“Yeah, same here.” Zack said. The girl called Shy walked off, leaving Zack to enter the theatre. He stepped through the doors and peered around. Several students sat talking in the rows of seats, with a large screen at the front. There was nothing showing, and Zack didn’t feel like striking up a conversation with the students in the theatre. He took another look around, and left.
He hooked around, and made his way up the stairs. He decided to go the games room and chill out there for a bit. He had finished his homework, so would just hang out for the rest of the weekend. He entered the game room and found a few students shooting pool and various other activities. He moved past them, into the arcade. A number of consoles and stand up cabinets were littered around, as well as a few other things that didn’t seem to fit in either category. A few students were around, but he didn’t feel like striking up a game with any of them at the moment, deciding to go solo. He perused and played many of the games on display, whiling away the time.
As the hired cab driver unloaded her baggage – filled with everything she deemed essential to her well-being – Sophia turned in a slow circle, taking in the scenery so vastly different from anything she’d known in her entire life.
There was no scent of the ocean here, no crisp scent of redwood, pine, or sage. You couldn’t hear the distant roar of waves crashing against a shore, nor lose yourself in a hilly forest with trees that stretched taller than a building, their ancient trunks so wide that three grown-men could stretch their arms in a circle and never touch fingers. Not for the first time since waving goodbye to her family and boarding the 5:40am United flight from SFO, Sophia felt her spirit crushed beneath the weight of homesickness.
A cold breeze kicked up out of nowhere, bringing the scent of rain from the clouds that had followed her from California to Kansas. Too drained from the trip, including the hour delay sitting in the Denver airport, Sophia ignored the gentle sprinkles that fell from the sky and evaporated on contact with the warm concrete beneath her feet.
“Damn weather people on the news never can get their forecasts right,” the driver commented with a soft accent that Sophia would have to learn to grow accustomed to. “Have a better chance at figuring out the weather by just sticking your hand out the window.” Sophie tucked a mixed strand of pale and dark hair behind her ear and made a noncommittal sound of agreement. With a last glance at scenery that was as foreign to her as a Martian landscape, she quickly paid off the driver and picked up her luggage. She had relocated with a great deal more, but most of her things had been sent to the school ahead of time. The door of the manor – for the title seemed to suit the stately, castle-like architecture, swung open easily and Sophia got the first glimpse of what would be her home for next few years.
It certainly wasn’t a solemn sort of place, which helped to ease one of the knots of tension in her shoulders. Sophia walked down the main hallway, drinking in everything like a desert during a cloudburst. Some students milled about on their free day, either singly or in small groups, but all seemed to be enjoying themselves. A diverse group they were, as well – everything from their hairstyles and clothing preferences to their way of speaking. As another micro-layer of stress eased away, the rain outside gradually ceased, leaving only a light sheen of dewdrops on the flowers and grass.
If she remembered correctly from the paperwork sent to her home last week, she would need to access some sort of terminal to get her room assignment and some other orientation information. Looking this way and that to try and discern where that terminal might be, Sophie gave up after a moment and just started walking where she’d seen one of the students go. Might as well kill two birds with one stone and get to know some of the other people here…
Moving as fast as she could under the weight of her luggage, Sophia hurried after the red-haired girl.
“Heyla, wait up!”
Keep your confessions,
Cause babe, I’m no saint.
I know your devils,
I know them by name.
Shy turned to see a girl approaching that she hadn't seen around the school before. "What may I do for you?"
Shaina and Sariah along with Drew found their way through the mansion and into the arcade. They decided to not make so much trouble and instead to just have some fun. They found a game that two at a time could play, and decided to make the most of it, and whoever would win the game got to keep playing.
Tugging the shoulder strap higher on her shoulder to ease the strain, Sophia tried a disarming smile. “I just got on campus and need to find my room assignment and such… Could you point me in the right direction?”
"Sure." Shy lead the new girl to the Auditorium and the terminals in the back of it. Where she had earlier printed out her own schedule and room assignment. "Here you go." Shy pointed them out. "Just put in your name, and it should print out your schedule. Is there anything else I can help with?"
Dropping both bags so that her hands were free, Sophie stretched her fingers to ease the dull cramping then typed in the required information. “Another question - is there a way to access a map of the campus?”
Shy shook her head affirmatively and waited til she had taken her schedule out and walked her into the hallway. "Anywhere you see a terminal like this one." She slid open a small panel in the wall. "You can push the map button on the bottom of the screen, and it will show you a map of the school. However, if you want a certain room, just punch in the room, and it will direct you into how to get there.”
“Almost as good as a GPS,” she murmured, smiling with such relief that outside, the gray overcast to the sky began to lighten. “Thanks much for the help,” she continued, turning to face the other student. “I’m Sophia, though most people call me Sophie.”
"My name is Shynira, but everyone just calls me Shy, and it fits." Shy gave her a slight smile, and put her hand out, as Sophie went to touch it, it vanished. "See, it fits."
Looking down, she quirked an eyebrow as her lips twisted to return the smile, her blue-eyed gaze returning to Shy’s. “So it does. Nice gift; probably a lot more useful than mine.” Sophia blew the hair out of her eyes and turned to start walking toward the girls’ dormitory. “Great meeting you, Shy.”
Shy thought for a second and started to walk with her. "Out of curiosity, what is your gift?"
Together they climbed the stairs of the main hallway. As the pair passed by a window, Sophia stopped and pointed outside. By now, most of the clouds had moved on and watery sunlight beamed over the grounds with golden light. Sophie closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She thought of her family as they were this morning; mother trying to blink back tears, her older brothers giving her encouraging waves and thumbs-up. Her father, with his arm around Mom, pulling her close with understanding… The sadness welled up and overflowed out of her, loneliness curled like iron bands about her chest.
Outside, the wind kicked up again and the clouds darkened, growing heavy with rain. Between one heartbeat and the next, those clouds split open and fat water drops fell in a torrent.
Before the cloudburst could escalate into a real tempest, Sophia reined in her emotions, locked them down tightly. Focusing instead on the relief she felt that there was a good chance she could eventually fit in here and be content if not happy, the teenager with raven black hair shocked with streaks of snow-white harnessed the rainstorm and brought it back down until the clouds turned pale gray and broke apart to let the sun through once more.
Opening her eyes, Sophia gave a self-depreciating smile. “Mostly my gift is messing around with the local meteorologists.”
Shy laughed at the idea of messing with the meteorologists. Since she had been there she had seen so many different kinds of weather anyway, that this girl was really going to knock them for a loop. "Looks pretty impressive to me really." She said as she continued the walk down the hall to the dorms.
Sophia shrugged unconsciously, which was a mistake since it slid the shoulder bag to a teetering position on her shoulder. “It has its moments – many of them irritating – but it can come in handy if the grass needs water or the leaves need blown off the driveway.” She didn’t mention that it could also be dangerous such as when she was hurt or scared or angry.
A few turns later and Sophia was standing the middle of her new room. There were two beds here but only side of the room had the feel of vacancy – along with all her things that had been shipped earlier. She dropped the remaining bags on her bed and ran through some quick stretches for her arms and shoulders. Since Shy was still waiting for her in the doorway, Sophie took the print-outs of her class schedule and folded them up to slip into the back pocket of her faded jeans.
“Want to grab something to eat, if you don’t mind me tagging along for awhile?”
Keep your confessions,
Cause babe, I’m no saint.
I know your devils,
I know them by name.
"Not at all." Shy smiled and started back towards the stairs to hit the kitchen.
Everyone in the mansion seemed to be busy doing something for the next several hours, whether it was playing arcade games, shooting pool, watching the T.V. in their rooms, or the one that was hooked up to the theatre, swimming, or just wandering the halls of the school taking a look around. Several were still sitting in the library reading, and some even studying for the first day of school. It seemed that everything had been running quite well... So far.
8pm Saturday evening
Velana and Damien walked into the school and both were carrying several bags. Velana stopped several of the students she first saw on the way in to help them carry the supplies into the school. Velana nodded at Damien as she took her leave to search out the Professor.
She found him sitting in his office, half asleep at his desk, with Lajja sitting on in front of him. The second she entered the room Lajja turned around and put her finger up to her mouth, telling Velana to be quiet.
"It's okay Lajja, I'm not asleep."
"Maybe you should be, Jarlan." Velana said as she took a seat. "I got all the supplies for the school that we should need. Have the children bringing them in now."
"Good to hear. Oh, by the way, Dr. Grant found out that Mouses device wouldn't work for the boy, so you are off the hook as far as the surgery goes."
"You mean I spent all that time reading up on it for nothing?"
"You never know when it might come in handy." Jarlan smiled and pushed Lajja off of the console, effectively shutting her off. "Looks like we have several more students still showing up. The system has been informing me everytime a new student get's their scheule printed out."
Velana nodded and looked over at Jarlan who was now looking through the console. "So, I suppose I should look over the rest of my classes then?"
"Sorry about that Velana. It wasn't really my plan, Lajja took initiative after looking through your record. I figured four classes wouldn't kill you."
"It's fine, I just hope i can take on that much responsibility."
Shy had been hanging with Sophie for the rest of the evening and they eventually found themselves out in the indoor pool, just sitting in a hot tub.
"So, Sophie.." Shy looked up at her and smiled. "When did you first notice your 'gift'?"
Shayla had gone into the theatre at 6pm and watched the nightly news. She liked to keep up with current events as much as possible, which would be very helpful with her history class that dealt with the present. Her students would soon learn to watch the news as well, with a current event story that they would have to write up, and hand in, once a month. Shayla walked out of the theatre after handing the remote over to some of the students who were watching with her, and as soon as she had left the room the station was flipped to a sitcom of some sort. Shayla eventually found her way into the indoor pool as well, and jumped into the pool, taking note that the girls were in the hot tub, but being out of earshot of their conersation.
Blink had ben sitting at the hospital in the waiting room all day long, watching all the possible mishappenings of the hospital before they happened, and every once in a while would stop something from happening. They finally brought her mother out of the ICU and back into her room, her father leapt up and went over to the doctors the instant they came out, but Izzy just sat there mimmicking her fathers words as he spoke, and doing the same for the doctors as they spoke.
"How is she?" her father asked.
"She will be fine. The surgery was a complete success, and I have to say that I did a wonderful job."
"Oh, thank goodness. Thank you doctor, thank you so much."
"Not a problem Mr. Taylor. She will be awake in about an hour. You are of course welcome to sit with her til she wakes."
Izzy sat there, wishing she had coaxed her way into going with Alessandra and Alec, but at the same time, she couldn't wait to hear her mother's voice, without the pain she had been in. Her father came over and before he even put his hand out, Izzy put hers up where his was going to be although she never looked at him and he placed his hand into hers.
"We can go back to the room now, your mother will be waiting." He noticed her mouthing his every words again but chose to ignore it, knowing she was never one to relaly mimmick him, just seemed to come out that way.
Izzy walked along with her father, back to her mothers room.
Sophia let her body sink lower into the bubbling water until the frothing surface barely touched her chin. The steam curled the finer tendrils of hair at her temples and the pieces that had fallen free from the loose knot secured at the crown of her head.
She thought over the question for a moment as the heat worked at relaxing every stiff and sore muscle. “Three years ago there was a wildfire, set by campers who didn’t make sure their fire was completely out before leaving. It was during summer, and just dry enough that when the last embers were picked up by one of the off-shore breezes, they ignited some grass and pine needles near my home.” If she closed her eyes, Sophia could still smell the choking scent of smoke and burning sap, still see the muddy brown and scorching black of the smoke as it raced down the hill toward her family’s house.
“It came so fast, there was hardly time to call for help. My parents and oldest brother were gone at work. It was only Jake and me.” Sophia lifted a hand out of the water and tucked a strand of limp hair behind her ear; a nervous habit she was hardly aware of. “The sound was deafening, like a freight train coming right at you. This huge wave of animals came out of the forest, running for their lives. We were both almost run over by a stampede of deer.
“Jake pulled at my arm, tried to get me to run but I was so scared, I couldn’t move.”
Mustering up a smile, Sophia turned to look at her new friend. “Well, as you might guess my gift decided to manifest itself in full-glory. Howling winds blew up out of nowhere; snow, rain, hail, sleet…All came down out of a sky that had suddenly filled with the darkest of clouds. Jake and I…We stood in the eye of a tempest or maybe even a hurricane. It whipped around us, keeping the fire at bay. The wind pushed the blaze back in on itself while the storm smothered it.
“The maelstrom lasted until the fire was almost out. Then all of a sudden it was gone and I fainted into Jake’s arms. The fire crews came about then, evacuated us while the rest put out the remainder of the flames.” Sophia sighed. “I was unconscious for a few days – pure exhaustion, as if I’d run a triathlon. When I came to everything was explained, I was lucky that my parents and family didn’t forsake me. Instead, we just tried to move on but my powers became too erratic to be safe with my rudimentary attempts at control. My parents started researching where, if anywhere, I could go to get help.”
Now her smile was a little more steady. “Eventually, we found Xavier’s school and the rest just seemed to fall into place. But I have to say that no following manifestation of my gift ever compared to that first time.”
Keep your confessions,
Cause babe, I’m no saint.
I know your devils,
I know them by name.
“You can really hold your alcohol, can’t you?” Alec asked.
Alessandra smiled and nodded, holding up her eighth shot of caipirinha.
“I mean, you’re only what, a buck ten, maybe buck fifteen tops, right?”
She smiled again and nodded.
“It’s the biology manipulation.” She said. “Same power as Elixir.”
“You’re cheating.”
“I wasn’t aware we were competing.” She said with yet another smile. After three in the very short span of a minute, Alec knew that he had gotten her to relax.
“You know, you’re too strait laced all the time.”
“I bet you don’t let people shorten your name. Alessandra is a mouthful. How about Ale?”
“How about no?”
“I like it though.”
“I don’t care.”
“I’m calling you Ale from now on.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Well, we have to get back into the house and gather our things and check into a hotel.”
Shy shook her head acknowledging the idea that the first time was more owerful than any other time.
"So, what about you?"
Shy smiled. "Well.. " She hesitated but not for to long, figuring it was only fair. "I first found out about my powers when a boy tried to take advantage of me in school. He took me back to the boy's locker room, forcefully, and tried to rape me. I screamed and shouted at him, with no avail, and he kept trying, despite how much I fought him. Suddenly I screamed with all my might, but only a whisper came out, immediately he stopped right where he was, like a frozen statue." Shy looked sad for a moment, then looked up at Sophia. "So, I got out of his grip and walked out of the locker room, the second I opened the door, I heard a large commotion, and decided to find out what happened. I looked into all the rooms, and all the boy's were all frozen just like he was. I couldn't figure out what in the world happened, but a few seconds later, all but the one in the locker room were fine. It took two months for him to come out of it. I was so embarrased that I literally became invisible that day. Then when my little sister found out about my 'gift' she let me know about hers. She had been sleep walking for months, and walking in and out of walls in the house. It was quite funny til she walked through our parents room, and back out the wall. Our parents made us leave the house, and we had been on the run since. When you can't control your powers, and can't hold down a job. Makes it hard to live. So we started taking what we needed. With her's and mine combined we could take anything we wanted. But we kept it to just what we needed to survive."
Sophia tried to imagine what it would have been like if her family had repudiated her in such a way then shook her head. Beyond devastating, beyond words. Perhaps, though, having a sibling going through the same heartbreak and turmoil was the saving grace. Sophie knew she was lucky to have a family that stood by through the manifestation, one that tried to help their daughter and one that still loved her unconditionally. Sophie knew from the stories in the media, the rumors, of how many innocent children and teenagers were cast to the dregs of society by those they trusted over something in which they had no control over.
"So then you both found your way here," she prompted after a moment. The heat was well-soaked into her body and mind by now. Sophie knew she wouldn't be able to stay much longer in the hottub, but for a few moments longer she would laze about with nothing important to do and all evening ahead of her in which to do it. Not a bad way to spend an evening...
"How many students are there, by the way?"
Keep your confessions,
Cause babe, I’m no saint.
I know your devils,
I know them by name.
Shy nodded at the comment about her and Shaina finding their way here. "Actually, Jarlan found us, and offered us a chance to stop running from the police.
Shy then thought about how many students she had seen for a few moments, and then shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm not really sure, I've seen nearly a hundred students so far, but I wouldn't say I've seen them all." Shy smiled slightly
A rusted out Mustang fastback growled its way up the lane and the brakes screeching sent a flock of birds into flight. The passenger door opened and Kaiv slowly stepped out of the car. His brown leather boots were well worn and scuffed, and the baggy jeans had gaping holes over each knee cap, exposing the thermal pants he wore underneath. He wore a dark green long-sleeved shirt, a faded black hoodie, and a tattered looking brown jacket. Brown knit gloves covered his hands as he grabbed the overstuffed duffel bag from the backseat of the Mustang and said his goodbyes to the driver.
The fastback grumbled as the man drove away, leaving Kaiv coughing in the cloud of exhaust fumes it left in its wake. Sky blue eyes stinging from the smog, Kaiv hefted the straps of his bag over his shoulders, and turned towards the mansion. The young teenager had managed to hitch-hike his way from the eastern seashore without giving away the fact that he was a mutant. And now he was here. He sincerely hoped that the place was what he was told it was, and that someone here had received his letter and there was a place for him. Otherwise he would be back on the streets, just like he had been back home in Britain.
Trying to banish the nervous thoughts from his head and place a friendly-ish smile on his face, the shy anxious young man started to walk forward across the grounds. He kept tugging at his hood to ensure that he remained out of contact with the still setting sun, he didn’t' want to show up all mutated if this place wasn't on the up and up. Using the sonar-like ability his mutation had granted him, he carefully made his way towards the structure that he assumed had to be the school. He reached a barrier that he assumed was some sort of hand rail, and as he felt along it with his gloves, he found his guess was accurate. Carefully negotiating the steps he felt around through the air until his fingertips came across the door, and he began to fumble around looking for the handle, no having no real idea what the future might hold for him, but hoping his crummy life would eventually change for the better, and hoping that someone here would be able to help...
It felt like ages since Damien had written on a fresh piece of paper with a brand new pen. As simple as it was, the feeling was oddly exhilarating. The ink was distributed on the paper nice and smooth, and Damien opted to write extra slow just to take in the sensation. Jackson was back in the library with his chemistry book open writing down the periodic table of elements. He was finding it difficult to memorize all of the names, abbreviations, and the atomic numbers by just staring at them - but writing them down really assisted in the process. Damien released a soft sigh of relief when he found the information becoming more readily available in his long-term memory.
An hour passed in a flash. Damien had half the table in his mind when he noticed that the library was empty, prompting Jackson to take a glance at the clock - 9:00PM. The young man was getting tired, but he wasn't ready for bed just yet. He was too excited to sleep. Instead he decided that he would read under the covers until drowsiness took over. But first... a little experiment.
Damien closed his textbook and notebook. He removed one glove, briefly admiring the brand new gauntlet, then held the pencil lightly with his naked hand. Damien closed his eyes and dove back into that strange world of minuscule components, chaotic movements, and constant uncertainty. The pencil was touching his skin, clearly grasped by his hand, but he could not feel it any longer. Instead he felt its make up - the plastic cover, the wooden shaft, the metal ring, the eraser nub, the graphite core. It was so simple and yet infinitely complicated. Damien smiled as he examined the chemical bonds, explored the sea of atoms, and dove deep into the nuclei of any molecule he so choose. Jackson was starting to recognize them now - he noticed a great deal of carbon atoms, and the fact that he knew this made him very happy.
Damien pulled himself out of his trance and instead used his eyes to examine the pencil. So rudimentary. So vastly complicated. Damien had a feeling that he was really going to like this chemistry class.
The boy packed up his things, utilizing his new backpack, and walked back to his room with his gloves back on and his hood up. He was careful to avoid anyone's gaze and made it to his dorm room without incident. Zacharia wasn't there yet, thankfully, to avoid awkward introductions for just a little longer. Jackson stripped down to his skivvies and hopped into bed. He left his light on and continued to read. His bare hands touched the book, the sleek surface of the hard cover chilling his fingertips slightly. Damien had to fight the urge to study the book's chemical structures in order to concentrate on the reading, but every now and then he'd relent to his desires and dive right in. It was almost a world of make believe - he could go wherever he wanted, see whatever he wanted, and do whatever he wanted... except, obviously, it was real.
After spending some quality time with the very lovely ladies, Sariah and Shaina, the group split apart as it grew later in the day. The sun was setting and Drew Reid was hungry so he decided to head downstairs to the kitchen and feed himself. He wandered happily, a half grin on his face, and smiled honestly at anyone who crossed his path. The mansion was calming down now with people heading back to their dorms to prepare for bed, to the kitchen for dinner, or just a quiet place to settle down and talk. As the boy passed the entrance he was the only one there when the door suddenly opened and in walked a teenager he had not seen before. The young man had a rugged look about him, like he had been traveling for quite some time - possibly years. But unlike his dress, his eyes were a pale blue with a vacant sort of look in them. He had a hood covering up his hair, but those two bright pieces of the sky on a spring afternoon were as clear as day from his distance.
Drew wondered where the vacancy came from. He stood in place and carefully watched the teenage boy's lips as he said, "hello?" Drew waved at him, but there was no response. Suddenly, Reid realized why he thought there was an absence in his eyes - he was blind! Drew's eyes suddenly grew wide and he realized that he was in a rather silly predicament. A deaf mute was the only person at the entrance when a blind man came in. Drew pondered what he should do - try and communicate or just sneak away?
Reid started to tip toe down the hallway, but the other boy perked up at this... he could plainly hear Drew's attempted escape. The boy spoke again, asking if he could get some help. Drew made a painful face - a silent wince. What was he to do? For a split second, Drew considered just running away and leaving the kid there - but he didn't. Instead, he decided to take a chance and see if the new guy knew Morse code. Perhaps, as a blind man, he had been instructed to use it. Drew learned Morse code at the same time he learned sign language - he could feel the vibrations and decipher the code, and if he was ever without his notepad he had another way to attempt to communicate. Unfortunately, it was mostly useless, since very few people knew it aside from military.
Drew backed up a few inches till he was at the wall, then he started tapping on it - lightly - with his fist.
*Tap, tap.*
*Tap, tap tap tap. Pause. Tap tap tap, tap tap tap.*
*Tap tap tap, tap tap tap. Pause. Tap, tap, tap tap tap. Pause. Tap tap tap. Pause. Tap.*
I am mute.
Drew stopped as soon as he finished this single statement. He thought about it for a second. Although he was trying to get across the point that he could not speak, he also sounded as if he was giving his name - like I am Drew. But instead, I am Mute.
After finally managing to get the door open, Kaiv stepped inside. The young man could sense Drew's presence and spoke. He paused awkwardly as he waited for the response that couldn't come. Then as he heard the faint steps as Drew started to walk away, he spoke again, thinking maybe the person just hadn't seen or understood him. A few more seconds of awkward silence later, he heard the tapping. Luckily for them both, Drew's quick thinking had paid off, for while growing up in specialized schools for the handicapped, Kaiv had been taught the Morse code method.
I... am... mute...
Mute? Oh no. Kaiv thought to himself as his shoulders visibly slumped. This was going to be difficult. Biting his lower lip in thought, Kaiv turned and took a few steps in the direction he felt Drew had gone, before speaking again, this time slower and more deliberately.
"I am blind. Mutant. New. Is it safe here? Yes or no?" He kept it simple and to the point. All he really needed to know at that very moment was if he was somewhere safe and if he was going to be ok. The rest would have to work itself out in due time...
Drew silently exhaled a sigh of relief. GREAT relief.
"Thank God!" Drew thought to himself. He immediately started the tapping again to give the new guy his answer. Drew smiled widely as he did so - what luck! However, he did curse the fact that Y was such a complicated letter in Morse. Drew paused for a moment to think it over before replying.
*Tap tap tap, tap, tap tap tap, tap tap tap*
*Tap, tap, tap*
Drew thought to himself how funny the word yes was. The effort it took to say "Y" was more than that of "E" and "S" combined.
Kaiv let out a relieved sigh equal to the one Drew had let out before he replied. He gave Drew what he hoped was a friendly smile and proceeded to adjust the straps of his back pack. He shuffled his feet back and forth a bit as he pondered what to do next. "Check in?" he spoke. He hoped whomever it was that he was communicating with would know the procedure for new arrivals. Kaiv didn't even know if he was going to be allowed into the place, at this point, though he certainly hoped he would. A safe place for people like him?! It was a dream, better than a dream, even!
Invintation to Wayne Enterprises
Dear Wayne Enterprises...
My name is Lajjavanti Batista. I am an Engineer who is currently working with Jarlan Xander, I would like to formally invite you to a showing of the difernt inventions that I have created, and of the mansion that I helped design. I am sure that you will find your venture here very advantageous. I wish to trade some of my inventions for one of yours. I ask that you please come to me here at the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning, started and ran by Jarlan Xander. We will be having a banquet in your's and Stark Inc's honor, to hopefully a long lasting friendship.
Thank You for considering this invitation, and I hope that a representive of Wayne Enterprises will be here on Sunday Jan. 18th 2009 at 7pm.
Signed: Lajjavanti (Mouse) Batista
P.S. Dinner will be provided, please come with an open mind.
Mouse finished her letters to both Wayne Enterprises and to Stark Inc, and sent them off, hoping that they could come. She knew they had some nannites that she would need to replicate in order to help her projects. She could create them, but they would take a while to come up with, and she wasn't willing to be patient enough.
Checking in would be as simple as finding an adult. Well, in the case of these two "simple" was a little different. Drew knew where Jarlan's office was, but there was no guarantee that he would be there. Their best bet was to find other students - otherwise it would mean the two of them wandering from office to office deaf and blind. Literally. Drew walked right up to the new guy, knowing well that he could hear his approaching steps, then he reached out slowly and grabbed his jacket sleeve. Drew gave him a little tug, doing his best to signify "follow me."
The kitchen was where Drew had been headed and it was nearby. Continuing to gently pull Kaiv along, Drew lead him several paces down the hallway and made a turn into the kitchen.
OOC: Hopefully there's somebody in there. Jennocidal, I'm lookin at yooou
Kiley searched through the pantry, looking for some pasta sauce to put on the spaghetti she had made for lunch. What kind of respectable kitchen doesn't have a supply of pasta sauce? she thought to herself as she rummaged. She moved aside a box of pancake mix and discovered a large, unopened jar. The label read "Prego". She chuckled to herself, remembering how one day at the diner an older gentleman explained to her that the word prego in Italian meant "you're welcome". She couldn't help but smile at what could be the most smug name for a pasta sauce ever.
Taking the jar off the shelf, she turned to set it on the counter. Just then, two young men she didn't recognize walked into the kitchen. They seemed as if they were looking for something. She smiled at them before saying, "Hi there, I'm Kiley. ...are you okay? Can I help you with something?"
(OOC: Is it because I'm a woman that you assume I'm always in the kitchen? )
OOC: .... uh.... that wasn't... I was just... Well that's just silly! I just thought that... you know... you hadn't posted in a while... and... whatnot...
As they rounded the corner into the kitchen luck was on their side. Standing at the counter making her dinner was Kiley, a girl that Drew had not yet been introduced to. She must not have known he was a deaf/mute then, so he simply pointed at Kaiv to signal that he was the one who needed something. Kaiv had voiced before that he wanted to check in, so surely he would voice it again to this young woman.
Kaiv allowed Drew to guide him through the corridor slowly. His senses studying his surroundings passively as they moved. The place had a unique feel about it. Everything suggested it was new, smells and sounds, or in the latter case the lack thereof... But at the same time, he could sense that it had seen much activity, many people were or had been here, and they'd done a lot.
"Hi there, I'm Kiley. ...are you okay? Can I help you with something?"
He heard Kiley introduce herself, and then offer her assistance. From the aromas, Kaiv deduced that they must be in the kitchen or a cafeteria of some sort. On one hand it was an odd place for Drew to take him... But it was at least probably a commonly used, high traffic area. Logical, from a certain point of view. Kaiv cleared his throat softly and glanced up from underneath his hood, looking in the vicinity of where Kiley's voice had come from.
"My name is Kaiv Ravensdale," He spoke softly... Kaiv was not a social person. "I just got here, and don't know where to go." He finished, his British accent still very distinct even though he was almost whispering. He scuffed at the kitchen floor with the toe of his worn down boot as he waited for her response. Hopefully Kiley could help him get checked in, so that he knew he was welcome here.
A hundred students... Sophie filed that piece of information away, not that she really expected to need it. That was the way her mind worked, unfortunately. Useless bits of information lodged in her brain, to be remembered forever. Never anything useful, like complex chemistry formulae or who did what during the year 1763 in Italy. No, the only time it seemed those useless bits came in handy where when she was filling in a crossword puzzle or playing along to Jeopardy.
"Well, I'd say offhand that however many students are here - we're definitely the lucky ones. Even with my family being supportive, I couldn't stay at home. My powers are too tied to my moods to be safe and I freely admit my mood changes direction as often as the wind. I don't like the idea that I could be responsible for.. well, for anything just because I don't have a good grip on my gift."
Lazing about for awhile longer, long enough for the heat and moisture to finish soaking her until she was almost dizzy, Sophie suggested they go get dried off and changed. She climbed out of the hottub carefully, turned away from Shy, briefly revealing the raven and then snagged one of the huge towels sitting nearby in a neat pile. "What time is 'lights out' here on the weekends?" Sophia asked, spinning back around so that the cocky little raven and the birthmark were no longer visible. She wrapped the huge towel around her small frame, covering her from chest to knee.
Keep your confessions,
Cause babe, I’m no saint.
I know your devils,
I know them by name.
"Honestly I really don't know." Shy smiled as she got up out of the hottub. She looked around and noticed that Shayla, who had been swimming laps, was out of the pool.
Shy noted that Sophie had a Raven on her shoulder but didn't think a lot of it, considering how many people seemed to like to put marks on their bodies.
"I think I'm going to jump into the pool, I'm a bit hot. I'll be right back." Shy went over to the pool and jumped into the air, diving almost perfectly into the deep end of the pool, then swimming underwater all the way to the shallow end she got out and started to dry off. "That's a lot better. Maybe we can find out the curfew for the school on the console." Shy started towards the locker room where their clothes were.
"Oh! Uh... nice to meet you. I guess that means you have to check in, right? Well, I can try to help you with that..." She glanced down at the food she'd prepared on the counter, and paused for a moment. "Are you guys hungry? I made some pasta here, I was thinking that maybe we could eat first...?"
A supernatural growling rose up from the depths of Kaiv's very empty stomach and over-rode any other thought processes he might have had ongoing. At the thought of a nice warm meal in his stomach, Kaiv completely forgot about the unsureness he'd been feeling about coming here and the nervousness of being accepted. He shrugged his duffel laden shoulders slightly in response, doing his very best to not rush forth and give in to his ravenous hunger.
"Pasta..." He said simply, nodding his head in the affirmative. Drew must have had the same thoughts, as Kaiv felt the gentle tug on his sleeve and allowed himself to be guided towards a nearby table. When he could reach out and touch the back of the chair, he slipped the duffel off of his shoulders and let it hit the ground, before easing himself into the chair at the table. "Thanks." He spoke, though it was unclear to whom he might be thanking, Kiley, or Drew. In all reality it was to them both, though he knew that Drew couldn't hear it.
After guiding Kaiv to a seat, Drew grabbed some utensils and helped himself to a serving. He found a seat at the corner of the kitchen table where he could see both Kiley and Kaiv's lips moving, even though it set him a little further away then he liked. Drew scribbled on his notepad, and once everyone was situated with their meals he held it up for Kiley to see.
Kiley watched as one boy guided the second into a chair, then helped himself to a serving of pasta and then sat down in the far corner of the room. The second boy felt around him as he reached for the seat and lowered himself into it. "Thanks," he said softly.
"You're welcome. Do you need some help with your food?"
As she waited for his response, the first boy pushed a notepad across the counter towards her. It read My name is Drew. She smiled up at him before grabbing a pencil off the counter and scribbling a note of her own. Nice to meet you. I'm Kiley.
Kaiv shook his head a bit as he heard the bowl and silverware being placed on the table in front of him. "I can manage," He spoke softly. "Thank you, though." He added in her direction.
The young man grabbed hold of the fork and got right to work shoveling in the pasta. He took a deep breath and let out a very content sigh. It tasted amazing. Kaiv almost started to try and remember the last time he'd had a warm, home cooked meal, and then quickly decided against it. He'd rather not realize how long it had actually been.
"This is really smashing." He spoke around a mouthful of pasta. He knew it wasn't proper, but he was hungry.
Last edited by VagueDurin on Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kiley laughed. "Thanks, Kaiv. My family runs a diner back in Arizona... I had to learn how to cook so they wouldn't wonder if I was their real daughter or not. I guess it turns out I wasn't switched at birth. Where are you from?"
Kiley. Yes, Drew couldn't quite catch that one based off her mouth movements alone. But he understood how to pronounce it now that he'd seen it written down. With one hand Drew casually scooped some of the Italian food into his mouth, careful not to make a mess of things, and with his other hand he wrote down another note for Kiley and pushed the paper back in her direction.
"I can read your lips if I see them. I'm pretty good at it."
Kaiv almost smiled at her joke. "Wolverhampton," He replied. "UK." he added as an afterthought. "I heard a rumour there was a gaff here for special folks... Hopped on a freighter ship, then hitched my way here from the coast. If it wasn't for... well, heh, I dunno this chaps name, since he can't talk and I can't see and all. But, If it wasn't for 'im, I'd still be wandering round the entryway like a wazzock." Kaiv shoveled in the last bite of his pasta, and turned towards Drew again. "Thanks again, mate."
Listening to Kaiv talk about the circumstances that brought him here left her feeling a little confused. She didn't understand most of the slang he was using, but got the general idea of what he was saying. "Wow, you came a really long way to get here." She glanced over towards Drew, who was finishing the last of his pasta, and said slowly. "We should probably find a professor so we can get you two checked in."
Drew savored the last bit of his meal and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. He looked at Kiley and watched her suggest they find a professor, but she didn't know that Drew already had his schedule and room assignment. Reid shook his head and pointed at Kaiv - seeing that Kiley didn't quite get his meaning, the boy quickly wrote on his notepad.
"Just him"
After that, Drew walked his dirty items to the sink and rinsed them off. He wasn't sure what to do with them after that - was he supposed to wash them, dry them, and put them back? Or was there a washing machine? Or should he just leave them in the sink? Drew hadn't quite gotten down the routine of the kitchen yet. He picked up his notepad yet again and wrote:
Kiley took her empty plate and reached for Kaiv's. "Here, I'll get your plate for you." Drew was holding up a new note asking what to do with the dirty dishes. Rather than telling him, she decided showing him would be more effective.
She walked over to the sink where Drew was standing, rinsed the plates off and brought them around the corner past the sink. She reached down and opened the door to the dishwasher and loaded the plates into the bottom rack.
Drew followed closely in step behind Kiley's actions. He took his dishes, the larger pieces of food already rinsed away, and put them in the dishwasher. Reid smiled at Kiley and did the very simple "thank you" gesture in ASL by placing the tips of his fingers at his chin and then moving his hand away, palm up. She might not understand, but the motion was second nature to Drew and it was a difficult habit to break.
Now the next task. Find a professor... or perhaps just a terminal. If the administration already knew Kaiv was coming then he could be in the system already. If they didn't then he would need to talk to some one first. Drew hadn't gotten that information from him so he didn't know. At any rate, it was time to find an adult or a terminal before bed time. Reid started writing something on his notepad - this time taking a lot longer than before - and showed it to Kiley.
"If he's registered then he's in the terminal. If he's not, then we need to find a teacher. Ask him if he is?"
Kiley watched as Drew placed his dishes in the dishwasher and signed "thank you", touching his fingertips to his chin and then pulling them away. Kiley recognized this sign and acknowledged it with a nod. He didn't notice, however, because he was once again writing away on his notepad. After a moment he held it out so she could see:
If he's registered then he's in the terminal. If he's not, then we need to find a teacher. Ask him if he is?
She met his eyes and nodded a second time, before turning towards Kaiv.
"Kaiv, are you already registered for classes at the school?"
Kaiv gave her a small shrug in response. "I'm not sure. I sent the Professor a letter before I set off. Unless he found a reason to not let me in..." He trailed off at the end, not wanting to think of the possibility and instead busied himself with hefting his duffel back over his shoulders. "Is there a way to find out if I'm registered?" He asked in their direction.
Drew went straight to the nearest console which was just outside of the kitchen. He didn't know how to spell Kaiv's name or even exactly what it sounded like phonetically, so he just input "K" and waited for the entries to come up. There were very few "K" names and "KAIV" immediately stuck out to him. So - he was registered after all. Reid wasn't surprised, since Professor Xavier was known for having great foresight, and he was also very keen at spotting mutants in need. The young teen immediately printed out the paper with schedule and room assignment on it, then turned right back around and went into the kitchen. Kiley was in the middle of explaining the computer system.
"....several rooms in the mansion that have the consoles. So it'll be easy to check."
Drew handed the printout to Kiley.
"Oh," she said upon examining it. "It looks like you're registered and ready to go - you have a room and everything, Kaiv. Drew, do they have this in braille?"
Drew shrugged. If they did, he didn't know how to get it.
Kaiv listened to Kiley as she asked Drew about Braille, and shook his head slightly. He fumbled around in his jacket pocket and produced a very archaic looking tape recorder. He held it out towards Kiley with one hand, pointing at the record button with the other. "If you could read through it for me once and record it on the tape, I can listen to it. Can't be to hard to remember." He said quietly, keeping a light grip on the recorder and waiting to see if she'd do as he'd requested. With his room number and schedule, they'd all be able to bed down for the night, and the rest could all work itself out in due time...