I think the time has come...

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I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

To start over, at least as far as the Rules of Conduct and Rules for RPing is concerned, at least the RP Rules concerning the MBT, and ONLY, the MBT.

I am going to preface this with...This is a 'discussion', not me saying 'This is going to happen'. I want all to get the feel of 'everyones' opinion on this before we move on with the next step...if there even is one. So keep this discussion civil, or I will hand out warnings, and delete any posts that will be taken as insulting or straight belligerent towards another poster. I think you all know that I have a fair amount of leniency to allow some steam to be let out, but don't push the boundary please...I will not be handing out 'pre-warnings' on this.


My thoughts are that we need to get back to the basics, and those basics are pretty simple. Write your stories. Pretty simple, isn't it?

I am proposing to get rid of the Rules completely, and imposing the good ole fashion..."Play nice, and work together (or separately) but build our SW Universe 'together'"

That is not to say that we don't need some basic rules to be kept in place...once again...strictly for the MBT.

The MBT is the ONLY place on this forum where we need to have people working together, and its really only for the reason that it is, the MBT itself, a continuous storyline, where there could be things that could 'possibly' interfere with another members story, or that it doesn't fit with a set line of progress of the MBT Universe.

I'm going to take, for example, the past Star Wars novels. The novels follow a timeline, and things from past novels are referred in present and future novels. One long continuous Universe. There have been stories in these novels that were epic in story and events, and then there were things that were just pure adventure and intrigue, but all these things fit into the larger SW Universe as a whole.

We need to get back to "just writing stories".

We don't need Faction Coordinators, we have fallen to so few members that their existence has become useless. What we do need is a couple of you to be Story Coordinators, who's sole purpose is the make sure that stories that people write don't step on other members stories...ONLY in the MBT. The other forums are there for those who don't want to write a story that might interfere in others on the MBT. Personally, those that do not want to work together in the only forum where there needs to be some control, are those that just want to be different, buck the system and be selfish to 'their' own wants, and are not thinking about the others that want to work together can create a collaborative universe.

That is 'not' to say that we cannot still have epic stories of large battles, major destruction. But I think the days of blowing up iconic planets and the Major Powers switching regions of space, should be done only on the rarest of occasions...personally, I would vote for 'Not at all'. We can still write epic stories without destroying major worlds, or conquering one side or the other. The Big Two Powers will be...the Big Two Powers, where as, they are there, and that is where they will stay. There is none of the other systems that can challenge them. The Universe as it is right now, is how it will stay. That is not to say it can't happen, but that if something like that was proposed..it would have to be a complete majority of the members that write on the MBT.

That is not to say that those of you, 'that are still writing', that have Independent Systems, that your crafted worlds or Systems are not going to be recognized. Far from it. Your worlds are uniquely created in the gigantic galaxy of the SW Universe, what you have done, cannot be changed. So don't think that even for any instance. Everything that has been written to this point, is history for the SWE MBT Universe, I am NOT suggesting a restart, nor will I vote for anything of the like. A lot of us have put years of work into writing our stories on the MBT, it would be the most disrespectful thing I could imagine to just 'ignore' what has been done over a decade of time.

The Story Coordinators are basically the two members that you need to get with and explain what you have in mind for a story. There job is simple, as long as the story does not change our MBT Universe in some significant way...."Have Fun". You don't have to give them the whole song and dance, just a basic gist of the story and a 'general' outcome. A one paragraph blurb is about all that is needed. One the SC's can look at and immediately go..."Sounds cool".

In other words, no assassinations of Major SW Characters. We will keep with the rule of NOT using the Iconic SW Characters of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, etc..., unless it is a minor blurb about them, or even a innocuous meeting with them (this sort of thing would be something the SCs would need to approve of). Besides, our characters that we have created should be the ones that have all the fun, since their history is still being created.

My initial suggestion for the Two Story Coordinators are:

Pryde and Mirrodin

This is just my initial thoughts on this, and I'm sure that there will be some discussion from the rest of you...and most likely those that will suddenly find a reason to come back and throw in their two cents as well.

My advise to those that 'suddenly' find a reason to return just to cause drama about this subject is: Don't.

If you are actually going to come back and contribute again, then of course we welcome you back and are glad to see you again and get your ass to writing! :)

If not...well...refer to my paragraph above between the ***********************s
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by zephre »

I like it, everything you said makes sense and would contribute to good collaborative storytelling. I've resurfaced from my sabbatical of horrible laziness and literary lethargy to do some interesting writing, and I think (with this on the table) is a good time for me to do so! I'm for it!
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

Nichalus wrote:My thoughts are that we need to get back to the basics, and those basics are pretty simple. Write your stories. Pretty simple, isn't it?
Is that not what we're doing right now? I'm seriously asking cause I really thought that's what we were doing right now.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

I think what Nich means, and he can correct me if I'm wrong, is that the "rules", not just these rules in particular, have always been a bit stifling for some, and a source of contention for many. In some fashion, rules are necessary (That comes from my ridiculous expertise after 1 month of Law school and annoying Pops with logic which he hates. (Seriously, he hates logic. Believes that certain people would never lose, things like that)). But in the past we had to create rules and change rules to guide the ebb and flow of certain...OOC Characters that were present.

With a reduced level of membership, for a variety of reasons, everyone who is here is here because they want to write, not to argue or to start issues with others.

Potentially nothing more than symbolic, though I would disagree, Nich's suggestion has more to do with cementing the fact that we've changed as a community, rather than just a makeover of verbiage that's worded a certain way.

In my view, this is similar to how the WoH works, save for the simultaneously hardline and lenient CCRs. I feel that I've somewhat expanded the spirit of the WoH Coordinator position to do more than just maintain the lists and be the first line in resolving disputes. It's worked exceptionally well there, and dare I point out that often times in the past...year and a half, I'd say, the WoH has been decidedly more active than the MBT.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Archangel »

I guess my only concern about this is the current thrust of stories we have planned surrounding the Empire and the New Republic. Now, granted, a lot of people aren't here anymore, for one reason or another, but the idea of skirmishes and subterfuge between the Big Two Powers was entertaining to me. That sort of story, though, might involve some worlds changing hands sooner or later.

Other than that, though, I think this is more or less how I've been operating (when I've actually been posting, anyway)--just without submitting my stories for approval to anyone, because they generally don't affect things besides my characters.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

The idea of the Story Coordinators is not be ause we need them 'now', but if we should start having an influx of either returning writers, or new writers. Right now with the few members that we do have i have no real concerns about anyone's stories interfering with another. Consider the action of getting rid of the old rules, installing SCs as a pre-emptive measure.

We're already operating under the 'Play Nice' rules. Lets make it official.

And I agree with you Arch the stories between the NR and Imps are fun to write. Some minor planets will go back and forth, that is a given. But as for the major worlds, we need to keep them as we have them now. Land grabs and building power and massive fleets are good for Sims, but as we have said time and time again...this isnt a sim. Nwe're here to write stories with one another, and that is how it should remain.

Right now we respresent the 'new' core members of this board. We all trust one another to work together to build stories. No drama, and thank god, no arguments.

By implimenting these simple straight forword rules now, there will be no arguments in the future.

Play Nice
Respect each others stories

If you know that your story isnt going to destroy a universe, major world (if you feel the need to, you could create a new world and blow that up), a Major Character, basically is your not going to majorly alter the universe and the status quo, then there isnt even a need to talk to the SCs.

Cor the major 'event' style stories, that is where you need to get with the SCs. I know Mirr is got a big story coming, and some major arcs with things moving back and forth, but the changes are not permenent. Stories that are being 'written' by others during this event dont have to change anything for the fact it can easily be said that one story happened before the other. Stories don't have to be happening at same time. Though if there is one of the major stories happening, then other writing a story with characters that are not a part of the event, could add a little excitement to their own story by merging their story briefly with the event. Passing through the events war zone, for instance. Or just not having it in ther ar all.

We have convoluted the old rules so much that they are far too restrictive, not to mention the reason we have lost so many members. We need to officially get rid of them and start anew.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

So we trash the current rules and replace them with this. I'm game. ;)
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

Pryde2000 wrote:So we trash the current rules and replace them with this. I'm game. ;)
LOL...omg i needed a good laugh today Pryde. Thank you!

And yes, that is really the basis of the new rules in a nutshell.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

I try my best to please. ;)
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

Photoshop it to "Kev" and add weird scruff.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Foxx »

Yes to Nichalus' idea.

I like it a lot.

It doesn't affect anything of mine, as the Jensaarai plot that I've been working on was never going to be a major galaxy affecting storyline.

I am interested in ensuring that Mir's storyline does take place. I have characters and time invested in it.

Besides that, I feel that you've hit upon a number of good points. :D
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Cadden »

If I can get myself back into RPing... been rather busy of late... I'd be for this. As my thing has already received the board-wide approval (or, at least, no disapprovals), I don't think it'd be on the chopping block. But I'd be more than willing to revisit discussions, if it came down to it.

If my schedule frees up enough to permit. Once this month is over and the dust settles from it, I'll revisit that notion.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by ValynDyral »

This may read like a loaded question, but I genuinely am curious:

How many folks who still hang out here do so primarily for the community/relationships they've built, and how many do so primarily to roleplay?

Follow-up question: How many people hang out here but haven't roleplayed within the last year (thus, presumably, can be classified as inactive in terms of RP).
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

My question would be what defines roleplayed within the last year?

As to your first two questions, I fall under both categories.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

I think, and I could be completely wrong here, but I think you could say everybody for both questions and be right. I know I keep coming back here because writing with you guys has been some of my best memories and I start to feel bad if I spend an extended period away. Kind of like losing touch with a friend you've known for years. As far as the second question goes, though, the people who are left who still role play more often than not do it so sparingly that they can almost qualify for being inactive. I know I fall under that category and probably a few others. Mirrodin posts more regularly than most people so he might not qualify. :P
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

I'm pretty sure at this point, and potentially for a while, I am the most active.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Jagtai »

I don't spend much time here anymore (life and all that), but I like Nich's proposal.

I would suggest, however, that you "suspend" the current rules. That way, if you ever need to institute them again (however unlikely it seems now), you don't have to write them up again.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by corsos »

I'm with jag, let's file them away just in case they are needed for he future.

But I think Nich's larger point is the right one, we need it as simple for people to come in and write as possible.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

Well, I had tried my damnedest to do it in this really, stupidly complicated way which ended up not working the way I wanted it to. So, I just moved the current community rules aside for now but restoring them should be a cinch if we decide to do that later.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

You mean that the majority of the people here thought I was 'right'?

*Pulls out his notepad titled "Bucket List" and check marks a line that reads 'people thought I was right/had a good idea'*

The list is getting smaller and smaller every year. *smirk*
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Balsa »

Um. Did you get rid of the wiki rules as well? Including image citation and the like? Was that intended?

Edit: never mind, I misread the threads. Looks like the wiki rule set is still there. I blame it on reading the forum on s phone.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

I still say put "Kev" and add weird scruff to the face, instead of Will.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

Balsa wrote:Um. Did you get rid of the wiki rules as well? Including image citation and the like? Was that intended?

Edit: never mind, I misread the threads. Looks like the wiki rule set is still there. I blame it on reading the forum on s phone.
That's where all that complicated stuff came into play, but then I checked the other thread and realized they were the same rules so I figured alright, cool.

Also, I suck with Photoshop, sooo...
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Balsa »

Well the wiki rules are different from the forum rules because they govern things like image citation, copyright, plagiarism, etc. if you guys want to get rid of that, that's fine, but I think they are more important because they address actual RL issues.

Also, it does appear you guys invalidated the wiki rules but did not actually remove the thread. Related, there are a ton of rule threads that need to be cleaned. There's like five obsolete ones now.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Cadden »

Yes, wiki rules need to remain in place. There should be no reason to alter them, but if anyone has concerns/complaints, address them to one of your so-obviously active admins and we'll get back you eventually, sometime this century. ;)
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

I mean they were in two different places, so I had to make sure the ones I was removing were the same as the ones I left behind. If that makes any sense.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Balsa »

Well, the title of the new rules thread includes wiki in the title, so that needs to be removed. Additionally, there are a host of rule threads in the MBT forum that need to be archived because they are obsolete with the removal of FCs et al.
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Pryde »

You're making my job more difficult here. ><
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

And we'll give them due attention in time Balsa. Thanks for taking the time away from your other past time, to point these things out. *smirk*
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Balsa »

I'll have you know I made great sacrifices to point these things out!! :P

Also, I would have assumed, Nich, with all your free time as a retired old man you would have fixed those. Then again, the old eyes aren't what they used to be, right? ;)
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Vox »

Not bad old man...
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Nichalus »

Vox wrote:Not bad old man...
Thank you Kid. *smirk*

You know Vox, Mirr has been bugging me to bring back an old nemesis of Freedom from the Dark Ether. I 'really' don't want to write him again, for personal reason, but the only way I will do so is if Freedom joins us on the Family thread. :P
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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Mir »

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Re: I think the time has come...

Post by Vox »

Eh...I mean if it's a completely separate story line maybe. You're asking me to take Freedom down a path that I'm not sure I WANT to take him down again. Now that he's all good and solid and well...not completely unstable and spewing Force energy everywhere. :lol:

It depends on the story but I'm open to it if you can flesh it out a bit. Though...said nemesis...is the galaxy ready for that? I mean last time they fought they literally tore the spires off the Jedi Temple and made half of it fall down with the sheer amount of Force energy they expended.
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