Proposal One- Determining Activity
What makes an active RPer active? There must be some kind of criteria, some kind of idea on the level of activity. I know that my definition and Cadden’s definition are quite different for example. Many of you have had the (dis)pleasure of hearing us debate who’s definition has more merit. Just because one particular RPer is WoH Coordinator however, their opinion should not determine the definition of something for the WoH as a whole. This proposal is in regards to determining activity and what to do with lists once someone has become inactive.
The first thing we need to do is determine activity. To me, this means posting regularly, at least once a week. To you, it may be different. I personally don’t understand everything that happened in regards to lists recently. But, as Cadden pointed out to me, just because I didn’t see a problem, it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a problem. Since sometimes people go inactive for long periods of time, they sometimes have characters that others, who are active, wish to utilize. So we need to determine what is an acceptable level of activity.
I understand that many people have obligations to real life. I would never, ever say that one should ignore real life issues in order to ensure posting on this website. That’s just wrong. So I want to put a broad scope of time into play. However, I also understand that multiple members are involved in both the MBT and the WoH. There are only two that I can think of right now that are solely WoH. To me, if you can make a lot of posts in the MBT, but you can not do so in the WoH, then you are not active in the WoH and something must be done about your lists, especially if there are others asking about people who are on your list.
I’m going to use the requirements for Voting in Exodus as my starting point:
OOC posting doesn’t concern the WoH. That is to say, posting a lot on the Gen OOC has nothing to do with posting in WoH. However, it does stand to reason that OOC posting in the RP OOC when it comes to a WoH thread does. First change is that the OOC posting must be RP OOC and WoH related.Voting Requirements Thread wrote: You must have made at least five posts IC or OOC in the last two months (not including your post on this thread).
Next, two months is easy to do when it comes to Gen OOC posting and even RP OOC posting. I would leave it as it is, because I’m including WoH Related RP OOC posts in the 5 count, but in favor of helping those who do not have large amounts of time in general, I shall expand the length of time from two months to six months. Six months is a decent amount of time, half a year. This is the proposal for the rule:
I feel as though this does not hinder anyone and only hurts if you are truly inactive. Also, it goes without saying that if someone steps forward with a legitimate reason as to why they are going to be away, then they do not become inactive. If there is, for example, a death in the family and in the process of getting a fellow family member back on their feet, you have to step away from Exodus for some time, that will never be held against you, provided you inform the community of what is happening. This covers things like military deployments as I know that at least four members of the WoH Community actively serve in the US Armed Forces.Activity Rule wrote: A WoH RPer is determined to be active, if that RPer has made at least 5 posts IC or WoH Related RP OOC in the last 6 months
Again, this is only a proposal. Feel free to voice your concerns and thoughts as we work towards a cohesive rule.
There will be one week's worth of time allotted for debate and discussion. If there are no objections, then I will edit the rules to allow for that particular change and that only to go through. If there are objections, and another proposal is formed, there will be a vote.