ooc for those of you that want to become members of the Galactic Empire, please post here first. This thread will serve as the jumping point of your character. If you wish to inquire about issues OOC before entering the thread please send Corsos a private message below. Thank you for your interest!
Rear-Admiral Miles Dawes sat at his desk. He longed for his days when he stood at the helm of his Victory Class Star Destroyer and rained down destruction the enemies of the Empire. That was a decade ago, and now he was confined to his desk and his hover chair. He could barely walk anymore, his body betraying a sound mind and aspirations for glory in battle.
Miles was assigned by Grand Admiral Thrawn to the new office of Assignment, Service, and Placement. Called ASP for short the office was designed to streamline not only the Navy, but the Army and Imperial Special Services division as well. It was his duty to assign those wishing to serve the Empire the proper rank and assignment. He waited for his first recruit...
Galactic Empire Recruitment
Moderators: VagueDurin, Nichalus
Man of Many Faces
Galactic Empire Recruitment
"The goal of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for his." General George S. Patton

The Red Eye of Terror
Re: Galactic Empire Recruitment
Vice Admiral Jana Brood, 70th Imperial Fleet.
David Samuel Bermudez have 6 Years...
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