You can pull a list of the battles off the current Wiki Vox - i think that list is pretty complete.
As for ones I was involved in directly:
1. The Campaign to take back the Core.
The main one was the Thrall Fleet of To'Barren (the transformed Imperial High Admiral Banner Ton) trying to make his way to conquer Byss in a blitzkrieg like maneuver.
Starting at Yag'dhul - To'Barren had a thrall fleet at his disposal including the following species and people (command ship Mark 2 ISD - Retribution):
Captain Co'Rex - another transformed human and high ranking subordinates - Hapan Battle Dragon Redemption (rped by Notorious)
Vice Admiral Chorn - Second in Command - Defected Chiss - Command Ship - The Icey Doom
Seneschal Visery - Commander of the Adamar - Flagship - the Defiance
Captain Tr-Beck - Ssi-Ruuk Commander
Dubbed shadow fleet - it charged down the Sanctuary Pipeline - rampaging through Bakura, Riflor, Endor, Tanaab, and engaging in its first very serious battle at Thyferra. He defeated the Imperial forces there and executed the local Moff, Traikin. The planet was under the defense responsibilities of Admiral Garm Baldin but he was not present at the battle. There were two Golans, an Imp Star 2 and some support ships. To'Barren's fleet vastly outnumbered them and used speed and aggression to win the day. (details of the battle are in this thread:
viewtopic.php?t=6669 - about 35% of the way down.
To"Barren turned to Yag'Dhul were he defeated the small Imperial fleet there designed to watch Loris and the WSC. It was an unremarkable battle with the thrall fleet's numbers winning out.
The fleet the turned to Fondor, where Baldin personally commanded the Imperial forces. Using a trick of gravity mines to stop To'Barren's trap - he managed to withdraw his outnumbered fleet. At this point, not including the ships left to defend Thyferra and Yagdhul, To'Barren had about 60 ships at his disposal.
Baldin continued to withdraw up the Rimma Trade Route, leaving the planets of Mrrist, Khomm, Ghorman, Pantolomin, and Svivren abandoned. He had consolidated all his ships at Byss, waiting for To'Barren to hit him there. To'Barren sniffed out Baldin's trap, ignored orders from the Overseers, and instead went to Coruscant.
Having learned of Warmaster's Hell'Kattar's failure there - To'Barren thought to assault the Imperial Capital with his fleet - taking advantage of the damaged Imperial fleet under the direct command of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn had defeated Hell'Kattar by launching cloaked asteroids at the Xen Chi, and destroying the fleet. But it was not without great loss, the Imperial fleet still seeing significant losses.
To'Barren arrived and was poised for a victory until a completely unexpected and unpredictable event. A Super Class Star Destroyer painted black appeared in the system and did
something To'Barren never quite figured out. The SSD belonged to the Sith Empire, who used their combined power to destroy the Imperial flagship, and collide it into another. Chorn tried to take command, but without To'Barren, the hybrid fleet fell into disarray and he had to withdraw. TO'Barren was killed and the last credible XC threat to the Core was gone.
Battle for Coruscant can be found here: