I recently bought the complete Farscape on DVD and have rediscovered why I love this show so much (the money just wasn't there for me to buy it until recently); crazy characters, crazy situations, and moral ambiguity in every corner of existence. Anyway, I know we have a lot of Farscape fans on Exodus and was wondering if there's any interest in a Farscape thread.
The idea I was tossing around would be that it would be a new crew on another Leviathan (after all what self-respecting Farscape thread would not be based on a Leviathan?

). The setting would be a few years after the Peacekeeper Wars with a group from Earth replicating Crichton’s wormhole experiment. The catch would be that it's not an IASA sponsored mission, but a private corporate venture looking to bring back alien tech (somewhat reflecting the realities of our current day space race).
People could have multiple characters if they want (a Human and an alien for example). I’m open to all kinds of ideas about how we could kick start this thing and get the Humans on the Leviathan. For that matter, is the Leviathan another prisoner transport, a merchant ship, or maybe a pirate vessel? It’s all up for discussion as far as I’m concerned.
Any takers?