Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

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Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Mir »

This is part of a series of proposals for the World of Heroes forum. Please take your time and read over everything and voice any thoughts, concerns, or complaints. Once we have discussed the situation, there will be a vote.

Proposal Two is intimately tied in with Proposal One. I highly suggest that you read up on Proposal One before reading and commenting on this Proposal.

Proposal Two- Inactive Users and their Lists

Moving onwards from Proposal One, we currently have activity defined as:
Activity Rule wrote: A WoH RPer is determined to be active, if that RPer has made at least 5 posts IC or WoH Related RP OOC in the last 6 months
Note: If you haven’t read and commented on Proposal One, remember that that is where debate on the definition of activity is being held.

What do we do if a RPer with a list of Copy Characters goes inactive?

Currently on the Claims list there are people who have lists, but have not posted in any form in well over a year. That’s not posted in WoH in over a year, but not posted on Exodus in over a year. So what do we do when people go inactive?

I propose that their characters are taken and put back into the available characters pool. However, someone who already has a list, can not claim those characters, unless they put forward a request to the WoH Forum and it is approved by the majority of the WoH. This ensures that characters are not going to be snatched up. Only new people to the WoH can claim them through normal means, the copy character claims list thread. Should someone who is inactive return, their characters will be given back to them, provided that they have not already been legitimately claimed by someone else. Remember, according to the current activity rule proposal, you’ve been away for at least six months.

Formalized Proposal:
Proposed Rule in Regards to Inactivity wrote: Should an RPer with a list go inactive, their list is taken from them and their characters released into the pool of available characters. Only new members to the WoH are allowed to claim them via the copy character claims thread. All other members of the WoH have to make a request and receive majority approval from the active WoH Community. Should the inactive member return, they will receive all of their characters back, minus those characters that have been legitimately claimed.
Again, this is only a proposal. Feel free to voice your concerns and thoughts as we work towards a cohesive rule.

There will be one week's worth of time allotted for debate and discussion. If there are no objections, then I will edit the rules to allow for that particular change and that only to go through. If there are objections, and another proposal is formed, there will be a vote.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Ghost »

I see no issue with their character being returned to the pool should it not be on a mass scale of effect to other stories. The stories themselves should be considered first and from that point if someone wishes to claim them prior to them returning to the "free agent" pool, then they have a chance to do so. *shrugs*
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Mir »

Valid point. If a copy char is involved in a thread with other people, then that RPer should get first opportunity to claim it, but through Majority approval means. I don't think they should get it right off the bat.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Cadden »

I know at least one inactive person who has a valid excuse for not posting, however... granted, I don't know if he's to return or not, but his excuse is still valid all the same. Under such circumstances, I think communication should be established on the RPer's intentions, and if they intend to return, get a timetable, and inform them that they have until that time, otherwise, the chars will go to a pool.

The caveat being, and forgive me if I missed this, if they have a valid, publicly-declared, reason. Such as, for example, deployment, which typically lasts over six months nowadays, way I understand it. I know it lasts that long for Navy folk, as it's their rotation period and all that. (Though Vox might say otherwise, this is just what I was told by the recruiter some time back.) But anyway... characters should be held for that time regardless, and given a grace period as returning from deployment often requires a lot of psychological change that puts people under the "getting back into things" category. (Having never been to that point, myself, I cannot say, but everyone handles things differently anyway.)

Just my thought on it.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Foxx »

This one is a little bit...I don't know. I'm kind of on the fence for this one. I'd need to think about it for a while before I could make an opinion.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Mir »

Personally I think that this and Proposal One are going to be the big ticket items. I can understand why people would need a little bit of time to think about it all.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Ghost »

As I have said before, if you have legitimate reasons, no reason to fear.

If they are conveyed to people, then why not.

If you have the time to post something OOC about some stupid Youtube video, then you have time to say. "Hey, my life is jacked because of divorce." Or blah, or whatever.

Right or wrong? I mean if we're constantly putting ourselves on hold for everyone who has a flipping excuse of some kind, nothing will ever get done. Stories will always be incomplete and so forth.

Military, and family issues are one thing but there are reasons of bs which float around that I flat out don't agree with.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Foxx »

But no one person should determine what is legitimate. What is hard for one person to go through may not be that way for someone else.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Nichalus »

Right or wrong? I mean if we're constantly putting ourselves on hold for everyone who has a flipping excuse of some kind, nothing will ever get done. Stories will always be incomplete and so forth.
This is becoming an odd obsession with you Ghost.

For years 'prior' to your arrival, and even after your arrival, stories were completed. Some of those stories were delayed for one reason or another by a member, for whatever reason, whom had something happen, but the stories continued and were completed. Some stories, a member dropped out for completely unknown reasons, but....the story continued in due time.

Your quote above is a gross exaggeration of the facts.

There are 'many' ways around such a situation, without stopping the story. It is after all....a story. And a story that is still being created.

I don't think any member of this board expects a story to stop if they suddenly have to leave for whatever reason. If a member who is part of a group of people writing a story suddenly disappears, the rest give that person a reasonable time to return, or try contacting them through PMs, IMs, etc.., and if they couldn't get an answer in a few days, the rest moved on and created a post with some sort of reason why the missing members character suddenly left the story...(suddenly got a emergency message, was severely wounded and left with a medic, their ship was suddenly struck and went spinning off into space...there are 'many' things that can explain it)..but over all, the story with the rest of the writers...continues.

Then if the member returns, their character has an out in the story, and can either return...or just allow the story to continue without their character. I hardly think that the person who disappears is going to come back and throw a hissy fit that everyone didn't stop and wait for their return. Even if the member 'tells' the others in the group that due to unforseen circumstances they have to leave for a while...I hardly think that they would expect everything to stop.

There are even stories that were delayed 'months' due to a member falling out, and the rest of the group decided to wait out of respect. Especially if the story revolves around the missing members character. The others just moved to another story they are writing in...and let's face it, there are very few people on this board that are NOT involved in multiple stories.

Myself, I like to stick to one story with one character, or maybe a couple of characters in one story. I have really written that way 'almost' since the beginning. I tried writing in multiple stories in the very beginning, but I found it started getting confusing, and I started slowing down the others, and I didn't want people to wait on I just started concentrating on one at a time. That probably is a big contributor to my post count, and not just that I disappeared for a few years. Well, that and all my contributions were on the MBT. I didn't write stories in any of the other forums.

Your opinion on people leaving and then returning are 'well known'. Not all members can keep 'your' pace, nor have the same amount of time in the day to devote to this forum as you do.

But then again, this forum is about it's members and does not revolve around the opinion of only the few...or one.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Ghost »

For a Moderator, you sure appear to be biased in a particular fashion, which in turn worries me.

Allow me to explain something to you and let me make it very clear.

My opinion on inactivity and statement towards people being one way or another is sheer fact based on what I see.

How can people justify one thing but do another when it comes to activity?

How can you sit here and say I have time to do specific things within WoH or MBT more so than someone else? Do you know what my average day consists of? Or what I do?

No, you do not.

I do more than you know, or would like to know.

I manage my time very well.


It just so happens, I decide for the moment when it comes down to specifics, what is important. It isn't about pace in all reality, but why should I make others who have been waiting on me for weeks wait and idle banter and bs in General OOC about nonesense when I could put something to even remotely push the story along just a hair?

I mean, wouldn't that be fair to others?

It isn't about the revolution of the specific community around a singular individual or a group of individuals. It's about ensuring that if you're going to commit to something, that you do so knowing you have to put some effort into it.

It's like when Corron wasn't able to fully commit to Bren. I wasn't mad. Or when Vague stopped with Fox. I kept going on my own with both of those characters. Could it be cause they didn't want to write with me or couldn't keep up with my particular threads/pace? Possibly. But I've managed to actually tone it down a bit thanks to several factors.

Gross exaggeration of facts? No, I don't think so. Threads across the forums speak for themselves, Nich.

I mean, look at like Stefan or even JohnL, atleast with their little bursts of posts, it pushes the story to the next tid-bit. Not everything has to be extremely detail orientated or whatever.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Ghost »

Myself, I like to stick to one story with one character, or maybe a couple of characters in one story. I have really written that way 'almost' since the beginning. I tried writing in multiple stories in the very beginning, but I found it started getting confusing, and I started slowing down the others, and I didn't want people to wait on I just started concentrating on one at a time. That probably is a big contributor to my post count, and not just that I disappeared for a few years. Well, that and all my contributions were on the MBT. I didn't write stories in any of the other forums.

Your opinion on people leaving and then returning are 'well known'. Not all members can keep 'your' pace, nor have the same amount of time in the day to devote to this forum as you do.
Now, I understand your contributions to the MBT as much as alot of the "older members". I say that with as much respect as possible because without the contributions made, the forums wouldn't be as uhm, how should I put it? Rich in history as they are now.


And so, I understand like with Vox and other people there are certain things which prohibit people from doing things but in all honesty, I am not specifically speaking about them, or you.

*sighs* I was in the Army too, so I know what deployments and FTXs can do. That being said, I think I have elaborated enough on my "feelings" on this matter. :raisedbrow:


I think if you want to discuss this with me, beyond this thread we can "duke" it out elsewhere.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Nichalus »

Now, I understand your contributions to the MBT as much as alot of the "older members". I say that with as much respect as possible because without the contributions made, the forums wouldn't be as uhm, how should I put it? Rich in history as they are now.
The :mrgreen: icon doesn't cover the contempt and disrespect in that quote.

I have as much right to express my opinion, as you do. The Mod titles isn't going to strip that away. It is my opinion in what I stated above, nothing more, nothing less.

With that said, I was considering taking a role in the WoH, but for some strange reason I've lost that 'creative' feeling. So, I will just bow out of these conversation and allow you guys to move forward.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Ghost »

If you want to get your panties in a twist and perceive it as disrespect then by all means do so.

Because it is what it is. Without your contributions how would Dreadstar have had a history noted within the Republic or the Red Dagger Fleet?

Spare me the bull, I was being genuine in that comment.

I've done my fair share of "browsing" and digging through Exodus forums in my spare time, as much as into the Wiki to better understand the history behind the community. So stop trying to make me out to be some god damn martyr or some figurehead for hatred towards an old dominion.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Foxx »

I'm sorry, I'm a little confused by what's going on between Nichalus and Ghost, which I readily admit I know nothing about, but to get back to the topic in a way, does anyone have any input on what we should do other than Mirrodin's proposal? I think it's a fairly solid idea. But that's me. I can't think of anything else to really go with.
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Re: Proposal Two- Inactive Users and List

Post by Mir »

After reviewing the thread, I've seen that most people's concerns have to do with ensuring that people with legitimate reasons for not being active are respected and heard. Since that was inherent in the proposal, in the final paragraph of Proposal One, I do not feel as though there is any need to have a vote or anything like that.

As such the rules will be edited.
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