The basic plot is that Radek, now disaffected from the Jedi and especially hateful toward the Galactic Empire, approaches a planet and, through the Force and persuasion (and, because of Sivter, et altera, it shouldn't be difficult), leads it to rebellion against the Empire. He has little to no interest in this planet's politics, but he wants to cause problems for the Empire.
The planet I'm leaning toward is Birgis. It's a pretty dull planet, human population, completely normal astronomically, and it's Imperial. It's also a planet with a democratic assembly, according to Wookieepedia, so its people should be at least open to the idea of revolt when the Empire seems to be treating them badly (i.e., not deciding to protect them first and foremost, especially when Sernpidal, so close by, was attacked). A quick search has revealed that no one has even mentioned Birgis on the boards until this very thread, so unless someone has a secret plan, nobody's using it. (And if someone does have a secret plan, you can just say, "I have a secret plan," and I'll go with another planet, like Seline or Plooma. Doesn't matter too much to me, just that Birgis has enough information on Wook for me to know that it has a human population and is pretty standard otherwise. I'd have to make up more about the others.)
Now, Pryde has expressed an interest in this thread. I have mulled over some of the ideas we were throwing out earlier, and here's what we have to decide upon/work with/what have you:
- Pryde's character looks like Sivassa, the girl Radek loved on his homeworld until she died and he left. Yea/nay?
- Pryde's character has been hired by someone for that very reason, especially to make Radek suffer. I like this idea, but it will be up to Pryde whether he plays a villainess or not.
- The person who hired Pryde's character is or is connected to a fellow survivor from Amvas II, who was jealous of Radek and/or hated him especially for letting everyone else die/suffer and then leaving. I like this idea, too.
Things for other people: more companions interested in hurting the Empire (a slicer would be a nice touch, but pretty much anyone who hates the Empire would do); Imperial / local political personnel trying to prevent/stop the rebellion. (By the way, preventing / stopping the rebellion is certainly plausible, but Radek will escape Imperial custody, I imagine.)
Soooooo... here's what I need from folks: yes or no on Birgis; yes or no from Pryde on involvement (and development of the character if yes); and anyone else who wants to get involved.