Proposal Three- Blood Relatives of Copy Characters
It was brought to my attention some months ago, that the WoH Rules were changed without discussion of the rest of the members of the WoH in regards to whether or not copy characters were allowed to be related to the characters that they were a copy of. I am not in favor of the change that was made and the fact that it was done without consulting members of the WoH Forum. That being the case, I’m proposing a change to the current rules. Below you will find the current rules and what my proposal is:
I wish to take away the option of getting approval from the WoH Coordinator. No one RPer should have the ability to determine whether or not an RPer is able to make their Copy Char related to the Character that the copy comes from. That decision should rest solely with the WoH RPers and a majority of active RPers should make that determination. However, I would like to add a caveat. I know that some RPers have Copy Characters that in Marvel or DC were related to other characters. A good example of this would be Hulk and Skaar, or Wolverine and Daken. Sometimes, the Copy Characters in the pair may not be RPed by the same person. I would add that in addition to having majority of the WoH okay with the blood relation to the original copy character, whoever controls the original copy character must give consent, and if they do not, then it can not take place.Current WoH Ruleset wrote: No Blood Relatives: We don't want you to be related to the established characters of either comic book universe. However, if you have a good plan and wish to be related to one, you may discuss it with the other members of the WoH, or ask the Coordinator and they may consider your proposal.
Mirrodin controls X-23. X-23 was the clone/daughter of Wolverine. Cadden controls Wolverine. If Mirrodin wants to make X-23 the clone/daughter of James Howlett Wolverine, he must get majority approval from the rest of the WoH Community AND Cadden. If Cadden says no, for whatever reason, even if Mirrodin gets majority approval, the blood relation can not be established.
Personally, the only time that this becomes a problem is if, utilizing the example above, Cadden were to be inactive. In that situation, I feel that the majority consent of the WoH community will suffice.
Formalized proposal:
Again, this is only a proposal. Feel free to voice your concerns and thoughts as we work towards a cohesive rule.Proposed WoH Ruleset wrote: No Blood Relatives: We don't want you to be related to the established characters of either comic book universe. However, if you have a good plan and wish to be related to one, you may discuss it with the other members of the WoH. Provided you receive majority approval from the active members of the community, you may go ahead. In the off chance that the character you wish to establish the blood relation to is controlled by another RPer, you must receive their consent as well. Should that RPer be inactive, then the majority approval from the active members of the community will suffice.
There will be one week's worth of time allotted for debate and discussion. If there are no objections, then I will edit the rules to allow for that particular change and that only to go through. If there are objections, and another proposal is formed, there will be a vote.