CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Most Mandalorians on a Capital Ship would be doing Some sort of Combat Duty, but no, he had to find a Little Wookie, that had Decided to Explore The Venator-Class Star Destroyer his Family and about a couple of Thousand Other People Inhabited from the Distruction of the Eon System at the Hands of it's star. Kaleth's Build, from what you could tell from the Loose Black Short Sleeved Shirt and Faded Denim Pants, was Athletic, but not overly Muscular. The Clack of his Brown Comybat Boots against the Metal Floor was all that Kaleth Heard as he stalked the Hallways of the Exile, wishing he had taught Himself to Locate People with the Force, but it seemed as if he didn't need to as he saw a Pattern of Chaos Leading to the Bridges. The Sight That Awaited Kaleth on the Fighter Control Bridge Was Humerous, the Furballl was Running arond the Bridge, Dodging the Poor Bastards that were Stationed Thier. "Young One, Your Parents are Worried." Kaleth Said, To which the Wookie replied with a Groan, "no Negotiation, Come!" The Woookie Child Evidently Yielded as he heard the Second Pair of Footsteps follow behind him as he made his way over to the Main Hangar where a Team of Jedi, and a few Other Volunteers Were still trying to Organize the Bulk of the Refugees.

When the Mandalorian entered the Main Hangar, he was Pleased to see a Good Portion of the Refugees had found Temporary Homes elseware, freeing up the Hangar incase of Attack. Kaleth Found the Young Furballl's Parents By a Flight Of Modernized Aureks, when he Dropped of the Youngling, he looked around to see if thier was anything else to do.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

“If you haven’t checked in with the Roster, please do so. We need an accurate head count of everyone on the ship.”

Getting these people to do what she needed them to do was nearly impossible. Perhaps that’s why it just so happened that she was a Jedi. There was one knight, one padawan, and a few younger padawans in the group. She was the padawan. She had lost her master, the Jedi Knight who had been in the lead of the group, when they had been attacked originally. The other Knight had been wounded. They were just trying to survive now. She brushed a hand through her blue hair. She sighed. Things were tough, and she didn’t know if they were going to get any better soon.

She looked around her and then spied some of the other padawans. She was older than the younger padawans, they were only around eight or nine. She was twenty one and was looked to as the leader right now, since the Jedi Knight in their company had been wounded. She went over to them. One of the padawans, a Chagrian male looked up at her.

“Do you need our help, Master Kelwii?” He asked.

“Yes, and I’ve asked you not to refer to me as Master Kelwii. Just call me Vana.” She said. “I need you to go check on the medical staff and make sure that everything is going alright over there, can you do that for me, Worly?” She asked, using the little one’s nickname.

He nodded and ran off.

She sighed again.

Too many wounded. They were ripe for the picking.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Kaleth Looked Around although they had made Progress, there was Wounded From A Pirate Attack that Splintered The Refugee Fleet, He then saw the Leader of the Jedi Team, Vana Kelwii if he Heard Correctly, and she Seemed To be Talking to a Younger member of her Group. Kaleth Decided to Talk the Girl, she seemed Down Trodden, and it was Having a Visible Effect on a few of the Refugees. Kaleth Tried to Suppress the years of Combat Training from showing as he Relaxed his Stance when he walked over to her, determined to Talk to the Jedi. "My Name is Kaleth Narsha." The Mandalorian Stated, Running his Hand threw his Black Hair, "and if you don't mind me asking, What's Wrong, your mood is having an Effect on some of the Refugees." Kaleths Stance said he would not leave untill he got his Answer.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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Vana's blue eyes flashed with a little anger. She might have been upset, but it was her right to be. He was rather brusque and to the point. She wasn't sure that she liked that. She had heard of him, but not much. All she knew was that he was a Mandalorian, but that anyone could have told by his armor, not that he was wearing it now. She had seen him in it earlier, when they had been loading the people onto the ship. "What's wrong? We have more wounded than we have people fit. Those who are fit, they know nothing of manning a vessel such as this. We're easy pickings for anyone who would try to harm us, especially like those who forced us on this ship in the first place." She said. "All around me, I see people injured and hurt, and we don't have the supplies to help them all. We're in dire straits here." She added.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"Maybee." Kaleth Said, eyeing his R6 Unit Helping Settle the Refugees "maybee Not" "my modified YT-2000 has the Standard Armament, 2 Photon Torpedoe Launcher, and an Ion Cannon." aleth Said, Gesturing towards the ship, Sitting Quiet on the End of the Right Row "and what i did is i Modified the Co-Pilot chair into a R6 Socket, so my R6 Can fire all the Guns, maybee we can do that on a Bigger Scale?" Kaleth Looked Rather Proud of his Suggestion, or his Modifications to the Yt-2000. "I know my R6 can do it, all we need is one of those Wall Sockets they use to allow an R Series Unit to Get into A Ships Systems." ... "You Still need to calm down though, Being like this will hurt more than help." Kaleth Said, Taking a Softer Tone "the best thing you can do is Brighten up."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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"I guess I could brighten up a little bit, but its just too easy to see the downside in this situation." She said. She bit her lip then, thinking. "I'm not sure if that would work, the modifications. This ship is much to big for us to be able to do it on our own. I think we would need a repair station or a dry dock, something like that. I'm not that knowledgeable about ships, but I know we'd need more equipment than we have. Time would be another factor. If we come across a station that could help us, perhaps your idea would be very useful then." Vana said with a smile. "That's a cute little droid you have, what's his name?"
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"i Call him Tin Can" Kaleth Said in Joking Mannner, onlyt to lose his Jovilant Attitude when the R6 Unit Shocked his Infuriating Master with his Shock Arm. "Yeow!! I Was Joking!!." Kaleth Explained while rubbing the Abused area of his Leg. " Okay, His Real name is R-6D8, or as he is better known, Gunner." Gunner Bwooo'd at the Sight of the Pretty Jedi, and her Outfit,"Yea, you better hope she can't speak Droid..." The Droid Gave a Sharp Retort, "Hey! Your the Perverted Tin Can Around Here." As Gunner was about to Retort, Kaleth Cut him off "Don't worry about he Mood thing, happens to everyone, just remember to Focus on the Goal, and Mellow out, a Negative Attitude Hinders more than helps." "now, i Gave you My Droid's name, as well as my own, Can you tell me yours?" Kaleth asked, Offering his Hand for a Shake
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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She smiled and shook his hand. "Vana. Vana Kewlii." She said in reply. His droid was cute and somewhat lovable, even if its owner was a bit too brusque for her tastes. "I'm not sure as to who is in charge here though. Do you know who is?" She asked. "I need to speak to that person about something." Vana said.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"Well, i don't know him reallly." Kaleth Said, Smiligng at the Jedi " He Should be in the main Control Bridge, i have a few things to Discuss with him As well, allow me to Accompany you?"
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

Vana nodded. She looked around. "I guess I can go now, the padawans don't need me to watch them so much right now. Plus, it'll be a good experience for them. They'll learn to be more independent and interdependent." She said. "Lead the way." She added with a smile.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"ok, Follow me." Kaleth Said, Starting along the Path to the Bridge "you know, if they tweeked this ship just a bit, and she could most likely hold her own against most Modern Capital Ships."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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"Well, I don't know if it would be able to stand up against a Star Destroyer, an Imperial one, I mean." She said. "Though if we had fighters on the same level as the Imperials, we'd stand a better chance, I guess. Maybe because of the numbers." She said. "Though it would also depend on the skill of the pilots..." She said, knowing that she was going off on a tangent.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"your kidding me, TIE Fighters?" kaleth Said Scepticaly, Walking Backwards smiling at the Girl "The only good fighters in that Series are the Later Models, and still, We have the Force on our side." Kaleth Turned around, "In myStudy of the Force, I found that it runs through Everything, aroud everyone, and Jedi aren't the only ones who know how to Use it." Kaleth Stated sagely, A Discarded Datapad from the Walkway in front of them Floating to his hand "the Force is a Strange, and Magnificent, Thing, you find yourself awe'd by it every time you feel the Flow of it."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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"I wasn't referring to TIE Fighters, so much as their Interceptor or Avenger brethren. The standard fighter for the Empire is the Shielded Interceptor." Vana said. She smiled when she heard Kaleth talk of the Force and better yet, show her some of his knowledge. She was a Jedi who felt that the Force shouldn't be used for frivolities like pulling datapads around, but she as also a Jedi who understood and accepted various people's uses of the Force. She was definitely Potentium, but not off the deep end. "How came you to learn of the Force?" She asked. "Who is your master?" She added, thinking that maybe she should look around for this person and berate them for now coming out sooner and offering help.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"I Had No Master, and My Father was Only Versed in More Conventional Combat." Kaleth Stated, Placing The Datapad in his Pocket "the Force is my Master, guiding my Studies as it would Guide the First Snowflake in a Snowstorm." "I was Refering to the TIE Series In General," Kaleth Stated, His Tone Changing From Sage-ish to The Friendly tone he used earlier "sorry i didn't Clarify..."
Kaleth looked like he was about to Say more, but they Entered the Bridge, with Multiple People in the Pits on eather side of a Slim Walkway with an Older Male Standing at the Front, looked foward, "may i help you?" The Man Said, with a Voice that Betrayed a rough Military life. "Yes, This is Vana, A Jedi" Kaleth said, Taking the Initiative "and i Am Kaleth, a Supercommando, with the Mandalorian Protectors."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

"Sir, as Kaleth said, my name is Vana Kewlii. I represent the Jedi currently in your ship's hold." She said.

The man nodded in response and waited.

"We lack the medical supplies to treat all the wounded. Furthermore, we don't have the capabilities to properly deal with those who had died. If we leave them on the ship, then their bodies could spread sickness and make our already dwindling medical resources all the more scarce." She said. "I need to know what you think we should do on this matter."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"If we Stop, the Pirate's 'll Catch Up with us." the Man, Obviosly the Leader, Said "In Fact i Fear they May be Corraling us..." "And We can't do anything about it." Kaleth Finished Grimely, only to have some light return to his eyes as an idea formed "We could Land on a Planet, and Hope the PDF Forces Give us a Hand?" "That's alot of Hope, Boy" The Leader Said, "But Luck Favors the Desperate and Fools."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

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"We have to make sure that they know the situation and what exactly is going on. If we show up, they take us in, and then those pirates return, we will have a problem with the people later, assuming we manage to beat the pirates then." She said. "I fear we will need to find a place far out of the norm to stop and resupply at. Before that then, do you have any suggestions regarding the wounded and dead?"
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"We Isolate the dead in the Secondary Hangar." The Leader said, Turning back to the Observation Windows "sadly, we can't do more for the Wounded, all we can do is hope."
"Gunner knows the coordinates of a Planet in the Outer-rim, I Did a Job there Before, i believe it was Named Saratos." Kaleth Said, "the People are Nivce enouph and they have a PDF Force That could hold off the Pirates,m at least long enouph for us to get rid of the Dead Bodies and Get Some New Supplies."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

"Saratos?" She said and Kaleth nodded in reply. "I've never heard of that planet or system before by that name, but there are a lot I haven't heard of." She said with a smile. "If they can help us, it'll be appreciated. I'm sure from there, I might be able to get in touch with the Jedi Order on Onderon." She added.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

The medium size bulk cruiser jumped out of lightspeed along the Venator-class destroyer.

"Over, this is Rick Raincloud do you read me Exile? We escaped the Star System and were separated from the rest of the fleet.” The supply ship came up against the Venator. To Rick he saw that the ship had seen some fighting and it drew him to the conclusion that they met up with the Pirates too.

“Do you copy we are friendly. I have wounded onboard and supplies. Our ship was hit badly and we need help. Over.” Rick stood in silence as he awaited a response from the Exile
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

The Leader Hit the Comm Button "This is Exile, Be Quick with the Transfer, as soon as you get your Collective Butt over here were Making a Jump." Kaleth Looked Grim for a Moment, theyn Brightened up a Bit. "I'm going out thier in an R-41 for Escort, call Sign Silver Blade, make sure thier's something between us and the Pirates that are sure to be on our Butt." The Leader Nodded, "I'll send Gunner up to Program the Coordinates into the Ship." With that Kaleth Ran off to Do as he said. When Kaleth Reached the Main Hangar, he Found gunnder and told him to go up and Program the Saratos Coordinates. Kaleth Found an R-41, and Climbed Into the Cockpit. after a General Announcement of an Outgoing Fighter, the People still in the Main Hangar moved to the Shielded Sides as Kaleth Took Off...
"We have a R-41 for the Pirates that'll Catch up with us, Calllsign 'Silver Blade', Hurry up Rick, Don't make this Place his Grave." The Leader said as he Saw Kaleth Leave the Main Hangar in the
R-41. "Silver Blade here, all is Green and Pirates are a No-Show, Proceed with Transfer." Kaleth Said over the Comm to Both Ships.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

Because the ship was a fleet supply ship it had connection ropes so they could connect to the side entrances of any kind of Capital ship. After the connectors attached to the Exiles hull a connection bridge attached to the supply hanger on the side of the ship.

Exile, this is Rick we have made contact with your ship. Make sure you have medical personnel waiting, we have a lot of wounded.” Rick got off the comm and turned to the man standing beside him.

“Rick should we-“ Rick cut off the man because he knew what he was going to say.

“We first transport the wounded and then women and children. After we get everyone on board the Exile we’ll start transporting the fuel and supplies.” They had commandeered the military vessel after their little group was attacked by the Pirates. “Okay, get down to the storage area and make sure the people get across safely.”

“Yes, Commander Raincloud.” The man gave him a salute and then left the small command bridge.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

It wouldn't be a proper test, if their foes didn't have something with which to properly fight with. That was why the pirates had scaled back their attacks until their enemies could field something more challenging than a ship filled with wounded and dead. They had been tracking them, through various ways, and knew where they were. They had been monitoring the vectors that the ship had used when it jumped to hyperspace and had then considered the fact that the ship had a large amount of wounded and probably needed supplies. Furthermore, they had an inside man, who was giving them information on what was going on in the inside of the vessel. It was an opportune moment to strike, but not the best that they could have to do what they wanted to do.

So when nothing more than a modified Nebulon-B2 frigate dropped out of hyperspace, it must have made the forces onboard the Exile wonder just what was going on. The IFF transponders on the newcomer told them that the vessel had been part of the pirate force that had attacked them before. That much was obvious. It launched clutches, and other Uglies as it moved forward. It was soon in range of the two ships and opened fire with its turbolaser weaponry.

Meanwhile, the clutches raced forward, eager to tear apart any resistance.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

As Kaleth Watched Fighters that Numbered in the Mid-High 20's, and a Single Thought Ran threw his Head as he Charged into the Swarm, Ion and Laser Cannons Firing.

'Force Help me...'
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

“Rick, we are being attacked!” One of the refugees exclaimed to Rick as he rushed into the storage hanger of the supply ship.

“How are we doing on transferring passengers?” Rick asked the frantic man.

“We got all the refugees onboard the Venator ship but all the supplies we have are fuel and ammunition for battle cruisers. Should we leave them?” The man asked.

“No, transport some of the fuel and any rockets that we have. One or two loads of each and leave the rest.”

“But what if the Pirates get a hold of the ammunition and supplies?”

“They won’t. I’ll rig a timer to one of these concussion missile crates. We’ll make sure none of those damn Pirates get their greedy paws on this ship or supplies and we might take a few of them out.” The man smiled after hearing Rick talk about killing Pirates. “Now hurry and get those crates across. I’ll handle the bomb.”

“Yes, sir.”
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

The clutches had their shields doubled up when it came to their forward section. Kaleth's lasers and ion cannons didn't do much damage, though he did manage to ionize one of the clutches. It seemed odd, though it made sense, that the clutches didn't even bother with him. Instead they were moving directly for the new ship in the area, the Bulk Cruiser. They were smart, having been around Bulk Cruisers before. They knew the armament that it had. Thirty quad laser cannons. Starfighter shredders. They knew that they had to be careful. The ion cannons on the clutches were what were being used here. They were pouring the ion fire at the enemy ship.

They could see that something was going on between the ships, there were airlocks. Their goal wasn't to destroy the enemy bulk cruiser. It as to punish it, to hurt it for trying to help the refugees. That was their goal.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Kaleth Quickly Took Advantage of them Ignoring Him, and Fired his Entire Warhead Load(Photon Torpedoes), Into the Rear of the Clutch's Formation, Specifically Targeting Flight Leaders. With That Done, Kaleth Fired all His Weapons at the Leaders who Servived.
Meanwhile, Gunner Found his Way to the Bridge and Was Uploading The Saratos Coordinates into the Computer, Along with Trying to Find a Way to Acces the Gunns of the Ship, to Help Out his Master.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

"Sir, we got to go!" One of the hanger personnel exclaimed. They were the only two left on board the bulk cruiser.

“Okay, go on ahead I got to make one more adjustment.” The man headed for the connection bridge. Rick was now the last person on board. “Okay…done.” Rick primed the detonator. He had powered down the ship. He connected the detonator to the power of the ship, so if anyone turned the ship on it would trigger the bombs.

Rick rushed toward the connection bridge entrance and entered the long wide tube that connected to the Venator-class destroyer. He ran across the bridge and entered the supply hanger on the side of the Exile. He saw all the refugees and ship crew from the cruiser huddled in the middle of the hanger. He was disappointed to see only a few medical personnel attending to the wounded. It looks like they’re under manned and unprepared. Rick scanned the hanger and saw a lot of civilians. He knew most of these people never seen war. Can we even fend off these Pirates? Rick turned back and saw that they had detached the connection bridge. He watched the bulk cruiser slowly drift away from the Exile.

A crewman walked by Rick and he grabbed the man by the shirt and asked, “Who’s in charge?”

“I’m not sure, but there are some Jedi in the main flight hanger.” The crewman informed.

“Thanks.” Rick let go of the crewman
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

The torpedoes were successful in taking out two of the enemy fighters. The laser and ion shots were more successful, allowing Kaleth to rack up two more kills and ionize another, which he then picked off. Meanwhile, the fighters were on top of the Bulk Cruiser, and had quickly realized that the ship wasn't firing back. One of their members conducted a quick sweep of the ship. There was no one on board anymore. The fighters broke of their attack, sending a message back to the Nebulon-B2. It shifted its guns to the Exile. They had guessed that the Bulk Cruiser was attempting to help the Venator out. But now, they had to wonder at the intelligence behind the course of action that those on the Bulk Cruiser had chosen. Leaving a ship that was perfectly fine to be on one that was...well...not, wasn't the smartest of moves.

The fighters began to pull back, though they kept pouring ion and laser fire into the Exile. The lasers would do nothing, but the ions would. While the Venator had far fewer anti-starfighter weapons and was probably very undermanned, it still made sense to be careful of what was going on.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

Seeing The Pirates Flee and Fire at the Exile, Kaleth Quickly Docked into the Secondary Hangar Facing away from the B2. Once Kaleth Exited the Fighter, He Hit the Com Button on the Wall by the Door, "Go to Lightspeed,now!"

On the Bridge THe Old Leader Did as the Mandalorian Said, " you might want to hold on to something, Little One."

after the Initial Burst of Speed, Kaleth Walked towards the Bridge, Sending Apologetic Looks to the Varios People Getting Up. Kaleth Walked Into bridge, and Up to Vana, "How Good are you With a Weapon?"
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

During the jump to lightspeed, the shock had nearly knocked Vana down, despite her having a history of being used to the jump to lightspeed. Something about the old ship maybe. She turned when Kaleth came in, smiling. She was pleased to see that he was unharmed after the fight with the pirates outside. She listened as he asked his question of her.

"Depends on what you mean by weapon." She said. "I can use anything as a weapon." She added, and then suddenly shook her head slowly. "I'm sorry, I meant that it depends on what you need me to do. I use my lightsabers for the most part." Vana said, indicating the two lightsabers on either side of her shapely figure. She looked between Kaleth and then the commanding officer of the ship before looking back at Kaleth.

Something was going on. Had he hit on some kind of idea while out flying? Perhaps he wanted her to be part of the ground party when they reached Saratos? "Why, what do you need me to do?" She asked, her brow furrowing for a moment. "Is it something on the ship?"


She had been wounded and out of things for a while. She remembered the initial pirate attack, and the blaster bolts that she'd taken. It had been all she could do through the Force to pull through and survive. How she had kept herself going, she wasn't sure yet. There had been a presence during the attack. She'd felt something familiar, but what it was, she hadn't been sure of. The wounded Jedi Knight struggled to rise, and it alerted one of the padawans. The Chagrian, Worly as Vana had nicknamed him, came towards her. "Master, are you feeling alright?" he asked.

"Better, I think. And don't call me, Master, please." She asked.

"Master, I mean, Vana asked me to do the same." He replied and the woman nodded.

"Could you get me some water, please?"

He nodded and headed off to do as she'd asked.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

The Pirate Frigate snared the abandoned ship in its tractor mean. The Nebulon-B frigate slowly brought it closer and attached it to the empty ship.

“I want that ship searched and backup and running less then an hour.” The frigates Captain ordered his men. The Captain turns to his lieutenant, “This ship should be a good prize for the Boss.

The pirates entered the abandoned cruiser from the connection bridge. As they entered the ship, they saw the payload of concussion crates and extra fuel in the cargo bay.

“Alright, no one touch anything until I get the ship up and runn’n.” The Pirates made their way to the bridge of the ship. They were used to shutting down ships and then reactivating them, it was almost second nature to the Pirates. As the ship hummed back to life the Pirates cheered and indulge in the satisfaction of their new toy, but just as they got the ship up in running the trap was already sprung. As the ship activated it also activated all the concussion missiles and in a split second the missiles ignited. The combined power of the missiles and starship fuel it created huge blast that disintegrated the Bulk Cruiser and severely damaging the Nebulon-B frigate.

“What the HELL just happened?” The Pirate Captain exclaimed as shimmers ran through the frigate.

“I don’t know sir, but we got major hull damage on our whole port side sir, and we have hull breach on decks B through F.” One of the bridge techs reported.

“Then close them DOWN!” The frigate Captain rushed to his command chair and began to hail the main Pirate ship for help.


Rick was escorted to the bridge where the ship Captain was at and the active Jedi was too. He entered the bridge and walked up to the group of people that were conversing with each other.

“Hello, I’m Commander Rick Raincloud,” Rick introduced himself to the group of people as they turned their attention to him. He wasn’t quite sure who was in charge but from the looks of it, it was either the Jedi or the Mandalorian.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

The Mandalorian Took a Friendly Stance, "No, Theres nothing on the Ship." Kaleth Said, Taking a Disarming Tone "But i want you on the Landing Party, Your Skills will come in handy.
When Caleth Saw the Other Person There, He Offered his Hand for a Shake, "My Name is Kaleth Varsha, Mandalorian Supercommando."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

Rick reached out and shook the Mandalorians hand. The hand grip was a hard and firm hand shake, just what he expected from a Mandalorian. Rick smiled and wondered why a Mandalorian was way out here away from the rest of his Mandalorian guys. Must be contracted for something? Rick thought to himself.

“Nice to meet you,” The two men loosened their grip and Rick turned his attention to the young and very beautiful Jedi woman, “Hello and you are?” Rick used his fighter pilot debonair on the young female Jedi.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

Vana smiled. "Vana Kewlii, Jedi Knight." She said after a few moments. She smiled then. "Thank you for your help." She said. "We need all the aid we can get what with the wounded on board the vessel right now." Vana said. "I know the people will appreciate any help that we can get." She said, and then added, "Are any of your men wounded in any way? I'm sure we can find a way to spread the medical supplies a bit further if they are."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

“The closest we got to a medic is my squadron medic but she already down in the supply hanger tending to the wounded that were onboard the ship I came from.” Ricks smile turned to a frown. “I’m sorry if you were expecting more but we have more wounded then able with us and truthfully I was really hoping you guys had the men and supplies that we needed.” The Exile was in worst shape than Rick had thought.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mir »

"It would appear that we've both been mistaken about each other, Mr. Raincloud." She said in response. He seemed to be an interesting person, and a part of her wanted to get to know him better. She knew that it was unjedi like due to the fact that she had a mission to do and padawans under her care. But another part of her rationalized it out that she needed to get to know the people on the ship better. She could empathize, but she needed to actually know them. Besides, Raincloud appeared to be someone important on his ship, so it would make sense for her to do that, since right now she was the one in charge of the Jedi contingency.
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by Mandalore_The_Uniter »

"To Tell you the Truth, You did a Great job." Kaleth Stated, Smiling Appreciatively "Those Pirates are Going to have to go back to Thier Base, and that gives us Time to Get to Saratos."
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Re: CIS: Freedom of Necessity

Post by kashus_Draith »

“We can only hope the trap I left them blew them all straight to hell.” Rick scanned the busy bridge. He saw that some people operating the equipment were civilians and others were actual ship personnel. “I’m not much help with big ship but if you guys got anything the size of a snub fighter, I can fly it. I was Commander of the 31st X-Wing Squadron, the Crimson Fangs.”
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