Proposal Five- Modification to the WoH Character List thread
This is a simple modification, is cosmetic, and is designed for functionality. What I propose is that the lists be edited so that they display a link to the Wiki for that character. I will utilize part of my own list as an example:
Emma Frost
As you can see by clicking the first link, it takes you to the Emma Frost copy char wiki, which happens to be named differently. Currently, I have “Emma Frost (See Marvel Queen)” written on my list. I feel that this change will be a streamlined way to find out information about a copy character. Sometimes copy characters do not share the same name as the original character, Marvel Queen/Emma Frost being a prime example.
This is basically akin to the idea behind Smokemare’s Jedi Faction Roster thread.
I remember some debate earlier over the utilization of templates for the uploading of pictures and that some members were against the idea of utilizing templates. One of the reasons was the increase of work that would be involved in doing this. So as to not to inconvenience WoH Members and to encourage the passing of this proposal, I will volunteer to edit and wiki-link everyone’s list for them. As you create wiki’s for characters that do not already have wiki’s, I will add them in there. I try to keep myself abreast of what is happening on the wiki, so I’ll probably get to it quickly. However, there’s always the trusty PM.

Again, this is only a proposal. Feel free to voice your concerns and thoughts as we work towards a cohesive rule.
There will be one week's worth of time allotted for debate and discussion. If there are no objections, then I will edit the rules to allow for that particular change and that only to go through. If there are objections, and another proposal is formed, there will be a vote.