New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

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New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »


The system of Brevost was not one of great import in the grand scheme of things. Galactic databases didn’t have a lot of information about it, in fact there was little to nothing about it. It had been colonized many, many years ago, and it was now a part of the New Republic. That was about it. It’s terrain was varied, as most planet’s were. Brevost wasn’t of one type, like a Tatooine, or a Hoth. The planet had a small garrison of CDF-NR forces, and the planet and system didn’t even have a Governor, just an administrator. The overall population numbered in the millions, yes, but they kept to themselves, and didn’t involve themselves with the rest of the galaxy too much. They popped up the most on the NR Commerce Council due to the fact that the system was on part of a smaller trade route. Most of the business done was import/export, and the planet itself was basically a large warehouse.

There was also a small customs station that was in system, and with the garrison, it provided protection from any who might be lawless, and also acted as inspectors of incoming ships that used Brevost as a stopping point in their journey. The garrison was made up of a Defender-class Carrier, two MC-40a Star Cruisers, and their according complement of starfighters. There were a host of different smaller vessels that made up the customs part of the system’s forces.

Everything said and done, there was nothing much that went on in the system.

Until early one morning, when everything changed.

One of the planet’s small claims to fame was that there was a small research complex that was a satellite offshoot of the University of Mon Calamari. It brought a decent amount of business to the planet in the form of the research students, and an added element of trouble for the local constables to deal with from time to time. But everything said and done, the complex that had been built a year before the Xen’Chi War, during the Galactic Civil War, had brought a decent level of prosperity to the planet, and the locals got along with it. In the complex was a series of sophisticated sets of equipment, used for measuring a number of different things. The bill for all of that had run into the hundreds of thousands of credits and it had been one of the sticking points for the Provost of the school.

He’d campaigned heavily for it, since it was a bit of a pet project for him. But regardless of how exactly they’d gotten there, they were there and everything was running smoothly. It just so happened that there was a series of seismic arrays built into the complex. They measured the seismic activity of the planet, utilizing a system of relays that had been set up through roughly forty percent of the planet. This, with the overlapping sensor suites built into the arrays, gave them a fairly accurate picture of a total of seventy three percent of the planet. And one morning, roughly around 0822 local time, they all went haywire.

Groundquakes, low level ones. They rippled through the planet, moving at breakneck speed. The researchers in the complex immediately started recording the information, bouncing the bytes of data through a small satellite that they had in orbit, which shot it through back to their home base at the University of Mon Calamari. This information was also sent to the lead ship of the system’s defense force, and to the planetary administrator’s office.

No one was too worried though, after all, even if there were groundquakes, they were so low on the scale that no one even felt them, except for wild life and the relay system.

Everyone carried on, as if nothing had happened.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Bray Crasli was a research scientist. He was pretty decent at what he did, he’d scored good marks in his final examinations coming out of the University of Coruscant. He liked dirt, which was an interesting thing to say. He liked the minerals and the various elements that made up dirt and the different things that that told someone. There was a lot you could learn if you studied dirt and the ground. After a few years at the University of Mon Calamari, Bray had jumped at the chance to work at the Brevost facility. Their seismic equipment was something that was he interested in, and to put it bluntly, there was a lot of dirt. The population of the planet was big, but nothing crazy. They weren’t making a run on Nar Shaddaa or anything like that. There was still large, swathes of untamed wilderness that was everywhere. The planet was huge, and he liked to go on walks, sometimes for weeks.

Everyone at the facility was used to it by now, they didn’t bother with him when he went on those walks. They just knew that he’d be gone, but that he’d be back. Always he took a tracker with him, and a means to call for help, should something happen. Just because he liked the wilderness and liked to get away from people didn’t mean that he was stupid.

He’d been poking around in one of the more uncharted areas for close to three days now. Setting up camp hadn’t been that difficult, when you brought a good deal of equipment with you. Living off the land wasn’t that difficult either, to supplement the rations that came in their perfect little packages. The scientific equipment that he had brought with him, was a mix and match of a number of different things. He had the ability to measure the air pressure, the wind, the amount of sunlight that reached this part of the planet. He could take soil samples and analyze them for compounds and minerals, and had’d on so already. His little computer was humming away as it analyzed three new samples that he’d just taken from the mountain that he’d been hiking earlier that day.

When the first series of tremors shot through, they were localized, and not in his area. Bray didn’t even know that they’d happened. But he knew when the second set took place, because they ripped through his area. Still, they weren’t that bad, and when he looked at his equipment, he saw that they barely registered on the scale. All he’d felt was the ground moving slightly underneath him, that was all.

So with a shrug, he went back to his work.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

The smoke from the cigarra wafted upwards. Bray liked his smoking and not a day went by that he didn't smoke. Most of his students knew him as the smoking professor, something that he did little to correct. He took another pull and leaned back slightly, letting the smoke curl up to the sky. He loved the beauty of nature, just the ability to sit back and look at everything around you. The beauty of it, it was something that you could lose yourself in very easily. The world could pass him by and he allowed it to do just that. This world brought him peace, something that he didn't have often with the busy life that he lead as a teacher and researcher. When the cigarra was finished, he put it out and then leaned back, thinking that it was time for a nap, time for a rest. It didn't take him long to fall asleep. The sounds of nature lulled him to sleep.

The same way that the sounds of nature woke him a few hours later. But not in the same peaceful way that it had so put him to sleep. His eyes snapped open and he realized that something was wrong. The world was no longer peaceful, it was very violent. The very core of his being was shook as he tried to rise to his feet. He found that he couldn't. And he realized that the shaking was not just inside of him. The entire world shook, violently. No matter ow hard he tried, Bray couldn't get to his feet. What was this? He knew what it was, the question was rhetorical, but at the same time, there was much truth to it.

No one could have expected the tremors to turn this powerful like this. More importantly, he didn't understand what these tremors was for. The planet didn't have that big of a reputation for seismic activity. That was one of the reasons why he'd chosen to study this planet in the first place. The planet provided a good place to study stale environments to measure against planets with much more seismic activity. This was highly irregular and that was saying something. The man got to his seismic equipment and checked them.

At first he was very confused, there was no way that this was right. The readings were to the extreme, and there was no way that they could be constantly at the edge like that. At least, that was his thought process, until he realized what exactly it meant. It meant that the ground quakes were off the charts. The tremors were starting to cause rifts in the ground and the tears were opening up. Animals fled around him, ignoring him on their attempted path to salvation. Fear gripped him.

The last thing he saw was that his equipment was transmitting back to the University's complex before a tear in the ground opened up near him, and he fell into it, falling through. Rubble followed him, rocks breaking upon his body, then boulders. Blood flowed from his head, and soon his life followed.


Captain Moss shook her head in disbelief at the reports that were coming over her data pad. This was ridiculous. Tremors, ground quakes, that were off the charts were ripping through the planet. The Aqualish's eyes looked at the reports that were coming through from the planet, and there were already two thousand people who were dead. Unfortunately, those were only the confirmed numbers. The tremors were moving through the populated areas and causing massive amounts of personal and property damage. There was no way that they could be stopped, even if they appeared to be far from the ordinary.

She knew that something needed to be done, but the Aqualish also knew that her small garrison force lacked the equipment and the man power to be able to do anything about the situation. Simply put, she was in over her head, and she knew it. So the woman did the only thing that she could realistically do.

The call was put up through the proper channels.

The Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic were going to answer, it was just a matter of time.

But how much time did Brevost have?
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

The Chu'unthor-class vessel Obi-Wan Kenobi exited hyperspace above Brevost, Derek Muir commanding. But events on the bridge, high-level disaster relief strategy, interagency cooperation - these things were far above Mahana Sira's head.

Mahana Sira, disgraced NRI asset, fired from the Jedi Shadows, and assigned to the Agricultural Corps. Most of the other Jedi aboard the Kenobi's drop shuttles were there by choice, out of charity for their fellow sentient. In fairness, if Mahana had still been an active-duty Jedi Knight, and if this relief effort hadn't been a direct assignment, she might have come anyways.

But the Council, insultingly, had assigned her to do something she would have done anyways. Because they were telling her they couldn't trust her to act like a Jedi after the attack on Indosa. Mahana, Certh Kol-Rekali and a few other Jedi had disagreed with the Council's position on the Sith Empire, and when the Patriots asked them for help in stealing a powerful artifact from the Sith, Mahana and her friends had jumped in with both feet. Sith Empire soldiers and personnel had died, and the Council was furious.

Other Jedi and Patriots carried on the fight. The Sith Empire had quietly, deniably struck back.

And Mahana was stuck trying to fix a planet tearing itself apart.

The drop shuttle disgorged her and her fellow Jedi in a rubble-choked city. Calis Misaar, the tough-as-nails little military reservist, bit back a gasp. Mahana, who had fought in the chaotic Coruscant undercity, found herself walking straight ahead until she found something worth doing: a road, probably necessary in the near future, totally blocked. With telekinesis and physical enhancement, Mahana set about clearing the road for relief trucks and Jedi speeders. A cigarra dangled from her lip.

She was not dressed like a Jedi - wasn't even carrying a lightsabre.

She very, very much wanted a drink.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »


It had ripped through the planet of Brevost without even bothering to seek permission. Not that it would have cared for the answer either way. Pure destruction had wreaked havoc on the planet, and the current death count was in the hundreds of thousands. Not a substantial percentage of the population, but at the same time, New Republic relief workers were still dragging bodies out of the rubble, and out of buildings. There were reports of looting and different civil wrongs being committed. It was going to fall upon the person sent by the CDF-NR to restore order and balance to the planet and start the relief efforts. A Near-Human, Commodore Kerem Schane, stood on the roof of the three story pre-fabricated garrison base that his ISD Mk II, the Calming Wind had dropped only a few days before. He looked up into space, and he could see the dagger shape of the vessel, just barely.

Interesting that a vessel that had been so long associated with the Empire and oppression was the lead ship of the NR task force that was geared around helping those who needed it. his task force was over twenty ships strong, but his vessel was the only Star Destoyer, and the only ship above a thousand meters. The rest were support vessels, all laden with cargo for the rebuilding and relief effort. Furthermore, there was close to a hundred smaller freighters and transport vessels in orbit of the planet that were the genesis point for supply chains made up of shuttles and smaller freighers from up inspace, to down below.

Troop transports had brought a total of over forty thousand New Republic soldiers and they were working to keep the peace. But they were spread out thin throughout the planet, and though the population was condensed in a few large urban environments, it still posed a grave threat. Kerem turned at the sound of footsteps behind him. “Sir, the leader of the Jedi forces in system has arrived.” The Lieutenant said.

He nodded at his XO’s words. “Show him up here.” He said. Kerem had seen the shuttle on it’s descent down to the ground and had watched it land on one of the pref-fab bases’ landing pads. The Lieutenant turned and left, returning maybe a minute later, with a man who was taller than he was, and looked to be somewhat imposing. Kerem was only five foot ten and this man looked to be close to six foot three inches. The Jedi was dressed in a simple set of brown Jedi robes, the traditional attire for the warrior diplomats. “Master Muir, isn’t it?” He asked.

“I’m just a Jedi Knight, not a master. Please, call me Derek.” The other man said. He looked around at the city that they were in. The New Republic soldiers had started in this city with the garrison base as the heart and had moved outwards. They were moving slowly, but power lines and utilities services were tripping them up. Water mains had exploded and flooding had to be dealt with. “Hell of a mess.” Derek said.

“Yes, it is.” The Commodore said. “How many Jedi did you bring with you?” He asked.

“A little over twenty. Knights and padawans.” The Jedi replied. “I’ve already got some moving through other parts of the planet. I figured I’d coordinate with you here at the base.” He said, turning and looking at the man. “We’re here to help where you need us to help. Consider us peaceful force multipliers, if you will.” He said.

“I do appreciate it. We could use the Jedi’s help to calm down the more excitable elements in the cities and keep the riots that are breaking out from turning into full fledged insurrections. I need time to be able to get to supplies to everyone and to also deal with the sheer amount of debris.” Kerem said and gestured out to the city. “Right now my forces are stretched very thin and I’ve sent up a request for more soldiers, but I don’t know when that’s going to happen. As horrible as this situation is, and as cold and unfeeling as this statement may be, the New Republic has more on it’s plate than just Brevost.” The last part came with a shrug, not an unfeeling one, but one that showed a man dealing with the situation that he had found himself thrust into, with the best possible way that they could think to do so.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

The Jedi team fanned out. 'Team' was a rather imprecise term: Mahana neither knew nor respected the majority of them, and apparently they had no intention of working in concert. In NRI, she and others joked that 'I work alone' was the newest line of the Jedi Code. "Every Jedi is a special little individualistic flower," as Ashin used to say.


In truth, Mahana was glad to be working here, moving chunks of permacrete with her mind. It let her focus on something other than how she had gone outside the Council's mandate, taken a team of Jedi extremists and Patriots into Sith Empire space, and betrayed her oldest friend. Who now happened to be a Sith Master.

But that was irrelevant. She'd moved against her friend, for what she'd believed to be good reasons. And she still believed them. At Mon Calamari, Ashin had stolen the power of the Jade Empire's monarch - permanently. At Arcanix, she had laid claim to alchemical databanks, records of twisted experiments, the Necromonus itself and the loyalties of Cult Dark Lords. The Sith Empire had been acting in its own interest, no matter how it had benefited the actual battle. And it was dangerous.

Meanwhile, the Jedi Council had met with Alassra Valathorne, a Sith Empire diplomat. They had talked peace. Nonaggression. Even though it was less than a year since Darth Kabal had kidnapped five Jedi Knights, only one of whom had been rescued.

In her head, Mahana felt justified. In her gut, she couldn't escape the guilt. She'd almost taken a drink.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Derek was going to say something else, when the Lieutenant walked back up on the rooftop. “Sir, I don’t mean to interrupt, but there’s been a development.” He said, arms behind his back. When Kerem motioned for him to continue, he spoke again. “There’s been a hyperspace reversion of a Nebulon-B Frigate and three large freighters. They’re broadcasting Sith Empire transponders and they’ve hailed us. Weapons are powered down, but shields are up.” The Lieutenant brought his arm around and handed the Commodore a datapad.

“The Sith Empire?” Derek asked and looked at the datapad. There was imagery of the ships. “Interesting. It is public knowledge of what happened, but I didn’t think that the Republic would call them.”

“I don’t know whether or not we did. That would probably be above my pay grade. But if I had to say something on the matter, the Jedi Order is independent of the New Republic. We can't be expected to only use one set of Forcers if you don't want to be a part of the New Republic anymore.” The Commodore said. Derek didn't get a chance to weigh in on that nugget, as there was a flash and then a blinking icon appeared. The Sith Empire were hailing them and the transmission was going to be patched directly to the datapad. He accepted the call and took a step back, so that Derek Muir wasn’t in the line of sight of the datapad’s built in camera. He didn’t know what was going on, but the last thing he wanted was to get the Sith Empire and the Jedi jumping at each other’s throats and for it to be traced back to his action or inaction.

“Commodore Kerem Schane, my name is Desran. I’m a member of the Central Command Operatives, a group of government agents of the Sith Empire. Myself, my team, and the three freighters of supplies were sent to help the New Republic deal with the natural damage that happened to Brevost.” The woman said. “We’re not a large team, but we’re more than willing to work and help where we can.” She added. “As you may know, the CCOs have a reputation for good work, and following the laws of the land.”

Kerem gave Derek Muir a sidelong look. The Human Jedi Knight nodded slowly. So far nothing Desran had said was false.

“No doubt the Jedi in charge there just confirmed what I said for you.” Desran said with a smile. “Since we’re not close enough to get a read on that Chu’unthor-class, it’s either Faye Ward or Derek Muir. Ranking members of the Jedi Council, so you can trust their word.”

The Commodore thought for a moment. He needed the help. “Provided you and the Jedi don’t cause an intergalactic dispute, I’m more than willing to allow your CCO team and Sith Empire forces on the ground. You will be monitored.” He said.

She smiled. “Absolutely acceptable. I look forward to working with you, Commodore.”

The transmission cut.


“It’s the Kenobi.” Desran’s XO said, on the bridge of the Nebulon-B Frigate.

“Then it’s Derek Muir. More cerebral than Ward. Get me a rundown of all the Jedi that are onboard and that are on the ground. Scour the Holonet. People are going to be taking holos of what’s going on and putting it on social networking sites. News reports as well. I want to know what Jedi are on the ground and how many. What are we dealing with, exactly.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Hopefully they’d be able to find what they were looking for, and come out of this all unscathed.

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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Someone says something about resetting a bone.

Then there’s more pain. But it’s not yours, and you don’t know who’s it is. You can hear the cries, the screams, but only faintly, it’s muffled. As if someone took cotton and shoved it roughly into your ears. There are a few hushed voices, and that’s about it. There’s one thing that you’re used to though, and that’s the darkness that’s everywhere. You don’t know where you are, because everything you can see is so unfamiliar, but you don’t need the glow rods that the other’s need in order to see. Because you know how to see in the darkness. You know the darkness very well. It’s where you used to run to when you were teased and picked on as a child. You still are a child, but you’re much more, in your mind at least. You’re tough, at least you think you’re tough.

When you try to move though, you find out that there’s a difference between thinking you’re tough and actually being tough. You can’t move your right leg and you don’t know why. You hear more voices, and as you try to move more, you find that everything stiff, everything’s sore. It all hurts. Your mouth is dry, like the cotton in your ears, where there was more to go around and someone jammed a lot of it down your throat.

The child tried to cough and his chest hurt in response, so he stopped. His vision, while good in the darkness, was impaired. One of his eyes was rather swollen and he was having a difficult time seeing through it. He could see people coming towards him and then there was brightness. A glow rod being shoved in his face. He tried to bring an arm up to block it, but he couldn’t, though the rest of his body heaved itself away from the source of the annoyance.

“He’s awake.” A voice said.

The light moves away and as others come around you, that’s when you start to remember flashes of what had happened before you awoke and found yourself here.

You were playing with some of the other kids. It was after school, and you hadn’t needed to be home yet. Playing meant getting picked on and bullied, but that was something that you were used to. They had been daring you to jump onto a hovertrain that was going to be coming into the station. You knew that it was dangerous, but you were going to do it anyway. Not because you liked the thrill of the danger, but because you knew that doing these dangerous things and succeeding for some reason got the kids to shut up and leave you alone.

It also made the next thing more dangerous, but luck had always been on your side.

Some mental health professional might have told you that this was an interesting and entirely self hurtful thought process for a twelve year old, but you don’t know anybody with any special degrees like that. You just know that you’re always lucky, even if you’ve been scrapped up and dinged up more than some of the other kids combined.

“What’s your name?” One of the people asked and that’s where things get fuzzier.

You don’t remember your name.

You just remember trying to jump onto that train.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Nichalus »

At the outer boundries of Brevost's space, slightly over a dozen ships suddenly reverted from hyperspace. Several Nebulon Bs, various frigates and freighters, and two Old Republic Venators moved in a perfect V-Formation. Then another much larger ship appeared behind them, it's bright gleaming white hull emblazoned with an light blue cross that covered nearly the entire top hull of the Broadsword Cruiser Mercy's Light.

Standing on the bridge of the Mercy a Bothan stood looking out the forward viewports. His once bright blonde hair that covers his face, had long since gone to a dull white around the edges of his feral jaws with age and the many encounters that he had in his life. But his gleaming blue eyes held their brightness, the keen knowledge of observation of a person use to standing on the bridge of a warship, watching his crew working around him, knowing at a glance the position of every one of his ships before the XO can even tell him.

His feral lips curled slightly as the Scanning Officer reported on the other ships in the vicinity, and that several of them were Sith Empire.

"Initate Damus" Damus stated quietly, belaying the irritation that laid underneath his fur, and the XO of the ship repeated the order to the Nav Officer. Still watching through the viewport, Damus watched impassively as the flotilla of ships that represented the MedStar Emergency Fleet precisely manuevered away from the Broadsword and began heading to their designated areas over the world of Brevost.

"Open all General Hailing and Ground Based Frequencies. We don't know who, or if, anyone is going to be able to hear us. Plus, we have alot of ships in the area, and more possibly coming."

The Comm Officer nodded and opened the line.

"Attention all ships in the vicinity, and any persons on Brevost that can hear this transmission. This is Director Samuel Damus of the MedStar ship Mercy's Light. We have arrived in orbit and currently our Med Ships are taking positions over your more densely populated areas. Rescue and Medical supply transports are being prepped, and we are sending down scout ships to the surface."

"For those of you on the ground, if you have the means, flares, strobe lights, emergency beacons...please use them as our scout ships near you, so they can mark your positions. Once we have your location, we will begin sending down the Rescue Transports and supplies. We know that you have all been through a terrible ordeal, but help is on the way. Remain calm until our people can reach you."

"For those ships in orbit...."He had to pause a moment to keep his voice even. "...we appreciate your assistance in aiding, and ask that you coordinate your flights planetside with the Mercy's Comm, so that we can keep track of positions and destinations."

Damus made the sign to cut the comm, and then nodded to the Flight Coordinator. Within moments several squadrons of Scout Class ships flooded out of the large hangar bays of the Mercy, each squadron taking different vectors across the planet. Looking down at the planet below, Damus could see the devastation that lied below. Black clouds of smoke, and larges areas of fire could be seen even from orbit. A low growl emitted from Damus's throat as his way of reacting to the horror that must lie below.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

A small cruiser exited hyperspace over Brevost, far enough out that orbital traffic wasn't yet an issue. The skies over Brevost were becoming moderately full, at certain levels of orbit, and coordination was necessary. The cruiser, bearing an IFF code familiar to few, sent polite moderate-priority introductions all around the combined ships of Brevost, informing the New Republic that the Jade Empire was here to help at their convenience.

Then starships began dropping out of hyperspace, flickering with blue Cerenkov radiation, their designs unfamiliar and diverse, as if built by a dozen civilizations. Wings of search and rescue craft shredded the atmosphere. The Jade Empire's Iron Crown Productions manufactured small SAR craft, the size of a bulky starfighter, containing miniature medical suites and droids. Some were optimized for space-based efforts, but other variants had been explicitly designed for situations like this in the aftermath of the Uul'ba-Rai invasion.

And each medical bay carried a Patriot. Some were healers, cross-trained at Jedi temples or in the gigantic Tyia communes of Celesta. Others used telekinesis, tools, even lightsabres to rescue those they sensed underneath the rubble.

The Jedi had sent twenty Forcers; the CCOs had sent fewer. The Patriots had sent two hundred. Granted, most of them were only equivalent to a skilled Jedi Padawan, and none approached Master status, but their presence proved the Jade Empire believed in giving until it hurt.

Of those Patriots, perhaps thirty knew of the secret war with the Sith Empire. All had been instructed to refrain from openly acting against whatever CCOs or Sith personnel they might encounter.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by xfiend1013 »

Right Before the Disaster

A cannon fired and an acrobatic Ithorian came curling up through the air in a well-plotted arc, fast as the bursts of pryotechnics and streamers that had erupted from the tube simultaneously.

A talz with long arms swept above the crowd on a trapeze, the ithorian hit the net and bounded up, into his furry embrace.

The black riding crop snapped into the red dust in a puff as Garrett Granth spun a top hat on two fingers. He was playing the part of Phinneas Herb, doctor turned ringmaster, and he was enjoying it to a degree that the pharmaceuticals could not explain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Misses and Mister Nedonaya!" He shouted, into the microphone hovering inches from his face.

"Now we here at Doctor Herb's Fantastic Emporium and Extraordinary Circus don't just leave you agog because of...." He drew out the last bit as the live band hit the drumroll.

"...dancing ladies!" He pointed to a crew of dancers, then to a rail-grid orb where a small speeder was whizzing around on the inside.

"We also bring you the wonders of physics!" He said.

The crowd was small, and losing interest. Perhaps a couple of hundred farmers, most of them staggeringly drunk. A couple of teenagers in the front were flirting with the off-stage performers.

The speeder-pilot accelerated at a remarkable pace, his angular momentum was converted into mechanical force, propelling the ball about the arena.

"...and chemistry!" Dr. Herb tried with some gusto.

A flaming weequay came falling out of the sky, hit a trampoline, and then bounced into a pool that simultaneously extinguished his fire and sent a huge plume of smoke out into the crowd.

"But no, we bring you basic proofs. Philosophy. The underpinnings of logic and the world - nay - the universe!" He said, casting his hand into the smoke. A pair of holo-remotes came with the motion, casting their bright but translucent images into the opacity of the smoke cloud.

As the light show subsided, Ringmaster Herb spoke.

"Toba of Coruscant long ago said 'give me a large enough lever and the right place to stand, and I can move the world."

The smoke suddenly cleared. The crowd was milling a bit less and watching a bit more - the topical notion of moving ground was one that had recently vexed them.

In the clearing was a huge lever and comical angular platform. The level extended ten or twelve meters above the packed dirt arena, and the platform added another three or four.

Savik, in his full-blown "small harmless alien" guise, was at the low end. He began to comically scramble up the ramp, with the swooping aerial acrobatics of Misses and Mister Nedonaya, Ithorian and Talz acrobats, harassing him every few feet, with huge jumps, springs, and trapeze swings.

Dr. Herb checked his pocketwatch. Savik reached the top. The ground gave a quiver, hardly noticable.

Dr. Herb nodded, buckled his belt. Savik pounded his tiny chest and began to tranform. The huge lever teetered under him, the low end dug into the dirt. All eyes focused forward.

Dirt came ripping up as Savik became suddenly musclebound, the huge metal plank sank towards the ground, and the vibrating of the planet became something that you could feel in your feet - or in the bleachers.

Especially in the rickety cheap seats.

Now the platform hurtled down. It crashed into the ring, ripping up a huge swath of dirt with long-buried roots. Everything was shaking, maddeningly, the huge tent was one big wave. Outside, speeder alarms wailed, the cracking and roaring of rock on rock was all anyone could hear, all they could feel in their teeth.

Phinneas floated above it all on his magnetic jetpack. Turning slowly, watching the waves form in the solid ground. Watching them tumble with towers of glass and lowslung houses.

A bridge made a wave of duracrete and then became nothing but powder and metal skeleton. The tent collapsed even as he rose through the peak.

Everyone, everywhere, screaming.

Except for a few.

A floating platform came into view. The acrobats and performers were on it, watching the landscape fall to pieces, like a sand castle that a child had just violently abandoned.

Phinneas, floating there, pointed his datapad at the platform.

"This is what we're after." He said, indicating an outline.

A medstar field hospital. Everything anyone could want to start a hospital, all in a convenient travel-sized form.

"What?" Veedina asked, astonished. "Why?"

"It'll fit on the ship."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

The Jedi Knight gave a bemused smile. “Damus is here? I guess this is popping up more than I thought it had.” He said.

Kerem gawked.

Derek rolled his eyes. “He’s just a man, Commodore. Yes, he has a storied history, but that doesn’t make him a god.” He said with a shrug. “I’ll be downstairs once you’re done drooling.”

Kerem gawked.

While he had been sure that MedStar would show up to the planet of Brevost to help out, he hadn’t thought that this presence of the group would involve the man in charge, Director Damus. That was something in an of itself, if it wasn’t for the fact that it was Damus. The man was a legend, particularly to Kerem. He set his face as best as he could, and responded to the former New Republic Admiral.

“Director Damus, this is Commodore Kerem Schane of the New Republic. I’m the head of the New Republic Relief Forces in system, and I’d love to be able to talk to you in person so that we can better coordinate the overall efforts.”

His Lieutenant handed him another datapad that gave him a report that the Jade Empire had arrived and were already working to coordinate with the New Republic.

Now they had Jedi, Sith, MedStar, and the Jade Empire. Things were starting to look up for the people of Brevost.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »


"Go away or I'll cut your head in half." Mahana kept moving chunks of duracrete to clear a roadway. She knew the accent and the Force presence a mile away. Patriots.

One particular Patriot: Miyo Hokkari. Former Hand of the Leafghost, traitor to Varanin. Mahana's unrequited love and very own angel of guilt. Miyo crouched beside her and started to pull the crumbling duracrete; Mahana shoved her away. The Jadeworlder's hands rose in an echo of unarmed combat training.

"You're bitter about it. About me, maybe. I can understand that." Miyo was the illegitimate daughter of the Jade Empress's father, and she looked like her illustrious half-sibling. "I didn't sell you down the river."

"No, you didn't." With a sigh, Mahana kept working, though the blood drummed in her ears from so much telekinesis. Miyo joined in, but the Patriot was far weaker than a Jedi Knight. "I mean it, Miyo. Get gone."

"Not happening."

Mahana rounded on the Patriot. "Look, if you want to push this, I'll push it. I'm already blacklisted to the AgriCorps. What's the worst they can do to me?"

"Condemn you to the regret of starting a fight and getting kicked out of the one arena where you have a chance to make a difference?"

"You're not mentioning redemption."

"Well, we didn't do anything wrong. Military mission. Orders. And you went with your conscience, not against it."

"No, Miyo, I went with my conscience on balance. The net weight of my soul went that way. It was no kind of an easy decision. I believed we were right. Maybe I still do. Doesn't mean I want you and the Patriots hanging around my neck here. I'm supposed to be in penance or something, and maybe I deserve it - for the rest of my life, if not for Indosa. You think NRI hasn't given me some unpalatable orders? And here you are saying regret nothing..."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Griza Remeners, the Senator of the Quarren people and Chief of the Commerce Council had the orders and personal will to visit Brevost upon the word of the disaster news. Brevost was a small planet, almost unknown to Remeners and most of the New Republic officials until these days with the GNN NewsFlash being the top of the cake.

Remeners travelled for some days until he landed on Brevost, this troubled with the natural disaster planet. He wanted to complete a full report about the events and the activities to help the people and he was more than willing to bring people and supplies from his own planet to help people of Brevost. He was sure that the central offices would have sent already people to restore the facilities but the disaster was a big one and it would take years to rebuild the system. But Remeners saw a new possibility for the Commerce Council's activities. He wanted a new planet to use as a trade base to help the trade on that side of the galaxy and he was confident that this small planet could help the Republic. But first the Republic had to help Brevost and in a time in which every single Senator could act for the greater good Remeners decided to land on this small world.

Of course he had informed the New Republic officials in the planet that he was about to arrive and he had his own special Quarren guards with him. He was an important Senator and he never took risks. Setting foot on the planet he was greeted by a two people who showned him the way to a camp.

''Commodore,'' Remeners said as he greeted the master of the camp. ''I am Senator of the Quarren Griza Remeners, Chief of the Commerce Council, I am happy to meet you.''

He extended his hand and shook his hands.

''I am happy to be here and I really want to know whats the situation here, the news were not enough for me and I can help you I think..''
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Nichalus »

"Sir, new contact." The Comm Officer turned to Damus. "A New Republic ship has arrived and went down's tagged as a ...umm...Diplomatic ship." The Comm Officer cringed slightly at having told the Director this information.

His report was met with a low threatening growl that came deep within Damus's throat. His yellow Bothan eyes fairly glowed in irritation. "That is so like the New Republic these days. Instead of sending transports with supplies and aid, they arrive in a single transport with a Gods Damned Politician." His lips peel back giving his face a snarling look, which is just the Bothan way of showing their annoyance. "Makes me have more respect for the Sith. At least they showed up with supplies to actually help."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Commodore Schane wasn't that big of a fan of politicans either, but definitively more of a fan than Damus was. He smiled at the Quarren and let his hand fall back to the side. "Senator, I'm glad that you took the time out to visit Brevost. Yes, we're still in the process of getting a feel for how much damage the tremors and ground quakes caused. Simply put this is a horrific natural disaster and we have no idea how it was caused. Brevost doesn't have a serious history of seismic activity, making this an irregularity." He said. "We've received CDF-NR supplies, but we're still woefully undermanned. We just received members of the Jedi Order as well as the Jade Empire. Central Command Operatives from the Sith Empire have arrived as well and are going to be working with us. Last but not least, MedStar, under the command of Director Damus have arrived, no doubt you saw them when you arrived in system." He said. "I think our most major problem and major concern is that we have no idea whether or not the tremors are going to continue, whether they'll increase in severity, and whether or not we can try to really do much of anything until they've stopped."

He shrugged.

"As it stands, we're in a bit of a waiting game, unfortunately."

He was going to say more, but he saw that a MedStar shuttle had landed on one of the Pre-Fab Garrison Base's landing pads. No doubt it was Damus himself. The Commodore saw Derek Muir walking outside towards the shuttle, to greet whoever it was that came down the ramp.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Griza Remeners was not surprised but what he heard. He too had his own information and they were matching the Commodore's. He wanted to meet Director Damus himself for a long time hearing what MedStar had achieved in Cato Neimoidia and all those troubled worlds. But he knew about the Bothan. He once was a working part of the New Republic machine but he decided to go indepedent and help people. Remeners was fine with that but he still wanted to have the New Republic represented in this situation. The official New Republic.

Coming closer to the shuttle he also noticed Derek Muir and he smiled. He never got a reply but he for now knew that all waited to see the man who would exit the shuttle. Remeners got on front alongside Muir. He too was a New Republic Senator and knew he was in position to ask for a welcome. Damus should be an interesting person to meet, if he was he who would soon set foot on planet.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Nichalus »

Damus looked out the window of the shuttle, and immediately he growled low in his throat. "What in the Perdition's Flame is this?" He stated as he looked through the window at everyone waiting at the bottom of the ramp. He was almost tempted to stay on the shuttle and go back to the Mercy.

His MedStar uniform suddenly seemed much tighter around the neck, as a taloned tip finger pulled at it. "I feel like I'm back on Coruscant about to inspect troops." He growled irritably and then stood from his seat, straightening his tunic. He walked to the exit door and sighed heavily. "Let's get this over with."

The ramp extended to the ground and Damus, along with his Chief Medical Officers and their assistants walked down it. At the bottom he nodded respectfully to Derek Muir. While he had not personally met the Jedi, he did know of him through his exploits and the fact that he is on the Jedi Council. "Master Muir, I am pleased to see the Jedi represented so well here."

Turning to Schane he offered his hand in greeting. "You must be Commodore Schane. MedStar is at your planet's service. We do have several Geologists aboard who can perhaps help your scientists in discovering what is going on here, and if we can expect anymore quakes." He hands the Commodore a datapad. "These are the current positions of our ships. The Mercy is equipped with several dozen Emergency and Surgical Rooms, all of which are staffed by the finest Doctors and Assistants in the Galaxy, along with hundreds of rooms for after care. If you would, pass the coordinates to your people, and we can begin sending down transports for the most seriously woun...."

One of Damus's assistants clears his throat politely to get the Director's attention, and when Damus turns to look at him, the assistant looks at the Quarren Senator. Damus's yellow cat-eyes look at the Senator, then back to his assistant, his eyes narrowing at him.

"Um, this is Senator Remeners from the New Republic. He is the ...." The Assistant begins, but Damus curtly cuts him off.

"Yes, Yes...the Chief of the Commerce Council. I've seen his file." Damus began with a slightly snippy tone, and then turns to look at the Quarren. "Forgive my tone Senator, but I don't think this planet has anything to trade today, nor any Mon Cal's for you to hate against, for the foreseeable future. So unless you have a supply of Bacta or some Medical Personel, I need to help coordinate my people with the others that are here to actually help get the wounded to our facilites on the Mercy."

Damus shakes his head irritably and grumbles under his breath. "...sending a 'Commerce' official to a world that is devastated....that's...New Republic logic for you......"
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Remeners waited such a tone from this Bothan. He really hated Bothans. He had not estime for them and thought of them like angry stupid things. He always believed the Quarrens were wiser and more clever than them among many other races. But he held a basic respect for this particular Bothan standing infront of him. Having faced many other hostile reactions in the Senate he simply smiled and crossed his hands touching the tip of his sword handle. ''Dear Director, first of all you should think more like a buisnessman the next time you want to judge an effort made by our Council. This world can become much better if it gains some commerce activity after you finish your work here. But besides that I can bring the supplies you need from my people with our dear love within two days. As for your unlucky comments about Mon Calamarians, I simply cannot reply. We all know that this is a past and I do not like to continue conversations about the past. What I want is to speak with the leader of this planet, the governor or the mayor and see what we can do with it. I will also want you to give me a list with what you want from supplies and you will have them in no time.''

He grinned.'' I am here to help not cause trouble my good friend.''
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Nichalus »

Damus was turned around speaking with the Commodore when the Senator spoke his words about being a 'businessman'. The Bothan slowly turned around and stared at the Quarren, his yellow eyes seething in irritation. "You have some nerve, even for a Senator from the New Republic. This..." He gestures around to the broken and smoke filled skies of Brevost. " not a 'business'. This is about saving the lives of people who's world has been uprooted by a disaster! It will take 'decades' for them to recover from this!"

"Their minds aren't thinking about 'commerce' and 'trade' at the moment. They are thinking about finding loved ones, mourning the lost and rebuilding their homes! Your here thinking about 'when we're done here'? You seem to forget Senator..." He says the title as if he had just bit into a meal that was spoiled. "...I was saving your politician's collective asses a few short years ago, and the decades before during the Rebellion. Afterwards, I was repaid for my service with more arguing with you politicians. Stopped at every turn when I warned that the Imperials would stop at nothing to take Coruscant from us, and when they politicians blamed us for losing the planet!"

He takes a deep breath, that comes out as a growl, trying to compose himself. "Look, my dislike of the New Republic Senate is well known, much like your dislike of Bothans and Mon Cals. That is 'your' right to have those feelings...misguided as they may be. But we Bothans gave our lives to helping build the New Republic to what it is today, from the moment we stole the plans to the Death Star, to sacrificing our lives..and in some cases, our see the that the Empire was brought down. You'll have to forgive my lack of respect to those that want to abuse what we all sacrificed....for the sake of...commerce."

He looks back at the Commodore and then to Master Muir, and a almost embarrassed look crosses his face, and he bows his head slightly. "Forgive me, now is not the time for me to have gone off on a tangent about my personal views. We need to help the people of this world, and I must remained focused on that. My apologies."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Remeners couldnt be polite any more.He was also a former warrior with hot temper.

"We all know your foul manners Damus, you dont have to prove us correct in every single chance.Show some more respect to a N.R. Senator! Its not my mistake you can only see the short future...Now speaking as the official NR representative here I demand to see the whoever in charge of the natives and be given a list of needed supplies the Quarren and the Commerce Council can provide."

OOC: Sorry smartphone post
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Derek was barely able to hold back the stifle of laughter at the Senator's remarks. The Commodore was less able, but his facial expression was more of shock than anything humorous. He turned to Derek. "I don't make it much to Mon Calamari, is that what they're calling people these days?" He asked. "The 'natives'?' He asked.

The Council member shook his head. "Despite being one of the Jedi Order's best diplomats, I regrettably don't get to go to Mon Calamari that often, though sometimes I wonder whether or not I really should start." He said. "I suggest you answer the question though, Commodore Schane, but before you do, a word, Senator. Director Damus is showing you respect, but you have to look at how you've come across, as nothing more than a money grubbing politician, looking to spread either his sytem's or his council's influence. I'm not saying that that is what you're trying to do, I'm just letting you know that appearances are the one thing that can be very misleading and very damaging to a potential fruitful partnership."

The other man nodded and looked at Remeners. "Senator, I would like to let you know that Martial law was declared. That makes me the official New Republic representative, not you. I'm sorry to throw any kind of weight around, my wife says I need to lose a few kilos here and there. But as it stands, I am the official New Republic representative. If martial law hadn't been declared, the official New Republic representative would be the planet's Administrator, not the Senator from a system thousands of lightyears away. There is no one in charge of the 'natives', because extensive damage reports are still coming in. The tremors haven't stopped, like I said, and we don't know how many have died. We simply haven't located everyone and no one has made any clear distinction of being 'in charge' of the local populace. Also, I don't think that there needs to be a list of supplies. Above all else, and always in short supply, are the essentials, the neccessities of life. Food, water, clothing, and tents."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Remeners could barely hold his temper back. He hated Jedi also. He hated everyone in that gathering at that moment.But he knew he had to keep back as the things stood. "Alright then...You wish what you wish... In order to make my report to my council and the Senate I will have to remain here couple of days...But do not underestimste tge Senators of the Republic kind sirs, if we were not here...Ah who am I to start a speech..Please let me know if you need me but, I would like to speak with Damus in personal later if I may."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by xfiend1013 »

Phinneas landed ahead of the group at the small field hospital. It was one of many dotting the landscape at the moment, jutting islands of clean white cloth and gleaming metal that studded the rubble.

Huge hydraulic lifters craned their steel necks to pull shattered concrete from the twisting steel bars. Jedi - or beings very much like them - were scattered about, raising other wrecks in assistance.

He dropped his repulsor-pack to the ground in front of a wide-eyed doctor who was clearly overwhelmed by her patient load.

"I'm a doctor. I came to help." Phinneas said. He extended his hand, which she did not shake. "Doctor Phinneas Herb."

The other doctor - a tall woman, middle-aged, with no-frills build of a marathon runner - eyed him up and down a bit, the usual instant of scrutiny ended by a beeping 21-B medical droid.

She took the situation well - a doctor arriving via jetpack was nothing special, it seemed. Phinneas curled his lip at that. "A repulsorpack or jetpack or backpack gyrocopter should ALWAYS be impressive to anyone not wearing one!" He thought.

"Most of the trauma patients have been routed to central. We've got mostly burns, dehydration. Some sort of waterborne illness has sprung up, we think a sewage line burst into the drinking supply." She said, running to the droid. It was probing a man with a crushed arm who was shaking in shock.

Phinneas took a look at him. "He's got to lose that arm or he'll die."

"I'm not a surgeon and the droids' not equipped." The woman said, fingers adjusting an IV. "I'm supplementing him with additional fluids and running an infusion until he can be transferred."

"How long?" Phinneas asked.

The doctor shook her head. "I've got to spend more time with the patients who can be saved, Doctor Herb."

A Garrett Granth moment came through the cooler facade. "I've got this." He said, before the face became entirely that of Phinneas Herb, and the holoscanners were already coming up with an elaborate 3D model of a future prosthetic arm and hand.

The image was made. Dr. Elza M. Skywalker (no relation), was unwittingly watching the first step of the theft of her clinic. Dr. Herb slathered an inflatable tourniquet cuff in antimicrobal bacta solution and wrapped it around the shoulder of the shattered limb. It inflated, squeezing and bruising and chilling.

Doctor Skywalker (no relation) brought a weequay into the clinic, laid him down on the bed next to the field surgery.

"I found this man running towards us - on fire!" She said, soot covering her scrubs. "But he's remarkably lucky, I can't find any burns of note, but he'll need to get oxygen."

"Not for a weequay." Dr. Herb said. "Just tilt his head into a comfortable position. Heightened oxygen can cause problems for the species."

"Oh and you're a xenobiologist, too?" Dr. Skywalker said with raised eyebrows.

"Just something I remember from a bad clinic experience." Herb snapped back, readying the laser scalpel. The hot line of energy sliced through the flap of skin and then the gloved fingers went in, covering everything with antiseptic bacta and reaching for the arteries in the pulsing blood. Without looking, he dug them out, and careful practiced movements clamped strange-looking zip-ties around them.

"Ligature completed." Herb said with a mechanical flat tone. "How much longer?"

"Thirty seven minutes." The weequay said, sitting up.

"We need more beds." Dr. Herb said. "Call us in another med unit."

"There's not enough manpower."

"I'm a nurse." Said a small odd-looking humanoid with a huge bandage on his bicep.

"What happened to your arm?" Doctor Skywalker asked as Phinneas Herb sliced through the muscles at their contact points to the bone. He activated a sonic saw, the ultrasonic waves causing an odd vibration in his teeth. He checked the ligature one last time and made a clean cut through the bone, capping it with a bacta-infused gel that hardened quickly. It was clear, and the oozing blood rapidly streaked it, bubbling a bit before the clotting took hold and the marrow subsided.

Dr. Herb took the flap of skin and muscle he'd created and held began to attach the ligated arteries to the stubs in the stump.

Meanwhile, the short little humanoid was explaining how he'd been bitten by some giant creature in the woods nearby, something with a nest in a quake-exposed crevasse.

"It was huge, I mean it was easily two meters tall, but it was hunched over. It had fur, and these horns, and..."

Dr. Herb checked to make sure that the light-sensitive ligatures were dissolving under the frequencies of his laser scapel. They were.

"Uh, Doctor Skywalker, he's a nurse, we've got two doctors, a 2-one-bee, and a nurse, if the medical unit comes stocked with an EMT and another droid, we've got enough manpower to help these people, and bring the surrounding units to use to create a more well stocked clinic."

"I don't make these kinds of decisions..." Doctor Skywalker said. A beautiful young human woman stumbled in, clearly in shock, her elaborate dress and jewelry in metal-streaked waves around her. She rattled.

"Hey yeah, and then we could bring the tent around, cover this up to keep the sun off of us, devote more generator and battery power to operating the machines!" The now-sitting weequay said. He was messing with the monitoring cuff on his arm and the 2-1-B was chirping an alarm.

"I'm the only one in here with training in public health emergencies!" Doctor Skywalker blurted. She went for the communication panel.

"That's right, Doctor." Dr. Herb said, cauterizing the last of the flap and then suturing everything tightly closed. "And clearly you can see that you've got everything spread too thin, you need another med unit. I just used the supplies that you need to treat the incoming wounded to save this man's life."

"I'm calling security. There's a couple of Jedi and Jade Empire Patriots nearby, they will be arriving shortly to escort you... maniacs away from my clinic."

"He's been bitten! He's going to turn into one of them!" The ashen woman in the elaborate outfit suddenly announced, both hands shaking on a blaster.

"oh frack." Phinneas Herb whispered. He now was operating on the familiar ground of unknown territory.

"Step away from the comms!" Phinneas shouted. "If you bring them in it'll break quarantine!"

Doctor Skywalker hesitated as the tiny humanoid ran behind the 2B unit and started growling.

"He's changing!" The woman screamed. "Kill him now before it's too late!"

Phinneas lept over the table, running at the woman with the gun. She raised it high, fired a stun blast into the top of the tent. Then she stepped back, her dress unfolding at the slit sides, two additional arms appearing. In one of them was a stun prod, in the other an EMF jammer.

Phinneas grabbed the jammer, the woman threw the running creature the stun prod, and she threw the blaster pistol to the weequay, who shot Doctor Skywalker (no relation) with a stun blast. The creature jumped up and hit a confused patient with the stun prod, and after a moment of confusion, a shadow descended over the tent.

"That'll be Max and the ship." Phinneas said. "Put Doctor Skywalker into patient's robes. You all start loading the medical equipment into the ship. Restrain her. I'm moving on to the field hospital. We need more equipment."

He finished priming the EMF jammer.

"Let's just hope nothing got through."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

You fade in and out of consciousness as time passed. The world that you know moves quickly and changes often, but there is one constant. Everything is dark. Your eyes are starting to adjust better and better to the darkness that surrounded you, and your vision is becoming clearer. Able to see perfectly now, as well as you could in the darkness before everything happened. However, you can still barely move, and whenever you try to, shooting jabs of pain moved through your body, rendering you unwilling to try again, at least for a while. Unfortunately, you’re still barely able to articulate words, and people keep asking you to remember your name, and you can’t. It’s hard to remember much. You get fleeting images though.

Images of a woman with a kind smile, who smelled of vanilla, and freshly churned butter. You know her. It’s your mother. She worries about you, because she knows, though she rarely says it, where your scrapes and cuts come from. She wishes for something better than this for you, for a place where people will accept you and include you. She wants to help you, but she knows that you live on Brevost, and that you’re not wealthy, not by a long shot. But she tries to do what she can and you appreciate it, deep down inside.

You don’t always show it, more often than not you don’t, but you do appreciate it. You just don’t know what else to do.

You remember other things. A man, with a stern face. He is less understanding of things. Your father. Very judgmental, very overbearing. You remember shadows, standing in his shadow as the sun beats down from on high. He berates you, with words and actions, and makes you feel small. You wish that you could be in the darkness. He says that he’s ashamed of you, that you need to try harder that you need to be better. But he doesn’t show you the way, he doesn’t give you the help that you need, that you yearn for. That, just as now, when you physically can’t speak, you couldn’t then find the words to properly articulate.

It hurts. More than the physical pain as your force yourself up to a sitting position.

It hurts more than anything the knowledge that you let them down, your parents, on a daily and continual basis.

Nausea hits. Your head hasn’t been above the rest of your body for a while, and the world spins. Badly. Bile, rising up, can’t be stopped, and after two dry heaves, it comes up, spewing out. That’s when you realize the major reason why, for all this time, you’ve been staring at rubble.

There’s a boulder that’s on your leg.

And it doesn’t look like it’s going to go anywhere, any time soon.

You push against it, but it weighs more than you do. You’re a twelve year old. You lack the strength to be able to move it.

You fail, yet again.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

It didn’t take long for the information to reach Desran. She looked down at the datapad that contained a list of all of the twenty Jedi that Derek Muir had brought with him. Further down on the list was the names of the important members of the Jade Empire relief forces. The Jade Empire had sent just that many people that it was too much for the Sith to really try to keep track off. Maybe there might be one or two there who showed some promise and might be interested in being recruited. But the true importance of the list was for more than one reason. It told Desran if the CCOs were going to have any problems. The rest of the members of her team hadn’t been given the full briefing, but she had. Coming directly from Ashin Varanin herself.

The Jedi weren’t to be harmed, neither were the Jade Empire forces. The problem at hand was helping the people of Brevost and figuring out how to get the planet back on track and on the rod to recovery. Anything else, particularly the secret war that Ashin was waging against the jade Empire was on the back burner. It just wasn’t as important as helping the people who needed to be helped. The Sith could put pettiness aside to ensure that the job got done.

The question that Ashin wanted to find out, was could the Jedi? Could the Patriots?

But her boss had been deeply interested in one name in particular.

Mahana Sira.

If the reports were true, and why wouldn’t they be, Mahana Sira had been broken in rank after what she’d done. Her involvement at Indosa had been documented and had been dealt with, according to the Jedi Council. Maybe it hadn’t been, not on the level that should be considered just, but something had been done. Desran could agree with that. But she also agreed that orders were orders and Mahana had disobeyed her orders from the Council in the same way that Desran was now going to obey hers from her master.

Ashin Varanin had tasked her with something important, and she was going to ensure that it happened.

The plan was already in motion, and the CCO team had started to work closer and closer to where the main Jedi forces were. This had, of course, unsettled the New Republic forces somewhat, at least the ones who had been tasked by Commodore Schane to monitor the CCOs and make sure that they weren’t being all Sithy. They’d asked the CCOs to politely find other areas to help, but Desran had been adamant. How could the Sith show that they weren’t going to cause any problems, if the New Republic forced them away from any situation where they could cause any problems. Furthermore, why weren’t the Jedi being asked to move.

Why was it assumed that the Sith were going to be the aggressors?

That was a horrible double standard, and she’d had a nice “discussion” with a fresh faced lieutenant about this. Part of her had felt bad, because she’d enjoyed the argument, the debate. He hadn’t deserved the headache of dealing with her, he’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the end, the poor Rodian had caved in and knowing that his commanding officer was dealing with politics of a different kind, had allowed the CCOs to do what they needed to do, even if they did get close to the Jedi.

As evening fell upon the planet, Desran walked through one of the refugee camps, with a large round container in hand. She didn’t stop until she saw who she was looking for.

The Ex-NRI agent, and now a newly minted member of the Jedi Agriculture corps, lit cigarra in her mouth. Probably the seventh or eighth of the day.

“Mahana Sira.” Desran said as she walked into view.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by xfiend1013 »

"No one heard it." Dr. Phinneas Herb said as the circus crew loaded the field hospital onto the Philosophile. Acrobats with bacta tanks were behind him, droids with operating tables in front.

"We don't know that." Savik said.

Phinneas nodded. "We'll take some of the stunt speeders and do a bit of recon. You and the fireman head towards the bulk of the relief effort, set your scanners to pick up any emergency signals."

"There's going to be a lot of those." Savik said.

Phinneas nodded. "Pay attention to what they're saying. And pay attention to what's left of the fracking road. I don't want to have to perform traffic accident triage right now. Keep your gray matter in your gorramn skulls."

"What about you, boss?" Elhan the flammable weequay asked.

"I'm gonna head to that juncture we passed over. Part of a road had fallen into a canyon. Gonna just check it out."

Everyone got on their speeders and hauled ass.

The speed limit was currently set by your comfort level and the availability of flat terrain. Garrett G. Granth - aka Phinneas Herb - was far too comfortable, and the terrain was nothing like flat.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

Tradecraft's awareness could only go so far when Mahana was this actively engaged in loud, difficult labor. And she'd never been the sort of Jedi who sensed everything coming. Hefting a large wrench, she straightened up from the borehole she was fixing. There was no point in denying her identity.

She was starting to give serious thought to retiring this name. A couple of her worknames hadn't been burned or revealed to the Jedi.

"CCO? I heard some of you came to visit. Come to think of it, I visited your academy once, your Stormblessed." The folks in the aid camp were finding it worthwhile to be elsewhere. It wasn't as if they could use this well until she fixed the pump, and there were other wells not far away. "There used to be a time when people like you got along with people like me. Guess that was before you started giving amnesty and worlds to the Cult of Shadow. Raiding their databanks for information gleaned from experimenting on sentients. Trampling on allies over Mon Calamari."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by xfiend1013 »

The road was stretched and the road was broken and the speeder could not help but earn the name seven meters above the rubble.

Garrett was out of his shell, at least for the moment. He shot past a pair of Jedi-types lifting debris and the ricocheting whine of the aereospeeder warbled loud in the newly made canyon that had been formed from a rift that had dropped a highway down to the water table.

So a thin film of oil-laced water covered the cracked chunks of up-and-down duracrete. It spread in a triangle that met wild divergence on the rubble, the low-grav push of the repulsor-lifts skimming the water fast, but without enough force to spread the surface tension.

Crunch crunch, went his teeth as they crushed the tablets of keta-5. Wince wince went his face as he sank the needle into his arm, into the vein excited by the tremulous vibrations of the ride. Amps rode into the blood, and he stopped the speeder when it had left the ravine, he turned on the hill to watch the sun start to sink slow behind the landscape of jumbled and unfamiliar trees.

He laid down on the ground and put his ear in the grass. His pupils were likely the size of his iris, and he could not tell which waves of shaking ground were real. He brought his head up and dust was rising from the forest and the ruins of the city.

He rolled over onto his back. The sounds of alarms in the city streets could soon be heard. A grinding noise came from below. The drugs made the alarms sound like low-slung songs, mountain-dwelling ithorians calling to their homes.

He sat up and yelled.

"Have you ever seen land? Have you ever seen the ocean? What's the frelling difference?" He screamed. Trees rose up. The rocks cracked and roared. The branches spread out and covered the sky. The ground was down there, something below.

Where did it come from? Was the first question vibrating through his brain when the seismic sonar stopped shaking his skull. "Where did it come from?"

He licked the rock that had burst up from the topsoil. Neurons burst across his brain. Fired electricity through the gaps of information.

How hard is it? What is this rock? How long till the next shock? Aftershock? Or had it already happened?

Garrett rolled over and stared at the sky as it started to waver in a way that the stars never should.

The night came on hard and fast. It spread through the trees, tendrils of darkness snaked into the shattered city as it continued to fall on the Jedi, the Sith, and the Patriots.

And Garrett Granth twitched and writhed, all alone, and he knew that the future for Brevost was far worse than all the pre-apocalyptic fervor of the past.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Desran smiled at that, and shrugged her shoulders, the movement moving the long braids that she'd put her hair into for sake of ease during her daily activities. She was tired and then she rolled her shoulders, spreading out some of the knots in her back as she spoke. "Cost of doing business, I suppose. I mean, we're darksiders at the end of the day."

"What happened to the notion of being altruistic?" Mahana asked, eying the container that Desran had with her and that she set down next to her on the ground.

"Well, we all know that point of view is one of the foundations for serious differences of opinions in the community of Forcers. Think about it. Think about what the Cult of Shadow represented and think about what they did and could do. Would you rather that those who were left were out and about, running around the galaxy, causing havoc and chaos and what not?" Another shrug. "You've seen what they can do, first hand. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have them in the Sith Empire where tabs can be kept on them, where Koss and Varanin, and the CCOs can monitor them and rein them in than have them run amok in the galaxy."

"That's your justification?"

"Isn't that the justification of a lot of what the Order does in it's meting out of punishment?" Desran asked, congenially, opening up the container. It turned out to be a large pot of brewed caf. "Instead of cutting people loose, they move them around or just demote them, but keep them in places where eyes and ears are on them and they have a chance at 'redeeming' themselves, whatever that means. Not like we're doing anything different." She poured a healthy amount and held it out to Mahana. "See? Altruistic."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

A Luckrehulk appeared above Brevost. It was the Reginae, one of the biggest carriers of the Trade Federation navy. Its captan, Mar Kar was assigned from the central Directorate office to accompany Michele Lefeijain, the Head of the Trade Federation Directorate, to this aid mission on this world. Once the news went on G.N.N. the Trade Federation Viceroy, Sentepeth Gunay, was against a free help to those people. But the new start of the corporation, Lefeijain, who was sure to be the next Viceroy sooner or later, pressed on the matter and finally he brought plasma and bacta alongside with food supplies to the people in need.

''We are coming closer sir, I shall ask permission to land the carriers in the surface.''

''Are you sure everything is ready? I do not intend to make an entrance captain this is an aid mission. Keep our profile low and contact the ground commander.''

This is Trade Federation's Reginae bringing plasma, bacta and food supplies for the aid of the people of Bevrost for free. We ask permission to land. The Trade Federation Directorate Head Michele Lefeijain is on board.

After the got permission to land Michele joined the personnel and supplies on the same carriers and soon he stepped foot on the surface of the planet. A man welcomed the young tall slender long haired figure as he landed and the gentle being smiled brightly. ''Greetings my dear friend, I am Count Michele Lefeijain of the Trade Federation bringing free aid of food, bacta, and plasma to those people in need. Are you the New Republic commodore in charge honourable sir?'' He said extending his hand friendly for a shook.

He sure was not a Trade Federation official you would wait to see. The appearence, the attitude and the manners was the air of change that was undergoing within the Federation.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

More? Schane was having a tough enough time as it was remembering all the military personnel that were here under his command and now more quasi-important people were here. But military bearing overruled everything else and the man smiled and nodded. "I am indeed. Kerem Schane, at your service. We're glad to have all the help that we can get, and these supplies are definitely needed. With everything happening around the galaxy, I'm glad to see that this planet is getting the help that it needs to start the healing and rebuilding process." He said.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Michele smiled and let the hand fell down. ''I am also one of the people who think that when a world fells into such a disaster only the other worlds can help me stand up and face the future as better as it can be. But I am not here to take a credit or anything dear commodore. It is just what I wanted to do and had to do as a company and as a human, Michele. I shall say that we are able to give you more. I can supply with more needed things and of course free of charge. Just give me a catalogue of what is needed and you shall have it within the week. I just want to supervise the procedure to keep my personnel under control.''

He started walking by his side to a speeder. ''While they unload the cargo is there somewhere I can stay for the day? I do not want anything special, just a place to sit and relax from the trip a little.'' The young royal clothed man said. His appearence surely didn't match his ways and mentality. Before the commodore could reply Michele spotted an old man walking by the site they were dressed in poor clothes.

Michele got near him and touched his hand. He spoke in galactic basic standard. ''You poor man, you are sick? Need something to eat?'' He cried out trying to help him walk to a rock. After they sat and the Commodore also approached he took out some credits and handed it to the mans hand. He closed the palm and he also gave him some bread. ''Bless you son.'' The old man said heavily. Michele turned to the Commodore and said.'' I just cannot control my sadness from occupying me at such scenes, please take care of his elderly, and just get me to the place I am needed as a man with two hands. I must not relax in such times, I must help the people with my own two bare hands commodore.'' Michele said as he unbuttoned his cape and role up his sleeves. The arms were clean and lean and the shirt was made of a special fabric but they both were ready to get in the mud and the dirty for the good of the people.
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

"The procedure is the same, you're right," said Mahana. "Does it mean the motive is the same? But on the other hand...I'm not willing to oppose you by default. I'm too tired for that. Let's say for the sake of argument that you're right, that motive means nothing without action. Does that mean that only actions count when you're tallying up right and wrong? I think I feel safe enough saying that. We both have enough bad things in our pasts."

"So when it comes to working for, say, NRI, only what you've done counts, and not why you've done it? Whereas I'm a glorified police officer." The CCO examined her nails. "Not that I'm trying to start anything, Mahana. I just...don't like being judged."

Mahana leaned back and cracked out her spine. "That's fair. Look, you're right. Here we both are, helping out where it's needed, but I was assigned here, and you only might have been assigned here. Any chance you, like me and the Cultists, got farmed out? This the kind of place they send the top scorers?"
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Desran smiled at the potentially intentional dig. "Maybe not the top scorers, but definitely the people who get things done. At least, that's how it worked for me. Besides, I volunteered." Desran said. "It came down the pipeline that people were going to be sent to Brevost to help, and I was one of the first who volunteered. I have my reasons as to why I did it, one of the important ones being that I just needed a change of scenery. Which is interesting considering the number of worlds that fly the banner of the Sith Empire, but it is what it is. Why I was one of the group that was finally picked? I don't know. Maybe I have become an embarrassment to the CCOs, who knows?"

The caf was nice and hot. Desran drank it black, and the woman turned and looked at Mahana. "You know, I do find it interesting though that you're taking all of this lying down." Mahana gave her a sidelong look. "Well, I mean, think about it. I don't agree with what you and yours did, but I understand it. I understand why you did it. But do you really think that the Council is ever going to raise you from the place that you've fallen? There's being pushed to the wayside and then there's this. No lightsaber but being sent out on missions. Not only is that disgraceful, but it's sending you out less than prepared to deal with threats. I know, I know, a Jedi is more than a lightsaber, a Jedi is a tool of the Force or whatever nonsense they're teaching these days. But it seems to me that they want you to fail, that they're setting you up to be even more of a scapegoat than you already rre."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Beorht »

"You know who I worked for, lady," said Mahana. "You know I know how to turn an agent. Don't know why you'd want me -- I've got no access, not from the Jedi or from NRI. I know the business, sure. Intrinsic worth of a Forcer, sure. Path dependency -- gotta turn them Jedi, right?"

Desran sipped her coffee. "I think I find that a little offensive."

"The stereotype? Get used-"

"No, not the stereotype. The implication that people like mine would be that interested in a thing like turning someone like you. That thing would lower us. And so we won't do that. No, Mahana, I'm not here to offer you a job...I'm simply here to rub it in your face. Because you-"

"I know why, feth you." Mahana slammed down her coffee cup. "Because Ashin would never kill me. She sent you here to break me. Didn't even want to do it herself, she's that torn up about it. We were friends for years, shared a room at the Academy even. I know how she thinks, you fether. This is how she would get back at me. Send someone to tell me I'm worthless."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Mir »

Actually Ashin had been rather cold and detached about it, but Desran didn't want to mention that. She felt that it might upset some of Mahana's more...tender sensibilities. She smiled slightly, refilling the coffee cup. It hadn't broken, it was metal, and it had just dented slightly. "No, I'm not here to tell you you're worthless." She said and then for the first time, a truly "Sith" expression came over her face, if the stereotypes that they had been talking about lent any credence to that sort of thing. "You already know that. You already know you're worthless. Nobody wants you, barely anybody cares about you. Feth, why would we bother to turn you? There's nothing in it for us." Desran said, and the smile changed, to a more caring, more personable one. "No, I'm not here to do that."

There was anger in Mahana's face, and she was starting to radiate with it, through the Force.

"Then why did Ashin "Lord of the Sith and Mistress of the Darkness" Varanin send you here, you piece of Hutt droppings?" Mahana asked, her voice low and edgy.

Her fingers were probably itching on the inside to touch the cold durasteel of a lightsaber hilt.

Desran smiled inside. Perfect.

She bathed in the glow of the anger, the warm brilliance of it a comforting thought. Anger was, after all, a powerful emotion. Few people remained the same once touched by it, and anger, true anger, well it could change the galaxy. If one didn't believe that, there was an elementary school teacher who would feel that they hadn't done a good job in teaching during one's formative years.

"She sent me because I volunteered. I told you already." Desran said, knowing that she was pouring fuel on a fire that was more than just embers, but not an inferno. Not yet. "Why am I here right now? Well that's of my own volition. I couldn't help myself when I saw your name on the list of people who were here. I mean, you're just taking it. You're just lying down, and proverbially spreading your legs, closing your eyes and wishing away the pain and the humiliation as the Jedi add their names to the long list of people and groups in this galaxy who've treated you as if you're cheaper than a twenty credit whore on Nar Shaddaa." She said, the last part of the last sentence in Taarja.

She'd read the file on Sira.

"You did what you thought was right. You did what you knew was right. Derek fething Muir, the Bothan, I mean, Human, in charge of you people here, he knocked up his damn padawan. Nobody broke him in rank. Obviously he did what he thought was right. Nobody took his lightsaber for breaking not just the rules of conduct when it comes to padawan master relationships but for possibly breaking some kind of statutory law. What makes him better than you?" She asked. "Nothing. So why are you letting them do this to you?"


Schane nodded slowly. He understood where Lefeijain was coming from. This was a man that he could work with. "I think I know what you mean, Mr. Lefeijain." Schane said. "I think I know exactly what you mean. It's a complicated process and it's going to take time before we can get our proverbial heads out of the muck to figure out what exactly needs to be done and the best way to do it, but we have to try. And we're going to try. We'll do better with all the help that we can get, so I'm grateful that you're here to offer some."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by Nichalus »

Damus gave the Commodore a list of his supplies that he currently on hand, along with the comm channels to the Mercy. "Commodore, do not hestitate you use the channel and route our supplies and transports that your people call in. We are at your service, and you have tactical command of MedStar's groups."

He glances over and notices Remeners is still there, and grumbles slightly. "Mr. Remeners if you have something to say, I'm all ears." He gestures, or more like flicks his wrist irritably towards his prefab command building has been erected. He enters the the building and then gestures to the workers inside to leave the room.

"What can I do for you Mr. Remeners?" He grumbles again. "But please make it brief, as I have must to do, and 'lives' are at stake here."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by xfiend1013 »

When Garrett re-entered a state of being close to what most called consciousness a duck head at the end of a two-meter neck was telling him something.

The first part was lost, a honking and warbling mess. Then it all became clear.

Initial fractures spread like ripples on a pond. Delicious weeds rise to the surface, one avenue of escape becomes the dark cold tomb, the air is always left open to those with wings and we always have feathers.

"Quack!" Garrett screamed, running his hand through a bed of ants. The little creatures crawled onto his skin and spat formic acid.

"No, it is all in our science." The ducks said. They were at least two meters at the shoulders, foot-wide beaks on heavy heads, necks as long as man.

"We predict. You do not." The duck said, pond-weeds hanging from the bill.

"You didn't move your mouth!" Garrett exclaimed.

"We're telepathic ducks." The duck said, haltingly. "And we've predicted a continental tsunami. Come now, is that so odd, with all you've seen?"

Garrett was forced to admit the plausibility of the situation as the ketamphetamine surged to his brain on the surface of this alien world. A few meters away he could see the breathing of his anti-gravity speeder.

"If they're telepathic, then they use mental states to communicate. If that's the case, then a strong thought should influence their situational awareness." Garrett thought. Then he thought loud and hard - go left.

The ducks slowly wandered to the left - save a straggler or two. A shadow came over the field, slow at first, then accompanied by whining motors.

The duck flock moved back towards him. Then to the right. Then a few plunged their huge heads into the pond nearby as the rest hopped and flapped into the evergreen swamp.

Water curled up around the repulsor-lift struts of the Philosophile as the gleaming silver ship filled the clearing.

A ramp came down, and a beautiful woman was accompanied by a beast.

"Shavvit, what did the ducks say?" Garrett asked the pair.

Watching the ducks, the pair said nothing. The ducks plunged their huge bodies into the water. They looked back at the ship.

"Doc, I think someone's on to us. We nabbed a second field hospital last night, and this morning we were poised to intercept a Trade Federation medical shipment when some badges intervened." Savik said. The little creature seemed a touch towards frantic.

"So neither of you hears the ducks?" Garrett asked, as something inside him slipped away.

"Quacking noise." Savik replied. "Yeah, annoying shavvit. Come on, doc."

Garrett supressed the urge to cackle when he turned on the large computer he'd hooked up to the dented speeder.

"Doc, what the frack are you doing?" Savik asked.

"Tsunami. North. Just a few minutes. The quakes did enough damage to dislodge emergency warning systems. They're wired, buried, beneath the crust. Perfect for anything short of catastrophic plate-wide tectonic events." His fingers were flying over the keyboard.

"Wireless backup signaling, though. Gotta warn them." He said.

"We're on our way." Max replied over the commlink. The droid was not the best pilot on Brevost, but he probably wasn't the worst. The supersmooth anti-grav dampeners kicked in and they didn't even notice the inertia.

"Why don't we just tell the authorities? We've gotten two whole field hospitals." Verdina said. "Let them handle it."

Doctor Herb sat down on an ultra-modern minimalist sort of stool and brought up a holodisplay. "Yeah, we'll just tell them that a flock of telepathic ducks told me that there was going to be an unpredicted Brevost-quake, resulting in a tsunami, even though it really shouldn't have."

There was an awkward moment.

"So you're sure there's going to be a quake?" Savik asked.

"No." Phinneas replied. "But there's another field hospital and I can attach this warning signal to my speederbike. If I get it close enough to the wireless data nodes that the local alert system runs off of, we can warn the coastal areas."

"So we're stealing their medical supplies and warning them that a tsunami is coming ashore?" Savik asked. "Seems like we could skip one of those steps."

"We're not the bad guys." Phinneas said. "We're not exactly the good guys, though."
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Re: New Republic: Disaster on Brevost

Post by StefanTheGreat »

Michele smiled. ''I am ready to start the action dear sir. Do not think I am nothign more than a worker here. I already forgot my noble title and I am here to help.'' The young man said couragelly.

* * *

Remeners looked at Damus with a fierce look. He chuckled and touched his sword. He played with his fingers near the pick of the handle and put the hand back in his pocket. ''Your tone, ex Admiral Damus, is unaceptable. You might lead an indepedent organization here, though I do not think how much indepedent you are with all those donations. Ha! But if you think that you can speak to a high profile Senator like junk you are mistaken.

The first thing I will ask from you, being nothing more than an indepedent worker provider, and me being an official member of the one of the two strongest governments is apologize. And secondly I will ask you to remember what happened when you were a navy officer, some years back, when you were considered a war hero. Do not you remember Samuel?'' Remeners visit in this planet, only after learning Damus would be here was not unintentional.
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