Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

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Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

The crowd roars it's glee at the spectacle before them, their cries of approval ring through the silver and golden spires of Asgard. Tall and majestic the gleaming spires, monuments and streets of Asgard are a sight that would hold mere mortals physically stunned and awed at the vision of beauty and godly majesty.

Near the site of the Great Hall, the Grand Arena, thousands of Asgardian citizens and warriors alike filled the many tiered oval seating. Blue and gold Asgardian flags fluttered in the soft breeze that swirled around the arena, while giant marble statues of Odin and his children surrounded the arena, their stoney eyes watching the goings on with bright emotionless attention to the action happening on the hardened dirt floor of the main floor of the massive arena.

At the southern end of the arena floor a huge Moruk, a rhinoceros like beast that easily stood 16 feet in height and as wide as two chariots standing side by side, who's hard leathery like skin was impervious to sword and spears alike, dug it's giant hooves into deep grooves in the dirt floor. It's reddish eyes stared to the opposite end of the arena, where there stood two men.

The larger of the two stood with his great red cape wafted gently in the swirling crosswinds of the arena, his clear blue eyes stared back at the great beast under the gleaming silver winged helm that sat atop his head. Silvery Asgardian Steel weave covered his large and muscular arms and legs like a second skin, while a dark blue harden leather tunic with large silvery disks, and finely etched runes, covered his chest and mid-section. Dark leather and gold wrapped banded knee boots flexed with his muscular calves as they dug into the ground in preparation for the beast's charge.

The roar of the crowd reverberated around the arena floor as they cried out the two warriors names.


Sitting near the railing of the arena's edge in ornate marble columns, and bright red drapings, sat the All-Father, Odin himself, his golden rune-etched eye patch gleaming brightly in the Asgardian Sun under a pure white flow of hair. To his side sat his wife Frigga, who's beauty is unmatched by any woman, with the bluest eyes that would make any man, god or mortal, do her bidding without thought. Both of them smiled happily at the two below, if their was any concern for their well-being, they did not show it.

"Are you ready my brother?" Thor stated with a eager smile on his lips, the eagerness to engage in battle almost too much for him to wait for.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

The other Asgardian stood near Thor, but his pose was far different than that of the God of Thunder. The word to describe it, some might have used bored. Other's lazy. But to him, in was indifference. Indifference because this was most assuredly not something that he was interested in. Fighting, brawling. It served little purpose, only necessary in small bursts and at that, there was a reason why they kept his brother around. His lot in life was to be a mindless brute. But not the Asgardian dressed in green, black, gold, and silver trappings. No, his lot in life was far, far different. He served a true purpose on Asgard, and he didn't go around stupidly bashing things in with his hammer and enjoying it like it was the greatest thing to ever accomplish. Watchful Ravens' eyes looked down as Loki, Son of Asgard looked up at the place where his father and mother sat. The All-Father, benevolent dictator of Asgard, looking down upon his people.

Then he looked back down at turned his gaze over to his brother. Thor, so eager to fight, so willing to join the fray.

"Surely there are better uses for my time." Loki said.

"What could be more glorious than this?" Thor asked, understandably confused.

"I could list a number of things." Loki said, ticking off on his hand though he didn't verbalize any of them. He looked down at his fingers as if they were far more interesting to view than the Moruk.

Thor turned and looked at him, and in that instant, Loki let loose a powerful charm from the wide array of spells that he had. It wasn't aimed at Thor though, but rather the beast in the arena with them. Making the beast even more enraged, emboldened to act. It was the little details in life that Loki appreciated, that his brother did not. The devil was in the details, after all. "To what do you speak, brother?"

"Well, there is always the Shieldmaidens' quarters. I believe that was a useful exploit of our time some years back." Loki said.

"It's been a number of years since we've had to sneak around there." Thor said. "Now, they welcome us inside." He said, not realizing that he was continually spinning the hammer Mjolnir. So distracted now by the thoughts that his brother's words were bringing up, Thor noticed at the last moment, the beast's charge. The Moruk slammed into him, tossing him up in to the air and back. The crowd suitably gasped, and there was a cry throughout the arena. Loki turned and looked at the struggling to rise God of Thunder.

"Brother, I say, are you alright?" He asked. "That beast nearly took your head off."
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Thor rose to his feet, and smiled wanly at his brother, leaving Mjolnir where it had landed after falling from his grasp at the beast's impact. Many times his mischievous kin had gotten him into trouble when they were growing up together. Loki had an unerring ability to make an endeavor seem so innocent, and that 'No one will ever know'. Only to end up standing before the All-Father's angry gaze, and it was usually Thor that was getting the brunt of the anger. It was not that Thor didn't deserve it, as Loki had always been able to play upon his lust and zeal for combat.

"Verily Brother, you have the tongue of a succubus, as you are quite distracting with it. But yon beast beckons for a rider, and 'tis time for you to join the fray!" With a speed that belays his muscular form, Thor grabs Loki by the arm and begins spinning in place.

"Thor, don't you dare!" Loki yells

Thor then tosses Loki towards the once again charging Moruk, the beast's great singular horn lowered. Loki streaks towards the beast, and the horns on his helm catch perfectly on the Moruk's horn, causing him to make two revolutions around it before the centrifugal force causes him to fly up into the air and land in a seated position on the back of the beast.

The crowd roars with laughter and thunderous clapping, with Odin and Freya both joining them in their approval. Standing behind them, the Warrior's Three, made up of Volstagg, Hogun and Fangral stand and cheer the Odinsons. The annual Asgardian Solstice is a great time within the city of Asgard. Fourteen days of games, food and drinking to celebrate the Solstice that even Volstagg himself admits that by the end of the festival he cannot eat, nor drink, another piece or dram. Representatives of some of the Nine Worlds often visit during the festival, or at least those that are friendly with the Asgardians.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

Loki gritted his teeth. That damned brother of his. He waved to the crowd, acknowledging the cheers. Then placing his hands on the beasts head, he called forward an even more powerful enragement charm. Unseen and undetected, it was impossible to tell that it had been Loki who had done this. Immediately he let his face shift from laughter at what had happened to shock. The Moruk bucked, and Loki allowed himself to be unseated, thrown backwards into a column that broke. The beast howled and pawed the ground, charging forward. Thor was able to get a momentary look of concern before the Moruk slammed into him, continuing to run forward. He was trampled underneath and lay there, but this time, the Moruk didn’t stop.

Moving through the earthen walls of the arena, the great beast bore through the walls, unsettling an entire section of the populace. There were screams as the beast broke outside of the arena and started to rampage through the city of Asgard.

Loki slowly sat up, taking the helmet off and casting it aside, revealing long, raven black hair. His green eyes focused on his brother. “Thor, get up.” He said. “Apparently playing ringer with the Moruk didn’t suit it.”

Thor slowly groaned as he rose. The rest of the people in the arena were yelling and screaming. Loki made his way over to Thor and held a hand out for his fallen brother. “Shall we?” He asked. “This seems like much more fun now.”
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Vile beast!" Thor pounded the ground, causing a small tremor to ripple through the grounds surrounding the arena. "That is twice he hath laid me low. There shall not be a third time!"

Thor was angry now, his pride had been wounded by a simple beast, and the crowd's screaming and laughter were now directed at him. Loki couldn't be happier seeing this upon his boastful brother's face.

"Come brother! We will teach this beast to not trifle with the Odinsons in such disregard!" Thor began running towards the ragged hole left by the animal.

"! Aren't you forgetting something?" Loki yelled after Thor, pointing at Mjolnir still lying on the ground of the arena, it's leather wrapped handle pointing skyward.

"Nay brother!" Thor yelled back. "I need not mine hammer to fell a stupid beast who's comeuppance shall shortly be had.!" Thor's boyish smile returned to his face as he began running even faster gaining quickly on the rampaging beast.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

The green clad man merely smiled and then lifted into the air, propelling himself above the arena and into Asgard proper. He could see the damage that the creature had wrecked, and could see that the ensuing damage would be even more if it was not stopped. How interesting it was to witness the Asgardians running in terror at the creature. Even more so to see that the All-Father had not lifted a finger to do anything. Undoubtedly he felt that his champion, his son Thor, would be able to vanquish the beast. A noble thought, and truly an honest one. For if there was anyone on Asgard who would have been thought as the savior of the people in such a situation, then Thor would be first amongst all choices. Loki floated down towards the ground, landing in front of the beast, about two to three hundred yards in front of him.

He knew that Thor was behind the beast, and moving towards it.

The Moruk sensed that it’s avenues of advance and retreat had been cut off and let out a howl of anger. Loki reached out and cast a spell of fear, weaving into the beast’s mind, and unlocking a part of it that made fear enter it’s brain.

He looked up and saw that perched on top of a building was an Asgardian woman, clothed in full battle regalia. A blond, her hair was free and floating in the wind. She looked down at him, and her face showed how cross she was.

“Fair Magnhildr, leader of the Valkyries, have you come to assist the Odinsons?” Loki called out, as the beast shook its head, trying to clear the magick that was addling it’s brain.

“Merely to watch, Loki.” Magnhildr replied. “To step in, if needed.”

The Moruk responded to the spell by turning in place, it’s large body crashing through part of an Asgardian building. Turning, it looked at Thor and then charged, heading straight towards him.

“If needed?” Loki asked, feigning incredulity at these words. “My dear Magnhildr, we will suffer no insult to our prowess. For this is mighty Thor.” He said, gesturing towards his brother with the skill of a showman giving a glimpse of his main attraction. A carnival master unleashing his minstrels upon the crowd. “Now, brother, might be a good time to use some of that famed strength.” He said.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

The beast's roar echoed down the gold and silver paved street of Asgard, it's great cloven hooves created great jagged holes and spewed debris as it's powerful legs thrust it towards Thor.

While others would run in the opposite direction of the great beast, Thor charged forward, his own powerful legs pushing him faster, while his anger at the beast fueled his strength. When the contest had started, it was but a joke to Thor, a spectacle to thrill and entertain the great people of Asgard whom he so loved. There was no greater sound than to hear the adulations of the people of Asgard chanting his name, cheering on his endeavors...and most importantly to his the pride and smile of Odin watching his son making his people cheer for him.

But this beast had laid him low twice. It had escaped the confines of the Arena and was now a threat to the people that he swore to protect. Innocents were in harm's way, and that he could not allow. The two closed the distance between each other within the span of seconds and then suddenly Thor leapt into the air. His powerful legs vaulted him high above the buildings, the arc of his leap carried him down, where he impacted the Moruk in the center of his enormous snout and driving the beast head into the golden paved street leaving a long crevasse until it came to a stop, and Thor nimbly flipped over backwards, landing in a crouched position facing the stunned animal.

Slowly Thor rose to a standing position, his right hand balled into a fist, while his left hand he held out at his side the hand held open. Slowly the beast stirred, muffled grunts emitted from it's leathery mouth, it's eyes trying to focus. The monster shook it's great head and then uttered a window shattering roar as it recognized the cause of it's torment standing before him. Slowly and awkwardly it stumbled to it's feet and the two began circling each other in the center of the street. Both of their eyes were locked together, neither one willing to look away from the other.

Suddenly the Moruk roared and lunged it's great horn at Thor. Moving with a speed that most his size would not have, Thor sidestepped the attack and then roared his own cry and lashed out his fist into the side of the great beast's head. The Moruk's head rocked sideways at the powerful blow that nearly took it's head off if it were not for Thor's mercy. He knew that the beast was only acting in accordance to it's own nature, that there was no malice in it's intentions. A beast only knew to be a beast.

" 'Tis time for this spectacle to be put to an end Great Moruk." Thor spoke to the beast, his voice commanding, yet held a gentleness in its tone.

"Oh how droll." Loki rolled his eyes with a deep repugnant sigh. "Kill the damn thing, and let us be over this stupidity. Next he will make a pet of it and serve it bowls of warm milk."

"The Lord of Thunder does not kill indiscriminately Loki Odinson." Valkyrie stated from her perch. "He knows to show mercy and respect, even to the beasts of the lands...especially one like the Moruk."

"Of course you are correct Lady Valkyrie." Loki stated in a noncommittal tone, while looking to see if he broke a nail. "I bow to your ..." He yawns. " your vast matriarchal reasoning's."

Meanwhile in the street, the Moruk once again shakes it's great head, clearing it's bestial mind from the mighty blow from Thor. This time the beast looks at Thor wearily, it's steps seem more cautious as it paces slowly back and forth as the two continue their warrior's dance.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

The Moruk growled and moved forward, but Thor took a step forward as well, and the Moruk backed down. "Will the beast calm down, brother?" Loki asked.

"I know not, but I shall be prepared should it do anything dire." Thor said.

"Allow me." Loki said, reaching out. The spell weaved itself, visible in the air as a blue stream of gaseous light. It wrapped itself around the beast's head and then settled in, disappearing from view. The Moruk huffed, and then laid down to sleep.

"You could have done that at any point in time." Valkyrie said.

"You just spoke on the wisdom of when to apply suitable force, Valkyrie of Odin." Loki said, looking at the woman with raised brow. "I hardly think that it's wise for you to cut at your own position." He added.

Something registered in his mind and he blinked, looking far off. Something was amiss, something was wrong. But he kept this in his heart of hearts. "The day is ours." He said.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

T'Shon looked around. They were somewhere, that much was for sure. The King of Wakanda looked around, crouched on the ground. His eyes took in everything around him, and his mind was processing it all as well as he could, considering. His head hurt a bit from the portal's form of transportation. There was nausea as well, but not enough to disorient him. Looking over his shoulder, he surveyed the rest of the team exiting the portal.

"Does anyone know where we are?" He asked.

There were a bunch of head shakes and he nodded.

"I think we're in Asgard." He said. He rose and looked out over the city that was before them. They were on a mountain side looking down at the vast expanse of golden city. "I have learned of this place from my readings from before the Chrell Invasion." He said. "This fits the description."

"The problem, is where is Doom?" Captain America asked.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Continuation from Avengers: This Day

Back at the Arena, people were slowly exiting from the excitement, murmurs and laughing quietly echoed around the walls, when suddenly Odin stood. His lone eye looked out towards the hills in the distance. His concerned expression turned to one of dismay, then dissolved into anger.

"Interlopers!" He hissed through clenched teeth. "Huginn..Muninn! Seek!" Odin yells at his great Ravens that circled overhead. Both of the jet black ravens banked hard and flew towards their master's directions.

"What is it my King?" Frigga turned to look at her husband, concern racked on her face.

" 'Tis what I have feared since the time of the Awakening. I hath hoped that they would n'er trample upon our world again, but the Fates have brought them to our doorstep once more."

"You don't mean..."

"Aye, 'tis the Midgardians, they are here, and once again taint our gleaming city with their ills. I shall not allow them to destroy what I have sown again!"

Concentrating, Odin speaks directly into the minds of his sons Thor and Loki. 'My Sons, Midgardian Interlopers have invaded our lands. I task thee both with ridding their taint from our world.

Be very careful my boys, these Midgardians are crafty, and should not be taken lightly. Take what forces that you deem necessary to rid them of our lands.

Send them back to Midgard where they belong, and send message that we shall not endure their kind here!'

Across the city, Thor looked to his brother Loki, both with strangely quizzical expressions. Since the time of their birth they both had been raised with the stern lectures by the All-Father to keep a wide berth from the world of Midgard, that is was from that world that a great disaster came before their birth. One that pitted the All-Father against a foe that was nearly nigh unbeatable, but in the end, Odin was successful and sealed the portal forever to Midgard, preventing any further incursions from there into Asgard.

Even when pressed for more tales about the foes from Midgard from their father, they were met with silence, or told to never ask, or speak about it again.

"To me Mjolnir!" Thor yelled and held out his hand.

At the arena where the stoney hammer sat since the Moruk's escape, it suddenly lifted into the air and streaked skyward in a giant arc, and within moments was tightly gripped in Thor's hand.

"My brother, glorious battle awaits us!" Thor smiled happily. "Let us gather our brethren and beat these interlopers back into the dimension that they belong!" Thor clapped Loki on the back hard enough to make Loki stumble several steps forward. He then looks to Valkyrie. "Your metal and skill would also be most welcome as well Lady Valkyrie."

"Oh...Yes, to great glory!" Loki said raising his hand in the air, and then when Thor and Valkyrie passed him, he rolled his eyes and made a gesture with his arm that was consider quite rude.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

"Wooaahh..." was all Spider-man could say as he looked at the gleaming city of gold spread out before him.

"Took the words right outta my mouth Webhead." Toretto replied still woozy from the portal jump.

"Nice pad." Was all Burke could manage to say as his systems were going through a diagnostic routine to make sure that no systems were damaged in the jump.

Wolverine crouched on a nearby precipice that afforded him a full view of Asgard situated in the deep valley below. The view was quite impressive and even the most hardened of hearts would be stressed at not sensing the majesty that lied below.

Spider-man turned away and was looking at everyone else. "Asgard, holy hell. I need to practice up on my thee, thine and thous..." He pauses for a moment as if remembering something. "...wait a minute! This is where Th....."


At that moment, Iron Man's suit finished its diagnostic and Burke was immediately greeted by his proximity alert flashing red on the HUD, as well as a radar track that was quickly closing the distance towards them.

--Sir, there is a...-- DATA managed to get out.

"INCOMING!!" Burke yelled at the last second before the force of the impact threw everyone backwards into the air.

Cap managed to get his shield up but was still thrown backwards dozens of yards and crashing into a patch of dense trees. Spider-man was thrown against a large boulder several feet behind him, the Iron Spider suit taking the brunt of the impact, but still stunning Brady inside it. Looking out his cracked eyepieces, Brady could make out several shadowy forms within the haze of dirt that had been thrown up by the impact of the unknown object.

Slowly the haze began to dissipate and standing in center of the impact crater Thor stood, his hammer held tightly in his fist, slightly behind him and to his side, stood his brother Loki. Volstagg's enormous girth spilled out behind the brothers, with Fandral and Hogun at his sides. Coming in from the air above them Valkyrie rode upon her loyal winged horse Aragorn, her sword Dragonfang gleaming brightly in her hand. Standing to Thor's opposite side from his brother stood Sif, Thor's longtime friend and fellow warrior.

Holding Mjolnir out and into the face of Spider-man. "Thou hast entered the lands of Asgard unwelcome! Thine and your cohorts shall be given only one opportunity to leave the Eternal Realm with thy lives. Go and Begone, or face the wraith of the God of Thunder!"
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Uh...wait'th one moment-us, Goldilocks." Brady slowly stood up in front of Thor. It was a truly David and Goliath moment, as Spider-man's spindly frame gave up nearly four feet in height alone, as the tilt of his head was nearly touching the back of his shoulder blades. "We're the good guys remember? Verily, thous hast-th lost thine mind."

Before anyone could even have fathomed that Thor's bulk could move so fast, he had reached out and snatched Spider-man off his feet by the throat. Spider-man's waldoes splayed out like a spider's legs spread out when it is about to attack.

"Do not mock the Son of Odin tiny one!" Thor leaned his head forward. "I know not what manner of creature thou might be, but you are clearly no match for the King of Storms."

Brady was starting to become annoyed by everyone underestimating him, and having a Demi-God diss him, did nothing to improve his demeanor. Using his eye commands on his cracked HUD display, he prompted the Strength Augmentation program.

"Reaaaally." The voice of Jim Carrey came from his mask. "Lean in a little closer Hammerhead...if you dare."

"Verily this Spider...person, shows great pluck my lord Thor." Volstagg chuckled, causing his rotund belly to bounce. "Humor the tiny insect!"

"Spider-man, don't you dare!" Captain America came running out from the trees, holding his hand out before him as if reaching to stop the inevitable from happening.

But it was too late, Spider-man reached his arm up and with his hand out like he was wanting to shake hands, he placed his fingertips on Thor's massive chest. "I saw this on Kill Bill Vol. II.."

The snap punch took Thor, and everyone else that was watching, by complete surprise. Thor's body rocketed backwards, with Volstagg barely stepping his massive girth out of the way, as Thor's body whisked between the Asgardians and slammed into the side of the granite face of the hill with enough force that Thor's body left an imprint.

All the Asgardians looked at Thor slowly extricating himself from the granite, and as one, they all turned their gaze back at Spider-man, who was shaking his hand as if in pain, with looks of amazement in their eyes. "Damn, the God of Dander had a hard ass chin!"

"By the Raven's of Odin, the insect boy has the might of a Frost Giant!" Fandral stated.

"The Thunder God should not have underestimated his foe." Hogun replied solemnly. "We must be cautious of these strangely colorful beings, I will dispatch this one myself."

"NO!!Thor suddenly screamed in fury at being humiliated by an apparently weaker foe, and suddenly rushed Spider-man, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground with enough force to send a small tremor that everyone felt.

" to .....leave a mark." Spider-man groaned. "That...the got?"

For a moment even Thor was taken aback by the bravado of Spider-man. "I shall show you my best!!" Thor reared his fist back, his arm muscles tensing and then releasing as he pistoned his arm towards Spider-man's mask.

((OOC: Wonder Time!!!))
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Foxx »

The impact was never felt by Spider-Man. Brady's eyes squinted shut, in a gut reflexive move designed to keep him from seeing the attack that was going to, for all intents and purposes, end his life. The proverbial flashing of one's life before one's eyes might have happened. Or, it might have been the glow from Sean Toretto's body as he slammed into Thor, at breakneck speeds. Mjolnir fell from Thor's grasp due to the shock of the hit, and the two men went speeding. Wood splintered as they broke through tree after tree after tree. Finally, Sean let the Asgardian god go. As he slowed himself down, he turned in mid air, landing so that he was standing with his back to Thor.

"I don't know who you are or who you really are. But nobody touches the little kid." Sean said. Then he was up in the air. It didn't him that long to land on the ground next to Spider-Man. The other Asgardians were tensing up, knowing that a fight was brewing. He noticed that they were also not that concerned that Sean had come back but not their friend Thor.

None of that bothered him. Reaching down, he grabbed Brady and got him up on his feet. "Nobody hurts my friend." He said.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Ninzi »

"Alright, but that still leaves all these guys, who look like an out of work Renassaisance Fair group." Iron Man said.

He was about to speak again, when Volstagg, the heaviest of the Asgardians slammed into him. He was thrown backwards, but he activated his repulsors, stabilizing himself. Then he launched himself forward, returning the favor. Volstagg was thrown backwards, and Iron Man went aerial. He was followed by Valkyrie. Turning in mid air, he fired a series of repulsor blasts at her, but the winged horse dodged them. That surprised him, but then again, he was fighting a woman on a winged horse. Suspension of belief was going to be a big thing here. As he continued to fly, Burke activated his mini missile launchers. A web of tiny missiles launched outwards, all tracking the winged horse.

Lets see how she dealt with that.

Meanwhile on the ground, the rest of the team found their matchups. Volstagg went for Wonder Man, while Sif dove for Wolverine. Fandral and Captain America found themselves locked in a test of strength. Hogun and Black Panther were dodging each other's strikes. Which just left Loki to find an opponent in the scramble...
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

Her winged horse was exceptional. One didn’t just become a winged horse just like that.

Valkyrie maneuvered through the storm of missiles, and came out of them, unscathed, though the explosions and unsheathed her sword. The glint from the sun could be seen by all as the Asgardian herald of Odin flew straight and true, chasing Iron Man. She realized the limitations in her fight though. Magnhildr knew that she had no ranged weapon with her, and furthermore, she did not know how fast this mechanical man could move. It was possible that he would always exceed her grasp, though that was something that she didn’t find to be acceptable. Spurring her horse onwards, she continued the chase, while trying to come up with a plan of attack.

Meanwhile down on the ground, Black Panther saw that he had his hands full with Hogun. The member of the Warriors Three was an accomplished warrior and his prowess was shining in the fight. The Black Panther was no slouch though, he was the King of Wakanda and the chosen of Bast for a reason. They traded blows, and T’Shon soon learned that Hogun’s strength was far above that of his own. He used his speed to his advantage to keep him out of range and keep striking. But there were times when Hogun caught him, particularly in a vicious suplex that had T’Shon thanking Bast that he was no longer a normal human but was able to survive attacks such as this.

Otherwise Wakanda would have been searching for a new King sooner than it had anticipated.

But the real interesting thing to note was what Thor’s brother was doing. The Asgardian God of Mischief watched the fight without getting involved. He didn’t know where Thor was, but he didn’t see a need to jump into the fight. Loki saw that they had the fight well in hand. This was not something that warranted his attention. Undoubtedly the people who had come to Asgard from Midgard were interesting, but they themselves were not as interesting as something else that he had sense happening as well. Maybe even the cause of them arriving here in the first place. There was no need for him to stay and while the fight raged on, he stole away, until he was a safe distance away and could safely teleport himself where he needed to go.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Cadden »

Wolverine dodged Sif's initial attack, having been given plenty of time to anticipate her first move and respond accordingly. As she passed by him, the snikt sound of both sets of claws filled her ears, and Wolverine immediately jabbed upward toward her abdomen. However, Sif was able to alter herself enough to avoid being caught completely off-guard by the sudden appearance of the otherwise-hidden weapons. She spun around, both hands fashioning a sword, as she brought herself to an offensive position.

Wolverine mimicked the maneuver with his claws, reflecting his own training.

Sif looked at where the claws did manage to scrape across her dense skin. "A feeble attempt," she said, "but you will have to do better than than if you plan to hurt me."

"Hurt you?" Wolverine repeated. "Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet." With that, Wolverine lunged toward Sif, claws ready to do some damage. She brought her swords up to defend, and the two clashed. The Asgardian weapons were far more durable than those Wolverine was used to, and so the mutant was taken a bit aback from the lack of his otherwise clear advantage with his adamantium claws. Sif took advantage of his momentary distraction and delivered a swift blow with one of her swords across his chest. Wolverine staggered backward and looked down, before returning his attention to her, the wound healing almost instantly. Without a word, he resumed his assault, throwing clawed punches at her as she blocked, dodged, or parried, before she took the offensive.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Ghost »

Sif smirked as she came face to face with Wolverine, between the two of them, deadlocked and intertwined were swords and claws. The ground beneath them crumbled slightly as they pushed against each other, and for a moment it would seem that Sif was giving way, but it was only to gain the upper-hand.

Within a split-second, she dropped her left shoulder down and grabbed his wrist, her right hand reached up and grabbed up and underneath his armpit. “Allow me to show you what happens when you call me such a foolish name…”
It too minimal effort to lift Wolverine for the most part, but the hurling him was a bit more challenging as his adamantium claws caught across her shoulder and chest as she threw him clear across the forest brush and through several trees. The explosion of wood and brush rushed outwards as his body flew a few hundred yards away from her own, but Sif wouldn’t stop there.

As Wolverine was recovering in a pile of debris, she was ontop of him, and even she had to admit he was fast, for a Midgardian. Just as her fist impaled the ground where he once was, he was on his feet beside her.

"Impressive little man.."
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Something was definitely wrong, Ben thought to himself as Fandral's blade clanged harmlessly off his shield. He had read all the prior reports from Rogers when he wore the red, white and blue, not to mention the fact that Thor was one of the founding members of the Avengers prior to the Chrell Invasion, but yet there was no recognition in Thor's eyes to Cap's familiar suit and shield, nor even to Iron Man, Black Panther and Wolverine. All reports had stated that Thor was a friend of the Earth and worked side by side against many of the Earth's greatest enemies, not to mention falling in defense against the Chrell.

"Fandral, what the hell?!" Ben said as his own Super-Soldier enhanced reflexes kept his shield between him and Fandral's keen edged blade. He knew Fandral's name and abilities as well from Roger's After Action reports. "We are not your enemies! The Asgardians and Avengers have fought many times together in the past against foes both in your lands and ours! Hell man, you and the Warriors Three fought and died protecting the Earth from the Chrell Invasion!"

One third of the Warrior's Three, Fandral was the best of the Asgardian's with a blade, but he was taken aback by the fact that this midgardian knew his name. "I know not who thine be midgardian, nor what sounds like a glorious battle to rival Ragnarok, for I have never met thee before. But obviously mine prowess with a blade is well known among the Nine Realms." With the last part of his statement, a cocky smile forms on his lips. "But obviously thou is mistaken, for I and my brethren have not fallen, nor shall we to the likes of midgardians!"

Fandral lunged again with his sword, but this time Ben was ready, and slammed the edge of his shield on the nerve point at Fandral's wrist. While Asgardians might be faster, stronger and more durable than a human, they still had the same nerve points and weaknesses as them. Fandral's blade fell to the ground, and Fandral was stunned by the Captain's own enhanced strength, not to mention that he had been disarmed by a midgardian.

"I'm sorry Fandral, but it would appear that Cap's action reports were correct about one thing. That most Asgardians are far too overconfident in their abilities against those you think are inferior." Ben brought the shield up from his downward strike to Fandral's wrist, and the opposite edge of the shield caught Fandral just under his chin into the sweet spot there. Fandral was flipped backwards from the force and laid still on the ground unconscious.

"Now to find out what the hell is going on." Ben stated as he took a moment to assess the situation surrounding him.

Wonder Man helped Spider-man to his feet, while Spidey held the side of his head. "Oooo, man, I don't even want to think about what giant fist would have done to me Wonder Bread. I think it actually had a licence plate on it that said 'EAT THIS'. Thanks."

"Well, I couldn't let Thor pound the shit out of you without me getting you in shape first." Sean said with a smile.

"Hardy, har, har Ion Man." Spider-man replied as he stepped over to where Moljnir lied on the ground, its leather wrapped handle pointing skyward. "Well, Goldilocks will be pissed that he lost his little rock hammer." He reached out and grasped the handle of the hammer.

"I wouldn't do that." Sean warned.

"What?" Suddenly the mighty hammer streaked upwards into the sky, and it was only due to Spider-man's adhesion ability that he was able to hold on. As it was, he was fairly certain that his arm was nearly ripped from his socket. "WHOAAAAAAOOOOooooooo!" Spider-man's scream rebounded off the cliffs and hills as he soared off into the distance.

Spider-man clung to the leather strap on Moljnir, his spindly arm and legs flapping as the hammer soared across the sky, only to come within seconds to a jarring halt. When Brady opened his tightly shut eyes, eyes, beneath a flow of golden hair stared back at him only inches away.

Thor held his powerful hammer over his head, while Spider-man dangled impotently from it's leather strap, his feet several feet from the ground as Thor was not only much larger in mass, but several feet taller than Brady.

"Um, could I please have your Valet Ticket for your ride sir?" Spider-man quipped nervously.

"Vile Imp!" Thor raged and then swung his hammer back and forth as if trying to sling Spider-man from his weapon. When he stopped, Spider-man now was clinging to the solid rune-etched stone of the hammer.

"I'm sorry Sir, but I can't give you your vehicle unless you have the proper validation." Brady said, his voice sounding a little unsteady.

Thor roared in anger. "Trickster! Jokester! Thou shall remember this day well, as you burn in the fires of Hell for mocking me!" Thor then began spinning his hammer in earnest. So fast was it spinning that he began to create a static discharge as crackling bolts of electricity shot out from the outside of the spinning circle that it was creating. Spider-man was nothing but a red blur on the edge of the spin, and then suddenly Thor slammed the hammer to the ground, sending a rippling shockwave through the valley.

When the dust cleared, Thor peered into the small crater that he had created and his eyes widened when he saw no sign of Spider-man within it.

"Oh man, I think I'm...I'm going to hurl." Came the voice of Spider-man, who was now clinging to the back of Thor's voluminous red cape, his chin resting uneasily on Thor's broad shoulder.

Roaring again in anger at being mocked, Thor reached over his shoulder and grasped Spider-man by the head and forcefully slung him into the ground at his feet.

"Oh, yeah...that ...helped..." Spider-man stated weakly.

"I shall show you the meaning of hurling midgardian imp, and send thee back to whence thy came!" Thor said as he raised his clenched fist.

Spider-man reacted more out of survival than anything else and brought his hands up and fired his webshooters, coating Thor's face and blinding the Asgardian's.

"What manner of magic is this!" Thor yelled as he clutched at the now hardened webbing. His strength was no match for the tough webbing, but it gave Spider-man the moment he needed to gather his wits and get to his feet.

"Not magic!" Spider-man said and then deployed Moe, Larry and Curly. The waldoes extended from their housing and struck Thor in the middle of his muscular chest, causing him to back step several feet, the tips of the waldoes blunted noticeably against the Asgardian's chest. "Play time is over MC Hammer." Spider-man activated the Offense program of the suit, his own natural strength and agility now being augmented by the programs within the suit.

Spider-man launched into a series of kicks and punches, while at the same time moving, leaping and jumping around Thor so that he could not get a bearing of his position. Thor was staggered by the various strikes, the Iron Spider suits targeting HUD pinpointing the various pressure points and nerve centers on Thor's body, and Brady utilizing it to stun and not give the much stronger and larger man a moment to breath.

But as with all good things, they must eventually come to an end, as Thor proved that while he is a large and muscular man, he had the speed that belayed his large bulk, and suddenly grasped Spider-man by the leg and flung him into the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of him.

Thor ripped the rest of the webbing from his face and called Moljnir back into his hand. "Thou art a swift and powerful being for a midgardian of such small stature, but thy time and thou's friends is at an end!"

"You should ...see Pocket..." Spider-man stated weakly from the ground, his waldoes broken and lying in a heap on and around him.

"You hath courage as well. But it will save you not today." Thor lifted Spider-man from the ground with his free hand. "Nor will it save you from your friends that have come to Asgard uninvited!"

Thor spun his hammer and then launched himself, while holding Spider-man in his other hand, into the air. Within seconds they approached the continuing battle between the Asgardians and the Avengers.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Foxx »

Volstagg was a large man, and Sean was positive that he shouldn’t underestimate him. While he was fairly sure that he’d rather have gone after Thor and Spider-Man, knowing that Brady could use the help, he had his hands full right after Spider-Man had flown into the air, having been tossed to the ground himself. Shaking his head slightly, he turned and looked at the large Asgardian who was stomping his way over to him. Heavy enough so that the ground shook slightly as he walked, Volstagg had a cheery smile on his face.

“Well then, boy, let’s see what you’re made of.” The heavy Asgardian said, brandishing his weapon. The swipe missed, as did the next one. “You know, I used to be one of the best swordsman in all the realms.” Volstagg said.

“What happened, you got fat?” Sean asked, and the cheery look diminished on the other man’s face.

“That’s not the nicest thing you could have said.”

“But I did say it.” Sean said, moving out of the way. He charged forward, throwing his shoulder into Volstagg’s formidable form. The two moved backwards, crashing through a few trees, until they slammed into a heavy boulder that protruded from the ground. Sean stumbled backwards and looked at the man. Volstagg’s cheery demeanor had returned.

“Now we’re talking!” Volstagg said with his big smile.

“Son of a bitch.” Sean managed, before Volstagg’s fist slammed into his head.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Ninzi »

Iron Man continued to fly, moving through the air, as he tried to head back to the ground fighting. His sensors continued to track the blond Asgardian woman as she moved. He was lucky that she didn’t have any ranged attacks and he knew it. Burke knew that the armor was incredibly durable, but at the same time, they were not on earth anymore. Not in Kansas, that was what Brady would have said. He wasn’t sure what the weapons on Asgard could do to his armor, and he didn’t want to find out.

For the first time since they’d started this thing, from Wakanda to now, Burke felt that there was safety in numbers. Landing on the ground, he brought his hands up, firing two heavy repulsor beams into Hogun, to give Black Panther the assist. As he did, he watched his HUD tell him that the Valkyrie signature had disappeared. With a smile, he figure that she’d decided to go after some other prey.

Shame, he thought as he turned around. That was one hot blonde and she-

The thought was driven from his mind. He turned around and saw why her signature had disappeared. When he’d landed on the ground, she’d jumped off the horse, and had been heading straight towards him. DATA hadn’t registered the new thing moving towards him as Valkyrie until the last second. She hit him, knocking him to the ground and then crouched over him. “Metal man, your time has come.”

“What was the safety word for the Norse fantasy?” He asked, as he saw the sword come up in the air.

The sword came down.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

“Do you know who’s hallowed ground it is that you tread upon?”

The man in the green cloak didn’t stop his movements at the voice, but they did slow until finally they stopped. He was not alone, but he had realized that a few minutes prior, and had been waiting for this newcomer to pick some course of action. Dialogue. That was interesting. It meant that he was dealing with someone who’s first instinct wasn’t to attack. Someone with whom there could be discourse. His back was to the direction that the voice had come from and slowly he lifted his head. Without turning around, he spoke.

“Do you think that I care?” He asked.

“Clearly not. After all, you’re here in the first place.” 

“Then, if you please, pray tell what was the purpose of asking me the question in the first place?” The man asked.

“Of course, I am mistaken. That’s not how things are done on Midgard, am I right?”

The man turned, in Odin’s treasure room. Glittering pieces of artifacts littered the place. The green cloaked man had a mask over his face and piercing blue eyes looked out at the also green clothed man who was in the room as well. The two were the only beings in the room at the point in time and there was silence. The Asgardian started to walk in a slow circle, directions that the hooded man followed.

Locked in a dance of weird design.

“Where are my manners?” The Asgardian said. “You are a guest, a visitor. Surely introductions should be made. My name is Loki Odinson. You are in my father’s vault.” He said. “You are?” He asked, gesturing.

“My name is Doom.”

“Quite foreboding.” Loki said, with a snap of his fingers. “I say, we seem to have borrowed liberally from the same color palette.”

“I don’t have time for jokes.” Doom replied, his voice conveying a growing annoyance. “Mischief and trickery are not things that I find amusing.”

“Well, you’re a bit out of luck.” Loki replied, with a quick and easy smile. “They happen to be my stock in trade.” He added, opening his arms outwards in an apologetic manner. “But at this moment, my curiosity has indeed been piqued, so we’ll move along. This vault is impressive. Built by dwarves from the smithies of Asgard. Enchanted by Odin and Frigga. It’s impregnable.” He said.

As if to make sport of the statement, Doom looked around, his arms open. “Nowhere is off limits to me.” Doom said.

“That’s what I’d like to talk about.” Loki said, coming to a full stop. He looked dead set into Doom’s eyes. “How did you break into Odin’s holy vault of horrors?” He asked, his voice becoming soft, a whisper on the wind. “The knowledge is something that I find to be most fascinating.”

“As a jester, you should know not to reveal the source of one’s tricks.” Doom said. He looked at the smile on Loki’s face. “Give me a reason to tell you. Perhaps the alarm will not be-”

“Oh, the alarm has been sounded.” Loki said with a shrug. “I unfortunately had no control over that. If I did, I might not have set it off. But you’re playing with powers that can make moving mountains look like the work of some lesser being. So, before my brother takes his toy and beats on your face like a Frost Giant looking for vengeance, I’d like to know how you did it. Because Odin will get it out of you, you can be assured of that.” He said. His eyes looked around the room for a moment. Taking stock. “Though, I’m afraid I’m also deadly interested in what it is that you came here for.” He said.

“Your brother...Thor?”

“So you’ve heard of him.” Loki said, clapping his hands together and making a bowing motion. “I do dislike being a herald for his arrival. There tends to be a lot of noise and oath taking that vengeance will belong to the God of Thunder. A lot of nonsense and needless words. So tell me.”

Doom paused and considered. “I will tell you, but it will cost you.” When Loki waved this away, Doom gave a short, harsh laugh. “You will owe me a favor, and when I call in that favor, you will aid me.” He said. Loki nodded, so he continued. “There is a veil, a field of quantum energy that bars transfer between your world and mine. Your father put it in place, if I had to guess. With the right application of energy, both technological and mystical, that veil can be pierced. That is precisely what I did. With that same power, I was able to transport myself directly into the vault.” He said.

“Interesting. So the people who came with you-”

“Who?” Doom asked.

“Ah. So I know something that you don’t. Also interesting. There’s a group of people who came with you. They’re wearing curious costumes. Quite colorful.” He said. “The only reason why this seems so peculiar to me, is that I’ve heard of them before. From a friend, some time ago.” He said, and then he spoke, his voice dancing as if he quoted from a poem.

"A man in a machine. A man dazzling of stars.
One bursting with energy, one challenging gods.
One in all black, fashioned after a cat.
And one who tears everything apart.”

“They’re pests, nothing more.” Doom said. If he was affected by the words, he showed nothing. “Now, will you stand in my way?” He asked.

“No, I think I’m far more interested in seeing how all of this plays out.” Loki said. “Besides, you’re not the only one who can conceal themselves from Odin’s ever watchful eye. As far as the Allfather is concerned, there’s only one person in the room.” He said. “One favor, Doom, that’s all I owe you.” He said, turning and starting to walk out of the room. “And the gem is over there.” He said, when he got close to the door.

“How did you know?” Doom asked.

“It’s the only one who’s lock has been tampered with.” Loki said, before he disappeared.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

OOC: Jointly worked on by Nich and myself.


The red, white and blue shield clipped Dragonfang mere inches from Burke's chest plate, causing it to twist out of Valkyrie's hand and flip end over end into the air.  The Captain's shield then rebounded off one of the thick tree trunks and Ben deftly caught it in mid air upon it's return.

"Hela's Ghost!" Valkyrie cried out in surprise.

"You know, normally I would appreciate a strong and beautiful woman sitting on top of me...for obvious reason, but it's usually me penetrating  the other with my sword."  Burke triggered his chest beam which flared out from his chestplate, striking Valkyrie point blank in her chest.  Valkyrie came to rest several feet away, very much dazed by the blast and trying to get her bearings back.

"Thanks Cap."  Burke managed to get out without too much conceit in his tone.

"We need to find out where Spider-man went off to.  I seriously doubt he is any match for Thor."

"You might be surprised Cap, the kid is resilient, and actually very intuitive."  Burke responded.  "My problem is why don't the Asgardians remember who we are, and why are they attacking us?"

"I've been wondering that myself."  Cap stated, looking around and surveying the remaining Asgardians and the rest of his team.  Like a General on the lines of a battle field, Ben stood up straight, using both his eyes to take in the mosaic of the fight, and his ears to listen to the music of battle.  Adamantium claws clanged against Asgardian steel.  The mirthful laughter of Volstagg settled low in the air as he pummeled Wonder Man, if it had been another time, and another place it would have been an oddly funny site to see.

Black Panther was holding his own against Hogun, the Wakandan leader's agility winning, over the fierce swordsmanship of the crafty Hogun, by leaping and spinning his form around the armored opponent with ease.  But it was Wolverine's bezerker's roar that drew his attention back to his and Lady Sif's fight.  Sif had managed to impale her sword through Wolverine's mid-section and had lifted him up into the air like a child holding a popsicle over it's head.

Ben knew that Wolverine would heal from a wound that would be mortal to a normal human, and even some that are super-human, but it also meant that Wolverine would be thrown into one of his bezerker rages, and that usually spelled bad tidings for anyone involved.  In his rage, Wolverine's eyes widened in sheer anger and pain as he reached down and grasped the sword's blade, one hand where it had entered his stomach, and one hand grasping the back where it had exited.  Blood was oozing through the two wounds, and now dripped in streams from between his clenched fingers as he held the razor sharp blade that had cut him to the adamantium bones in his hands..

With a roar of anguish, and a savage shove, Sif's blade sliced through Wolverine's mid-section and come out his right side in a horrendous flood of blood, severed muscles and his intestine.  As he dropped to the ground, nearly ripped in half, he lashed out and buried his left claws into the thigh of Sif who yelled out in pain and dropped to her knee, grasping Wolverine's left wrist and holding it in place so that he could not rip her leg in half.

Wolverine's pain filled, widened eyes were deeply rimmed and bloodshot red as he clenched his teeth together and tried to rip his claws out of her leg, but the Asgardian's strength was too much for him to overcome.  Already the wound to his abdomen was quickly healing itself and had closed, but the pain of his internal organs reforming, especially in the sensitive area of his intestines, caused fresh pain to make him grimace even more.  His rage, on the other had, was still fresh and clear as he brought his right claws back with the intent to several Sif's head from her neck.

"Fucking bitch!"  He screamed.

"Wolverine...NO!"  Cap yelled out.

Wolverine brought his gleaming claws around, Sif's neck at the perfect angle, but his cut never saw it's mark, as a .45 Caliber round struck him solidly in the forehead with a audible TING! as the round impacted on Wolverine's adamantium skull, knocking him back to the ground, which also pulled his claws from Sif's leg, who screamed out and clasped a hand over the now gushing three wounds in her leg.   

"You know when he wakes up in a minute, he's going to be gunning for blood."  Burke stated as the faceplate of his helmet rose up to show his somewhat battered face complete with a small trickle of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"We need that moment to regroup and re-assess this mess."  Ben replied.  "There is something 'very' wrong here.  We're fighting the wrong battle."

"Tell that to him..." Burke stated as his faceplate quickly back into place.  

Ben barely had a moment to shield himself as the enormous bolt of lightning struck the ground several meters away, but it wasn't the bolt that they had to shield themselves from as the deafening crack of thunder that immediately followed it, the reverberating force of it showed no mercy to either friend or foe and threw both Avenger and Asgardian alike, several feet away from it's powerful force, stunning all.

"Enough of this madness!" Thor yelled as he came to a hover above them all, holding Spider-man's limp body in his one hand while the other spun Mjolnir effortlessly.  "Thou interlopers shall be brought low for thy trespasses and assaults on Asgard.  Surrender to the Odinson, and thou shalt not be further harmed!"

"Thor, what the hell is going on?"  Ben yelled as he got to his feet and walked towards Thor's hovering form.  "You were an ally to Midgard.  You have fought at the side of heroes before, heroes who look like us.  If there is any madness going on here, it is you that has been effected by it!"

"Nay warrior, I have ne'er seen thy kind before.  Tis you that hath mistaken thy place.  Under the Law of Odin, Asgardians are forbidden to travel to Midgard...and justly so as your actions have proven the All Father's words to be true!"  Thor looked down upon Captain America.  "Your kind is a barbaric race, that is without honor and your world hath not moral value, as so decreed by the All Father!"  

He turned and saw Volstagg fall to the ground, finally knocked unconscious by Wonder Man. Toretto turned and saw Spider-Man being held in Thor’s hand and charged forward, ignoring the call from Captain America to stand down. Thor’s response was simple. This time he saw it coming. Dropping Spider-Man, he spun the hammer and it slammed into Wonder Man, impacting against his jaw. The other man was lifted up off the ground, holding in the air and then falling to the ground, knocked out.

Burke had to raise an eyebrow at that, inside the suit. Thor had hit Wonder Man with enough power to knock the other man out. That was substantial, considering who strong and how durable Wonder Man was.

“We’re down to three.” Iron Man said. “I don’t think that reasoning with him is going to work.” He said.

“Burke....don’t...” Captain America said, but that was all he managed, before the Uni-Beam launched out, hitting Thor square in the chest. The kickback was substantial, but nothing compared to the knock down that Thor experienced. He flipped over and over on the ground, dredging up dirt and roots and stones. “Damnit, Burke.” He said looking at Iron Man as he readied his shield. He knew what was going to happen.

Thor was going to get all enraged, more so than he had been before.

But someone else was up on his feet first. 


The much shorter man was crouched, his claws out. His eyes weren’t focused on the man who had shot him, but on the only Asgardian who was left standing. Black Panther had managed to subdue Hogun, but only through sheer luck. The King of Wakanda walked towards the rest of the group. At that moment, Thor flew forward, his body throwing itself into Black Panther, throwing him against a tree, knocking him out.

“Okay, still three.” Iron Man said.

“I love your attitude.” Captain America said, walking towards Wolverine, to try to calm him down.

But Wolverine was starting to run.

The claws slid against the Asgardian’s skin, scrapping the surface, pulling thousands of skin cells off. But that was all. Surprise was on Wolverine’s face, as he was unable to fathom what had just happened. He’d been able to pierce Sif. Why was he unable to do the same to Thor? Unfortunately it was a question that would be left unanswered, at least for the time being. Moljnir made an oddly muffled CLUNG at it struck the side of Wolverine's head, the sound even caused Thor's eyebrow to raise quizzically and look at his hammer as if something was wrong with it

While Wolverine was basically indestructible due to his Healing Factor and adamantium bones. His internal organs were still the same as any other human being, including his brain which due to force of Thor's blow was now severely damaged due to the concussive force of the blow.

“Down to two.” Iron Man said.

“I can count.” Captain America said.

“Just making sure.” Burke replied. He looked at Thor, who stood over the unconscious form of Wolverine. “This isn’t going to be fun.” He said.

Thor’s eyes flicked up to them. “This wasn’t even a challenge.” He said. “Is all of Midgard this weak?” He asked.

“DATA, if we make it out of this, I want a new project file started. Call it ‘Thorbuster’. Also, if we don’t make it out of this....”

”The letter will be sent.” DATA replied.

“Good to know.”

The three were all that were left on the battlefield.


Captain America

Iron Man

“If you’re not going to see reason.” Benjamin said, hefting the shield and letting the rest of his words hang unspoken in the air. He turned and looked at Burke. For the first time it seemed as though the two of them were on the same page.

Iron Man fired his repulsor beams. The particle beam launcher opened up as well as the pulse bolts. This time Thor was ready, getting hit with the full force of everything. While it knocked him back, knocked him down, he was starting to rise to his feet as Iron Man took to the air.

Captain America was running forward, and he leapt into the air, slamming the edge of the shield down into the back on Thor’s neck. His jaw clicked against the armor of his chest. The shield came back around, from the side, hitting the side of Thor’s head. A kick to the chest of the kneeling foe. Not strong enough to lift him up, but enough to make him lean back, directly in to the waiting blast of another repulsor. Thor’s arm came up, forcing the Uni-beam to hit that instead of the rest of his body. As the Asgardian god rose, he was subjected to pummeling blows from Captain America.

Until he started blocking. Peripheral vision told him that Iron Man had landed and was running towards him. He turned, summoning lightning from Mjolnir that lanced outwards towards Iron Man.

”Sir, multiple systems failing.” DATA told him.

“Push through it. Try to absorb it.” Burke yelled out, watching now from the ground as Thor turned towards Captain America.

The shield came up, and Thor’s punch glanced off of it. Cap lunged forward, using the shield as an offensive weapon and hitting it into the chest of Thor. If this was going to be it, if he was going to be the last one left fighting against this man, then Benjamin Davis was going to go out fighting. He was Captain America. It was not by chance or by luck that he had received the Super Soldier serum. A man who was the heir to a legacy started to do what he did best.

Fight back.

Thor, a master combatant himself, threw blow after blow, but somehow, even though his speed was superhuman, he hit nothing but air. When he did hit something, it was as though the Captain knew where it would be, prescience almost coming to mind. As a result, the impact fell upon a shield that was seemingly indestructible.

”Sir, suit is at three hundred and eighty seven percent power. I would caution, since the chassis is still suffering from-”

“Stow it. Full power to thrusters.” Burke said, exploding from the ground towards the two fighters. His travel was short, caught by reflex from Thor. The Asgardian’s grip was deathly strong on his neck, and sparks flew as metal started to bend and break. “DATA, hit him with everything. Now!”

The Uni-Beam, firing at well over three hundred percent charge, lit up, as Captain America leapt into the air, bringing the shield in as hard as he possible could, as Thor summoned a force field as fast as he could.

The resulting explosion was a beautiful display of color and light. There was a ripple effect that leveled many of the trees that surrounded them. The three combatants themselves were knocked to the ground.

Slowly, ever so slowly, they started to rise.

Thor’s grip of Mjolnir tightened and he was ready to continue the fight.


One word and he stopped. He turned, on the ground, to see Odin standing before them all.

The three struggled to their feet.

“Father, I-”

“I know.” Odin said. “Honor and courage, two things that Thor hath shown himself in possession of over the years. This day is no different.” Odin said. Stay thy hand, my son. There is more at work here than is apparent.”

“Totally what we’ve been trying to say. No one ever listens to me.” Iron Man said.

“Alexander Nicholas Burke.” Odin said. “The one called the Iron Man.”

“So you've heard of me. Kinda makes me feel like Jack Sparrow.” Iron Man said, earning him a look of annoyance from Captain America.

“We do not wish to continue this fight.” Captain America said, reaching his full height. “We were following someone from earth, someone who traveled here.” He said.

“I know.” Odin said. “There is an interloper in the palace of Asgard. The intrusion is not of thy design.” He said.

Captain America silenced Burke with a swift look. “We appreciate that.” He said. “Might I inquire as to why your son does not recognize any of us?” He asked.

“A question that shalt be answered at a later time.” Odin said. “For now, we must go to the treasure room.”
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

The group stood arrayed in the treasure room of Odin, of Asgard. Captain America had the hood of his costume thrown backwards and he stood next to Iron Man. Thor stood on his right hand side. The three men were at the head of the group. All were standing in front of one man, who dominated the room with his presence. It wasn’t his fault. Maybe it was, but either way it didn’t matter. The fact was that everyone, even Thor, looked small in his presence. His name was Odin, he was the All-Father. All took their time looking around at the different items and artifacts that were in the room.

“This is incredible.” Spider-Man said. “Like...incredible.” He added, echoing his previous statement.

“Calm down, kid.” Wonder Man said rolling his eyes. “Act professional.”

“Professional?” Spider-Man repeated, turning and looking at Wonder Man. “We’re in the treasure room of Asgard.”

“Alright.” He said in reply, considering it. It had some merit. This was, after all, a decently big deal. And Brady was not the same kind of operator that he was. That much was for sure. “Alright. Wig out a little.” He said with a shrug and a smirk.

“Damn skippy.”

“Quiet.” Thor said, sparing them a look over his shoulder. “My father speaks.”

“The treasure room has been robbed.” Odin said. “Thy fortunes seem to be intertwined with those of Asgard, warriors of Midgard.” He said.

“Father, do you know how the person who robbed the room got in here in the first place?” Loki asked.

“No, Loki, I do not.” Odin said, taking a few steps around the room. “But tis something that I shalt not rest until I discover.” He said. “I know what the thief carried off, while your fight distracted all.” He pointed at a small seemingly unimportant display that was off into the corner. Slowly the group started to follow until they stood in front of the display. The lock had been tampered with, finally busted open. Odin reached out and ran a finger along the keyhole of the broken lock. Bringing it up to his face, he looked at it, as if there was something that only he could see.

Loki saw it as well.

There were traces of magic still on the lock and now wisps of green energy clung to Odin’s fingers. “Midgard Magic.” He said. “The man you are chasing, Captain, stole a small gem, of simple coloration. Purple, I believe was the hue.” He said. “As of this moment, he is an enemy of Asgard. He has stolen something that was here for safekeeping.” Odin leveled a finger at Thor. “My son will journey with you to Midgard, and provide assistance on thy quest to stop this man.” He said.

Thor nodded and left the room along with the rest of the Asgardians, to prepare for his journey to Midgard.

“We are honored for your help.” Captain America said. “I would inquire about my question from earlier.”

“Yes. You wondered why neither of my two sons recognized you, nor Sif or Valkyrie, or the Warriors Three.” Odin said. He breathed in deeply, as if considering the weight of what he was saying. he saw the look on his wife’s face, who had walked into the room at some point during the conversation with the Avengers. “It was a difficult choice. After the event that you on Midgard refer to as the Chrell Invasion, the Asgardians who perish were reborn. I saw fit to exorcise from Asgardian memory everything of Midgard. They do not remember anything of the past that involves Midgard. Now, they live the way that they should. The decision was difficult. But it was on that was made and must be dealt with.”
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Nichalus »

Brady was still halfway in Aweville as Odin was speaking, his mind still whirling that he was even in Asgard, and was seriously thinking that this entire event was nothing more than his overactive imagination working on the most spectacular dream after a night fueled with Monster drinks and Halo. But as Odin spoke about why Thor and company did not remember them, Brady became confused, and then irritated...which meant that his ability to be respectful was tossed out the door next to its partner decorum.

"Hold up there a second Grandpa." Spider-man stepped forward, his slender body framed by the much larger bodies of the Avengers.

"Spider-man!" Ben and Toretto both turned and stated in unison with both shock and irritation in their eyes. Both Huginn and Muninn, Odin's great black ravens, sitting up high in the chamber squawking their own disdain backing up Cap and Wonder Man's own.

Burke merely smirked broadly with his arms crossed over his chest piece. "God I love that kid. He reminds me, of me."

Wolverine merely stood there, though one corner of his usual frown was slightly upturned in a vague form of a smile. Panther merely hung head, shaking it slowly.

"No Cap, this isn't right!" Brady replied as he stood before the imposing figure of Odin. "What gives him the right to just wipe away decades of friendship, teamwork and loyalty that Thor had with the prior members of the Avengers? Heroes that he fought and died beside because he 'wanted' to! Not to mention the fact that Thor was a protector of the people of Midi..Mido..Midicloreans, or whatever the hell they call us! He was a protector of the Earth, and saved us time after time before."

"But Nooooo....because we're a bad influence on his boy, and got him killed doing what he loved to do, the Godfather here resurrects him, wipes his memories, and tells him that we are not his friends and as a matter of fact we aren't worth even their notice. But wait! Now his boy must work with us lowly pions from Earth because someone from there stole one of Daddy's little trinkets. " He points a crimson finger at Odin. "Thy logic be'ith flawed, Oh wise Geriatric God."

The rest of the Avengers look at Odin, who looks down upon Spider-man, his singular eye taking in the slight little man standing before him. His aged and wizened face showing not even a twitch of emotion, which in itself seems to be a portent of bad things. Odin then raised his hand, his finger beginning to point down towards Spider-man...but then Frigga gently placed her hand upon Odin's arm, her smile quickly disarming the rising anger of her husband.

"Thou must all forgive mine husband's decisions." Her voice seems to lilt across the air in the room, softly echoing through the chamber that suddenly seems to brighten. "When it comes to our children, it 'twas a most difficult decision for us to make. For, until the day of Ragnarok arrives we cannot truly die. Mine husband did thus make the choice when our children died battling the Chrell, we knew and made the hard decision that we can ill afford to chance Thor, nor even Loki, to be lost before their time."

"Your world and it's universe is filled with ever more powerful beings than any of us could have possibly known. For some reason the Earth is a nexus point in your universe, the reasoning of thus is a great mystery. Thus when mine husband resurrected our children after the Chrell, 'tis not from a thought that your world is less than ours, but it holds hidden dangers that he chose not to expose our children to further."

Odin gently patted Frigga's hand on his arm and looked back at Spider-man. "My wife speaks the solemn truth little Spider."

Spider-man begins to raise his own finger in rebuke, but Captain America quickly reaches out and, even through his armored mesh suit, and pinches the nerve at the base of his neck and shoulder, whispering softly. "You say another demeaning word to his being, and you'll be spinning a web from your ass for a week."

Caught with his finger pointing at Odin while pausing to think about what the good Captain said, Spider-man gulps. "Your absolutely right, and that was a good call on your part...sir."
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Ninzi »

“What happened in the past, happened. There’s no use bothering with trying to complain about it now.” Iron Man said. He was thinking specifically of the Sub-Mariner and Paragon City. Flashbacks of Warpath came to his mind. But he didn’t have time to remember now. “Now, I can’t be the only guy wondering what’s so special about a purple gem. I get it, it’s shiny and Odin doesn’t like people taking his shiny, but thy descriptive services need an upgrade, if you catch my drift.” He said, surreptitiously starting to run DATA’s information gathering protocols as he walked around the room. “Seems to me that if you’d just lost one of Frigga’s earrings, you wouldn’t send that big guy with us back to earth, your son Adonis.” He said and then stopped. “No wait. Wait....wrong mythology.”

“One day, my wife’s wrath perhaps you will earn, Man of Iron.”

Iron Man paused and then looked at Captain America. “He’s talking like Yoda now. That’s not fair.” He said pointing. “This is a world of heroes, not Star Wars.”

“Right.” Captain America said, trying to figure out just what the hell Burke was talking about. “What’s your point?” He asked.

“My point is that the gem is special.” Burke said, gesturing around the room. “It was in a treasure room filled with treasure, pardon the basic definition. Which means, what the hell was so treasure-full about the gem? Yes, made a new word. Yes, it’s trademarked.”
Ninzified lol.
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Re: Asgard: The Jewel of the Nine Worlds

Post by Mir »

“The gem is one of six.” Odin said, acknowledging Iron Man’s words. “They are known by a number of names throughout this reality, but you would call them the Infinity Gems.” He said.

“I have heard of such gems before.” Black Panther said, folding his arms over his chest as he did. “My father spoke of them, before. He said that they were powerful, very powerful, and that possession of even one of them could make someone a god. I never thought that they would ever be found again.” He said.

“I’ve heard of them too.” Captain America said. The look on his face was grim, he was already calculating everything in his mind. He shared a glance with T’Shon and he could see that the King of Wakanda shared his worry. “But from what I heard, they tried to use them against the Chrell, or at least, something happened involving the Chrell. This isn’t good. The purple one was the Space Gem, correct?” He asked and Odin nodded.

“It grants the user the ability to traverse space through teleportation. The user can exist anywhere and everywhere, warp or rearrange space, amongst other things.” Odin said, gesturing throughout the treasure room. “It was here for safekeeping, to avoid a situation like this from ever happening.”

There was silence around the room, as everyone took what Odin had just said and mulled it around in their heads, considering what could happen because of that.

“Whelp, I guess that means we’re gonna tap out.” Spider-Man said. “I’ll try to change to a green color since that seems to be this Doom fella’s favorite color. Any chance he’s Irish? I do a mean Irish accent.” Brady said.

Davis smiled, despite himself. “No, we are decidedly not ‘tapping out’, Spider-Man. We’re the ones who are going to stop Doom.” He said. He turned to Odin. “Thank you, Allfather for lending us your son’s help. It is truly appreciated.” He said.

“This interloper must not be allowed to assemble the gems.” Odin replied.

“Don’t worry, bub.” Wolverine said. “We’ll find yer trinket for ye.”


“No hard feelings, buddy.” Iron Man said as the group stood in a circle inside of the chamber overseen by Heimdall. He looked around, checking various parts of his armor as he spoke, to make the words he said come across as even more non chalant. The one he was speaking to seemed very confused.

“Tin man, thy words fall on ears that nay understand thy meaning.” Thor said.

“You gave it your all, I know.” Iron Man replied with a smirk, seen because the helmet was retracted. “But, just so we’re clear. After everything that happened, just so you know, I’m the best.” He said.

”Burke.” Captain America said.

“Why yes, grumpy?” Iron Man asked.

Captain America turned and gave Iron Man a sincere smile. “Remind me to have Ms. Pera help Thor here adjust to life on Midgard.” He said, giving Thor a hearty slap on the back. “I’m sure that she’ll be quite impressed by his physique and charm.” He said.

Iron Man leveled a finger and opened his mouth. Then he closed it. Then he opened it again. “You’re mean. Totally not a team player.”

With a flash of the Allfather’s powers, channeled through the Bifrost, they were teleported back to earth. In the same place, on Cape Verde that they’d been before. But all traces of the Doombots were gone. Everything had been cleaned. Captain America turned to Iron Man. “Get in touch with Director Grace. We’re going to need a pickup.” He said and then he turned to Thor. “Welcome to Midgard, Thor Odinson.”

Spider-Man appeared, peering around Captain America. “Don’t break anything.”

Continued in Avengers: This Day
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