JLA: From the Ashes...

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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"It will take time." Wonder Woman said, agreeing with Superman. "It's not something that will happen immediately." She said. She realized that that was something that could be applied to herself as well. She wouldn't learn this world of men immediately, it was going to take time. "As it stands though, I have become something akin to homeless. I don't really have a place to stay." She said. She looked between the two men. "Also, I don't like space." She said.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"You won't like Gotham either." Batman said, simply. He didn't doubt that Superman would probably offer her somewhere in Metropolis, conveniently and innocently located near Chase. "It's dark." He added.

"Are you insinuating that I can't take care of myself?" She asked.

"No." Batman replied and left it at that.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"I wouldn't have a doubt that you wouldn't be able to take care of yourself in Gotham, Princess." Superman states with a smile. "But our friend here is decidedly...protective...of his territory." Superman turns back to Batman with a sly smile. "No offense intended Batman."

"I'm sure that I can make some arrangements through my friends at Chase Inc. to find you some suitable accommodations in Metropolis, if you would like me to ask them. The Chases have been most helpful in rebuilding the Tower. They are a silent partner in helping me, as I do not want to bring unwanted attention upon them and distract from their humanitarian aid to the world."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"You rule the city?" She asked, her face changing slightly, to a little bit of awe.

"Something like that." Batman said, folding his arms over his chest. "I don't take kindly to uninvited guests."

"Clearly, I'm not invited." Wonder Woman said. She looked at Superman. "I do not wish to be an imposition, Superman. I would like to thank the Chase family personally if I may."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"That probably won't be a problem." Batman said, under his breath, but Superman with his hearing would have been able to hear it. He turned and started to leave. "If there's anything else that's happened that I should know about, Superman?" He asked.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Superman caught the whispered jab from Batman, and he had to smile slightly.

"As a matter of fact Batman, there are some interesting readings that I have detected both on the planet, and also some odd energy burst 'outside' the solar system. I'll have Kelex send the files to you."

Looking back at Wonder Woman. "I'm sure they would be delighted to help you Princess. Which also brings me to my next point for integrating you into our society." He smiles towards her. "As much as I like calling you Princess, we will need to come up with a alias, or an alter ego, for you to take. Since we don't want to draw attention to your island, we will need to get you a Work Visa, perhaps as a Greek resident looking to reside in Metropolis."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"An alias?" She asked. "I suppose that will have to work. I don't know what I would name myself." She said.

"Diana would work." Batman said, from where he stood, towards the entrance to the room.

She turned and looked at him. "I can choose my own name quite well enough, thank you." She said. She looked back at Superman. "Though the name does have significance. Diana will work. The surname is something else." With a smile she turned and looked at Batman. "Were you going to suggest 'Prince'?" She asked.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He replied.

"I don't know what the surname would be." She said, in all honesty.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"Might I suggest...Aricia." Superman smiled. "In the Greek mythology it means...Princess of Royal Blood"
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"Yes that is true. I like it. Diana Aricia it is." She said.

"Now she just needs a job." Batman said. "I might be able to assist there." He said. "I'll be in touch in regards to that." He added. "But there are other things that require my attention." Batman added. "Boyscout. Princess." He said, with a nod to each.

Then he was gone.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"Boy Scout?" Diana looked at Ree.

"It's his version of humor." Ree chuckled slightly. "We were lucky to get even that."

"He's so...so..."

"I think enigmatic, is the word your looking for." Ree stated. "While his methods are somewhat brutal, and we don't see eye to eye on many things. There are no denying the results. Plus, we actually do have one thing, or one rule, in common. We don't kill."

"Have you known each other long?" Diana asked. "You two seem to have a strange, almost brotherly, relationship.

"To tell you the truth Pri...I mean...Diana. This is only the second time we have met." Ree began to walk towards the Medical Bay and Diana followed at his side. "I assume you would like to visit Kaley?"

"Of course." Diana nodded with a smile.

Twin doors opened at their approach to the Medical Bay, and the nearest bed was a buzz of activity as several of the Kryptonian Droids moved back and forth between Kaley's bed and various consoles. Kaley appeared to be sleeping peacefully, as monitors near her bed recorded her vitals. A faint red beam of light came from a emitter over the area. The beam encompassed the bed and the area around it.

"What is the beam for?" Diana asked as she stepped up to the bed.

"That is a Red Kryptonite Beam. It makes a person like myself and Kaley have only normal physical traits, similar to humans." Ree stated as he stood next to her. "We use it so if she wakes up confused, she won't destroy the center in a fit of panic."

Diana looks at Ree. "So, right now, you have only the strength of a normal human?"

"Well, I do still work out, and in my ...past...I used something similar so I could go to school and live among them without fear of doing something destructive."

Diana nodded, clearly impressed by the technology, and then placed her hand on Kaley's gently.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Ghost »

Kaley stirred slightly as the hand of Wonder Woman came to rest upon her own.

The sounds of distant cries filled her mind, causing her facial expressions to shift slightly, but her vitals didn't budge. If one were watching her brain waves, they would see the fluctuations within them, but nothing that appeared abnormal. Her eyes shifted back and forth as she dreamt of the battle with Doomsday, passing each moment within her mind as if happened seconds ago. Each time the dream came back to her, she did something different, or something different happened. In one instance, Isaiah wasn't able to be saved causing her to stir more violently. In another instance, she was fighting both Ree'Van and Doomsday which caused her entire muscle structure to tense up.

These dreams couldn't be explained, atleast not for the moment. The computer systems logged each dream and analyzed them, banking their analysis deep within the core of the JLA's computers, for now it was deemed as a traumatic experience.

Kaley's eyes fluttered open, her free hand coming to her forehead to grasp the titanweave bandage across her forehead, it took a moment to settle in what was happening and as soon as it did, she snapped up. Her body was wrapped in some tight fibermesh white blanket that was similar to a towl while various sensor nodes were attached to her body, a bandage or two seemed to be wrapped about the more "serious" injuries she had sustained in the battle against Doomsday. The combination of the wrappings and tightly fitting fibermesh caused her sudden jerking motion to be akward, making her sway a bit as she came up. Her gaze going from the garments to the hand that Wonder Woman was holding, a serious looking frown coming upon her facial features. The hand being held began to jerk away violently, only to be held down as if she were a child again. It was as if she were on Krypton again and being scolded by her father for some mis-deed, unable to break free from his godly grip. She jerked and jerked, scowling harshly at Wonder Woman before finally resting her hand down upon the table.

"Red Kryptonite, huh?" She fired off.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"Only a pre-cautionary measure Kaley." Ree smiled down comfortingly to her. "Rest easy cousin. The bots are still completing their scans and the diagnostics. You were greatly injured, and we need to be thorough in making sure there will be no surprises."

"This is Wonder Woman, Kaley." Ree indicated towards the woman holding her hand. "She is a friend, and was a great help during the attack."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"It is good to see that you have recovered so quickly, Kaley. You fought we'll and acquitted yourself in a true warrior fashion. I for one am proud of you and pleased that earth can call you one of its champions and defenders." She said. "The day will come when you will be called upon to fight again against threats of such strength. I pray that you will remember these times and continue to do your house great honor." Wonder Woman said.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Ree gave Diana a sideways glance while she spoke to Kaley. Then tenets of Themscryia were lofty and the results of those tenets showed on their paradise isle. But those tenets prior to what is now is filled with blood and death. Forced Peace was their way and while the results showed that it was 'one' way to achieve peace, it was not Ree's way, nor would most of the people of Earth favor such tenets.

"The most important thing Kaley, is that you rest and recover. We can talk about what happened after that." Ree smiled, but the disappointment in his eyes betrayed him, try as he might to hide it from her.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Ghost »

Kaley moved her hand away from Diana's and placed it within her lap, her own gaze looking upon Ree's before turning back towards the exit.

"No." She replied.

Ree gave her a confused look as he took a step forward and placed a hand upon her shoulder, with a harsh shrug, the hand fell back down to his side. "What do you mean no?"

"There is nothing to discuss, and I mean no I won't be staying here." She struggled to stand up at first, a hand shooting out to brace herself as she slid off the table. "I'm going home..." She paused briefly as she brought the sheet up and tied it behind her back. "I have no reason to vindicate myself or my actions down there in Detroit." She turned to Ree and gave him a stern look. "I did what I felt was best, nothing more. I know the consequences for my actions."

"Kaley, I don't think yo-" He managed to say before she cut him off with a harsh growl.

"I'm not a child! I'm leaving and I don't care if any of you like it!" She brushed passed both Diana and Ree, moving into the common area that her tattered outfit was being kept, a floating robot approached and announced that her suit had been repaired to it's previous form. She waved her hand at the robot, dismissing it without a second thought.

-Of course Ree would want to discuss it, it wasn't in his nature to get the job done right the first time...- She thought as she dropped the medical sheet from her body and began slipping into her suit.

-Why should I be lectured about how I handled the situation?- A grumble escaped her mouth as she pulled the tight blue mesh over her body.

-He acts like such a pansy, well atleast that is what the Earth people would call it?- She shook her head softly, her hands grasping the edge of her right boot.

-Perhaps that is a bit harsh, he has principles...that's all...-
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

It took a lot to sneak up on a Kryptonian. 

It wasn’t impossible, but highly improbable. The man who landed softly on the ground in front of her was one of the best, if not the best. Kaley looked up, anger still on her face. Though maybe now it was because of the presence of the man in the room.

“Let me help you with that.” He said, and crouched, taking the boot and sliding it up her leg. “Your cousin means well.” Batman said. “So does Diana.” He added, testing out the name that the Amazonian Princess had chosen.

“I know he does. But he doesn’t want to-”

“Act.” Batman said, nodding, staying in his kneeling position. “I know what you mean. But there’s a difference between acting with a purpose and acting without knowing all the information. Ree, he had the benefit of knowledge that you did not, in this situation. I’m not upset by your actions, though I made it sound like that to him. I’m upset that it appears he didn’t teach you about the variety of opponents that have come to earth in the past. No doubt he thought that Doomsday would not resurface.”

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that you can be better than him. You can act, the way he can’t, but you need to learn what he has. Knowledge is power.” Batman said, rising, as he finishing putting on the second boot. “You should remember that, Ms. Turner.” He said, pointedly. He extended a hand and helped her up to her feet. She surrendered over six inches of height to him. “You wanted me to join your Justice League.” He said and then looked away.

“You won’t. You’re the loner.” She said, her voice softening. Maybe her anger had peaked, and she was settling down. He was banking on it. Banking on her being the way she had been when she’d come to him on that rooftop in Gotham.

“A loner is what every good team needs.” Batman said. He looked back at her and then gave her a rare smile. “I’ll join the Justice League. Provided you’re willing to learn and provided you’re willing to try to work with someone who has far more rules than your cousin.” He added.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

The words stung, but there are reasons for everything. "And the one rule that we both have is...we don't kill." Superman said as he stepped into the common room with Wonder Woman. "I had a feeling that you would stick around Batman." He said with a knowing smile.

"Kaley, I'm not mad at you." Ree said as he stepped over to them. "I am to blame for not teaching you properly about how things work on this planet. I assumed on my part that you would have read the things as I did, or followed my lead. While you may be older than me, you were not raised on this planet like I was. Learned the ways of the humans and what their morals and ideals are. Some would call my humanitarian upbringing a weakness..." He looks to Batman for a second. "...and that person may be right. But we, being what we are, and the fact that our powers make us a danger to the very people that we are protecting, we have a responsibility to use our power wisely."

He nods to the large monitor in the room, which shows images of the destruction in Detroit. "The actions in Detroit are a grim reminder of exactly what I am talking about. I am not blaming you for that Kaley, it was an unforeseen event that you were even there, as I didn't know you would be. But you know that I don't believe in killing, and with Doomsday there is a reason what he shouldn't have been killed. Because now that he has been killed by the brute force of a Kryptonian, he can not be defeated in the same manner again."

He allowed that to sink in for a moment as he turned to Batman, and showed the first signs of irritation. "And I don't think it's wise to try and turn myself and my cousin's abilities and what we can and cannot do into a competition Batman. We are not about who is better, we are about what is the responsible thing to do to aid and protect the Earth. Our job is to not choose to take the easy path and dominate over the world and dictate our morals and emotions over the entire planet just because we have the power to do so."

"Let's make one thing clear, to the both of you." He looked between both Batman and Kaley. There was an intense seriousness to his expression that was as sharp as a razor. "I am not Kal-El, but I honor his tradition and I will stand for all that he stood for. But do not for a moment mistake my 'lack of acting' out of emotion as a weakness. I act to preserve life, good and bad, not to take vengeance, or to destroy when I don't have to."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Ghost »

Kaley said nothing, her right hand coming up to gently push aside Batman and then Ree’Van shortly after. She could feel that Ree wanted to say something further as she passed, but hesitated which caused her to lash out at him verbally.
“Your hesitation right there would have gotten you killed that is your problem.” She waved her hand infront of his face. “I don’t care if you’re angry with me or not, nor do I care if you blame me, I did what I believed was right.”

She brought her hand down to poke her finger in his chest. “Let’s get one thing straight here and now, you will never be on the same level as Kal…” She would let that sink in, and hopefully burn in as she pushed her finger into his chest hard. “Ever.” And with that she turned and quietly moved around Wonder Woman before yelling out behind her.

“I’ll consider your proposal Batman, but I need time to think on it…” She made a motion with her hand. “Alone..”
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Ree looks at Batman, an exasperated expression on his face. "Did I not just say I'm 'not' Kal?"

"I think you have your hands full." Batman responds.

"Actually...I think you will be the one with your hands full Batman." A slight smirk on his lips. "You did just offer to train her. And like you said, your rules are more stringent than my own. Personally, I think it would be good for her."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

Batman just nodded. "I think you need to have a serious conversation with her. If she can't hold herself to the standard that you need her to, then you may need to bench her." He said.

"Is that why you work alone?" Superman asked. It was a subtle barb, besides being an honest question.

"Yes." Batman replied, evenly. "I don't like loose ends. They tend to trip you up."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"Ever tried to bench a person that can lift a mountain?" Ree looked at Batman with a raised cynical eyebrow.

"Valid point." Batman replied. "But there are ways to take her powers away."

"I couldn't do that Batman, she's my only relative...my only family." Superman replies with a shake of his head. "She just needs some time to figure things out. She didn't have the upbringing that I had, so we need to give her some space to find herself. I think in time, she will do the right thing, and understand that what we do, and the limitations that we have are there for the right reasons."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"Time is the one thing that we can afford, I suppose." Wonder Woman said. She looked past them out at the earth. "The question is can you all afford to clean up after whatever messes will be created by her growing pains." She added. "Excuse the analogy but I speak frankly. A child is easy to clean up after when they make mistakes, for a child is nothing but. She may be akin to one when it comes to these matters, but her abilities make her far more destructive than that of an ordinary child."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

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Ree had to acknowledge the merit in Diana's words. "Frankly Diana, you took the words right out of my thoughts. But how can I arbitrarily, much less justify, using something to strip her of her powers, only on the 'assumption' that she will cause more destruction. The event in Detroit was a unforeseen, and impulsive moment, but imagine what would have happened if she wouldn't have been there at the beginning of Doomsday's rampage."

"Like it or not, she did save lives. She just didn't use good judgment and draw Doomsday away from the densely populated area of downtown, as I did, first. It was a costly error, but the death toll most likely would have been higher if she didn't intervene. The end result, is another matter entirely, both on a personal level, as I don't kill, and on a strategic level since now if Doomsday should rise again, it will be considerably harder for me to defeat him."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"I'm not advocating a permanent stripping of her powers, but something needs to be done." Batman said. "She needs to prove that she won't be reckless with the powers, and something like that is best done without the powers. Think about it. At the end of the day, I understand the reason why you are the way you are. You didn't do anything to deserve the powers that you received. You were born with them. Same with her. I'm not happy with that, but there's nothing that I can do about it. All I can do is try to reduce the fallout from bad decisions that are made."

"Are you saying that you don't make bad decisions?" Diana asked.

"Not at all, but my bad decisions generally don't have earth shattering consequences." He replied.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Ghost »

She never would have a say.

Ree'Van would do whatever someone else would tell him to do..not what he thought was best.

Despite his best efforts to come off as genuine, Batman was just as guilty at not trusting her and Wonder Woman believed she couldn't control herself. She growled in disgust as she pushed off the wall, moving through the Monitor Womb, heading towards the main Armory and Hanger areas. Her hands crossed her chest as she continued to press the issue within her mind, a scowl on her face.

-I'm older than him, technically speaking..- She motioned with her hand as she passed by the massive Armory entrance towards the Hanger.

-Who are they to try and decide my fate!? I did what was best, It's not like I cracked the Earth's core..- She growled once more as the doors to the Hanger opened, revealing a large vessel and several smaller vessels. Kaley made no inclination to take any vessel, she just kept moving towards the emergency airlock to the left of the bay doors.

-I'm not even sure Batman can be trusted now...- Her hands manipulated the controls, the emergency airlock hissing open to the outside space. An alarm began to blare within the Hanger as the sudden pressure change caused the massive bay doors on the opposite end to shut. Kaley quickly stepped through the lock and floated effortlessly out into space, with a relatively easy tug, she pulled the airlock door closed behind her.

For a brief moment, she wondered why this was happening to her like this. Kal wouldn't have treated her like this would he? Kara wouldn't have done the same? Who would have known but them. It wasn't her fault that similar to Kara's fate, her own vessel crashed on the moon and was lodged there until Ree'Van found her sometime a few years back and freed her. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't like him and privileged enough to be amongst humans her whole life....

-I'm no different than they are...- She finally thought as she took off towards Earth.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Superman stood between them, listening to their opinions, both of which had merit. Ree knew that this day would come eventually, and it was perhaps his own trust of Kaley that blinded him to this possible moment. He had a duty to protect the blue spinning world below against all forms of enemies, and sometimes those enemies could be those that are called friends...and...family.

Ree sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead. "I blame myself..."

"So do I." Batman quickly interjected.

"Listen Batman, we all have choices in our lives." Ree snapped at Batman, showing some real anger. "And we have to live with the choices that we make. But when it comes to family matters, your not exactly in a position to properly address that...."

Ree suddenly stopped talking, immediately regretting his own words, as the two stared at one another. The alarms break the tense moment, as one of the droids report that Supergirl had opened an airlock and had exited the Watchtower.

Both Batman and Wonder Woman look towards each other, and then there is a sudden vortex of wind as Superman, in less than a blink of an eye, runs to the viewport and with his telescopic vision spies Supergirl heading toward the surface.

Momentarily, Batman and Wonder Woman join him. "Will you be able to keep an eye on her?" Diana asks.

"Yes..." Ree responds, still berating himself for his callus words to Batman. "I'll have the Tower Droids keep track of her movements and report to me if anything should happen."

Turning his head to Batman. "Listen, I didn't mean..."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"I know what you meant." Batman said. "No harm done. We're not the only ones who are interested in her." He said.

Superman turned and looked at him.

"What. Five foot five woman like her who can move a mountain? Especially since the video of Detroit can be watched on major news networks?" Batman asked, folding his arms over his chest. "You have to assume that we aren't the only ones who are interested in where she decides to lay her head, so to speak. Any one of the many organizations around the world would be keen on having her. Let's not forget that many of those organizations aren't always the nicest. Or the most honorable."

"Supergirl would never-"

"Probably didn't think she'd kill Doomsday either." Batman said, silencing Superman. "You have a someone with a volatile personality, and someone may be interested in catering to it, if it means having a Kryptonian on there side. After all, there can't be that many of you on the planet, right?" He asked. "And if everyone knows you won't kill, what happens if they turn her against you?" Batman asked.

"I don't think that this is the wisest course of discussion to journey down." Diana said.

"But it's the one that he needs to hear." Batman replied, turning and walking over to another part of the window and looking down towards the United States. As if he could see Gotham from there. "He's thinking it, even if he won't say it out loud."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Ree smiled wanly and held up a hand to Diana. "No, I quite alright Diana. As much as I am loathe the think about it, I must accept the possibilities that Batman has concerns about, and the potential for harm that Supergirl could cause if she is swayed by outside forces that do not have the best interests of the world in mind."

Ree ponders for a moment, and then nods his head as if he had come to a decision. "If you both would come with me, I would like to show you something." He smiles simply. "Besides, it's not often I get to entertain quests."

They all walk to the far wall in the room where Ree places his hand on the wall and pushes it inwards, where a corridor is revealed, at the end of which a bright multi-colored sheen of light forms what appears to be a doorway. Ree, using a notch in the solid wall that he moved, pulls the block of wall back into place after they enter the corridor.

"Not exactly the most ingenious secret door I have seen." Batman observes.

"It is when it's made out of White Dwarf Star material." Superman smiles knowingly back to Batman and then steps towards the shining doorway.

"I don't understand." Diana asks.

"It's actually ingenious in simplicity. White Dwarf material is the most dense substance in the known universe. A small block that size easily weighs half a million tons." Batman states.

Ree waits at the portal and as they approach, he steps through. Batman and Diana can still see a shimmering image of Superman through the sheen of light, and it beckons them to come through.

There is a slight tingling sensations as they pass through the energy barrier of the portal and what lies before them is both astounding and perplexing. Before them is an enormous, cavernous, crystalline room. The walls gleam and sparkle under the natural lighting of the room, smooth and mirror-like. Giant columns of crystal are spaced throughout, with various corridors that lead off in all directions. A giant monitor covers nearly an entire wall on one side of the huge room, and amazingly on the opposite side of the room is the H.M.S Titanic fully restored and looked to be ready to set sail upon the waters of the ocean. Standing on either side of the gigantic ship is two statues, one of a wizened looking man with a neatly trimmed beard holding a tome, and the other of a beautiful woman with long flowing hair. Both are garbed in long flowing robes with Kryptonian runes running the length of their edges.

But standing in the very center of the room, nearly touching the ceiling the golden statue of Superman stands proudly, its one hand on it's hip, while the other stretches out with a Eagle grasping his forearm, it's wings stretched out. "I managed to save it, and restore it after the invasion. I thought it would be fitting to have him here with his parents."

"Welcome to the Fortress of Solitude."

There is a sudden blur, and rush of wind that causes Superman and Batman's capes to flutter around them like flags on a pole in a high wind.

"OH flipping WOW!" They hear Flash's voice as he zips around the room, in and out of corridors, and they can faintly see him moving in and around the decks of the Titanic, and then suddenly he stops in front of the group, a smile grinning from ear to ear. "Wow, the SoS. Back in my day...or..er...in the future of my day, the fortress was destroyed before I was born, much like the Batcav....." He stops suddenly, the air expels from his body, and his eyes widen in utter shock as he sees Batman standing next to Ree and Wonder Woman.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod" The words blur out from his mouth, almost too fast for anyone to understand. "The Trinity....." Tears of emotion flow from his eyes. "Isa..." He stops briefly his computer speed-like mind stopping him and reminding him that he is not in the future. "...BATMAN!" Faster than a blink of an eye, Flash is hugging Batman tightly. It is a grasp that expresses something on a far more personal level, some event that he had not yet shared.

Ree and Diana can see there is something in this moment, more important than they can possibly imagine, and can feel the emotion coming from Flash, and even their own eyes glaze over at the moment, and they look away as if their mere gazes are intruding.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

Batman stood there, being hugged. He turned his head slightly and even with the mask on, the look he gave Superman conveyed everything that he wanted to tell you. This is why I didn't want to leave my cave. You wanted me to come play ball and hopscotch with your friends. Not moving, the man stood there, arms at his sides. "You know I'm Batman." He said.

"Yes, sir. I do. I should not be hugging you."

"Quite right." Batman said.

Flash disentangled himself. "I shouldn't do it again." He said.

"Also right." Batman replied. He took a few steps back, and the cape came around him, creating a total shroud around his body. "Now, besides obviously being the Flash, who are you?" He asked.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Torrin took several steps back, obviously embarrassed by his behavior, as he now tried his best not to meet Batman's icy stare, but even so he still couldn't manage to not look at him. The look was one of near reverence, and it perplexed Ree to fathom the reason for it. Him and Torrin had spoken at some length about the alternate timeline that he came from under the brutal rule of Darkseid, but it dawned on him that he had never mentioned Batman.

"Well Sir." Torrin began, pausing to gather his thoughts. "You are the reason that I was able to escape."

"What do you mean?" Batman asked.

"Me and you...well...the alternate you, were the last of us left sir. Darkseid's forces had ...wiped us all out. The only reason we survived was that you came up with the plan to send me back. I was the last of my kind...you know...with the Speed Force. But I had never attempted to bridge the time gap. Somehow, we had managed to make it to the Great Salt Flats in Utah....."

******Great Salt Flats...Utah in an Alternate Earth Future*******

Even this far away from any major cities, angry black plumes of smoke rose from various parts of the horizon. Salt Lake City in the distance was nothing more than a skeletal broken steel skyline in the far distance. Torrin stood looking at the vast flat salt plains before him, his face was worn with doubt and worry at what he knew was mankind's last hope.

Isaiah Muir stood at his at his side in his battered and dented armored Batman outfit looking across the plains himself. But if his aged wrinkled and battle weary face show any sign of concern, his grim demeanor showed nothing of it. He was still the Batman after all.

"Listen to me boy, this is it." Isaiah stated without looking at Torrin, his still bright and icy blue eyes looking sharp and keen towards the horizon, know this could very well be the last time we would see it. "We've prepared for this eventuality...this...final option. Your ready." He finished his statement without looking at Torrin, it was if there was nothing left to say.


"There is no BUTS, God dammit!!" Isaiah wheeled around on Torrin, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him roughly towards him so their faces were mere inches apart. "You are our last hope! If you don't succeed, then humanity stops.....!"

The ground suddenly erupts around them as blasts from hordes of approaching Parademon's rifles throw up dirt and ash everywhere. Behind the flying groups, there is a enormous Apokolipian Cruiser silently closing in. In the large bay window of the craft Darkseid stands, his stony hands clasped firmly behind his back. Red glowing eyes stare out from beneath his stone-like brow like a god surveying the battlefield before him.

"You have done well to survive this far Muir!" Darkseid states, his voice carrying across the distance as if he stood in front of them. "But your time, like all your pathetic ilk as come to an end. The last of your breed, and how befitting, the one that had no extraordinary powers, only toys. To have outlived the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, Sentry and other much more powerful beings...the ordinary man still stands. Bravo...."

Isaiah looks up at the ship, the squadrons of Parademons all surrounding them, their weapons all pointing at the two, seeming insignificant figures standing on the dusty flat plain of earth.

"Darkseid...." Isaiah begins, putting his hand on Torrin's shoulder. "Go fuck yourself."

Isaiah's cowl suddenly covers his face from the retractable compartment on the back of his neck and the HUD within his eyeslots immediately targets several of the Parademons hovering above. The bellowing cape then detaches, revealing a metallic backpack with thin lines attached to ports on the sides of his armor gauntleted forearms. Raising his arms several barrels pop out from their compartments and begin raining energy blasts upon the overhead Parademons. Ports on the top of the backpack open up and dozens of phosphorus flares launch into the hordes of Darkseid's force, their bright explosions blinding and burning them.

"GO!" Batman screams at Torrin, as he continues firing on the masses of forces that are temporarily blinded and confused by the sudden brutal assault that they did not expect.


"GOD DAMMIT GO!!! Isaiah yells and depresses a button.

Torrin then does what he knows he can do best....he runs. Dirt, salt and sand plume out behind him as he runs. To him, as he accesses the Speed Force, it is as if everything has paused. Beams of the enemies weapons hang in bright lines in mid-air, the explosions of Batman's flares and energy bursts look like unmoving bright explosions of light. And he runs.

Tears flow from his eyes, not due to the speed he runs, but for the man that he leaves behind. And he runs.

Humanity is gone, the world that he knows rushes by him, barren, lifeless. And he runs.

A flash of soundless light lights up the land behind him. He chances a glance back, already miles from where he was to the forming mushroom cloud of nuclear death. Tears stream from his eyes, his lips form a grim line of renewed determination. And he runs.

He runs to return to a world that is bright, full of life, teeming with people. He runs to stop the destruction of the world that he knew, to a life that he will do anything in his power to prevent. He is the Flash.....and he runs!

******The Present*******

Torrin finishes his retelling of his final moments in his timeline. Standing before the three, his eyes are downcast, and unshed tears well in the bottom of his eyes.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

Batman reached out and smacked Flash on the side of the head. The other man was stunned by this, as were Superman and Wonder Woman. The Dark Knight leveled a gloved index finger in Flash's face. "Man up. If I did that, then I had a damned good reason for it. And you better remember that. Don't go crying on me." He said with finality. "Also, that's the last we're going to talk about what happened." He added. "Last thing I want to know about is some time when I died."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Torrin rubbed the side of his head, the tears fell from his eyes, but there was a surprising half-smile on his lips. "Funny...that was the last thing you said to me." Before anyone could say anything, with a vortex of wind around them, Flash runs off.

"That was uncalled for Batman." Ree looked at Batman, irritation was obvious on his face. "He has been through a lifetime of fighting and tragedy and he could quite possibly have saved us all from a similar fate. It's pretty sad that I'm an alien to your world, and show more human compassion than you."

"You need to take a break every now and then Batman, you don't have to be a bastard everyday." He turns and begins walking towards one of the many doors in the central chamber. "Now, if you both will follow me, I'll show you some things that might help us with the issue at hand."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"Being a bastard keeps me alive." Batman said.

"I don't think that's the point." Wonder Woman said.

"It's the only point that matters." Batman replied as they followed Superman through the doors and into the central chamber. "Interesting set up you have here." He said.

Superman was still giving him a look.

"He'll get over it." Came Batman's reply. Superman continued to stare. "I'll talk to him later?" Batman added, modulating his voice at the end so that it somewhat sounded like an option.

"That's better." The Man of Steel said, approvingly.

Batman smirked. If fireworks had gone off and the national anthem started playing with the American flag showed up behind Superman, he wouldn't have been surprised.

"If I feel like it."

"And...there it is." Wonder Woman said, slowly learning Batman's behavior.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

The three of them turned down a corridor where they found a dozen statues standing on pedestals. Each statue wore an intricately detailed armor with long flared out shoulder pieces, and upon each chest was the House of El's 'S' Symbol. Each statue also held a long pike-type staff, each one tipped with an elongated sharp edged blade. Gladiatorial styled helms sat atop the armor, the dark eye slits seeming to follow their every step.

"Kryptonian Armor, used during General Zod's attempted coup' prior to Krypton's destruction." Ree stated as he walked between two of the statues and placed his palm on the wall there. A shimmering door suddenly appeared, parted in the middle and slid open revealing a large circular room. Large, clear cylinders lined the walls, within each of them various artifacts were held in some form a stasis.

"Within each of these tubes lies weapons of destruction that Kal had collected during his adventures. The power of them, the likes of which none have seen on Earth, and in most parts of the Universe."

"Seems pretty stupid to keep such items lying around." Batman stated.

"They are hardly 'lying around' Batman. Each is sealed in a specially created stasis chamber that is resistant to even my strength, plus there are several security measures in place, besides just getting into the Fortress, that would deter anyone foolish enough to come in here."

"No place is completely impenetrable Superman."

"Except the Bat Cave, I presume."

"Of course."

"Would you like me to give you the longitude and latitude, as well as the depth of it?" Ree couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"Listen Boy Scout." Batman turned to Superman, raising his finger towards him.

"I wouldn't do that Batman." Superman quickly cut him off, a sudden concerned look on his face.

"Why? You have an issue with me telling you..."

Suddenly, there is an ominous deep growl that echoes around the chamber, the low tone of it literally vibrating the very walls of the chamber.

"No, I'm not." Superman smiled and then pointed over Batman's shoulder. "But he might."

Slowly Batman looked over his shoulder, and crouching in the doorway, it's large gleaming clawed paws poised to pounce, was a large canine easily four feet tall in height. The animal's pure white fur stood up on it's hackles, gleaming sharp pointed teeth with incisors nearly two inches long bared in a deadly grin of anger.

"Meet Krypto." Ree stated. "You know, Kal-El's pet that has basically the same powers that all Kryptonians do under the yellow sun? Well, this is his heir. Kal used Invitro Infertalization to birth a son for the original Krypto, and a pet for me when I was young."

"What the hell did you use for an egg?" Batman asked, but was keeping very still.

"Kal had a few friends in Asgard."

"A god damn Dire Wolf..." Batman interjected, his words brought on a fresh growl from Krypto, sensing the dark man's tension.

Slowly, Batman began to reach for his utility belt, whether he was reaching for the Kryptonite Ring, or one of the other many items that he kept there, Superman did not know, but Superman reached out with his super speed and clasped his hand over Batman's.

"No!" Whispered tensely into Batman's ear. "He was my pet growing up. I haven't told you yet, but we 'both' wore a Red K item on our persons while in public so we couldn't have any accidents with our abilities. The Red K has given both of us a resistance to Green K, something to do with the changes to our bodies during puberty. You pull that out, it will only piss him off more."

"Then call him off...dammit!"

"I will. Krypt...." Superman stops talking and suddenly a broad smile creases his lips. "Well, I'll be damned."

Both of them look back to Krypto, who is now lying on his back, his fluffy white tail wagging slowly, while Diana scratches his belly. Krypto's tongue lolls down the side of his face in bliss, his eyes squinted shut from the sensation.

"He's actually a very friendly animal." Diana smiles at them both.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by peayitforward »

"I don't like dogs." Batman said.

Diana cocked her head to the side and considered, eyeing him with cool eyes. Back was the Amazon. "You don't like many things." Diana said. She looked at Superman. "Are most Men like him?" She asked.

"No. That's what makes him special." Superman replied with a smile.

Krypto whined when Diana pulled her hand back. She let her hand idly go back and kept scratching. He tried to lick her hand. "No." She said. He rolled over and stood up, eyeing her. Diana rose to her full height and looked down at him. "Krypto." She said, warningly.

"Can we move on?" Batman said, and turned, making a sudden movement, at least to the Kryptonian hound.

Krypto leaped into the air.

"Krypto, heel." Wonder Woman said, putting force behind it.

The dog slowed in mid air and then hovered. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and waited for Wonder Woman to walk up and pet him slowly on the head.

Batman turned and stared at the dog. Then he looked at Wonder Woman. Then he looked at Superman. "Moving on?" He asked.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

Krypto walked inbetween Superman and Batman, purposefully bumping Batman away from his master and sitting on his haunches between them. Superman smiled apologetically and he gently scratched the area on the bridge of Krypto's snout. "He quite protective of me."

Krypto looked up at Batman, a brief baring of his teeth. "Krypto.." Ree warned. But Krypto looked back at the Batman. He did not like this dark man, there was a anger around this human, as if anger had a substance to it. He could see that his Master was a friend to the Dark Man, and he would tolerate him, but he would keep a keen eye on him. His tail began to wag as the Colorful Woman stepped up to them. The Colorful Woman was a strong and friendly human that he immediately liked....plus Colorful Woman knew all the good places to scratch Krypto, as she gave him some scratches behind his ears and then knelt down and looked at his collar.

"What a beautiful gem." Diana marveled at the deep red gem that was attached to a tag on Krypto's collar.

Ree smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is a one of a kind gem. Kal stated that he found it floating in space during one of his missions. He kept it and brought it back here. There is an odd energy signature attuned to it, but all attempts to analyze it came up with nothing, plus there were no harmful emissions, so we thought it would be a nice trinket for Krypto."

"Are we done with the Family Hour yet?" Batman broke in.

"Here." Ree sighed as he was standing next to a work bench, and took a palm-sized red chunk of rock that had a faint glow in it's center, and tossed it to Batman.

Batman deftly caught the mineral and then looked at it. "Red K?"

Superman nodded.

"Which means at this moment, your as human as I am."

Even Diana looked at Ree with a quizzical expression. "You trust him with a substance that can render you defenseless?"

"While I don't approve of his methods all the time, I know I can trust him to use it only when the circumstance warrant it. Plus, I don't want him to use the Green K on my cousin, as that could kill her. This way he has the means to subdue her, should the need arise."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

If Batman gave any indication of his thoughts on the matter, he kept them to himself. Pocketing the Red K, he looked at the group in front of them. His gaze turned to Wonder Woman. "I don't kill." He said. Looking at Superman, Batman he spoke again. "My problem is ensuring that you don't get involved." He said. "Should a situation arise where I need to deal with your cousin, the last thing I need is for you to stick yourself into the whole thing. Giving me the kryptonite means that you're trusting me to know when and when not to use it. Which means that if I am using it, whether or not you believe that I'm doing the right thing, you need to trust me." He said.
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"That trust extents both ways Batman." Superman responded. "I know that your not in the habit of asking for help, but there will come a day when you will need to. It's not a matter of if, but when. I just hope that you don't wait too long before making the decision."

"You are a trusting soul Superman." Diana stated. "A being of your power should be more weary, lest someone uses your trust against you."

"And you would be right to say that Diana. But Kal-El engrained in me the ability to believe, to hope, that there is good in everyone. But don't mistake my kindness and trust for naivety. I would not have given Batman that material if I did not trust him with both my life, and that of my cousin. Even a being of my abilities has limitations, both self made and natural, and I must prepare for all contingencies. If I was to lose control, or be controlled, I really don't want to think about the possibilities that would entail."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Mir »

"I have and will continue to do so." Batman said. "It's what I do and it's what I'm good at."

"I'd expect you to." Superman said and Batman nodded in response to this.

"I'd like to bring another issue to the table that I think you're going to need to deal with. Nick Fury having a presence on this station. S.H.I.E.L.D. I don't think will cause any problems. Fury on the other hand, will. I don't know if that's something you're prepared to deal with, since it's synonymous with governmental power and privilege."
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Re: JLA: From the Ashes...

Post by Nichalus »

"I understand your concern when it comes to Fury, Batman." Ree nodded. "But with the resurgence of supers after the deadly Chrell Invasion, his place in the Tower has a purpose."

"The purpose to cause us trouble should he stick his nose in my business." Batman grumbled.

"Your desire to work alone and in the dark is probably one of the reasons he willingly made a base of operation heres. He is crafty enough to have done so on the odds of me being able to have you join the Justice League, and therefore be able to keep an eye on you."

"Good luck with that."

"My thoughts exactly." Ree smiled knowing that it would take some doing to actually be able to get a step ahead of Batman.

"But rest assured, I have 'many' countermeasures in place should Fury try anything, and I've made it quite clear that should he or his people be found tampering with any systems on the Tower, his welcome will be worn out."
:obiwan: The 'Old Man' of the Exodus

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