Directly quoted from the previous thread:
From our discussions on the other thread, I've determined that the big battle between the Charon and the rest of the galaxy will be at Alsakan. It's a canon planet comparable to Coruscant, but the beauty of it is that nobody on the board will miss it after it's gone, however, in IC terms, losing it will be a harsh blow to the galaxy.Okay, people have been asking for it, so I figure I should unveil a little more about where I plan to take Sivter’s War of Darkness as we get closer to the big events. As I’ve been expounding upon IC, Sivter isn’t interested in plain old galactic conquest, he’s essentially attempting to remake existence into a place where only the Dark Side rules.
His war isn’t going to be the long drawn-out thing that was the Xen’Chi fiasco. It’ll be short, relatively speaking, but it’ll also be brutal. I've spent a lot of time leading up to this, so you know there are big things in store.
Here’s basically how I see it breaking down…
Right now Sivter is in the process of winning over the Charon to his side. Once he assumes control over them he’s going to have them gather and put them to work creating the creatures of war that the cult has devised. While they’re busy doing this, it’ll provide time to take care of a certain important and much foreshadowed battle back in realspace.
This battle, of course, is the one where Renato faces off and against, and fails to overcome, Arksis Nan. It’s also the one where Caitlyn tries her best and fails against Crix. However, after Kashus Draith talked with me about getting his Brotherhood of the Force involved, I’m making the battle even more important - which is good - because other than character development, the battle didn’t have much of a point to it (from a grand plan perspective anyway).
Now there is a clear purpose for why the Cult of Shadow will be unleashing hell: Sivter is going to retrieve an ancient Sith artifact that has the power to warp living creatures into Dark Side abominations. Somehow the Jedi will get wind of Sivter’s ambitions (I’m thinking through the Brotherhood) and attempt to stop him, but ultimately the good guys are going to fail.
The way I see it, the Jedi arrive first, but the cult agents who are already there will secretly inform Sivter and the Cult of Shadow will arrive in force.
This artifact will fill in one of the major holes of my story, which was how Sivter was going to corrupt an entire galaxy. Without it, I probably would have had to go with something a bit more contrived.
Anyway, fast-forward a bit and Sivter will announce on the Galactic Holonet that he’s demanding that the inhabitants of the galaxy surrender to him and serve the Cult of Shadow. He will cite Vorzyd V and whatever the planet is that housed the Sith artifact as two very good reasons why they should comply. Basically, he’ll say that planets and governments should swear loyalty through a public message over the Holonet and that those that do will be spared from what is to come next.
He’ll say that after a standard week’s time, he’ll announce the name of a planet that didn’t swear loyalty to him and that he intends to make an example of it by scouring it completely of life.
A week later, he’ll announce the name of a very important planet and say that he’ll attack it in another week’s time in order to give the defiant forces of the galaxy plenty of time to defend it. He wants it as strongly protected as possible so that the cult’s victory will be all the more devastating when it happens.
I haven’t decided what the planet is yet. I figured I’d ask the board for suggestions on this. All I know is I don’t want it to be Coruscant or Mon Cal (too obvious). The other reason why I don’t want it to be those planets is because I intend to have the cult win this battle too and have Sivter keep his word of scouring the planet. This will be the battle where Sivter finally unleashes the Charon.
I see it as being a huge battle, more so than the final defeat of the Xen’Chi, since Sivter is basically going to flood the defenders with an unending tide of Charon warships (he’ll have a whole dimension of them at his disposal by this point). Eventually sheer numbers, if nothing else, are going to win it for the Cult of Shadow.
After this battle is concluded he’ll make yet another announcement on the Holonet claiming that he’s defeated the best the galaxy can do against him and give the rest of the galaxy that hasn’t already sworn fealty to him one last chance to do so. All others, he’ll claim, will be scoured with no further chance of mercy. He’ll give another week and then choose more planets to destroy.
I think it’ll be clear that he’ll have a much greater response to this message than his first.
It’s all pretty bleak, I admit, but by this point, the end will be in sight though no one will know it IC. I’ll get to how this war will wrap up in another post. There’s plenty of room for suggestions and other events to happen that people might like to see, so I’ll wait for comments before I write up how the war will be ended.
Info about Alsakan can be found here:
As promised, I'll post how I'd like the War of Darkness to wrap up in a few days, but since we're getting an influx of people interested in the MBT again, I'll leave this open for some more discussions, suggestions, and objections. I'd like to get as many people as possible involved with this. so if there's something you'd like to see happen, or a way you'd like to get involved, or you have a problem, don't be shy about speaking up.
Also, could I get this stickied please? Thanks!