Balsa was busy with school work. Balsa will remain busy until May 2, when the MCATs are over. But, Balsa will attempt a post some time soon, with soon being an unknown time period because Balsa also has exams on Monday and Tuesday. In addition, Balsa was under the impression that Arilyn wasn't ready for this part of the storyline, so it wouldn't matter if Balsa started the big story right now or four weeks later.
Balsa is right on that count, Arilyn isn't ready yet but if Asemir is going to die it doesn't really matter. We can run the XE story as we planned minus the part involving Arilyn and then the two of them can meet up later after Fiona returns to the Cult of Shadow. The only thing that changes is Arilyn won't be around to redeem Asemir, but like I said that doesn't really matter much if he's about to be killed.
"Ol' Doc doesn't hide, he hibernates." -- Doc, Star Wars: The Old Republic
"What do you call it when you kill someone and take all their stuff?"
"Adventuring!" -- Tallis and Hawke, Dragon Age 2.
Alright, haven't seen anything from Wade, so I'll have one of my characters stop by to collect Razor. I don't see a good opening yet, but as soon as I do, she'll get a visit.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Basically I need a situation where a character can approach her unannounced. Can’t really do it at the apartment since I assume there’s going to be an investigation there after Jan admits to arson.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Nope, I think Razor has been properly introduced. Vhodda was put in to fill out the introduction, and isnt particularly important from this point on. If there was a fight with anyone, he would have been killed.
Are there perticular characters that I should use during writing, and those I cannot. I figure that the leads of the divisions are off limits other than references, so I was going to write in a Dark Knight on the verge of Dark Lord character to "guide" Razor through the story.
Desciples are given rooms? or are they in large Dormatory style arangements.
I was going to put Razor in the same training suit that Wedascami put Cypruss in (btw, well one, Weda! Great Stuff) as that seems a pretty good setup for such attire.
Lastly, is Dragon Masque's cult listed in the Archives, and would Razor be listed as well.
You don't need to use any particular character. You're free to create whoever you want to fill your needs.
Disciples would be sharing rooms with other disciples. Only Dark Knights and above are given their own rooms.
Masque's cult would be listed in the library, but the particulars of who was in it would likely be restricted to those with Dark Knight clearance and above. Razor, and a few other notables, might be listed at Disciple level of access... I'll leave it up to you to decide on that.
Basically write whatever works best for you.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Heh, when I called the Shadow Temple labyrinthine on the wiki, I didn’t mean that it had an actual labyrinth inside it, but it’s cool. After all, what self-respecting evil HQ isn’t complete without its own maze of death?
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
By the way, would your post be known by only Sivter and Raii, or would the Dark Lords and Knights know about it. I was going to have Stone reference it, but thought better of it since I wasnt sure if he would know..
Krine’s death by Sivter (and it would be said that Sivter killed him even though Raii did the dirty work – no one would know different) would eventually make it around the temple. Mainly it would do so as a warning. The reason for Krine’s death would be stated either that Sivter deemed Krine to be too weak, or that Krine was being disloyal. The actual reason behind it wouldn’t be known.
Also, one other thing I should mention. When Stone stated that the Shadow Temple wasn’t the oldest structure on Arcanix, he was technically right, since that honor would go to Sivter’s Private Study, but I don’t think Stone would know about it as very few people in the cult are aware of its existence (it’s apart from the Shadow Temple). So I think you might have been inferring that there had been a presence on Arcanix before Sivter arrived, which wouldn’t be true. Before Sivter claimed the planet as Arcanix, it was just a volcanic wasteland.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Cool, I let Krines death sit for a while before mentioning it.
I think I just wrote it badly, what I meant was that the part that Razor is entereing was one of the early parts of the Shadow Temple built, but it was constucted on an unstable area that was damaged beyond general safety, with lava flows breaking through the structures in several remote areas. A good number of the Darkside Stone Shapers were killed at once, leaving their Essence imprinted in the area.
It is Stable enough for some of the Trainers to send Desciples and initiates in to play with thier fears and insecurities, especially the younger ones whom have little experience.
I can edit the post to help clear this up if you would like..
I just threw myself in there Hal, ill figure it out as I go.
Oh on a side note i just remembered that Jethro was never promoted to dark lord for some reason I thought he was. Did we at any point talk about that or am I imagining things yet again Hal.
Niko says:
were so lame
Kit_Fitsu says:
but awesome at the same time
Niko says:
its so contradictory
Magic Man says:
agreed on both acounts
We talked about it, but it’s too soon for Jethro to be considered a Dark Lord. We could say his training under Teshran is complete though, which would still give him the opportunity to interact with Kishkumen.
When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
After Sivter makes his plans to search for the Necromonus, all my characters will continue in the BH: Harbinger of Death thread, so if anyone that wants to get in on this adventure this is just a heads up. I'm sure Ravus and Rae'fear are going to need more then themselves going after the Necromonus.
soon. it is open to everyone. the Search for the Necromonus is a prologue to the War of Darkness. Brotherhood forcers and Jedi are going to be in it. I plan on a lot of bloodshed will go on in the fight to get the Necromonus.