Farscape. Interested?

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Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

I recently bought the complete Farscape on DVD and have rediscovered why I love this show so much (the money just wasn't there for me to buy it until recently); crazy characters, crazy situations, and moral ambiguity in every corner of existence. Anyway, I know we have a lot of Farscape fans on Exodus and was wondering if there's any interest in a Farscape thread.

The idea I was tossing around would be that it would be a new crew on another Leviathan (after all what self-respecting Farscape thread would not be based on a Leviathan? :oldrazz: ). The setting would be a few years after the Peacekeeper Wars with a group from Earth replicating Crichton’s wormhole experiment. The catch would be that it's not an IASA sponsored mission, but a private corporate venture looking to bring back alien tech (somewhat reflecting the realities of our current day space race).

People could have multiple characters if they want (a Human and an alien for example). I’m open to all kinds of ideas about how we could kick start this thing and get the Humans on the Leviathan. For that matter, is the Leviathan another prisoner transport, a merchant ship, or maybe a pirate vessel? It’s all up for discussion as far as I’m concerned.

Any takers?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Oh! you bugger! I want those DVD's so bad
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

The complete series is down to $75 from $150 on Amazon. That was all the convincing I needed to buy it. :oldrazz:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Halomek wrote:The complete series is down to $75 from $150 on Amazon. That was all the convincing I needed to buy it. :oldrazz:
shh don't tell me that... *starts adding up what his upcoming Army Training will be earning him...* :rodian:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

I blame my sister for recently giving me her incomplete Starburst set. I knew that couldn't stand for long once I started watching the episodes.

EDIT: I'll be away until the 6th for the 4th of July weekend, but that shouldn't stop anybody who is interested from posting in the meantime. I may be able to check the boards a bit over the weekend.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Jagtai »

Oh God, I love that show (for the first two seasons, anyway) - count me in! I'm thinking a female Peacekeeper as a character :P

Nah, I'll have to consider my characters, but I'll probably end up with at the very least a Peacekeeper in some form. ;)

FYI, I'll be gone between the 4th and the 8th.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by coronhorn »

Mmmmm this brings back memories of the Rift threads... my good buddy Zeph really has a knack for doing cross-overs.

Seriously though, Farscape is down to 75? For the whole series?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by kashus_Draith »

DVDs, HA! I have all the seasons queued on Netflix.

Love Farscape but I haven't watched the entire seasons' in full as I am currently re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of the Seeker season 2. Got to love those leather clad Mord Sith, em I right, eh. :P
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Jagtai wrote:Oh God, I love that show (for the first two seasons, anyway) - count me in! I'm thinking a female Peacekeeper as a character :P

Nah, I'll have to consider my characters, but I'll probably end up with at the very least a Peacekeeper in some form. ;)

FYI, I'll be gone between the 4th and the 8th.

*taps his foot on the duracrete* ahem... Jagman, you wouldn't have happened to have forgotten about the Youth of the Galaxy thread again, would you?

and just so this isn't a thread jack, I am also interested in being involved here.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Okay, so that's Jag and Vague for sure. Coron and Zeph, you're both welcome to join in too.

Incidentally, Vague, don't worry about being gone for most of the month. In the grand Farscape tradition, I can see us picking up or losing characters periodically. ;)

I'll be playing two characters.

One Human, Isaac Foster, a pilot who works for the Space Chase Corporation on Earth (bonus points for people who get the joke) and a Halosian named Mek (it worked too good not to do it). :oldrazz:

Also, for those looking for a good alien species, here's the category from the Farscape wiki: http://farscape.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Species
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Xanamiar »

I had actually thought about doing a Farscape type thread... Count me in, though I may have to come into it after a while, since I'll be in Vermont for the next 3 weeks with limited if any internet access.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Welcome aboard, Xan. I'm not sure when we'll get this started, but as I said to Vague, we can always bring your character on later if neccesary.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by coronhorn »

I don't think I'll be jumping in on this one and I dunno if Zeph would have the time since he seems to be EXTREMELY busy atm. But I could be wrong. I wonder if I can track down those old Rift threads and repost them...
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by GrndAdmrlVegeta »

I would love to read that old Rift thread again. :D As for a new Farscape thread... I've always wanted to RP a Luxan...
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

I've got no problem if people want to RP Luxans, Hynerians, Delvians, Nebari, or any of the other regulars just so long as the characters are distinct from the ones on Moya. So, in other words, go for it, Veggie. :mrgreen:

On a related note, I figure the Pilot will be an NPC that everyone can control, but I'm open to someone RPing him/her as well.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

After some quick thought this morning, I think I"m going to pencil myself down for a human in league with Isaac, and probably a Kalish of some type. If we end up with prisoner transport then I suppose the Kalish would be among them... more to come as I ponder I'm sure.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by TalRaimi »

Wish I hadn't see this... but I love Farscape!!!!!!

And I know i need to some serious catching up in other threads... but i'd be up for a bit role if there's space?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

I think we can squeeze you in, Tal. :)
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by TalRaimi »

Cooio. Just to let you guys know though, i'm away for the weekend as of today. Going to watch the British Gran Prix if anyone's an F1 fan. Should be an awesome weekend.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Alright, to sum up so far…

Isaac Foster – Human
Mek – Halosian

Human and a Kalish


Interested, but no characters decided upon as of yet:

Planning to come in later:


I think I may kick this off next week some time. I’ve got an idea in mind for a big villain to provide menace and a basic plot to bring the Humans to the aliens. If everyone's cool with it, we'll stick with the prisoner transport idea, but actually RP the jailbreak after the Humans arrive. Should be fun. ;)
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by TalRaimi »

Okay, i'm back and i'm a mixture of brown, red, and pasty white. Too much time in the sun!!!!

As for character's, i'm thinking a Peacekeeper deserter, who turned freelance mercenry before they caught up with him and threw him in prison. How's that work for everyone?

Also, wasn't 'Space Chase' one of the possible names for the show before it became Farscape, or something like that?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

TalRaimi wrote:Also, wasn't 'Space Chase' one of the possible names for the show before it became Farscape, or something like that?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Jagtai »

I'll take a Zenetan Pirate, and one other. I'd like to try playing a Wolaxian arachnid, but if that's not possible, I'll go for either a Shenyang or a Colarta (Colarta being preferable).
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

The Wolaxian arachnid might be a bit much...

As far as the choice between the Shenyang or Colarta, it's up to you which one you want to go with, but I should mention that since much isn't known about Halosians, I was planning to base them on turkey vultures (which, like Halosians, are known to vomit as a defensive tactic). Since turkey vultures are also known for a keen sense of smell, I was planning to attribute that to Halosians as well.

As the Colarta are also known for their sense of smell, that could be an overlap, (which could provide another source of conflict or bonding now that I think of it). To be honest, the Colarta was one of the species I was looking at when I first thought about doing this. They're just too cool looking. :oldrazz:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

The thread is up! Commence posting. :)

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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Jagtai »

Colarta it is. I'll concoct some names and backgrounds :)
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Hey Omek, this ship you're going to take through, will it be a more-than-one seater or no?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

I figure it would be a two-seater so we could get both Humans there at the same time - essentially a slightly larger version of the Farscape Module. I was kind of working under the assumption that Isaac would be the pilot and yours could be more of the scientist, but nothing is set in stone since I don't know what you have planned for your character. :oldrazz:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Works for me, as long as I don't need to go learn about wormholes and such things :lol:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Nah, all your character would theoretically really need to know about is the mathematics behind the slingshot maneuver Crichton was planning to do in the first episode. Your character would then act as a guide for Isaac as he did the flying so they could time it right.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Jagtai »

Zenetan: Demaia Yavok

Colarta: Ran-Shok

I'll post an introduction later.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

In regards to Demaia, aren't Zenetan females supposed to look just like the males?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Jagtai »

Good point...consider it a filler picture.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by TalRaimi »

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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

TalRaimi wrote:Posted!
What he said :mrgreen:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by TalRaimi »

Now there's nothing left to do but sit back and watch the thread die a slow and agonising death thanks to the 'Curse of Vague and Tal!!!'


Or we could all post some more. You know, whatever, i'm easy.
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Hey, I'm one of the few who have finished a thread with you, Tal. Don't count us out yet. ;)
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

Someday we will find the cure for that curse Tal... who know's maybe Omek is it :raisedbrow:
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by Halomek »

Vague, how far would you like me to go with the next post?

I was thinking I could get us all the way through the wormhole if need be so we can kick things into gear for the rest of the characters. Is there anything you'd like to have Alicia do before we get to that point?
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Re: Farscape. Interested?

Post by VagueDurin »

No not particularly... If inspiration strikes I might put up a post to mirror yours with her side of the experience but that's an if. Otherwise, feel free. I'll let you know if I see anything major that I'd like edited or anything like that.

*grumbles about needing to solidify his Kalish character now..* :lol:
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