Bludhaven was a dark place. Gritty streets were lined with drug dealers, prostitutes, and thugs. They seemed to be everywhere, especially in Astoria and the Hollows. These areas of the city were so infested that the police wouldn't enter them unless they were in force. Full riot gear and heavy armaments were generally required. Corruption ran unchecked throughout the police department and the mayor's office. However, there were good men and women among them. Sergeant James Walker had quickly become a reliable ally to him. Though the officer had no idea who he really was underneath the hood, they had formed a mutual trust. On more than one occasion he had also met with the mayor himself, Alan White. He was an honorable man who was unfortunately in over his head. He was aware of the corruption yet had no idea how to combat it when he didn't know who to trust. These two men had been feeding him information for months.
Though he would go out on patrols he preferred to have a target. Randomly running around and taking out low level thugs only went so far to clean up the city. He was a hunter. He needed something to hunt. He had been targeting organized crime. Take down the heads of the families and throw them into chaos. Gang wars had proven more dangerous then anything else on the streets. These organizations needed to go first. Once they were out of the picture he could begin picking off the smaller game. So far his tactics were working. They were afraid.
He didn't operate like his predecessor; his father. He had been trained at an early age in the art of the bow and arrow. He was a masterful marksman, rivaled by only a few. His father had taught him well in this area. It was part of his daily regiment, along with a healthy side of melee combat. Though his father had been adept in hand to hand combat there had been many that were greater. He had learned from some of the best and surpassed his father's skills ten times over in this particular area.....as well as many others. His parents had not intended him to go down this road. They had simply wanted him to be able to protect himself. After they had died he was forced to take it further until he became what he was. He had learned at the hands of some of the greatest warriors and assassins in the world. He had become far more dangerous than his predecessor ever was.
He reached up and pressed the earpiece, "Are your men in place, Sergeant?"
"They are. We are ready when you give me the word." Walker's voice came back across the private channel.
He stared down through the rain at the warehouse below. There was a meeting happening. Several family heads were in attendance. They were attempting to call a truce so they could deal with their mutual problem. Him.
They were about to discover that he was not so easily dealt with. They would learn why he was the world's greatest hunter. They would witness first hand that he was the world's greatest marksman. They would learn to properly fear the Green Arrow.