House of Shadows

18 years after the Battle of Yavin...
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by CEO Raith Sienar »

"I've been very busy love... Tracking down resources and looking up items... The ring I belive there's a way to save our daughter. Bring her back to us but the Govenor's wife has the ring and we can't just murder them as I did the other two."

She would frown as she looked to him, "My love there has been a complication. There is something I could not tell you. And it now jepordizes the prophecy."

He'd raise his eye's a bit, "Explain..."

She would as she slowly stood up. "My husband you know my heart... Once our daughter died I began trying to get custody of our granddaughter and went after palpatine... While researching the events that led up to our daughters death I discovered something. As you know she was carrying a specific item for one of your corporations. In my research I found someone here on Naboo passed intel on her and what she was carrying to Palpatine. Someone was paying jax off to keep tabs in our daughter."

"And he learned of the Holocron and and Sith artifacts she was to deliver to me and gave Palpatine a heads up and he or one of Palpatine's Inquisitors gave the order to hit her and take her down not realizeing who's daughter they were truly killing..."

"This person is still alive and I belive here on Naboo. I have forseen a ramification from what happend today. This person holds a grudge against our blood... And will after today go after Annora."

“As I have feared she needs to be prepared and protected and I belve I know the person we are looking for… While in court with the Naboo the governor’s wife decided to open her trap and I shut it with pointing out her ring belongs to Annora. She was very upset and lieing through her teeth about how she had aquired the ring until I proved it.”

She nodded "I share the same notion. But I need proof. I plan on iserting myelf into hers and her families life. . Take it all from them. But I fear she may move before I get all the peices in place. I forsee she will go after our grandadugher."

“Trust your instincts and if she tries anything move just make no link to either of us. Our granddaughter is safe with MedStar for now and I have sent things into motion so that her abilities will manifest but she will need training. I sent her your Shoto and Whip.” He’d grin softly. “She learns how you did she’ll be very deadly with it.”

She would smile, “I pray she’s better than me my love. She’ll need it with the lady. She’d have been a good Sith.”

“A sith is not what she needs to be. She needs to be a warrior and a survivor….” He’d look to her with a soft smile. “She needs to have your traits for we need her to become much like you have.. The rest will come by her own chooseing on if she joins in the family business.”
“I’m sitting on my ass before a legend. I guess the reports of your death have been greatly mistaken.”

Jerec Ordin speaking to Nich Dreadstar
Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

(OCC Note-I call Nebulon to the system for help in the cleaning operation after talking with Tab.)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To:Nebulon Medical Corporation
From:Lurk Drud,President of the Neimoidia and Purse Worlds Elected Rulling Comittee
Re:Help neeed

I pursume you are familiar with the situation of Neimoidia.We are in quarantine since 6ABY due to a virus that has spread on the system.We have make steps forward in wiping out him from the purse worlds.

We have established a new goverment body and we want out-system and from off-worlders help to complete the cleaning on the main planet of the system Neimoidia were the virus was fought and wiped out to a 60%.

We can provide what you need from money and labor hands.He would be very generous to you and you would have Neimoidian respect for ever.
Thank you Lurk Drud
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Transmission----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

She would lean in and kiss her husband of many years. . She walked around him and stopped behind him walking up and putting her arms around him. A soft kiss to his back as she laid her head to his shoulder. "My love I know what you must do next, will be apart a bit longer. . and I understand why. I really do my love. But when your done I wish to see you. . . meet on my ship please. . .I want to hear about our granddaughter and to be in your arms. We have much to discuss the moves to come plus, I miss my husband."She said as she walked to around to face him holding out her hand out showing the finger that the ring used to be on. . ."Soon it will return. I will be at court tomorrow while axion furthers our plot with the younger."She said then faced him

"My love be careful of who you travel with, Skaya's pet's could be more trouble than they are worth. I also should inform you I hear rumors of the armor may be one Lianna. We will do what we can to get it back during my trip. "She would hear a beep. . . And check the comms

"Well will wonders never cease. . . Novaos just sent me something interesting. . . . It seems after all these years the trade federation has come crawling to you. Ilike you said"She said smiling at Lucian and showing him the message."Its coming together quiet nicely. Do you want me to have Kaoso send the reply, or do you want to do the honors?"
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by CEO Raith Sienar »

He'd sigh and grip his fist tightly, "I'll deal with the Nemodians.. I told you long ago this is a galactic scale game of Dejerick you have to plan and now that the Trade Federation is back in operation we shall have our supply routes. It's just a matter of us keeping there noses clean."

He'd step into the holopad after pulling the hood over his head and he'd cast the image of a familiar figure as the holo camera sat in an angle that concealed a good portion of his face with the hood over his head. "President Drud, I am one of the primary financiers behind Nebulon Medical and we have received your message and are currently reviewing the protocals we would need to adhere to in order to be able to assist the people of Nemodia for we have not received official word the quarantine has been lifted. Once we do then we'd like to discuss a deal that would be beneficial for both of our organizations."

He'd end the message and would look to Ciara and smile, "The armor we may need I would recommend when possible a visit to Nemphis as well to see MedStar as a representative of our pharmaceutical corporation. You'll get a chance to possibly meet our granddaughter. As for my apprentice's pet she brought him upon this galaxy by unleashing his abilities it may be time that she sees what happens when you unleash something you cannot control."
Last edited by CEO Raith Sienar on Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
“I’m sitting on my ass before a legend. I guess the reports of your death have been greatly mistaken.”

Jerec Ordin speaking to Nich Dreadstar
Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

(OCC Note-Please to everyone never mention Trade Federation YET when you speak.Just call them Neimoidians.The T.F. is inactive and will come active in the thread in time.The plan to revive it is only known between Durd and his loyal aid Gunay.Thank you)

Lork Durd blood became frozen when he saw the hooded figure.Memories from the past cam in his mind when he actually spoke to Darth Sidious face to face on an occasion.He had great fear for the Sith but he tried to calm himself and think that the a hood is not only used by Dark Lords an typed a reply.He actually wanted Nebulon there to continue is dark plans.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To:Nebulon Medical Corporation
From:Lurk Durd,President of the Neimoidia and Purse Worlds Elected Rulling Comittee
Re:Help neeed

I am very happy to see that you are interested kind sir.But from my side i have to clearify that the quarantine has NOT been lifted on the Neimoidia.BUT the virus is all wiped out on the Purse Worlds of our system and to be more specific Deko,Koru and Cato Neimoidia are CLEAN of virus since our in-world progress has wiped him out.To be more official you can see that in the media across the galaxy an official statement by our Representative has been released CLEARLY saying that the Purse Worlds are safe for the people to visit or companies to start settling down.The problem is with Neimoidia.And to be more excact we would not be sittng to the Purse Worlds if they were unsafe.Basically journalits and mdia from te whole galaxy visited the system on Purse Words for the today's press conference.

So it would be beneficial to see you in the near future in a meeting to disguss the plan since i need you to help with the Neimoidia.If you want you can establish HDs in the Purse Worlds and use them as base to start operation on the mother-planet.I look forward to you reply and your presence or the presence of one of your people here on Cato Neimoidia Sir....?I would love to know your name.....

Regards Lurk Drud
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Transmission----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

She nodded" I will go with Kaosos, let him do the talking I will look for our little Vorshyer. After I'm done with Villies and getting her to get our ANA expansion going. We also are filming on Courecant and Chandrila. . .And I have an idea for our new "star""She said flipping to a file of a young blond haired girl "Axion is in charge of casting. Some of the other tribesman will take her and see to it she does what we need of her."She shook her head "I have to use Chandrial as a make shift Alderan to film . . When will people like palpatine learn you don't destroy them by blowing up their planets. That only makes them mad. .You take them down from with in."

She put the data pad away."All is truly falling into place."
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

The Duro member of the N.R.C. had heared about the fashion,film,news house of Ciara Sante some time ago.He thought it would be a good choice of senting a buinsess dea inviation which was his department.He opened his transmittor and broadcast a messege to her.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To:Lady C. Santhe
From:Venezious Rentemos,Head of the Companies Approach Department of the N.R.C.
Subject:A buisness invitation

Greetings Lady Santhe

I am the Head of the Companies Approach Department of the Neimoidian elected Rulling Comittee.We have heard about your companies activities and sent you an open invitation to visit our planet.Cato Neimoidia is out of virus so you will not have to worry about quarantine.

A deal with you can be beneficial both for us and your side.I wait your reply eagerly and hope you can pass by the system or we can meet you where you wish.

Regards Venezious Rentemos
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End Transmission----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

The lady showed Lucian the Nomeidans message, "Looks like I will get the lay of the land first my love."She said then began to type a reply. . .
-----------------------------------------Out going transmission------------------------------------
To:Venezious Rentemos,Head of the Companies Approach Department of the N.R.C.
Re: Your invitation

I would be more than happy to meet with you. I will be in the area soon to check on progress of a movie shoot. Would you mind dining with me aboard my ship. You may bring a guest or two of course . We can better discuss business there. I would love to open up opertunites there. Please feel free to contact me and set up a meeting.


Ciara Annora Santhe CAS, CEO ANA Media news and Santhe Fashion
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------End transmission------------------------------------------------
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

-----------------------------------------Out going transmission------------------------------------
From:Venezious Rentemos,Head of the Companies Approach Department of the N.R.C
Re: Your invitation

We can meet you in your ship when you wish.Me and the Aid of the President and member of this NRC Sentepeth Gunay.I am sure we will have a lot to disguss.Just give us an approximately date and the place you want us to meet so we can programm our schedule with the many companies we speak right now and we will come with a Lukrehulk.

Venezious Rentemos,Head of the Companies Approach Department of the N.R.C.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------End transmission------------------------------------------------

The last word about Lucrehulk could trouble a lot and the Lady.


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

---------------------------------------------------------Incoming Transmission--------------------------------
To:Venezious Rentemos,Head of the Companies Approach Department of the N.R.C

I have a meeting with the Queen on Naboo here with an open house and a movie casting. .So in two days I say I will head to Lianna to handle some over due business. After that I will make a short trip to Chandriala so by the end of the week two weeks at most. My schedule is not on a rigorous time schedule. But I will be there as soon as possible. I look forward to our meeting


------------------------------------------------------------------------End tranmssion--------------------------
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by CEO Raith Sienar »

He'd close his eyes a moment and then take a deep breath as he would focus himself and would smile. "Tell the Nemodians to stall Annora when she gets there. MedStar's going there and you'll have the opportunity to meet your granddaughter."

He'd look to her, "I need to get back to the palace before they start wondering why I'm not in my quarters. The Jedi is rather elusive and I think I peeked his interest and two problems will be delt with at once one being Sayka she's getting increasingly bold. The Jedi I found used to be her former pet. I believe it fitting that the Pet puts the master out to pasture and puts a blaster bolt through there head. I cannot gurentee I will be there. It all comes down to how long it takes to draw Sayka out for the Jedi without him being made aware he's just a pawn in this."
“I’m sitting on my ass before a legend. I guess the reports of your death have been greatly mistaken.”

Jerec Ordin speaking to Nich Dreadstar
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

The lady would smile "I long to see her, I have ever since Talia told me about her. I just want to hold her like I did my little rose. My mothers arms have been empty too long."She said hugging herself as tears went down her face. "I pray Sekya's pet's do not turn on you my love. I have spent many years without you already. And If she ever . . "

Lucian would just nodded.

"Force help her if I found out!" Ciara said looking to Lucian who would for a moment would come and put his arms around his wife. For a moment since before their daughter died sharing a grief only a parent could know. It was almost like when lucian proposed their closeness. . She would still live and die for him.
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

OOC becasue I dont now when Else I can put this into play.


Theed University
Two you blonde haired blue eye girls walked though the archway and into the the court yard, the girls giggled as they passed a tall hansom young man heading into class. The boy turned and ran back to the girls "Hey glad you two could make it to the ralley last night. I tell you hearing words like that are so inspiring. To think the galaxy without all this mess. You should really get your parents to come. They need to hear the truth. If we had more men like your father helping us, we could speared our words everywhere."

Krista looked to the young man "Look Asion I told you before, my father is very much against us. . . I guess he is just to old and set is his ways. I took Father Noss to see him and my mother one day. . . My father pulled out his blaster and had his men escourt the father outside. . A holy man no less. My father has always been a man of hate, not peace. The fathers words just echoed off the plaster. Thank goodness I have my own place, though if I am caught there again my parents could pull funding. It's not right, but its life."

Kia looked to Kirsta "You going to the audition?"

Krista looked "Yeah but its big time I dont think I will get it. . . "

"If YOU got it would be HUGE for us." the male replied

"Krista smiled "Yeah I know."

"Well I have to go advanced philosophy. Palpatine protect you." he said raising his hand.

Krista smiled shy "My our divine Emporer give you guidance from Chaos.:She replied raising her hand
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Ciara made her way out of the palace and down the grandsteps and onto the grand plaza before the palace. A mixture of people and officers and politicians seem to stink of the Republic. Villies son was smart. . She was even smarter. I will have to more careful next time. . Though I do miss you cousin . As she got to the center of the giant square she turned right. As she did the lady felt something push up agiasnt her, stopping herself and the force from knocking her down. caught the elderly woman and steadied her "Pardon me, I did not see you there." Caira replied helping the woman up.

Lady Mire' looked at the young blond with disdain "You should be more careful and WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING."The old woman said in her normal haughty tone as she moved to straighten her dress. Ciara quickly moved to aid her."Get YOUR simpleton hands off me."continuing to insult the young woman as she threw her head back and looking at the girl rudely. . .

The young girl would lower her head "I do apologize, I was just delivering a dress to the palace. Let me look that. Oh no there is a tear in the dress. . .Please I insist you come to my shop and let me fix it or get you a new one. . "The girl replied as she examined the damage the woman silk dress.

"I would not dare go with you ANYWHERE you street rat. The old woman said jerking her dress away. From the girl.. .

About that time a reporter came up from behind "Lady Santhe' care to comment on Lady Mire and her behavior and the opening of your fashion house."The reporter said putting a mic in both womens faces. . .

"Opening of . . Lady. . "Lady Mire' replied in confusion.

Ciara took the mic and smiled "Look it was an accident I nearly hurt this poor innocent woman. She has every right to be upset. Miss since I tore your dress. . I have a new dress shop opening and I insist you allow me to fix it or get you a new one or two. .On the house. I am lady Santhe of house of Santhe Fashion and I insist on cleaning up this mess."

She looked to the girl "Y-you are the one. . Oh please forgive my rudeness."the old woman said quickly said changing her tone. "I was heading to your shop with my husband. . .If he ever gets done at the palace. I did not want to bother him or the council they are so busy.Oh dear me I am lady Mallory Mire' my child the Governor of Naboo's wife. It is such a pleasure to meet you."The old woman said extended her hand to the girl.

Ciara just smiled knowing the real reason she was not in the building. . "Why I insist you take several on the house. Come. You don't need a man there to shop."She said showing her back toward the shop with the old woman eating out of her hand. .

A few hours later
Above Naboo
The Dark Rose

Lady Santhe flopped down on a large lounge chair in her personal quaters as the buzzard rang. . "Enter."She called back thinking on how well the opening went and how well the lady Mire' seem to take to her. . .

Axion entered and bowed "It is done the girl Krista has been cast as the lead. Three of our tribesmen are with her. She's to depart in two days. Shall I prepare your stuff for the trip to Lianna?"

The lady just shook her head no"We have a side stop. My husband has asked us to Nemoida to see Taila's child and see that his will is carried out there. Kasos is on his way. Veela will have to wait. . .Though it seems someone has sent her info on me seeing as her son gave the third degree. .No matter. There is no proof. All she will find is more questions. Still everything is going as Lucian wishes. . "

"I shall tell the pilot then will there be anything else?" He asked looking at her soft silhouette against the large window in her cabin.

"Yes have that falleen girl . . uhm, Ir Ezex join us there. Oh and Axion, thank you for everything."She said smiling back at him,

"You are as always our guiding angel, it will always be our pleasure. And HK has returned and is standing guard outside. Have a good evening my lady."He said bowing once more.

"Good evening Axion." she said as he exited the room and she grabbing her data pad began to type.
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
-Winter Sleep Weighty Ghost
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Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

A V-Type Nubia entered the space near Rori.Lesanda was on board with her droid aid and the pilot she had always with her.She knew a Neimoidian on Naboo system was something rather unpleasent she was serving under the flag of House of Santhe though.The ship got permission to land on Rori and they landed on a hangar just outside the city.

''Leave me her my boy...''The young Neimoidian said to the pilot who kissed her in the hand as she weared a dark cape.She didnt want to have her seen by Naboos,she was a green lizzard for them even though 50 years had past since the Invasion of Naboo.But her goal was to remain as muc as seen as possible so she decided to do this.

She made it off the ramp with the Nubia droid aid folllowing her and the pilot making sure everythng on the loaned ship from Ciara was good.He didnt want problems with Lucien's wife.He smiled at Lesanda as she took some stepps away of the ship.

''Wait here...''She motioned to the droid as she got to look down the hangar and opened her data pad.She oversee the budjet of the movie and sighed.''Now to sent a transmission to this Ceasar.''
<===========================================================Incoming Transmission==================================================>
From:Lesanda Kantaya,House of Santhe
Subject:Our meeting

Mr.Ceaser as special sent agent from Ciara Santhe i inform you i am on this coordinates''As she sent him her position.''I wait to meet you as soon as possible.I will be in a V-Type Nubia waiting you.

<==========================================================End of Transmission======================================================>
She then pressed sent and returned to the ship with the droid.She motioned to the pilot to come and sit next to her....''Tell me my boy....was our trip enjoyable like everytime so we can have fun again?If you catch my drift....''She said and pured some wine on his glass.''Mr.Ceasar will not arrive for what we will do while waiting?Any good idea?


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PuddleJumper »

A young blue skinned head tail girl dance slowly before Deniarous as he sat back smiling. Consolidation of his. Er, Nym's assets was going well; however, the damnable RSF and Cult was still giving him a headache. Yet a certain blackmail scheme of the his predecessor had yielded some leverage on both fronts. Twirling his DL-44 around on his finger as he watched the girl he noticed a small Aleena female approached him "Mr. Cesar, sir."

Looking over to the girl in disgust he pointed his pistol at the girl "What Nelda? Can't you see I'm busy. . "his lips pursed as he began to pout."It was getting to best part."

The girls face contorted in a mixture of fear and disbelief as he put the gun to his temple. "Y-y-yes sir. You have a message from a special agent of the House of Santhe'."

Pressing the blaster even tighter to his temple and looking as if he was trying to think he stood up for a moment. . "House of Santhe'. . . . House of Santhe'. . . House of. . Oy there! Right!"as his blaster arm went out straight and began to move around blaster in hand like he was conduction an orchestra. The people in the cantina ducked and swayed with the movements of the blaster, Screams could be heard as he waved the gun wildly around the room. As one man screamed HEY!! A shot rang out from his blaster. .

After a moment he came to "Oops!! Sorry bout that . Tell miss Lesanda Kantaya, I'll be there. I had hoped to meet her boss. Heard she had a nice ass. Oh wel!!"He pointed his gun at one of his guards and in a voice that sounded drunker than than the drunkest drunk in the gutters of Nar Shadda,"Your in till I get back."as he started back he turned to the Aleena girl "Oh and send Missy Kantaya thningy word this better not be waste of my time."He said heading out of the cantina.

----------------------------------------------Out Going Message----------------------------------
To: Lesanda Kantaya
From: D. Ceaser's Office
Re: Meeting
Miss Lesanda Kantaya my boss Mr Ceaser is looking forward to meeting you at the coordinates. He will be at the Lobby when you arrive. He does warn that this better not be a waste of his time. He is a busy many. This hopes your having a nice day.

---------------------------------------------End Transmission------------------------------------------------
Between the light and the dark we must choose our own path
Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda was with her young pilot enjoying a dinner just to pass the time when she received the messege from Ceaser's side and walked out of the ramp quickly streching her dress and smiled at the pilot.''Wait me here i will take the droid for protection''As she started going to the location and was finally in the lobby seeing Ceaser.She immediatly understood he was not a man of many politeness and walked at his side.

''Greetings,Lesand Kantaya Executive of Santhe House,i was instructed by Ms.Ciara Santhe to meet you here and i think you want to tell me something since i have no clue on our meeting.''She said looking at him while he was surprised to see a Neimoidian.


Darth Ynoj AKA Johny DX
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

The man named Denairous walked in onto he room looking around the room of the hotel and stopping a man at the door. it was obvious form the way the man was dressed that man at the door did not think he belonged there "Sir, what are you doing here this is -"but before the doorman could say anything four large figures incluidng a large Otello Gungan, Deveroniaean male, a A gamoreean and A sall human male all entered heavily armed.

Deanourius smiled as the gang crowed up "Uhm yes we are here to see miss Lesand Kantya we were expected."Deanirous smiled then took the mans data pad as the door man protested "See Lesand Kantay and Denairous Cease 11 o'clock that me!!! Denaorous Cesar. Deanours like the money which I love and Ceaser because its me dad's last name. Now let's ear. . . Oh yes table 21. Seat me please."Denarous said in a whisper "And can ya keep kinda quiet, a man cant do business with all these muky mucks looking on." he whispered in the poor doormans ears. It was all the doorman could do not throw up at the crime boss' foul breath. The door man just nodded and showed the new commer whos torn leather spacers clothes stuck out like a bantha in a spaceport. Deanrious motioned for the men to stay close. So moved behind a pilar as the door man took Denarous into the the

As they approached a secluded booth in the back Denaroius noticed a lovely green skinned Nemodiean female, he smiled slyly those things had not been seen out of well Nemdoiea for many years. Well that was discounting that idealistic smuggler Roun, It must have been a Nemidoean thing becasue she looked alot like that idot. . .Who still owed him credits for a sabbac game. . Cheating or not he still wrong the money fair and square. "Miss Kantay Mr.Deanirous Ceaser I bleive you were expecting him."Looking back over the young man "Though why anyone would want to meet with him. . I'll never know."

"Eh!"Dearnours yelled loud enough that others were starting to notice.

Ceaser sat down and the doorman leaned over "Your wine list. Soemone will be here soon to see to your needs."The young crime boss noticed the man looked at Lesand and Ceare with diguest "Eh I may be scum but that is not a way to treat a lady."he yelled at the man as his guide ran back toward the entrace. "Bloody idgit think i'll have one of me boys shoot him before I leave."Turn back to the lady he smiled and began to eat some of the fruit on the table mannerlessly "Ok you brought me here for work, so talk lady?"He looked around then leaned in "You don't know a slimy little git nemoidean name Roun. . Bugger owes me money."
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda tried to smile at the rather rude young crime boss and leaned forward towards him holding a nupkin in her hand.It was typical for a female Neimoidian to keep her distance from off worlders and with uknown condition of cleaness.''Lesand Kantaya,executive of Santhe House,i am here today in behalf of Ciara Santhe herself!''She then leaned back and continued speaking on a low voice looking to the other tables from moment to moment.

''I am here incognito to remind you and this meeting must be totally secret and you are not helping kind sir.''As she gave him a glare and started eating some of the already served food.

She took a picture of Mallory Mire at the table and showned him.''This is M.Mire' wife of the governor of Naboo,Rythil.I want you to follow her and in the right time arrest her and get her to us.This are strict orders from Ciara Santhe,i think i do not have to tell you what follows if you fail and even fail to keep all the procedure secret...''As she leaned back finally and waited his respoce.


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Deanirous took the picture and looked at it. "Oewww. Ugly old bird isnt she? Yeck. What man would want stay with old bad like that."He said looking over to the picture then listening to the annoying Nemoidean throwing out her bosses name he looked at her "So a lovely lady with a nice ass gets pissed at me. Happens all da time. By the way I heard shes really hot why didnt she come, she may be a dress maker but I think Id rather see her out of one." he said as he looked over the credits and put them away.

ooc short post but Leg he does not know shes a dangerous person and he just made lewed comments about Ciara so feel free for Lesand to way lay him. ;)
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda almost choke when she heard those words about her boss Ciara,then she spoke.

''I will have to tell you that this lady who you describing like that will give the order to terminate you in any moment.I just warn you you impisale to cut the fiddlesticks or you will found your self dead cut in pieces in some alley.''

She then leaned back and smiled evily.''Do you have the mind and brains to understand your assignment?Or you brain dead?''


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Denarious laughed trying to hide the fact that something so small and pretty as the images he saw of the lady could be so deadly. In fact anything being that dangerous generally frightened him. Moving quick to cover his true feeling about the lady being a killer he turned his attention to the annoying Nemodiean female. "I can do any job you give me. Thing like dis should be done by a third party bunch of processionals with me as the middle man, love. I'm good enough to have Nym Nub hire me to clean up his operations. You may work for a "scary lady"."He leaned in closed to the nemodieans ear "Little girl what I do everyday is far scarier than you imagine. So watch you lip."

He picked his coat from the table and wrapped it around his arm "Be a good girl and get the check will ya. As far as our business dealings I await the word."as he took a piece of fruit off of Lesands plate and bit a piece off of it before putting it back on to her plate."Next time have decent food wont you Ducky."then leaning in to kiss the nemodiean on the cheek he chuckled. "Cherri o." then he and his group were gone leaving the young Lesand apparently fuming.
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

''What a goose sleeping brain dead moron he was''Lesanda whispered to herself after sipping some wine and getting ready to head for her ship.''300 Credits i think this is....''As she paid the waiter and put on her black coat again arriving finnaly in her ship after some minutes of walking.

''Oh pilot boy?Where are you?''She said as the droid personal aid of her was switched off and she started looking for her pilot,when he appeared she smiled and motioned him to sit in the cockpit and start the journey.

''You are heading for this coordinates,it will be difficult trip my boy.''She said as she gave him the excact location of the Odysey Station on the neutral space of the galaxy in the edge of the known paths and the ship got into ligthspeed leaving Naboo system.


Odysey Station,Some Hours later

Lesanda exited her ship from the ramp followed by her droid aid and landed on a isolated place of the Station finding a droid waiting her.

''OM-Comm Adminstrator of the Odyssey Station.I was alerted about your arrival here.''The female droid said and Lesanda bowed.

''Lesanda Kantaya,Special Executive of Ciara Santhe,i am here find a catering company for a purpose Ms.Ciara advised me to do.''As she waited if the droid knew any catering company for her goals.


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

OM-Comm nodded slightly "Yes we were made aware of your arrival by Lady Ciara Santhe your penthouse is ready near the top of the North tower. Your biometrics were scanned as you entered so I can go ahead and give you your access card. This allows you access to all the ladies holding on North Tower and every other sector, though the corporate offices are still under construction , there is a full service office for you in your suit."OM=Comm looked at the Nemdoeian female"You like some I have met on the station. A smuggler named Roun. Any relations? "

As the two walked toward the great tube, "Your penthouse in in North 777A there is a message from the lady there as well as a few files for you."They stopped before great tube where an air flow car waited."Your transport. Have a good trip."Om-Comm said as Lesand got into the transport then was wisked away high up to 8 stories below the top tower. Once inside she found the two doors one saying 777A the other 777B as she stepped forward a censor red the card in her hand then the door to 777A opened.

As the young Nemodiean girl entered she saw a large three story penthouse more lavishly decorated than Nate Gurnaray Citadel as she entered her BD 3000 Luxury droid was there waiting "Ms Kantay, good day I am Ilsa your LUX protocol droid and personal assistant. You have a message from Lady Santhe and one from a miss Lilandra Kantay waiting for you at your desk. Your things are in the master suit. Your pilot has found his room as well. Also you need to select a meal scheudle with the staff. The chief is eager to cook something. But you can do that when you have received your messages this way please."The droid said the headed toward a large gold inlaid door . They passed by several large windows with a grand view of space and the station itself. Finally they entered the office "If you do not like the decor you may change it. I will go and make sure everything else is running well."The Lux droid and bowed then turned to leave as Lesand crossed the room noticing the red light blinking on her desk after hitting a few buttons and finally finding the right one the image of the lady of shadows appeared before Lesand.
-----------------------------Incoming Holo feed
Eyes Only
"I take your trip went well with the exception of Mr Ceaser himself everything is in order and you are safely aboard the station. It is now time to start enacting our plans. While you are looking for a caterer I want you to enact a new phase. Our lead actress has begun having shall we say lewd dalliances with what amounts to imperial spies and loyalist. First I want you to find a way through a third party who will NOT betray you to leak this information. Make sure it is not traced back to you me or this company. Understood. Then when the initial reports hit standby her. Then keep feeding more information on her particularly to pro New Republic new agencies.The New Republic will do the dirty work for us..

When the time is right denounce what she is doing. But make sure all the while she keeps doing what shes doing. By the time of the premier we should have a firestorm controversy of course we will side with the New Republic denouncing her and all. Which will cause a problem for her father on Naboo. Make sure you have her looking like she is Vader. If she comes to you tell her you do not agree but if she changes her associations and pray she does not. By the time of the premier the new republic should want her in jail for treason the press her head on a platter and her family in turmoil.

Also there is a few files on your desk one a man name Roun who is part of the Hyperspace trade Assn here on the station I beleive there is something about him you might find interesting. Also check the response from the show in Courecnt Senate District see if they are responding to the mid season fashions. Finally one of your former bosses is coming to the station make sure he does not discover who owns it. Your life and your job depends on him being oblivious to who owns it. The trade federation know we have Headquarters only here and that is how it is to stay. If you have any questions you will be able to contact me for a few days still feel free to do so." Then in an instant she is gone.

-------------Incoming Message
To Lesand Kantay
From Lilandra Kanty
RE Good News

Sister I hope things are going well at your new job. Things are well here, infact I have been made Minister of Health. can you beleive it. I am the youngest Minster of Nemodiea. Contact me soon. I miss you. Lil

I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Venezius Rentemos the Settlement Officer of the Trade Federation had long before arrived at Odysey Station and he was awarded an appointment with the Director OM-COMM the same female droid the Viceroy spoke with some hours back.

He would enter an office and find her waiting him sitting behind a desk.He would get inside with his Magna Guards and greeted her.''Greeting Director OM-Comm,i am V.Rentemos Settlement Officer of the Trade Federation in behalf of Viceroy S.Gunay the person you spoke with in the begging.I

I am very happy meeting you and i hope we have some fruitfull partnership being word out now.''He extended his hand for a shake while he motioned the guards to wait him out.


To:Lilandra Kantaya
From:Lesanda Kantaya
Subject:Proud of you sister

Hey Lil,i am proud of your achievement and i hope you can do the best you can from your position as Minister of Health.There is still corruption in the goverment despite the Monarch's efforts.He is honourable Neimoidia though.Be close to Durd,i have worked with him,he is powerfull but has some wicked people near him.Watch Sentron Mak and Regiae Versetillor please sis.I have some stories for them to tell you when i will visit you i hope in the near future on our house.

''And sent!''Lesanda typed that messege,sent it to her sister and then made her way for the place she was indicated a person name Roun was.She was in a very happy mood since her penthouse was glamurous like all Neimoidians would want it to be.

Finally she reached a tavern like area and saw a Neimoidia sitting in the back tables.He was alone and he was drinking some whiskey.He looked familiar at her eyes but many Neimoidians had same characteristics.She decided to go and chat with him since not many Neimoidians could be seen out of the galaxy with the cursed quarantine,which would be lifted very soon officially because practically it already did.She would do her duties later,an hour break from the trip chating with a felow specie allien wouldnt mind.

She finally came close him and smiled.She had left her personall pilot and two luxurious droids,the one she had form the start and the one she got now back on the penthhouse.

''L'a heeting stranger.I am Lesanda Kantaya,i saw you while i was passing from here and thought it would be good to speak with a fellow Neimoidian out of our home system.You must be left the system after the quarantine lifted practially some weeks ago...or before it?It could be difficult eh?

May i sit?''She sat before he could manage to reply.He looked a little bit suprised by her presence.She was indeed very happy and continued speaking.

So,whats your name?Many questions eh?''She said and finally paused to give him the chance to speak.She knew his name but just in terms of politeness she asked.

(OOC Note-Tab i hope it is good and does you well as a post.I thought to start with Roun before getting her do the other jobs Ciara assigned her to do.Thanks J.)


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Roune looked to his "girls" "Why do you girls go see Dorn for a few moments. I need to speak with this lady."As the girls looked at him with a mixture of sadness and jealous he quickly covered "Don't worry my loves, this just business. You two are my only ones."She said as one by one the girls gigled then leaned down kissing him on the cheek then heading over to chat with the toydreian.

"It has been many years Lesand. I think the last time I saw you, you came up to my knee caps. I must say you grew well."The stopped the waiter "Yes I would a stiff Wryens reserve and what ever the lady would like." He smiled as Lesand spoke to the waiter than left."I can see by the look on your face you know its me. I just hope this is not a visit of vengeance and one of happiness, I have missed you so much little sister. Or did Sentepeth Gunay send you to find me?"
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
Who forgot to float away didn't have all that much to say couldn't even tell his own name or where my body goes.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda smiled at him and touched his hand then looked him straight in the eyes.''No Roun,Gunay is too busy with the Trade Federation,you missed a lot i think right?We have a Trade Monarch,Lork Durd,my former boss,a new goverment body and a new Army.Trade Federation's reformation sounds small in the things that happening back in our system.''She then sipped some from her glass and left his hand.

''I work for Santhe House now and i am here for work.But i saw you and i though it could might be you,and it was you.What are you doing in this wild galaxy?Why dont you return back home?The things have changed,they are preparing for big things,bigger than you possibly imagine Roun....''


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Roue looked to Lesand with a face full of sadness."Nune Ryo set me up he stole cargo and sold it on the black market then fixed the books so it looked like who took it not him. They gave me an hour to get out of the system, I was not allowed to say good not even to mother and father. I ordered never to return or I nor the family would survive. So I made a new life out here first smuggling weapons, now I own my own shipping company. " He then looked at his sister.

"You have grown up well and into fashion. House of Santhe is a very old and respected fashion house, however did you manage to get such a job. I hear their new owner is very particular about who she hires. That speaks volumes to your talents. I think. So how is mother and father?"

ooc If they are dead tell him dont change what you think on it for me . If their dead tell him he also does not know lilandra exist.

Deep in a Cave

The tall human with graying hair and black robes held out his hand to the young woman with long black hair"Your friends can go, Satele, but you should stay. If Darth Revan's blood flows through your veins, you belong with us."

She shook her head her lightsaber ignited guarding her friends, this man had killed so many he would not get anymore if she had anything to do with it. It took a moment but she shook her head negatively at him. "Revan's blood or not I will never go with you.! My place is here with my friends standing between you and rest of the galaxy. I may not be one to end you or your kind but someone will."The woman spat her face full of defiance. . . .

"Stele stop he's not worth it!"Tavus said as he pulled his friend away form the dark lord.

"Cut!!!! No! NO! NOOOOOOO! Krista your suppose to allow him to pull you back . You go with him not stand your ground. Your suppose to come to your senses not continue the fight!"

Krista Mir'e dressed in black and gold jedi battle robes designed to mimic the ancient ones turned and face the director."I don't understand if this Stele girl is so great and powerful, then why does she not chop down the old man take his head back as a trophy as well as the others who died and throw it in the sith's face. "her worlds trialed off as her hands went to her side much as a childs would do when they were angry for waiting impatiently for something.

The director let out a cry or despair. This girl was more annoying that the last. Why had an unknown no talent actress like this been hired to do such an important role, she continued " I mean these Jedi and sith seem to be more of a problem throughout history than any Empire could. Why don't they fall. If I was this girl Stele I would have cut his head off then joined the empire under a non-froce sensitive human leader!"

The director let out an annoyed cry "BECASUE THAT IS WHAT THE SCRIPT SAYS!!!
I got out of the bed today.
Swear to god couldn't see my face. I got out of the bed today starin at a a ghost.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda looked at Roun in sadness.''And that man was an Under Sec and now a Minister in the High of the poor choices made by the Monarch....''

She then sighed and touched his hand....''There is something you ingore....our dad and mother are dead....''As she took a minute to leave him take it as easy as he could and continued.''But they left a sister before they never met her.''As she continued to hold his hand.


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PuddleJumper »

Ceasar and Tavish walked into the back of the back room of the Cantina known as Despair and Desire in Moenia, Naboo. The chiss male named tavish began working on the computers and security systems in the room. "Ok Denarius I have u a securely transmitted holocall directly to Lesanda Kantaya's office. I also have taken the liberty of securing this room so as no one can hear you."

"Oy, well that is excellent ain't it!" replied Ceasar. "Now tell me why so much security?"

You just kidnapped the Govenor's wife and have her and the witnesses convinced she is being held under investigation by the republic. Which by the way will eventually be discovered as a lie, however it will take some time since sometimes high level criminals are detained with the occasional denial it might take a while. That will give us time not only to deliver her to the client but also to discover any useful information she might have."

"Oy, that reminds me I should have got someone else to steal the purse now you can't interrogate her!"

"Yes, which is why objected to the plan you gave me."

"So I contact the Nemo chick and give em' an update and then try and convince little Mrs Naboo Govenor Lady to hand over any information by convincing her I'm her only hope?"

"Unfortunately yes, and Ceasar you can drop the act in here no one can hear or see us."

"Yes, well you have been wrong before."

"Very rarely! I am still trying to figure out why I was assigned to assist you here!"

"My whitty personality? Oy you only know I'm joking. You know he wants to keep them distracted while he is away on business."

"I doubt that is the whole reason he has doing this after all why else would we be squeezing her for information."

"I don't know what his plan is and I haven't heard from Miss Alexandria in a while."

"So long as she keeps Nym off our backs while we pull this off I'm happy. He thinks your straightening out his business interests here if he gets word of whats going on...."

"The boss will make sure that he is content you know he is true to his business deals..... mostly."

"Just make your call!" I'm going to check in with Alexandria later which means I have to reencrypt the array and several another extremely difficult tasks I am sure You wouldn't understand."

With that Denarius stepped onto the holo platform and initiated the call.


"This is Denarius Ceasar contacting Lesanda Kantaya I'm on a secure connection and I am calling to tell you that we have the pigeon in the box. And by pigeon I mean target and by target I mean Lady Mire' and by Lady Mire' I mean..... well you get the point. I have what u asked for the package is with her and I was wondering when you would like to meet again. Oh, perhaps I could meet your lovely boss this time in person? Oy, can you hear me?


Tavish shook his head out of the path of holorecording beam to prevent himself from being seen. As he did he shook his head. He just couldn't believe anyone was that stupid, except Ceasar wasn't. Ceasar was playing his part well and they would never suspect that their were ulterior motives to taking the job ,which was exactly where they wanted them.
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesada replied immediatly. ''Tell me when you want us to meet ,as soon as possible and where and will be there at agreed time and place...and note you are not to see my boss.''

She then turned and open a mini holo projector and contacted Ciara.

''Lady Ciara Santhe this is Lesanda Kantaya, Caesar did his job and the pig is in the bag.Waiting orders before meeting him.''She stood by for a reply.


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by PrincessTabetha/BlackHunt »

Before the Landing on Lehon

Ciara Santhe sat meditating after her latest round to training with the new material Lucian had given her. The new 'techniques" took alot out her so meditation was key to recover. Her mind sunk deeper and deeper into the darkness. Here she was one with her family, as the darkness oozed from her she focused going deeper and deeper within the cold crisp air enveloping her as she envisioned Skaya standing before her laughing over her dead daughters body.

Anger boiled hot almost setting her blood on fire. . . She and her cohorts would pay for what they had done to the family she and Lucian had fought so hard to make. Hate stretched out from her like dark tendrils in sakya direction waving angrily wildly closer and closer until. . .

Buzzzzzzzzzz . . . .

The sound of her comm brought her abruptly out of her meditiave dream. Finding her center she pulled her white cloak over her head before waving her hand as the image of her assistant Lesand Kantaay appeared before her.” 'Lady Ciara Santhe this is Lesanda Kantaya, Caesar did his job and the pig is in the bag. Waiting orders before meeting him.''

The fool! Cesar had jumped the gun, taken the lady too quick. But then she looked too assistant and began to speak “The fool moved much too quick however. . .this may play to our advantage.” Lady Mire’ in their clutches with no one to protect her or keep her from running her mouth tempting, very tempting.

She looked to Lesand “Hold one moment. “she then set the holo where only she and Luican could see each other “My love a we have an opportunity.”

Lucian looked to his wife “I have foreseen it, Denarius did us a favor. I want you to get word to him to have the lady questioned. This could play into our hands nicely. She is not to be released till we have what we need.”

Ciara bowed her head “And I shall be the one to relieve her of that burden. I am informing Lesand and will order that she send regular report.”

“Good. Once your done with that prepare your advanced team we are almost there.” He replied in his usual icy calm voice.

Rasing her head up and smiling at him “Consider it done my love. We shall meet at rally point on Lehon.”she then switched him off and Lesand back on her head still covered with the white cloak. Stand with her hands in the cape she would not give the nervous Nemodiean a chance to reply. “Even though the he jumped the gun and grabbed her to early this still may play into our needs. Until I reach Naboo he is to keep her locked up, she is to be questioned by whatever means necessary. I want it recorded everything she says. Do you understand? Tell your employee if he records it and brings something good we will give him a bonus and as will you do you understand? Daily reports are to be made, if I do not answer leave the report. Make sure you use the proper encryption. We do not wish this information to get out. And I expect your other task to be completed and done BEFORE I am done here. . Understood? “Finally she took a deep breath “That is all” Ciara cold voice trailed off as she disappeared from the Nemodieans sight.

She then got up pulling her cape over her and headed out the door toward the hanger. .
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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Lesanda nodded and ended the transmission then opened transmission with Caesar to deliver Ladies order.

''Listen you...i want here be kept into isolation to the day i will tell you..while having her there..interogate her question her and record her...If you get something interesting out you will get a bonus.


She also typed a message to various catering companies she had chosen from a list simuntaniously waiting reply since she had to get done with this also.


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by DarthYnoj »

Odyssey Station

Lesanda was very busy contacting the catering companies tha would chose for the premier and of course would do the dirty work that would end Krysta Mire'. She finnaly found a catering from Eriadu named ''Foody Goody Services'' and would do excactly for the purposes Lady Santhe needed it. They would arrive and set everything up in the date of the premier.

She would now go back to party after the premier arrangements, the rooms it would took place,the entertrainment and al that kind of stuff...


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Re: House of Shadows

Post by Mir »


Fifteen million credits was nothing to laugh at.

The Shadow Broker’s offer had been legitimate and verification of the information hadn’t taken that long. The intelligence that he’d received on the subject and the target, it came from a high reputable source and the messenger had been someone that he trusted to do a good job. The messenger did have pride after all, particularly in the line of work that was done. The word of a Muir was enough to go on, and the Mandalorian didn’t question it at all.

The trip to Grizmalt had been slow and tedious. They’d had to jump through a number of different systems ever since they’d met with the Shadow Broker and if there was one thing that he didn’t enjoy that much it was space travel. Especially hyperspace travel. There was only so much room on a ship, and only so many places to go on a ship. Luckily, the time had been well spent. The Mandalorian hadn’t been at one hundred percent fighting form, but a trip in the bacta tank had gone a ways in helping that. Standing now in the hangar bay of the docking station on Grizmalt, he had to wonder just what this man had done, the pain that he’d sown in order to reap such an...interesting bounty. He didn’t doubt that the Moff, what was his name, Jorn Vardic, would have a number of people coming to call on him for this bounty. It was one of the largest that had been put up, in recent memory.

Turning at the sound of a voice, he saw a woman walking down the boarding ramp to the Baudo-class Star Yacht. The look on her face told him that whatever she wished to talk about, was urgent.

“What is it?” He asked.

“This is dangerous.” She said.

“For some, yes. For others, like myself, not so much.” He said. He looked at her and he smiled, even though she could not see his face, thanks to the helmet that he wore. “I won’t be long, Nell.” Aeorn Mors said.

“Don’t be.” She said. “You have everything?” Nell Morrows asked. “Even the other woman?”

He nodded and though she still couldn’t see his face, she could hear the mirth in his voice. “Even the other woman.” Turning, he started to walk out of the hangar bay and Nell could see the high powered blaster rifle that poked out of the cloak that the Mandalorian had on. A cloak that did nothing to truly conceal the backpack that he also had strapped on. That damn rifle.

Aeorn knew that he was approximately seventy three kilometers away from the Vardic compound. It was also a number of levels up higher off the ground. Grizmalt was an ecumenopolis and the Vardic compound was well fortified and looked after. This was going to be much more complicated than a simple smash and kill. The man was a Moff, a rather high ranking member of the Galactic Empire.

Was a shame that he was going to die.



“Cassandra Muir, what a pleasant surprise. It’s been ages ever since I spoken to you.” The man on the other end of the table said.

“The last time, I almost had to tell my father how you propositioned me.” The leader of the Vaungiur Mercenaries said. “I know you’re wondering why I asked to meet with you.” She said. “It’s not everyday that someone like me asks to sit down with a powerful Moff.” The woman said.

Moff Darian Jakre smiled and gave a small, well practiced shrug. The man was a politician, through and through and he could give most of the Senators of the New Republic a run for their money. “My dear, I don’t doubt that whatever the matter is that you wish to speak with me about, that it won’t be simply fascinating. Now, do tell. I received word that your mercenary group operated within Imperial territory, and my own actually, not too long ago. Caused quite a bit of ruckus, but there wasn’t much serious harm done.” He said. Then he paused. “I’m not certain whether or not this is an attempt at an apology. If it is, I assure you, it’s not necessary, and asking to meet with me personally was not needed.”

“Well, apologizing is something I would never do. Especially for the business that was conducted there. I have permits to operate in Imperial space and my force is well within the limits.” She said. “No, I wish to speak with you about a bounty that was placed recently on a fellow Moff of yours.” She said, reaching forward and tapping on his desk in Dadita.

“Vardic.” Jakre said and gave her a single solitary nod while tapping out a response. He was acknowledging her question and telling her that yes, the room had been swept for bugs. “Quite a high bounty. I mean, granted, he is a Moff, but still.” He said. The man paused again and put on an air of disbelief. “You don’t mean to tell me that you intend to go after this bounty.” He said.

“No, but I know someone who is, someone who’s come to me for information because I’m trustworthy.”

“And so you’ve come to me? But how can I help you?” Jakre asked with a small smile. “I’m just an administrator and a-”

“I know who you are, and I know what you are.” Cassie said, cutting the man off with her words and then a smile. “Darian, let’s be frank. The Muir know you’re up to something. We hear things. Whispers in the dark, murmurs in bar booths. Nothing escapes us. We’re the equivalent of a black hole for information. Everything get’s filed, everything gets analyzed. You’re going to help me, because we’ve helped you in the past, and because you don’t know want what you’re working on to get out into the public.” She said. 

The woman rose and looked at him as she walked around the room. “After all, the murder of a high ranking politician is nothing new to you. Senator Kiurne comes to mind, of the New Republic.”

“You’re going to implicate me in a household accident?” He asked.

“A specific household accident that targeted a known weakness of his species. One that was also linked to a number of different plots, including Doroes Terze’s plot against the Minister of State, Roman Kato.” She said. “Don’t bullshit me, because I’m not going to bullshit you.” Cassie said.

Darian Jakre smiled. “Your father would be proud.” He said, referring to the Jedi Erik Muir, and then leaned back in his chair. Vardic out of the picture would make things difficult for his project, but it was nothing but a road bump in the grander picture, the tapestry of life that was being woven throughout the galaxy. “I want a promise that you’re not going to come after me if there’s ever a bounty on me, or help anyone who might.” He said. “And when you make that promise, missy, the rest of your family does as you do.” When she nodded, he steepled his fingers together. “What do you want to know about Vardic?” He asked.

“Everything. Tell me everything.”



Aeorn Mors was in a speeder, one that he’d stolen. The report of the stolen speeder wouldn’t set off any alarms. Last he checked, Grizmalt had plenty of beings who called it home. If they ever did attach the speeder to what would happen, the last thing he wanted was for it to be a rental and for there to be some kind of connection between himself and what happened. So he’d found an area with bars and had stolen one of the speeders parked nearby. Broad daylight helped, particularly in an area that didn’t have that much security and not that many holocameras. Besides he was probably doing someone a favor, if they got too drunk. If they didn’t, well, then they’d have something to get more drunk about. Either way it was a win win for them. Traveling through the air in the cockpit of the Koro-2 Exodrive Airspeeder, Aeorn mentally went over everything that he had planned.

He had gotten quite a good bit of information on what was going on in Moff Vardic’s compound. The information had taken a good bit of time to get, but suffice to say, he had a workable knowledge of how the people in the compound lived their lives. The compound was located in one of the nicer areas of the planet. Buildings were smaller and there weren’t as many skyscrapers. It was a place built so that the rich would be able to see the sky whenever they pleased. Also it had been built over one of the higher up parts of the planet, so it was naturally higher than it’s surrounding areas. An oasis for the wealthy, really. Aeorn held the controls tightly as he flew, ducking and weaving through traffic as he journeyed.

The ride was short. Seventy three kilometers was a good bit of distance, but when the maximum speed of your ride was eight hundred kilometers per hour, you got where you were going in a matter of less than a few minutes, even accounting for traffic slowing you down. He had a tight schedule to keep, if his plan was to work. He intended to earn every decicred of that fifteen million, particularly the last part.

Knowing that the Jedi wouldn’t help him, because the actions would violate his personal code of ethics, Aeorn had instead appealed to the one in charge of the mercenary group. Cassie Muir was always interested in keeping her boat afloat and that took money. It had been simple to negotiate a cut of the credits for her. Considering what the job would entail, she stood to make a large sum of money for her involvement in all of this. His mind snapped back into focus and he stopped thinking about everything that had happened prior to the now. The now was all that mattered. The then was over and it’s impact on the now could not be changed.



“This is good then?” Aeorn asked.

Cassie nodded, the human woman putting her hands on her hips. “I’m assuming you have a plan. Mandalorian or not, what you’re attacking is still a fortified position on an Imperial world with plenty of Imperial back up.” She said. “How does Nell feel about this?” The woman asked.

“Nell understands.” Aeorn said.

“Do you really need the money?” Cassandra asked. “I mean, my Uncle had to have paid you quite a ton of credits for what you did.” She said.

“Your Uncle did, indeed. But the fact that I’ve pocketed a number of Tej Muir’s credits do not factor into this. This is being done for different reasons than one would think.” Aeorn said. He gave the woman a smile. “Say hello to your Arkanian for me.” He said, before turning to walk back to the Star’s End, which was docked on board the Dawn.

“We’re still on for my cut right?” She asked as she watched him leave. He was crazy and she’d helped him and Nell was going to yell at her like crazy when Aeorn went and got himself killed. She did have to give it to him though. When it came to a Mandalorian instilling confidence and belief in a Mando’s skills and training, Aeorn did a very good job of it. The woman doubted that Muir SpecOps could get the job done but she was willing to bet that Aeorn stood a better chance than they did.

“You get three and a half million, yes. If you're successful with the other part, you get five million.” He said as he walked up the boarding ramp.



The speeder was parked.

The sun of the system that Grizmalt called home was “setting.” Night would fall soon and he would need to be in place.

Aeorn moved, quickly and quietly. He had parked the speeder out of the way and he knew that he was going to have to move with whatever stealth that he could in order to stay low and off the radar. The compound itself was surrounded by twenty meter high walls. He had a detailed, or at least somewhat detailed map of the compound. A lot of that had come from Darian Jakre’s memory of personal visits to the place. The Mandalorian paused for a bit of irony. The compound was a place of Imperial totalitarianism and the Imperials were known for their stark expansiveness. But this, this place was decorated more as if it belonged on Naboo. There was much of Grizmalt that followed this architectural and decorative conundrum and he pushed those thoughts out of his mind, instead finding interest in locating the weakness of the compound’s walls, the blind spot of the cameras.

The Moff’s technicians had been good, no doubt.

But a Mandalorian was just bound to be better.

Where this tidbit of information had come from, he didn’t know, but he did know that the thoroughness of the Muir was something already well known in his mind. When Tej had come to him to ask for the job, he’d done so through Cassie Muir and when she’d made the offer, there had been details of his actions in the past that almost no one in the galaxy had ever known about. So when he made his move, he trusted the information that had been given to him. As it turned out, the information had been good.

There was a small service entrance that was located in one of the walls. The service entrance wasn’t particularly well guarded, at least on the outside. He did know that the people who utilized the service entrance needed to have two forms of identification when they got inside. Imperial issued identification, and then the identification made for them by the Moff’s household staff. He had had time for neither, and more importantly, he was suited in Mandalorian armor. How well of a reception was that going to garner? The service entrance opened into the actual walls of the compound. They were three meters high, but also fifteen meters thick. This had allowed for the Moff to build a highly developed security system that was inside of the space granted to him by the walls, even allowing for two meters taken as armor.

The security entrance wasn’t monitored by the cameras, because of the security checkpoint that was inside. Once he got past the security checkpoint, there was nothing for a good bit and then a door. Outside of that, there were the grounds of the compound. The checkpoint was considered rather impregnable, because there were security cameras on the inside and the room that one entered could be sealed and filled with a knockout gas. There were also stun weapons mounted on the walls that fired in the room if there was something wrong. Stun weapons that wouldn’t work on the armor and gas that wouldn’t work with his filtration system. Which meant that the only thing that stopped him from reaching the guard station that was populated by three armed stormtroopers, was an armored door.

Which had been negated by the weapon that Aeorn carried in his hands. One had to respect the DeVreen Armaments XS-10 Shotgun. Restricted in Confederate space, Aeorn had one in his arsenal, chambered for twelve gauge. The door wasn’t that thick, and the shotgun was capable of burst fire. He started firing as soon as he came through the entrance, and the hole created was soon enough to toss a simple flash grenade. Protected by the fact that the hole in the door was not that large, and the automatic glare reduction in his helmet, Aeorn waited a second and then he kicked the door as hard as he could. With the flash grenade going off, the stormtroopers were blinded, allowing him to move in with a snap to the neck of one, a vibroblade into the black liner of the stormtrooper armor to another, and a slit to the throat of the third.

They dropped to the ground dead or dying.

It was time to move on, but not before he took a look at the datapad that was built into the security checkpoint desk. He plugged in a small datacard and uploaded the contents. A powerful hacking software ran rampant through the security network, transferring control of the Moff’s security system to a remote location as well as downloading a more thorough map of the compound for him. Control was sent to a location that was currently in orbit of Grizmalt.


“You don’t suppose he’ll require help?” Cassie asked. “I mean, I know Aeorn’s good, but is he that good?” She asked.

The Arkanian who stood next to the woman sitting in the captain’s chair on the bridge of the Dawn shrugged. “He’s beaten me enough times.” The Jedi said. “I don’t doubt that he can take care of himself.” The man added. “He asked us to provide a very particular role in this matter. I don’t suggest we deviate from that. Whatever his plan is, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of it.” Isaac said.

“Bel’kaar, I never said I wasn’t going to follow his plan.” She said as a message lit up one of Emmali’s datapad. She turned to look at her half sister.

“We’ve got control of the security system.” Emmali Vaungier said. “I’m blanking everything for him and running a loop. We're in complete control now and I'm going through the other part of the plan.”


The Mandalorian was inside of the compound now. His map of the place was detailed, but it didn’t give him everything that he had needed. However, that had been rectified by hacking into the compound’s computer systems. Now he knew where he was going and he moved even faster than he had before. The security system was to be looped and he didn’t doubt that Cassie was upholding her end of the bargain. No one would be able to see him on the security cameras anymore, which meant that his ability to move and act with impunity had increased significantly. Aeorn knew that he needed to verify a few things before he could put the last part of his plan into motion.

He knew where the package was located. That much the Shadow Broker had told him. What the package was exactly, he hadn’t been given too much information. From what he understood, even the Shadow Broker didn’t fully know. The Mandalorian moved quickly and efficiently, hiding when he needed to and staying out of sight as best as he could. The few times he failed, he killed and then disposed off the bodies in out of the way locations. He’d been forced to kill two more times in order to maintain secrecy of his presence.

Finding the room that was designated as where the package was supposed to be, Aeorn stepped into the room. What he found was a private sanctuary, with everything dedicated to one thing in the room. A large cryotube of sorts. Inside was a human being, suspended in animation, a female. Aeorn’s eyes narrowed, unseen. Well this was interesting. He had wondered what the package was, and why restrictions had been placed on the package remaining unharmed in all of this. Now it made sense. What had Vardic done here? It didn’t matter, despite Aeorn’s personal feelings on the subject. What mattered was the job and that he needed to accomplish it to the best of his ability. The Mandalorian now knew where he needed to drive his target.

Which meant that he needed to make sure that their escape plan was in place. 

A contact within the compound had given information that Vardic’s personal vessel was there, a VT-49 Decimator. A powerful ship no doubt, it was just what Aeorn would need to make sure that this plan worked. A quick check with the security cameras that he now had control of through Emmali told him that the vessel was indeed there.

Now it was time to put his plan into action. Aeorn, in the room with the cryotube, took off the backpack and set it down in a corner. The entire room was lavishly decorated and he didn’t doubt that Jorn Vardic was very proud of this room and everything that was in it. The Mandalorian moved to take off his armor and he set the pieces down in the corner with the backpack and the rest of his weaponry. Opening, the backpack, he removed the simple technician’s outfit that he had brought with him, along with a small pack of Nergon-14 charges. His plan was very simple.

The compound had a secondary power generator that ran in case outside electricity was either not enough or for whatever reason, failed. The power generator had enough fissionable material within it to produce quite an explosion when coupled with the Nergon-14 charges. This meant an incredible amount of destructive force in one location, more than enough to destroy a large amount of the compound and kill a number of people inside of it. Once he was changed, he stuffed the charges into the tool satchel that he’d put in the backpack and headed out of the room, moving through the hallways unimpeded now. He’d done a decent amount of preparation, finding out if there were any distinctions that technicians employed on Grizmalt when it came to their clothing. Despite the decorate similarities between Grizmalt and Naboo, their technicians and mechanics dressed just like any other throughout the galaxy.

The Moff had an interesting compound, Aeorn had to give him that. The security network now had his face and false identity accepted into it’s security databanks. He also had the timetable for shift changes for the security checkpoint and he knew that he needed to move quickly if he was to accomplish all of this before that shift change.

As was traditional for failsafes, there was no one in the generator’s room. No one cared about the backup for something, until it was needed. Setting up the charges, he keyed them in so that they could be detonated at his pleasure. The final piece to the puzzle was in place, now all he needed to do was to kickstart the whole process. Once he was back in the room with the cryotube, he began to change back into the Mandalorian armor. When he was roughly halfway through, he received a message from Emmali and Cassie.

“Aeorn, we have a problem. The security checkpoint has been compromised. Are you ready to go?” Emmali asked.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” He said, the first words he’d spoken since starting the mission. “You can start it all.”

He’d hoped to have been fully changed, but that would be that big of an issue. By the time he was fully changed, he could hear the alarms that were going on. Cassie and Emmali had been forced to allow the alarms to go off, because they didn’t want anyone to think that they had been tapped into the computer networks from the get go. It was time to spring his trap. Running through the hallways, he had the rifle that Nell had called the other woman out. It was a custom built high powered blaster rifle that would put an A280 to shame. It had an attached scatter gun as well as a scope, though he doubted that he would need the scope during this fight.

Shooting his way through the hallways, it didn’t take him too long to get to the Moff’s office. There the man was and Aeorn opened fire, killing the three bodyguards in the room less than eight seconds after he’d gotten through the door. While Emmali and Cassie had allowed the Moff’s soldiers alarms, they had, however, conveniently set up problems when they had tried to turn on the reinforced doors that covered every sensitive room of the compound. After Aeorn had stepped inside the room, they’d set the doors up on the room and had then changed the codes to get in, effectively sealing it off.

“Moff Vardic.” Aeorn said.

“Who are you?” The older man said. “What’s going on?” He asked, feebly drawing a hold out blaster pistol.

Aeorn knocked it out of the man’s hands. “I’m not here to kill you, I’m here to save you. There’s been a bounty placed on your head. I’ve been hired by...your friends, to protect you.” He said. “Moff Jakre has been alerted to what’s happened here and is sending forces to help you.”

“Why should I believe you. You’re kind are mercenaries, bounty hunters, murderers.”

All true. But Aeorn let the last comment slide. Now was not the time to start discussing the Mandalorian way of life. He handed Vardic a datadisk and then when the man, in his adrenaline infused state, fumbled with it, he took it from him and shoved it in to the datapad that was on the desk for him. Pressing a few buttons, Aeorn showed the man text evidence that there were people on their way for him and that there were more than a few traitors coming for him. The best part of it, was the document signed by Jakre himself, that also had video evidence, of Jakre signing it, saying that Aeorn had been hired for Vardic’s protection.

“What...what of my family?” He asked.

“Moff Jakre’s forces are in system now,” Aeorn said, toggling Grizmalt Control’s reports of the Dawn arriving in system a few hours ago. “For protective purposes, he hired a private company to do the protection, along with myself. He felt that Imperial Stormtroopers could only do so much. Their job is to come down and protect your family. My job is to protect you. I’ve been hiding inside of your compound the day after the bounty was posted.”

“You’re serious? And my staff never found you?”

“Like Moff Jakre felt, Imperial Stormtroopers can only do so much. Bounty Hunters, particularly Mandalorians, are very good at what they do. Like you said, we're known for being mercenaries and bounty hunters. You don't get that kind of reputation unless you're good at what you do. Me, I'm very good.” Aeorn said. 

They could hear shouting on the other end, and someone calling for a detonation charge to breach the door.

“Who can I trust?” Vardic asked, more to himself than Aeorn.

“Do you trust Moff Jakre?” Aeorn asked, wanting to move this along.

“Not particularly.”

Aeorn smiled, unseen. He had to give the man that. “Do you trust that he wants you alive to help in your fellow endeavors?” Aeorn asked. When the man nodded, Aeorn continued. “Then trust me. Don’t trust anyone else.” He said and then, with the information that Cassie had given him, sowed the final seed of distrust. “After all, the people working against you, may be working for the Regent. You don’t know who ISB might have gotten to. He may know of your endeavors.”

That had been the final nail in the coffin. Jorn looked at him, and the blue eyes told Aeorn that he had the man in the palm of his hand. “That alien has to go. For the betterment of the Empire and the glory of the Empire!”

“Well, let’s get you out of here so you can fight that fight.” Aeorn said.

When he called for it, the doors opened and he opened up with the scatter gun attachment and the actual main gun of the weapon. Blaster bolts came at him, but he knew that his armor would hold. Vardic hid behind his desk for cover as Aeorn killed the stormtroopers that had been sent to save their Moff. Then he and the Moff were off, moving through the hallways. “Before we leave, there is something that we must get.”

“I told you, your family will-”

“Not my family. More important than my family. I have a ship that we can use to get out of here, but we need to get to a room and get something from that room.” Vardic said. 

Aeorn just nodded and they continued until they had reached the room with the cryotube. “This is my crowning achievement, it is the most important thing in my life.” The Moff said. “It has a built in repulsolift. We can transport it out of here. I’ll only go with you, if you promise to safeguard this as well.”

“Fine. Let’s get to that transport of yours.” 

Cassie and Emmali were still tapped into the security system and they informed Aeorn that the stormtroopers and the Moff’s personal guard had gotten word out to the rest of Grizmalt that the Moff was under attack. They were playing havoc with the soldiers and the reinforced doors and blast doors that dotted the compound, cutting them off in various places and corralling the troops that were left. There was something to be said for expert planning and being prepared for a situation. They had confirmed that the family had been sequestered in one particular part of the compound. Aeorn’s powerpack had nearly bled dry though by the time they reached the hangar though. He had killed a number of soldiers and had almost been killed twice, thanks to a hastily set up but well used E-Web. That had been a close call, all things considered.

As he reloaded, they moved across the hangar of the compound towards the VT-49 Decimator. Aeorn had done a little reading up on the ship, once he’d found out that the Moff had one and would probably have it at the compound. It required a minimum of two pilots, if one didn’t want to have the guns made available. While he didn’t doubt that he could fly the thing on his own, he didn’t want to go through the trouble, particularly when Vardic had already been useful, guiding the second part of the bounty, his precious achievement, through the hallways for him. The two of them reached the VT-49 and Vardic punched in the security code. Aeorn had to spin around and start firing as soldiers entered the hangar bay, covering the Moff’s journey up the boarding ramp. Tossing a grenade at the soldiers, the Mandalorian ran up the boarding ramp and pressed the button to have it start lifting up.

Moving, the man got into the pilot’s seat and started the warm up sequence, as blaster bolts started to ping against the hull of the Decimator. He wasn’t worried though, doubting that the bolts would make it through the Kuat Drive Yards built ship. Vardic got in to the copilot seat as the sequence completed.

And then, then they were in the air, flying up through the atmosphere. Aeorn made a motion to tap his helmet, as if he was speaking to someone inside of it. Then he turned to the Moff. “I just received word that Moff Jakre’s men have reached your family. They’re searching for booby traps on your compound hopefully there’s-”

Aeorn stopped mid sentence, and paused.

“What, what is it?” Vardic asked. 

“There were bombs placed throughout your compound. I got you out in the nick of time.” Aeorn said and reached down, unseen. His hand pressed the button that sent a message to detonate the Nergon-14 charges. Twelve charges all on that generator that, when the alarms went off, had automatically turned on in order to make sure that there was not an energy problem? Suffice to say, Vardic’s compound had been obliterated, at least the inside of it. Aeorn doubted that the man had much of a family left, though pieces could be cobbled together to make bodies for burial. Possibly.

“We’re going to Coruscant.” The Moff said. “Thrawn will answer for this. I have my prize, I am alive, and he will pay. My family...” He said as they escaped from the atmosphere of Grizmalt. His words drifted off. "Thrawn will pay!"

Aeorn didn’t wait for the Imperial ships that were starting to move towards the Decimator, nor did he bother to respond to the Moff's irate declaration. The tirade was something that he was more than willing to ignore. The ship was obviously registered to the Moff and once the alarms had reached the rest of the planet, they had been put on alert and the ship had been put on the watch list. Shielded TIE Interceptors were inbound, but before they could get close enough, Aeorn plugged in coordinates in to the astronavigation unit and flipped the switch for the hyperdrive. Power surged through wires connected to the hyperdrive unit, which kicked into gear, hurtling through through space at speeds that were ridiculously fast. He didn’t doubt that in the process of everything and all the commotion that was caused that the Dawn was going to escape. Nell had known to leave as soon as he’d left the hangar bay, so he definitely was not concerned about her.

Once they were in hyperspace, Aeorn rose and started walking to the back of the ship, to do some exploring.

It was then that Jorn Vardic looked at the navcomputer. 

“These aren’t the coordinates to Coruscant. I don’t know where this is!” Vardic said. “Where are you taking me, Mandalorian?” He asked, turning in his seat.

He was right. They weren’t the coordinates to Coruscant. Instead they were the coordinates to another system that had been designated by the Shadow Broker as where they were to meet up. Turning, Aeorn drew his sidearm, a Bryar pistol and leveled it straight at the Moff’s head.

“What the hell are you doing?” The man asked.

Aeorn didn’t reply, he just fired.

The hole in Vardic’s forehead was neat and exact. He was decidedly dead.


Two hours later, Aeorn and the Shadow Broker were meeting. The Shadow Broker had been very interested in the cryotube and making sure that everything was okay. The reports had already filtered in that more than half of Vardic’s family had been killed in the explosion at his compound, so that part of the job was done. The body of the Moff was proof that he was indeed dead, and the cryotube had no deficiencies with it. All things said and done, Aeorn had fulfilled the requirements to the letter.

He was fifteen million credits richer, minus the three and a half million that he had promised Cassandra Muir. No, he'd received word that she'd completed her other task. So five million. When they had gotten a hold of the security system, they'd used it as a backdoor to get into the Moff's personal bank accounts. Thirty million credits had been taken from him, and transferred, using a number of bounces, to Aeorn. Cassie had her five million, and Aeorn now had his forty million credits. Also, the Shadow Broker had expressed no interest in the VT-49 Decimator, and Aeorn was more than happy to have the ship.

Now it was time to meet up with Nell, who was safe and sound on Kothlis.

All things considered, it was a job well done.
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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:53 pm
Location: Dark side of the moon

Re: House of Shadows

Post by PuddleJumper »

As Tavish finished running the security encryption routine and manually aligned the HoloNet array to hide where the transmission was being sent to. He then ran a program that completed the adjustment to the security firewall settings by supplying the pass codes that granted access to Astro-Zenith's login page, where he then entered his five different passwords (of such high encryption that breaking one would be difficult for nearly any hacker). Once he had been logged in he navigated the holo display to access a direct link to the "White Diamond."

"Ah, Tavish good to see you too bad its not in person," said the captain of the yacht, "is this about those credits I owe you from our last card game?"
"Don't be silly if this was about that I would be there to collect them in person," said the Chiss. "I have always believed negotiations should be done in person, it emphasizes the treat of bodily harm." The older human captain and Chiss stared at each other a few seconds before both began to laugh. "Ah, I love your jokes Tavish," replied the captain. "The truth is always the strangest and the funniest. I'll put you through to Ms. Alexandria immediately."

There was a gargle in the stream as the HoloDisplay switched from the cockpit to the regal offices of the secretary to the president and CEO of Astro-Zenith. Ah, Tavish reporting late by exactly .000349 milliseconds I see, was the calm calculating machine like words that were carried on one of the most angelic voices in the galaxy according to the selct few who had saw her. She was all business which made many men of the galaxy sad. Her blonde hair blue eye stood out against the deep maroon colors of her office. Many men considered her perfect her boss had often said, but Tavish said she was "too" perfect. I would have spoke sooner to you had there been an unexpected delay in the amount of time it took the captain to laugh at my threat, to which I see my account is already a hundred credits fuller."

"Yes, I saw an alert in between your accounts as the credits were transferred, but now on to business. Begin."

"We have the target as was per your instructions as well as the client. We were instructed to transfer her as soon as possible to which Caesar responded we would need time to obtain the proper security of the package for transport to buy us time. Caesar is in the process of prepping for the interrogation."

"Good everything is going according to our schedule, which reminds me. Mr. Ai'Zehir would like me to inform you that he managed to acquire what he was after slightly ahead of time and will be headed to Naboo to personally oversee the final stages of this operation, once we have finished negotiations here on Couruscant. He would also like me to relay to you the following landing codes and coordinates that I have just uploaded to your datapad. They will grant you and Caesar access to an old abandoned bomb shelter hidden by the Emperor that lies on the far side of the lake that is where his former residence resides at. Be careful to keep it hidden while operations take place there, it cost a considerable amount of credits to get that information; you have been warned. He would like Mr. Caesar to make use of it in hiding the prisoner, as well as performing actions of utmost secrecy that must be carried out. It will appear that the criminals have taken over it and are using it as a base of operations by the time it is discovered. As well by that time make sure everything points to Nym leave no evidence that you or Caesar were there. By that time in the operation it will have outlived its usefulness and will be better suited as a diversion to the Naboo.

"Mr. Ai'Zehir is coming here?"

"Yes, he has committed alot of resources to the culmination of this plan and does not want to see it fail."

"This is more important than I realized. I will ensure that Caesar gets all the information she has on the cult before you arrive."

"Very good, we will be arriving shortly."


"Can I get you a drink of water Milady?" asked Caesar.

"You can get my Arbitor or I can assure you that once I am done with you will be the girlfriend of the most vile men of Kessel!" was her reply.

"Ah we cant have that, you see I'm an agent of Republic Investigations Agency and I answer directly to the senate. your money has no affect here. You forget you stole the Krayts Eye the most valuable pink diamond in the galaxy the lady you stole it from showed it to you out of courtesy, a crime might I add that she is headed to Kessel for, and you stole it!

"Why did a street vendor have such a valuable diamond?"

"Why? Why? Why I'll tell you she, she.... She was one of many who were hired by senate to oversee a safe transport of the diamond from a private collector here on Naboo to the Galactic Museum of Artistic Items"

"You made that up!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Prove it!"

Silence followed.

"Here drink this water," he said pushing the glass he had offered her earlier to her.

As she drunk she said, "I don't believe a word you say!" after which she finished it off quickly.

Caesar suppressed a smile. "You know I have a friend, of sorts: well a co-worker. He is a Chiss who used to work for Imperial intelligence. The man is an expert at creating tasteless chemicals of various functions, but my favorite is what I call the "Water of Truth"; he calls it something else I'm sure. It is one of the fastest acting things ever seen in under a minute your mind becomes foggy yet your full of energy and you have an incredible craving for water," he pointed to the pitcher. "It makes you want do anything for more water while at the same time lowering all your inhibitions."

The woman went from looking angry to a realization of fear to a look of bewilderment till finally desperation. "Please water, more water. So thirsty."

"I'll give you water just tell me what I want to know. Each time you answer a question I'll pour you a glass of water."

"Ask anything just give me water before I die of thirst!"

"Where did your son come from?"

"I took it from that little bitch Talia's belly before she died!" Caesar passed her a glass of water.

"What was your connection to Cardes' and assassination of Queen Athalan'ya?"

"I passed along information for the benefit of Naboo, now give me water!" Caesar passed another glass!

"Ok, one last question. What do you know about this Cult of Palpatine?"

"We are going to bring Palpatine back and save Naboo and the Galaxy!"

"I need names!"

"Garlen Lago and the husband of the represenative to the Queen from Hart'secure! Is that enough?" she aked with desperation.

"Yes," he said passing her another glass. She downed it instantly.

"I have to go relieve......." she said just before passing out from the concoction Tavish had prepared for Caesar to give her.

"Do I smell urine?" he asked looking at her. "Ah ,well of to see the boss, the wonderful boss of me!"
Between the light and the dark we must choose our own path
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