Being Trodden On (OOC)

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Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Continuation of the story of Radek Vidar (recent events here IC and here OOC).

The basic plot is that Radek, now disaffected from the Jedi and especially hateful toward the Galactic Empire, approaches a planet and, through the Force and persuasion (and, because of Sivter, et altera, it shouldn't be difficult), leads it to rebellion against the Empire. He has little to no interest in this planet's politics, but he wants to cause problems for the Empire.

The planet I'm leaning toward is Birgis. It's a pretty dull planet, human population, completely normal astronomically, and it's Imperial. It's also a planet with a democratic assembly, according to Wookieepedia, so its people should be at least open to the idea of revolt when the Empire seems to be treating them badly (i.e., not deciding to protect them first and foremost, especially when Sernpidal, so close by, was attacked). A quick search has revealed that no one has even mentioned Birgis on the boards until this very thread, so unless someone has a secret plan, nobody's using it. (And if someone does have a secret plan, you can just say, "I have a secret plan," and I'll go with another planet, like Seline or Plooma. Doesn't matter too much to me, just that Birgis has enough information on Wook for me to know that it has a human population and is pretty standard otherwise. I'd have to make up more about the others.)

Now, Pryde has expressed an interest in this thread. I have mulled over some of the ideas we were throwing out earlier, and here's what we have to decide upon/work with/what have you:
  • Pryde's character looks like Sivassa, the girl Radek loved on his homeworld until she died and he left. Yea/nay?
  • Pryde's character has been hired by someone for that very reason, especially to make Radek suffer. I like this idea, but it will be up to Pryde whether he plays a villainess or not.
  • The person who hired Pryde's character is or is connected to a fellow survivor from Amvas II, who was jealous of Radek and/or hated him especially for letting everyone else die/suffer and then leaving. I like this idea, too.
One thing that is for certain is that any actions against Radek have a financier who doesn't much like that Radek is still running around. I shall not reveal the identity of that financier right at the moment any more than I have already, but this person would be employing the Spiteful Survivor and the Lover Lookalike to capture Radek farther down the line, but would not appear in this thread directly.

Things for other people: more companions interested in hurting the Empire (a slicer would be a nice touch, but pretty much anyone who hates the Empire would do); Imperial / local political personnel trying to prevent/stop the rebellion. (By the way, preventing / stopping the rebellion is certainly plausible, but Radek will escape Imperial custody, I imagine.)

Soooooo... here's what I need from folks: yes or no on Birgis; yes or no from Pryde on involvement (and development of the character if yes); and anyone else who wants to get involved. :mrgreen:
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halcyon508 » ... nt_Map.jpg

Birgis isn't in the Empire. It's in Cadden's Crimson Empire.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Cadden »

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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

Does Radek know that? Birgis looks like it's right on the border between the two empires and the CE has been pretty hush-hush about about their territory. Plus the CE uses basically the same tech as the Empire. That could be an ironic twist. Radek thinks he's starting a revolt in the Empire, except that he's got the wrong empire. :oldrazz:
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halcyon508 »

Heh that would be kinda funny wouldn't it? If Cadden agrees to go that route I might get into this thread with a character from the Crimson Empire.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Cadden »

Yeah, I'm cool with that.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »


Very similar reds.

Well, it doesn't much matter. That might be an interesting twist, or he could go farther Coreward. But he probably wouldn't know that about nearby planets. (On the other hand, not doing research about the planet you're trying to incite rebellion on is kinda dumb, even for a gun-toting heavy-handed semi-darksider like Radek.) Also, I don't know how that would play out. To what extent is the populace aware of the Crimson Empire and its machinations? After all, if Radek shows up and says, "The Galactic Empire is your enemy!" and the people say, "Yeah, they are. The Crimson Empire is doing things pretty well, though," he'll figure it out and the thread will suck.

I suppose this also makes the end of Radek's earlier thread rather erroneous. Although I guess I could retcon it that he left before Sernpidal became associated with the Crimson Empire. But that would depend on how quickly after the Cult's attack it made that switch.

When did Cadden conquer all of these places? I mean, in what thread? I figure it would be good if I kept better tabs on such things, especially since the Crimson Empire seems to be challenging the Galactic Empire for size, now.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

I have an idea! And it might be a good one. I was debating sending a young Jedi Knight or Padawan with Radek to act as his conscious while he's doing this but then I thought what if it's not a Jedi? It could always be Sierra, a young Imperial Knight dispatched to wherever to negotiate a peaceful cessation of hostilities. I'm not entirely sure how that will work yet, but Sierra would be a good choice character-wise to match reason with Radek's madness. ;)
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

That would be pretty cool. Enemy agents could be working more behind the scenes, waiting for the opportune moment. Also, if Radek and Sierra develop a friendship, she might be willing to help rescue him if things go awry after this. And I could see him liking Sierra Pryde's style well enough to befriend her, even in his madness.

Because Radek's intelligent enough to figure out political changes, I've decided to use Bescane instead. Unless, of course, it's soon to be secretly annexed by someone? As long as it's going to stay in the GE, I think it'll work great. It's still close to Sernpidal - even better, really, because it's on a trade route. And it sounds like the kind of people who might get ticked enough to fight against the Empire.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

We can play this off as a critical test for the Imperial Knights and Sierra in particular. Bescane is one of the major manufacturing centers of the Empire and is home to Galentro Heavy Works, which produces starships for the Empire and also runs the shipyards at Jaemus – which is one of the more important shipyards in the Empire. As you can imagine, Bescane is not a world the Empire would be too keen in losing to a rebellion. They’ll put it down at all costs.

I think it would be great if Thrawn decides to send Sierra in first to see if she can pacify the rebellion, and if she can’t, then the Imperial Military is going to step in and do it their way. So, in essence, she’s working under a time limit before the world is brought back into the Imperial fold by force.

As an Imperial Knight, she’d have access to Imperial resources, but essentially she’d be working alone - kind of like an Emperor’s Hand, only not as covert.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Oooh, even better. Is this acceptable, Pryde? :mrgreen:

Also, I'm still open to other people joining. You know, 'cause me and Pryde... well, especially when working together, we're not the best at keeping threads alive on our own. :P
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

Works for me. How do you want to start this? Are we going to assume the rebellion is already happening and Sierra can jump in immediately or did you want to build up to it?
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

Archangel wrote:Also, I'm still open to other people joining. You know, 'cause me and Pryde... well, especially when working together, we're not the best at keeping threads alive on our own. :P
I might have General Helstone make a cameo or something as the guy Thrawn is going to call in if Sierra doesn’t succeed. He’s an old school Imperial, the kind who cares nothing for collateral damage and usually doles out harsh punishments to officers he sees as incompetent or cowardly. In fact he just shot a captain in the Kuat thread for standing down and letting Trayus steal the Eclipse II.

I could probably write for Thrawn too as he gives Sierra her orders.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

I can build up to it. It'll probably take me a few days, which gives other people more time to join in.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I'd be happy to have you, Halomek. :)
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Cadden »

Sernpidal has been in CE hands since before the Battle of Onderon from the Cult. It was part of the Tingel Arm Sieges (I believe the thread was appropriately named... Mir was the one who did it). I don't know how much was actually RPed out, as such, but I do know that it was discussed by the GE players that what turned out is what was going to go on, all the same.

On a side note... most people outside the high political and the military infrastructures don't know that Trayus is the leader of the CE. Most people will be under the impression that Javin Sayul is its leader. Likewise, most people will not be aware of the Sith Brotherhood, or its influence (or, rather, running of) the CE.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Beorht »

I'd like to jump in if I can. If I'm getting this right, you've got a messed-up Jedi trying to spark a rebellion on an Imperial world, and an Imperial Knight trying to stop him. I'd prefer to bring in a non-Forcer but none of mine make a ton of sense - so I'm thinking about this kid. She's sort of an operative for the group that controls a group that makes up a big part of another group. So she's not official Sith Empire. Her mission would be to find out who's sparking the rebellion - if they're Darksiders, kill them - if they're not, either leave it alone or help as she sees fit. So it's anyone's guess which side she'd come down on. Throw in the fact that when it comes to most life skills she's absolutely inept, and I think fun could be had by all.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

Near as I can tell, the taking of Sernpidal was never RPed out (not saying it didn’t happen, just that it wasn’t RPed). However, the stuff that happened to Radek on Sernpidal has to happen after the Battle of Onderon, otherwise, chronologically, there’s no reason for him to be there. Maybe Sernpidal was the hold out? It’s fairly close to the current Imperial border, so that would be feasible.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

First post up.

Happy to have you, Beohrt. :mrgreen:

As things stand at the end of the first IC post, the rebellion has not yet begun. So I'll probably have to make another post or two before you two (Beohrt and Pryde) are able to jump in with your characters. Unless one or both of you are sent to investigate/quell the growing sense of rebellion among the populace.

As for the Imperial quality of Sernpidal... it doesn't make much difference. Basically, Radek was there for a few weeks/up to months following the Duel at Sernpidal with the Cult releasing the Terencors, etc. Since the Empire was involved then, I was assuming the Empire would continue to be involved for a little while after (with reconstruction of everything that got destroyed with their little baiting attempt :P ). However it needs to work out, we'll just say it worked out and this thread is now in synch with the MBT. ;)
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Beorht »

Alright, I'll probably wait a post or two (unless I wake up in the middle of the night with the urge to post, which has happened). Bescane being that important kinda gives me some flex there: even the sense of insurrection could be big.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Beorht »

Oh, look, it's the middle of the night and I wanted to post.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Cadden »

Like I said, I don't know much of the details on the Tingel Arm Sieges... Halc and Mir would be able to better answer that. I could go for the holdout idea, though. It really sucks when information gets all crossed and inaccuracies arise, so retconning might be the only way to go in this regards, anyway.

There was actually talk early(-ish) last year of the Empire starting to push back against CE advancements, and the Sernpidal area being a hotspot area, so it could be that they've been kind of throwing punches at each other in that general region of space, and perhaps what went on at the time was when it was under GE control during that little conflict? Again, it'd be doing some retconning, 'cause that never was RPed out, but we can explain it that way, as it was talked about and pretty much agreed upon. There were no set results from it, but the GE-CE War thingie in the Tingel Arm was on the to-do list, at least. I can reference Halo to the thread, if he doesn't know what I'm talking about, but shouldn't be hard for him to find. (It's in a forum that has limited access, alas... which I don't think it needs it anymore, but I could be wrong.)
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

I know about the sieges, but I think it was Corsos who picked Sernpidal as the site for the attempted trap for Sivter, so I'm just trying to reconcile it.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

It's really no skin off my teeth either way. Maybe the "Stormtroopers" were really troopers from the CE's Corps and Radek just saw what he wanted to see. He's a little psychologically messed up, after all. We don't have to retcon whole worlds changing political hands over this. Retconning my thread is probably easier.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Cadden »

Well, we can figure out what works best, too. In a war-prone area such as the CE/GE border, it's a safe assumption that CE's troops would not be masquerading as stormtroopers (though they have the capability of doing so, what with the formerly-known-as-Shadow-Imperium being of GE origins and all). It just wouldn't make any sense on that front.

So, it boils down to... a psychopathic Force-sensitive who's got dark side tenancies (okay, so that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but whatever, it was still fun to write :)) believes he sees stormtroopers as the CE shock troopers... which isn't too far of a fetch 'cause the similarities in the armor are enough for one who isn't paying much attention to the details of the matter to believe it... or it's during the once-proposed-but-never-happened CE/GE conflicts in the area.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

Should I jump in now? Nothing's really happened yet so I'm not sure what I'd be doing. :P
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Umm... you can. I'll try to make a post tomorrow. Can't tonight. Headache after stressful Baylor-TCU game. (We won, but giving them 28 unanswered points was kinda lame.)
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Changed my mind. Posted tonight.

Rebellion is all but started in full force.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

Thrawn's not an emperor. His title is Regent.

Sierra would either refer to him as Regent or Grand Admiral.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

Emperor, Regent, same difference. :P
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

Ironically, I don’t think the Empire is responsible for any of the issues on Bescane. It was probably that badly polluted before Palpatine ever formed the Galactic Empire. Granted, they never did anything to fix it, but this is one case where the Empire didn’t come in and ruin a planet’s natural splendor (and I will admit they have quite a track record for doing that).
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Mir »

Smelly Imperials.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Well, the Empire makes a convenient scapegoat. They're the ones in charge, so if things are bad, they're the ones to blame. Kemen probably believes that if Bescane were an independent agent again (preferably with him at its head), then things would be better, but he's something of an idealist and, more than likely, couldn't pull Bescane out of pollution and poverty any better than anyone else. Radek, on the other hand, doesn't much care; he'll use any convincing, conniving, and coercion he can to get people turning on the Empire.

EDIT: Ooh, I had an idea! If Imperial Intelligence has an agent on Bescane, probably in the BfI organization, then Radek may be able to ferret him out. If he does, he'd probably kill him. Of course, he'd also discover that Sierra is on her way and would probably meet with the Intelligence agent to get the low-down on things... leaving Radek the opportunity to twist her view of things and keep her right where he wants her. Or, at least, he could try to do that. What do you guys think?
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Halomek »

However you guys want to play it is fine with me. If things go sour for Sierra, there's always Helstone and his forces. :twisted:

BTW, Pryde, since Kash is currently away at the moment, I'd say you're clear to have Sierra start her mission.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

Pryde, given that the defeat of the Cult may make this rebellion rather moot, I figure you can probably go ahead and bring Sierra to Bescane. I'll try to get a moving-ahead post for Radek, Kemen, &co., in the next day or two. Depends on how much work I have to do and how much inspiration I develop without wanting to put it toward my novel(s). Beorht, feel free to arrive and start investigating, if you're up to it.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Beorht »

I'll have something up today, most likely.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

There's a possibility she may be a little spoiled. ;)


By the way, I changed up her wiki a bit. She is now 20 instead of 15. I think 15 is a little too young for a mission like this. :P
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

Also, by the way, since the Imperial Knights seem kind of dead right now I am entirely open to whatever direction Sierra's story may take. She is loyal to the Empire but she is also compassionate. If she sees people suffering she will want to do what she can to help. I could see her making promises she doesn't really have the authority to grant and causing problems for the Empire who would rather not want to bear the financial responsibility she'd be placing on them. At that point they'd probably want to bring in Helstone to blow things up and she would want to talk to him and try to convince him not to do it, which I doubt she'd be successful. After that I can totally see her taking up arms against Helstone "to protect the citizens of the Empire," as she will put it. What happens to her after that is anyone's guess. :P
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

I would totally like to write a response right now but I should really wait until tomorrow because the screen is so out of focus and I really wish that I could say it was my monitor and not the five or six drinks I had tonight but I can't. Anyway, I will be posting tomorrow, though.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Archangel »

I'll probably need to post again before either of you can do anything. I'll try to get to it soon. But if you have something you want to post, feel free.
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Re: Being Trodden On (OOC)

Post by Pryde »

It starts with a little white lie and then BAM!
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