulsor up here. You'll have to - gasp - use your own muscles. The horror! Now get the hell up here."
A long minute passed before they were all assembled on top of the outcropping, lying prone. Cack signaled for Yar to come with him, and wriggled off through the dust and gravel.
Yes; there was a missile battery. Three missile trucks had launchers aimed skywards, ready to unleash a massive volley upwards, in case anything were to cross their line of sight.
Julik struggled forwards with a wave of the hand, and again the six were grouped together.
A minute of quick planning followed. "Right... Julik, you and Verner go around, and get out your knives. Yar, you and Venerab are supporting us, take up some good position and be ready to provide covering fire. If all goes well, we should have a minimum of gunfire here, but it may get ugly. Med, you can either stay here, or come with me if you're up for some bloody knife action. Once we're all ready, I'll go in and take out the guards closest to the trucks on this side; you two take 'em from that side. You two make sure the guys on the perimeter either don't notice or don't live long enough to realize what's going on. Once we've eliminated all resistance, we disable or destroy the missile trucks. Clear?"
That's no tank!
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
"t all has to show impeccable logic and unflawed realism, even if it deals with a different galaxy and an era 3,000 years in the past or the future." - George Lucas
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