"You were requested here for a very particular assignment," he began, looking over the hunters. "A certain man, by the name of Fall Halbright, has crossed my masters by taking out a high-ranking lieutenant of their organization for the benefit of one of our top enemies. To that end, we cannot allow this man to live." A holo of Fall appeared next to the Sephi informant, showing Fall to be a man in his mid-fifties, battle-hardened, graying hair. "This man is considered very dangerous, but my masters do not wish to take a chance. Thirty-five thousand credits will go to the person who brings him in alive, but if death is necessary, they are willing to pay twenty-five thousand credits. He is a top priority for the organization, and we would rather spend so much and not see more get wasted from his terrorist efforts, than to pay cheap, and get cheap results. You may use whatever means necessary, but remember... we prefer him alive."
OOC: Crappy intro, but I'm just providing us with the backbone.