Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
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False Dichotomy
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Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
The Temple stands on the edge of a waterfall. The reclamation zone has spread to include dozens of square miles of greenery, inhabited by huge flying reptavians, friendly Ysanna tribespeople, and all manner of life. The Temple complex is an ancient stone citadel, upgraded with powerful defences and modern training apparatus. The shield generator, strong enough to deflect any bombardment, is powered by a refurbished and barely-understood artifact that predates the Republic: a Rakatan power plant that draws its strength from the Force. And surrounded by hundreds of Jedi, it is nearly impregnable.
But to the east, the Anari Alliance is in political turmoil. To the north, the Sith Empire stirs, as Jedi extremists launch attacks without the Council's sanctions. And to the west lies Thrawn's Empire, a dubious ally. A huge Star Destroyer under the command of a secretive Dark Lord has destroyed the Jedi Temple on Onderon. Now that the emergency is over and rebuilding is underway, the Jedi are focused on finding and stopping their attackers.
For some, it has become an obsession.
Ember Rekali sat in the circle of the Jedi Council.
"I absolutely agree, Derek: we face the same issues with the Anari. That's why I'm just as uncomfortable operating under their aegis as I am with re-joining the New Republic. Jace Vintari is an untested leader, but on the other hand we have the bureaucracy. I see the wisdom in reuniting with the Republic, but I'm playing devil's advocate because some Jedi won't be won over. We haven't been part of the Republic for a few years now. A whole generation of young Knights has served in the field without the Republic's mandate. Some don't believe in the Republic's policies. If we go ahead with this, we risk a backlash. Fortunately, we may have the means to distract them. You mention new temples; I've been scouting locations for Jedi Temples for some time now. I'd like to suggest Manaan. It's a beautiful world, steeped in the Force, close enough to the Empire that we can offer aid, far enough from the border for safety. Corellia is another strong contender - that's where we kept the Ithorian Herd Ship academy after the Coruscant evacuation - but Manaan is less crucial, while still being well-defended. As far as the southern end of the galaxy goes, Naboo has a great deal to offer. I have an old friend in the Naboo noble houses. And then, of course, there's Dagobah. A good place to have a redoubt, a last resort."
But to the east, the Anari Alliance is in political turmoil. To the north, the Sith Empire stirs, as Jedi extremists launch attacks without the Council's sanctions. And to the west lies Thrawn's Empire, a dubious ally. A huge Star Destroyer under the command of a secretive Dark Lord has destroyed the Jedi Temple on Onderon. Now that the emergency is over and rebuilding is underway, the Jedi are focused on finding and stopping their attackers.
For some, it has become an obsession.
Ember Rekali sat in the circle of the Jedi Council.
"I absolutely agree, Derek: we face the same issues with the Anari. That's why I'm just as uncomfortable operating under their aegis as I am with re-joining the New Republic. Jace Vintari is an untested leader, but on the other hand we have the bureaucracy. I see the wisdom in reuniting with the Republic, but I'm playing devil's advocate because some Jedi won't be won over. We haven't been part of the Republic for a few years now. A whole generation of young Knights has served in the field without the Republic's mandate. Some don't believe in the Republic's policies. If we go ahead with this, we risk a backlash. Fortunately, we may have the means to distract them. You mention new temples; I've been scouting locations for Jedi Temples for some time now. I'd like to suggest Manaan. It's a beautiful world, steeped in the Force, close enough to the Empire that we can offer aid, far enough from the border for safety. Corellia is another strong contender - that's where we kept the Ithorian Herd Ship academy after the Coruscant evacuation - but Manaan is less crucial, while still being well-defended. As far as the southern end of the galaxy goes, Naboo has a great deal to offer. I have an old friend in the Naboo noble houses. And then, of course, there's Dagobah. A good place to have a redoubt, a last resort."
Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"The Jedi Order held more of a mutual relationship with the Old Republic, rather than a formal membership," L'hnnar said. "In context, especially when looked at it from a grander scale, yes, it appeared to be no more a member than any of the thousands of systems that were a part of it. Yet, in truth, they held more of an honorary seat on the Senate, and did not necessarily need the Republic's blessings to carry out their individual business." He looked around the chamber for a brief moment. "If the New Republic wishes to place bureaucracy on us, then we should have no part of that alliance. We are not meant to be the tools of one government's bidding, but protectors and guardians of the galaxy. It just so happens that, historically, our ideals line up with that of the Republic's, and thus we tend to take the same side.
"On the subject of locations for outreach, I believe that they should not only be strategically placed, but also chosen for their surroundings. Both Corellia and Manaan are within New Republic territory, the way I understand it. This would require us to seek out their permission to establish residency there, and additionally concern ourselves over what that might look like from the Empire's perspective. This goes hand-in-hand with the standing issue of whether we should approach the Republic about re-establishing a 'mutual relationship,' as I mentioned earlier, more synonymous to the times before the Empire, than to that akin of the Republic's version of these Imperial Knights. We need to consider the political ramifications of our actions, no matter what they may be, even if our actions themselves are not political in nature."
"On the subject of locations for outreach, I believe that they should not only be strategically placed, but also chosen for their surroundings. Both Corellia and Manaan are within New Republic territory, the way I understand it. This would require us to seek out their permission to establish residency there, and additionally concern ourselves over what that might look like from the Empire's perspective. This goes hand-in-hand with the standing issue of whether we should approach the Republic about re-establishing a 'mutual relationship,' as I mentioned earlier, more synonymous to the times before the Empire, than to that akin of the Republic's version of these Imperial Knights. We need to consider the political ramifications of our actions, no matter what they may be, even if our actions themselves are not political in nature."
False Dichotomy
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Ember blinked. "Interesting. If we were, in theory, strong enough to defend our own facilities, or capable of keeping them private, we could choose unaffiliated worlds, like Dagobah, Belsavis, Cerea or Kuat. But what you say makes me wonder about asking the Empire to let us build on, say, Yavin Four or Ithor. Granted, there's no reason that we couldn't have a Jedi Temple on a Republic world without making ourselves beholden to the Senate - get the right building permits and we're in under the protection of their planetary defenses - but you make me wonder how broadly we can cast our nets."
Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
L'hnnar nodded. "Unfortunately, it comes down to politics. I have no doubt the Republic would let us establish ourselves on a world... but I wouldn't expect it to come without a price, paid with more than mere credits. And an Imperial-controlled world, I imagine, would be more complicated, unless of course Master Leidias can improve relations there. But even then, I can't help but expect to be observed under a microscope."
False Dichotomy
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"We have contacts, ships, donated weapons and military expertise. Massing that kind of strength here at Ossus would provoke the Sith, but there's no reason it couldn't work elsewhere. I'm genuinely curious - is it feasible for at least one of our major sites to be solely a Jedi affair, on an unaligned world? I've mentioned Dagobah and Belsavis, but we could consider Cathar, Rattatak, even Ilum or Chalacta."
Master of the Ninja Post
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Kalja’s hands gripped the fabric of her robe as she realized something she had been mulling over for the last few weeks could no longer be put off. “There may be another issue with the Jedi officially joining the Republic, namely that I could no longer remain with the Order.”
The other Jedi Masters all turned to look at her, some with alarm on their faces.
“I’ve never tried to make a secret out of my relationship with Delth Ardin,” Kalja explained to them. “The children I carry are his. This brings up a clear conflict should the Empire and the Republic come to odds again. I hate to say I would have to choose sides, but if it comes to having to stay with the Jedi or stay with my loved ones, there is only one answer for a Leidias: family.”
“If Ardin loves you so much, why shouldn’t he be the one to make a sacrifice and give up his ties to the Empire?” Sovral asked.
Kalja nodded, having already thought of it. “He might if I asked, but the reality of it is that I can do more good on the other side of the border, with Delth, than I can here, away from him. The reverse is not true for Delth. Much as I hate to say it, I think he would be far more mistrusted over here than I would over there.”
“You might be right,” Sovral admitted grudgingly. “And I agree that no one should ever have to choose between their duty and their family.”
“I hope it never comes to it, and I don’t wish for this to sway anyone’s decision on the matter, but I feel it is something you all need to be aware of.” She smiled wanly. “I probably could have timed it better now that I think of it; what with my talk just a few moments ago about dealing with our wayward members - but there you have it.”
The other Jedi Masters all turned to look at her, some with alarm on their faces.
“I’ve never tried to make a secret out of my relationship with Delth Ardin,” Kalja explained to them. “The children I carry are his. This brings up a clear conflict should the Empire and the Republic come to odds again. I hate to say I would have to choose sides, but if it comes to having to stay with the Jedi or stay with my loved ones, there is only one answer for a Leidias: family.”
“If Ardin loves you so much, why shouldn’t he be the one to make a sacrifice and give up his ties to the Empire?” Sovral asked.
Kalja nodded, having already thought of it. “He might if I asked, but the reality of it is that I can do more good on the other side of the border, with Delth, than I can here, away from him. The reverse is not true for Delth. Much as I hate to say it, I think he would be far more mistrusted over here than I would over there.”
“You might be right,” Sovral admitted grudgingly. “And I agree that no one should ever have to choose between their duty and their family.”
“I hope it never comes to it, and I don’t wish for this to sway anyone’s decision on the matter, but I feel it is something you all need to be aware of.” She smiled wanly. “I probably could have timed it better now that I think of it; what with my talk just a few moments ago about dealing with our wayward members - but there you have it.”
False Dichotomy
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"We all have our allegiances, and our family connections. I hope mine never put me in that kind of a situation." Ember ran a hand over his face in fatigue. "Force, this is the start of it all. There'll be more. You all know we have young Knights from Imperial worlds, and there's no telling where this will lead. Even some of our more reliable people - Boolon Murr would never serve the Empire, but he's an Imperial citizen. For his family's sake, depending on the particulars and the circumstances, he may have to make a similar choice. Kalja, you've meant a lot to people I care about. You did a great deal for Ashin Varanin, perhaps more than you know.
"I hesitate to bring this up so soon, but I'd like your input, Kalja. Who should fill your seat on the Council?"
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Jedi Temple, a quiet conversation was taking place.
"Make no mistake," said the Ithorian gently. "I'm not condemning your own relationship with your conscience, nor am I rejecting you as a friend. I don't believe you had any personal involvement with the attack; this was your government. But you knew this was coming. A Patriot can't continue as head of Temple security, even if you've been here since before the Jedi Order moved in."
Das Phelleps folded beefy arms. The human Patriot had long since gone gray, and the Barrakut powered armor in the corner was pitted and scarred, but when Das's jaw knotted, Boolon knew him for a razor-competent soldier. "Of course I was involved, Boo. I got the order from the Shang Ra'la, I provided the gear and expedited travel, both for the Patriots and the Jedi dissidents."
"I see."
Phelleps sighed and pulled a duffel bag from under his bed. He started throwing clothes and spare parts into it. "I may think what we do here is a good thing, Boo, but I'm a Patriot. A Jadeworlder. My Empress says jump, I strap on my Barrakut and a rocket pack. And she happens to be right."
Boolon walked around the stone-walled apartment. His long fingers stroked the battlesuit's carbon scoring. "The Patriots' actions are their own concern, Das. But you shouldn't have involved dissidents from our ranks. That will have consequences, and I'm not the one who'll say what that is."
"This isn't official, though, right?"
"Of course not. Nobody wants this fight to be aired in the public sphere - not the Jedi, not the extremists, not the Jade Empire, not the Sith. And they're the only ones that know. Kali and the Council know I'm asking you to leave, naturally, but the Patriots aren't being kicked out of the Temple. You're welcome to stay, but it's time the Jedi took responsibility for their own security."
Packing had taken the Patriot roughly a minute. Now the Barrakut opened and he stepped inside. The battlesuit re-formed around him. Steel-clad, the figure was taller even than Boolon, and vastly more imposing. A Patriot in full uniform. "Naw, figure I'm needed in the field. And like you said, I saw this coming. I wasn't the only one, either. Kalo-Kaa issued a recall order with my name on it, this morning. There was only a handful of Patriots here anyways. Now we'll all be out of your hair."
The Ithorian nodded slowly. "So it's goodbye, then."
"This ain't the Temple of the Current anymore, Boo. It's all yours." The battlesuit-clad Patriot slung his huge duffel over his shoulder and made for the door.
"Answer me this before you go, friend," said Boolon. He sidestepped and pressed a long hand against the steel-plated chest. Phelleps stopped. "How far are the Patriots willing to take this?"
"Varanin committed treason. When we stole her toys, she captured and injured one of our best. So yeah, we're taking this pretty far."
"Who did she take?"
"She beat on Kalo-Kaa, Boo. Our best man, the strongest Patriot, and she beat the living clart out of him. Then she threatened him with her blood and let him go. That's a message. An escalation."
"You weren't born in the Jade Worlds. There's no reason for you to take their rigid honor so seriously. This doesn't need to be a humiliation."
"I'm Jade Empire, Boo. Have been for years. Their war is my war. I'll see you around."
"I hesitate to bring this up so soon, but I'd like your input, Kalja. Who should fill your seat on the Council?"
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Jedi Temple, a quiet conversation was taking place.
"Make no mistake," said the Ithorian gently. "I'm not condemning your own relationship with your conscience, nor am I rejecting you as a friend. I don't believe you had any personal involvement with the attack; this was your government. But you knew this was coming. A Patriot can't continue as head of Temple security, even if you've been here since before the Jedi Order moved in."
Das Phelleps folded beefy arms. The human Patriot had long since gone gray, and the Barrakut powered armor in the corner was pitted and scarred, but when Das's jaw knotted, Boolon knew him for a razor-competent soldier. "Of course I was involved, Boo. I got the order from the Shang Ra'la, I provided the gear and expedited travel, both for the Patriots and the Jedi dissidents."
"I see."
Phelleps sighed and pulled a duffel bag from under his bed. He started throwing clothes and spare parts into it. "I may think what we do here is a good thing, Boo, but I'm a Patriot. A Jadeworlder. My Empress says jump, I strap on my Barrakut and a rocket pack. And she happens to be right."
Boolon walked around the stone-walled apartment. His long fingers stroked the battlesuit's carbon scoring. "The Patriots' actions are their own concern, Das. But you shouldn't have involved dissidents from our ranks. That will have consequences, and I'm not the one who'll say what that is."
"This isn't official, though, right?"
"Of course not. Nobody wants this fight to be aired in the public sphere - not the Jedi, not the extremists, not the Jade Empire, not the Sith. And they're the only ones that know. Kali and the Council know I'm asking you to leave, naturally, but the Patriots aren't being kicked out of the Temple. You're welcome to stay, but it's time the Jedi took responsibility for their own security."
Packing had taken the Patriot roughly a minute. Now the Barrakut opened and he stepped inside. The battlesuit re-formed around him. Steel-clad, the figure was taller even than Boolon, and vastly more imposing. A Patriot in full uniform. "Naw, figure I'm needed in the field. And like you said, I saw this coming. I wasn't the only one, either. Kalo-Kaa issued a recall order with my name on it, this morning. There was only a handful of Patriots here anyways. Now we'll all be out of your hair."
The Ithorian nodded slowly. "So it's goodbye, then."
"This ain't the Temple of the Current anymore, Boo. It's all yours." The battlesuit-clad Patriot slung his huge duffel over his shoulder and made for the door.
"Answer me this before you go, friend," said Boolon. He sidestepped and pressed a long hand against the steel-plated chest. Phelleps stopped. "How far are the Patriots willing to take this?"
"Varanin committed treason. When we stole her toys, she captured and injured one of our best. So yeah, we're taking this pretty far."
"Who did she take?"
"She beat on Kalo-Kaa, Boo. Our best man, the strongest Patriot, and she beat the living clart out of him. Then she threatened him with her blood and let him go. That's a message. An escalation."
"You weren't born in the Jade Worlds. There's no reason for you to take their rigid honor so seriously. This doesn't need to be a humiliation."
"I'm Jade Empire, Boo. Have been for years. Their war is my war. I'll see you around."
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
This was a complicated matter, and Makaera Tor didn't have any suitable replacements that leapt to mind. She bided her time, wanting to hear first who it was that Kalja would suggest and then further, who the others would suggest. She would take their counsel into consideration before she volunteered any choices of her own. She understood that she was the newcomer to the table, and though she was the Grandmaster, it made her feel like the odd one out, in more ways than one. So she waited, and listened.
Master of the Ninja Post
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Kalja bowed her head slightly. “I’m afraid I have no one in mind. Everyone that I could think of nominating is either already here or lacks the experience necessary for such a spot. That – or they were already once on the council and no longer wish to be.”
She looked back up. “I trust you all to make a wise choice should I be forced to depart. I’m sure there are many suitable Jedi out there to replace me.”
She looked back up. “I trust you all to make a wise choice should I be forced to depart. I’m sure there are many suitable Jedi out there to replace me.”
False Dichotomy
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"With that in mind, and now that Master Wyn has fully joined us, it's possible that the Council is full. I'm sure we'll continue to add and subtract members in our normal way."
A comlink buzzed quietly against his thigh. With apologies, he took the call. A double-throated Ithorian voice hummed two words. "Thank you," Ember said softly, and turned it off. He addressed the Council. "Boolon Murr just informed me that all the Patriots who were here on exchange have been recalled to the Jade Empire. At least some of them were involved in the attack on the Sith Empire, along with our dissidents. One of them was Das Phelleps, who's been head of security here since it was the Temple of the Current. So we need a new head of security, too."
A comlink buzzed quietly against his thigh. With apologies, he took the call. A double-throated Ithorian voice hummed two words. "Thank you," Ember said softly, and turned it off. He addressed the Council. "Boolon Murr just informed me that all the Patriots who were here on exchange have been recalled to the Jade Empire. At least some of them were involved in the attack on the Sith Empire, along with our dissidents. One of them was Das Phelleps, who's been head of security here since it was the Temple of the Current. So we need a new head of security, too."
False Dichotomy
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Jedi Council
Esteemed Councillors,
I would like to submit the following for your consideration.
While visiting the Jade Empire, my third cousin, the Jedi Knight Keira Sage, repeatedly displayed thorough contempt for local law and culture. Her refusal to apologize for these offenses, let alone be held accountable for them, led to violence and the imprisonment of an innocent man.
Even though she eventually apologized and redeemed her honor in a culturally appropriate way, it is still my opinion that she is unready for the title of Jedi Knight. As a family member I would request that she be given more opportunity to learn the psychological, spiritual and diplomatic aspects of the Jedi path.
Braily Terrablade, Emperor of the Jade Empire
Jedi Council
Esteemed Councillors,
I would like to submit the following for your consideration.
While visiting the Jade Empire, my third cousin, the Jedi Knight Keira Sage, repeatedly displayed thorough contempt for local law and culture. Her refusal to apologize for these offenses, let alone be held accountable for them, led to violence and the imprisonment of an innocent man.
Even though she eventually apologized and redeemed her honor in a culturally appropriate way, it is still my opinion that she is unready for the title of Jedi Knight. As a family member I would request that she be given more opportunity to learn the psychological, spiritual and diplomatic aspects of the Jedi path.
Braily Terrablade, Emperor of the Jade Empire
Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
OOC: Continued from the last post in A Game of Shadows.
Cazzik Wyn had returned some time later with the forces he tasked to assist in locating Darth Trayus, but he had returned empty handed. Regardless, the Jedi Master still arranged for a meeting with the Council, both those present and away, on a matter of urgency.
“And you are certain this of this?” one of the council members asked. Cazzik only nodded in response, still a bit scrambled by the recent events that had transpired. “How can you be so sure that Darth Trayus is who you claim him to be, and not mere Sith trickery?”
“I know what I saw, what I felt,” Cazzik said. “Ever since my first encounter with him, I knew there was something familiar about him. Seeing him as Cadden Blackthorne put all the pieces together with clarity. Even if I wanted to deny it, I know that it was true.”
L’hnnar stroked his beard in thought. “This is powerful information,” he said. “We must use it wisely.” It was well known that L’hnnar had a more intimate connection to the Blackthorne bloodline than anyone else in the Order, but it was clear to Cazzik that his judgment was not being clouded. He was not preaching the withholding of this information to protect Faarel’s son. He was advocating a tactical use of it.
“I agree.” Cazzik looked at each Council member, briefly, in turn. “We need to strike at Cadden… Darth Trayus… and his forces, before they rally to strike at us. I know Cadden, and if we sit on this information, it will only prove devastating to us. He will not take the Council learning of his identity lightly, and will prefer to take matters in his own hands, turning defeat into advantage.”
“Are you suggesting that Darth Trayus will attack us here?” another Council member chimed in. “A bold move, with dire consequence to be sure, if we start planning for this now.”
“Plan for what, exactly?” another asked. “We don’t know what he will bring to the table, if Ossus is indeed his target.”
Sovral was the one to give voice to what Cazzik anticipated to become the popular option. “Then we must strike at his Sith, before they strike at us. Send these Jedi Shadows against him. Even if it gets us nowhere, it will buy us necessary time to seek out those who would wish to aid us.”
L’hnnar nodded in agreement. “There seems little other option at our disposal,” he said. “And with few to provide enough logistic support, we need all the help we can get. Even if the Shadows prove to be little more than distraction, it might buy us enough time to end this war if it comes to our doorstep.”
Cazzik Wyn had returned some time later with the forces he tasked to assist in locating Darth Trayus, but he had returned empty handed. Regardless, the Jedi Master still arranged for a meeting with the Council, both those present and away, on a matter of urgency.
“And you are certain this of this?” one of the council members asked. Cazzik only nodded in response, still a bit scrambled by the recent events that had transpired. “How can you be so sure that Darth Trayus is who you claim him to be, and not mere Sith trickery?”
“I know what I saw, what I felt,” Cazzik said. “Ever since my first encounter with him, I knew there was something familiar about him. Seeing him as Cadden Blackthorne put all the pieces together with clarity. Even if I wanted to deny it, I know that it was true.”
L’hnnar stroked his beard in thought. “This is powerful information,” he said. “We must use it wisely.” It was well known that L’hnnar had a more intimate connection to the Blackthorne bloodline than anyone else in the Order, but it was clear to Cazzik that his judgment was not being clouded. He was not preaching the withholding of this information to protect Faarel’s son. He was advocating a tactical use of it.
“I agree.” Cazzik looked at each Council member, briefly, in turn. “We need to strike at Cadden… Darth Trayus… and his forces, before they rally to strike at us. I know Cadden, and if we sit on this information, it will only prove devastating to us. He will not take the Council learning of his identity lightly, and will prefer to take matters in his own hands, turning defeat into advantage.”
“Are you suggesting that Darth Trayus will attack us here?” another Council member chimed in. “A bold move, with dire consequence to be sure, if we start planning for this now.”
“Plan for what, exactly?” another asked. “We don’t know what he will bring to the table, if Ossus is indeed his target.”
Sovral was the one to give voice to what Cazzik anticipated to become the popular option. “Then we must strike at his Sith, before they strike at us. Send these Jedi Shadows against him. Even if it gets us nowhere, it will buy us necessary time to seek out those who would wish to aid us.”
L’hnnar nodded in agreement. “There seems little other option at our disposal,” he said. “And with few to provide enough logistic support, we need all the help we can get. Even if the Shadows prove to be little more than distraction, it might buy us enough time to end this war if it comes to our doorstep.”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
“Considering the offensive forces that we do have, we need to speak to the New Republic as soon as possible.” Derek said. His hologram was flickering. Onboard the Kenobi, he was enroute from Brevost. “I can alter my course and stop at Mon Calamari if we feel that it should be done in person.”
“Derek, you’re always the first to call for the fight.” Makaera replied.
“Well, usually I leave that to Faye. She channels my thoughts on that subject well. But she’s indisposed at the moment.” The Council’s lone Jedi Knight said with a small smile. He turned to look at Ember. “Is this something that the Shadows can do?” He asked.
“Can do?” Ember asked, and paused to consider. “I’m not sure. We’ve lost a good number of our members, after the fiasco with the Jade and Sith Empires.” He said, not mentioning that his own children had been involved in it. It wouldn’t do. “I don’t think we have a choice in the matter.” He added. “Thirty years of fighting darksiders, nothing changes.” He said, darkly. “The Jedi Shadows will do what we need to do.”
“What they can do.” Sovral said. “Promises are something that are sometimes hard to keep. We do need to be ready. See to the defenses. We should confer with Kali and Sorra about what further preparations need to be made.”
“This brings up an interesting point.” Tan said, holding up a digit. “This involves an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer. It possesses a superlaser, does it not?” He asked. “Should the shield fail, the Temple will be obliterated. Do we not look to the future of the Jedi Order? Do we evacuate some of the padawans, the younglings?” He asked.
“Derek, you’re always the first to call for the fight.” Makaera replied.
“Well, usually I leave that to Faye. She channels my thoughts on that subject well. But she’s indisposed at the moment.” The Council’s lone Jedi Knight said with a small smile. He turned to look at Ember. “Is this something that the Shadows can do?” He asked.
“Can do?” Ember asked, and paused to consider. “I’m not sure. We’ve lost a good number of our members, after the fiasco with the Jade and Sith Empires.” He said, not mentioning that his own children had been involved in it. It wouldn’t do. “I don’t think we have a choice in the matter.” He added. “Thirty years of fighting darksiders, nothing changes.” He said, darkly. “The Jedi Shadows will do what we need to do.”
“What they can do.” Sovral said. “Promises are something that are sometimes hard to keep. We do need to be ready. See to the defenses. We should confer with Kali and Sorra about what further preparations need to be made.”
“This brings up an interesting point.” Tan said, holding up a digit. “This involves an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer. It possesses a superlaser, does it not?” He asked. “Should the shield fail, the Temple will be obliterated. Do we not look to the future of the Jedi Order? Do we evacuate some of the padawans, the younglings?” He asked.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"I believe I can offer some assistance with what you're about to face Masters." a familiar voice chimed in. The gazes of many would shift within the Council chambers as a protocol droid approached the center of the Council chambers. Within its hands was a glowing holo-transmitter and from that transmitter was an individual many didn't ever expect to see again, especially Faye. A few called her a student, some a friend, she was a colleague and a member of the Order. Now, she was a Jedi in Exile, and for one particular member of the Jedi Council, a fugitive from justice.
"And what exactly do you have to offer?" Ember said, eyeing the holo of Aaralyn.
"Intelligence that the Jedi Council doesn't have on Darth Trayus or in this case, Cadden Blackthorne's forces and the layout of that Eclipse-class Star Destroyer." She held her breath. "You have no idea what awaits any of you beyond those hanger doors even if you manage to get onboard that Eclipse.”
There were whispers amongst the Council members before a voice chimed in. “And what makes you believe we can trust you?”
“I cannot force you to trust me in any capacity, I know what must be done and I’m ready for it.” She held up a hand. “I also am willing, when this is over to come peacefully and face the Council for judgment.” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “My ends do not justify the means, by any account. My time on Tython has made me wiser and more knowledgeable about the living Force.” She nodded briefly. “I will accept my fate…”
"And what exactly do you have to offer?" Ember said, eyeing the holo of Aaralyn.
"Intelligence that the Jedi Council doesn't have on Darth Trayus or in this case, Cadden Blackthorne's forces and the layout of that Eclipse-class Star Destroyer." She held her breath. "You have no idea what awaits any of you beyond those hanger doors even if you manage to get onboard that Eclipse.”
There were whispers amongst the Council members before a voice chimed in. “And what makes you believe we can trust you?”
“I cannot force you to trust me in any capacity, I know what must be done and I’m ready for it.” She held up a hand. “I also am willing, when this is over to come peacefully and face the Council for judgment.” She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “My ends do not justify the means, by any account. My time on Tython has made me wiser and more knowledgeable about the living Force.” She nodded briefly. “I will accept my fate…”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Derek’s eyes narrowed. “I’m a little more concerned with how you got into a secure Jedi Council meeting without proper access.” He said. “Kind of goes back to that whole trust thing.” He added.
Ember raised a hand. “I invited her.” He said, holding up a small datapad.
The looks from the rest of the council asked for an explanation. “We spoke, on Tython. I gave her the choices, and she’s made her choice. I believe that she’s currently in hyperspace, on her way to Ossus currently.” He said. “I gave her Jedi Shadow status, due to the nature of what’s going on with Darth Trayus. Temporary, with probation of course, until the council decides what her judgment will be. She contacted me with this intelligence and now it appears that it’s of vital import to what we’re discussing.” He said.
“Works for me.” Derek replied. The look that he gave Ember though told the other man that they were probably going to have a conversation after this council meeting. He looked back at Aaralyn. “The intelligence, Ms. Blackthorne?” He asked.
Ember raised a hand. “I invited her.” He said, holding up a small datapad.
The looks from the rest of the council asked for an explanation. “We spoke, on Tython. I gave her the choices, and she’s made her choice. I believe that she’s currently in hyperspace, on her way to Ossus currently.” He said. “I gave her Jedi Shadow status, due to the nature of what’s going on with Darth Trayus. Temporary, with probation of course, until the council decides what her judgment will be. She contacted me with this intelligence and now it appears that it’s of vital import to what we’re discussing.” He said.
“Works for me.” Derek replied. The look that he gave Ember though told the other man that they were probably going to have a conversation after this council meeting. He looked back at Aaralyn. “The intelligence, Ms. Blackthorne?” He asked.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Aaralyn nodded to the Council members present, her briefing was short but detailed. She elaborated about the various defenses on-board the Eclipse-II and the officers and Crimson Empire troop weaponry she had noted during her time on the vessel. There was a mention of the Noghri Dark Jedi which seemed to be at Trayus's beck and call, and most likely would be a trick for any unsuspecting Jedi. Some of the details were known while others would come as a surprise to those not knowledgeable about the situation. It would fill in the necessary gaps as one might have it, and to further press the Council, she mentioned Cylon and she defenses that she had encountered during her brief time she was there.
It was more than to make a statement, it was to earn their trust and understanding.
"Rahk'neqah?" inquired Ember.
Aaralyn nodded. "Trayus is possessed by this...this...whatever it is." She made gestures with her hands, swirling motions. "It doesn't care about Jedi or Sith, it wants absolute destruction of the Galaxy as we know it." She paused and bowed her head. "I ultimately believed I could free him once I found out who Trayus really was.." She shook her head. "Cadden made the mistake of releasing the spirit and I made the mistake of believing he was worth redeeming but how could that be if he can't even free himself." She shook her head. "I will be arriving at Ossus within the next standard day Masters, who am I to meet?"
It was more than to make a statement, it was to earn their trust and understanding.
"Rahk'neqah?" inquired Ember.
Aaralyn nodded. "Trayus is possessed by this...this...whatever it is." She made gestures with her hands, swirling motions. "It doesn't care about Jedi or Sith, it wants absolute destruction of the Galaxy as we know it." She paused and bowed her head. "I ultimately believed I could free him once I found out who Trayus really was.." She shook her head. "Cadden made the mistake of releasing the spirit and I made the mistake of believing he was worth redeeming but how could that be if he can't even free himself." She shook her head. "I will be arriving at Ossus within the next standard day Masters, who am I to meet?"
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
"Me," Faye said as she entered the Council chambers. "I'll have a squad of Antarian Rangers standing by to arrest you."
Ember gave her a look then opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "I know what you would say Master Rekali and I disagree. I don't think she can be trusted. She destroyed our temple, killed our younglings and if we trust her now she will lead us to ruin."
The looks on some of the faces of the Council members seemed to support her words, but everyone on the Council knew that Faye had been hurt by Aaralyn's betrayal the most. The two of them were sisters in arms and Faye rarely allowed herself to get that close to anyone. "I thought you were on leave protecting Sigarr Halomek," Makaera said, raising an eyebrow at her.
Faye's face immediately turned bright red at the mention of Sigarr Halomek and she quickly averted her gaze from the Council. "Um, yes... The, um--situation has been mostly resolved for now," she stuttered, "I'll, um... Debrief you about it later."
Makaera's keen eyes watched the Jedi Master squirm for a moment then she leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "Very well," she said, changing the subject, "However, on the subject of what to do with Aaralyn you will refrain from taking any rash course of action until the Council has passed judgement. Ember Rekali will take responsibility for Aaralyn and meet her when she arrives."
"You can't possibly--," Faye started but the look on Makaera's face silenced her immediately. "As you wish, Grandmaster," she finished with a slight bow of her head. Then she cross the chamber floor and took her seat.
Ember gave her a look then opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "I know what you would say Master Rekali and I disagree. I don't think she can be trusted. She destroyed our temple, killed our younglings and if we trust her now she will lead us to ruin."
The looks on some of the faces of the Council members seemed to support her words, but everyone on the Council knew that Faye had been hurt by Aaralyn's betrayal the most. The two of them were sisters in arms and Faye rarely allowed herself to get that close to anyone. "I thought you were on leave protecting Sigarr Halomek," Makaera said, raising an eyebrow at her.
Faye's face immediately turned bright red at the mention of Sigarr Halomek and she quickly averted her gaze from the Council. "Um, yes... The, um--situation has been mostly resolved for now," she stuttered, "I'll, um... Debrief you about it later."
Makaera's keen eyes watched the Jedi Master squirm for a moment then she leaned back in her chair and shrugged. "Very well," she said, changing the subject, "However, on the subject of what to do with Aaralyn you will refrain from taking any rash course of action until the Council has passed judgement. Ember Rekali will take responsibility for Aaralyn and meet her when she arrives."
"You can't possibly--," Faye started but the look on Makaera's face silenced her immediately. "As you wish, Grandmaster," she finished with a slight bow of her head. Then she cross the chamber floor and took her seat.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Makaera sighed, inside. Turning back to the hologram of Derek, she nodded. "Yes, Derek. Please alter your course and speak with the Republic Minister of State. You and L'hnnar are our chief diplomats, it would do well if it were you who brought our appeal to the ears of Roman Kato." She said. Her eyes found the old Whiphid. If there was anyone that she was most directly concerned about, in all of this, it was not Faye Ward.
No, it was L'hnnar. While Faye may have had a hand in training Aaralyn, it had been L'hnnar who had found the girl in the first place. L'hnnar, who had trained the girl's father and thus could potentially feel responsible for what the son had done as well.
Faye's response had come across as immature and rash. Instead of heeding and following the actions of the rest of the council members who were clearly advocating for at least hearing the Blackthorne girl out, Ward was in favor of throwing the girl in the stockade. Or worse. Clearly not the wisest of choices to follow. An attack first and ask questions later policy was not becoming of a Jedi Master, and definitely not someone on the Jedi Council. Actions like those were what gave boldness to the choices of those like Felicity Sage or Keira Sage.
Makaera cared not for Faye's apparent pettiness, no matter how well wrapped it was in seeking overall good fortune for the Jedi Order. Furthermore the fact that she couldn't properly articulate how a mission of her own had fared did not give the Grandmaster reason to have confidence in her. So instead she focused on the Whiphid, taking in his face, and seeing the look in his eyes. It seemed to be one of sadness, but one of resolve as well. Makaera would do well to speak to him after this meeting had concluded.
No, it was L'hnnar. While Faye may have had a hand in training Aaralyn, it had been L'hnnar who had found the girl in the first place. L'hnnar, who had trained the girl's father and thus could potentially feel responsible for what the son had done as well.
Faye's response had come across as immature and rash. Instead of heeding and following the actions of the rest of the council members who were clearly advocating for at least hearing the Blackthorne girl out, Ward was in favor of throwing the girl in the stockade. Or worse. Clearly not the wisest of choices to follow. An attack first and ask questions later policy was not becoming of a Jedi Master, and definitely not someone on the Jedi Council. Actions like those were what gave boldness to the choices of those like Felicity Sage or Keira Sage.
Makaera cared not for Faye's apparent pettiness, no matter how well wrapped it was in seeking overall good fortune for the Jedi Order. Furthermore the fact that she couldn't properly articulate how a mission of her own had fared did not give the Grandmaster reason to have confidence in her. So instead she focused on the Whiphid, taking in his face, and seeing the look in his eyes. It seemed to be one of sadness, but one of resolve as well. Makaera would do well to speak to him after this meeting had concluded.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
One wouldn't be able to tell via Holo, but Aaralyn's face flushed when Faye spoke, the distained taste in her voice, the feel was like acid in her face as the woman she once considered a sister was spitting at the fact of her even making her presence known. She didn't blame Faye for her feelings, and she wouldn't hold Faye to anything if the woman so much as slapped her across the face if their paths crossed. She knew what she deserved and well, time would only tell. In her heart though, she desired peace to be there between her and Faye, perhaps things to be as they once were...but that type of relationship was a long shot of a burning ember on a day in Hoth.
She didn't speak as Faye exchanged words with the Grandmaster of the Order, she merely observed. It wasn't her place, hell she didn't really have a place as an Exile within the Order. She waited patiently until it was finished before speaking up, the holo shimmering briefly. "If Master Ward wishes to escort me, out of lack of trust then I shall meet her and the squad of Antarian Rangers..." She paused briefly. "If the Council wishes to send someone else, then I will respect that as well." She nodded to Makaera.
She didn't speak as Faye exchanged words with the Grandmaster of the Order, she merely observed. It wasn't her place, hell she didn't really have a place as an Exile within the Order. She waited patiently until it was finished before speaking up, the holo shimmering briefly. "If Master Ward wishes to escort me, out of lack of trust then I shall meet her and the squad of Antarian Rangers..." She paused briefly. "If the Council wishes to send someone else, then I will respect that as well." She nodded to Makaera.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
For a moment Faye opened her mouth to respond but out of respect for her betters she kept her thoughts to herself. She had finally started to feel like she had reached a place where she could let down her restraints and be herself, Sigarr had helped with that, but now, seeing Aaralyn returned, all her old tendencies started to come back in force. She felt like closing herself off again, putting that old armor back on that Sigarr had painstakingly taken off--quite literally, in fact. No, she could not take part in this, Makaera was right. She was too close to the situation and her feelings would lead her to rash action, so instead she shook her head and looked away.
"No," she said finally, "You will meet Master Rekali. It is not my place to intercede."
She closed her eyes, trying as hard as she could to will the feelings of betrayal she felt away but still they persisted. Instead she looked to Makaera, Derek and the others, trying to look anywhere but into Aaralyn's eyes...
"No," she said finally, "You will meet Master Rekali. It is not my place to intercede."
She closed her eyes, trying as hard as she could to will the feelings of betrayal she felt away but still they persisted. Instead she looked to Makaera, Derek and the others, trying to look anywhere but into Aaralyn's eyes...
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
OOC - Hastily written, at work. SOrry!
“If there is nothing more Masters, I will be arriving shortly.” Aaralyn bowed softly at the waist, the many holos of the Jedi Masters disappearing shortly thereafter. She sighed heavily and stepped back from the holopad, a black gloved hand coming up to her forehead in confusion.
“What am I going to do now…?” She said quietly.
And as if the Force answered her, a voice spoke behind her with a gruff military tone. “As you always do ma’am.” Aaralyn turned to look at the combat worn armor of Commander Fox, his helmet tucked underneath his arm, a smile on aging face. “You get the job done…”
Aaralyn couldn’t help but smile as she approached her friend of many years, her gloved hand patting the black and gold armor. “And you always know how to make me smile in the darkest of times old friend..”
Myles mused. “I’d prefer not to be called old, ma’am…”
“As you wish, Commander...” Aaralyn fired back with a chuckle and walked past him. “I suppose I can’t convince you and the boys to do the right thing and stay onboard the Hope while I’m planetside can I?”
“Can I convince you that a womp rat can swallow a Krayt Dragon?” piped up Hawkeye as he stepped up next to Aaralyn only to have Commander Fox’s hand check him in the chest with a hard smack.
Aaralyn laughed again and looked at the two of them before nodding. “I understand, just promise you’ll do the right thing. Regardless of whatever may happen, they’re the victims and I’m the enemy. Do not interfere by any means.” She held her hands up to both of them. “Trust me…” With that, she turned away and made her way to the turbolifts down the corridor.
Fox and Hawkeye remained outside the Transmission room for a moment, a sense of ackwardness came over them until Hawkeye spoke up. “Didn’t she say that back on Cylon?” Hawkeye said to Fox as the other man began to put his helmet on.
Fox didn’t respond, instead he just gave Hawkeye a look through his visor before turning to gaze at Aaralyn down the corridor. For a moment, there was a lingering feeling of guilt for not sticking around a bit longer back on that horrible droid filled planet, but he knew if they did, things might be a lot different for everyone. Fox shook his head and replied. “I don’t think she anticipated anything to go down the way it did back then, and I don’t intend to remind her of what happened.” He nudged Hawkeye. “Neither should you..”
Ossus, Jedi Temple
The LAAT/s Type II landed softly on the platform of the Jedi Temple, the sounds of the gears whirling and steam hissing as the engines began to cool down. The transport ship opened up, the side-hatches whirling and sliding towards the rear of the vessel. Aaralyn stepped off the transport and onto the platform, followed shortly by Havoc Squad. Her fingers tugged at each glove, pulling them tightly as she made adjustments to herself, her gaze shifting from one side to the next unsure of what to expect.
A sense of nervousness came over her as she felt the tension rise between herself and Fox, it had been a while since she had been amongst her own. Her mind began to drift with a thousand thoughts, the first thought directing towards the one thing she felt like completed her.
Her lightsabers…
Her hands drifted down to the hilts at her side, fingers gently caressing the flawless metal and hard edging. She doubted they would make a move that rash so soon, no, they would want to talk. Now, if it were Faye…well then she’d be screwed.
She wondered if she would see her old master, friend and the closest thing she had to a sister. It would be nice but painful at the same time. The Force had its own way of teaching lessons to it’s children, perhaps this was one way of teaching a lesson to her.
“If there is nothing more Masters, I will be arriving shortly.” Aaralyn bowed softly at the waist, the many holos of the Jedi Masters disappearing shortly thereafter. She sighed heavily and stepped back from the holopad, a black gloved hand coming up to her forehead in confusion.
“What am I going to do now…?” She said quietly.
And as if the Force answered her, a voice spoke behind her with a gruff military tone. “As you always do ma’am.” Aaralyn turned to look at the combat worn armor of Commander Fox, his helmet tucked underneath his arm, a smile on aging face. “You get the job done…”
Aaralyn couldn’t help but smile as she approached her friend of many years, her gloved hand patting the black and gold armor. “And you always know how to make me smile in the darkest of times old friend..”
Myles mused. “I’d prefer not to be called old, ma’am…”
“As you wish, Commander...” Aaralyn fired back with a chuckle and walked past him. “I suppose I can’t convince you and the boys to do the right thing and stay onboard the Hope while I’m planetside can I?”
“Can I convince you that a womp rat can swallow a Krayt Dragon?” piped up Hawkeye as he stepped up next to Aaralyn only to have Commander Fox’s hand check him in the chest with a hard smack.
Aaralyn laughed again and looked at the two of them before nodding. “I understand, just promise you’ll do the right thing. Regardless of whatever may happen, they’re the victims and I’m the enemy. Do not interfere by any means.” She held her hands up to both of them. “Trust me…” With that, she turned away and made her way to the turbolifts down the corridor.
Fox and Hawkeye remained outside the Transmission room for a moment, a sense of ackwardness came over them until Hawkeye spoke up. “Didn’t she say that back on Cylon?” Hawkeye said to Fox as the other man began to put his helmet on.
Fox didn’t respond, instead he just gave Hawkeye a look through his visor before turning to gaze at Aaralyn down the corridor. For a moment, there was a lingering feeling of guilt for not sticking around a bit longer back on that horrible droid filled planet, but he knew if they did, things might be a lot different for everyone. Fox shook his head and replied. “I don’t think she anticipated anything to go down the way it did back then, and I don’t intend to remind her of what happened.” He nudged Hawkeye. “Neither should you..”
Ossus, Jedi Temple
The LAAT/s Type II landed softly on the platform of the Jedi Temple, the sounds of the gears whirling and steam hissing as the engines began to cool down. The transport ship opened up, the side-hatches whirling and sliding towards the rear of the vessel. Aaralyn stepped off the transport and onto the platform, followed shortly by Havoc Squad. Her fingers tugged at each glove, pulling them tightly as she made adjustments to herself, her gaze shifting from one side to the next unsure of what to expect.
A sense of nervousness came over her as she felt the tension rise between herself and Fox, it had been a while since she had been amongst her own. Her mind began to drift with a thousand thoughts, the first thought directing towards the one thing she felt like completed her.
Her lightsabers…
Her hands drifted down to the hilts at her side, fingers gently caressing the flawless metal and hard edging. She doubted they would make a move that rash so soon, no, they would want to talk. Now, if it were Faye…well then she’d be screwed.
She wondered if she would see her old master, friend and the closest thing she had to a sister. It would be nice but painful at the same time. The Force had its own way of teaching lessons to it’s children, perhaps this was one way of teaching a lesson to her.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Ember walked out onto the platform, flanked by two members of the Jedi Shadows. Having just come from a meeting with the Grandmaster about potential Jedi commanders and having just run into his son, he had asked the nearest two Shadows to meet with him, so that it wasn’t just he himself who would greet Aaralyn. As it turned out, the only two available Jedi had been Renato Farani and his fiancé, Tone Krellisk. The man from Froswythe looked at his fiancé, whose face had changed. He wasn’t sure what was going on, why Tone was looking like that, but he was sure that he’d find out sooner or later.
As for Ember, his eyes took in the LAAT, and the soldiers who were with her. Not exactly coming in with a sense of humility, it would seem. Perhaps the abject Jedi Blackthorne’s lesson has not fully been realized.
He didn’t bother with a smile. It wasn’t needed. “Aaralyn Blackthorne, you’re here to surrender yourself to the Jedi Council for disciplinary action in response to your actions at the sacking of the Temple at Onderon.” He said. It was more statement than question, but she nodded in response. “For obvious reasons, I’m going to have to ask that your…soldiers, remain behind.” He said. “You’re to meet with Grandmaster Makaera Tor, in private.”
As for Ember, his eyes took in the LAAT, and the soldiers who were with her. Not exactly coming in with a sense of humility, it would seem. Perhaps the abject Jedi Blackthorne’s lesson has not fully been realized.
He didn’t bother with a smile. It wasn’t needed. “Aaralyn Blackthorne, you’re here to surrender yourself to the Jedi Council for disciplinary action in response to your actions at the sacking of the Temple at Onderon.” He said. It was more statement than question, but she nodded in response. “For obvious reasons, I’m going to have to ask that your…soldiers, remain behind.” He said. “You’re to meet with Grandmaster Makaera Tor, in private.”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
The LAAT/S Type II banked sharply as it cleared the hangar bay and began its descent towards the planets surface. CT-1987, better known by his comrades as Whiplash, let his gloved fingers dance across the controls as he skillfully maneuvered the craft away from the 'Lights Hope'. The muffled sounds of his communication first with the crew of the 'Hope, and then later with Ossus' own people could only slightly be heard escaping the confines of his helmet. He'd always been the considerate type, and on a flight as somber as this one was proving to be he felt it appropriate to avoid burdening the rest of his brothers or their charge with something so mundane as flight path procedures.
Next to him at the copilots station sat the perpetual pessimist CT-1901, Oh-One. Though the sound didn't travel, Whiplash could easily see the other troopers shoulder plates rise and fall several times during the trip under heavy sighs. None of the men of Havoc Squad felt comfortable with what was about to happen. Which isn't to say that any of them really knew what should happen, much less did any of them know what they wanted to happen. The road they had traveled in the Lady Blackthorne's absence had been a turbulent one. A series of trying events and missions complicated by an over-arching sense of lack of purpose, lack of direction... A feeling they'd rarely had to experience when in the company of their charge.
In the rear section of the craft, CL-2459 "Hawkeye" and CT-3330 "Trips" stood with their non-dominant hands wrapped firmly around the hand holds that lined the transports roof. In the far rear, CC-3006, their leader Commander Fox, stood next to Aaralyn. None of them spoke during the flight. The tension was high, and it only seemed to be rising each day since the squad had been sent to retrieve the Jedi form her exile...
Several minutes later, Whiplash brought the craft down to hover over the designated landing pad. A glance out the forward viewport and another at their passive scanners told him that there was not yet anyone waiting for them. He communicated that over the squads internal frequency, then rotated the craft in such a way that presented them the most tactical evacuation, a force of habit that would never leave him. Once settled he toggled the switch that opened the transports doors and set about the post flight shutdown.
Fox sighed ever so slightly as the doors slid open and watched with mixed emotion as Aaralyn departed the transport ahead of him. He stepped out after her, followed first by Hawkeye, and then finally by the remainder of their squad. His four brothers formed a precise line a meter from the transport and snapped to a rigid attention as he himself continued two further steps forward and centered on their row before doing the same. Normally the suns of Ossus would glare off of his squads Phase II type armor. However so recently out of conflict, the black and gold colored armor remained dulled and scarred from battle. As if to underline the absence of the sixth member of their team, an untarnished band of blood red paint was applied around their right bicep armor. It was meant as a remembrance to CT-6999, Niner, who had not survived the battle for Mon Calamari.
The reflection of the Jedi Temple in his visor shifted as a trio of Jedi strode out onto the platform. Myles' eyes narrowed slightly as he felt the scrutiny of the Jedi in the center of the formation fall briefly on him and his men, before it refocused on Aralyn.
“Aaralyn Blackthorne, you’re here to surrender yourself to the Jedi Council for disciplinary action in response to your actions at the sacking of the Temple at Onderon.” The Jedi spoke curtly. Fox watched on as Aaralyn simply nodded in response. “For obvious reasons, I’m going to have to ask that your… soldiers, remain behind.” He continued. “You’re to meet with Grandmaster Makaera Tor, in private.”
"All hugs and warm fuzzies, this one." Hawkeye's voice came through Fox's earpiece.
"Udesii, Ner Vod." Fox hissed back at him. "Now is the time to observe, not participate." The commander kept his head locked forward, but the gaze hidden within the helmet remained fixed on the three Jedi in front of him. They showed no outward sign of having heard Hawkeye’s remark, however and Aaralyn immediately stepped forward to surrender her lightsabers. The action immediately brought the painful memories of Cylon back to the forefront of Myles' mind and it took a concerted effort for him to refrain from flinching. As if she could sense his sudden unease, Aaralyn then turned back to face him.
"Do as you're told, I understand you came here for support and not out of hostile intent, I am the enemy in their eyes."
Though he remained in a militarily precise position of attention and made no outward movement to signify his compliance, she knew he'd received the message. Aaralyn turned back to the trio of Jedi and clasped her hands in front of her before finally saying, "I'm ready Master Rekali.."
“I understand, just promise you’ll do the right thing. Regardless of whatever may happen, they’re the victims and I’m the enemy. Do not interfere by any means... Trust me…”
Next to him at the copilots station sat the perpetual pessimist CT-1901, Oh-One. Though the sound didn't travel, Whiplash could easily see the other troopers shoulder plates rise and fall several times during the trip under heavy sighs. None of the men of Havoc Squad felt comfortable with what was about to happen. Which isn't to say that any of them really knew what should happen, much less did any of them know what they wanted to happen. The road they had traveled in the Lady Blackthorne's absence had been a turbulent one. A series of trying events and missions complicated by an over-arching sense of lack of purpose, lack of direction... A feeling they'd rarely had to experience when in the company of their charge.
In the rear section of the craft, CL-2459 "Hawkeye" and CT-3330 "Trips" stood with their non-dominant hands wrapped firmly around the hand holds that lined the transports roof. In the far rear, CC-3006, their leader Commander Fox, stood next to Aaralyn. None of them spoke during the flight. The tension was high, and it only seemed to be rising each day since the squad had been sent to retrieve the Jedi form her exile...
Several minutes later, Whiplash brought the craft down to hover over the designated landing pad. A glance out the forward viewport and another at their passive scanners told him that there was not yet anyone waiting for them. He communicated that over the squads internal frequency, then rotated the craft in such a way that presented them the most tactical evacuation, a force of habit that would never leave him. Once settled he toggled the switch that opened the transports doors and set about the post flight shutdown.
Fox sighed ever so slightly as the doors slid open and watched with mixed emotion as Aaralyn departed the transport ahead of him. He stepped out after her, followed first by Hawkeye, and then finally by the remainder of their squad. His four brothers formed a precise line a meter from the transport and snapped to a rigid attention as he himself continued two further steps forward and centered on their row before doing the same. Normally the suns of Ossus would glare off of his squads Phase II type armor. However so recently out of conflict, the black and gold colored armor remained dulled and scarred from battle. As if to underline the absence of the sixth member of their team, an untarnished band of blood red paint was applied around their right bicep armor. It was meant as a remembrance to CT-6999, Niner, who had not survived the battle for Mon Calamari.
The reflection of the Jedi Temple in his visor shifted as a trio of Jedi strode out onto the platform. Myles' eyes narrowed slightly as he felt the scrutiny of the Jedi in the center of the formation fall briefly on him and his men, before it refocused on Aralyn.
“Aaralyn Blackthorne, you’re here to surrender yourself to the Jedi Council for disciplinary action in response to your actions at the sacking of the Temple at Onderon.” The Jedi spoke curtly. Fox watched on as Aaralyn simply nodded in response. “For obvious reasons, I’m going to have to ask that your… soldiers, remain behind.” He continued. “You’re to meet with Grandmaster Makaera Tor, in private.”
"All hugs and warm fuzzies, this one." Hawkeye's voice came through Fox's earpiece.
"Udesii, Ner Vod." Fox hissed back at him. "Now is the time to observe, not participate." The commander kept his head locked forward, but the gaze hidden within the helmet remained fixed on the three Jedi in front of him. They showed no outward sign of having heard Hawkeye’s remark, however and Aaralyn immediately stepped forward to surrender her lightsabers. The action immediately brought the painful memories of Cylon back to the forefront of Myles' mind and it took a concerted effort for him to refrain from flinching. As if she could sense his sudden unease, Aaralyn then turned back to face him.
"Do as you're told, I understand you came here for support and not out of hostile intent, I am the enemy in their eyes."
Though he remained in a militarily precise position of attention and made no outward movement to signify his compliance, she knew he'd received the message. Aaralyn turned back to the trio of Jedi and clasped her hands in front of her before finally saying, "I'm ready Master Rekali.."
“I understand, just promise you’ll do the right thing. Regardless of whatever may happen, they’re the victims and I’m the enemy. Do not interfere by any means... Trust me…”
Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
A gloved hand clasped each of the soldiers' shoulders. "It's all right," a Zabrak assured them as he moved his way up to the front from between the two. He bore the traditional markings of others found in his race, and while his face remained youthful, it was clearly filled with years of experience. "This is her path to walk, and one she must walk alone." He looked at each of the Jedi's faces with little regard, knowing that there was a question of who he was within each of their minds, save one. Ember had a different look, one that he was all too expectant to see. "Master Rekali, I can assure you that Aaralyn has come with the humblest of intentions." The man's look wasn't the friendliest, considering his time on Tython with his comrades. They did not see eye to eye, though perhaps it would have been far easier under milder circumstances.
Lok only hoped that this would not hinder his purposes for being here.
"If it pleases the Jedi Council, I wish to request an audience. When you have the opportunity, of course. This matter must come first, I understand, and I will not get in the way of what must be done."
Lok only hoped that this would not hinder his purposes for being here.
"If it pleases the Jedi Council, I wish to request an audience. When you have the opportunity, of course. This matter must come first, I understand, and I will not get in the way of what must be done."
The Rev.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
OOC:> This is just to get me back in the game. feel free to interact.
IC:> The weigh of the last months of fighting, chasing, retreating, and then even more combat had Daer'Gunn physically tired. He had been assisting Cazzik on the task of hunting down Darth Trayus who had turned out to be Wynn's old friend Cadden Blackthorn. Even though they had driven the Sith to the point of breaking, like the snake he was, Tryus had escaped. Daer'Gunn had been tasked with keeping the opposing forces away from Wynn's alpha strike team long enough to capture the Sith. Even though the Sith forces fell in droves to the combined might of Daer'Gunn and his forces, the goal had slipped through their fingers.
Now, back on Ossus, he needed a time of recovery. Wynn needed it also, but his drive was masking it well enough. When one fights side by side with another individual, it allows them to see certain things that even the most trained eye can miss.
Daer'Gunn leaned up against the back wall just taking in all that was happening around him. Even though compared to the others around him, he was massive, he had always had a special ability to almost go unnoticed. He didn't mind it so much at the moment, these talks hardly interested him for he was never good at the talking aspect of things. He was a warrior, a sword to be used against the galaxies. That is what he had been forged to do and that is was his role would continue to be.
IC:> The weigh of the last months of fighting, chasing, retreating, and then even more combat had Daer'Gunn physically tired. He had been assisting Cazzik on the task of hunting down Darth Trayus who had turned out to be Wynn's old friend Cadden Blackthorn. Even though they had driven the Sith to the point of breaking, like the snake he was, Tryus had escaped. Daer'Gunn had been tasked with keeping the opposing forces away from Wynn's alpha strike team long enough to capture the Sith. Even though the Sith forces fell in droves to the combined might of Daer'Gunn and his forces, the goal had slipped through their fingers.
Now, back on Ossus, he needed a time of recovery. Wynn needed it also, but his drive was masking it well enough. When one fights side by side with another individual, it allows them to see certain things that even the most trained eye can miss.
Daer'Gunn leaned up against the back wall just taking in all that was happening around him. Even though compared to the others around him, he was massive, he had always had a special ability to almost go unnoticed. He didn't mind it so much at the moment, these talks hardly interested him for he was never good at the talking aspect of things. He was a warrior, a sword to be used against the galaxies. That is what he had been forged to do and that is was his role would continue to be.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Ember nodded at the Zabrak's words. "I'm sure that something can be arranged." He said.
He knew who the man was, having met him on Tython, but why he had come with Aaralyn, on that matter, he wasn't sure. But Ember figured that they'd cover that ground soon enough. Looking at Aaralyn, he gestured and they started walking. As far as he was concerned, he wanted to get her to the Grandmaster as soon as possible. There was no telling what the reactions of some might be and he wanted to avoid that, as much as possible. He did see Daer'Gunn leaning against a wall, nearby and he nodded once towards his fellow Council member, and a former Grandmaster of the Order. Indeed, he had to wonder what Daer'Gunn's decisions would have been, had he still been the Grandmaster, and he had been faced with an Aaralyn Blackthorne. He saw Renato share a smile with the man, which made sense, Daer'Gunn had been the boy's master.
"Perhaps, Master Daer'Gunn, you and Ms. Blackthorne's soldiers could have an interesting discussion." Renato said. "Undoubtedly, you all would have some true tales of prowess on the battlefield." He added, before catching up to the rest of the group, who were now moving through the halls.
As they walked, Ember could sense a rising feeling of tension. It made sense, now that he'd thought about it. Though it hadn't been his intention, Ember had inadvertently asked Tone Krellisk to be one of the Jedi Shadows with him. This wasn't the greatest of choices, as Tone had been with L'hnnar when L'hnnar had found Aaralyn and had started training her. The two women had been thick as thieves in those days. Probably Tone had convinced Aaralyn to help her with one of her fur braiding escapades that L'hnnar good naturedly had always indulged. But now, things were different.
"Tone, you might as well get it out." Ember said, quietly, knowing that the young woman wouldn't say anything that was too untoward Aaralyn.
"I'm just...I'm just disappointed, that's all." Tone said. "It's simple to know what to do when. But to know why you're doing it? Or better yet, to actually do it? That's the tough part. You didn't think about how your actions would affect the people who cared about you, like L'hnnar." She said. "That's all I have to say." Tone said, as they reached the door to the room where Makaera Tor was waiting.
Ember nodded slowly and opened the door. "The Grandmaster is waiting."
He knew who the man was, having met him on Tython, but why he had come with Aaralyn, on that matter, he wasn't sure. But Ember figured that they'd cover that ground soon enough. Looking at Aaralyn, he gestured and they started walking. As far as he was concerned, he wanted to get her to the Grandmaster as soon as possible. There was no telling what the reactions of some might be and he wanted to avoid that, as much as possible. He did see Daer'Gunn leaning against a wall, nearby and he nodded once towards his fellow Council member, and a former Grandmaster of the Order. Indeed, he had to wonder what Daer'Gunn's decisions would have been, had he still been the Grandmaster, and he had been faced with an Aaralyn Blackthorne. He saw Renato share a smile with the man, which made sense, Daer'Gunn had been the boy's master.
"Perhaps, Master Daer'Gunn, you and Ms. Blackthorne's soldiers could have an interesting discussion." Renato said. "Undoubtedly, you all would have some true tales of prowess on the battlefield." He added, before catching up to the rest of the group, who were now moving through the halls.
As they walked, Ember could sense a rising feeling of tension. It made sense, now that he'd thought about it. Though it hadn't been his intention, Ember had inadvertently asked Tone Krellisk to be one of the Jedi Shadows with him. This wasn't the greatest of choices, as Tone had been with L'hnnar when L'hnnar had found Aaralyn and had started training her. The two women had been thick as thieves in those days. Probably Tone had convinced Aaralyn to help her with one of her fur braiding escapades that L'hnnar good naturedly had always indulged. But now, things were different.
"Tone, you might as well get it out." Ember said, quietly, knowing that the young woman wouldn't say anything that was too untoward Aaralyn.
"I'm just...I'm just disappointed, that's all." Tone said. "It's simple to know what to do when. But to know why you're doing it? Or better yet, to actually do it? That's the tough part. You didn't think about how your actions would affect the people who cared about you, like L'hnnar." She said. "That's all I have to say." Tone said, as they reached the door to the room where Makaera Tor was waiting.
Ember nodded slowly and opened the door. "The Grandmaster is waiting."
Last edited by Mir on Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Commander Fox and his men remained motionless as the three Jedi representatives escorted Aaralyn off the landing platform and disappeared into the temple proper. Myles silently counted to five, then spun on his heel to face his men. For a long moment he said nothing, finding it difficult to think of words worth expressing.
"Udesii, Havoc." He compromised, it was a start. The troopers all sagged out of attention to their own individual interpretations of 'at ease'. "In the absence of an official directive, we will continue to operate under her Ladies last orders. We will assume a support stance, and refrain from interfering with the Jedi's business. For now, we have a powerful need of reconnaissance. Hawkeye, you're on me, the rest of you remain with the craft for now... I don't want anyone poking around without my direct permission. Until further notice, assume our comms are compromised, nothing critical over the air. When we've gotten some relevant intel we'll return here to revise parameters. Questions?"
Trips raised a gauntlet. "I'd like to suggest, pending your approval of course, that first on the list might be the mess? I've got a powerful need to tuck in some chow."
Fox smiled at the shaking shoulder bells of his squad as they shared a good chuckle. There hadn't been enough of that between them lately. "I'll be sure to take that into consideration. Dismissed."
The commander turned to head into the temple, then paused, looking down at his rifle for a long heartbeat.. He eventually shrugged, They didn't say we couldn't. He didn't motion for Hawkeye to follow him, but the other trooper had instinctively fallen into step at his side. The two troopers crossed the platform briskly and only slowed their pace when they crossed the threshold to the temple itself, working to orient themselves to the new surroundings.
"Udesii, Havoc." He compromised, it was a start. The troopers all sagged out of attention to their own individual interpretations of 'at ease'. "In the absence of an official directive, we will continue to operate under her Ladies last orders. We will assume a support stance, and refrain from interfering with the Jedi's business. For now, we have a powerful need of reconnaissance. Hawkeye, you're on me, the rest of you remain with the craft for now... I don't want anyone poking around without my direct permission. Until further notice, assume our comms are compromised, nothing critical over the air. When we've gotten some relevant intel we'll return here to revise parameters. Questions?"
Trips raised a gauntlet. "I'd like to suggest, pending your approval of course, that first on the list might be the mess? I've got a powerful need to tuck in some chow."
Fox smiled at the shaking shoulder bells of his squad as they shared a good chuckle. There hadn't been enough of that between them lately. "I'll be sure to take that into consideration. Dismissed."
The commander turned to head into the temple, then paused, looking down at his rifle for a long heartbeat.. He eventually shrugged, They didn't say we couldn't. He didn't motion for Hawkeye to follow him, but the other trooper had instinctively fallen into step at his side. The two troopers crossed the platform briskly and only slowed their pace when they crossed the threshold to the temple itself, working to orient themselves to the new surroundings.
Secret Squirrel
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
The door to the room opened.
Makaera Tor looked up from where she was kneeling, on a red cushion and gave the woman a warm smile. Her legs were underneath her thighs, and she rested backwards on her heels. Gesturing with her hand, she pointed to another red cushion that was on the opposite side of the small, pebble shaped table made entirely out of one piece of stone that she sat at. Small was an understatement, since the cushions and table were extremely low to the ground, no more than two feet.
“Aaralyn, welcome.” She said.
The Togruta went back to what she was doing, tending a small charcoal fire that had been built in a pocket carved into the stone table. Reaching next to her, she placed a small pot on top of the fire and closed her eyes as she touched it, using the Force to aid the fire in bringing the water that was in the pot, to get closer to a boil. Next, she took out a small container that had a scoop in it, and deposited tea leaves into the water, that appeared black and orange. “It’s Pearl leaf tea from Balamak.” Makaera said. “I developed a fondness for it when I spent some time in the Mid Rim during my travels. It’s quite good, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” She said added, taking out a small whisk and stirring the tea for a few moments. Placing a cover over the pot, the Grandmaster waited a few more moments before deigning that everything was ready.
Pouring tea into two small bowls, she set the pot down, and inhaled the vapors from one of the cups. “I apologize, it can be a bit bitter, but that’s how I like it. I do have honey, if you need.” Makaera said, offering the cup. Settling herself, she brought the white bowl to her lips and took a sip. “Now, let’s talk about why you’re here.” She said. “I feel that it is in good taste to give you the ability to speak about why you think you’re here and what it is that you seek to gain out of our conversation today.” She said. The Togruta smiled. “Whenever you’re comfortable.”
Makaera Tor looked up from where she was kneeling, on a red cushion and gave the woman a warm smile. Her legs were underneath her thighs, and she rested backwards on her heels. Gesturing with her hand, she pointed to another red cushion that was on the opposite side of the small, pebble shaped table made entirely out of one piece of stone that she sat at. Small was an understatement, since the cushions and table were extremely low to the ground, no more than two feet.
“Aaralyn, welcome.” She said.
The Togruta went back to what she was doing, tending a small charcoal fire that had been built in a pocket carved into the stone table. Reaching next to her, she placed a small pot on top of the fire and closed her eyes as she touched it, using the Force to aid the fire in bringing the water that was in the pot, to get closer to a boil. Next, she took out a small container that had a scoop in it, and deposited tea leaves into the water, that appeared black and orange. “It’s Pearl leaf tea from Balamak.” Makaera said. “I developed a fondness for it when I spent some time in the Mid Rim during my travels. It’s quite good, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” She said added, taking out a small whisk and stirring the tea for a few moments. Placing a cover over the pot, the Grandmaster waited a few more moments before deigning that everything was ready.
Pouring tea into two small bowls, she set the pot down, and inhaled the vapors from one of the cups. “I apologize, it can be a bit bitter, but that’s how I like it. I do have honey, if you need.” Makaera said, offering the cup. Settling herself, she brought the white bowl to her lips and took a sip. “Now, let’s talk about why you’re here.” She said. “I feel that it is in good taste to give you the ability to speak about why you think you’re here and what it is that you seek to gain out of our conversation today.” She said. The Togruta smiled. “Whenever you’re comfortable.”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Aaralyn took the bowl from the Grandmaster, her gloved hands gently gripping the edges of the smooth surface. Despite the deep sensation of nervousness somewhere within her core, there was a flow of serenity that seemed to speak to her and usher in a wave of calm. Her eyes gazed about the room as she took a sip of the bitter liquid, the pearlescent colored liquid flowing into her mouth. Aaralyn winced a bit as she swallowed and then coughed as the bitterness hit her taste buds, an awkward smile coming to her face as she sat down infront of Makaera, gently setting the bowl down.
She brought her own legs underneath her body, crossing them underneath each other. Her smile faded as she spoke, a sense of somberness to her voice. "I suppose forgiveness and understanding would be the first to come to mind GrandMaster..."
The GrandMaster of the Order appeared to listen intently as she drank the unique herb drink, she made a motion to Aaralyn and the younger woman continued.
"I...I.." Aaralyn held her breath for a moment, the memories flooding her mind. Everything from Cylon to Onderon to the very moment she landed on Tython. "I sought to redeem someone who in the end wasn't worth redeeming, and I thought I could do it from within." She shook her head softly, her eyes brimming with tears. Yes, emotions, typically it was something she hid well but she felt a great burden of her deeds weigh down upon her every day since Onderon. At times, it felt like since the day she discovered on Cylon that Trayus and Cadden were one.
She brought her own legs underneath her body, crossing them underneath each other. Her smile faded as she spoke, a sense of somberness to her voice. "I suppose forgiveness and understanding would be the first to come to mind GrandMaster..."
The GrandMaster of the Order appeared to listen intently as she drank the unique herb drink, she made a motion to Aaralyn and the younger woman continued.
"I...I.." Aaralyn held her breath for a moment, the memories flooding her mind. Everything from Cylon to Onderon to the very moment she landed on Tython. "I sought to redeem someone who in the end wasn't worth redeeming, and I thought I could do it from within." She shook her head softly, her eyes brimming with tears. Yes, emotions, typically it was something she hid well but she felt a great burden of her deeds weigh down upon her every day since Onderon. At times, it felt like since the day she discovered on Cylon that Trayus and Cadden were one.
Secret Squirrel
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
“An admirable wish, not unlike a Jedi of old who comes to mind.” Makaera responded. “Ulic Qel-Droma thought that he could redeem a friend by infiltrating his friend’s ranks. History tells us that he failed and that he succumbed to the Dark Side. He and his friend, Exar Kun, wreaked havoc across many stars, before they were finally stopped. From what I have been told of your story, there are many parallels. However, you have been fortunate in that you did not have a Nomi Sunrider to sever your connection to the Force. You still possess the ability to tap into a font of tranquility and calm that is the Force.” Makaera said, her words carefully chosen as a small smile appeared on her face. “Ulic chose exile and solitude as his penance. You have done something similar, though not to the temporal extremes that he chose.” She said.
The Grandmaster paused then, as she poured herself more of the tea.
“I have heard, from different sources, what transpired on Onderon that day. Some of the people who have spoken to me concerning it were there, while others were not. But I am interested in hearing your thoughts, your perspective, on the events of the Sacking of Onderon.” She said. “After all, how can you stand for judgment if no one knows what your state of mind was, when you committed the actions of which you are accused?” She asked.
The gentle smile grew. “Do not think of this as a trial, think of it more along the lines of a feeling out process. Forgiveness and understanding is something that all beings wish for, after they have done an action, whether it was perceived as good or ill. For what one considers a boon, another can consider a deadly sin. We can treat a word like 'acceptance' in place of 'forgiveness', and the intent is the same.”
The Grandmaster paused then, as she poured herself more of the tea.
“I have heard, from different sources, what transpired on Onderon that day. Some of the people who have spoken to me concerning it were there, while others were not. But I am interested in hearing your thoughts, your perspective, on the events of the Sacking of Onderon.” She said. “After all, how can you stand for judgment if no one knows what your state of mind was, when you committed the actions of which you are accused?” She asked.
The gentle smile grew. “Do not think of this as a trial, think of it more along the lines of a feeling out process. Forgiveness and understanding is something that all beings wish for, after they have done an action, whether it was perceived as good or ill. For what one considers a boon, another can consider a deadly sin. We can treat a word like 'acceptance' in place of 'forgiveness', and the intent is the same.”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Aaralyn listened to the words of Makaera intently until she was instructed to speak, from there she knew it would be a difficult path to walk again. They said the road to recovery was long and hard fought, perhaps this was the peak of the hill? She brought her hands down to the bowl once more, gloved fingers tracing the edge as she stared into the shimmering white liquid. "I am fortunate and grateful I did not have Faye cut me down where I stood, as I know I betrayed her that day despite my intentions..."
She heaved a sigh and brought the bowl within a single hand as she examined it before taking a sip of the now soothing liquid, the bitterness having wore off. She took a deep breath after inhaling the liquid, quickly setting the bowl down and staring into it's empty confines. Her gaze was almost blank as she stared at the beads that drew to the center of the bowl, meshing together into a small pool.
"I wasn't in the right frame of mine when we left Kuat. My father had visited me numerous times in visions and told me the path which I was walking was a dark one...I still believed that Cadden could be saved." She looked up at the Grandmaster. "I could feel something different by the time I made it to Onderon, a nagging sensation within the Korriban Crystal." She tapped the crystal behind her tunic. "When we landed and the troops disembarked for the Temple, I was attacked and that is when I felt it." She said as she clutched the edges of the crystal embedded in her chest.
"Oh? And that was..?" Makaera said curiously.
Aaralyn looked up at Makaera, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I was wrong and fighting the wrong people..." The tears began streaming down her face as she continued to speak. "When I first killed that Ryn Jedi, he gave me a look of betrayal and didn't understand why at first until the little girl charged in..." She held her breath and looked down at her trembling hands. "I couldn't bring myself to do it, and I almost paid for my sins there at the hands of that child..." She made a motion with her hand. "There were troops coming, so I tossed the girl to safety and slaughtered the troops out of supposed anger.." She shook her head again. "As I watched Trayus slaughter Jedi after Jedi, my mind went back to the Great Jedi Purge I witnessed so long ago..." Her hands continued to tremble, until they clenched into fists. "I grew angry, more at myself for betraying what I swore to uphold and even believing that he was worth trying to save..."
Her gaze shifted to the wall and then back to Makaera, the burning hatred in her eyes not wavering as she spoke of Trayus. "And I attacked him..every fiber of my being was intent on destroying him there and now, even if it meant I died with him." She brought her hands together, clutching them tightly. "I moved Jedi away from his blade and tried so much in vain to save face what I could, but I knew the damage had been done and in the end I allowed myself to be weak..."
Aaralyn wiped her face with her gloved hands and tunic before taking a deep breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. "I betrayed the Faye, Tone, Master L'hnnar and my father for someone who isn't apparently strong enough to see what wrong they're doing and now that burden is forever on my shoulders."
She heaved a sigh and brought the bowl within a single hand as she examined it before taking a sip of the now soothing liquid, the bitterness having wore off. She took a deep breath after inhaling the liquid, quickly setting the bowl down and staring into it's empty confines. Her gaze was almost blank as she stared at the beads that drew to the center of the bowl, meshing together into a small pool.
"I wasn't in the right frame of mine when we left Kuat. My father had visited me numerous times in visions and told me the path which I was walking was a dark one...I still believed that Cadden could be saved." She looked up at the Grandmaster. "I could feel something different by the time I made it to Onderon, a nagging sensation within the Korriban Crystal." She tapped the crystal behind her tunic. "When we landed and the troops disembarked for the Temple, I was attacked and that is when I felt it." She said as she clutched the edges of the crystal embedded in her chest.
"Oh? And that was..?" Makaera said curiously.
Aaralyn looked up at Makaera, her eyes shimmering with tears. "I was wrong and fighting the wrong people..." The tears began streaming down her face as she continued to speak. "When I first killed that Ryn Jedi, he gave me a look of betrayal and didn't understand why at first until the little girl charged in..." She held her breath and looked down at her trembling hands. "I couldn't bring myself to do it, and I almost paid for my sins there at the hands of that child..." She made a motion with her hand. "There were troops coming, so I tossed the girl to safety and slaughtered the troops out of supposed anger.." She shook her head again. "As I watched Trayus slaughter Jedi after Jedi, my mind went back to the Great Jedi Purge I witnessed so long ago..." Her hands continued to tremble, until they clenched into fists. "I grew angry, more at myself for betraying what I swore to uphold and even believing that he was worth trying to save..."
Her gaze shifted to the wall and then back to Makaera, the burning hatred in her eyes not wavering as she spoke of Trayus. "And I attacked him..every fiber of my being was intent on destroying him there and now, even if it meant I died with him." She brought her hands together, clutching them tightly. "I moved Jedi away from his blade and tried so much in vain to save face what I could, but I knew the damage had been done and in the end I allowed myself to be weak..."
Aaralyn wiped her face with her gloved hands and tunic before taking a deep breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. "I betrayed the Faye, Tone, Master L'hnnar and my father for someone who isn't apparently strong enough to see what wrong they're doing and now that burden is forever on my shoulders."
The Rev.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
Daer'Gunn had seen Aaralyn being taken to see Makaera. He had heard the rumors that she had tried to save Cadden but things didn't go the way she had wanted. They rarely did, but it was not his concern until we would be asked about later. For now, he took in the sweet smell of the temple grounds. The flowers and trees were not the same as on Onderon, but the peacefulness was there. He knew Araya was there and they would need t contact Tabetha to see when the children would be returning.
He was lost in his own thinking when he almost stumbled over some troopers who were walking past. He caught himself, and as he felt the duo in the Force, there was a small buzz around them. Instantly he realized they were clones. It was odd to still see them in use, and he hated that he said that to himself. It was not their choice to be clones, they were "human" and thought for themselves.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Is this your first time to the Jedi temple?"
He was lost in his own thinking when he almost stumbled over some troopers who were walking past. He caught himself, and as he felt the duo in the Force, there was a small buzz around them. Instantly he realized they were clones. It was odd to still see them in use, and he hated that he said that to himself. It was not their choice to be clones, they were "human" and thought for themselves.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Is this your first time to the Jedi temple?"
Secret Squirrel
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple III
“We all have burdens to bear.” Makaera said. “The lives that we lead are never without challenge, without difficulty.” She said, and then lifted a hand as she saw Aaralyn was going to interrupt her. “I know what you wish to say. There are differences between what you have dealt with and what others have dealt with, but that thinking is part of the problem. It’s a sense of pride. What is difficult for you may not be difficult for another, and the same holds true for them. Take a youngling who can’t master the basics of the Core powers. Another youngling might consider that not that difficult, and doesn’t fathom why it affects his friend so much. But at the same time, the second youngling may not understand how his friend can remember vague and obscure facts of history and he can’t. A simple analogy, stripping the problem of the bloodshed and the injury.”
Makaera sipped more tea before continuing. “I think that what you need to remember is that no one is beyond saving. However, that does not mean that you are without fault and without an obligation to atone for your sins.” She said. “What exactly that entails, remains to be seen, but personally, I feel that you’ve taken a great step by coming forward.” She said.
“But what of Faye and…” Aaralyn said, trailing off, as she looked away.
“Consider what they have to say. I have yet to meet someone in this galaxy’s whose opinion I did not hold as important. Since these people’s influence on your life has been so great, to downplay their thoughts and feelings would be a mistake, I feel.” She said, looking down at her now empty tea bowl. “But understand that first and foremost, they do not and can not live your life. Your life is yours, though the burden of it may seem overwhelming.” Makaera said and then smiled. “I am the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, a position I never though I would hold. I juggle the political, economic, and social wellbeing of an organization of thousands every day. I must fight for our lives and our continued sustainment in a number of theaters. It is not an easy task. Unfortunately, I was preordained to do it. Not Ember, not Faye, nor L’hnnar or Sovral. I was chosen. No matter what theirs or anyone else’s’ thoughts on my behavior, I need to be comfortable with it, first and foremost.” She said.
Then she laughed.
“We speak on you, but I digress and talk too much of myself.” The Togruta said. “This is not good. Let us discuss you, once more. There are those who call for your life as atonement for your actions. There are those who call for your blades, for your banishment, possibly stripping you of the Force.” She said. “What do you call for?” She asked. “Were you in my position, what justice, what recompense would you deign worthy?”
Makaera sipped more tea before continuing. “I think that what you need to remember is that no one is beyond saving. However, that does not mean that you are without fault and without an obligation to atone for your sins.” She said. “What exactly that entails, remains to be seen, but personally, I feel that you’ve taken a great step by coming forward.” She said.
“But what of Faye and…” Aaralyn said, trailing off, as she looked away.
“Consider what they have to say. I have yet to meet someone in this galaxy’s whose opinion I did not hold as important. Since these people’s influence on your life has been so great, to downplay their thoughts and feelings would be a mistake, I feel.” She said, looking down at her now empty tea bowl. “But understand that first and foremost, they do not and can not live your life. Your life is yours, though the burden of it may seem overwhelming.” Makaera said and then smiled. “I am the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, a position I never though I would hold. I juggle the political, economic, and social wellbeing of an organization of thousands every day. I must fight for our lives and our continued sustainment in a number of theaters. It is not an easy task. Unfortunately, I was preordained to do it. Not Ember, not Faye, nor L’hnnar or Sovral. I was chosen. No matter what theirs or anyone else’s’ thoughts on my behavior, I need to be comfortable with it, first and foremost.” She said.
Then she laughed.
“We speak on you, but I digress and talk too much of myself.” The Togruta said. “This is not good. Let us discuss you, once more. There are those who call for your life as atonement for your actions. There are those who call for your blades, for your banishment, possibly stripping you of the Force.” She said. “What do you call for?” She asked. “Were you in my position, what justice, what recompense would you deign worthy?”
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
Commander Fox had slowed his gate such that had the massive Jedi continued the blow would have been a glancing one. As it was, the force user had checked his progress and turned to regard the two troopers. Fox, ever the diplomat and soldier, assumed a relaxed pose of attention and began to reply until Hawkeye cut in.
The second troopers helmet was craned fully backward to look up at the Jedi and his stance was haphazard at best. "I'll be a frilled rock lizard, what in the blazes are they feeding you forcies here?!"
Fox literally placed a gloved hand to the brow of his visor. "CL-2459-" He began a rebuke..
The second troopers helmet was craned fully backward to look up at the Jedi and his stance was haphazard at best. "I'll be a frilled rock lizard, what in the blazes are they feeding you forcies here?!"
Fox literally placed a gloved hand to the brow of his visor. "CL-2459-" He began a rebuke..
The Rev.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
Daer'Gunn couldn't contain himself and he bellowed out a laughter, which felt good. He hadn't laughed like that in a while. It continued to echo down the halls when he stopped. He clapped the trooper on the back and said,
"I like you already. Name and designation solider, I want to know who I am walking around with."
"I like you already. Name and designation solider, I want to know who I am walking around with."
The one and only Stoban
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
"CL-2549, better known as Hawkeye." Hawk replied, the smugness in his voice wasn't quite filtered out by the helmet as he continued. "And Señor Stiff Greaves over there is CC-3006, or Fox."
"I must apologize for my comrade, Master Jedi. The time we spent in Carbonite was not kind to his functions. I am Commander Fox, and we are of Havoc Squad. We, uh, escorted the Lady Blackthorne here and now find ourselves guests in an unknown territory."
"I must apologize for my comrade, Master Jedi. The time we spent in Carbonite was not kind to his functions. I am Commander Fox, and we are of Havoc Squad. We, uh, escorted the Lady Blackthorne here and now find ourselves guests in an unknown territory."
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
Aaralyn composed herself and adjusted her tunic slightly.
"It's a long shot Grandmaster, but I want to see this through..." She said with an affirmative tone, her facial expression showing a level of determination of someone who had their mind set. "I want to see Trayus pay for what he has done and just maybe I can save Cadden from eternal damnation that is waiting for him at the end of the dark road..."
Makaera studied Aaralyn for a moment and then shook her head softly. "Your heart is filled with vengeance, I cannot allow you to go on this mission..."
Aaralyn attempted to interject only to have Makaera hold up a hand and shake her head more, her eyes closing. "Darth Trayus would sense your presence and all would be lost..."
There wasn't anything else that Aaralyn could say, the Grandmaster had spoken and given her word. Aaralyn turned away from the older woman, her face flushing out of frustration and a feeling of helplessness. She simply nodded and turned back to Makaera and spoke in a soft tone, her cheeks still slightly crimson. "Grandmaster, what is to become of me?"
"What do you mean?" The elder Jedi spoke up as she picked up the pot holding the tea, pouring Aaralyn some tea. She gently set the pot down and handed her the bowl.
"I mean, I wish to re-join the Order but I know there is work to be done and well..." Aaralyn took a deep breath and held it in her chest, the words lingered for a moment before she let it out, along with her breath. "I'm ready..."
"It's a long shot Grandmaster, but I want to see this through..." She said with an affirmative tone, her facial expression showing a level of determination of someone who had their mind set. "I want to see Trayus pay for what he has done and just maybe I can save Cadden from eternal damnation that is waiting for him at the end of the dark road..."
Makaera studied Aaralyn for a moment and then shook her head softly. "Your heart is filled with vengeance, I cannot allow you to go on this mission..."
Aaralyn attempted to interject only to have Makaera hold up a hand and shake her head more, her eyes closing. "Darth Trayus would sense your presence and all would be lost..."
There wasn't anything else that Aaralyn could say, the Grandmaster had spoken and given her word. Aaralyn turned away from the older woman, her face flushing out of frustration and a feeling of helplessness. She simply nodded and turned back to Makaera and spoke in a soft tone, her cheeks still slightly crimson. "Grandmaster, what is to become of me?"
"What do you mean?" The elder Jedi spoke up as she picked up the pot holding the tea, pouring Aaralyn some tea. She gently set the pot down and handed her the bowl.
"I mean, I wish to re-join the Order but I know there is work to be done and well..." Aaralyn took a deep breath and held it in her chest, the words lingered for a moment before she let it out, along with her breath. "I'm ready..."
The Rev.
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
"Hawkeye and Fox huh? Well my friends, thank you first for your service and all that your do. I have seen my fair share of war and been knee deep in the blood of both friends and enemies. Second, let me how you around, I am waiting for my wife to show up so I got some time to kill." Daer'Gunn motioned with his right hand towards one of the many large hallways.
"I am Master Daer'Gunn and I will be your tour guide." He said with a genuine smile and the three of them were off. Daer'Gunn showed them the main hall that led towards the library. He answered their questions along the way. From the library to the training rooms. They passed by younglings doing small saber practices all the way up to full sparring contest between knights.
Fox lingered at one of the hand to hand combat matches and Daer'Gunn took notice of it.
"Would you care to get in there with one of our knights. With your experience, there is probably much we could learn from each other. Especially if you guys have to go up against some more force users."
Before he could answer, Araya came around the corner and straight into her husbands arms. Their embrace was interrupted by clearing of Hawkeye's throat.
"I am sorry my friends, this is Lady Araya. Master Jedi and love of my life." The smile on his face couldn't even be hidden behind his beard. Araya bowed slightly t the two troops and when her head came up she had a puzzled look on her face.
"Clones? I didn't think that your kind was in service anymore?"
"Blunt as always my love. I hope no offense has been taken?"
"I am Master Daer'Gunn and I will be your tour guide." He said with a genuine smile and the three of them were off. Daer'Gunn showed them the main hall that led towards the library. He answered their questions along the way. From the library to the training rooms. They passed by younglings doing small saber practices all the way up to full sparring contest between knights.
Fox lingered at one of the hand to hand combat matches and Daer'Gunn took notice of it.
"Would you care to get in there with one of our knights. With your experience, there is probably much we could learn from each other. Especially if you guys have to go up against some more force users."
Before he could answer, Araya came around the corner and straight into her husbands arms. Their embrace was interrupted by clearing of Hawkeye's throat.
"I am sorry my friends, this is Lady Araya. Master Jedi and love of my life." The smile on his face couldn't even be hidden behind his beard. Araya bowed slightly t the two troops and when her head came up she had a puzzled look on her face.
"Clones? I didn't think that your kind was in service anymore?"
"Blunt as always my love. I hope no offense has been taken?"
Secret Squirrel
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
“That is for the Council to decide.” Makaera said. “While I have the ability to make decisions and lead the Order where I see fit, I would be remiss if I did all of that on my own without seeking the wisdom of those who have been designated to advise and aid me. I am in favor of you returning to the Order and being put under probation, along with an amount of time spent in service through one of the different Corps.” She said. “I know it may seem like it will be forever, but I can guarantee you that it wouldn’t be so bad.” She added.
“Have you ever been in one of the Corps?” Aaralyn asked.
“No, but I was in hiding on one planet for over twenty years due to the Empire and I couldn’t leave.” Makaera said. “So I know the value of time.”
“I’m sorry, Grand master, I didn’t mean to-“
The Togruta smiled “I didn’t ask for an apology. There will be those that you do need to apologize to; save your words for them.” She said. “Now, if I may suggest something, it would be to go and visit Rhyana Torshey.”
“Who is she?”
“She is Derek Muir’s former padawan and the mother of their twin children.” She said. “Derek is only a Knight still because he’s never trained a padawan to knighthood himself, and thus the only Knight on the Council.” Makaera said. “I think you would learn a lot from Rhyana’s perspective.”
“Have you ever been in one of the Corps?” Aaralyn asked.
“No, but I was in hiding on one planet for over twenty years due to the Empire and I couldn’t leave.” Makaera said. “So I know the value of time.”
“I’m sorry, Grand master, I didn’t mean to-“
The Togruta smiled “I didn’t ask for an apology. There will be those that you do need to apologize to; save your words for them.” She said. “Now, if I may suggest something, it would be to go and visit Rhyana Torshey.”
“Who is she?”
“She is Derek Muir’s former padawan and the mother of their twin children.” She said. “Derek is only a Knight still because he’s never trained a padawan to knighthood himself, and thus the only Knight on the Council.” Makaera said. “I think you would learn a lot from Rhyana’s perspective.”
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Re: Ossus Jedi Temple: Jedi Council
"As you wish, Grandmaster." Aaralyn said as she took a stand from the table, Makaera followed suit and Aaralyn bowed softly at the waist. "I appreciate the understanding of the situation, Grandmaster." She gave the elder Jedi a brief smile as she turned and left the room quietly. The doors slid open to reveal only Ember standing there, to her it was of little to no surprise. Her gaze shifted from one side of him to the next as she approached. She raised an eyebrow as she came up to him, a soft smile upon her face as she extended a single hand. "I'm surprised you're not one of the ones who wishes to see me in stun-cuffs or worse.."
"If the Grandmaster trusts you, then obviously there is some reason.." Ember said quietly as he un-clipped her sabers from her belt and placed them firmly in her hands. "But it doesn't mean I won't hesitate if the time came..." He trailed off.
Aaralyn nodded softly. "I wouldn't ask you to hold your breath Master Rekali, besides you came a very long way to find me in the first place and I'd hate to see you pass out waiting for some event that isn't ever going to happen..."
"You sound a bit arrogant...." Ember retorted, attempting to put her back down a notch.
Aaralyn shook her head firmly as she fastened the sabers tight. "No, Master, I'm just confident that I've learned enough and suffered enough to know better.."
"Fair enough." Ember said, turning to walk with Aaralyn. "Where to?"
Aaralyn stopped for a moment, turning to look at Ember and then continued walking down the corridors of the Jedi Temple. "I didn't know I had my own personal escort...but then again..." She stopped herself from finishing the sentence, merely clearing her throat and raising her chin a bit. "I was told to go see a woman named Rhyana Torshey...and gain some perspective."
"If the Grandmaster trusts you, then obviously there is some reason.." Ember said quietly as he un-clipped her sabers from her belt and placed them firmly in her hands. "But it doesn't mean I won't hesitate if the time came..." He trailed off.
Aaralyn nodded softly. "I wouldn't ask you to hold your breath Master Rekali, besides you came a very long way to find me in the first place and I'd hate to see you pass out waiting for some event that isn't ever going to happen..."
"You sound a bit arrogant...." Ember retorted, attempting to put her back down a notch.
Aaralyn shook her head firmly as she fastened the sabers tight. "No, Master, I'm just confident that I've learned enough and suffered enough to know better.."
"Fair enough." Ember said, turning to walk with Aaralyn. "Where to?"
Aaralyn stopped for a moment, turning to look at Ember and then continued walking down the corridors of the Jedi Temple. "I didn't know I had my own personal escort...but then again..." She stopped herself from finishing the sentence, merely clearing her throat and raising her chin a bit. "I was told to go see a woman named Rhyana Torshey...and gain some perspective."
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