Earthbound(Mother series) thread.

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Earthbound(Mother series) thread.

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Ok, none of my ideas have gotten any interest whatsoever, yadda yadda. But I can hope. I have more ideas floating around in my head than I know what to do with. This one is going to be written, whether or not I have to do it alone. Fanfic or roleplay, I'm writing this one. It will be post-mother 3, set in the dimension of Mother 1 and Mother 2. I doubt anybody here is familiar with the content, so...

And now, the plan. Being that Porky is trapped in the Infinitely Safe Capsule, which not only keeps everything out, and is impossible to open, from both inside and out, he simply had a new mechanical spider built around the capsule, with time-travel capabilities. He sets off through time and space, returning to the time period and dimension in which he was born. He comes out 40 years after Ness and co's defeat of Giygas. A 15 year old boy, named Kisho, who has developed PSI powers without telling anybody, is startled by a vision of the future. He abandons home, joining a circus, and leaving a letter to his family, recounting his powers, and his vision. This stuff will be revealed in the OP, but, before I can plot any further, I need to know how many people are interested. 2-4 is what I'm looking for. This series is full of jokes, making fun of american culture, so, feel free.

Here's the thread. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9373&p=229347#p229347
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Re: Earthbound(Mother series) thread.

Post by Pryde »

This thread was exactly what I thought it was when I saw it. I loved this game, it was so much fun as a kid. Even my mother thought it was funny when I named my favorite food sh*t and every time I talked to the main character's mother she would say, "Eat some sh*t and go to bed." :mrgreen:
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Re: Earthbound(Mother series) thread.

Post by Insanity's_Spawn »

Yeah, that's always the biggest laugh ever. I love the comic aspect of the Mother series.
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