War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

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War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Since it's been kind of lost on the Large MBT Storylines thread, I'm posting this as it's own thread in an effort to make the Exodus Galaxy and what's happening in it more accessible.

Directly quoted from the previous thread:
Okay, people have been asking for it, so I figure I should unveil a little more about where I plan to take Sivter’s War of Darkness as we get closer to the big events. As I’ve been expounding upon IC, Sivter isn’t interested in plain old galactic conquest, he’s essentially attempting to remake existence into a place where only the Dark Side rules.

His war isn’t going to be the long drawn-out thing that was the Xen’Chi fiasco. It’ll be short, relatively speaking, but it’ll also be brutal. I've spent a lot of time leading up to this, so you know there are big things in store. ;)

Here’s basically how I see it breaking down…

Right now Sivter is in the process of winning over the Charon to his side. Once he assumes control over them he’s going to have them gather and put them to work creating the creatures of war that the cult has devised. While they’re busy doing this, it’ll provide time to take care of a certain important and much foreshadowed battle back in realspace.

This battle, of course, is the one where Renato faces off and against, and fails to overcome, Arksis Nan. It’s also the one where Caitlyn tries her best and fails against Crix. However, after Kashus Draith talked with me about getting his Brotherhood of the Force involved, I’m making the battle even more important - which is good - because other than character development, the battle didn’t have much of a point to it (from a grand plan perspective anyway).

Now there is a clear purpose for why the Cult of Shadow will be unleashing hell: Sivter is going to retrieve an ancient Sith artifact that has the power to warp living creatures into Dark Side abominations. Somehow the Jedi will get wind of Sivter’s ambitions (I’m thinking through the Brotherhood) and attempt to stop him, but ultimately the good guys are going to fail.

The way I see it, the Jedi arrive first, but the cult agents who are already there will secretly inform Sivter and the Cult of Shadow will arrive in force.

This artifact will fill in one of the major holes of my story, which was how Sivter was going to corrupt an entire galaxy. Without it, I probably would have had to go with something a bit more contrived.

Anyway, fast-forward a bit and Sivter will announce on the Galactic Holonet that he’s demanding that the inhabitants of the galaxy surrender to him and serve the Cult of Shadow. He will cite Vorzyd V and whatever the planet is that housed the Sith artifact as two very good reasons why they should comply. Basically, he’ll say that planets and governments should swear loyalty through a public message over the Holonet and that those that do will be spared from what is to come next.

He’ll say that after a standard week’s time, he’ll announce the name of a planet that didn’t swear loyalty to him and that he intends to make an example of it by scouring it completely of life.

A week later, he’ll announce the name of a very important planet and say that he’ll attack it in another week’s time in order to give the defiant forces of the galaxy plenty of time to defend it. He wants it as strongly protected as possible so that the cult’s victory will be all the more devastating when it happens.

I haven’t decided what the planet is yet. I figured I’d ask the board for suggestions on this. All I know is I don’t want it to be Coruscant or Mon Cal (too obvious). The other reason why I don’t want it to be those planets is because I intend to have the cult win this battle too and have Sivter keep his word of scouring the planet. This will be the battle where Sivter finally unleashes the Charon.

I see it as being a huge battle, more so than the final defeat of the Xen’Chi, since Sivter is basically going to flood the defenders with an unending tide of Charon warships (he’ll have a whole dimension of them at his disposal by this point). Eventually sheer numbers, if nothing else, are going to win it for the Cult of Shadow.

After this battle is concluded he’ll make yet another announcement on the Holonet claiming that he’s defeated the best the galaxy can do against him and give the rest of the galaxy that hasn’t already sworn fealty to him one last chance to do so. All others, he’ll claim, will be scoured with no further chance of mercy. He’ll give another week and then choose more planets to destroy.

I think it’ll be clear that he’ll have a much greater response to this message than his first.

It’s all pretty bleak, I admit, but by this point, the end will be in sight though no one will know it IC. I’ll get to how this war will wrap up in another post. There’s plenty of room for suggestions and other events to happen that people might like to see, so I’ll wait for comments before I write up how the war will be ended.
From our discussions on the other thread, I've determined that the big battle between the Charon and the rest of the galaxy will be at Alsakan. It's a canon planet comparable to Coruscant, but the beauty of it is that nobody on the board will miss it after it's gone, however, in IC terms, losing it will be a harsh blow to the galaxy.

Info about Alsakan can be found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alsakan

As promised, I'll post how I'd like the War of Darkness to wrap up in a few days, but since we're getting an influx of people interested in the MBT again, I'll leave this open for some more discussions, suggestions, and objections. I'd like to get as many people as possible involved with this. so if there's something you'd like to see happen, or a way you'd like to get involved, or you have a problem, don't be shy about speaking up.

Also, could I get this stickied please? Thanks!
Last edited by Halomek on Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Pryde »

Isis and Clara should fight Raii, 'cause I think that would be totally cool (and yes, I'm serious). :P
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

:lol: I don't see why not, so long as there's some reason for it other than it'd be cool.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by kashus_Draith »

After I get done with Dark Heart i'll post the thread that will have the CoS and BH/Jedi searching for the Sith artifact. The first part will be that the BH is searching the second holocron and that part will be all horror because I'm getting a lot of the setting and back story from Dead Space. During the BH search for the 2nd holocron the CoS will try to unlock the holocron that they have and then search for the artifact. I still don't know how the Jedi will get into the search but I think I can come up with something.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Pryde »

Halomek wrote::lol: I don't see why not, so long as there's some reason for it other than it'd be cool.
Well, someone has to rescue Kitten since Akain's not going to want to do it. ;)
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Hey, works for me. :oldrazz:
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Balsa »

When is Asemir going to defeat Sivter? :P jk

Also, let me know when's a good time for Asemir to approach Sivter about disabling the XE.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by TalRaimi »

Okay, i have a question or two. First of all, is Alsakan a Republic World or a Imperial World? Second, who's commanding the fleet defending it, and third at some point the Jedi are likely to have to liase with the NR.

I've been looking for a way to get one or more of my Jedi involed, but i'm kinda worried this stroy's already flooded with them, but perhaps one of my chars could help liase with the defence fleets?
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Anytime after we get back from otherspace should be fine, Balsa.


Alsakan is in the Core, so I'm assuming it's an Imperial world.

The idea behind Alsakan is that Sivter wants to demonstrate the futility of trying to oppose him. He wants the galaxy to give it their best before he crushes them with the Charon.

Now Imperials being Imperials, it could very well be that they won't ask for help to defend it, so you could have Ethan (who knows how dangerous Sivter can be and also knows that he doesn't make idle threats) liaise with the NR to get them to bring a fleet to help the Imps (just in case). The ironic bit about that is that it'll be just what Sivter wants. The more forces that are arrayed against him in this battle, the better.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by kashus_Draith »

I’ve already got approved to create these characters by Halomek.

The Dark Lord that is in charge of the search for the Sith artifact is Dark Lord Vlad’druin. He has two Dark Knights that work directly under him.

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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Okay, time for me to expound on the planned conclusion to the WoD. This will be much looser than the first post because I’m only concentrating on the big events. After the Battle of Alsakan, there’s a lot of room for people to add in their own stories if they like. I’m open to any suggestions of what could happen between Alsakan and the fall of Sivter.

One thing that does need to happen though is the following:

Although Sivter will have assumed leadership over the Charon by this point, he’s no fool. He’s only using them to crush any opposition that comes up against him. He doesn’t want to actually wipe out all life in the galaxy, like the Charon do, only change it to serve the Dark Side. He has a trick up his sleeve to do this, which will also end up helping the galaxy be rid of the Charon as well.

In order to travel safely to otherspace, where the Charon are located, the Cult of Shadow has developed a device I’ve dubbed the “otherdrive” (like the hyperdrive for hyperspace). For the Charon to invade, their ships obviously need to be fitted with otherdrives.

The catch, and the way Sivter plans to be rid of the Charon once they’ve outlived their usefulness, is that every otherdrive equipped on a Charon ship will be rigged so that Sivter has control of when they activate. Thus, when he doesn’t need the Charon any longer, Sivter will send a command to trap them all back in otherspace again.

To ensure that the Charon can’t reverse-engineer the otherdrive, all of the Charon units are equipped with multiple, and highly-sensitive, failsafes which will destroy the units if tampered with. One of these failsafes will also trigger a reactor overload just in case the Charon try to remove their otherdrives to stay in realspace.

In any case, what I’m leading up to is that this is where Sivter’s own deviousness, and his plans-within-plans, will finally work against him. I need someone, or a group of people, to recover a working otherdrive and/or alternatively figure out what Sivter’s encryption is so the forces of good can use that to defeat the Charon.

That in itself will be difficult enough. As has been established many times in the past, Sivter is a master programmer/slicer. Decrypting anything of his will take some of the best minds and equipment out there.

As an extra layer of difficultly, I’d like to see whoever is interested in this to construct something, or find a way, to block Sivter from countering the command that would remove the Charon. It’s Sivter, of course he’ll have a counter-command ready if you’re not prepared to deal with it.


So, once the Charon are dealt with, that still leaves the problem of finding the cult. No one has had any luck because the cult implants subconscious commands into any member who knows anything of significance. If one of these members tries to speak of it to a non-member, the commands will activate and kill them by stopping all of their organs at once (heart, lungs, brain, etc, ect).

Thus Oremin comes back into play, although in an unexpected way. Some other RPers know about Oremin’s secret facility on the edge of the galaxy, known as Perdition Station. It’s a deep space spacestation built specifically to contain Force-users. All the inmates in Perdition have been abducted secretly and selectively (people who won’t be missed if they disappear).

One of these inmates is Vin Sulraki, who was a Disciple in the Cult of Shadow before he was abducted. He’ll learn about what Sivter is doing, come to conclusion that he needs to be stopped, and will offer to reveal Arcanix’s location. He’ll succeed but at the cost of his own life.

How he manages to do this is something I’ll let people discover when the thread is created.

There’s really not much else for people to do here. I’ve already talked with Starlight Dancer about this part of the WoD, since her character will be involved, but I don’t see a whole lot of room for anyone else to contribute to this part. Really, this is just to inform people how the cult’s HQ will finally be revealed.

From there we’ll head into the Battle of Arcanix, which will conclude the War of Darkness. However, I’ll leave the details for the Battle of Arcanix for another post, because that could get lengthy too…

As always, comments, suggestions, criticism, and ideas are welcome and encouraged.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

So when do I get to make someone in the prison like I asked many, many moons ago? :D
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

When there's a good story behind it. :oldrazz:
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

My dude can be a dude who either tries to kill Vin to keep the secret of Arcanix's location or someone who helps him. :D
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Vin won't need anybody to help him, but I like the idea of the cult having another member there who tries to kill Vin.

Of course you realize that your guy probably won't live long after he makes his attempt. :oldrazz:
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

Yeah, I know.

I honestly wanted to do it just for the Oremin torture scenes, that's why I asked originally.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Shaggy »

Once Daer'Gunn gets back to Onderon, I think he will need to be involved in this whole process. Especially since his trek to Dathomir, the Force is pushing him into a different direction for his leadership.

You know staying behind the lines was never his strong suit ;)

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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Archangel »

A slicer sounds interesting. I don't think I've had a slicer character in... well, a very long time, if I've ever had one. It would be interesting to try writing a mathematical genius kid (well, a kid compared to other experts in the field, I suspect) who gets roped into working against the Cult by whoever's running the show.

Just, you know, provided there's someone else for me to RP him alongside; even if you (Halomek) are keeping things moving, I don't really want it to be you, me, and a bunch of NPCs. I don't think I can handle much more responsibility around here. ;)
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

The dude in Kuras was a slicer.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Archangel »

Who, Freyel? Yeah... I suppose he is. Not the kind of slicer I'm thinking of, though. He's a slicer the way a Bothan is a slicer - because it serves his purposes to know how to hack into another person's secure software. He's hardly the best, and he doesn't really do much slicing anyway - certainly not these days.

Unless there was someone else in Kuras that I mentioned was a slicer, and have now forgotten.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

Freyel, yeah, I forgot his name.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

My thanks to whoever finally stickied this. :)

Mir, if you're alright with the character dying, then by all means, I have no problems with it.

Shaggy, just let me know what you'd like to do.

Arch, you might want to talk to Coron and see if he's interested. This kind of thing seems like it's right up his alley - specifically Draven Artemis and the Artemis Institute.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by kashus_Draith »

Because the Brotherhood is so involved in searching and hunting down cult members I believe the Brotherhood should play a big part in the demise of the CoS.

Raven is a slicer and I’ve already had her demonstrated her slicing ability by slicing Akains room open even after Sal had locked it. She could be a possible candidate if you like.

When the search for the Sith artifact, which is the launching point for the WoD the brotherhood will mobilize in full force against the cult. They will draw all their Sleeper agents back to the Citadel and reorganize to make a grab for the artifact and the destruction of the cult itself.

I have created a new destroyer from a picture of a Venator. I call the ship Vendicator. One of the ex-Jedi in the BH was a general during the Clone Wars and he had a non-clone crew in two of the Venators under his command. Well the Brotherhood has two Venators but one has been rebuilt and is now the prototype Vendicator. The other is still non-functional and is still in the process of refitting. Well this will be the focus of the BH strength.

Reason why I brought this up was if you wanted Holomek the Brotherhood could get a hold of one of these otherdrives and fit it to this prototype ship.

Also, all Scribes learn basic slicing abilities or just your above average technical skills in computers and technology.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Shaggy »

I am guilty of the sticky 8)

Also how will Daer'Gunn get a hold of Kalja? He will need to talk to her about some stuff
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Pryde »

If there's need for a slicer I think Mai should be involved with this as well. That could be a fun encounter;

Mai: I'm the best damned slicer there is!

Kalja: Hey, wait a minute aren't you the one who kidnapped me?

Mai: Uh... *Runs away.* :mrgreen:
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Shag, Daer'Gunn can talk to Chirushk, the Master Healer at the temple, who should know where she is.

As far as the slicer goes, whatever works out best. :oldrazz:
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

I meant to reply to Kash in my last post too, so let me rectify that…

First, let me say that a good slicer, even a great slicer, isn’t going to be nearly up to the task of competing against Sivter’s abilities. They’ll need to be exceptionally skilled, like I assume Mai is, so Raven and the Scribes likely wouldn’t make the cut. Slicing was one of the first skills Sivter mastered, even before he started training himself in the Force, and he’s only gotten better with time.

Also, I’ve got no problems if the Brotherhood contributes to the fall of the Cult of Shadow, but they’re hardly the first who are trying to hunt them down. There’s a long line ahead of them for people who want a piece of Sivter and the cult. I’ll do my best to give everyone a moment of glory.

And just fitting an otherdrive to the ship wouldn’t accomplish much. It’s something that would need to be carefully studied. The only thing having a working otherdrive would get you would be a trip to otherspace and a greeting by the hordes of the kill-happy Charon that inhabit it. That’s assuming that the trip to otherspace is made safely…

Just like jumping into hyperspace, jumping into otherspace carries the same risks. Without reliable navigational data about otherspace, the jump from realspace to otherspace could deposit you into planet, or a star, or some other nasty astrological phenomena. Likewise, jumping back would carry the same risk. Otherspace isn’t a mirror dimension, it is its own unique dimension, which means the space has a completely different layout than realspace does.

Sivter solved this problem by first jumping from planet Stronghold, where there was a known successful crossover by the Charon (by accident). Afterwards he used the Charon’s navigational data to cross reference it with the realspace navigational data to build a map of safe jump points. This isn’t stored in the otherdrive, but in a ship’s navigational computer, so that would need to be recovered too, which is easier said than done…
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Darkheyr »

Well, Lenara would be around for any sort of Oremin-y goodness (badness? imperialismess?), though I suppose her old slicing skills arent nearly up to par with Sivter after all these years... Though I suppose I'd have a devious thought or two to spoil his dastardly plans a bit, counter command and all.

As far as finding the cult goes, wouldnt the easiest way actually be via forcers ripping said knowledge from their minds?
That could actually end with an interesting multifront battle around Arcanix, if Oremin AND the Brotherhood found out. Hmm.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Sivter is nothing, if not a studious planner. He's already thought of that. :oldrazz:

Powerful mental barriers are put around the sensitive information to protect it. Should they be breached, the commands will trigger and kill the cult member as if they had tried to speak the secrets through free will. It's not a barrier that can be broken easily, so it's not like we could have someone with mental powers breaking through barriers left and right to kill the cult members. Not that easy… :oldrazz:

Lenara could be around, but I don't have anything particular in mind for her. All I have planned for Oremin currently is what happens at Perdition (and their contribution to the final battle). I'm open to any ideas though.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Kytross »

Hmmm. Are the command kills just a force command? If that's the case why not put him in a ysalamiri field?
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

They were implanted with the Force, but they don't need the Force to activate. They're basically making use of the same subconscious commands that tell your body to breathe and pump blood, so it's all done automatically by the body itself.

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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Mir »

What if we put the person into a Delth like Coma, and then went into the brain the way Kalja and Co. did?

Nevermind, since I'm guessing normal bodily functions would continue to function.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Balsa »

What if you chopped the guy's head off and hook him onto life support? Or just hook him onto life support in general?
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

The commands are still there to kill the brain.
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Balsa »

I'm still analyzing the biological implications of this, whether it affects the process IC or not. If you consider why a person dies, it's usually due to three things: 1) Inability for the body to bring the brain/essential organs the materials necessary to keep the proteins from denaturing, 2) massive physical trauma to an essential organ that affects the previous, or 3) age.

1) Heart attacks, cessation of breathing, etc., those could be a target of the Mind Twist thing. But, even then, you only control, well, you don't control your breathing/heart beat. In fact, your heart has its own pace maker, so even blowing off the head won't stop it from beating. Your breathing, that's automatic as well, since as soon as you lose consciousness, you'll automatically start breathing again. But, the respiration thing is controlled by your brain stem, which is all automatic. And, even then, if you stopped breathing, life support would save you.

Organ death is the other option, but, that's not controlled by any mental or emotional mechanism, but physical ones. Cell death is from osmotic laws and the like, so, it's not likely to be a target.

2) As far as I'm aware, no matter how hard a person tries, he can't just explode, so two doesn't work.

3) Age, meh, doesn't seem feasible, since you'd be messing up genetics, and I sincerely doubt any Force user is great enough to mess with someone's DNA. And if there is canon showing this, well, I call stupid bullshit. :P

So, physiologically, it's not too possible. You're body is sorta designed to not let you just die. :P

Now, if you worked with the psyche sense, then, maybe, since there is a correlation between will to live and actual living, but it's not likely that you'd just -poof- die.

Of course, this is mostly a thought exercise, so you can ignore it and all. Unless I find a way out of this and apply it to Asemir. (So he doesn't die because some random person says, "Hey, where's Arcanix?") :P
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Archangel »

Balsa wrote:Now, if you worked with the psyche sense, then, maybe, since there is a correlation between will to live and actual living, but it's not likely that you'd just -poof- die.
Despite the very convincing arguments made by Episode III. :P
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by WedaScami »

I'm getting in on this. Can I be evil? For once?
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

As long as Asemir doesn't try to reply to the question, the commands wouldn't trigger, so it wouldn't affect him. That would just be silly. :oldrazz:

As far as implanting the commands in the subconscious, basically what I'm saying in this case is that they're implanted into the areas that control the basic bodily functions - so brain stem type of actions, which the conscious mind has no real control over (at least without the Force). They're basically there to reprogram your body to die without your say so.

Feasibly, I'm sure you could keep the body alive on machines even though the commands are telling it stop working, since I know with today's tech we can keep a braindead person's body functioning. It would be pointless in the case of keeping a cult member alive though, since the only reason to keep them alive would be what's stored in their brain, but if that's been destroyed by the commands, then why bother?


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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by GideonDuthuras »

Nothing I like more than punching Dark Jedi..or the equivalent.

Any chance I can get in on this? Once I get Gideon and folks out of their "side quest"
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Re: War of Darkness Primer/Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Sure, just tell me how you'd like to be involved.
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