Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

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Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Nichalus »

For the sake of those that do not wish to go through the 6 pages on the other thread, I am placing the revision/clarification to the Rule of 2 here:
Halomek wrote: "Each member has a limit of two main characters who can use the Force or are Force-sensitive. Main characters are defined as those that members intend to use in more than one thread and are often, or always, written from the point of view of that character.

Side characters (this includes villains) that use the Force are allowed but must be rare and not overpowered. If a member would like one of these Force-using side characters to appear in a thread created by another member, they must consult the other members of the thread first, either by private message or through an OOC thread.

A side character that uses the Force cannot become a main character if the member limit of two has already been reached. Any side character that ends up fitting the criteria of a main character after the limit has been reached will be a violation of this rule and the writer will have to cease writing them that way immediately.

This rule may be revised later as we get more information on the new canon.
This thread is for discussion of this revision/clarification ONLY.

This discussion thread will be open for 4 days, and if by Monday Feb 6 there is objection to this addition it will be added into the rules.
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Halomek »

Not that it really matters, but how did that end up quoting Archangel when I was the one who wrote it? :oldrazz:
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Nichalus »

I don't know what you're talking about...*smirk*
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Shaggy »

ok question. My thread "Subtle Shifts" has a young lady Adreena. (daughter of the main character of the story) who is Force sensitive. Since she is not the main character of the story does she count as one? Maybe later she might be the head of her own story, depending on what we decide to do with Force users/Jedi/sensitives. Maxium (her father) was raised in the foster care system of Ord Mantell. I had it set up that his grandfather was a Jedi who left the order because he fell in love and then was killed by Vader in the aftermath of the purge. Maxium never knew his dad, it was basically a one night stand. So here is basically my set up. Sorry this is taking forever to explain.

Adreena - Force sensitive not trained 10 years old
Maxium - The Jedi might have picked him up had they still existed. But He is only seen as having really good reflexes.
Maxium 's dad - not in picture and won't be
Maxium's Grandfather - Jedi that left the order - dead

Is this acceptable by the new rules since Maxium will never really be trainable?
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Halomek »

If the dad is just talked about, but not actually part of the thread, it shouldn't conflict with the rule. Likewise, the grandfather being dead would also not be a problem. Even if the grandfather is a Force Ghost, that should be fine depending on how you write him.

As the proposed rule is written, Maxium would count towards your limit of two Force-using main characters since it applies to Force-users and Force-sensitives. However, if you avoid anything having to do with the Force when it comes to Maxium, you could conceivably not have him count towards the limit.

As for Adreena... if you write posts from her perspective and expect to have her follow Maxium into other threads, or be the main focus of other threads, then she would be considered a main character as well.

However, if you don't write from her perspective, then she would be considered a side character and thus wouldn't be part of the two main character limit. If that is the case, you'll need to get the approval of the other members if you want to bring her into a thread that you didn't start.
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Shaggy »

ok Maxium doesn't know anything about his grandfather or his father. All he thinks is that just has really good reflexes. Adreena is one of those that almost seems like she would be a mystic in many cultures. Since there was no Jedi order to come and train he, she is very emotionally driven with her powers. Anyways, thanx
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Re: Rule of 2 Revision Discussion

Post by Nichalus »

The revision/addition has been added to the official rules. The matter is now closed, and this thread will be locked.
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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