The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Posts: 776
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Location: Somewhere in California...
The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
OOC THread can be found here ... f=2&t=8531
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shuttle NR-571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jok Zephre was bored..
He sat in the acceleration couch, gazing out of the port hole on the starboard side of the Lambda Shuttle as the Hyperspace distortions pass by as they traveled to the next jump point. He had had enough of shuttles, and starships for that matter and wanted some solid ground under his feet for a change, some air that wasn't recycled, and food that wasn't reconstituted. Jok was sick of space travel, pure and simple. Worse yet, instead of making a direct jump, the Shuttle had to make several micro jumps for security reasons.
He looked around the compartment, for the hundredth time, at the other passengers. They were Kids like him, who were in the same boat as he, literally and figuratively. Several were his own age, nearly, while others were more his Sisters age, around ten cycles. This transport was simply to move dependants of Military personal to permanent duty stations.
His Sister, Catlyn Ric was fast asleep, her strait red hair in shambles, Her head resting on his leg as she sprawled across the other seat. Sighing, He stretched his gangly legs around the seat in front of him. Brushing red hair from his face, and closing his eyes, trying for the last time to catch a nap before their arrival at Agramar. At least they were going home, unlike the rest of these kids who's parents where going to new duty stations. Jok knew that his parents would be waiting for them at the end of their journey, and he hoped that these kids would have someone there as well. He had been the kid who had a nanny, or some assistant waiting for them. Taking another sip of his fizz, he sunk deeper into the couch,
He and his sister had been born on Agramar, and spent a good part of his childhood on the Jewel of the Outer Rim. They had spent the last five years on Coruscant with their father, who was the Junior Senator representing Agramar. Their Mother, on the other hand, wasn't from Agramar, but it was her adopted home world since the time of the Rebellion. Jok always took it as a sense of pride that his mom told people that he had been with at the Battle of Endor, albeit he was only a few cells in her womb.
His Mother was from Tatooine, and didn't like talking about her immediate family. Jok knew that he had an uncle Joklyn, whom he was named for, and died some years ago. He had been an Imperial, and from what he understood, and there was some bad blood between his uncle and his mother. His mother, Raisa, was a Captain in the Republic Navy and commander of the Star Destroyer Rigel Kentaurus up to the war with Xen Chi. It was another thing his mother didn't want to talk about, but whatever had happened, it put her in the hospital for nearly a full cycle, with constant nerve therapy and bacta treatment. His Mother was now released from the hospital, with a clean bill of health.
That was two weeks ago. Neither he nor his Sister had seen their mother since she was released from the hospital except via holocom. Father had told them that they were heading back to Agramar to be with their mother, for good. She was now restationed, by choice, as the commander of the 31st logistical wing for the New Republic Navy, to give him and his sister a more stable enviroment. He would be joining them within the week once the Senate adjourned for recess. Jok was looking forward to having a normal family life, if not for just a little while.
<<Attention passengers, we will be reverting from hyperspace in ten minutes, please strap yourselves in and prepare for reversion. THose passengers who need assistance please contact one of the attendants>>>
"Are we there yet" Catlyn said, sitting up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Shaking his head. "Not yet. We've still got another jump." Jok continued "were close to revision though. You might want to Strap in." Catlyn nodded, and began pulling the belt across her small waste. The other children were likewise buckling in, as Jok caught the eye of a young girl, dark skinned and pretty, around his age. She smiled brightly at him, and gave a slight wave. Jok smiled back, and likewise waved, showering himself with the Drink box. The girl burst out in a laugh, and sat back in her acceleration couch. Humiliated, Jok wiped the sticky drink off his face. Catlyn Zephre only comment was "You Smoothie." grinning. Attendants moved from the back of the shuttle to the front, ensuring that all of the harness's were securely fastened.
NR-571 dropped out of hyperspace, with another vessel waiting for them...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR SPACE PORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The crowd at the inbound vessels terminal was excited, to say the least. Nervous parents, mixed with Nannies and protocol droids, awaited the passengers of NR-571 Shuttle from Coruscant. Several of the parents were showing each other the holo images of their children to each other, while others spoke on Comms to who knows whom.
Teluca Gann couldn't contain her glee at seeing her daughter again. She had been transferred to the 31st Logistics group a month ago, and was finally cleared to bring her daughter Ahzi to Agramar. Teluca continuously looked at the inboard flights board, wanting to see when it changed from Enroute to Arrived. Checking her own comm for updates and seeing nothing new, she returned to watching the board. Another woman stepped into her field of view, sipping a cup of something hot and smelled wonderful. Accompanying her was a Purple Astromech droid, a much older model than she had seen in recent years. The droid swiveled its head around to look at her for a few moments, and returned to look at its master.
"Artee, any word on the shuttle?" The woman said, pushing red hair out of her eyes.
<<<<001No00101mistress010010none01at01001this time001001>>>> the droid responded in spoken word mixed than the usual electronic language that astromech had.
The woman simply nodded, and continued to sip the beverage. Teluca could see that a vocoder had been attached to the front of the droid, which to her seemed like a brilliant idea. She usually had to rely in a tech reader to understand astromechs. She also felt it was time to talk to another person before she turned into a quivering mass. Stepping up to the red headed woman, she smiled. "Excuse me.. what is that your drinking?" she said "It smells wonderful." The Red headed woman smirked "Ormada Tea, they sell it at the stand around the corner." and after looking at her "Its very relaxing." Teluca nodded, and pressed on. "You have children coming on the shuttle?"
<<<00101obvious0101question0101requiring0101no answer0010101>>>> the droid piped in...
"Artee! Manners!" the woman said to the droid. Teluca felt suddenly foolish. Why else would she be at this terminal. However, the woman answered "I have two, my Son and Daughter." and sipping again, saying over the cup. "You?"
<<<010011Another00101Question00011needing01no01answer01010>>>> Artee again interjected.
Teluca smiled, "My daughter.. she's 15 cycles! Here..." She pulled out a Holo from her pocket and activated it, showing a pretty dark skinned girl, hair braided down the center of her back. "I haven't seen her in over a month, since my transfer here." she said. The Red Haired woman regarded the holo. "She's a sweetheart. your very lucky." Teluca, please with the reaction, put it back into her pocket. "I'm Teluca Gann, nice to meet you." and extended a hand to the woman. The woman took it, shaking it "Raisa Zephre, a pleasure."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shuttle NR-571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Aren't they done yet?" Catlyn said, fidgeting in her seat. Jok straightened up a bit. "Probably some cargo transfers, I'm sure its nothing, just relax. We'll be underway soon." he said to his sister. Catlyn continued to fidget in her seat. He checked his Chrono, and they had been here for a considerable amount of time. Almost two hours. "Stop fidgeting" He insisted, wondering what was taking so long. His little sister whispered "I have to go."
"Go? as in Go go?" he said. She nodded.
"Then go, its back there." Jok told her. "I cant, the belt wont unlock" She began rocking back and forth. Reaching over to her belt, he tried the latch. It wouldn't release, she was right. Dren. "Can you hold it a little longer? We'll be underway..." she shook her head furiously.
She was indeed about to blow.
Reaching to the side of the belt closest to the hard points, he pulled strait out and up. The emergency release clicked, and his little sister was free of the belts. She rushed to the fresher, with him saying in a low voice, "Come right back". Jok watched her as she disappeared into the back, and settled back into his couch. The attendants would just have to understand that she was having an emergency. "Hey" He heard from across the aisle. "How did you do that." it was a distinctly female voice. Looking up, he saw the girl whom he had embarrassed himself earlier. Raising an eyebrow, he responded "How did I do what?" The Girl rolled her eyes, "Get out of the Acceleration couch. Were locked in." Ah, that made sense. Girls had smaller bladders then males, or so he had noticed in his abundant experience of having a sister. "There is a release at the base of the Belt, where it meets with the hard point. My Mom and Dad showed me where it was when I was a kid, in case I got stuck." or had to pee really badly, he wanted to say. the Girl smiled, "Wizard, thanks!" She smiled at him. Attendants walked through the compartment again, taking what he assumed was a head count. Jok didn't recognize this one, however. She was a hard faced woman wearing a Republic Uniform which was somewhat ill fitting. One thing he had picked up being a military brat was that reguardless of the species, Uniforms fit a certain way. Hers was quite frankly, too short. It showed more of her legs than was regulation, and the sleaves were too far up her forarms.
Somthing else was wrong. Catlyn wasnt back yet. She was an annoying little kid, but she also listened to him when in mattered. If she had been caught, then she would have been brought strait back to her seat, and they both would have been scolded. The attendant who had walked past a moment before was comming back, as the girl who had spoked with him caught her attention. "Can I use the fresher?" she asked simply. The Attendant snapped back at her, "Shut up and mind your own. You can soak your seat for all I care." and continued to move back, hurried. THe girl looked perplexed, and her face took on a defiant look, and reached over to the Belt Attachement. Within a moment or two, she was released, and headed back to the Freshers, following the path that Catlyn took. "Hey" Jok called to her, "Bring back my sister if you see her." Nodding, she disapeared into the back. Moments passed as he, as well as a good number of the other passengers, heard what sounded like a loud slap. Spinning around in his seat, he saw the girl being brought out roughly by the arm by the Hard Faced Woman, holding her face. THe hard faced woman deposited her in the aisle seat next to where his sister was sitting. "Buckle in, and stay put!"
"Leave her alone, its my fault she got out of the restraints!" Jok said loudly. THe Hard Faced woman grabbed his collar, and leveled a blaster under his chin. "Then I'll have to keep my eye's on you then, wont I." she said coldly.
Hard Faced Woman stood back, and yelled to the passengers. "Attention, Children of the Republic! You are now in our care!" As she said this, five more sentients came from the back, carrying blasters with Catlyn in tow. "Your only course of action is to behave yourselves, and you will be treated well." SHe said, as another sentient, a Nikto, brought forward one of the attendants to the front. It looked as though she had been roughed up, blood evident at her nose and mouth. She was placed up against the bulkhead. "Failure to do so..." Hard Face said aloud, and leveled her blaster at the Attendant and fired, the bolt leaving a burn mark on the Attendants Chest. She slumped to the ground, dead. Catlyn, who was being held at the front, struggled against the Human holding her.
The Children screamed, fighting against thier Harnesses, trying to get free. Hard Face fired another blast into the Attendant, gaining thier attention again. "As I said, Behaving is your only course of action, and you have no where to go except out an air lock..." Jok put his hand on the Emergency release of his own belt. If they leveled that blaster on Catlyn, he would have to do somthing about it. what he wasnt sure, but somthing. Hard Face waited until the majority of them calmed, and had Catlyn put into one of the seats in the front. Her Brother breathed a sigh of relief as the hijackers stepped away from Catlyn, and began taking the Crew seats, and buckling in, prepping for Hyperspace Jump...
Joklyn Zephre knew that simply behaving was going to be enough...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR SPACE PORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Raisa Zephre looked at the transit board along with the other parents at the incomming flights, which still read ENROUTE. Looking at her Chrono, as another time part clicked by, Raisa Zephre began to realize that somthing had gone wrong. Now they were five hours late, and in this case, somthing must have happened to delay them. Raisa only hoped that it was a delay. She needed to talk to the Star Port Authority, and hopefully get an answer. Turning, she headed off towards the SPA's offices. A quick bark from Artee stopped her.
<<<001information0101Inbound00101>>>> He said
The status board suddenly changed to DELAYED, and a groan bubbled up from the crowd, mixed with some gasps, and one explanative. Raisa looked over to Teluca, who seemed beside herself. She had learned that her Husband had died during one of the last conflicts with the Xen Chi, and all she had left was her kid. Stepping closer to her, she said low "I'm gonna head over to the SPA tower, and see what I can find out." And started walking towards the section concourse. "Ill update you as soon as I find out." Teluca asked "Do you think they'll tell you anything?" Raisa pulled her credentials from inside the pocket of her jacket, and folded it out of the top pocket so that the Identification showed. Looking at the Credentials for a moment, the woman nodded, gratefully. "Good Luck Captain."
Raisa nodded as she headed towards the concourse towards the SPA Tower... ... f=2&t=8531
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shuttle NR-571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jok Zephre was bored..
He sat in the acceleration couch, gazing out of the port hole on the starboard side of the Lambda Shuttle as the Hyperspace distortions pass by as they traveled to the next jump point. He had had enough of shuttles, and starships for that matter and wanted some solid ground under his feet for a change, some air that wasn't recycled, and food that wasn't reconstituted. Jok was sick of space travel, pure and simple. Worse yet, instead of making a direct jump, the Shuttle had to make several micro jumps for security reasons.
He looked around the compartment, for the hundredth time, at the other passengers. They were Kids like him, who were in the same boat as he, literally and figuratively. Several were his own age, nearly, while others were more his Sisters age, around ten cycles. This transport was simply to move dependants of Military personal to permanent duty stations.
His Sister, Catlyn Ric was fast asleep, her strait red hair in shambles, Her head resting on his leg as she sprawled across the other seat. Sighing, He stretched his gangly legs around the seat in front of him. Brushing red hair from his face, and closing his eyes, trying for the last time to catch a nap before their arrival at Agramar. At least they were going home, unlike the rest of these kids who's parents where going to new duty stations. Jok knew that his parents would be waiting for them at the end of their journey, and he hoped that these kids would have someone there as well. He had been the kid who had a nanny, or some assistant waiting for them. Taking another sip of his fizz, he sunk deeper into the couch,
He and his sister had been born on Agramar, and spent a good part of his childhood on the Jewel of the Outer Rim. They had spent the last five years on Coruscant with their father, who was the Junior Senator representing Agramar. Their Mother, on the other hand, wasn't from Agramar, but it was her adopted home world since the time of the Rebellion. Jok always took it as a sense of pride that his mom told people that he had been with at the Battle of Endor, albeit he was only a few cells in her womb.
His Mother was from Tatooine, and didn't like talking about her immediate family. Jok knew that he had an uncle Joklyn, whom he was named for, and died some years ago. He had been an Imperial, and from what he understood, and there was some bad blood between his uncle and his mother. His mother, Raisa, was a Captain in the Republic Navy and commander of the Star Destroyer Rigel Kentaurus up to the war with Xen Chi. It was another thing his mother didn't want to talk about, but whatever had happened, it put her in the hospital for nearly a full cycle, with constant nerve therapy and bacta treatment. His Mother was now released from the hospital, with a clean bill of health.
That was two weeks ago. Neither he nor his Sister had seen their mother since she was released from the hospital except via holocom. Father had told them that they were heading back to Agramar to be with their mother, for good. She was now restationed, by choice, as the commander of the 31st logistical wing for the New Republic Navy, to give him and his sister a more stable enviroment. He would be joining them within the week once the Senate adjourned for recess. Jok was looking forward to having a normal family life, if not for just a little while.
<<Attention passengers, we will be reverting from hyperspace in ten minutes, please strap yourselves in and prepare for reversion. THose passengers who need assistance please contact one of the attendants>>>
"Are we there yet" Catlyn said, sitting up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Shaking his head. "Not yet. We've still got another jump." Jok continued "were close to revision though. You might want to Strap in." Catlyn nodded, and began pulling the belt across her small waste. The other children were likewise buckling in, as Jok caught the eye of a young girl, dark skinned and pretty, around his age. She smiled brightly at him, and gave a slight wave. Jok smiled back, and likewise waved, showering himself with the Drink box. The girl burst out in a laugh, and sat back in her acceleration couch. Humiliated, Jok wiped the sticky drink off his face. Catlyn Zephre only comment was "You Smoothie." grinning. Attendants moved from the back of the shuttle to the front, ensuring that all of the harness's were securely fastened.
NR-571 dropped out of hyperspace, with another vessel waiting for them...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR SPACE PORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The crowd at the inbound vessels terminal was excited, to say the least. Nervous parents, mixed with Nannies and protocol droids, awaited the passengers of NR-571 Shuttle from Coruscant. Several of the parents were showing each other the holo images of their children to each other, while others spoke on Comms to who knows whom.
Teluca Gann couldn't contain her glee at seeing her daughter again. She had been transferred to the 31st Logistics group a month ago, and was finally cleared to bring her daughter Ahzi to Agramar. Teluca continuously looked at the inboard flights board, wanting to see when it changed from Enroute to Arrived. Checking her own comm for updates and seeing nothing new, she returned to watching the board. Another woman stepped into her field of view, sipping a cup of something hot and smelled wonderful. Accompanying her was a Purple Astromech droid, a much older model than she had seen in recent years. The droid swiveled its head around to look at her for a few moments, and returned to look at its master.
"Artee, any word on the shuttle?" The woman said, pushing red hair out of her eyes.
<<<<001No00101mistress010010none01at01001this time001001>>>> the droid responded in spoken word mixed than the usual electronic language that astromech had.
The woman simply nodded, and continued to sip the beverage. Teluca could see that a vocoder had been attached to the front of the droid, which to her seemed like a brilliant idea. She usually had to rely in a tech reader to understand astromechs. She also felt it was time to talk to another person before she turned into a quivering mass. Stepping up to the red headed woman, she smiled. "Excuse me.. what is that your drinking?" she said "It smells wonderful." The Red headed woman smirked "Ormada Tea, they sell it at the stand around the corner." and after looking at her "Its very relaxing." Teluca nodded, and pressed on. "You have children coming on the shuttle?"
<<<00101obvious0101question0101requiring0101no answer0010101>>>> the droid piped in...
"Artee! Manners!" the woman said to the droid. Teluca felt suddenly foolish. Why else would she be at this terminal. However, the woman answered "I have two, my Son and Daughter." and sipping again, saying over the cup. "You?"
<<<010011Another00101Question00011needing01no01answer01010>>>> Artee again interjected.
Teluca smiled, "My daughter.. she's 15 cycles! Here..." She pulled out a Holo from her pocket and activated it, showing a pretty dark skinned girl, hair braided down the center of her back. "I haven't seen her in over a month, since my transfer here." she said. The Red Haired woman regarded the holo. "She's a sweetheart. your very lucky." Teluca, please with the reaction, put it back into her pocket. "I'm Teluca Gann, nice to meet you." and extended a hand to the woman. The woman took it, shaking it "Raisa Zephre, a pleasure."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shuttle NR-571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Aren't they done yet?" Catlyn said, fidgeting in her seat. Jok straightened up a bit. "Probably some cargo transfers, I'm sure its nothing, just relax. We'll be underway soon." he said to his sister. Catlyn continued to fidget in her seat. He checked his Chrono, and they had been here for a considerable amount of time. Almost two hours. "Stop fidgeting" He insisted, wondering what was taking so long. His little sister whispered "I have to go."
"Go? as in Go go?" he said. She nodded.
"Then go, its back there." Jok told her. "I cant, the belt wont unlock" She began rocking back and forth. Reaching over to her belt, he tried the latch. It wouldn't release, she was right. Dren. "Can you hold it a little longer? We'll be underway..." she shook her head furiously.
She was indeed about to blow.
Reaching to the side of the belt closest to the hard points, he pulled strait out and up. The emergency release clicked, and his little sister was free of the belts. She rushed to the fresher, with him saying in a low voice, "Come right back". Jok watched her as she disappeared into the back, and settled back into his couch. The attendants would just have to understand that she was having an emergency. "Hey" He heard from across the aisle. "How did you do that." it was a distinctly female voice. Looking up, he saw the girl whom he had embarrassed himself earlier. Raising an eyebrow, he responded "How did I do what?" The Girl rolled her eyes, "Get out of the Acceleration couch. Were locked in." Ah, that made sense. Girls had smaller bladders then males, or so he had noticed in his abundant experience of having a sister. "There is a release at the base of the Belt, where it meets with the hard point. My Mom and Dad showed me where it was when I was a kid, in case I got stuck." or had to pee really badly, he wanted to say. the Girl smiled, "Wizard, thanks!" She smiled at him. Attendants walked through the compartment again, taking what he assumed was a head count. Jok didn't recognize this one, however. She was a hard faced woman wearing a Republic Uniform which was somewhat ill fitting. One thing he had picked up being a military brat was that reguardless of the species, Uniforms fit a certain way. Hers was quite frankly, too short. It showed more of her legs than was regulation, and the sleaves were too far up her forarms.
Somthing else was wrong. Catlyn wasnt back yet. She was an annoying little kid, but she also listened to him when in mattered. If she had been caught, then she would have been brought strait back to her seat, and they both would have been scolded. The attendant who had walked past a moment before was comming back, as the girl who had spoked with him caught her attention. "Can I use the fresher?" she asked simply. The Attendant snapped back at her, "Shut up and mind your own. You can soak your seat for all I care." and continued to move back, hurried. THe girl looked perplexed, and her face took on a defiant look, and reached over to the Belt Attachement. Within a moment or two, she was released, and headed back to the Freshers, following the path that Catlyn took. "Hey" Jok called to her, "Bring back my sister if you see her." Nodding, she disapeared into the back. Moments passed as he, as well as a good number of the other passengers, heard what sounded like a loud slap. Spinning around in his seat, he saw the girl being brought out roughly by the arm by the Hard Faced Woman, holding her face. THe hard faced woman deposited her in the aisle seat next to where his sister was sitting. "Buckle in, and stay put!"
"Leave her alone, its my fault she got out of the restraints!" Jok said loudly. THe Hard Faced woman grabbed his collar, and leveled a blaster under his chin. "Then I'll have to keep my eye's on you then, wont I." she said coldly.
Hard Faced Woman stood back, and yelled to the passengers. "Attention, Children of the Republic! You are now in our care!" As she said this, five more sentients came from the back, carrying blasters with Catlyn in tow. "Your only course of action is to behave yourselves, and you will be treated well." SHe said, as another sentient, a Nikto, brought forward one of the attendants to the front. It looked as though she had been roughed up, blood evident at her nose and mouth. She was placed up against the bulkhead. "Failure to do so..." Hard Face said aloud, and leveled her blaster at the Attendant and fired, the bolt leaving a burn mark on the Attendants Chest. She slumped to the ground, dead. Catlyn, who was being held at the front, struggled against the Human holding her.
The Children screamed, fighting against thier Harnesses, trying to get free. Hard Face fired another blast into the Attendant, gaining thier attention again. "As I said, Behaving is your only course of action, and you have no where to go except out an air lock..." Jok put his hand on the Emergency release of his own belt. If they leveled that blaster on Catlyn, he would have to do somthing about it. what he wasnt sure, but somthing. Hard Face waited until the majority of them calmed, and had Catlyn put into one of the seats in the front. Her Brother breathed a sigh of relief as the hijackers stepped away from Catlyn, and began taking the Crew seats, and buckling in, prepping for Hyperspace Jump...
Joklyn Zephre knew that simply behaving was going to be enough...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR SPACE PORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Raisa Zephre looked at the transit board along with the other parents at the incomming flights, which still read ENROUTE. Looking at her Chrono, as another time part clicked by, Raisa Zephre began to realize that somthing had gone wrong. Now they were five hours late, and in this case, somthing must have happened to delay them. Raisa only hoped that it was a delay. She needed to talk to the Star Port Authority, and hopefully get an answer. Turning, she headed off towards the SPA's offices. A quick bark from Artee stopped her.
<<<001information0101Inbound00101>>>> He said
The status board suddenly changed to DELAYED, and a groan bubbled up from the crowd, mixed with some gasps, and one explanative. Raisa looked over to Teluca, who seemed beside herself. She had learned that her Husband had died during one of the last conflicts with the Xen Chi, and all she had left was her kid. Stepping closer to her, she said low "I'm gonna head over to the SPA tower, and see what I can find out." And started walking towards the section concourse. "Ill update you as soon as I find out." Teluca asked "Do you think they'll tell you anything?" Raisa pulled her credentials from inside the pocket of her jacket, and folded it out of the top pocket so that the Identification showed. Looking at the Credentials for a moment, the woman nodded, gratefully. "Good Luck Captain."
Raisa nodded as she headed towards the concourse towards the SPA Tower...
Last edited by zephre on Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lambda Shuttle NR-571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Catlyn Zephre Ric clenched her eyes shut, knowing if she opened them, they would still be there. She wanted her Brother, her Mom and Dad, and to go Home. In that order. Catlyn wanted the Hard Faced woman to go away, to not point the blaster at her. She wanted to see her Uncle Devon again, and his wife Jola. Catlyn wanted to see her Aunt Chianna and Uncle Chase too! THese bad guys wouldnt stand a chance against them! Jok would start by punching them alot, keeping them from hurting her, but there would be too many for him, and then Mom and Uncle Chase would blast through the bulkhead, leading the soldiers from the Rigel Kentaurus, followed by her Uncle Devon and Aunt Jola, Their lightsabres flashing as they reflected the blaster bolts back at the bad guys. They would beat them all, and then theyd go home, to where her Dad and Aunt Chianna would be there.
Just go away just go away...
Somthing sharp touched her arm, like when the medical droids give you a shot. It even had the sound, Pssst! She squeezed her eyes tighter, hearing what they said as they passed.
"How long does this stuff take effect?" the voice said. The Voice of the Hard Faced Woman answered. "By the time we come out of Jump, the Boss can take his readings." she continued. "Just be ready to seperate the positives and the negatives..."
Just go away.. Just go away...
Catlyn Zephre Ric clenched her eyes shut, knowing if she opened them, they would still be there. She wanted her Brother, her Mom and Dad, and to go Home. In that order. Catlyn wanted the Hard Faced woman to go away, to not point the blaster at her. She wanted to see her Uncle Devon again, and his wife Jola. Catlyn wanted to see her Aunt Chianna and Uncle Chase too! THese bad guys wouldnt stand a chance against them! Jok would start by punching them alot, keeping them from hurting her, but there would be too many for him, and then Mom and Uncle Chase would blast through the bulkhead, leading the soldiers from the Rigel Kentaurus, followed by her Uncle Devon and Aunt Jola, Their lightsabres flashing as they reflected the blaster bolts back at the bad guys. They would beat them all, and then theyd go home, to where her Dad and Aunt Chianna would be there.
Just go away just go away...
Somthing sharp touched her arm, like when the medical droids give you a shot. It even had the sound, Pssst! She squeezed her eyes tighter, hearing what they said as they passed.
"How long does this stuff take effect?" the voice said. The Voice of the Hard Faced Woman answered. "By the time we come out of Jump, the Boss can take his readings." she continued. "Just be ready to seperate the positives and the negatives..."
Just go away.. Just go away...
Posts: 776
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Location: Somewhere in California...
Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Grand Convocation Chamber: Coruscant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
"Next issue on the table is Initiative 2861-C: titled Increase of Benefits and Compensation for the Alazhi Harvesters Union." Chief of State Leia Organa-Solo began, her voice coming through the Holomonitor in Agramar's Senate pod. "This initiative will increase the base workers wage, which was reported as nearly forty percent less than the Republic standard for contracted employees, as well as basic health benefits for the workers and their families." She concluded the introduction. Senator Dun Nuedan glanced over to the Junior Senator standing next to him. Catching his eye, gave him a slight nod. "The Senate recognized the Senior Committee chairman from Agramar, Senator Nuedan."
Dun Neudan leaned closer to the receptor, "The chair is turned over to the Junior Senator from Agramar" and stepped back. Taan Ric stepped forward, "Good Morning, Madam President, Good Morning to the Senate." he began "As we all know, Bacta is used in daily life by nearly all sentients in the Republic. Bacta is a synthetic chemical substance that consisted of gelatinous, translucent red Alazhi and Kavam bacterial particles that were mixed within a colorless, viscous fluid known as ambori. When a patient was exposed to bacta, the bacterial particles within sought out wounds and promoted rapid tissue regeneration while preventing the emergence of scar tissue. Bacta was often thought of as a "miracle fluid", and seemed to be effective against almost every type of injury and ailment across an incredible cross-section of species throughout the galaxy. It is considered to be the best medicine available anywhere, with kolto as its short-lived competitor." he glanced over to Nuedan, who nodded approval. Ric continued. "The element Alazhi is farmed on numerous worlds in the Republic, the Empire and Corporate Sector, usually by sentient workers rather than droids, as it has been proven that the process of harvesting by mechanical means deteriorates the bacteria from the Xoorzi fungus."
Taan Ric looked around the Chambers, and realized that he had their attention, continued. "The workers who Harvest Alazhi are protected by the Alazhi Harvesters Union, which came into being no more than two years ago to look after the interests of employees. Requests from the Union to the companies for a more living wage has fallen on deaf ears, and those who attempted to strike were fired from their positions, replaced by droids to offset the loss of sentient workers. This action has caused a degradation in the quality of Bacta fluid, which was evident in the aftermath of the Xen'chi war." he said, "The bill will limit the use of droids to only ten percent of overall harvesters, and an initial increase of fifteen percent to wages, followed by a five percent increase per standard year to cap at an increase of twenty five percent. They will also receive health benefits to match the republic standard." With his introduction completed, he added. "Full versions of the bill have been sent to your offices for review. I concede the floor to the senior Senator from Argramar."
Senator Neudan took the podium. "Agramar turns the time back over to the Chief of State."
Chief of State Organa-Solo's voice once again could be heard. "This measure will be voted on when the Senate reconvenes next week. The Next Issue on the Table is Initiative 5521-A..."
The sun was setting over the urban landscape of Coruscant by the time Taan Ric entered his offices, followed by T-9PO. Tossing his jacket onto the chair facing his desk, collapsed on the couch. Fourteen Issue and six Bills had come across the senate floor, all with up for the vote. His own measure wont be up until next week, giving him some time at home during the break. He was leaving for Agramar later on tonight, per plan. Taan would have prefered more time to pack and ready for the flight, but now he had a meeting with Senator Gulla from Sullest, which would take up more time than he wanted to admit. To say the least, Gulla was long winded.
T-9 entered the office, followed by Kirra Tab, his Intern. "Sir, Senator Neudan will meet you in the rotunda in one hour for your meeting with Senator Gulla." the droid stated. Taan nodded, "Thanks, Tee. Can you compile the notes from my machine for me?" Tee nodded, and with the high feminine voice, "My pleasure, Senator Ric. I do enjoy compiling" and trundled off to his desk. Rubbing his face with his hands, asked "Did you get ahold of my sister?"
Kirra Tab put the flimsies on the table facing the Senator. "I left a message, sir." she said. Taan looked through his fingers, "What did you say in the message." Chianna wasn't one to shirk the responsibility of returning a comm message, but depending on the language of the message would dictate how long it would be before she responded. Hopefully, Chase got the message instead.
the young woman smiled. "I told them that I was from your office, and that you wanted to meet on Agramar for Mrs. Ric's Welcome home Celebration at the Ric Family mountain retreat." referring to the family home that was his and Chianna's parents...
"And?" he prodded...
Kirra fidgeted.. "And.... I told them to have a nice day?"
"Did you say when?" he asked again.
Silence... Horrible, mind numbing silence...
Taan blew out his breath, and buried his face deep in his hands. Standing up, he stepped in front of his desk and enabled the Holo message recorder. "Hello Chianna, Chase. I'm having a gathering for Raisa and the Kids at the Mountain Retreat in three day's Coruscant time. Jok and Catlyn should be at Agramar by now. Let me know if you can make it. I'm leaving tonight to Agramar on the late flight..." he pulled out the crystal recorder and handed it to the intern. "Send that.."
His intern took the Message Chrystal and exited the chamber, leaving him to his own thoughts. It would be nice to be home again. Coruscant wears on you after a while, and was glad to have the children away from here as well. This was no place to raise a family, he thought. Looking out of the window at the giant urban sprawl, that spanned the entire width of the planet, he sighed. Children needed stability, and neither he nor his wife had careers that simply, weren't. Raisa was a career officer in the Navy, which was her calling. His own military career was successful as a combat pilot, and later as a liaison officer with the then new government. Taan stepped away from the widow and moved to the small bar he kept in his office, pouring himself a drink. Bringing the shot to his mouth, Taan looked at himself in the wall mirror. He wasn't the 18 year old kid that flew an X-Wing fighter over Endor. His face had more lines, and his hair was turning prematurely grey, like his own fathers had. He was three years younger than his wife, but she actually looked younger. "I look older than my own Twin." he said aloud, smirking.
"Excuse me, Master Taan?" Tee said, behind him. Taan turned and looked at his Senatorial Assistant. He smiled at the droid. "What is it?"
"You need to head to your meeting, and I've confirmed your flight and to the Star port."
Nodding, he finished his drink, and grabbed his jacket. Straightening his collar, he spread his arms for the droid. "Presentable Master Taan. Well done." Smiling at the droid, he headed off, wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible. It would be good to get home...
>>>>>>>>Modified Wayfarer Class Transport WULF HOKKEN: DEEP SPACE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Baron Cranstron Fokker stood on the command deck of the Wulf Hokken, checking the countdown for the arrival of NR-571. Only two minutes remained until they should drop from hyperspace, then an additional five minutes to get into position with the Wulf Hokken. Two minutes to land in the modified Container, Five to record the message and transmit and Per the plan, the Wulf Hokken would head back into Hyperspace towards its own location exactally one minute after the message sent. Fokker looked up at the countdown. One minute to go. The Group he had sent to intercept the NR-571 had taken far longer than he had planned, but it should still execute flawlessly.
Niches Kullest, his right hand and Man Servent, stepped up to him. "The recorder is set, Baron." the older man stated. Not looking away from the counter, Fokker nodded. "Thank you, Niches." He said, in his destictive Eridanu accent. "Has the medical team prepared the tests once were away?"
"Indeed, Baron." he said, a slight nod to the affirmative.
Satisfied by the order, he waved Kullest his leave, and watched the counter once again as the crew prepared the jump to thier next location. Port Marskella would be a welcome site, as the XQ6 Station had been his private haven for many years. He of course had his family estate on Eriadu, but he spent little time there as of late.
THe NR-571 reverted from hyperspace, followed by the Two Skipray blastboat and Modified YU-410 Freighter that had been repurposed as a troop transport. Fokker knew that his money had been well spent, having inspected the vessels himself before starting this venture...
Looking to the Wulf Hokken's captain, Chimara Nott. "Are we ready to be away on schedule?" Nott, a balding Corellian, nodded to the Baron. "Yes Baron, we are ready.'
All according to plan...
"Next issue on the table is Initiative 2861-C: titled Increase of Benefits and Compensation for the Alazhi Harvesters Union." Chief of State Leia Organa-Solo began, her voice coming through the Holomonitor in Agramar's Senate pod. "This initiative will increase the base workers wage, which was reported as nearly forty percent less than the Republic standard for contracted employees, as well as basic health benefits for the workers and their families." She concluded the introduction. Senator Dun Nuedan glanced over to the Junior Senator standing next to him. Catching his eye, gave him a slight nod. "The Senate recognized the Senior Committee chairman from Agramar, Senator Nuedan."
Dun Neudan leaned closer to the receptor, "The chair is turned over to the Junior Senator from Agramar" and stepped back. Taan Ric stepped forward, "Good Morning, Madam President, Good Morning to the Senate." he began "As we all know, Bacta is used in daily life by nearly all sentients in the Republic. Bacta is a synthetic chemical substance that consisted of gelatinous, translucent red Alazhi and Kavam bacterial particles that were mixed within a colorless, viscous fluid known as ambori. When a patient was exposed to bacta, the bacterial particles within sought out wounds and promoted rapid tissue regeneration while preventing the emergence of scar tissue. Bacta was often thought of as a "miracle fluid", and seemed to be effective against almost every type of injury and ailment across an incredible cross-section of species throughout the galaxy. It is considered to be the best medicine available anywhere, with kolto as its short-lived competitor." he glanced over to Nuedan, who nodded approval. Ric continued. "The element Alazhi is farmed on numerous worlds in the Republic, the Empire and Corporate Sector, usually by sentient workers rather than droids, as it has been proven that the process of harvesting by mechanical means deteriorates the bacteria from the Xoorzi fungus."
Taan Ric looked around the Chambers, and realized that he had their attention, continued. "The workers who Harvest Alazhi are protected by the Alazhi Harvesters Union, which came into being no more than two years ago to look after the interests of employees. Requests from the Union to the companies for a more living wage has fallen on deaf ears, and those who attempted to strike were fired from their positions, replaced by droids to offset the loss of sentient workers. This action has caused a degradation in the quality of Bacta fluid, which was evident in the aftermath of the Xen'chi war." he said, "The bill will limit the use of droids to only ten percent of overall harvesters, and an initial increase of fifteen percent to wages, followed by a five percent increase per standard year to cap at an increase of twenty five percent. They will also receive health benefits to match the republic standard." With his introduction completed, he added. "Full versions of the bill have been sent to your offices for review. I concede the floor to the senior Senator from Argramar."
Senator Neudan took the podium. "Agramar turns the time back over to the Chief of State."
Chief of State Organa-Solo's voice once again could be heard. "This measure will be voted on when the Senate reconvenes next week. The Next Issue on the Table is Initiative 5521-A..."
The sun was setting over the urban landscape of Coruscant by the time Taan Ric entered his offices, followed by T-9PO. Tossing his jacket onto the chair facing his desk, collapsed on the couch. Fourteen Issue and six Bills had come across the senate floor, all with up for the vote. His own measure wont be up until next week, giving him some time at home during the break. He was leaving for Agramar later on tonight, per plan. Taan would have prefered more time to pack and ready for the flight, but now he had a meeting with Senator Gulla from Sullest, which would take up more time than he wanted to admit. To say the least, Gulla was long winded.
T-9 entered the office, followed by Kirra Tab, his Intern. "Sir, Senator Neudan will meet you in the rotunda in one hour for your meeting with Senator Gulla." the droid stated. Taan nodded, "Thanks, Tee. Can you compile the notes from my machine for me?" Tee nodded, and with the high feminine voice, "My pleasure, Senator Ric. I do enjoy compiling" and trundled off to his desk. Rubbing his face with his hands, asked "Did you get ahold of my sister?"
Kirra Tab put the flimsies on the table facing the Senator. "I left a message, sir." she said. Taan looked through his fingers, "What did you say in the message." Chianna wasn't one to shirk the responsibility of returning a comm message, but depending on the language of the message would dictate how long it would be before she responded. Hopefully, Chase got the message instead.
the young woman smiled. "I told them that I was from your office, and that you wanted to meet on Agramar for Mrs. Ric's Welcome home Celebration at the Ric Family mountain retreat." referring to the family home that was his and Chianna's parents...
"And?" he prodded...
Kirra fidgeted.. "And.... I told them to have a nice day?"
"Did you say when?" he asked again.
Silence... Horrible, mind numbing silence...
Taan blew out his breath, and buried his face deep in his hands. Standing up, he stepped in front of his desk and enabled the Holo message recorder. "Hello Chianna, Chase. I'm having a gathering for Raisa and the Kids at the Mountain Retreat in three day's Coruscant time. Jok and Catlyn should be at Agramar by now. Let me know if you can make it. I'm leaving tonight to Agramar on the late flight..." he pulled out the crystal recorder and handed it to the intern. "Send that.."
His intern took the Message Chrystal and exited the chamber, leaving him to his own thoughts. It would be nice to be home again. Coruscant wears on you after a while, and was glad to have the children away from here as well. This was no place to raise a family, he thought. Looking out of the window at the giant urban sprawl, that spanned the entire width of the planet, he sighed. Children needed stability, and neither he nor his wife had careers that simply, weren't. Raisa was a career officer in the Navy, which was her calling. His own military career was successful as a combat pilot, and later as a liaison officer with the then new government. Taan stepped away from the widow and moved to the small bar he kept in his office, pouring himself a drink. Bringing the shot to his mouth, Taan looked at himself in the wall mirror. He wasn't the 18 year old kid that flew an X-Wing fighter over Endor. His face had more lines, and his hair was turning prematurely grey, like his own fathers had. He was three years younger than his wife, but she actually looked younger. "I look older than my own Twin." he said aloud, smirking.
"Excuse me, Master Taan?" Tee said, behind him. Taan turned and looked at his Senatorial Assistant. He smiled at the droid. "What is it?"
"You need to head to your meeting, and I've confirmed your flight and to the Star port."
Nodding, he finished his drink, and grabbed his jacket. Straightening his collar, he spread his arms for the droid. "Presentable Master Taan. Well done." Smiling at the droid, he headed off, wanting to get it over with as quickly as possible. It would be good to get home...
>>>>>>>>Modified Wayfarer Class Transport WULF HOKKEN: DEEP SPACE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Baron Cranstron Fokker stood on the command deck of the Wulf Hokken, checking the countdown for the arrival of NR-571. Only two minutes remained until they should drop from hyperspace, then an additional five minutes to get into position with the Wulf Hokken. Two minutes to land in the modified Container, Five to record the message and transmit and Per the plan, the Wulf Hokken would head back into Hyperspace towards its own location exactally one minute after the message sent. Fokker looked up at the countdown. One minute to go. The Group he had sent to intercept the NR-571 had taken far longer than he had planned, but it should still execute flawlessly.
Niches Kullest, his right hand and Man Servent, stepped up to him. "The recorder is set, Baron." the older man stated. Not looking away from the counter, Fokker nodded. "Thank you, Niches." He said, in his destictive Eridanu accent. "Has the medical team prepared the tests once were away?"
"Indeed, Baron." he said, a slight nod to the affirmative.
Satisfied by the order, he waved Kullest his leave, and watched the counter once again as the crew prepared the jump to thier next location. Port Marskella would be a welcome site, as the XQ6 Station had been his private haven for many years. He of course had his family estate on Eriadu, but he spent little time there as of late.
THe NR-571 reverted from hyperspace, followed by the Two Skipray blastboat and Modified YU-410 Freighter that had been repurposed as a troop transport. Fokker knew that his money had been well spent, having inspected the vessels himself before starting this venture...
Looking to the Wulf Hokken's captain, Chimara Nott. "Are we ready to be away on schedule?" Nott, a balding Corellian, nodded to the Baron. "Yes Baron, we are ready.'
All according to plan...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Joklyn Zephre could feel the shuttle land into the modified Wayfarer, knowing that they were in serious trouble. More so than being boarded by pirates, the crew killed, and hyperspace jumped. They all had received some form of inoculation, which so far didn't seem to have any effect. Oddly enough, his new seat mate Azhi, seemed to be feeling no ill effect either. What had they injected. A tracker, or something that would have another dose to activate. He looked back up at the front of the shuttle where his sister was sitting. SHe was balled up, rocking back and forth, frightened out of her mind. He wanted to go to her, to make sure she was ok. Catlyn wasn't good at this sort of thing. Frel, he wasnt good at this sort of thing, as this was the first time he's ever been kidnapped, but he was older.
Several more people came into the Shuttle, and began taking scans of the children. One of them, a well dressed man, walked up to Hard Faced woman, and after a few moments, stepped over to his sister. They spoke with her for a few moments, and then began to lead her out..
That was it. If she was out of his sight, he'd never see her again...
Pulling the emergency release on his Belt, Jok released himself and jumped into the aisle. One of their captures stood in his way, leveling his blaster at him, and without thinking ran essentially through him, bowling the Human Pirate over. The other passengers screamed and struggled with their own belts as He leapt onto the seats and stepping from armrest to armrest dived to the well dressed man. Anything to stop him from taking his sister!
He suddenly found himself on the deck plate of the shuttle, held down by the neck in the the iron grip of Hard Faced Woman, blaster to his temple. "Move again and you die." she said quietly.
"Leave my SISTER alone!" Jok choked out. "Take me instead!" He could hear his little sister yelling his name!
THe well dressed man kneeled next to him. "Heroic indeed, young man." he said, and took a quick scan of him. His face actually looked somwhat downcast at the reading. "put him with the crew."
Catlyn yelled at the Man. "Leave him alone, or I wont read it!" she screamed.
Well dressed man stood, motioning Hard Faced Woman to his side. Hands grabbed him, pulling him to his feet. "Let me talk to my sister." Joklyn said. Well dressed man looked to the pirate who was holding Catlyn, and nodded. Well Dressed man said simply "Calm her down, or she'll be joining you." Catlyn rushed to him, flinging her arms around his neck. Jok squeezed his sibling back. "I want to go home, Jok" she cried. It wouldn't be up to him to save her now, he felt. "Listen to me." he said quietly, trying to get past her hysterical sobbing. He had to get through to her, she needed to be calm! "LISTEN TO ME!!"
He seldom yelled at his sister, which snapped her out of her crying stint. "You need to be brave, do you hear me. Mom and Dad are gonna come and get us, do you hear me? All you have to do is stay calm, and be brave." Jok said. Her crushing hold on him unrelenting, she said "their gonna hurt you"
"No way." he said. "I'm gonna be fine.."
"Cross My heart"
Nodding, she released the death grip on him. "Do what he wants, and then behave yourself" Jok said. Catlyn looked at the Hard Faced woman. "Just like She said, huh." She said.
Jok Nodded. "Yeah, just like she said."
Well Dressed Man approached them from behind. "All better now?"
Jok looked at him. "Yeah, she'll do what you want." he stated coldly.
Well dressed man nodded, and took Catlyn by the hand. "Well done. Corryn, give him and the other one a chance.." and led his sister out of the Shuttle. There was a sudden sharp pain on the back of his head, and screaming from the Children on the shuttle as his world turned to black. the last thing he heard was "Hope you can swim, hero.."
His head was splitting when he woke up, and everything smelled like body oder. Slowly opening his eyes, all he could see was stars..
Looking around, he could see the New Republic personnel from the shuttle floating as well...
They didn't have Vacuum suits...
he was floating in space.. In a Vacc Suit...
He at least had the presence of mind to check the Air gauge. He had sixteen hours of air... Well, they said they would give him a chance...
Several more people came into the Shuttle, and began taking scans of the children. One of them, a well dressed man, walked up to Hard Faced woman, and after a few moments, stepped over to his sister. They spoke with her for a few moments, and then began to lead her out..
That was it. If she was out of his sight, he'd never see her again...
Pulling the emergency release on his Belt, Jok released himself and jumped into the aisle. One of their captures stood in his way, leveling his blaster at him, and without thinking ran essentially through him, bowling the Human Pirate over. The other passengers screamed and struggled with their own belts as He leapt onto the seats and stepping from armrest to armrest dived to the well dressed man. Anything to stop him from taking his sister!
He suddenly found himself on the deck plate of the shuttle, held down by the neck in the the iron grip of Hard Faced Woman, blaster to his temple. "Move again and you die." she said quietly.
"Leave my SISTER alone!" Jok choked out. "Take me instead!" He could hear his little sister yelling his name!
THe well dressed man kneeled next to him. "Heroic indeed, young man." he said, and took a quick scan of him. His face actually looked somwhat downcast at the reading. "put him with the crew."
Catlyn yelled at the Man. "Leave him alone, or I wont read it!" she screamed.
Well dressed man stood, motioning Hard Faced Woman to his side. Hands grabbed him, pulling him to his feet. "Let me talk to my sister." Joklyn said. Well dressed man looked to the pirate who was holding Catlyn, and nodded. Well Dressed man said simply "Calm her down, or she'll be joining you." Catlyn rushed to him, flinging her arms around his neck. Jok squeezed his sibling back. "I want to go home, Jok" she cried. It wouldn't be up to him to save her now, he felt. "Listen to me." he said quietly, trying to get past her hysterical sobbing. He had to get through to her, she needed to be calm! "LISTEN TO ME!!"
He seldom yelled at his sister, which snapped her out of her crying stint. "You need to be brave, do you hear me. Mom and Dad are gonna come and get us, do you hear me? All you have to do is stay calm, and be brave." Jok said. Her crushing hold on him unrelenting, she said "their gonna hurt you"
"No way." he said. "I'm gonna be fine.."
"Cross My heart"
Nodding, she released the death grip on him. "Do what he wants, and then behave yourself" Jok said. Catlyn looked at the Hard Faced woman. "Just like She said, huh." She said.
Jok Nodded. "Yeah, just like she said."
Well Dressed Man approached them from behind. "All better now?"
Jok looked at him. "Yeah, she'll do what you want." he stated coldly.
Well dressed man nodded, and took Catlyn by the hand. "Well done. Corryn, give him and the other one a chance.." and led his sister out of the Shuttle. There was a sudden sharp pain on the back of his head, and screaming from the Children on the shuttle as his world turned to black. the last thing he heard was "Hope you can swim, hero.."
His head was splitting when he woke up, and everything smelled like body oder. Slowly opening his eyes, all he could see was stars..
Looking around, he could see the New Republic personnel from the shuttle floating as well...
They didn't have Vacuum suits...
he was floating in space.. In a Vacc Suit...
He at least had the presence of mind to check the Air gauge. He had sixteen hours of air... Well, they said they would give him a chance...
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Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEW REPUBLIC HOLO NET: Wide Broadcast<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<A young, long Red haired girl with a pretty freckle face, probably ten years old wearing a blue top and white skirt with high padded boots stands on the hologrid. She looked terrified, and appears to be reading off of a camera... >>
"I represent the Imperial Dawn. They... um.. We have taken command of the New Republic Lambda class Shuttle NR-571, with 40 passengers, all dependants of Soldiers and Statesmen stationed in the Agramar system. Um.. There are several... like minded individuals languages... Languishing in prisons. If you wish to see these children alive again... "
<<The girl covers her face with her hands, and after a moment, takes her hands off of her face>>
"..Alive again, you will release them.. them from the bond... their Bonds.. and into our care. We will contact you again in forty eight hours.. To prove our resolve, we have left you a package at the location from whens... whens? is that right Mr. Baron?
"OK WHENCE! ...whence this came.."
<<a womans hand enters the holo, grabbing the girl and pulling her away from the camera>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MESSAGE ENDS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<A young, long Red haired girl with a pretty freckle face, probably ten years old wearing a blue top and white skirt with high padded boots stands on the hologrid. She looked terrified, and appears to be reading off of a camera... >>
"I represent the Imperial Dawn. They... um.. We have taken command of the New Republic Lambda class Shuttle NR-571, with 40 passengers, all dependants of Soldiers and Statesmen stationed in the Agramar system. Um.. There are several... like minded individuals languages... Languishing in prisons. If you wish to see these children alive again... "
<<The girl covers her face with her hands, and after a moment, takes her hands off of her face>>
"..Alive again, you will release them.. them from the bond... their Bonds.. and into our care. We will contact you again in forty eight hours.. To prove our resolve, we have left you a package at the location from whens... whens? is that right Mr. Baron?
"OK WHENCE! ...whence this came.."
<<a womans hand enters the holo, grabbing the girl and pulling her away from the camera>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MESSAGE ENDS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Posts: 776
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
Location: Somewhere in California...
Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Raisa Zephre watched the message in disbelief! THat was her child, reading the demands of a group of kidnappers...
SHe had little trouble getting her way into the Star Port Authority Tower, and her credentials were enough to allow her access to the SPA Traffic Control for inbound flights. As per normal, Traffic Control was complete and utter chaos. Organized chaos, she had always described it, as thirty sentients controlled the flight paths of hundreds of incoming and outgoing starships, shuttles, and atmospheric craft. Raisa has been speaking to Raylan Nass, who has shown little concern over the late NR-571, as he described it starships where notoriously late. "I get worried once we get a distress signal, or its over twenty four hours. At that point, its a missing craft." he stated. Raisa could understand his point, and after a time was about to leave and give a report to the other parents when the message came across the Repubnet.
Raisa looked to Nass. "Do you have the equipment here to back trace that signal?" She asked. Nass, not taking his eyes off of the holopad, thumped the shoulder of the Communications Supervisor, who had received the message. The Comm officer worked quickly over his board, and after a moment looked back at Nass and Raisa. "It looks like its been bounced from multiple relays. It's going to take time to backtrack." he said. Nass nodded, "Forward the message to New Republic Intel, and keep monitoring the incoming communication traffic."
"NRI will have this already, it came over the Tacnet. Whoever these guys are sent it over the net to get the Republics attention." SHe said. "And it worked. Artee can give you a hand with Tracing." With that, Artee rolled over to one of the Droid ports and plugged in. THe Holo came up on his station, to with he began compiling over the message information.
Nass moved across the tower to the incoming flight monitors, leaning over the shoulder of a middle-aged woman. "Pull up 571's jump route." He said quickly. The woman's hands flew across the board, as on the main screen came the shuttles route. "571 is a Lambda T-4p shuttle, military version with an extended passenger package. Crew compliment of 12, including attendant crew and security. Total number of passengers up to 60. It was following the Corellian Trade spine, and was scheduled for four jumps to get to Agramar. Its been documented for three reversions from Hyperspace." She stated. "It had to have been hijacked at the last jump point."
Raisa nodded, it made sense. "They send the jump information once they revert, correct?" she said, though she already knew the answer. Even on capital ships, unless running silent, New Republic vessels sends a reversion notice though the net. THe Controller nodded, "That's correct, captain. SMall ships send two, once at reversion, and once when they jump back to hyperspace. On most civilian vessels, its automated unless its been disabled." she then added "Military vessels can toggle it off from the cockpit."
"So that if there is a problem, it raises alarms across the board. got it." Raisa said. She had to get out there. She had to see the area for herself. "Artee, stay here and give them a hand. I'm going out there..."
The Comm Supervisor spoke out. "Captain Zephre. You have a call from New Republic Intel." he said. Nass pointed towards a door off to the right. "You can use my Office."
Raisa moved into the office, and activated the Holocom. The image of a hawk faced man with graying hair acknowledged her. <<<Zephre, We just received the Imperial Dawn's message. I'm so sorry about your children.>>> the man said. <<<Were doing everything within our power to investigate this.>>> Raisa nodded. "Thanks, Jenks. I'm going out to its last jump point to look around. When we get the messages back trace, Ill be in a good position to pick up this package their talking about. Ill let you know what I find."
<<<No your not, Zephre. this is a NRI matter. We'll keep you in the loop though. Don't worry, were going to get that shuttle back>>> Captain Jenks said, his miniature version crossing his arms. Raisa shook her head. "It'll take far too long to jump out there once you back trace, you need someone out there now, and I'm the best choice to go." she told him. Jenks shook his head. <<Were going to do this by the numbers, so there aren't any mistakes that can come back to us later. You would best serve this situation by sitting tight and waiting for their next message>>>
SHe could see his point, for the most part. Its what she would have told a distressed parent when she was the Captain of the Kentaurus. "Then let me do a ride along with the investigation team." she said. "I think I'd be more use out there than sitting here wringing my hands, and Artee has allot of experience as a slicer, and he already already working on the message.."
After a moment of consideration, Jenks nodded. <<<I can make that happen, and Artee would be useful. Be ready to leave within the hour. Again, were gonna get them back..>>>
Raisa nodded. "THanks, Jenks." Her voice cracked. closing down the connection to the Holocom, she fought off the wave of despair. Don't fall apart now, Zeph. There's time for that later.. Its been over a year since she's seen Jok and Catlyn, with being in the hospital, and therapy. Raisa didn't want her kids to see her like that. She should call Taan, but he was probably already on his way here...
Several Deep breaths later, she stepped back out into the control room, with Artee waiting for her, next to Supervisor Rylan Nass's central console. "NRI is heading out there shortly, Ill be going with them." She told Nass. Tapping on his own panel. answered. "Ill keep you informed on what we get here." He said. "Your droid has all of the information that we have here." and added "Good luck, Captain."
"THanks, I think we'll need it." she said as She and Artee headed out...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CORUSCANT: RIC FAMILY APARTMENT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
My Children...
Tee informed him of the message on the Tac Net, and after watching the message canceled his flight. He and Tee arrived home shortly after a horribly long ride from the starport. Ransacking his own apartment, he found what he was looking for. Using his Senate privileges, he downloaded the Imperial Dawns message, cursing them as he watched them using his innocent daughter to relay their demand. And what about Jok. What was happening with him...
Plugging in the Data chip into the Holocomm, and tapping in his code, prepped a message, the Dawn's demands Holo uploaded with it. Taan Ric only knew one person who could find trace this in the most
expedient manner..
Standing in front of the Receptor, He waited for the Holo to begin recording...
"I'm sending you the original message from the Tac net, I don't have a lot of time or confidence in New Republic Intelligence to handle this properly, so please look into this. Jok and Catlyn are on board.. Let me know what you find,.."
Finishing the message, he hit send. Taan watched until the screen changed from "Sending" to "Sent."
"Tee. Have the Star Port stop Raisa's welcome home present from being shipped and have it prepped. Ill take that to Agramar." He said. It was a pity she wouldn't have a chance to use her gift on its maiden voyage, but this was an emergency....
SHe had little trouble getting her way into the Star Port Authority Tower, and her credentials were enough to allow her access to the SPA Traffic Control for inbound flights. As per normal, Traffic Control was complete and utter chaos. Organized chaos, she had always described it, as thirty sentients controlled the flight paths of hundreds of incoming and outgoing starships, shuttles, and atmospheric craft. Raisa has been speaking to Raylan Nass, who has shown little concern over the late NR-571, as he described it starships where notoriously late. "I get worried once we get a distress signal, or its over twenty four hours. At that point, its a missing craft." he stated. Raisa could understand his point, and after a time was about to leave and give a report to the other parents when the message came across the Repubnet.
Raisa looked to Nass. "Do you have the equipment here to back trace that signal?" She asked. Nass, not taking his eyes off of the holopad, thumped the shoulder of the Communications Supervisor, who had received the message. The Comm officer worked quickly over his board, and after a moment looked back at Nass and Raisa. "It looks like its been bounced from multiple relays. It's going to take time to backtrack." he said. Nass nodded, "Forward the message to New Republic Intel, and keep monitoring the incoming communication traffic."
"NRI will have this already, it came over the Tacnet. Whoever these guys are sent it over the net to get the Republics attention." SHe said. "And it worked. Artee can give you a hand with Tracing." With that, Artee rolled over to one of the Droid ports and plugged in. THe Holo came up on his station, to with he began compiling over the message information.
Nass moved across the tower to the incoming flight monitors, leaning over the shoulder of a middle-aged woman. "Pull up 571's jump route." He said quickly. The woman's hands flew across the board, as on the main screen came the shuttles route. "571 is a Lambda T-4p shuttle, military version with an extended passenger package. Crew compliment of 12, including attendant crew and security. Total number of passengers up to 60. It was following the Corellian Trade spine, and was scheduled for four jumps to get to Agramar. Its been documented for three reversions from Hyperspace." She stated. "It had to have been hijacked at the last jump point."
Raisa nodded, it made sense. "They send the jump information once they revert, correct?" she said, though she already knew the answer. Even on capital ships, unless running silent, New Republic vessels sends a reversion notice though the net. THe Controller nodded, "That's correct, captain. SMall ships send two, once at reversion, and once when they jump back to hyperspace. On most civilian vessels, its automated unless its been disabled." she then added "Military vessels can toggle it off from the cockpit."
"So that if there is a problem, it raises alarms across the board. got it." Raisa said. She had to get out there. She had to see the area for herself. "Artee, stay here and give them a hand. I'm going out there..."
The Comm Supervisor spoke out. "Captain Zephre. You have a call from New Republic Intel." he said. Nass pointed towards a door off to the right. "You can use my Office."
Raisa moved into the office, and activated the Holocom. The image of a hawk faced man with graying hair acknowledged her. <<<Zephre, We just received the Imperial Dawn's message. I'm so sorry about your children.>>> the man said. <<<Were doing everything within our power to investigate this.>>> Raisa nodded. "Thanks, Jenks. I'm going out to its last jump point to look around. When we get the messages back trace, Ill be in a good position to pick up this package their talking about. Ill let you know what I find."
<<<No your not, Zephre. this is a NRI matter. We'll keep you in the loop though. Don't worry, were going to get that shuttle back>>> Captain Jenks said, his miniature version crossing his arms. Raisa shook her head. "It'll take far too long to jump out there once you back trace, you need someone out there now, and I'm the best choice to go." she told him. Jenks shook his head. <<Were going to do this by the numbers, so there aren't any mistakes that can come back to us later. You would best serve this situation by sitting tight and waiting for their next message>>>
SHe could see his point, for the most part. Its what she would have told a distressed parent when she was the Captain of the Kentaurus. "Then let me do a ride along with the investigation team." she said. "I think I'd be more use out there than sitting here wringing my hands, and Artee has allot of experience as a slicer, and he already already working on the message.."
After a moment of consideration, Jenks nodded. <<<I can make that happen, and Artee would be useful. Be ready to leave within the hour. Again, were gonna get them back..>>>
Raisa nodded. "THanks, Jenks." Her voice cracked. closing down the connection to the Holocom, she fought off the wave of despair. Don't fall apart now, Zeph. There's time for that later.. Its been over a year since she's seen Jok and Catlyn, with being in the hospital, and therapy. Raisa didn't want her kids to see her like that. She should call Taan, but he was probably already on his way here...
Several Deep breaths later, she stepped back out into the control room, with Artee waiting for her, next to Supervisor Rylan Nass's central console. "NRI is heading out there shortly, Ill be going with them." She told Nass. Tapping on his own panel. answered. "Ill keep you informed on what we get here." He said. "Your droid has all of the information that we have here." and added "Good luck, Captain."
"THanks, I think we'll need it." she said as She and Artee headed out...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CORUSCANT: RIC FAMILY APARTMENT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
My Children...
Tee informed him of the message on the Tac Net, and after watching the message canceled his flight. He and Tee arrived home shortly after a horribly long ride from the starport. Ransacking his own apartment, he found what he was looking for. Using his Senate privileges, he downloaded the Imperial Dawns message, cursing them as he watched them using his innocent daughter to relay their demand. And what about Jok. What was happening with him...
Plugging in the Data chip into the Holocomm, and tapping in his code, prepped a message, the Dawn's demands Holo uploaded with it. Taan Ric only knew one person who could find trace this in the most
expedient manner..
Standing in front of the Receptor, He waited for the Holo to begin recording...
"I'm sending you the original message from the Tac net, I don't have a lot of time or confidence in New Republic Intelligence to handle this properly, so please look into this. Jok and Catlyn are on board.. Let me know what you find,.."
Finishing the message, he hit send. Taan watched until the screen changed from "Sending" to "Sent."
"Tee. Have the Star Port stop Raisa's welcome home present from being shipped and have it prepped. Ill take that to Agramar." He said. It was a pity she wouldn't have a chance to use her gift on its maiden voyage, but this was an emergency....
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jok flipped on his emergency beacon, and checked the vitals on the Vacuum suit. Easily sixteen hours left of o2, one hour of reserve and he had a small thruster pack. At least they gave him the full package, it even had a feeding tube. Mighty Kind of them, he snarled inwardly. I can putt around here in deep space with no chance of rescue till my air goes... Wheeeee
What surprised him was how calm he was. He was a kid, floating out in space in a vacc suit after being taken by pirates. His little sister was in their hands, along with a bunch of other children. Granted, his parents had drilled into his head that he had to stay calm at times of crisis, to not panic. Keep your head about you, his Dad had told them. Panic will get you killed in space, so keep calm Mom said. Well, he was doing that. He was pretty calm, for the most part. "Lets see how calm I am in fifteen hours.." Jok said aloud. Checking the vitals again, he looked at the mission timer, on the suits wrist display. Only four minutes since he last checked.
Using the thruster control toggle built into the suits gloves, he turned around. THe bodies of the Shuttle crew was floating around him, eleven total.
No, twelve.. there should be twelve...
Giving a little forward thrust, he moved towards the bodies. Jok had read up on these Military Transportation Command shuttles, and usually they ran a crew of twelve, for the most part, but never less that that. So they spaced eleven of the twelve, so what happened to number twelve. He turned on the Cam on the suits wrist control, and began to record the frozen faces of the NR-571 crew, thrusting from body to body. "My Name is Joklyn Zephre-Ric, and I was spaced by a group of pirates after they took control of our shuttle. I'm going to record their faces, for identification in case the bodies aren't able to be found." he said into the helmet, "I have about sixteen and one hours of air, so if you show up sometime tomorrow and find me, maybe you'll be able to piece something together from the recording." and he began reciting the events that led up to his current situation, included descriptions of the pirates. He payed special attention to Hard Faced Woman and the Well Dressed Man, whom he heard call the Hard Face Corryn. He thought that was right, anyway.
It took time to get to all of the bodies, as they were spread out from inertia from being ejected. He had an advantage of the thrusters to keep him somewhat stationary, but eventually the crew would spread apart to just get lost. "Wonder how good this suit is.." he said aloud. He felt into the belly pouch, feeling for the apparatus he was hoping was there. "Wizard! There is one!" and pulled it out. The suits sensor package was small, but he didn't need much, just enough to log the trajectories of the crew. Flipping it on, an eye piece slid into place over his eye, and the HUD came online on his helmet. "I bet they thought I'd just wake up and start screaming. Well, you jerks spaced the wrong kid!" he said, as he logged and saved the crews positions. THe sensor did the rest of the work, logging their movement and drift.
There was something else on the sensor, that he hadn't seen before. Bringing it up on the sensor screen, it Identified itself as a buoy. It was a ways out, but he had enough thruster to get there. The Buoy was on standby, the sensor discerned from the information that spewed out across the HUD. "I'm gonna head over towards the Buoy, better to be found next to it, rather than floating around here" he reported. "according to the Sensor, it'll take an Hour to thrust over there, leaving me about two minutes of thrust left. Ill tether myself to it. Sound like a good plan." and began the trek there.
The closer he got, the more information he received. It was a positional Buoy, with constant thrust to keep it in place. What surprised him was another signal coming from it.
Another Vacc suit beacon.
THey had spaced someone else in a suit. "The man had said Give him and the other one a chance.."
But who was it. Ill know soon enough, he answered himself. Checking mission time, he sighed.
Fourteen hours left....
Jok flipped on his emergency beacon, and checked the vitals on the Vacuum suit. Easily sixteen hours left of o2, one hour of reserve and he had a small thruster pack. At least they gave him the full package, it even had a feeding tube. Mighty Kind of them, he snarled inwardly. I can putt around here in deep space with no chance of rescue till my air goes... Wheeeee
What surprised him was how calm he was. He was a kid, floating out in space in a vacc suit after being taken by pirates. His little sister was in their hands, along with a bunch of other children. Granted, his parents had drilled into his head that he had to stay calm at times of crisis, to not panic. Keep your head about you, his Dad had told them. Panic will get you killed in space, so keep calm Mom said. Well, he was doing that. He was pretty calm, for the most part. "Lets see how calm I am in fifteen hours.." Jok said aloud. Checking the vitals again, he looked at the mission timer, on the suits wrist display. Only four minutes since he last checked.
Using the thruster control toggle built into the suits gloves, he turned around. THe bodies of the Shuttle crew was floating around him, eleven total.
No, twelve.. there should be twelve...
Giving a little forward thrust, he moved towards the bodies. Jok had read up on these Military Transportation Command shuttles, and usually they ran a crew of twelve, for the most part, but never less that that. So they spaced eleven of the twelve, so what happened to number twelve. He turned on the Cam on the suits wrist control, and began to record the frozen faces of the NR-571 crew, thrusting from body to body. "My Name is Joklyn Zephre-Ric, and I was spaced by a group of pirates after they took control of our shuttle. I'm going to record their faces, for identification in case the bodies aren't able to be found." he said into the helmet, "I have about sixteen and one hours of air, so if you show up sometime tomorrow and find me, maybe you'll be able to piece something together from the recording." and he began reciting the events that led up to his current situation, included descriptions of the pirates. He payed special attention to Hard Faced Woman and the Well Dressed Man, whom he heard call the Hard Face Corryn. He thought that was right, anyway.
It took time to get to all of the bodies, as they were spread out from inertia from being ejected. He had an advantage of the thrusters to keep him somewhat stationary, but eventually the crew would spread apart to just get lost. "Wonder how good this suit is.." he said aloud. He felt into the belly pouch, feeling for the apparatus he was hoping was there. "Wizard! There is one!" and pulled it out. The suits sensor package was small, but he didn't need much, just enough to log the trajectories of the crew. Flipping it on, an eye piece slid into place over his eye, and the HUD came online on his helmet. "I bet they thought I'd just wake up and start screaming. Well, you jerks spaced the wrong kid!" he said, as he logged and saved the crews positions. THe sensor did the rest of the work, logging their movement and drift.
There was something else on the sensor, that he hadn't seen before. Bringing it up on the sensor screen, it Identified itself as a buoy. It was a ways out, but he had enough thruster to get there. The Buoy was on standby, the sensor discerned from the information that spewed out across the HUD. "I'm gonna head over towards the Buoy, better to be found next to it, rather than floating around here" he reported. "according to the Sensor, it'll take an Hour to thrust over there, leaving me about two minutes of thrust left. Ill tether myself to it. Sound like a good plan." and began the trek there.
The closer he got, the more information he received. It was a positional Buoy, with constant thrust to keep it in place. What surprised him was another signal coming from it.
Another Vacc suit beacon.
THey had spaced someone else in a suit. "The man had said Give him and the other one a chance.."
But who was it. Ill know soon enough, he answered himself. Checking mission time, he sighed.
Fourteen hours left....
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WULF HOKKEN: Shuttle 571<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
Catlyn Ric fidgeted in her new seat, on the opposite side of the Shuttle. After she had read the Baron's message to the Holonet, she had been brought back inside she was seated with small group of children who had been moved to the Starboard side of the shuttle, while the Remaining had been seated on the port side. Once seated, the Hard Faced woman fitted her with a green tag, Ziptied to her wrist. Catlyn looked around once it had been done, to see if others had been likewise tagged.
All of the children on her side had been tagged with Green. All of the others on the opposite side, the remaining kids, had been tagged Red. But why though, she thought. It had somthing to do with the shot she was given, Catlyn was sure of that, but just what confounded her. She didnt feel sick, unless it was one of those slow acting viruses that she had seen on the Holovid. Maybe she, and the other greens, were immune. Would the Reds suddenly turn sick, and crave Sentient flesh like in the Holovid that Jok had been watching before they left Coruscant?
She craned her neck around, looking for her brother. He would be hard to miss, since he was taller than most of the other kids in the shuttle. "Your looking for your Brother?" the boy sitting next to her asked. Nodding, still looking around, said "yeah, I hope he wasnt too hurt when they threw him down."
"They took him off the shuttle, and he hasnt been back since..." the Twi'lek boy said. "THey said give him a chance." Catlyn blinked. Were they holding him somewhere else on the Shuttle, or in the detention rooms on the ship they were inside of? "Did they take anyone else?"
"Yeah, they took the girl that was next to him.." the Boy said.. "The really pretty one."
If they took her again to read for them, then she would find out what happened. They werent going to tell her if she just asked. She would have to be sneaky. Stealthy.. Quiet....
But what if they did do somthing to him..
No... Dont think like that.. Jok would be fine, if not banged up a little. and he had his new friend with him..
He would be...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ahzi Ghan woke, to see the frozen body of one of the attendants...
She screamed....
Catlyn Ric fidgeted in her new seat, on the opposite side of the Shuttle. After she had read the Baron's message to the Holonet, she had been brought back inside she was seated with small group of children who had been moved to the Starboard side of the shuttle, while the Remaining had been seated on the port side. Once seated, the Hard Faced woman fitted her with a green tag, Ziptied to her wrist. Catlyn looked around once it had been done, to see if others had been likewise tagged.
All of the children on her side had been tagged with Green. All of the others on the opposite side, the remaining kids, had been tagged Red. But why though, she thought. It had somthing to do with the shot she was given, Catlyn was sure of that, but just what confounded her. She didnt feel sick, unless it was one of those slow acting viruses that she had seen on the Holovid. Maybe she, and the other greens, were immune. Would the Reds suddenly turn sick, and crave Sentient flesh like in the Holovid that Jok had been watching before they left Coruscant?
She craned her neck around, looking for her brother. He would be hard to miss, since he was taller than most of the other kids in the shuttle. "Your looking for your Brother?" the boy sitting next to her asked. Nodding, still looking around, said "yeah, I hope he wasnt too hurt when they threw him down."
"They took him off the shuttle, and he hasnt been back since..." the Twi'lek boy said. "THey said give him a chance." Catlyn blinked. Were they holding him somewhere else on the Shuttle, or in the detention rooms on the ship they were inside of? "Did they take anyone else?"
"Yeah, they took the girl that was next to him.." the Boy said.. "The really pretty one."
If they took her again to read for them, then she would find out what happened. They werent going to tell her if she just asked. She would have to be sneaky. Stealthy.. Quiet....
But what if they did do somthing to him..
No... Dont think like that.. Jok would be fine, if not banged up a little. and he had his new friend with him..
He would be...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ahzi Ghan woke, to see the frozen body of one of the attendants...
She screamed....
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Fokker crossed his arms, Looking over the docking bay of the Wulf Hokken. His own men, as well as the Non Humans that were hired for the capture scurried around the Shuttle. Soon, the shuttle would again be called into service for the next stage in his plan. Also as planned, the ship was on schedule, and would arrive at Port Marskella in less than 6 hours. The tests were so far successful, weeding out ten of the forty New Republic children. The ten had been separated from the others, so to not be tainted by their inadequacy. Several of them were non human, but that couldnt be helped. The New Republic was far too liberal in its thinking for his tastes. The fact that several of his own men from the capture craft were non human grated on his nerves, but Corryn Dehl was dealing with this rabble, to with he didn't need to sully with them. Kullest approached him from behind, and gave a slight bow awaiting to be recognized. Fokker allowed him a moment to appreciate his position as his Man Servant, and turned to face him. Kullest spoke quietly "Baron, we have the listing of the children on board the Shuttle, as you requested. A wide sample of the Republic might I say." and handed over the Pad.
Fokker took it, and scanned it quickly. Truthfully, their names didn't matter to him, they would be dealt with soon enough. "Any I should be aware of?" looking over the roster again.
Kullest nodded. "One of their parents are a currently sitting Senator, Baron. Taan Ric from Agramar." he said "Both of his children was aboard. Catlyn and Joklyn."
Fokker looked at the names. Catlyns image came up on the padd. "The girl we chose to read the demands." he smirked. Even unbeknownst to him, his brilliance showed through. THe Baron then thumbed Joklyn. "Ahh.. the boy that was left behind." He said, and handed the pad back. "Another good choice. It will lend validity to the ruse." he said, and turning back to the shuttle, said over his shoulder. "Anything else?"
"Our agents are setting out feelers for participants for the Private sale. We should have some more information by the time we arrive at Port Merskella." the old man stated. The Baron waved him his leave, and the old manservant did as ordered. All is going as planned, he thought to himself...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR: SPA TARMAC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Raisa and Artee sped across the tarmac in the SPA speeder, heading to the New Republic Intelligence ship Dancing Dass. The Dass had landed only moments ago, and once they got aboard, it would head off towards the NR-571 last jump point. Their driver, D-90-A, agreed to increase speed to get to the Dass as quickly as possible, since time was of the essence.
The droid vehicle pulled up as the landing ramp lowered, and as Raisa exited the vessel, a Zabrak male stepped down the ramp. "Captain Zephre?" He said, expectantly. Raisa nodded, as Artee wobbled out of the back seating area of the Speeder, "Thats right. Jenks sent you?"
The Zabrak nodded. "Yeah, and were running hot, so we need to thrust out of here." as they went up the ramp. "We have the telemetry and Hyperspace markers from 571. According to information we have, it jumped, and never came out."
"Probably turned it off, whoever was the mole in the shuttle." She said, guessing about the Mole of course. there was no evidence as of yet that there was an insurgent on board. THat of course, opened another can of worms. Once Artee was aboard, the Zabrak cycled the ramp. "By the way, I'm Koden Raster. A pleasure, captain." he held out his hand. She took it. "A pleasure. Who else is on board."
"Me, Captain Narbesh and Ensign Kubrad Ree. Commander Jenks was pretty plain that you were suppose to take a back seat on this, but if you can help out on sensors, that would be terrific." he said as they headed towards the cockpit. "Our Sensor Tech got a sudden case of the Clamp, the day variety."
Smirking, Raisa nodded, "no problem. Artee can plug in as well." And then added "And thanks."
"Lets get this show on the road...."
Fokker took it, and scanned it quickly. Truthfully, their names didn't matter to him, they would be dealt with soon enough. "Any I should be aware of?" looking over the roster again.
Kullest nodded. "One of their parents are a currently sitting Senator, Baron. Taan Ric from Agramar." he said "Both of his children was aboard. Catlyn and Joklyn."
Fokker looked at the names. Catlyns image came up on the padd. "The girl we chose to read the demands." he smirked. Even unbeknownst to him, his brilliance showed through. THe Baron then thumbed Joklyn. "Ahh.. the boy that was left behind." He said, and handed the pad back. "Another good choice. It will lend validity to the ruse." he said, and turning back to the shuttle, said over his shoulder. "Anything else?"
"Our agents are setting out feelers for participants for the Private sale. We should have some more information by the time we arrive at Port Merskella." the old man stated. The Baron waved him his leave, and the old manservant did as ordered. All is going as planned, he thought to himself...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR: SPA TARMAC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Raisa and Artee sped across the tarmac in the SPA speeder, heading to the New Republic Intelligence ship Dancing Dass. The Dass had landed only moments ago, and once they got aboard, it would head off towards the NR-571 last jump point. Their driver, D-90-A, agreed to increase speed to get to the Dass as quickly as possible, since time was of the essence.
The droid vehicle pulled up as the landing ramp lowered, and as Raisa exited the vessel, a Zabrak male stepped down the ramp. "Captain Zephre?" He said, expectantly. Raisa nodded, as Artee wobbled out of the back seating area of the Speeder, "Thats right. Jenks sent you?"
The Zabrak nodded. "Yeah, and were running hot, so we need to thrust out of here." as they went up the ramp. "We have the telemetry and Hyperspace markers from 571. According to information we have, it jumped, and never came out."
"Probably turned it off, whoever was the mole in the shuttle." She said, guessing about the Mole of course. there was no evidence as of yet that there was an insurgent on board. THat of course, opened another can of worms. Once Artee was aboard, the Zabrak cycled the ramp. "By the way, I'm Koden Raster. A pleasure, captain." he held out his hand. She took it. "A pleasure. Who else is on board."
"Me, Captain Narbesh and Ensign Kubrad Ree. Commander Jenks was pretty plain that you were suppose to take a back seat on this, but if you can help out on sensors, that would be terrific." he said as they headed towards the cockpit. "Our Sensor Tech got a sudden case of the Clamp, the day variety."
Smirking, Raisa nodded, "no problem. Artee can plug in as well." And then added "And thanks."
"Lets get this show on the road...."
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
<<<<<<<<<<< Nexus Station: Artemis Institute Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>
Chase Nivaro grunted each time his fist impacted with the heavy bag, the impact generating an almost rhythmic low frequency beat that reverberated in the small workout center that had been only recently completed in the still new mission that he and Chianna had established at the request of thier old friend and sponsor Draven Artemis. On the wall to his right one of the many GNN correspondents droned on about something or another. He stepped up the speed of his punched and began to add the occasional knee into the mix in an effort to drown out the sound when the breaking new chime broke the monotony, it was still the same anchor in the seat but it's demeanor had changed, the alien's skin tone had darkened around the eyes and neck a sure sign that it's stress level was rising,
"We've just received a disturbing bit of news gentle beings, a terrorist group calling itself the Imperial Dawn has hijacked a republic transport on its way from courasaunt to agamar, they've issued a vid with their demands. The alien glanced off to the right of the camera with his eyes and the screen wiped and was replaced by the image of a young girl who started reading from a script being given her form off camera left, it took him a couple of seconds to realize that he knew the young girl, Caitlyn Ric,
"Stang!" he cursed as he stripped off the training gloves and bolted through the doorway towards the stairs that would lead him upstairs, "Chianna!"
He skidded to a halt in front of the open door that lead into the rather spacious communications suite that they'd had installed in the mission, his wife sat staring at a screen in front of her, a grim pall drawn over her normally chipper features, given everything that had happened only recently it didn't bode well, he stepped around but she wasn't watching the news cast she was reading an encrypted message from her brother, Taan,
"I'll go prep the Sun," he spoke his voice low as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Her hand came up and clasped his for a moment before she pushed back form the console and stood, when she turned there was an anger in her eyes that Chase hadn't seen since they'd first met,
"I'll pack the kit." she spoke her features tight and her voice low and angry.
Chase knew better than to say anything to try and comfort or calm her, he didn't even want to, he wasn't sure who these Imperial Dawn folks were but they had chosen the wrong shuttle at the absolute worst time they could have to kidnap kids from, whoever they were the Force was most defiantly not with them. Leaving his wife made quick use of the fresher and then dressed in his traveling clothes, the padded combat suit fit a bit looser in some places and tighter in others than the last time he'd worn it but he took that as a good thing, well good for him anyway, bad for whoever got between him and his family...
Slotting the last bit of the crash harness into place Chase slipped the comm mic over his right ear and began transferring power from the Intrepid Sun's power core to the repulsors and drives, behind him he heard the cockpit hatch seal and felt the vibration and tale-tale click of his wife's harness snapping into place as well,
"All secure aft darling, let's depart shall we?"
Chase started to open the comm channel and then stopped, "I'm guessing you should be the one to contact them."
Chianna smirked at her husband's suggestion, it was a tight almost aggravated smirk but he was right, the Tavis had a nasty habit of dragging their spiney hindquarters when dealing with males and right now they couldn't afford any delays, not if the information Taan had sent her was accurate. Keying open the comm she quickly got ahold of the locale space controller and explained their situation and their need for an immediate departure. Chase's intuition was right on as usual and they were cleared for a very unusual unassisted departure from the station,
"Be careful not to scratch anything on the way out darling or they might not be so nice to us again."
Chase chuckled at the sarcasm in her voice but within moments they were rocketing out of the station and as soon as they were clear of the gravity well the Intrepid Sun vanished in a flicker of pseudo motion into the mottled blue grey of hyperspace...
<<<<<<<<<<<<< City of the Jedi: Artemis Institute Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Draven Artemis watched the GNN news report with as they played back the ransom vid, he'd recognised the young girl immediately but he'd never heard of these Imperial Dawn people so there was no way to know for sure if they'd known the nest of dothmiran hornets that they'd almost defiantly stirred up by chosing the shuttle they had and using the girl from it they had to deliver their demands. On his desk the message light began to flash at him. He didn't need the Force to know whom it was from but he clicked the playback key anyway,
"Draven, you've no doubt by now seen the news, myself and Chase are leaving the NExus Station mission in your people's most capable hands. Taan forwarded me an original copy of the message the Dawn sent. We're on our way to the last known jump of the shuttle that was taken. My brother doesn't have much faith in the NRI and I can't really blame him please get this to your best people and see if we can get a fix on the location it was sent from."
As the small blue holo of Chianna Ric flickered out above the holo-projector the message was already arriving on the desks of his best intelligence analysts with the highest of urgency. Reaching over to his office comm he keyed one of it's buttons and a holo of a much younger beauty resolved in the air,
"I'm already having your ship prepped sir, stocking her with provisions and other gear you might need, is there anything else sir?"
"Be sure and have them load the armor as well."
The woman nodded and then the hologram vanished...
Chase Nivaro grunted each time his fist impacted with the heavy bag, the impact generating an almost rhythmic low frequency beat that reverberated in the small workout center that had been only recently completed in the still new mission that he and Chianna had established at the request of thier old friend and sponsor Draven Artemis. On the wall to his right one of the many GNN correspondents droned on about something or another. He stepped up the speed of his punched and began to add the occasional knee into the mix in an effort to drown out the sound when the breaking new chime broke the monotony, it was still the same anchor in the seat but it's demeanor had changed, the alien's skin tone had darkened around the eyes and neck a sure sign that it's stress level was rising,
"We've just received a disturbing bit of news gentle beings, a terrorist group calling itself the Imperial Dawn has hijacked a republic transport on its way from courasaunt to agamar, they've issued a vid with their demands. The alien glanced off to the right of the camera with his eyes and the screen wiped and was replaced by the image of a young girl who started reading from a script being given her form off camera left, it took him a couple of seconds to realize that he knew the young girl, Caitlyn Ric,
"Stang!" he cursed as he stripped off the training gloves and bolted through the doorway towards the stairs that would lead him upstairs, "Chianna!"
He skidded to a halt in front of the open door that lead into the rather spacious communications suite that they'd had installed in the mission, his wife sat staring at a screen in front of her, a grim pall drawn over her normally chipper features, given everything that had happened only recently it didn't bode well, he stepped around but she wasn't watching the news cast she was reading an encrypted message from her brother, Taan,
"I'll go prep the Sun," he spoke his voice low as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Her hand came up and clasped his for a moment before she pushed back form the console and stood, when she turned there was an anger in her eyes that Chase hadn't seen since they'd first met,
"I'll pack the kit." she spoke her features tight and her voice low and angry.
Chase knew better than to say anything to try and comfort or calm her, he didn't even want to, he wasn't sure who these Imperial Dawn folks were but they had chosen the wrong shuttle at the absolute worst time they could have to kidnap kids from, whoever they were the Force was most defiantly not with them. Leaving his wife made quick use of the fresher and then dressed in his traveling clothes, the padded combat suit fit a bit looser in some places and tighter in others than the last time he'd worn it but he took that as a good thing, well good for him anyway, bad for whoever got between him and his family...
Slotting the last bit of the crash harness into place Chase slipped the comm mic over his right ear and began transferring power from the Intrepid Sun's power core to the repulsors and drives, behind him he heard the cockpit hatch seal and felt the vibration and tale-tale click of his wife's harness snapping into place as well,
"All secure aft darling, let's depart shall we?"
Chase started to open the comm channel and then stopped, "I'm guessing you should be the one to contact them."
Chianna smirked at her husband's suggestion, it was a tight almost aggravated smirk but he was right, the Tavis had a nasty habit of dragging their spiney hindquarters when dealing with males and right now they couldn't afford any delays, not if the information Taan had sent her was accurate. Keying open the comm she quickly got ahold of the locale space controller and explained their situation and their need for an immediate departure. Chase's intuition was right on as usual and they were cleared for a very unusual unassisted departure from the station,
"Be careful not to scratch anything on the way out darling or they might not be so nice to us again."
Chase chuckled at the sarcasm in her voice but within moments they were rocketing out of the station and as soon as they were clear of the gravity well the Intrepid Sun vanished in a flicker of pseudo motion into the mottled blue grey of hyperspace...
<<<<<<<<<<<<< City of the Jedi: Artemis Institute Mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Draven Artemis watched the GNN news report with as they played back the ransom vid, he'd recognised the young girl immediately but he'd never heard of these Imperial Dawn people so there was no way to know for sure if they'd known the nest of dothmiran hornets that they'd almost defiantly stirred up by chosing the shuttle they had and using the girl from it they had to deliver their demands. On his desk the message light began to flash at him. He didn't need the Force to know whom it was from but he clicked the playback key anyway,
"Draven, you've no doubt by now seen the news, myself and Chase are leaving the NExus Station mission in your people's most capable hands. Taan forwarded me an original copy of the message the Dawn sent. We're on our way to the last known jump of the shuttle that was taken. My brother doesn't have much faith in the NRI and I can't really blame him please get this to your best people and see if we can get a fix on the location it was sent from."
As the small blue holo of Chianna Ric flickered out above the holo-projector the message was already arriving on the desks of his best intelligence analysts with the highest of urgency. Reaching over to his office comm he keyed one of it's buttons and a holo of a much younger beauty resolved in the air,
"I'm already having your ship prepped sir, stocking her with provisions and other gear you might need, is there anything else sir?"
"Be sure and have them load the armor as well."
The woman nodded and then the hologram vanished...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NRI OFFICES: AGRAMAR<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Well, its official.. GNN had broke the story." Jenks stated, looking at the report on the news. Once again, information that was kept as Confidential had been leaked. Was it from his offices, he didn't know, nor did he care. It was out. Admiral To-Ri-Hera, New Republic Commander of Forces for Agramar, crossed his arms. "THis is unacceptable, captain. The daughter of a sitting Senator is reading the demands of a group of terrorists that you have no information on." the Cerean stated. "Not to mention her mother is a Highly decorated Ships Commander whose career began with the Alliance against the Empire." His attention shifts from the holovid to Jenks. "WHat are you doing about this."
Jenks tapped his board for a moment, bringing up their Intel so far. "Imperial Dawn was a short lived cultural movement from the Imperial Remnant about five years ago. They were firm believers of the Human High Culture, and committed acts against multiple New Republic installations. They were labeled terrorists and brought to justice. Most of them are still serving sentences. It was believed by the NRI that the Imperial Dawn was quashed. Apparently, the NRI was wrong." he said, turning and looking out of the window. "We were wrong." he said. "I have sent an investigation team out to the last jump point, as well as have my best people on the message sent. So far nothing has been found. THe Imperial Dawn has done an impeccable job covering their tracks. THere is the matter of their leaving a package. We will know more when we decipher their transmission. There is also the matter of Miss Ric saying the name Baron. We are looking for any coalitions between the Nobility and the Imperial Dawn. Honestly, I'm not certain where to go until then."
Admiral Hera shook his head. "You can make a formal apology to the families of the children on that shuttle." He stated. Jenks nodded. "Were not going to give in to their demands, are we." This was going to get worse and worse. "the New Republic is going to let them die." he said. The Admiral turned and headed towards Jenks office door. "Those Hostages are dead already, captain. The New Republic does not negotiate with Terrorists, they prosecute them to the full extent of the law. I am leaving now to Coruscant to meet the Chief of State and the Joint Chiefs of your status. No doubt Leia Organa-Solo will have issue with not making an attempt to rescue the Hostages, but as I will tell her exactly what I just told you, the New Republic will not under any circumstances negotiate with terrorists or this will continue to occur. The Joint chiefs will agree, of course."
The Cerean stopped at the door. "You have forty eight hours to find all you can and transmit it to Coruscant. If you can mount a rescue within that time, fine. Do so. If not, you will concentrate on finding their location and getting the information so that a task force can be mustered to put an end to them once and for all."
Now alone, Jenks sat heavily in his chair. In forty eight hours, the Imperial Dawn will be expecting their fellow terrorists to be released...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jok could see the Suit now, apparently tethered to a Location Buoy. Opening a broad signal, he transmitted. "Hey are you still alive in there?" as his ears nearly split from the scream from the suits occupant. Dren she's panicked, he thought. She's using up all her Oxygen on that banshee screech!
"HEY! QUIT SCREAMING!" he yelled.
<<Is.. is there someone there?>>> came a horse voice over the helmets speaker.
"Yeah, calm down... You'll run out of air really quick" he stated as he arrived at the boey. "Look, their going to find us, OK. We just have to stay calm." when he could finally see her face he realized it was the girl he was sitting next to. "Oh Dren."
<<Jok? Is that you??>> The girl said. <<You got thrown out too?>>
"Yeah. Cuz I attacked the Baron." he said. She was out here because he showed her how to get out of the Straps, he bet. "Are you hurt?" he began to look over her suit. She was tangled in the thick tethers that kept her attached to the Buoy. <<<No, they injected me with something, and I woke up here..>> she said <<Next to Her>> pointing at the body floating next to the Buoy. The attendant had been shot, granted, but now she was frozen as well. Unfortunately, he was getting use to the dead crew floating around. <<Were gonna end up like them, aren't we>>
"Not if we keep our heads. We just have to keep alive. They gave us full tanks of air, food paste, and thrusters. Their looking for us right now, and the Republic will find us. We just need to keep calm." he said. "I'm gonna look over your suit, make sure that your no damaged." he said as he gave her a once over. <<Where did you learn about Space Suits>> She asked. As he looked over the front for holes, he said. "My folks are big on knowing how to survive, and taught me and my sister how to do allot of things. EVA, shoot blasters, fight. the whole package." as he began to look over her back. There was one difference from his suit and hers. It didn't have a thruster pack. It had a different pack on the back. The tether was connected to it, which turned out to be a Computer Hard Cable, and hooked into the Buoy. Following the hard cable, he looked at the connection point on the boey. It was hard connected into one of the information input ports. Was this some sort of booby trap? Or was it a message to the Republic. Moving away from it back to Ahzi, he pulled out the sensor package and began a scan. <<<What's that?>>>
"Its a sensor package which is common with these suits. They're not real strong, but it can give me basic information." he said. Nothing remarkable from the Buoy, just some fluids and communication gear. There was also a Vacc Suit attach point on the outer hull. Reaching into the chest pouch, he pulled his own tether, and linked it to the Attachment. <<You know how to use it? Can you call for help?>>>
"Were already doing it. We have a beacon on our suits which is giving our position. We just need to keep calm.." he said. Something nagged at him, though. Why was there fluids in the Buoy. There was no reason for it in a position buoy. <<<You know allot about this stuff, more than someone who just took a class>>>
Jok laughed at that, and set the sensor to collate the fluids information.. "My family is pretty unique." he said. "My folks are pretty wizard, and my Aunt and Uncle are.." he thought about them. "Well lets say their pretty wizard too." he said. "I picked up allot of stuff from listening to them talk."
<<My Mom is just a Supply clerk, but she's pretty Wizard too>>> Ahzi said, her voice cracking.
"Hey, were getting out of here, just keep that in your head, OK?"
Her sniffle was loud in his helmet. <<< Ok...>>>
The Scanner was still chewing on the Fluids... what was this stuff...
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CORUSCANT: STARPORT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"emperors BONES!!" Taan Ric yelled, and punched the wall screen, right into the face of the newscaster.
His little girl was on all of the screens in the starport, with an inset of his own face.
<<It has been confirmed by GNN that the little girl whom read the demands is the daughter of Senator Taan Ric of Agramar. Senator Ric who is a proponent of the Increase of Benefits and Compensation for the Alazhi Harvesters Union bill introduced into the senate earlier this week, and has been unavailable for comment. GNN will continue to bring our viewers updates as they come in...>>>
Taan closed his eyes, and breathed. Don't lose it, Ric. It wont do anyone any good. Certainly not Jok and Catlyn, and certainly no Raisa. She had already been through so much in the last year..
"Master Taan. We must continue on." Tee said behind him. Oddly, it was enough to shake him back to the task at hand. "Right. Thanks Tee." He said. Together, they continued down to the VIP Pads. If he stopped now, he wondered if he would be able to continue. He had to. His family needed him.
The VIP Pads were, as usual, busy. Pad number 4400 was designated for Agramar's senators, and usually had the Diplomatic Shuttle berthed there, but today, a completely different vessel waited there. It was his gift to his wife, in celebration to her new, planet bound post. The YT-2000 was one of the pinnacles of the Corellian Engineering Corporations YT Series, So the brochure stated, though it had its problems as well. Allot of people believed that the 2000s were released too early, to make way for the popular YT-2400s. It had a central cockpit, instead of the out rigger design of the 1300s and the 2400s. Better suited for old Fighter Jocks he had thought. Taan had the vessel modified as well, better set up for a family trip, with a full educational package added to the ships computers. He also had the weapons upgraded, Communications enhanced, and the other special upgrades. Palin Winco, the pads Chief, approached him. "Senator, she's all ready to go." He stated, somewhat uncomfortably. He didn't say anything about 'sorry your kids kidnapped' or 'well get them back' he just kept quiet. "Thank you, Winco." he said, clapping the mans shoulder. "Anything I should know?"
"All clean. Fair skies, Sir." And headed towards the entrance of the bay. Taan and Tee headed up the Ramp, and shortly, after a preflight check, contacted SPA.
"Port Authority, this is the Wynonna, we are requesting exit visa and sending our flight schedule to you now.."
<<<You are clear, Wynonna. Follow course transmission to outer system before Jump...>>>
With that, he brought the Wynonna power up, and left the pad, on his way to Agramar...
"Well, its official.. GNN had broke the story." Jenks stated, looking at the report on the news. Once again, information that was kept as Confidential had been leaked. Was it from his offices, he didn't know, nor did he care. It was out. Admiral To-Ri-Hera, New Republic Commander of Forces for Agramar, crossed his arms. "THis is unacceptable, captain. The daughter of a sitting Senator is reading the demands of a group of terrorists that you have no information on." the Cerean stated. "Not to mention her mother is a Highly decorated Ships Commander whose career began with the Alliance against the Empire." His attention shifts from the holovid to Jenks. "WHat are you doing about this."
Jenks tapped his board for a moment, bringing up their Intel so far. "Imperial Dawn was a short lived cultural movement from the Imperial Remnant about five years ago. They were firm believers of the Human High Culture, and committed acts against multiple New Republic installations. They were labeled terrorists and brought to justice. Most of them are still serving sentences. It was believed by the NRI that the Imperial Dawn was quashed. Apparently, the NRI was wrong." he said, turning and looking out of the window. "We were wrong." he said. "I have sent an investigation team out to the last jump point, as well as have my best people on the message sent. So far nothing has been found. THe Imperial Dawn has done an impeccable job covering their tracks. THere is the matter of their leaving a package. We will know more when we decipher their transmission. There is also the matter of Miss Ric saying the name Baron. We are looking for any coalitions between the Nobility and the Imperial Dawn. Honestly, I'm not certain where to go until then."
Admiral Hera shook his head. "You can make a formal apology to the families of the children on that shuttle." He stated. Jenks nodded. "Were not going to give in to their demands, are we." This was going to get worse and worse. "the New Republic is going to let them die." he said. The Admiral turned and headed towards Jenks office door. "Those Hostages are dead already, captain. The New Republic does not negotiate with Terrorists, they prosecute them to the full extent of the law. I am leaving now to Coruscant to meet the Chief of State and the Joint Chiefs of your status. No doubt Leia Organa-Solo will have issue with not making an attempt to rescue the Hostages, but as I will tell her exactly what I just told you, the New Republic will not under any circumstances negotiate with terrorists or this will continue to occur. The Joint chiefs will agree, of course."
The Cerean stopped at the door. "You have forty eight hours to find all you can and transmit it to Coruscant. If you can mount a rescue within that time, fine. Do so. If not, you will concentrate on finding their location and getting the information so that a task force can be mustered to put an end to them once and for all."
Now alone, Jenks sat heavily in his chair. In forty eight hours, the Imperial Dawn will be expecting their fellow terrorists to be released...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jok could see the Suit now, apparently tethered to a Location Buoy. Opening a broad signal, he transmitted. "Hey are you still alive in there?" as his ears nearly split from the scream from the suits occupant. Dren she's panicked, he thought. She's using up all her Oxygen on that banshee screech!
"HEY! QUIT SCREAMING!" he yelled.
<<Is.. is there someone there?>>> came a horse voice over the helmets speaker.
"Yeah, calm down... You'll run out of air really quick" he stated as he arrived at the boey. "Look, their going to find us, OK. We just have to stay calm." when he could finally see her face he realized it was the girl he was sitting next to. "Oh Dren."
<<Jok? Is that you??>> The girl said. <<You got thrown out too?>>
"Yeah. Cuz I attacked the Baron." he said. She was out here because he showed her how to get out of the Straps, he bet. "Are you hurt?" he began to look over her suit. She was tangled in the thick tethers that kept her attached to the Buoy. <<<No, they injected me with something, and I woke up here..>> she said <<Next to Her>> pointing at the body floating next to the Buoy. The attendant had been shot, granted, but now she was frozen as well. Unfortunately, he was getting use to the dead crew floating around. <<Were gonna end up like them, aren't we>>
"Not if we keep our heads. We just have to keep alive. They gave us full tanks of air, food paste, and thrusters. Their looking for us right now, and the Republic will find us. We just need to keep calm." he said. "I'm gonna look over your suit, make sure that your no damaged." he said as he gave her a once over. <<Where did you learn about Space Suits>> She asked. As he looked over the front for holes, he said. "My folks are big on knowing how to survive, and taught me and my sister how to do allot of things. EVA, shoot blasters, fight. the whole package." as he began to look over her back. There was one difference from his suit and hers. It didn't have a thruster pack. It had a different pack on the back. The tether was connected to it, which turned out to be a Computer Hard Cable, and hooked into the Buoy. Following the hard cable, he looked at the connection point on the boey. It was hard connected into one of the information input ports. Was this some sort of booby trap? Or was it a message to the Republic. Moving away from it back to Ahzi, he pulled out the sensor package and began a scan. <<<What's that?>>>
"Its a sensor package which is common with these suits. They're not real strong, but it can give me basic information." he said. Nothing remarkable from the Buoy, just some fluids and communication gear. There was also a Vacc Suit attach point on the outer hull. Reaching into the chest pouch, he pulled his own tether, and linked it to the Attachment. <<You know how to use it? Can you call for help?>>>
"Were already doing it. We have a beacon on our suits which is giving our position. We just need to keep calm.." he said. Something nagged at him, though. Why was there fluids in the Buoy. There was no reason for it in a position buoy. <<<You know allot about this stuff, more than someone who just took a class>>>
Jok laughed at that, and set the sensor to collate the fluids information.. "My family is pretty unique." he said. "My folks are pretty wizard, and my Aunt and Uncle are.." he thought about them. "Well lets say their pretty wizard too." he said. "I picked up allot of stuff from listening to them talk."
<<My Mom is just a Supply clerk, but she's pretty Wizard too>>> Ahzi said, her voice cracking.
"Hey, were getting out of here, just keep that in your head, OK?"
Her sniffle was loud in his helmet. <<< Ok...>>>
The Scanner was still chewing on the Fluids... what was this stuff...
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CORUSCANT: STARPORT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"emperors BONES!!" Taan Ric yelled, and punched the wall screen, right into the face of the newscaster.
His little girl was on all of the screens in the starport, with an inset of his own face.
<<It has been confirmed by GNN that the little girl whom read the demands is the daughter of Senator Taan Ric of Agramar. Senator Ric who is a proponent of the Increase of Benefits and Compensation for the Alazhi Harvesters Union bill introduced into the senate earlier this week, and has been unavailable for comment. GNN will continue to bring our viewers updates as they come in...>>>
Taan closed his eyes, and breathed. Don't lose it, Ric. It wont do anyone any good. Certainly not Jok and Catlyn, and certainly no Raisa. She had already been through so much in the last year..
"Master Taan. We must continue on." Tee said behind him. Oddly, it was enough to shake him back to the task at hand. "Right. Thanks Tee." He said. Together, they continued down to the VIP Pads. If he stopped now, he wondered if he would be able to continue. He had to. His family needed him.
The VIP Pads were, as usual, busy. Pad number 4400 was designated for Agramar's senators, and usually had the Diplomatic Shuttle berthed there, but today, a completely different vessel waited there. It was his gift to his wife, in celebration to her new, planet bound post. The YT-2000 was one of the pinnacles of the Corellian Engineering Corporations YT Series, So the brochure stated, though it had its problems as well. Allot of people believed that the 2000s were released too early, to make way for the popular YT-2400s. It had a central cockpit, instead of the out rigger design of the 1300s and the 2400s. Better suited for old Fighter Jocks he had thought. Taan had the vessel modified as well, better set up for a family trip, with a full educational package added to the ships computers. He also had the weapons upgraded, Communications enhanced, and the other special upgrades. Palin Winco, the pads Chief, approached him. "Senator, she's all ready to go." He stated, somewhat uncomfortably. He didn't say anything about 'sorry your kids kidnapped' or 'well get them back' he just kept quiet. "Thank you, Winco." he said, clapping the mans shoulder. "Anything I should know?"
"All clean. Fair skies, Sir." And headed towards the entrance of the bay. Taan and Tee headed up the Ramp, and shortly, after a preflight check, contacted SPA.
"Port Authority, this is the Wynonna, we are requesting exit visa and sending our flight schedule to you now.."
<<<You are clear, Wynonna. Follow course transmission to outer system before Jump...>>>
With that, he brought the Wynonna power up, and left the pad, on his way to Agramar...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
<<<<<<<<<<<< Intrepid Sun >>>>>>>>>>>>
Chase Nivaro pulled open the weapons lockers in the small armory that he'd installed onboard teh ship not too long after Draven had given her too him, it hadn't taken him long to figure out that he was always going to be cursed by an old saying he'd heard someone, May you live in intresting times. Most people he mused wouldn't have thought of that little diddy as a curse but for a former Stormtrooper who'd thrown in with the a rebel Jedi, he'd been places and seen things that most beings in the galaxy could never even dream of. His nightmares had an all too common habit of becoming reality so he'd procured things that let him deal with them, concussion rifles, disrupter pistols, thermal detonators, a whole laundry list of other exotics that he'd either picked up along the way or Draven's mad scientists had cooked up Force knows where. Looking over the managerie though he pulled out the modified bow caster Devon had given him ages ago and the grappling quarks and then his pair of trusty DL-44s, the weapons might have been old but they still packed quite the punch. The last thing he pulled was another gift from Devon, a hand and half length device that for all the galaxy looked like a standard glowrod, he smiled as he depressed the activation switch and a blade of green energy slightly longer than the hilt jumped life with a charactristic snap-hiss. It wasn't a lightsabre and there was no way he'd ever try to block anything with it but the lightdagger had saved his and Chianna's hide more than a couple times, kneeling down he snapped it into it's holster on his right boot, standing he placed the bowcaster on the ample workbench and began tearing it down, they had a couple hours of jump time to kill and it had been ages since he'd given the old girl a proper cleaning...
Chianna Ric had been staring at the vid of her niece reading off the terrorists demands on a loop now for better than an hour, something was off, there was something in the transmission that shouldn't have been there, glitching and artifacts that shouldn't be given the pristine nature of the data, she'd already run it through a half dozen filters and nothing had come of it but she knew there was something there. leaning forward she qued up one of the places that appeared to be damaged but wasn't and then started running anaylsis on the raw data, it was just a couple of bytes here and there and they weren't corupted, just out of order. Leaning back she let out a long slow breath and something came to her. Queing up the whole vid she ran it through again, this time having the signal anaylser pull out each misaligned byte in the order they occured and then assemble them. It took a full thirty minutes to run and complie but when the finished product flashed on screen she grined a wide feral grin... they were galactic coordinates. Punching them into the remote access to navicomp she watced as the holo-map of the galaxy zoomed in layer by layer till the holo-field just displayed a single pulsing object,
"Is there a good reason that you're staring at a holo of a navigational bouy?" Chase asked as he stepped into her darkened suite.
"Good reason, I dunno, but I found a code imbedded in the transmission and that's where it leads."
Chase leaned forward and eyeballed the holo zooming it out a couple of levels and then keyed one of the other controls and small red flashing dot winkws into exsistence a small distance from the orignal blue one,
"It's only one maybe two jumps off the beaten trail. Once we decant we'll be only maybe an hour, hour and a half of jump time out."
Chase grinned, "Wonder if those NRI monkeys have found the code yet? I'll go plot the jumps, you find anything else in there you let me know."
Chianna nodded and the killed the holo and got back to work, she needed to confirm that the info wasn't a false lead designed to throw them off or if it was even intentional...
Chase Nivaro pulled open the weapons lockers in the small armory that he'd installed onboard teh ship not too long after Draven had given her too him, it hadn't taken him long to figure out that he was always going to be cursed by an old saying he'd heard someone, May you live in intresting times. Most people he mused wouldn't have thought of that little diddy as a curse but for a former Stormtrooper who'd thrown in with the a rebel Jedi, he'd been places and seen things that most beings in the galaxy could never even dream of. His nightmares had an all too common habit of becoming reality so he'd procured things that let him deal with them, concussion rifles, disrupter pistols, thermal detonators, a whole laundry list of other exotics that he'd either picked up along the way or Draven's mad scientists had cooked up Force knows where. Looking over the managerie though he pulled out the modified bow caster Devon had given him ages ago and the grappling quarks and then his pair of trusty DL-44s, the weapons might have been old but they still packed quite the punch. The last thing he pulled was another gift from Devon, a hand and half length device that for all the galaxy looked like a standard glowrod, he smiled as he depressed the activation switch and a blade of green energy slightly longer than the hilt jumped life with a charactristic snap-hiss. It wasn't a lightsabre and there was no way he'd ever try to block anything with it but the lightdagger had saved his and Chianna's hide more than a couple times, kneeling down he snapped it into it's holster on his right boot, standing he placed the bowcaster on the ample workbench and began tearing it down, they had a couple hours of jump time to kill and it had been ages since he'd given the old girl a proper cleaning...
Chianna Ric had been staring at the vid of her niece reading off the terrorists demands on a loop now for better than an hour, something was off, there was something in the transmission that shouldn't have been there, glitching and artifacts that shouldn't be given the pristine nature of the data, she'd already run it through a half dozen filters and nothing had come of it but she knew there was something there. leaning forward she qued up one of the places that appeared to be damaged but wasn't and then started running anaylsis on the raw data, it was just a couple of bytes here and there and they weren't corupted, just out of order. Leaning back she let out a long slow breath and something came to her. Queing up the whole vid she ran it through again, this time having the signal anaylser pull out each misaligned byte in the order they occured and then assemble them. It took a full thirty minutes to run and complie but when the finished product flashed on screen she grined a wide feral grin... they were galactic coordinates. Punching them into the remote access to navicomp she watced as the holo-map of the galaxy zoomed in layer by layer till the holo-field just displayed a single pulsing object,
"Is there a good reason that you're staring at a holo of a navigational bouy?" Chase asked as he stepped into her darkened suite.
"Good reason, I dunno, but I found a code imbedded in the transmission and that's where it leads."
Chase leaned forward and eyeballed the holo zooming it out a couple of levels and then keyed one of the other controls and small red flashing dot winkws into exsistence a small distance from the orignal blue one,
"It's only one maybe two jumps off the beaten trail. Once we decant we'll be only maybe an hour, hour and a half of jump time out."
Chase grinned, "Wonder if those NRI monkeys have found the code yet? I'll go plot the jumps, you find anything else in there you let me know."
Chianna nodded and the killed the holo and got back to work, she needed to confirm that the info wasn't a false lead designed to throw them off or if it was even intentional...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dancing Dass<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Catlyn said Baron, Raisa thought to herself. Baron. Was it a name or a title, and it was a womans hand that
grabber her arm and pulled her off screen. "If that hurt her.." She whispered. Her daughter was a smart kid, something she got from her dad, she mused. Did she comment on Baron by accident, or was she leaving a message. And what happened to Jok. Her son had a good head on his shoulders, but he was very protective of his little sister. "Narbush, how long till we make reversion." SHe asked from the Sensor station. Narbush spoke over his shoulder from the Communications bay. "About thirty minutes." He said. "Once there, we sit and wait for orders from NRI Agramar. Once our people get all the information from the Holo, we will know where to go next." Raster looked up from the secondary Sensor bay. "Which wont be long, we have some of the best slicers in the business working on this." the Zabrak stated.
"Good to hear, Raster. I'd hate to think you'd put this in the hands of interns." she said, looking over the sensors again. "Therese got to be a trace of them in the area they popped in at. That message bounced off of relays. Several Relays I bet." Raisa stated. "Artee, any luck on the message?"
>>>>>001still compileing100101data01001it is heavily01010encrypted010101beyond my standard routines010101this vessel010101 Comm Suite 010inadiquate101this unit is010101having to 010011rely on0011untested0101internal procedures010101<<< The Droid said, in his usual mix of Binary and Translation through his Vocoder.
Narbush looked up again. "Your Droid is working on this? I was led to believe that you were here in strictly on officers courtesy." he said, his brow furled. Raisa turned to the Dass's captain. "I'm loaning Atree to you to help out here, and I'm acting as your Sensor tech, on Officers Courtesy." She said, Raster commented, not bringing his head up. "And after all, with Chibi being sick and all.." Narbush shook his head. "Pretty convenient, isn't it Raster." the Captain stated. "I find the whole thing a little too convenient." he said. "Chibi better be near death when we get back, or Ill have him up on charges." and returned to his work. Rasia shot a look at Raster, and the Zabrak looked like one of her kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "I'm sure your Sensor tech is deathly Ill, Captain. I do hope he has a speedy, and convenient recovery." She stated. Narbush returned to his board, muttering how he was cursed with an unprofessional crew and his lot in life. He sounded like a Protocol Droid, she mused.
Raster growled something, and pushed himself away from the station. "This machine is useless!" he said. "We don't have the equipment to back trace this, not here." he said. "We need to have the better equipment installed. THis sensor bay is practically old republic era." Narbush looked up again from his own board. "THe equipment is fine, you just have to look a little harder..."
...and the bickering continued for the remainder of the Hyperspace time. This crew was hardly a harmonious matching of talents, Rasia thought. The Captain was an annalyst, and would be more comfortable sitting in the office, pouring over information. Raster wanted to be a field operative, so bad he could taste it. Kubrak Ree, the ensign whom was working in the gun bays, was just glad to be here, she thought from her first impression of the kid. She was beginning to believe that Jenks didnt send his best people, more along the lines of his Available people. None of them were use to field work, she thought to herself, and was hoping she didnt have to nursemaid them through if somthing happened that required the ships guns.
The NRI modified YT 1200 freighters Cockpit counter clicked down to zero, and the light beeping of two minute warning sounded. They were about to revert to Normal space. Good. They were now one step closer to finding the 571. Strapping herself into the Sensor bay, the Hyper tunnel disipated, and the star field took its place. Instantly, her sensor panel sprang to life. There was another ship here.
A YT-2000 freighter was sitting out there. "We have paint." she announced, and quickly worked on Idetifying the vessel. Bringing up the warbook, it began going over all known configuations of the class. Narbush sounded off "Open comm with them, Raster. Tell them this is an official investigation into this area, per protocols. warn them away."
Over the mic, she heard Ree's voice, "Ready to fire, Captain"
"Dont get trigger happy, Ensign." Narbush said over the mic.
Raster acknoledged, and opened a channel. Raisa, on the other hand, simply looked out of the cockpit port from her station. "Love you, Taan." She said under her breath. Her Husband had the frame of mind to call them. "I know that ship. Give me the comm.."
Raster nodded, "On your board." he said, and transfered the comm to her Sensor bay. Narbush shook his head. "As I said, this is an official investigation. Theyve already tainted the area.. It will take up hours more to properly investigate.."
Raisa ignored Narbush's compalint, and opened the channel. "Intrepid Sun, this is the New Republic Vessel Dancing Dass, please respond..."
Catlyn said Baron, Raisa thought to herself. Baron. Was it a name or a title, and it was a womans hand that
grabber her arm and pulled her off screen. "If that hurt her.." She whispered. Her daughter was a smart kid, something she got from her dad, she mused. Did she comment on Baron by accident, or was she leaving a message. And what happened to Jok. Her son had a good head on his shoulders, but he was very protective of his little sister. "Narbush, how long till we make reversion." SHe asked from the Sensor station. Narbush spoke over his shoulder from the Communications bay. "About thirty minutes." He said. "Once there, we sit and wait for orders from NRI Agramar. Once our people get all the information from the Holo, we will know where to go next." Raster looked up from the secondary Sensor bay. "Which wont be long, we have some of the best slicers in the business working on this." the Zabrak stated.
"Good to hear, Raster. I'd hate to think you'd put this in the hands of interns." she said, looking over the sensors again. "Therese got to be a trace of them in the area they popped in at. That message bounced off of relays. Several Relays I bet." Raisa stated. "Artee, any luck on the message?"
>>>>>001still compileing100101data01001it is heavily01010encrypted010101beyond my standard routines010101this vessel010101 Comm Suite 010inadiquate101this unit is010101having to 010011rely on0011untested0101internal procedures010101<<< The Droid said, in his usual mix of Binary and Translation through his Vocoder.
Narbush looked up again. "Your Droid is working on this? I was led to believe that you were here in strictly on officers courtesy." he said, his brow furled. Raisa turned to the Dass's captain. "I'm loaning Atree to you to help out here, and I'm acting as your Sensor tech, on Officers Courtesy." She said, Raster commented, not bringing his head up. "And after all, with Chibi being sick and all.." Narbush shook his head. "Pretty convenient, isn't it Raster." the Captain stated. "I find the whole thing a little too convenient." he said. "Chibi better be near death when we get back, or Ill have him up on charges." and returned to his work. Rasia shot a look at Raster, and the Zabrak looked like one of her kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "I'm sure your Sensor tech is deathly Ill, Captain. I do hope he has a speedy, and convenient recovery." She stated. Narbush returned to his board, muttering how he was cursed with an unprofessional crew and his lot in life. He sounded like a Protocol Droid, she mused.
Raster growled something, and pushed himself away from the station. "This machine is useless!" he said. "We don't have the equipment to back trace this, not here." he said. "We need to have the better equipment installed. THis sensor bay is practically old republic era." Narbush looked up again from his own board. "THe equipment is fine, you just have to look a little harder..."
...and the bickering continued for the remainder of the Hyperspace time. This crew was hardly a harmonious matching of talents, Rasia thought. The Captain was an annalyst, and would be more comfortable sitting in the office, pouring over information. Raster wanted to be a field operative, so bad he could taste it. Kubrak Ree, the ensign whom was working in the gun bays, was just glad to be here, she thought from her first impression of the kid. She was beginning to believe that Jenks didnt send his best people, more along the lines of his Available people. None of them were use to field work, she thought to herself, and was hoping she didnt have to nursemaid them through if somthing happened that required the ships guns.
The NRI modified YT 1200 freighters Cockpit counter clicked down to zero, and the light beeping of two minute warning sounded. They were about to revert to Normal space. Good. They were now one step closer to finding the 571. Strapping herself into the Sensor bay, the Hyper tunnel disipated, and the star field took its place. Instantly, her sensor panel sprang to life. There was another ship here.
A YT-2000 freighter was sitting out there. "We have paint." she announced, and quickly worked on Idetifying the vessel. Bringing up the warbook, it began going over all known configuations of the class. Narbush sounded off "Open comm with them, Raster. Tell them this is an official investigation into this area, per protocols. warn them away."
Over the mic, she heard Ree's voice, "Ready to fire, Captain"
"Dont get trigger happy, Ensign." Narbush said over the mic.
Raster acknoledged, and opened a channel. Raisa, on the other hand, simply looked out of the cockpit port from her station. "Love you, Taan." She said under her breath. Her Husband had the frame of mind to call them. "I know that ship. Give me the comm.."
Raster nodded, "On your board." he said, and transfered the comm to her Sensor bay. Narbush shook his head. "As I said, this is an official investigation. Theyve already tainted the area.. It will take up hours more to properly investigate.."
Raisa ignored Narbush's compalint, and opened the channel. "Intrepid Sun, this is the New Republic Vessel Dancing Dass, please respond..."
Lord Defender
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
<<<<<<<<<<<<< A few minutes earlier >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Chase watched the timer on the jump board tick steadily down to zero and then calmly pulled back on the hyperdrive controls, his ship smoothly decanted from hyperspace the stars swirling in the usual counterclockwise direction, it only took him a few minutes to bring up the ship's extremely sophisticated sensor suite and begin taking reading of the whole area. It wasn't a very common drop point after he isolated his own ships readings it was fairly simple to find 571's ion trail and one other, he clicked open his comm,
"I'm sending the sensor reading back your way darling, looks like we're the first ones here, not that it's a huge surprise."
Chianna clicked off the data from the transmission other than the encoded set of coordinates there didn't seem to be anything else out of the ordinary and now she had more hard data to work with. Feeding all of the data that was pouring into her systems from the Sun's sensor grid, she watched as the algorithms she'd written with the help of some of Draven's better programs began to interpret the data and build a model from it, there had defiantly been one other ship, based on the decay it looked like it had been setup and waiting on the 571 to decant. The small shuttle hadn't even stood a chance, she clicked open the comm
"Chase they didn't even stand a chance, these people knew exactly where and when the shuttle would be dropping out, this was defiantly an inside job."
"Great, score another one for New Republic security!"
She smiled at her husband's glib banter but she just wasn't feeling it at the moment, "Looks like one of the possible vectors matches up with our bouy coordinates."
"Excellent, I'll drop a data bouy for the NRI when they finally get here and we'll jump out."
<<<<<<<<<<<< The Present >>>>>>>>>>>
Chase's hand was just about to pop the buoy launcher when the threat board lit up like a life day ring on Kasshyk, a much older YT-1200 model ship dropped out of hyperspace a few hundred meters off their port and almost immediately it had locked weapons on them, after a few tense minutes the comm unit squawked to life with an unexpected voice on the other end, keying open the channel he smirked,
"Raisa is that you? What the Force are you doing out here, shouldn't you be back on Agamar?..."
Chase watched the timer on the jump board tick steadily down to zero and then calmly pulled back on the hyperdrive controls, his ship smoothly decanted from hyperspace the stars swirling in the usual counterclockwise direction, it only took him a few minutes to bring up the ship's extremely sophisticated sensor suite and begin taking reading of the whole area. It wasn't a very common drop point after he isolated his own ships readings it was fairly simple to find 571's ion trail and one other, he clicked open his comm,
"I'm sending the sensor reading back your way darling, looks like we're the first ones here, not that it's a huge surprise."
Chianna clicked off the data from the transmission other than the encoded set of coordinates there didn't seem to be anything else out of the ordinary and now she had more hard data to work with. Feeding all of the data that was pouring into her systems from the Sun's sensor grid, she watched as the algorithms she'd written with the help of some of Draven's better programs began to interpret the data and build a model from it, there had defiantly been one other ship, based on the decay it looked like it had been setup and waiting on the 571 to decant. The small shuttle hadn't even stood a chance, she clicked open the comm
"Chase they didn't even stand a chance, these people knew exactly where and when the shuttle would be dropping out, this was defiantly an inside job."
"Great, score another one for New Republic security!"
She smiled at her husband's glib banter but she just wasn't feeling it at the moment, "Looks like one of the possible vectors matches up with our bouy coordinates."
"Excellent, I'll drop a data bouy for the NRI when they finally get here and we'll jump out."
<<<<<<<<<<<< The Present >>>>>>>>>>>
Chase's hand was just about to pop the buoy launcher when the threat board lit up like a life day ring on Kasshyk, a much older YT-1200 model ship dropped out of hyperspace a few hundred meters off their port and almost immediately it had locked weapons on them, after a few tense minutes the comm unit squawked to life with an unexpected voice on the other end, keying open the channel he smirked,
"Raisa is that you? What the Force are you doing out here, shouldn't you be back on Agamar?..."
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"Better to be here than sitting around ringing my hands" She responded, never more glad to hear someone in her life. "Besides, someones got to keep and eye on Artee." She said into the mic.
Narbush shook his head. "They are Civillians, Captian. This is a New Republic matter, as I said before"
Rasia rolled her eyes, Narbush was betting on her nerves. "Have you been here long enough to find anything, The Dass isnt as up to specs as the sun in certain respects, and Artee's having a problem with the Message's encryption. He said it was done by a serious slicer" she said. After all this was over, She would have to have Chianna give Artee a good once over.
>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Stupid Sensor!" Jok yelled at it. "What do you mean you dont know what it is...Your a SENSOR!! SENCE!!"
<<<Calm down, you'll use up all your Oxygen>>> Ahzi said, smirking. Jok looked up over the pad. "Thats my line." he said back. "I'm the calm one, your the hysterical one, remember?"
<<<Oh yeah, I forgot.>>> She chided back <<<I forgot my script>>>
Jok chuckled, he had to hand it to her, she was taking it all pretty well now. "The sensor package isnt reading anything on the liquids in the bouy. At least not important by what its saying. One of them is a common fluid used for cheap coolant, one unknown and the other is used for fertilizer." he said. "Like I said, useless."
<<<Maybe they have to be mixed, or somthing...>>> she said. <<<WHat if..>>> her thought was cut off by a sudden spark off of the Buoy, followed by a second. <<<WHat was that??>>> Several more sparks hit the bouy.
Jok switched the Sensor pad from its working on the Fluids to telemetry tracking. Several small masses were suddenly apprearing on his screen. Microshower!
Bracing himself on the Bouy, he grabbed her foot and pulled Azhi towards him. "Duck beneath here" he said pulling her close to him. "The Bouy will pop its shields on..." As he said it, the bouy's shields slammed into place, surrounding itself and its passengers. "It shouldnt be long, thier ususally small sets from an asteroid collision." he hoped.
In a few minute span, the barrage was over. "We got lucky. If one of those had hit us, it would have shreaded us like tissue." <<<Your pretty handy. THose sparks were really close to me.>>> Ahzi said, her eyes still wide from the event.
Niether of them saw the small pin hole on Ahzi's suit, not the precious Oxygen beginning to escape...
Narbush shook his head. "They are Civillians, Captian. This is a New Republic matter, as I said before"
Rasia rolled her eyes, Narbush was betting on her nerves. "Have you been here long enough to find anything, The Dass isnt as up to specs as the sun in certain respects, and Artee's having a problem with the Message's encryption. He said it was done by a serious slicer" she said. After all this was over, She would have to have Chianna give Artee a good once over.
>>>>>>>>>>>DEEP SPACE: IMPERIAL DAWNS LOCATION BUOY<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"Stupid Sensor!" Jok yelled at it. "What do you mean you dont know what it is...Your a SENSOR!! SENCE!!"
<<<Calm down, you'll use up all your Oxygen>>> Ahzi said, smirking. Jok looked up over the pad. "Thats my line." he said back. "I'm the calm one, your the hysterical one, remember?"
<<<Oh yeah, I forgot.>>> She chided back <<<I forgot my script>>>
Jok chuckled, he had to hand it to her, she was taking it all pretty well now. "The sensor package isnt reading anything on the liquids in the bouy. At least not important by what its saying. One of them is a common fluid used for cheap coolant, one unknown and the other is used for fertilizer." he said. "Like I said, useless."
<<<Maybe they have to be mixed, or somthing...>>> she said. <<<WHat if..>>> her thought was cut off by a sudden spark off of the Buoy, followed by a second. <<<WHat was that??>>> Several more sparks hit the bouy.
Jok switched the Sensor pad from its working on the Fluids to telemetry tracking. Several small masses were suddenly apprearing on his screen. Microshower!
Bracing himself on the Bouy, he grabbed her foot and pulled Azhi towards him. "Duck beneath here" he said pulling her close to him. "The Bouy will pop its shields on..." As he said it, the bouy's shields slammed into place, surrounding itself and its passengers. "It shouldnt be long, thier ususally small sets from an asteroid collision." he hoped.
In a few minute span, the barrage was over. "We got lucky. If one of those had hit us, it would have shreaded us like tissue." <<<Your pretty handy. THose sparks were really close to me.>>> Ahzi said, her eyes still wide from the event.
Niether of them saw the small pin hole on Ahzi's suit, not the precious Oxygen beginning to escape...
Lord Defender
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase grinned as he heard the other man, presumably the commander of the ship droning on in the background about civilians, keying open the channel he smirked,
"High res scans of the whole area the moment we reverted so as to preseve the scene and Chi found a set of coordinates imbedded in the transmission Taan sent her, just so happens they a short hop skip and jump from here. We're going to investigate, you and yours are more than welcome to tag along."
Chase began ticking off seconds on his left hand, he only got to three before the man on the other end barged in on the channel in fullthroat, "This is Captain Narbush of the New Republic Intelligence service and you're contaminating a crime scene, I'm ordering you to leave at once!"
"Ah Captain, good to speak with you, I'm transmitting all of the forensic data you'll need we'll be moving on shortly." Chase paused and then his lips peeled back in a feral smile that he only wished the man could see, "Oh and one other thing sir. My authorisation code is Alpha-niner-Delta-Delta-Omicron-Omega. See you on the other end Raisa, whenever loud mouth there gets over the shock."
As Chase killed the channel he only wished he could see the other man's face when he ran that code, gripping the flight yoke he banked his frieghter off and pushed the hyperspace controls forward and the Intrepid Sun flashed into hyperspace with a flicker of pseudo motion...
"High res scans of the whole area the moment we reverted so as to preseve the scene and Chi found a set of coordinates imbedded in the transmission Taan sent her, just so happens they a short hop skip and jump from here. We're going to investigate, you and yours are more than welcome to tag along."
Chase began ticking off seconds on his left hand, he only got to three before the man on the other end barged in on the channel in fullthroat, "This is Captain Narbush of the New Republic Intelligence service and you're contaminating a crime scene, I'm ordering you to leave at once!"
"Ah Captain, good to speak with you, I'm transmitting all of the forensic data you'll need we'll be moving on shortly." Chase paused and then his lips peeled back in a feral smile that he only wished the man could see, "Oh and one other thing sir. My authorisation code is Alpha-niner-Delta-Delta-Omicron-Omega. See you on the other end Raisa, whenever loud mouth there gets over the shock."
As Chase killed the channel he only wished he could see the other man's face when he ran that code, gripping the flight yoke he banked his frieghter off and pushed the hyperspace controls forward and the Intrepid Sun flashed into hyperspace with a flicker of pseudo motion...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Narbush stood back from the comm panel, seething. "Oh, Ill look it up, mister." he said. He turned to head back to his station to come face to face with Raisa. "You have somthing to say, Captian?" while Raster began working on the information transmitted to from the Intrepid Sun.
"Alot, but you dont have time." She said "The Navaros did your leg work for you, probably saving you several hours. We need to get underway as soon as possible." Narbush stepped up to her, nearly nose to nose. "I'm not going to say this again, this is a New Republic Inteligence mission, not some hotshot.."
Zephre shook her head. "Thier the best at what they do, Narbush. Not taking their information is a huge mistake." She said. "This isnt a simple analysis mission, this is a life and death situation with fourty plus children of the Republic on the line." and added. "How many field missions have you been on."
Raster spoke up, "This is his first.." and continued looking at his board, as the incomming message Hyperchannel light demanded attention
Narbush crossed his arms, "The only way to ensure that this will hold up in courts is if we have good intel. The terrorists will be brought to justice, but unfortunatly the victims are already dead." he said. "Face it, Captian Zephre. This will probably end badly for the 571."
Raster, who was going over the newly sent info, looked up. "Sir, Captain Jenks on line for you, Hyperchannel." He stated. This stopped Raisa from decking the Dass's commander
"Jenks?" Narbush said, looking slightly confused. "We dont have anything to report yet. We havent even bagan our investigation." he gruffed. "Put it on speaker." Raster nodded, and brought it up through the speaker.
"Sir, this is Fenter Narbush. Im here with Zephre and Raster." he said.
Jenks voice came over the comms speaker, tinny and barely audible. <<<Narbush?>> a pause <<THis is Jenks, We have a development, unfortunatly not one that will make this any easier. GNN has broke the story across the Holonet, which has made the higher up nervouse.>>> he said, and the sound of him blowing out. <<<THier not going to give in to the Imperial Dawns demands, which means we have about 30 hours until the deadline.>>>
Raisa closed her eyes. Frelling GNN. "We just got a break from the Intrepid Sun. Theyve been requested to assist under Senatorial Order. THey arrived some time before us and has transfered information from their findings." Narbush shook his head. "WHat Senatorial order, captian."
<<<Senator Taan Ric, Captian.>>> a pause. <<<Zeph, how are the Navaros>>>
"THier worried about thier Neice and Nephew, Jenks. What do you think."
Narbush stated, this time more loudly. "Sir, I must protest this. These people are too close to the subjects. we need to remain detatched during this investigation. Its the only way to get good analysis. Once I'm finished with my investigation, I'll compare thier data with my own and if they corespond, then Ill consider using what they sent us."
Raisa turned on him. "We dont have time for you to do that, Narbush. We need to move onto their next clue. We have the information. We need to act."
<<<Okay. Enough of this. Has anyone looked at the Info.>>>
"I have, Sir." Raster stated. "It included Simulacrums based off of the telemetry and Ion signatures, and their onboard equiptment has broken the Message, Imbed in the code was the next location." he said. "I have the coordinates forwarded to the nav computer."
<<<Transmit it to this office, and head off after the Intrepid Sun..>>> Another pause. <<<Who Sent you all out on the Dass, Narbush?>>>
"Commander Morlin sent us. He gave me distinct instructions to keep this a NRI matter only." Narbush said. "He was very adamant about it. He also gave told me that we were to consider the 571's passengers expendable." and added "Per your order."
Raisa raised an eyebrow. "WHats the deal, Jenks."
<<<I dont know yet, but Ill get to the bottom of it. Narbush, reliquish command to Captain Zephre, note it in the logs. You'll act as her second.>>>
Raisa noted that he almost looked relieved "I Understand Sir."
<<<Zeph, do what you do best. Make it happen>>> and closed off the comunications
"Your orders, Captian." Raster said, grinning from ear to ear.
Raisa blew out her breath. "I have the Coordinates to the jump point?"
"Yes Maam" Raster said. Raisa nodded. "Then we get under way. Narbush, go over that information with Artee, and lets get a handle on what they sent. See what else you can find on the Impirial Dawn. Who was in charge, who were the members, and thier threat level when they were active. See if theres a coralation with them and the Nobility. I want a status report at the halfway point." She said "Who's playing engineer"
Narbush motioned torwards the gunners station. "Ree is the closest thing we have. He's from the Mechanical department." and added. "At least he's qualified on these engines."
"Yes Maam, I am" Ree said, moving into the command area. "I had about eighty hours on the YT series. She's a little modified in the Power plant, but the Hyperdrive is stock and working properly."
"Good enough." She said as she headed up to the cockpit, and slid into the pilots seat. Raster took his place in the Navigators seat. "Buckle down, we Hyper in five."
With that, the crew of the Dancing Dass strapped in, and within a short span, the Dass was in Hyperspace...
"Alot, but you dont have time." She said "The Navaros did your leg work for you, probably saving you several hours. We need to get underway as soon as possible." Narbush stepped up to her, nearly nose to nose. "I'm not going to say this again, this is a New Republic Inteligence mission, not some hotshot.."
Zephre shook her head. "Thier the best at what they do, Narbush. Not taking their information is a huge mistake." She said. "This isnt a simple analysis mission, this is a life and death situation with fourty plus children of the Republic on the line." and added. "How many field missions have you been on."
Raster spoke up, "This is his first.." and continued looking at his board, as the incomming message Hyperchannel light demanded attention
Narbush crossed his arms, "The only way to ensure that this will hold up in courts is if we have good intel. The terrorists will be brought to justice, but unfortunatly the victims are already dead." he said. "Face it, Captian Zephre. This will probably end badly for the 571."
Raster, who was going over the newly sent info, looked up. "Sir, Captain Jenks on line for you, Hyperchannel." He stated. This stopped Raisa from decking the Dass's commander
"Jenks?" Narbush said, looking slightly confused. "We dont have anything to report yet. We havent even bagan our investigation." he gruffed. "Put it on speaker." Raster nodded, and brought it up through the speaker.
"Sir, this is Fenter Narbush. Im here with Zephre and Raster." he said.
Jenks voice came over the comms speaker, tinny and barely audible. <<<Narbush?>> a pause <<THis is Jenks, We have a development, unfortunatly not one that will make this any easier. GNN has broke the story across the Holonet, which has made the higher up nervouse.>>> he said, and the sound of him blowing out. <<<THier not going to give in to the Imperial Dawns demands, which means we have about 30 hours until the deadline.>>>
Raisa closed her eyes. Frelling GNN. "We just got a break from the Intrepid Sun. Theyve been requested to assist under Senatorial Order. THey arrived some time before us and has transfered information from their findings." Narbush shook his head. "WHat Senatorial order, captian."
<<<Senator Taan Ric, Captian.>>> a pause. <<<Zeph, how are the Navaros>>>
"THier worried about thier Neice and Nephew, Jenks. What do you think."
Narbush stated, this time more loudly. "Sir, I must protest this. These people are too close to the subjects. we need to remain detatched during this investigation. Its the only way to get good analysis. Once I'm finished with my investigation, I'll compare thier data with my own and if they corespond, then Ill consider using what they sent us."
Raisa turned on him. "We dont have time for you to do that, Narbush. We need to move onto their next clue. We have the information. We need to act."
<<<Okay. Enough of this. Has anyone looked at the Info.>>>
"I have, Sir." Raster stated. "It included Simulacrums based off of the telemetry and Ion signatures, and their onboard equiptment has broken the Message, Imbed in the code was the next location." he said. "I have the coordinates forwarded to the nav computer."
<<<Transmit it to this office, and head off after the Intrepid Sun..>>> Another pause. <<<Who Sent you all out on the Dass, Narbush?>>>
"Commander Morlin sent us. He gave me distinct instructions to keep this a NRI matter only." Narbush said. "He was very adamant about it. He also gave told me that we were to consider the 571's passengers expendable." and added "Per your order."
Raisa raised an eyebrow. "WHats the deal, Jenks."
<<<I dont know yet, but Ill get to the bottom of it. Narbush, reliquish command to Captain Zephre, note it in the logs. You'll act as her second.>>>
Raisa noted that he almost looked relieved "I Understand Sir."
<<<Zeph, do what you do best. Make it happen>>> and closed off the comunications
"Your orders, Captian." Raster said, grinning from ear to ear.
Raisa blew out her breath. "I have the Coordinates to the jump point?"
"Yes Maam" Raster said. Raisa nodded. "Then we get under way. Narbush, go over that information with Artee, and lets get a handle on what they sent. See what else you can find on the Impirial Dawn. Who was in charge, who were the members, and thier threat level when they were active. See if theres a coralation with them and the Nobility. I want a status report at the halfway point." She said "Who's playing engineer"
Narbush motioned torwards the gunners station. "Ree is the closest thing we have. He's from the Mechanical department." and added. "At least he's qualified on these engines."
"Yes Maam, I am" Ree said, moving into the command area. "I had about eighty hours on the YT series. She's a little modified in the Power plant, but the Hyperdrive is stock and working properly."
"Good enough." She said as she headed up to the cockpit, and slid into the pilots seat. Raster took his place in the Navigators seat. "Buckle down, we Hyper in five."
With that, the crew of the Dancing Dass strapped in, and within a short span, the Dass was in Hyperspace...
Last edited by zephre on Mon May 18, 2009 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NRI Offices: LOMITA CITY, ARGRAMAR<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Jenks moved through the Bull Pen, the central command center of the NRI Agramar. All agents were working on the information from the Imperial Dawns message. THey were under the clock, and were determined to get as much as possible from the cryptic transmission. Several of the Agents attempted to give him updates, offer their services, but he was not stopping. He had to find Morlin..
Commander Conar Morlin was his Second in Command, and honestly couldnt believe that he had sent out the Dancing Dass with such a ill matched crew. Narbush was good at what he did, but he had no command experience. He had never commanded a team in the field and granted, he had a pilots credentials, but stang it, he wasn't a leader. Lieutenant Koden Raster was a talented Agent, but he was inexperienced, as was Ensign Kubrad Ree. WHat possessed Morlin to send them. Jenks felt lucky to have Captain Zephre on board with them, even though she wasn't suppose to be there. Raisa Zephre had been a good acquaintance for several years, and knew that she would be able take charge of the Dass and properly allocate their service. He also knew the Navaro's, much better than Zephre. He had worked with Chianna Navaro some time back, as well as Chase. Jenks had remembered to send them the Thank you note at least, before he went to look for Morlin.
Moving up to one of the Kiosks, he tapped in his code, and placed a location marker for Morlin. Waiting for it to update, His comm dinged for attention. Pulling it from his belt clip, he keyed the response stud. "Go."
<<Sir, I may have found some information regarding the initial message.>>>
"Go ahead." he said. "Give me some good news"
<<<Our samples have been compromised compared to the information sent from the contact team. It appears that the Artifacts in the code from ours was altered, compared to the Raw data sent to Omega.>>>
"What kind of alteration" He asked, not believing what he was hearing.
<<<Ours have been cleared, and looped back on itself. Its impossible to back trace.>>>
Nodding, he said "Work on Omega's version. get everything you can out of it" and shut down the comm as the Kiosk reported that Morlin was in the Engineering section. WHat was he doing down there. Loading onto his Padd, Jenks headed towards the elevator, and thumbed the lifts panel. It took him to the Lower floors of the twelve story structure. It was darker down here, as his eyes adjusted to the light he moved towards Morlins location. The Commander had always been a good second to him, a more than competent officer and a stickler for detail.
THen another thought crossed his mind. Was he the Mole?
He felt inside his jacket for his blaster, and pulling it from its holster held it behind his back. Approaching the hatch for Environmental Control Suite, he thumbed the key pad, and rotated the Turn Key latch lever..
Inside the Environmental Control Suite, the three elements of Triglycerine Compound sat dormant, the mixing chamber waiting for the signal to pour the three liquids together. On the doors turn key sat the electronic trip, designed to trigger when the door opened. On the floor sat Commander Molins Comm, and his Locator badge, abandoned by its owner. As the Turn Key rotated, the trip let off a soft beep, and triggering the Mixing Chamber Mechanism of the bomb, the Elements injected into the Reservoir, mixing together and instantly beginning the chemical reaction..
Jenks walked into the room, seeing Morlins Comm and Locator badge on the floor..
Conar Morlin pulled out of the parking lot of the NRI Building, pleased with himself. He had earned his money from Corryn Villis. NRI Agramar was about to become an inert pile of rubble, taking them out of the equation. He had leaked the message to GNN, which stirred up the publics interest in the situation. He had changed the NRI Agramars version of the Message to keep them from finding anything in the message, and even sent out a completely inappropriate team to investigate.
He had done well, he thought as the NRI Building turned into a fireball..
He had sent one last message, allowing the media something else to chew on....
Jenks moved through the Bull Pen, the central command center of the NRI Agramar. All agents were working on the information from the Imperial Dawns message. THey were under the clock, and were determined to get as much as possible from the cryptic transmission. Several of the Agents attempted to give him updates, offer their services, but he was not stopping. He had to find Morlin..
Commander Conar Morlin was his Second in Command, and honestly couldnt believe that he had sent out the Dancing Dass with such a ill matched crew. Narbush was good at what he did, but he had no command experience. He had never commanded a team in the field and granted, he had a pilots credentials, but stang it, he wasn't a leader. Lieutenant Koden Raster was a talented Agent, but he was inexperienced, as was Ensign Kubrad Ree. WHat possessed Morlin to send them. Jenks felt lucky to have Captain Zephre on board with them, even though she wasn't suppose to be there. Raisa Zephre had been a good acquaintance for several years, and knew that she would be able take charge of the Dass and properly allocate their service. He also knew the Navaro's, much better than Zephre. He had worked with Chianna Navaro some time back, as well as Chase. Jenks had remembered to send them the Thank you note at least, before he went to look for Morlin.
Moving up to one of the Kiosks, he tapped in his code, and placed a location marker for Morlin. Waiting for it to update, His comm dinged for attention. Pulling it from his belt clip, he keyed the response stud. "Go."
<<Sir, I may have found some information regarding the initial message.>>>
"Go ahead." he said. "Give me some good news"
<<<Our samples have been compromised compared to the information sent from the contact team. It appears that the Artifacts in the code from ours was altered, compared to the Raw data sent to Omega.>>>
"What kind of alteration" He asked, not believing what he was hearing.
<<<Ours have been cleared, and looped back on itself. Its impossible to back trace.>>>
Nodding, he said "Work on Omega's version. get everything you can out of it" and shut down the comm as the Kiosk reported that Morlin was in the Engineering section. WHat was he doing down there. Loading onto his Padd, Jenks headed towards the elevator, and thumbed the lifts panel. It took him to the Lower floors of the twelve story structure. It was darker down here, as his eyes adjusted to the light he moved towards Morlins location. The Commander had always been a good second to him, a more than competent officer and a stickler for detail.
THen another thought crossed his mind. Was he the Mole?
He felt inside his jacket for his blaster, and pulling it from its holster held it behind his back. Approaching the hatch for Environmental Control Suite, he thumbed the key pad, and rotated the Turn Key latch lever..
Inside the Environmental Control Suite, the three elements of Triglycerine Compound sat dormant, the mixing chamber waiting for the signal to pour the three liquids together. On the doors turn key sat the electronic trip, designed to trigger when the door opened. On the floor sat Commander Molins Comm, and his Locator badge, abandoned by its owner. As the Turn Key rotated, the trip let off a soft beep, and triggering the Mixing Chamber Mechanism of the bomb, the Elements injected into the Reservoir, mixing together and instantly beginning the chemical reaction..
Jenks walked into the room, seeing Morlins Comm and Locator badge on the floor..
Conar Morlin pulled out of the parking lot of the NRI Building, pleased with himself. He had earned his money from Corryn Villis. NRI Agramar was about to become an inert pile of rubble, taking them out of the equation. He had leaked the message to GNN, which stirred up the publics interest in the situation. He had changed the NRI Agramars version of the Message to keep them from finding anything in the message, and even sent out a completely inappropriate team to investigate.
He had done well, he thought as the NRI Building turned into a fireball..
He had sent one last message, allowing the media something else to chew on....
Last edited by zephre on Wed May 20, 2009 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:13 am
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Location Buoy<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
"..So that's when you snuck out of your house." Jok said, laughing. "Wizard!"
<<Yeah, but Grammas checked up on me, and did I ever get it when I got home. I'd never seen her so mad!>> the girl said, and asked. <<You ever do anything like that?>>>
Jok rolled his eyes. "I tried to get out of some function that my Mom and Dad was dragging us to by taking Hobins solution. I thought it would just make me throw up, but it turned out it just made me turn green... Really green. I didn't know it was a theatrical dye." he said. "So they took me to the function looking like a vegetable."
Ahzi started laughing, hard and heavy. <<<that's so funny>>> she said, as her helmet fogged up. <<<THese things need wipers inside. I cant see anything inside this helmet>>> Jok turned around. "You shouldn't be fogging up at all." he said, and huffed on his own helmet glass. Nothing. "do you feel cold?"
<<<A little bit. Is there something wrong?>>> She said, now concerned.
"Probably not," he said as she moved towards her. "Let me look you over." And hand over hand moved towards her. First he looked at her Oxygen sensor, which read nominal, if not a little thin, and she only had two hours of O2 left. He looked at his own, to confirm the time. he had nearly seven. Dren..
<<<Something's wrong, isn't it..>> SHe said, stress in her voice..
"Yeah. But don't worry, Your still Nominal" he told her as he looked over her suit. No holes in the front, nothing to show a leak. He moved behind her, and continued his once over. If there was a hole, then it was small. A patch couldn't keep her closed up. The only other problem would be where to get air from. There was a way to buddy breath, but it would cut their air in half. He made his way around to her back.
A small stream of air was emitting from her shoulder from what looked like a surface hole, and imbedded in it was a small piece of the meteor. It would continue to rip into the suit and depressurize her Vacc suit if he didn't take it out now, but if he took it out, she would lose a good amount of her O2.
"Ok, I'm gonna have to take care of this.." He said...
<<<Take care of what??>>> now scared. <<<JOK WHAT IS IT!!>>>
"you got a piece of rock in your suit, its made a hole.." he said, trying not to sound as scared as he was. "I'm gonna take it out, and patch you...Don't move.." He reached into his own suit pocket, and pulled out a patch, and activated the adhesive side giving him a few seconds to complete the task. With his free hand, he wiped the rock away, and Oxygen poured from the hole. Placing the patch over the hole, he kept pressure on the hole until the patch turned blue, the sign that it was sealed. "Ok.. you can move again."
<<<You saved me again..>> She said, grateful. Jok moved to her front again, looking at her Oxygen sensor. It read now in the danger level, one hour left.. "Ok, here's what were gonna do.. Your gonna have to hold onto me while we buddy breath... Im gonna use my hose to give you my air, and once your ok, Ill give me air.. "
<<<What do I have to do..>>> She said, a quaver in her voice. Jok moved closer "Just hold onto me, Ill do everything else.."
And so they continued to survive for the next three hours. He would unhook his hose, attach it to her suit and wait until the levels read Nominal, then hook it to his own. Back and forth. Again and Again. Eventually she fell asleep, the stress taking its toll, still holding onto him as he kept feeding her oxygen. Towards the end, as he perceived it, he was leaving the hose in her suit longer, to the point where he was in the danger levels longer and longer. Jok knew someone would come, he couldn't believe otherwise. He wouldn't.
There was one other form of survival in a vacuum suit. If he could bring the temperature in his suit to near freezing, he would be able to last longer. Hyperthermia would slow his breathing, his heart rate and his vital signs. the downside was that if not revived quickly, he wouldn't survive it. Shaking his head, it was his only option. He couldnt live with himself if she died under his watch. Taking the hose one last time, he rehooked it to hers, and turned off the heating elements of the suit.
Within minutes, the cold was nearly unbearable as he slowly began to freeze. Sleepiness began to overtake him, and even with his teeth chattering, he fell asleep, he knew that he wasnt suppose to fall asleep in the cold, but there wasn't another choice. It was part of his plan. He had never been this cold..
He woke a few times, still in the star field, and each time his helmet was frosted over more and more each time. The last time he woke up, through the ice fomations on the inside of his helmet, he swore he saw the a ship hyper in....
Probably a hallucination, as he fell back to sleep, as hyperthermia set in...
"..So that's when you snuck out of your house." Jok said, laughing. "Wizard!"
<<Yeah, but Grammas checked up on me, and did I ever get it when I got home. I'd never seen her so mad!>> the girl said, and asked. <<You ever do anything like that?>>>
Jok rolled his eyes. "I tried to get out of some function that my Mom and Dad was dragging us to by taking Hobins solution. I thought it would just make me throw up, but it turned out it just made me turn green... Really green. I didn't know it was a theatrical dye." he said. "So they took me to the function looking like a vegetable."
Ahzi started laughing, hard and heavy. <<<that's so funny>>> she said, as her helmet fogged up. <<<THese things need wipers inside. I cant see anything inside this helmet>>> Jok turned around. "You shouldn't be fogging up at all." he said, and huffed on his own helmet glass. Nothing. "do you feel cold?"
<<<A little bit. Is there something wrong?>>> She said, now concerned.
"Probably not," he said as she moved towards her. "Let me look you over." And hand over hand moved towards her. First he looked at her Oxygen sensor, which read nominal, if not a little thin, and she only had two hours of O2 left. He looked at his own, to confirm the time. he had nearly seven. Dren..
<<<Something's wrong, isn't it..>> SHe said, stress in her voice..
"Yeah. But don't worry, Your still Nominal" he told her as he looked over her suit. No holes in the front, nothing to show a leak. He moved behind her, and continued his once over. If there was a hole, then it was small. A patch couldn't keep her closed up. The only other problem would be where to get air from. There was a way to buddy breath, but it would cut their air in half. He made his way around to her back.
A small stream of air was emitting from her shoulder from what looked like a surface hole, and imbedded in it was a small piece of the meteor. It would continue to rip into the suit and depressurize her Vacc suit if he didn't take it out now, but if he took it out, she would lose a good amount of her O2.
"Ok, I'm gonna have to take care of this.." He said...
<<<Take care of what??>>> now scared. <<<JOK WHAT IS IT!!>>>
"you got a piece of rock in your suit, its made a hole.." he said, trying not to sound as scared as he was. "I'm gonna take it out, and patch you...Don't move.." He reached into his own suit pocket, and pulled out a patch, and activated the adhesive side giving him a few seconds to complete the task. With his free hand, he wiped the rock away, and Oxygen poured from the hole. Placing the patch over the hole, he kept pressure on the hole until the patch turned blue, the sign that it was sealed. "Ok.. you can move again."
<<<You saved me again..>> She said, grateful. Jok moved to her front again, looking at her Oxygen sensor. It read now in the danger level, one hour left.. "Ok, here's what were gonna do.. Your gonna have to hold onto me while we buddy breath... Im gonna use my hose to give you my air, and once your ok, Ill give me air.. "
<<<What do I have to do..>>> She said, a quaver in her voice. Jok moved closer "Just hold onto me, Ill do everything else.."
And so they continued to survive for the next three hours. He would unhook his hose, attach it to her suit and wait until the levels read Nominal, then hook it to his own. Back and forth. Again and Again. Eventually she fell asleep, the stress taking its toll, still holding onto him as he kept feeding her oxygen. Towards the end, as he perceived it, he was leaving the hose in her suit longer, to the point where he was in the danger levels longer and longer. Jok knew someone would come, he couldn't believe otherwise. He wouldn't.
There was one other form of survival in a vacuum suit. If he could bring the temperature in his suit to near freezing, he would be able to last longer. Hyperthermia would slow his breathing, his heart rate and his vital signs. the downside was that if not revived quickly, he wouldn't survive it. Shaking his head, it was his only option. He couldnt live with himself if she died under his watch. Taking the hose one last time, he rehooked it to hers, and turned off the heating elements of the suit.
Within minutes, the cold was nearly unbearable as he slowly began to freeze. Sleepiness began to overtake him, and even with his teeth chattering, he fell asleep, he knew that he wasnt suppose to fall asleep in the cold, but there wasn't another choice. It was part of his plan. He had never been this cold..
He woke a few times, still in the star field, and each time his helmet was frosted over more and more each time. The last time he woke up, through the ice fomations on the inside of his helmet, he swore he saw the a ship hyper in....
Probably a hallucination, as he fell back to sleep, as hyperthermia set in...
Lord Defender
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase Navaro watched the timer ticket down towards zero, timing on this particular decant would be essential since he'd plotted a jump that would drop them out as near to the buoy on the other end as possible without risking it or whatever was waiting for them, there was something about this whole situation that stank worse than a hutt 'fresher after a month without cleaning. 3... 2... 1... Outside the world snapped back into place and almost immediately something slammed into the Sun's canopy setting off collision alarms,
"The FRELL!"
"Easy tiger, it's just debris, looks like the pirates dumped before they jumped."
Chase reached over and popped the recessed floods on the outside of the ship and kicked off the scanners, "Darling that isn't refuse."
Chianna looked up and immediately looked away as the partially illuminated body of one of the former crew of 571 floated past,
"Well at least now we know the threat is serious and we know whoever did this are not your run of the mill bad guys or pirates."
"What makes you say that dear?"
"Well I don't know a self-respecting pirate that would space that many credits, do you?"
Chase smirked at his wife's deft logic, your run of the mill pirates or slavers would have kept those people and mad e a tidy profit off of them in the markets on Nar Shadda, "Buoy's dead ahead."
"Two life signs too though they're both faint at best."
"Got it."
Chase guided the light freighter in till it was just 10 meters from the buoy and then set the station keeping routines, as he popped the latches on his safety harness and headed aft his wife grabbed his arm, "Be careful fly boy, remember Nasca."
Chase nodded, he most defiantly remembered Nasca, he'd almost been blown to a fine red mist by a bomb in a situation very similar to this one, eerily familiar to this one, "Run a full spectrum on that thing just to be safe. Throw the book at it."
Making his way aft to sealed himself into the external airlock and quickly pulled on his vac-suit, doing safety checks on the power cells and personal shield generator finishing off with a seal test once he locked in the helm,
"Popping the cork." he smirked as he latched the small safety reel onto his suit and opened the outer door, outside the stars twinkled in the vast sea of the galaxy, most sane folks hated working in the vacuum of space, there were just too many dangers but Chase loved it, maybe that meant he wasn't really sane but given the number of overtly dangerous things he'd done in his life the occasional space walk was hardly something he considered risky. There ten meters away was the buoy and even from this distance he could make out the beacon lights of two suits, swinging out onto the hull of the Sun he flexed and then launched towards them, after you spent enough time in vacuum you learn that you only really use your finite propellant supply when you had to and for this he wouldn't need it, as he grabbed hold of one of the buoy's handhold using his momentum to swing around and plant his boots firmly on the metal skin. With a satisfying thunk the magnetics on them locked him to the surface, it only took him a moment to traverse the small structure to where the two suits are attached,
"Looks like one of the damn fools killed his heater to try and go cryo, the other suit has a puncture on the shoulder that's been patched, and that's why they turned off their heater. Hero gave the other their air."
Reaching around to his pack he popped the release on one of the two spare nitr-ox cannisters he'd packed and quickly slotted it into the suit of the hero and then popped the second one into the other. "Diagnostics say he's been cold for five minutes, darling you're going to need to prep the med-bay."
"Already on it." came his wife's voice back over the tinny comm, as he separated the two bodies from each other he triggered the recall on the tether, whoever was in teh second suit could wait thanks to hero as the tether pulled them into the small bay he slapped the emergency cycle and hefted the hero over his shoulder and pushed through the door not even breaking the seal on his suit Chianna was just inside the doorway waiting with a laser scalpel that she immediately went to work on the suit with with, popping the seal on his own helm he set it aside and popped the lock on the hero's iced over bucket,
"Oh dren."
"Wha..." Chianna asked stopping mid question when she saw her nephew's cold blue face, "mondo dren... Raisa's gonna go ballistic."
"Only if he dies." Chase growled and reached into the overhead storage and pulled out a handful of heating pads and began breaking their seals and stuffing them, "He needs oxy Chi!"
"Right." reached across and pulled the tube for the emergency O2 from the wall and plugged into a mask and secured it her nephew's face, "You know this is our fault? Right?"
Chase stopped and stared at his wife, "Now is not the time darling."
Chi shrugged as she went back to freeing the boy from his suit and attaching the monitoring nodes, "Seriously, he's always idolized us, you know it just as well as me."
"Chi that might be the only reason he's even alive, that thought occur to you yet? It's not just crew out there you know."
Chi stopped again, "Kids? They spaced kids?"
"Focus Chi!"
Children had always been a touchy subject with his wife and how he was kicking himself for mentioning it, grabbing her by her shoulders he shook her and stared her down, "We'll nail the bloody bastards to the wall later Chianna Ric NAvarro but right now we gotta save the ones we can!"
She shook him off and went back to work on the suit, "Core and head first with the pads, then run an IV."
It was in Chase's recollection the longest 20 minutes of his entire life till the boy took his first breaths and the color started to return to his features, of course right about that time a panicked scream assaulted them from the ship's overhead which Chianna had left tuned to the emergency comm channel,
"Go." was all his wife said, he grabbed his helmet and skidded his way back to the airlock, soon as his suit was sealed he opened the comms to yet another rendition of his nephew's name,
"Easy." he spoke his voice low and calm as the airlock cycled open giving him a view of the buoy, "Stay right where you are, I'm coming to get you."
Once again flipping out of the lock he launched himself at the buoy this time not taking the time to aim and instead using his jet to land solidly next to the other suit, wiping the ice from it's face plate he smiled into the slightly terrified features of a young girl probably just about Jok's age, "Hi I'm Chase Navarro, I'm here to rescue you..."
"The FRELL!"
"Easy tiger, it's just debris, looks like the pirates dumped before they jumped."
Chase reached over and popped the recessed floods on the outside of the ship and kicked off the scanners, "Darling that isn't refuse."
Chianna looked up and immediately looked away as the partially illuminated body of one of the former crew of 571 floated past,
"Well at least now we know the threat is serious and we know whoever did this are not your run of the mill bad guys or pirates."
"What makes you say that dear?"
"Well I don't know a self-respecting pirate that would space that many credits, do you?"
Chase smirked at his wife's deft logic, your run of the mill pirates or slavers would have kept those people and mad e a tidy profit off of them in the markets on Nar Shadda, "Buoy's dead ahead."
"Two life signs too though they're both faint at best."
"Got it."
Chase guided the light freighter in till it was just 10 meters from the buoy and then set the station keeping routines, as he popped the latches on his safety harness and headed aft his wife grabbed his arm, "Be careful fly boy, remember Nasca."
Chase nodded, he most defiantly remembered Nasca, he'd almost been blown to a fine red mist by a bomb in a situation very similar to this one, eerily familiar to this one, "Run a full spectrum on that thing just to be safe. Throw the book at it."
Making his way aft to sealed himself into the external airlock and quickly pulled on his vac-suit, doing safety checks on the power cells and personal shield generator finishing off with a seal test once he locked in the helm,
"Popping the cork." he smirked as he latched the small safety reel onto his suit and opened the outer door, outside the stars twinkled in the vast sea of the galaxy, most sane folks hated working in the vacuum of space, there were just too many dangers but Chase loved it, maybe that meant he wasn't really sane but given the number of overtly dangerous things he'd done in his life the occasional space walk was hardly something he considered risky. There ten meters away was the buoy and even from this distance he could make out the beacon lights of two suits, swinging out onto the hull of the Sun he flexed and then launched towards them, after you spent enough time in vacuum you learn that you only really use your finite propellant supply when you had to and for this he wouldn't need it, as he grabbed hold of one of the buoy's handhold using his momentum to swing around and plant his boots firmly on the metal skin. With a satisfying thunk the magnetics on them locked him to the surface, it only took him a moment to traverse the small structure to where the two suits are attached,
"Looks like one of the damn fools killed his heater to try and go cryo, the other suit has a puncture on the shoulder that's been patched, and that's why they turned off their heater. Hero gave the other their air."
Reaching around to his pack he popped the release on one of the two spare nitr-ox cannisters he'd packed and quickly slotted it into the suit of the hero and then popped the second one into the other. "Diagnostics say he's been cold for five minutes, darling you're going to need to prep the med-bay."
"Already on it." came his wife's voice back over the tinny comm, as he separated the two bodies from each other he triggered the recall on the tether, whoever was in teh second suit could wait thanks to hero as the tether pulled them into the small bay he slapped the emergency cycle and hefted the hero over his shoulder and pushed through the door not even breaking the seal on his suit Chianna was just inside the doorway waiting with a laser scalpel that she immediately went to work on the suit with with, popping the seal on his own helm he set it aside and popped the lock on the hero's iced over bucket,
"Oh dren."
"Wha..." Chianna asked stopping mid question when she saw her nephew's cold blue face, "mondo dren... Raisa's gonna go ballistic."
"Only if he dies." Chase growled and reached into the overhead storage and pulled out a handful of heating pads and began breaking their seals and stuffing them, "He needs oxy Chi!"
"Right." reached across and pulled the tube for the emergency O2 from the wall and plugged into a mask and secured it her nephew's face, "You know this is our fault? Right?"
Chase stopped and stared at his wife, "Now is not the time darling."
Chi shrugged as she went back to freeing the boy from his suit and attaching the monitoring nodes, "Seriously, he's always idolized us, you know it just as well as me."
"Chi that might be the only reason he's even alive, that thought occur to you yet? It's not just crew out there you know."
Chi stopped again, "Kids? They spaced kids?"
"Focus Chi!"
Children had always been a touchy subject with his wife and how he was kicking himself for mentioning it, grabbing her by her shoulders he shook her and stared her down, "We'll nail the bloody bastards to the wall later Chianna Ric NAvarro but right now we gotta save the ones we can!"
She shook him off and went back to work on the suit, "Core and head first with the pads, then run an IV."
It was in Chase's recollection the longest 20 minutes of his entire life till the boy took his first breaths and the color started to return to his features, of course right about that time a panicked scream assaulted them from the ship's overhead which Chianna had left tuned to the emergency comm channel,
"Go." was all his wife said, he grabbed his helmet and skidded his way back to the airlock, soon as his suit was sealed he opened the comms to yet another rendition of his nephew's name,
"Easy." he spoke his voice low and calm as the airlock cycled open giving him a view of the buoy, "Stay right where you are, I'm coming to get you."
Once again flipping out of the lock he launched himself at the buoy this time not taking the time to aim and instead using his jet to land solidly next to the other suit, wiping the ice from it's face plate he smiled into the slightly terrified features of a young girl probably just about Jok's age, "Hi I'm Chase Navarro, I'm here to rescue you..."
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"Jok was right! We were going the be rescued!" she said, now able to breath considerably better. When she fell asleep, Jok was holding on to her, as they buddie breathed. She still felt light headed from sleeping, and what she figured was lack of oxygen.
But everything was going to be alright now, right?
Or would it. Jok had said somthing about her, somthing they were talking about..
THe Fluids in the Bouy!
"Mr Navaro. Jok was taking sensor scans on the suits scanner thing, and said that there was some kind of wierd fluids inside this thing.." She thought back to the conversaion. Scared as she was, this was important, otherwise her friend wouldnt have mentioned it. "A fertilzer and a coolant. He couldnt figure out the third one from the sensor thingy." she said,
He was warm, very warm...
Joks eyes squinted in the light from a medical table. He couldnt make out faces yet, but he could tell there was someone there.
His voice came out in a croak, but hopefully audible...
"Cable...Ahzi suit..."
And that was the last of his strength for the moment....
But everything was going to be alright now, right?
Or would it. Jok had said somthing about her, somthing they were talking about..
THe Fluids in the Bouy!
"Mr Navaro. Jok was taking sensor scans on the suits scanner thing, and said that there was some kind of wierd fluids inside this thing.." She thought back to the conversaion. Scared as she was, this was important, otherwise her friend wouldnt have mentioned it. "A fertilzer and a coolant. He couldnt figure out the third one from the sensor thingy." she said,
He was warm, very warm...
Joks eyes squinted in the light from a medical table. He couldnt make out faces yet, but he could tell there was someone there.
His voice came out in a croak, but hopefully audible...
"Cable...Ahzi suit..."
And that was the last of his strength for the moment....
Lord Defender
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Location: locus vacuus fides
Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"That would be Glycertine in all likelyhood, third and final componant of a triGlycerine explosive. A bomb." spoke with a calm tone with just a hint of a smirk, "But don't worry, I've dealt with these kinds of things before so you just need to stay calm. Whoever these people were they went to great lengths to make this look like the real Imperial Dawn did it, but I dealt with the real deal and these people made enough mistakes that I'm sure they aren't them. Lean forward some for me would doll."
The young girl did as she was asked, she was he noted taking this all fairly well, coming off the back of her suit where the navigational module would have been installed was the trigger pack, reaching to his side he pulled out one of the most handy little toys Draven Artemis had given him during their long association, pulling appart the two rolls of the device revealed a plastoid polymer display that acted much like an medical scanner might, "Looks like a fairly standard trigger mechanism, whoever comes to rescue you shows up, finds you attached to the buoy, their scanners probably don't register the triglycerine, they pluck you up triggering the bomb and judging by the volume of the buoy everything for about 300 meters gets vaporized into it's component atoms."
Leaning the girl back he pulled her around so that he was looking into her faceplate, "You're just lucky we beat the others here."
Chase pointed just off to the right of where the Sun was holding position about a hundred meters past her space ruptured as the Dancing Dass reverted, "Not that Raisa's not top notch mind you but whoever put the rest of that crew together was either epically stupid or intentionally sabotaging the operation."
The young girl in the suit just nodded, chase knew she didn't understand half of what he was saying but he was glad she was staying calm, just one tug too much on that line would set the bomb off, "Can you do something for me?"
She nodded, "I want you to stay right here on the buoy, I don't care what anyone tells you you stay right here ok? I'll be right back."
One last nod, Chase gave the young girl his best roguish grin, planted on the buoy and launched back towards the sun...
Chianna met her husband at the door to the inside door of the airlock, "The girl's suit is rigged."
"I know, triglycrine bomb in the buoy, Raisa and the Dass just popped in too. Let's just hope she's got that moron in command of the ship under her control."
"Triglycrine? Wow, whoever did this really went all the way, Glycertine is expensive stuff."
Chase nodded, "How's Jok?"
"Sleeping but out of the woods, any longer out there and we might not have been so lucky."
"Hey you know what Devon always says..."
"There is no luck, only the Force." she repeated with a smile, "I'll get on the horn with the Dass. So if this isn't the Dawn who do you think it is?"
"Dunno." Chase pulled a small power cell from one of the workbench cabinets near the lock and a remotely triggered wire cutter, "I want you to pull the sun back to a safe distance and make sure the Dass stays back as well, if this doesn't work like I want it to you need to be clear of the blast."
She nodded as he tromped back into the airlock smiling at her from inside his helmet just before the door slammed shut and the lock cycled. Turning she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and headed for the cockpit, she couldn't really fly the ship but she didn't need to really, just tell the ship's computer to move it back to 300 meters, as she settled into the pilot's seat she pulled on the comm earpiece and keyed open the general frequency,
"This is Intrepid Sun to Dancing Dass, do not approach the buoy, situation is hot. Pulling back to a safe distance recommend you do the same."
Chase landed neatly on the bouy beside the young girl, "going to need you to learn forward for me again, grab onto my suit if you need to."
He could see her nod and then rock forward and latch onto the back of his suit, feeling around he found the module release on her suit and carefully popped it slowly pulling the two pieces apart, just as he suspected there was a pair of leads between the suit and the connector, carefully he clipped the two vampire leads onto wires and then connected them to the power cell, the automatic snips cutting the wires the pico second the external power source was connected, pulling the block clear of the suit he fixed the remote cutter to the umbilical,
"Alright you're free and we're both still breathing." he heard her laugh at the half-joke, that he thought was a good sign, "Now hang on ok?"
He felt her tighter her grip as he flexed his legs and launch them away from the buoy, he fired his maneuvering jets pointing them at the Sun which was now holding position significantly further out than before, as they neared the ship he flipped them with a short burst from the suit's jets and landed them with a solid thump on the ship's hull, "Hang on."
Reaching into the suit's chest pocket he pulled out the remote for the cutter and triggered it, for a few seconds nothing happened then a fiery bright flash erupted, bright enough to darken their face plates, when the tint returned to normal all that was left was the quickly dieing residue of the blast, the shipped rocked beneath them slightly but didn't seem to move much,
"Let's get inside then shall we?" he asked trudging over to the airlocks top hatch, "I imagine you could use a bath...."
The young girl did as she was asked, she was he noted taking this all fairly well, coming off the back of her suit where the navigational module would have been installed was the trigger pack, reaching to his side he pulled out one of the most handy little toys Draven Artemis had given him during their long association, pulling appart the two rolls of the device revealed a plastoid polymer display that acted much like an medical scanner might, "Looks like a fairly standard trigger mechanism, whoever comes to rescue you shows up, finds you attached to the buoy, their scanners probably don't register the triglycerine, they pluck you up triggering the bomb and judging by the volume of the buoy everything for about 300 meters gets vaporized into it's component atoms."
Leaning the girl back he pulled her around so that he was looking into her faceplate, "You're just lucky we beat the others here."
Chase pointed just off to the right of where the Sun was holding position about a hundred meters past her space ruptured as the Dancing Dass reverted, "Not that Raisa's not top notch mind you but whoever put the rest of that crew together was either epically stupid or intentionally sabotaging the operation."
The young girl in the suit just nodded, chase knew she didn't understand half of what he was saying but he was glad she was staying calm, just one tug too much on that line would set the bomb off, "Can you do something for me?"
She nodded, "I want you to stay right here on the buoy, I don't care what anyone tells you you stay right here ok? I'll be right back."
One last nod, Chase gave the young girl his best roguish grin, planted on the buoy and launched back towards the sun...
Chianna met her husband at the door to the inside door of the airlock, "The girl's suit is rigged."
"I know, triglycrine bomb in the buoy, Raisa and the Dass just popped in too. Let's just hope she's got that moron in command of the ship under her control."
"Triglycrine? Wow, whoever did this really went all the way, Glycertine is expensive stuff."
Chase nodded, "How's Jok?"
"Sleeping but out of the woods, any longer out there and we might not have been so lucky."
"Hey you know what Devon always says..."
"There is no luck, only the Force." she repeated with a smile, "I'll get on the horn with the Dass. So if this isn't the Dawn who do you think it is?"
"Dunno." Chase pulled a small power cell from one of the workbench cabinets near the lock and a remotely triggered wire cutter, "I want you to pull the sun back to a safe distance and make sure the Dass stays back as well, if this doesn't work like I want it to you need to be clear of the blast."
She nodded as he tromped back into the airlock smiling at her from inside his helmet just before the door slammed shut and the lock cycled. Turning she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and headed for the cockpit, she couldn't really fly the ship but she didn't need to really, just tell the ship's computer to move it back to 300 meters, as she settled into the pilot's seat she pulled on the comm earpiece and keyed open the general frequency,
"This is Intrepid Sun to Dancing Dass, do not approach the buoy, situation is hot. Pulling back to a safe distance recommend you do the same."
Chase landed neatly on the bouy beside the young girl, "going to need you to learn forward for me again, grab onto my suit if you need to."
He could see her nod and then rock forward and latch onto the back of his suit, feeling around he found the module release on her suit and carefully popped it slowly pulling the two pieces apart, just as he suspected there was a pair of leads between the suit and the connector, carefully he clipped the two vampire leads onto wires and then connected them to the power cell, the automatic snips cutting the wires the pico second the external power source was connected, pulling the block clear of the suit he fixed the remote cutter to the umbilical,
"Alright you're free and we're both still breathing." he heard her laugh at the half-joke, that he thought was a good sign, "Now hang on ok?"
He felt her tighter her grip as he flexed his legs and launch them away from the buoy, he fired his maneuvering jets pointing them at the Sun which was now holding position significantly further out than before, as they neared the ship he flipped them with a short burst from the suit's jets and landed them with a solid thump on the ship's hull, "Hang on."
Reaching into the suit's chest pocket he pulled out the remote for the cutter and triggered it, for a few seconds nothing happened then a fiery bright flash erupted, bright enough to darken their face plates, when the tint returned to normal all that was left was the quickly dieing residue of the blast, the shipped rocked beneath them slightly but didn't seem to move much,
"Let's get inside then shall we?" he asked trudging over to the airlocks top hatch, "I imagine you could use a bath...."
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
THe Dass's Cockpit polarized as the Bouy exploded, rocking the YT-1200 in the shock wave. "Damage?" Raisa said from the cockpit. Ree responded quickly to the Ships new captian. "THe Bouy is completly destroyed." He reported. Raisa closed her eyes. "I meant the Dass.. Damage to the Dass." as she heard Raster skicker.
"Ah..." Ree said, redfaced. "No damage, we were outside of the kill radius."
"Good." She said, and opened the mic to the Sun. They had been doing what appeared to be a recovery operation and were put on standby. As soon as they arrived in system, they were warned off as a Hot Zone. They acknowleged and stayed back from the area. Inital scans had shown that the Imperial Dawn spaced the NR-571 crew, and from appearence, had Vacc Dropped at least one individual. Raisa repuposed Atree to identifying the spaced crew off of their locator insignias now that Narbush could focus on the Information from the Intrepid Sun.
Narbush had followed orders to the letter. At approximatly the half way point, he had a report. A short list of Nobility whom met the criteria for the Imperial Dawn's membership roster. Eight total, and almost all were sympathetic to the Empire. He also presented a list of thier active memership. Looking over the list of names, one was listed as deseased recently, whom he had red lined. "What happend to Duke Lym Arkeshon from Eridanu." she asked as she read his bio. Arkeshon was one of the ringleaders of the Imperial Dawn, responsible for the destrution of the New Republic facilty on Naboo. Six Hundred dead in that bombing, thier largest attack and the action that spurned the Republic into action. He was sentanced to Life in a sleeper tube.
"Seems that he was killed being tranfered to a long haul storage prison on Kalinda, on a YT-1300 Transport called the Tantum Archius, along with three other sleeper and all crew onboard. According to the report, it just dove strait into the ground." he stated. "It diverted from CCD-102, the Prisoner Storage facility where Corellia and other worlds would take their 'sleepers' to serve their sentences of Life without the Possibility of Consciousness." he said. "The other prisoners killed were two Serial killers from Coruscant and someone with information lockdown by order of the Jedi Council." He added. "Captain Navaro may be able to get more information."
Raisa nodded, smirking. appreantly, Narbush had read Chase's record. "Keep it in the report, it may hold some interest." she said, and opened the mic. "Sun, this is the Dass. Status on recovery operations, and requesting permissions to dock...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PORT MARSKELLA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,
Baroness Trianna Fokker stroked Nuppa, her long haired feline as she watched the activity from the docking bays observation window. They prepared for the Wulf Hokkens arrival, and their guests. They would make a virtual fortune from the sale of the merchendise which was even as she watched them prepare for the auction.
Port Marskella was thier largest Mining station, completly redesigned and refitted for comfort and defence. In her mind, it riveled the defences of the Imperial Death Stars...
Well, perhaps not so much as the ACTUAL Death Stars, but it would do in a pinch, she mused. It could hold off several Capital ships...
She smiled at the thought of the hard credits soon to be in their possession, and possibly their greatest success to date. "Madam Baroness" A mans voice came from behind her. "We have another confirmation for the Auction. Professor Suz from the Institute of True Science out of the Corporate Sector." the man said. She nodded. "Excellent. Ensure that they recieve a proper gift basket." Trianna stated. "Any others?"
"We are still awaiting word on the Cult of Shadow." He said, somewhat hesitantly. SHe nodded. THe Cult of Shadow would hold a definate interest, but possibly the most dangerous of the buyers. "Relax, Gujard." SHe said to her assistant. "Theyre just buyers, like the rest of them. besides, I have one of their former memebers here to ensure that it remains cordial..."
"Ah..." Ree said, redfaced. "No damage, we were outside of the kill radius."
"Good." She said, and opened the mic to the Sun. They had been doing what appeared to be a recovery operation and were put on standby. As soon as they arrived in system, they were warned off as a Hot Zone. They acknowleged and stayed back from the area. Inital scans had shown that the Imperial Dawn spaced the NR-571 crew, and from appearence, had Vacc Dropped at least one individual. Raisa repuposed Atree to identifying the spaced crew off of their locator insignias now that Narbush could focus on the Information from the Intrepid Sun.
Narbush had followed orders to the letter. At approximatly the half way point, he had a report. A short list of Nobility whom met the criteria for the Imperial Dawn's membership roster. Eight total, and almost all were sympathetic to the Empire. He also presented a list of thier active memership. Looking over the list of names, one was listed as deseased recently, whom he had red lined. "What happend to Duke Lym Arkeshon from Eridanu." she asked as she read his bio. Arkeshon was one of the ringleaders of the Imperial Dawn, responsible for the destrution of the New Republic facilty on Naboo. Six Hundred dead in that bombing, thier largest attack and the action that spurned the Republic into action. He was sentanced to Life in a sleeper tube.
"Seems that he was killed being tranfered to a long haul storage prison on Kalinda, on a YT-1300 Transport called the Tantum Archius, along with three other sleeper and all crew onboard. According to the report, it just dove strait into the ground." he stated. "It diverted from CCD-102, the Prisoner Storage facility where Corellia and other worlds would take their 'sleepers' to serve their sentences of Life without the Possibility of Consciousness." he said. "The other prisoners killed were two Serial killers from Coruscant and someone with information lockdown by order of the Jedi Council." He added. "Captain Navaro may be able to get more information."
Raisa nodded, smirking. appreantly, Narbush had read Chase's record. "Keep it in the report, it may hold some interest." she said, and opened the mic. "Sun, this is the Dass. Status on recovery operations, and requesting permissions to dock...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PORT MARSKELLA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,,
Baroness Trianna Fokker stroked Nuppa, her long haired feline as she watched the activity from the docking bays observation window. They prepared for the Wulf Hokkens arrival, and their guests. They would make a virtual fortune from the sale of the merchendise which was even as she watched them prepare for the auction.
Port Marskella was thier largest Mining station, completly redesigned and refitted for comfort and defence. In her mind, it riveled the defences of the Imperial Death Stars...
Well, perhaps not so much as the ACTUAL Death Stars, but it would do in a pinch, she mused. It could hold off several Capital ships...
She smiled at the thought of the hard credits soon to be in their possession, and possibly their greatest success to date. "Madam Baroness" A mans voice came from behind her. "We have another confirmation for the Auction. Professor Suz from the Institute of True Science out of the Corporate Sector." the man said. She nodded. "Excellent. Ensure that they recieve a proper gift basket." Trianna stated. "Any others?"
"We are still awaiting word on the Cult of Shadow." He said, somewhat hesitantly. SHe nodded. THe Cult of Shadow would hold a definate interest, but possibly the most dangerous of the buyers. "Relax, Gujard." SHe said to her assistant. "Theyre just buyers, like the rest of them. besides, I have one of their former memebers here to ensure that it remains cordial..."
Lord Defender
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Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2003 11:26 pm
Location: locus vacuus fides
Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase leant against the wall of the airlock as it finished going through it's cycle and then motioned to the girl that she could remove her suit and he popped the seal on his own,
"Recovery operations completed." he heaved with a smile, "Two survivors recovered and in good health, though one was kind of close."
Standing up he keyed open the interior door of the lock and began popping the locks on his suit and slithering out of it, "Port side airlock will be clear for docking momentarily."
As he stowed his own gear her began to hear the automated docking systems kick off through the hull, he watched the young girl struggle to peel herself out of the suit and it quickly became fairly obvious that she'd not had much if any experience with vac-suits. Closing up his locker he ambled over to her and knelt down,
"Can't find the last latch." she said glaring down at the suit, reached over and pressed down on a spot that was still covered by the suit's outer shell and distinct pop resounded and suit just about fell off her, he chuckled as she blushed slightly in embarrassment,
"No worries, I won't tell anyone if you don't." he gave her a wink then helped her gather up the suit and deposited it on the nearby workbench, he'd let Chianna go over it later for transmitters, he suspected he'd get the fifth degree from someone over deliberately detonating the buoy but he'd gone with his gut. If he were a bad guy setting a trap like that he'd have left himself some way to confirm whether or not it had been spring. Hell he'd have left probes in the area to monitor it on top of rigging a transmitter on the device, hopefully whoever they were dealing with wasn't that smart, but given the level of detail exhibited so far they probably weren't that lucky. On the other side of the now sealed airlock he heard the his of pressure equalizing between the two ships and then the door slid open,
"The 'fresher is down the hall on the right if you're interested." he told the young girl, "And Jok is in the infirmary on the left across from it."
The meaning of the "suggestion" was clear enough to the young girl and she nodded and disappeared quickly down the hall, Chase watched her go and then stood back up as someone other than Raisa stepped through the hatch,
"Welcome to the Intrepid Sun." he smiled extending his hand in greeting...
"Recovery operations completed." he heaved with a smile, "Two survivors recovered and in good health, though one was kind of close."
Standing up he keyed open the interior door of the lock and began popping the locks on his suit and slithering out of it, "Port side airlock will be clear for docking momentarily."
As he stowed his own gear her began to hear the automated docking systems kick off through the hull, he watched the young girl struggle to peel herself out of the suit and it quickly became fairly obvious that she'd not had much if any experience with vac-suits. Closing up his locker he ambled over to her and knelt down,
"Can't find the last latch." she said glaring down at the suit, reached over and pressed down on a spot that was still covered by the suit's outer shell and distinct pop resounded and suit just about fell off her, he chuckled as she blushed slightly in embarrassment,
"No worries, I won't tell anyone if you don't." he gave her a wink then helped her gather up the suit and deposited it on the nearby workbench, he'd let Chianna go over it later for transmitters, he suspected he'd get the fifth degree from someone over deliberately detonating the buoy but he'd gone with his gut. If he were a bad guy setting a trap like that he'd have left himself some way to confirm whether or not it had been spring. Hell he'd have left probes in the area to monitor it on top of rigging a transmitter on the device, hopefully whoever they were dealing with wasn't that smart, but given the level of detail exhibited so far they probably weren't that lucky. On the other side of the now sealed airlock he heard the his of pressure equalizing between the two ships and then the door slid open,
"The 'fresher is down the hall on the right if you're interested." he told the young girl, "And Jok is in the infirmary on the left across from it."
The meaning of the "suggestion" was clear enough to the young girl and she nodded and disappeared quickly down the hall, Chase watched her go and then stood back up as someone other than Raisa stepped through the hatch,
"Welcome to the Intrepid Sun." he smiled extending his hand in greeting...
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"Lt. Koden Raster, New Republic Inteligence, sir." the Zabrak said as he took the mans hand. "A real pleasure to be working with you, sir." smiling from ear to ear. "Captain Zephre and Commander Narbush will be down directally. The Captain sent me down here to see if you needed help with medical. My job in the Navy was a Corpsman with a special ops team before I got picked for Intel." He said, and realized that he was rambling...
Raisa emerged behind the Zabrak, followed by the somewhat pudgy bearded form of Narbush. "We brought the compiled data, as well as some additional information on one of the Dawn's ringleaders. Seems he got himself killed...whats wrong.." She said, knowing that look on her long time friends face...
Ahzi Gaan moved back towards the direction that Mr. Navaro had sent her, and looked to the room across from the fresher. Jok layed on the table, pads covering his torso and under his head. He had saved her, there was no doubt about it. The girl moved into the Medbay, and for a few long moments, simply looked at him as she stroked his red mess of hair, now plastered onto the sides of his head. It seemed he was deep asleep, under the Oxygen mask.
She bent over and kissed his cheek, carefull not to disturb the mask. "Thanks, Jok." she said quietly, not realizing that she was not alone...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wulf Hokken: 1 hour from Port Marskella<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"I dont feel good" Catlyns Twi'lek friend said after the last inoculation they had recieved from Hard faced woman. Catlyn touched his arm, and from what she had felt from him earlier, he was burning up. She turned around in her seat. "Hey, Lady! He's really sick!" she yelled to the woman. Hard Face walked over to her, and looked at the boy, and then to his wrist band. Catlyn looked as well, noticing that it had turned red. "Dren." and motioned over to the Nikto who was standing guard. The girl strained her ears to hear what they said, and found that is was easier than she thought it would be..
"THe last shot put him over the edge" Hard Face said to the Nikto. "Put him with the rest of the Reds."
"WHy not just space him like the other two problems before we jumped." the Nikto said. "Thier useless"
"Not our call, Quillen. We just need to keep them seperated." Hard Face said. "Put him with the reds and keep an eye on him. If he looks like he's gonna crash, give him some antidote."
Who did they space..
No, Jok was ok. she just...knew it.
THe Nikto shrugged. "As you wish. No real reason to keep him alive, though."
"Just move him." Hard face said, and headed off towards the shuttles exit. The Nikto moved over towards her. "Dont do anything stupid. kid." The Nikto Quillen said. THe Twi'lek was limp as he was taken from his seat and put onto one of the empty acceleration couches. He headed back out towards the end of the shuttle. The boy was really sick, and needed to antidote.
But what did it look like? How would she get it...
How else...
Sneaky.. Stealthy...
Raisa emerged behind the Zabrak, followed by the somewhat pudgy bearded form of Narbush. "We brought the compiled data, as well as some additional information on one of the Dawn's ringleaders. Seems he got himself killed...whats wrong.." She said, knowing that look on her long time friends face...
Ahzi Gaan moved back towards the direction that Mr. Navaro had sent her, and looked to the room across from the fresher. Jok layed on the table, pads covering his torso and under his head. He had saved her, there was no doubt about it. The girl moved into the Medbay, and for a few long moments, simply looked at him as she stroked his red mess of hair, now plastered onto the sides of his head. It seemed he was deep asleep, under the Oxygen mask.
She bent over and kissed his cheek, carefull not to disturb the mask. "Thanks, Jok." she said quietly, not realizing that she was not alone...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wulf Hokken: 1 hour from Port Marskella<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"I dont feel good" Catlyns Twi'lek friend said after the last inoculation they had recieved from Hard faced woman. Catlyn touched his arm, and from what she had felt from him earlier, he was burning up. She turned around in her seat. "Hey, Lady! He's really sick!" she yelled to the woman. Hard Face walked over to her, and looked at the boy, and then to his wrist band. Catlyn looked as well, noticing that it had turned red. "Dren." and motioned over to the Nikto who was standing guard. The girl strained her ears to hear what they said, and found that is was easier than she thought it would be..
"THe last shot put him over the edge" Hard Face said to the Nikto. "Put him with the rest of the Reds."
"WHy not just space him like the other two problems before we jumped." the Nikto said. "Thier useless"
"Not our call, Quillen. We just need to keep them seperated." Hard Face said. "Put him with the reds and keep an eye on him. If he looks like he's gonna crash, give him some antidote."
Who did they space..
No, Jok was ok. she just...knew it.
THe Nikto shrugged. "As you wish. No real reason to keep him alive, though."
"Just move him." Hard face said, and headed off towards the shuttles exit. The Nikto moved over towards her. "Dont do anything stupid. kid." The Nikto Quillen said. THe Twi'lek was limp as he was taken from his seat and put onto one of the empty acceleration couches. He headed back out towards the end of the shuttle. The boy was really sick, and needed to antidote.
But what did it look like? How would she get it...
How else...
Sneaky.. Stealthy...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"So he has taken up the family business." Chianna chuckled as she stepped through the doorway to the small med-bay after quietly listening from outside, "Doesn't really surprise me any."
Chase looked Raisa square in the eyes, "Jok was out there."
Raisa's features seem to cycle through a whole littany of emotions before settling on something akin to anger, "By was you better mean he's in here now."
Chase nodded, "He was he was hypothemric when I got to him. Damn kid had turned off his suit heaters in an effort to conserve air since he'd given all of his to the girl. We've got him stablised in the med-bay though, kid might be stupid but he's tough."
Chase looked Raisa square in the eyes, "Jok was out there."
Raisa's features seem to cycle through a whole littany of emotions before settling on something akin to anger, "By was you better mean he's in here now."
Chase nodded, "He was he was hypothemric when I got to him. Damn kid had turned off his suit heaters in an effort to conserve air since he'd given all of his to the girl. We've got him stablised in the med-bay though, kid might be stupid but he's tough."
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Raisa passed by Chase, without a word, heading towards the Sun's med bay. They spaced her baby. Her Innocent little boy!
Ahzi stood up abruptly as a pretty blond woman entered the med bay. She felt the blush across her skin as smiled sheepishly. "I.. I'm Ahzi.. Thanks for... um..." as another woman entered the bay. She was red haired, like Jok, with the same freckles and color eyes. Ahzi moved out of the way, since she was certain that this woman was going to be rushing to Jok's side. She looked at the blond woman. "Thats Jok's mom, isnt it."
Her heart shatterd when she entered the Med bay. Her son was burried under Heating pads, a tell tale sign that he had been nearly frozen. His Oxgen mask was in place, but his face showed that someone roughed him up. Some souless creature had tossed him out into space. Beside him was a girl, roughly his age and Chianna. Raisa moved next to her son, stroking his face. "Sweety.. Can you hear me?" she said into his ear to whit he stirred, a mumbling response she couldnt make out... She wanted to scream at him, to wake him up. She also knew that if she did that, after he had this kind of ordeal, could go into cardiac arrest. Raisa looked at the monitors, and could read that he was stabilized. Let him sleep, Raisa. He's safe now. You can see him, you can touch him. SHe kissed his forhead, and rested her cheek where she had just kissed. "THey roughed you up pretty good didnt they. We can talk when you wake up, Hero."
Ahzi said to Chianna. "THe Hard faced woman hit him in the back of the head, and was dragged out by a Nikto pirate. That was after he jumped the Baron guy for dragging his sister off the shuttle." she said. "Hard Face threw him to the ground after he beat up and bowled over one of the Human Pirates. He stood up to them when none of the rest of us would. He was...' she thought for the right word...
"..Completly Wizard!"
Ahzi stood up abruptly as a pretty blond woman entered the med bay. She felt the blush across her skin as smiled sheepishly. "I.. I'm Ahzi.. Thanks for... um..." as another woman entered the bay. She was red haired, like Jok, with the same freckles and color eyes. Ahzi moved out of the way, since she was certain that this woman was going to be rushing to Jok's side. She looked at the blond woman. "Thats Jok's mom, isnt it."
Her heart shatterd when she entered the Med bay. Her son was burried under Heating pads, a tell tale sign that he had been nearly frozen. His Oxgen mask was in place, but his face showed that someone roughed him up. Some souless creature had tossed him out into space. Beside him was a girl, roughly his age and Chianna. Raisa moved next to her son, stroking his face. "Sweety.. Can you hear me?" she said into his ear to whit he stirred, a mumbling response she couldnt make out... She wanted to scream at him, to wake him up. She also knew that if she did that, after he had this kind of ordeal, could go into cardiac arrest. Raisa looked at the monitors, and could read that he was stabilized. Let him sleep, Raisa. He's safe now. You can see him, you can touch him. SHe kissed his forhead, and rested her cheek where she had just kissed. "THey roughed you up pretty good didnt they. We can talk when you wake up, Hero."
Ahzi said to Chianna. "THe Hard faced woman hit him in the back of the head, and was dragged out by a Nikto pirate. That was after he jumped the Baron guy for dragging his sister off the shuttle." she said. "Hard Face threw him to the ground after he beat up and bowled over one of the Human Pirates. He stood up to them when none of the rest of us would. He was...' she thought for the right word...
"..Completly Wizard!"
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chianna smiled her best smile and then motioned towards the door,
"Jokyln needs his rest and we all have alot to discuss." she put dura-steel in her voice so that Raisa wouldn't think about arguing with her, as they all filed out Chianna motioned to the 'fresher,
"Ahzi you get cleaned up, we're going to need to talk to you some more in a little bit, maybe show you some holos."
The young girl disappeared into the doorway and Chianna wrapped a arm around her sister-in-laws shoulders...
"Jokyln needs his rest and we all have alot to discuss." she put dura-steel in her voice so that Raisa wouldn't think about arguing with her, as they all filed out Chianna motioned to the 'fresher,
"Ahzi you get cleaned up, we're going to need to talk to you some more in a little bit, maybe show you some holos."
The young girl disappeared into the doorway and Chianna wrapped a arm around her sister-in-laws shoulders...
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR: ROYAL STARPORT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
THe Wynonna landed on the pad within the confines of the Royal Palace, reserved for members of state and the Royal family. As the landing ramp lowered, two Agramar Royal Marines took to either side, and saluted. Taan Ric returned the salute, and moved past the two ARMarines, towards the Palace Port entrance, followed by Tee. Princess Alyra, the queens daughter and his God daughter, met him at the entrance. "Uncle, calm down." She said as he passed by her. Shaking her head, she scrambled to catch up. "Uncle!" She shouted.
"I hit system, and I hear that the NRI Agramar has blown up, and I'm suppose to be calm." Taan stated. "Where's Raisa." even though he was certain that he knew the answer. His wife was in no condition to go galavanting across the universe so soon after leaving the hospital. Granted, Prostetics were nearly flawless now, but still..
"According to what We've figured out, Raisa went out with the NRI Investigation team. We haven't heard word one since they left." she stated, and under her breath admitted. "probably because the NRI building blew up."
He stopped. "What caused it. Is it being looked into?" he asked the girl. She was a year younger than Jok, but she had a real mind for politics. Taan was planning to ask Queen Eirta if he could take her back to Coruscant with him while they were on the family vacation. Before all this happened. "Of course it is, Uncle. The Peace officers have their best on it. It only happened a relatively short time ago.."
Taan breathed out, calming himself. "Right..." He said. "Any word from my sister.?
Alyra shook her head...
"Figures..." he said simply, and headed towards the Queens chambers..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTREPID SUN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ahzi stripped from the thermals, and leaving the dirty undersuit in the corner, washed the filth from her body. As she washed, it suddenly occurered to her how close she had been from death. She sat down in the shower, as her legs had began to feel week, and pulled her knees under her chin and did what any fourteen, almost fifteen year old would do... SHe wept...
Raisa closed the door to the med bay, her lip quivering.. She didn't think she had ever cried in front of Chianna Navaro, but there's a first for everything. "What if we'd lost him, Chi?" she said, tears forming. SHe would have been able to hold it together if Chianna hadn't wrapped her arm around her. That simple act of compassion broke down her walls, and grabbing the younger woman for support, broke down. "Why was this happening.." She sobbed. "The NR Shuttles are suppose to be safe! They still have Catlyn.. what if..." burying her face in her sisters shoulder. "Why..."
As it turned out, the med bay isn't soundproof. Raster, with Chase and Narbush, could hear thier new captain's break down. The Zabrak wished he could help her is some way. Captain Zephre was one of those officers that everyone wanted to work for. SHe was known for not asking anyone to do something she wasn't willing to do herself, and had a rep for being hard, but fair. Losing her kids must rip her apart. Raster glanced over to where Narbush stood, who has a slight smirk on his face. He also noticed that Chase was observing the Analyst as well. The Zabrak knew that if he didn't say anything now, and right now, Narbush may be missing some teeth. which would definatly hinder the commanders usefullness.. Something to diffuse the possible situation that was brewing. "Somthing funny commander." Raster said, directed at Narbush.
"No, Lieutenant, not in the least." He face sobering. "I just hope that Captain Zephre can keep her composure and focus during the remainder of this operation. In her emotional state, she may not be able to make proper command discisions.."
Raster shook his head, a look of disgust oh his face. Idiot...
THe Wynonna landed on the pad within the confines of the Royal Palace, reserved for members of state and the Royal family. As the landing ramp lowered, two Agramar Royal Marines took to either side, and saluted. Taan Ric returned the salute, and moved past the two ARMarines, towards the Palace Port entrance, followed by Tee. Princess Alyra, the queens daughter and his God daughter, met him at the entrance. "Uncle, calm down." She said as he passed by her. Shaking her head, she scrambled to catch up. "Uncle!" She shouted.
"I hit system, and I hear that the NRI Agramar has blown up, and I'm suppose to be calm." Taan stated. "Where's Raisa." even though he was certain that he knew the answer. His wife was in no condition to go galavanting across the universe so soon after leaving the hospital. Granted, Prostetics were nearly flawless now, but still..
"According to what We've figured out, Raisa went out with the NRI Investigation team. We haven't heard word one since they left." she stated, and under her breath admitted. "probably because the NRI building blew up."
He stopped. "What caused it. Is it being looked into?" he asked the girl. She was a year younger than Jok, but she had a real mind for politics. Taan was planning to ask Queen Eirta if he could take her back to Coruscant with him while they were on the family vacation. Before all this happened. "Of course it is, Uncle. The Peace officers have their best on it. It only happened a relatively short time ago.."
Taan breathed out, calming himself. "Right..." He said. "Any word from my sister.?
Alyra shook her head...
"Figures..." he said simply, and headed towards the Queens chambers..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTREPID SUN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ahzi stripped from the thermals, and leaving the dirty undersuit in the corner, washed the filth from her body. As she washed, it suddenly occurered to her how close she had been from death. She sat down in the shower, as her legs had began to feel week, and pulled her knees under her chin and did what any fourteen, almost fifteen year old would do... SHe wept...
Raisa closed the door to the med bay, her lip quivering.. She didn't think she had ever cried in front of Chianna Navaro, but there's a first for everything. "What if we'd lost him, Chi?" she said, tears forming. SHe would have been able to hold it together if Chianna hadn't wrapped her arm around her. That simple act of compassion broke down her walls, and grabbing the younger woman for support, broke down. "Why was this happening.." She sobbed. "The NR Shuttles are suppose to be safe! They still have Catlyn.. what if..." burying her face in her sisters shoulder. "Why..."
As it turned out, the med bay isn't soundproof. Raster, with Chase and Narbush, could hear thier new captain's break down. The Zabrak wished he could help her is some way. Captain Zephre was one of those officers that everyone wanted to work for. SHe was known for not asking anyone to do something she wasn't willing to do herself, and had a rep for being hard, but fair. Losing her kids must rip her apart. Raster glanced over to where Narbush stood, who has a slight smirk on his face. He also noticed that Chase was observing the Analyst as well. The Zabrak knew that if he didn't say anything now, and right now, Narbush may be missing some teeth. which would definatly hinder the commanders usefullness.. Something to diffuse the possible situation that was brewing. "Somthing funny commander." Raster said, directed at Narbush.
"No, Lieutenant, not in the least." He face sobering. "I just hope that Captain Zephre can keep her composure and focus during the remainder of this operation. In her emotional state, she may not be able to make proper command discisions.."
Raster shook his head, a look of disgust oh his face. Idiot...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase's heart went out to his sister-in-law, he could only imagine the kind of condition Chianna would be in if she were put int he same situtation but when he looked over at NArbush his temper began to boil and when the Zabrak Lieutentant did his best to try and defuse the situation Chase snapped, he'd never been real good at keeping his cool, Chianna always said it was the conditioning they'd put him through in the bucket corps and as much as Devon Vos had tried to help him there were times that his temper got the better of him, this unfournatly for the smug NRI commander was one of those times, it just a quick sharp cross body shot that landed square on the man's nose, the man folded like a wet flimsy, Chase stepped on his chest and waited till he felt it rise and fall,
"He'll live but you might want to take him back to your ship to fix his nose since my nephew currently has our med-bay all full up." he stared down the younger man noting that his hand was on his sidearm, "The sooner the better for him as he looks to be a bleeder."
With that he stepped across the man's chest illiciting a gasp from him that brought him chockingly back to conciousness, "I'll be in the planning room, comm me if you need me."
"He'll live but you might want to take him back to your ship to fix his nose since my nephew currently has our med-bay all full up." he stared down the younger man noting that his hand was on his sidearm, "The sooner the better for him as he looks to be a bleeder."
With that he stepped across the man's chest illiciting a gasp from him that brought him chockingly back to conciousness, "I'll be in the planning room, comm me if you need me."
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Raster watched Chase leave, and turned his attention to the commander. "Sir, are you still alive?" he asked. Narbush's now nasal voice could be heard under his hand. "I dink he broge by dose." Raster smirked. "Serves you right, sir." and held his hand out to the insensitive officer. "Maybe you should stay on the Dass, avoid any other problems you may have. Ill link you to their comm system for meetings." as Narbush nodded. Raster got on the comm to Ree. "Hey, kid. The Commander had an accident with some wires over hear, and got a pretty good whack on the nose. Can you fix him?"
"Accidend, by Arse." Narbush said, "De assualded be.."
"HE FELL DOWN!" Raster stated, possibly louder than expected. "And He should have his nose checked before he falls down again." The Zabrak threatened. Narbush grumbled and turned, heading back to the Dass, as Raster followed Chase. Ree''s voice rang through the Sun's corridor. <<<So Koden, who's fist did he hit when he fell down, yours or the Captains..>>>
"Ree, knock it off.." the Zabrak said. "Narbush may have already borked up the relations were working on here. We need the Navaros if were gonna save those kids. I'm starting to think we have a good chance." he told the ensign. "Just keep the Commander away, Kubrad.." and shut down the mic, and headed off towards where Navaro headed off. If nothing else, he owed Navaro an apology for Narbush...
"Thanks, Chi." Raisa said, finishing cleaning herself up, and regaining her composure. She had two kids back, now she needed to get back thirty eight more. Raisa's normal hardened look replaced the softer one she had just shown to her sister in law. "Lets get this show on the road..."
"corryn..." A voice came from the med bed.
Raisa moved to her sons side. "What was that sweetie?"
"Corryn.. Hard Face name was Corryn..." the Boy said.
Raisa looked back at Chianna, the look of Does that make sense to you?
"Accidend, by Arse." Narbush said, "De assualded be.."
"HE FELL DOWN!" Raster stated, possibly louder than expected. "And He should have his nose checked before he falls down again." The Zabrak threatened. Narbush grumbled and turned, heading back to the Dass, as Raster followed Chase. Ree''s voice rang through the Sun's corridor. <<<So Koden, who's fist did he hit when he fell down, yours or the Captains..>>>
"Ree, knock it off.." the Zabrak said. "Narbush may have already borked up the relations were working on here. We need the Navaros if were gonna save those kids. I'm starting to think we have a good chance." he told the ensign. "Just keep the Commander away, Kubrad.." and shut down the mic, and headed off towards where Navaro headed off. If nothing else, he owed Navaro an apology for Narbush...
"Thanks, Chi." Raisa said, finishing cleaning herself up, and regaining her composure. She had two kids back, now she needed to get back thirty eight more. Raisa's normal hardened look replaced the softer one she had just shown to her sister in law. "Lets get this show on the road..."
"corryn..." A voice came from the med bed.
Raisa moved to her sons side. "What was that sweetie?"
"Corryn.. Hard Face name was Corryn..." the Boy said.
Raisa looked back at Chianna, the look of Does that make sense to you?
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chianna closed her eyes at the question and began sorting through the piles of info she'd been through in the last couple of days in her head, Corryn, the name was familiar. Where had she seen it though was the question,
"Stay here Raisia, I'll be right back..." she started around the Sun's small ring to what her husband liked to refer to as the "planning room", she knew that name...
Chase Navarro shook his hand as he walked around the center table that dominated the planning room on the Sun, there was a host of flimsies and data cards scatered around the table, but he wa slooking for the small first aide kit that they kept in here, finding it along the back wall he popped it open and pulled out the cold compress inside and applied to the hand he'd hit Narbush with,
"Frelling desk jockies..." he growled as he studied the various files and photos spread around the large table infront of him, it was the majority of thier info on the imperial Dawn, as he studied them something clicked in his mind,
Just about then the zabrak that had come onboard with Narbush stepped through the hatchway from the hallway...
"Stay here Raisia, I'll be right back..." she started around the Sun's small ring to what her husband liked to refer to as the "planning room", she knew that name...
Chase Navarro shook his hand as he walked around the center table that dominated the planning room on the Sun, there was a host of flimsies and data cards scatered around the table, but he wa slooking for the small first aide kit that they kept in here, finding it along the back wall he popped it open and pulled out the cold compress inside and applied to the hand he'd hit Narbush with,
"Frelling desk jockies..." he growled as he studied the various files and photos spread around the large table infront of him, it was the majority of thier info on the imperial Dawn, as he studied them something clicked in his mind,
Just about then the zabrak that had come onboard with Narbush stepped through the hatchway from the hallway...
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
The Zabrak entered the area that Navaro had gone into, and looked around a moment before speaking. They had a good setup here, and some pretty impressive equipment. He stood in the hatchway until he was recognized by Navaro...
Raster gave Chase a nod. “Hey, sorry bout all that with Narbush, He can be a real prig sometimes.” He said, and after a moment. “Most times... Anyway, he’s going to stay on board the Dass for the duration” Where he belongs he wanted to say. Narbush was one of those guys that didn’t ‘play well with others’. Shaking his head, and saying under his breath. “Frelling desk Jocks.” he said as a pretty blond woman entered the bay behind him. He moved to the side to, giving her room to pass...
In the med bay, Raisa smiled at her son. “You awake, Jok?” She said, as his eyes focused on her. “Mom?” He croaked. His throat hurt horribly. “You’re here.” A smile piqued the corners of his mouth. A wider smile from Raisa came with her saying “You bet. I hear you’re quite a hero these days…”
Jok shook his head. “I blew it.” Her son said. “I blew it hard.” as he attempted to sit up. Raisa pushed him gently down. “You nearly froze to death, Jok. You need to stay down for at least a couple hours until your system regulates itself.” Nodding, his eyes widened. “Hey, what happened to Ahzi? I don’t see…”
“She’s fine; she’s in the shower cleaning her self up.” His mom told him. “You saved her life. Partner.” Raisa said. He nodded, and lay back down on the med bed. He hated being sick. “I recorded everything I could think of, and gave as many discriptions and names I could hear and see. On the scanner, I logged them into the suits telemetry markers so that they could be kept track of… The crew, I mean.. not the..”
Raisa listened to him, nodding. She was positive that Chase and Chianna already had his suits recorder, but Jok needed to talk…
“Honey.. Your going to be ok.. Your safe.” She said to him. He rolled over onto his side, away from his mother. “Catlyns still there.. I couldn’t…”
She laid down behind him, “You did everything you could, and beyond that. Were going to find them, and were gonna get Catlyn back.. all of them back.”
His voice quavered. “We… as in..”
“We.” She said, and hugged her son…
Raster gave Chase a nod. “Hey, sorry bout all that with Narbush, He can be a real prig sometimes.” He said, and after a moment. “Most times... Anyway, he’s going to stay on board the Dass for the duration” Where he belongs he wanted to say. Narbush was one of those guys that didn’t ‘play well with others’. Shaking his head, and saying under his breath. “Frelling desk Jocks.” he said as a pretty blond woman entered the bay behind him. He moved to the side to, giving her room to pass...
In the med bay, Raisa smiled at her son. “You awake, Jok?” She said, as his eyes focused on her. “Mom?” He croaked. His throat hurt horribly. “You’re here.” A smile piqued the corners of his mouth. A wider smile from Raisa came with her saying “You bet. I hear you’re quite a hero these days…”
Jok shook his head. “I blew it.” Her son said. “I blew it hard.” as he attempted to sit up. Raisa pushed him gently down. “You nearly froze to death, Jok. You need to stay down for at least a couple hours until your system regulates itself.” Nodding, his eyes widened. “Hey, what happened to Ahzi? I don’t see…”
“She’s fine; she’s in the shower cleaning her self up.” His mom told him. “You saved her life. Partner.” Raisa said. He nodded, and lay back down on the med bed. He hated being sick. “I recorded everything I could think of, and gave as many discriptions and names I could hear and see. On the scanner, I logged them into the suits telemetry markers so that they could be kept track of… The crew, I mean.. not the..”
Raisa listened to him, nodding. She was positive that Chase and Chianna already had his suits recorder, but Jok needed to talk…
“Honey.. Your going to be ok.. Your safe.” She said to him. He rolled over onto his side, away from his mother. “Catlyns still there.. I couldn’t…”
She laid down behind him, “You did everything you could, and beyond that. Were going to find them, and were gonna get Catlyn back.. all of them back.”
His voice quavered. “We… as in..”
“We.” She said, and hugged her son…
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase smirked at the zabrak as Chianna slipped past him and immediately going through the pile of material on the large table, she seemed to be looking for something, as if she could read his thoughts she volunteered the what,
"Corryn. Jok said the Barron's scuttla's name was Corryn. I know I've seen it in here somewhere." She looked up at Chase clearly slightly agitated that he wasn't frantically helping her comb through the contents of table,
"Aliens." he repeated again, "Just stop for a minute Chi, what was the defining feature of the imperial dawn?"
Chianna stopped and began to scan the scattered info, "All humans, they were xenophobes."
"Exactly, so if this was really the Imperial Dawn, why were they using Aliens?"
"Cause it's a ruse." Chianna replied, "Someone wants people to THINK it's the Imperial Dawn."
Chase nodded, "They went to pretty extreme lengths to make it look that way too, those Trigylcride bombs are expensive, but the Dawn would never have used a Nikito thug."
"Yeah but the voice print from the demand vid was definately Eridani, even the scrubs back at NRI got that right." She shot back,
"No offense." she apologized glancing over at the Zabrak.
The alien held up it's hands and shrugged it's shoulders as if to say none taken,
"So," Chase reasoned out loud running his fingers through his goatee, "Just means that whomever it was on the vid was Eridani not that it was the Dawn, so what we need to do is cross reference you name with Eridani nobles and if you're so sure you know it start with Artemis and NRI personnel."
"From the last six months. Whatever I saw was fairly recent."
Without another word she disappeared back into the hall, Chase knew she was heading to her part of the ship, the black box as he liked to call it since she always kept the lights off, that and as far as he was concerned it was a "black box" questions and data went in and answers came out and it made his head hurt just to think about what went on in there to get them,
"If i had to guess I'm gonna say we've got atleast an hour to wait for her to run the data through the box." Chase spoke moving along the back wall of the room till he reached one of the drawers and pulled it open, reaching in he pulled out a pair of snifters and bottle of eighty year-old Corellian scotch, "So that leave just enough time for a good drink and tour of your ship."
Plunking the two glasses on the table he pulled the stopper out of the liquor bottle with a slight pop and began pouring two drinks...
"Corryn. Jok said the Barron's scuttla's name was Corryn. I know I've seen it in here somewhere." She looked up at Chase clearly slightly agitated that he wasn't frantically helping her comb through the contents of table,
"Aliens." he repeated again, "Just stop for a minute Chi, what was the defining feature of the imperial dawn?"
Chianna stopped and began to scan the scattered info, "All humans, they were xenophobes."
"Exactly, so if this was really the Imperial Dawn, why were they using Aliens?"
"Cause it's a ruse." Chianna replied, "Someone wants people to THINK it's the Imperial Dawn."
Chase nodded, "They went to pretty extreme lengths to make it look that way too, those Trigylcride bombs are expensive, but the Dawn would never have used a Nikito thug."
"Yeah but the voice print from the demand vid was definately Eridani, even the scrubs back at NRI got that right." She shot back,
"No offense." she apologized glancing over at the Zabrak.
The alien held up it's hands and shrugged it's shoulders as if to say none taken,
"So," Chase reasoned out loud running his fingers through his goatee, "Just means that whomever it was on the vid was Eridani not that it was the Dawn, so what we need to do is cross reference you name with Eridani nobles and if you're so sure you know it start with Artemis and NRI personnel."
"From the last six months. Whatever I saw was fairly recent."
Without another word she disappeared back into the hall, Chase knew she was heading to her part of the ship, the black box as he liked to call it since she always kept the lights off, that and as far as he was concerned it was a "black box" questions and data went in and answers came out and it made his head hurt just to think about what went on in there to get them,
"If i had to guess I'm gonna say we've got atleast an hour to wait for her to run the data through the box." Chase spoke moving along the back wall of the room till he reached one of the drawers and pulled it open, reaching in he pulled out a pair of snifters and bottle of eighty year-old Corellian scotch, "So that leave just enough time for a good drink and tour of your ship."
Plunking the two glasses on the table he pulled the stopper out of the liquor bottle with a slight pop and began pouring two drinks...
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
The Lost Holocron
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"Sure, Ill show you around. the Dass isnt all that impressive to look at inside though. It's one of the three stock ships at the Agramar office. THey need to send a crew out, they use the Dancing Dass, the Sneaky pig or the Long Foller." He said, taking the drink from the Sun's captain. "Commader Molin ususally sends out better assembled teams though." and sipping the strong drink, enough to taste, added. "I have no idea what he was thinking. Narbush had no command experience other than being bossy, heading a small analyst devision and having a pilots liscence. Ree is fresh out of the academy from Maintainace and in all honesty, I'm not that experienced. Ive only had two field assignments, and both of those were bodyguarding." and sipping again. "Of Course, If he had wanted us to fail, we'd be the perfect team..." he paused.. "Wouldnt we..."
"Why would they want you to fail trying to save us?" Ahzi said, standing in the doorway, wearing one of the grey sweatpants and light under shirts bagged on a shelf on the wall. She had heard the voices, and had thought it would be ok to join them, and ask if it was ok if she borrowed the clothing..
That seemed trivial now...
"Why would they want you to fail trying to save us?" Ahzi said, standing in the doorway, wearing one of the grey sweatpants and light under shirts bagged on a shelf on the wall. She had heard the voices, and had thought it would be ok to join them, and ask if it was ok if she borrowed the clothing..
That seemed trivial now...
Lord Defender
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
Chase sipped his drink quietly and then nodded,
"The thought had crossed my mind, as for the reason, that's easy enough. They're trying to cover thier tracks, ofcourse if the team were deliberatly put together to fail, then that means there's a mole inside the NRI and that means this whole deal was an inside job. Whoever it was provides the kidnappers with the exact coordinates of a Republic diplomatic shuttle's transfer points, then once the ransom is sent out they arrange for a mismatched crew that's going to be so busy fighting amongst itself that it'll never notice the Triglyceride bomb, bang, the recovery crew is gone, but then the base on Agamar would just..."
Chase stopped mid stride and turned to teh zabrak, "When was the last time you checked in with Agamar?"
"The thought had crossed my mind, as for the reason, that's easy enough. They're trying to cover thier tracks, ofcourse if the team were deliberatly put together to fail, then that means there's a mole inside the NRI and that means this whole deal was an inside job. Whoever it was provides the kidnappers with the exact coordinates of a Republic diplomatic shuttle's transfer points, then once the ransom is sent out they arrange for a mismatched crew that's going to be so busy fighting amongst itself that it'll never notice the Triglyceride bomb, bang, the recovery crew is gone, but then the base on Agamar would just..."
Chase stopped mid stride and turned to teh zabrak, "When was the last time you checked in with Agamar?"
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
The Lost Holocron
The Lost Holocron
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PORT MARSKELLA<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The Wulf Hokken set down in the center of the primary bay on Port Marskella, the XQ Station owned by the enigmatic Marskella Mining Conglomerate. As it settled, Armored security forces moved to the modified Wayfarer Freighter. Trianna had ensured that this bay was cleared of the star fighters that were normally stored here, moving them to one of the other Three bays. As the main ramp began its cycle, Baroness Trianna Fokker, cradling her feline Nuppa and her assistant Gujard waited at the bottom of the ramps final rest. Coming up behind her was the Markella mining conglomerates newest acquisitions. Their protection against any possible dangers during this rather risky venture. Trianna turned to their newest hire. "All is prepared for our important guests, Orin?" she asked, stoking Nuppa between the ears. the fat animal purred at the attention. Orin Sturm nodded. "All are prepared, as is my Maestro. The purchasers will arrive within the next 26 hours. Followers of the True Faith have inspected the areas and are confident that if any trouble happens it can be dealt with quickly."
THe Baroness nodded, pleased with the report. "WON-derful. Ensure the Maestro is congratulated for his diligence." as she began to walk towards the ramp, Orin stopped her. "He also wanted to impress upon you the importance that you uphold your end of the bargain." he stated. With a raised eyebrow, she answered the man. "Of course. You will have first pick of the greens, as promised." she purred, just as Nuppa did, looking at the Follower.
"Perhaps we shall alter that deal, dear Sister." Came a voice from the ramp. Baron Fokker strode down, followed by his own manservant. "THere appears to be a problem with the boosters that we were given by the Followers of the True Faith." He said, and giving his sister an peck on the cheek, and stared down the Follower. "It appears that its over taxing the bodies of those who receive it." he said. THe Baroness turned to Orin. "Is there a problem, Mr. Strum?"
Orin crossed his arms across his massive chest. "Hardly. Give them the antidote, and they shall return to their normal biological functions. Of course, it will also return their Midi-chlorian count to its normal level as well, lowering your profit margin." he stated. "How many showed a resistance to it."
"Ten showed to be sensitive from the initial test, and four of those whom are force sensitive had a negative reaction to the boosters. All Nonhuman." The baron stated as Corryn Villis strode down the ramp. "Baron, were ready to move them." SHe stated over the discussion. The Fokker's both shot angry glares at their employee. "THen do so." Fokker commanded. "All except Miss Ric. We will have a new message for her to publish soon." Villis nodded, and motioned for them to come down the ramp. Orin continued. "Your catch seems to be quite good as it is. Ten youngsters with a high force potential should yield a High profit. The others will garner a good profit from those who purchase such merchandise." Trianna shook her head. "That is true, dear Brother." she said. "And we would hardly miss the considerable income from forty force sensitive children as opposed to only six." she turned back to the Follower of the True Faith. "I believe that the bargain will be renegotiated. Your boosters were suppose to increase the Midi-chlorian count of all of them, not just ten. You misrepresented your chemical and now we have in our possession a much shorter list of viable merchandise to the purchasers. We have four parties that are confirmed buyers, and have the capital to buy them." SHe stepped closer to the Follower. "We could hardly cut our profits by simply giving you one of the children.."
Orin's hand moved to his belt, where he held a cylindrical weapon on his hip. A croaking voice interrupted "THat will be Acceptable, Madam Baroness. We will be glad to renegotiate our arrangement." The old man moved through the assembled armored security forces, probably nearing his eighties. He was being pushed in a Wheel chair by another member of the Followers of the True Faith, a woman possibly in her forties. "We will take ten percent of the profits from the sale, as a fee for securing Port Marskella from the Darksiders." he stated, speaking through the oxygen mask. " the old man stated, "As well as some genetic material from the sensitive's..."
The Baron nodded. "That seems acceptable. After all, we will need to give them proper medical screening before the sale as it is. It will be little trouble to take a little extra."
Trianna nodded. "I agree dear Brother. We have an agreement." and motioned to Gujard. "Ensure that all of the details are seen to.." Her assistant nodded "Yes, Baroness." and moved off. Trianna smiled widely, "So, shall we see our catch now..."
The Baron smiled back. "Of course, dear Sister." and waved towards Villis. "And then get that shuttle off of the Wulf Hokken.." he said "It offends me.."
Catlyn Ric stood in the line of the six remaining children that still had green wristbands. THe rest, along with her friend Zonosh, the Twi'lek boy, were on the opposite side of the shuttle, blindfolded as they were. All except her, for some reason. The reds were escorted off of the shuttle first, pushed by the soldiers who had come aboard.
Of the Six of them, all Human and of varying ages, were motioned forward, and together they headed towards the exit. They were surrounded by Blue armored soldiers, wearing full helmets and keeping their weapons leveled on them. The oldest of their group, a girl who's name she thought was Danzi, was a year or so older than her, and was first to see the outside, followed by a boy around her age named Keveir. SHe was next, and could see that they were still inside the Ship the shuttle had been held in. WHat surprised her was that the Ship was inside Another ship, inside a Huge Hanger bay, maybe bigger than the hanger on the Rigel Ketauris. Her Moms ship was the biggest thing she had ever seen, and this was bigger.
There was a huge group of soldiers surrounding them as they were cordoned off, all in armor. Catlyn saw the Baron, and Hard Face by the end of the ramp, standing near some other people wearing what looked like really long coated Imperial uniforms, except they didn't look like imperials. There was also a lady with a Kitty, that looked at her. The group moved towards them, with the man in the wheelchair. There was something about the man, something that scared her. The tall, big man looked at each of them, touching their heads and checking their teeth. With each one, he looked back at the old man and nodded. He finally got to her, and looked at her, touching her head and face, she pushed his had from her. He raised an eyebrow. "Your not frightened, are you." he said. Catlyn knew something that they didn't, of course. Thier days were numbered.
"Nuh'uh.. I feel really sorry for you.." She replied to the man. A chuckle came from the old man, as he motioned for the woman to push him forward. His voice sounded like he was gargling glass. "Why aren't you frightened, little one.." he said, grinning his toothless mouth.
Catlyn sneered at him. "Cuz my family is gonna come get me, and kick all your butts.."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTREPID SUN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
Raster shook his head. "Not since before we jumped. When Commander Jenks put Captain Zephre in charge of the Dancing Dass." he said. "Maybe now is a good time to drop them a line." and downing the last of the drink, looked at Chase. :We can use the Hypercom on the Dass. Its already dialed in to Agramar." he said, adding "And if there is a problem at NRI, it'll forward to Her Majesty's Ministry of Information.."
The Wulf Hokken set down in the center of the primary bay on Port Marskella, the XQ Station owned by the enigmatic Marskella Mining Conglomerate. As it settled, Armored security forces moved to the modified Wayfarer Freighter. Trianna had ensured that this bay was cleared of the star fighters that were normally stored here, moving them to one of the other Three bays. As the main ramp began its cycle, Baroness Trianna Fokker, cradling her feline Nuppa and her assistant Gujard waited at the bottom of the ramps final rest. Coming up behind her was the Markella mining conglomerates newest acquisitions. Their protection against any possible dangers during this rather risky venture. Trianna turned to their newest hire. "All is prepared for our important guests, Orin?" she asked, stoking Nuppa between the ears. the fat animal purred at the attention. Orin Sturm nodded. "All are prepared, as is my Maestro. The purchasers will arrive within the next 26 hours. Followers of the True Faith have inspected the areas and are confident that if any trouble happens it can be dealt with quickly."
THe Baroness nodded, pleased with the report. "WON-derful. Ensure the Maestro is congratulated for his diligence." as she began to walk towards the ramp, Orin stopped her. "He also wanted to impress upon you the importance that you uphold your end of the bargain." he stated. With a raised eyebrow, she answered the man. "Of course. You will have first pick of the greens, as promised." she purred, just as Nuppa did, looking at the Follower.
"Perhaps we shall alter that deal, dear Sister." Came a voice from the ramp. Baron Fokker strode down, followed by his own manservant. "THere appears to be a problem with the boosters that we were given by the Followers of the True Faith." He said, and giving his sister an peck on the cheek, and stared down the Follower. "It appears that its over taxing the bodies of those who receive it." he said. THe Baroness turned to Orin. "Is there a problem, Mr. Strum?"
Orin crossed his arms across his massive chest. "Hardly. Give them the antidote, and they shall return to their normal biological functions. Of course, it will also return their Midi-chlorian count to its normal level as well, lowering your profit margin." he stated. "How many showed a resistance to it."
"Ten showed to be sensitive from the initial test, and four of those whom are force sensitive had a negative reaction to the boosters. All Nonhuman." The baron stated as Corryn Villis strode down the ramp. "Baron, were ready to move them." SHe stated over the discussion. The Fokker's both shot angry glares at their employee. "THen do so." Fokker commanded. "All except Miss Ric. We will have a new message for her to publish soon." Villis nodded, and motioned for them to come down the ramp. Orin continued. "Your catch seems to be quite good as it is. Ten youngsters with a high force potential should yield a High profit. The others will garner a good profit from those who purchase such merchandise." Trianna shook her head. "That is true, dear Brother." she said. "And we would hardly miss the considerable income from forty force sensitive children as opposed to only six." she turned back to the Follower of the True Faith. "I believe that the bargain will be renegotiated. Your boosters were suppose to increase the Midi-chlorian count of all of them, not just ten. You misrepresented your chemical and now we have in our possession a much shorter list of viable merchandise to the purchasers. We have four parties that are confirmed buyers, and have the capital to buy them." SHe stepped closer to the Follower. "We could hardly cut our profits by simply giving you one of the children.."
Orin's hand moved to his belt, where he held a cylindrical weapon on his hip. A croaking voice interrupted "THat will be Acceptable, Madam Baroness. We will be glad to renegotiate our arrangement." The old man moved through the assembled armored security forces, probably nearing his eighties. He was being pushed in a Wheel chair by another member of the Followers of the True Faith, a woman possibly in her forties. "We will take ten percent of the profits from the sale, as a fee for securing Port Marskella from the Darksiders." he stated, speaking through the oxygen mask. " the old man stated, "As well as some genetic material from the sensitive's..."
The Baron nodded. "That seems acceptable. After all, we will need to give them proper medical screening before the sale as it is. It will be little trouble to take a little extra."
Trianna nodded. "I agree dear Brother. We have an agreement." and motioned to Gujard. "Ensure that all of the details are seen to.." Her assistant nodded "Yes, Baroness." and moved off. Trianna smiled widely, "So, shall we see our catch now..."
The Baron smiled back. "Of course, dear Sister." and waved towards Villis. "And then get that shuttle off of the Wulf Hokken.." he said "It offends me.."
Catlyn Ric stood in the line of the six remaining children that still had green wristbands. THe rest, along with her friend Zonosh, the Twi'lek boy, were on the opposite side of the shuttle, blindfolded as they were. All except her, for some reason. The reds were escorted off of the shuttle first, pushed by the soldiers who had come aboard.
Of the Six of them, all Human and of varying ages, were motioned forward, and together they headed towards the exit. They were surrounded by Blue armored soldiers, wearing full helmets and keeping their weapons leveled on them. The oldest of their group, a girl who's name she thought was Danzi, was a year or so older than her, and was first to see the outside, followed by a boy around her age named Keveir. SHe was next, and could see that they were still inside the Ship the shuttle had been held in. WHat surprised her was that the Ship was inside Another ship, inside a Huge Hanger bay, maybe bigger than the hanger on the Rigel Ketauris. Her Moms ship was the biggest thing she had ever seen, and this was bigger.
There was a huge group of soldiers surrounding them as they were cordoned off, all in armor. Catlyn saw the Baron, and Hard Face by the end of the ramp, standing near some other people wearing what looked like really long coated Imperial uniforms, except they didn't look like imperials. There was also a lady with a Kitty, that looked at her. The group moved towards them, with the man in the wheelchair. There was something about the man, something that scared her. The tall, big man looked at each of them, touching their heads and checking their teeth. With each one, he looked back at the old man and nodded. He finally got to her, and looked at her, touching her head and face, she pushed his had from her. He raised an eyebrow. "Your not frightened, are you." he said. Catlyn knew something that they didn't, of course. Thier days were numbered.
"Nuh'uh.. I feel really sorry for you.." She replied to the man. A chuckle came from the old man, as he motioned for the woman to push him forward. His voice sounded like he was gargling glass. "Why aren't you frightened, little one.." he said, grinning his toothless mouth.
Catlyn sneered at him. "Cuz my family is gonna come get me, and kick all your butts.."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>INTREPID SUN<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
Raster shook his head. "Not since before we jumped. When Commander Jenks put Captain Zephre in charge of the Dancing Dass." he said. "Maybe now is a good time to drop them a line." and downing the last of the drink, looked at Chase. :We can use the Hypercom on the Dass. Its already dialed in to Agramar." he said, adding "And if there is a problem at NRI, it'll forward to Her Majesty's Ministry of Information.."
Last edited by zephre on Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
"Then I really think we need to make that call, if whoever this was has someone inside the NRI and is willing to take things as far as they appear to be to cover thier tracks then there might a risk to the assets on Agamar."
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGRAMAR: MINISTRY OF INFORMATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
"What ever brought the NRI Building down, it was chemical." Ministry Chief Childers stated. "Our sniffers are still collecting samples from the Crime scene." he said. "Unfortunately, Chemical explosions have a tendency to burn themselves out, leaving little trace whatsoever." Childers leaned on the console, his Massive near Six and a half foot frame dwarfing many around him, which included in this case the console. Taan crossed his arms, and examined the footage from the street cameras. One moment it was there, and the next it was a fireball, propelling pieces of the Building nearly three hundred feet. "Where would they have had to placed it to blow it so out."
Princess Alyra pursed her lips. "Maybe the lower floors.." She said absently. Childers nodded. "That's our thoughts as well, and goes with the chemical bomb theory. They put it in Engineering, which also would have housed the Environmental. It blows, burns through the buildings supports while the fire burns through the Envo ducts, simultaneously fireballing the upper floors and melting through the load bearing members in the building. With that all weakened, the explosion from the lower floor and whatever else they would have been storing goes up and the building blows apart." a male officer from the ministry hands Childers a flimsy. Nodding, he looked it over. "Well, theirs confirmation on all of the location badges just before the explosion." He sighed. "Three Hundred dead.."
"One got out." Alyra stated. She looked up, noticing that all eyes were on her.
"Look, theres someone leaving the parking lot in a speeder just before the explosion." She pointed to the screen. Taan examined the footage again. THe vehicle was only on frame for a second, but it was there. "Any Idea who's vehicle that is?"
Childers pointed to his lead analyst. "Get on it."
Selca Ru, his Communications lead, yelled out. "Sir, the Dancing Dass on Hyper channel."
Childers nodded. "In the Fishbowl" he said and headed towards the Glass paneled Conference room that bore that nickname. "Senator, if you'd care to join us." He said as the headed through the bullpen. Taan had never been in the NRI Agramar building before, and now he wouldn't have the opportunity of course, but he could imagine it was similar to the Ministry's Intel office. Alyra and Tee remained outside of the Fishbowl, watching the recorded images of the speeder as he followed Childers. Inside already was Selca, running the console. SHe was close to middle age, but still had the look of a younger woman. She gave Childers a nodd. "Your on Chief."
"This is Ministry Chief Aron Childers, with me is Senior Ministry Agent Selca Ru, and Republic Senator Taan Ric from Agramar. This is a secure line and you are on 15 second lag time, Go ahead.."
Taan raised an eyebrow. "Fifteen second Delay?" Childers nodded. "Due to distance, and decryption. Some of our equiptment isnt up to NRI Standards, unfortunatly, being a planetbound agency.." Taan simply nodded. Thier equiptment must be pretty old to not have a better transiever. However, it was pretty well known in both the Senate and in certain circles that Agramars Ministry of Information was top notch..
"And we only have voice?" the Senator assumed.
Childers again nodded. "It will have to do..." he stated, as they waited for the responce from the burst transmission..
"What ever brought the NRI Building down, it was chemical." Ministry Chief Childers stated. "Our sniffers are still collecting samples from the Crime scene." he said. "Unfortunately, Chemical explosions have a tendency to burn themselves out, leaving little trace whatsoever." Childers leaned on the console, his Massive near Six and a half foot frame dwarfing many around him, which included in this case the console. Taan crossed his arms, and examined the footage from the street cameras. One moment it was there, and the next it was a fireball, propelling pieces of the Building nearly three hundred feet. "Where would they have had to placed it to blow it so out."
Princess Alyra pursed her lips. "Maybe the lower floors.." She said absently. Childers nodded. "That's our thoughts as well, and goes with the chemical bomb theory. They put it in Engineering, which also would have housed the Environmental. It blows, burns through the buildings supports while the fire burns through the Envo ducts, simultaneously fireballing the upper floors and melting through the load bearing members in the building. With that all weakened, the explosion from the lower floor and whatever else they would have been storing goes up and the building blows apart." a male officer from the ministry hands Childers a flimsy. Nodding, he looked it over. "Well, theirs confirmation on all of the location badges just before the explosion." He sighed. "Three Hundred dead.."
"One got out." Alyra stated. She looked up, noticing that all eyes were on her.
"Look, theres someone leaving the parking lot in a speeder just before the explosion." She pointed to the screen. Taan examined the footage again. THe vehicle was only on frame for a second, but it was there. "Any Idea who's vehicle that is?"
Childers pointed to his lead analyst. "Get on it."
Selca Ru, his Communications lead, yelled out. "Sir, the Dancing Dass on Hyper channel."
Childers nodded. "In the Fishbowl" he said and headed towards the Glass paneled Conference room that bore that nickname. "Senator, if you'd care to join us." He said as the headed through the bullpen. Taan had never been in the NRI Agramar building before, and now he wouldn't have the opportunity of course, but he could imagine it was similar to the Ministry's Intel office. Alyra and Tee remained outside of the Fishbowl, watching the recorded images of the speeder as he followed Childers. Inside already was Selca, running the console. SHe was close to middle age, but still had the look of a younger woman. She gave Childers a nodd. "Your on Chief."
"This is Ministry Chief Aron Childers, with me is Senior Ministry Agent Selca Ru, and Republic Senator Taan Ric from Agramar. This is a secure line and you are on 15 second lag time, Go ahead.."
Taan raised an eyebrow. "Fifteen second Delay?" Childers nodded. "Due to distance, and decryption. Some of our equiptment isnt up to NRI Standards, unfortunatly, being a planetbound agency.." Taan simply nodded. Thier equiptment must be pretty old to not have a better transiever. However, it was pretty well known in both the Senate and in certain circles that Agramars Ministry of Information was top notch..
"And we only have voice?" the Senator assumed.
Childers again nodded. "It will have to do..." he stated, as they waited for the responce from the burst transmission..
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Re: The 571 Incident: Never Surrender
<<<<<<< Dancing Dass >>>>>>>
Chase shook his head as the response finally came back and it wasn't NRI Agamar that had picked up the call, things just kept getting better and better, he nodded to the other man in defrence,
"Just remember if the NRI office was compromised then this might or might not be who we think it is."
Chase shook his head as the response finally came back and it wasn't NRI Agamar that had picked up the call, things just kept getting better and better, he nodded to the other man in defrence,
"Just remember if the NRI office was compromised then this might or might not be who we think it is."
-David W aka Coronhorn... A ghost of Exodus past...
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